Sunday, February 28, 2021

"You're on your own": Why we need strong arm policies against child sexual predators (why mother's intuition is right)

 Those are my mother's plans, in the hypothetical case that I abuse a child. She's right. Pedophiles can be left to go it on their own, and those that see it inhumane do not understand the condition. The common belief is that it is a peacekeeper in all cases, presumably. No, it is a choice.

Pedophiles and others who have sexual inclinations to children often hang out around children, and then, when they end up being alone with a child, lash out at a child through sexual violence. Everybody feels sorry for them because "they can't help it, they are so sick". No, child molesters are sick because they COULD help it, but chose not to.

There are different policies to treating pedophiles and sex offenders, and the one I grew up with was "you are on your own". This was an issue that was supervised by my parents, and listened to in a validating way that enables self-control and self-discipline.

Law enforcement currently treats cases of child sexual abuse in a manner in favor of the perpetrator, meaning many warnings, assuming that "I can't help it". So you were alone with the child when it "happened"? Why were you even there? Why didn't you just get someone to be there while you are are there.

Mother knows best. If I do that, I'm gone. But, just don't abuse a child, and you have nothing to worry about. That's how I was raised.

Policing the dress of children: Why this is sin

 Many parents, especially with daughters, are protective in the form of antisocial "protect". Parents think that it is the child's responsibility to dress appropriately. Many adults think certain "adult" dress is inappropriate for children. I have self-interest in this topic, if you read all my other posts in this. I like children. Children are placed in a hegemonic role, where they must "dress innocent" to "deter predators" (because it never works).

It says in the Tenth Commandment, in Exodus 20:16 KJV:

Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, not anything that is thy neighbor's.

The Hebrew root word נמםוד (Latin: lachmod) and refers to only wanting something from a child, but seeking it out in order to impose said item on a child. It is any forcible or coercive want imposed upon a child, usually backed up by punishment or control. In ancient Jewish culture, punishment was only legal for adults over the age of majority (12 for females, 13 for males), and only in judicial format. Children under the age of majority were exempt from all punishment whatsoever, and were close to their mother until a late age - age 6 for boys, and girls at age 12. Boys were removed from the providing custody of their mother at age 6 for gentle, non-violent instruction - punishment and chastisement of any kind happened AFTER the boy matriculated from his father's instructions at age 13, and became a legal adult. This information should help you understand the biblical context, and how God transported these family values to our society, which are yet to be realized.

Nudity itself is not mentioned by any specific statute, but is included by traditional law by the Greek root word πορνεία (Latin: porneia), with the specific norm being a grate, so to speak, for modern application. Children were, in fact, completely unclothed with their mother within the confines of the home, but were required, by custom, to wear dress of an appropriate, modest sort, or else be pulled aside by the religious authorities. Think any Middle Eastern country today, such as Saudi Arabia or Iran, and you get the point.

The Greek root word cross-referencing the Tenth Commandment is πλεονέκτης (Latin: pleonektés) and refers to the attitude of "I am the parent/adult/principal, and I don't think such showy attire is appropriate for a girl" or "I am your father, and I will not let you leave the house" leading to demanding, controlling, or hovering in terms of attitude towards dress.

A young girl who may dress in a showy manner around the house, or even in public, may distract me, and may distract others, but we as adults must deal with it. I must learn to focus on the fact that I have to check out a few bags of Cheetos and a Clover Farms chocolate milk. I like that a 11-year-old just ran into the store as well in the heat of summer (presumably with parent in distant tow in the car), in just a swimsuit and short shorts, just because it was convenient - and for me as well, to be honest.

I am not the police of a young girl's wardrobe (I want them to dress showy, personally speaking). Children dress however they like, and they can flip off any adult who takes advantage of it either way, including by antisocial "leer" or antisocial "policing". The bodies of children are indeed the property of God, as an extension, thus policing a child in this regard is policing God. Fornication is actually not much different - defiling yourself by imposing one's sexually aggressive behavior and instincts onto another person, often, in fact, viewed as a "policing" attitude.

The depraved and entitled parents who act as the police, when the police are the police, and the police don't enforce a dress code apart from minimal clothing requirements, are the scum of the earth. They will rot in Hell, and will be cast internal Hell-fire.


Who is Maxwell Clark Scheibner

Who am I? I have written several of these before. Many people think various things about me, concerning my interests and such. Smoke a bowl? Play video games? Nope. These are stereotypes of autistic pedophiles, but I am immature in other ways.

I basically am immature in a compacted way. I might jump up and down in terms of excitement and anticipation for my mom, but am quiet and stoic in public. I have a completely different form of autism than most people would guess.

In public, I am generally calm and quiet, and do not speak generally, except when necessary. Overall, I feel no need to speak, anywhere, in any context, but have a lot on the brain most of the time. It is usually more of a therapeutic personality, but can have a litigious nature to it.

I'm basically half therapist half cop - meaning I have the survivors' conditioning, and I don't mind it to say the least. It is a quelling attitude, that is observant yet appears the opposite. It cannot be misused by a pedophile, because a pedophile would not rationalize about sex with children being okay...This because, to me, it is like talking about any other subject.

Please do not count me as a hostile member. I believe myself to be your friend, and ally. Don't wear out my welcome, because if I do leave, it will be on my own, without drama. Take this job and shove it. That sort of redneck attitude. Expect that, but unless this sort of crap goes on for a long time, and engulfs the entire movement.

Saturday, February 27, 2021

My benign religious trauma and my faith in God

 What is my relationship with God? I am a devout non-denominational Christian conservative, and former atheist. What do I think when I think of being atheist? Nothing. Nothing to comment on, but everything I did and thought then. Questioning the divine, in an exploratory, nervous way. I had a guilty conscience THEN, towards a specific part of the Bible - the rod verses.

Belief in God is giving meaning to nothing, from a purely visceral level, in various ways. I often see God as distant, but setting up the events in my life. I often notice that something happens in my life that is somewhat monumental, and God foreknew it all, like predestined fate.

I'm happy believing in God. It is a feeling of protection, like a pro-social protection racket, in a world that hates children, and doubts the every existence of my trauma. There is Divine Justice for children, meaning the perpetrator against every single child, including lawfully abused child, will be dealt with, either in this world, or the next.

How to judge the risk in adults in terms of sexual abuse

 Many people wonder "which group of people is out there to abuse my child". Many parents, however, fail to realize that they are also abusing their child, and inadvertently putting a child in harms way in other way. The fact of the matter happens to be that over 80% of known child sexual abuse is committed by parents. There are different ways to tell if an adult is safe with your child, in terms of sexual abuse prevention. 

"It could be anyone" is only true with abuse as a whole. Certain parenting styles are associated with sexual abuse more than others. It is a myth that gentle parenting "causes" child perpetrators to sexually abuse children. Certain aspects of our parenting actually cushions the harm from the abuse. 

In reality, sexual abuse occurs either in highly permissive (sexual/behavioral neglect) or highly authoritarian environment, as per research into the parenting views of sexual abusers of children. In the United States, it is often seen by parents a way to "cure" a child of some spiritual ailment, such as promiscuity, homosexuality, or pedophilia. Permissive parents are a minority, and tend to be the pedophiles themselves, meaning clinically so, and have a reverse "L" complex - permissive/coddling father who punches out threats, deeming any instruction to set limits a threat.

Ultimately, the problem is that many child advocates have long seen sexual abuse as something outside of parenting, thus putting blinders on. A perpetrator might see sexual abuse as a form of parenting, and a way to be "the parent", when it clearly isn't so. Many times, it is simply a punishment for subtly defined infractions such as "being mad". When calling a sexual abuser "mad", they go mad, and they rip apart the place. I, on the other hand, get defensive in a minute, flinch sort of way, due to who I might associate myself with if I reacted another way. 

Many times, like any other abuse, it is because a parent does not know what to do, and/or defends such a way of life. That's one reason why I am punitive with pro-spanking parents. I just got slapped in the face when I was that out of control and emotional as a child. Some teenage girls got raped instead. I don't see it as a heirarchy, but rather quarters of the same slaveship that is childhood, each doing their part to keep the children down, while appear to be good, loving adults. I don't want to be seen as "good" as an adult simply for existing. What have I done for children? Everybody can do something, and then work from there. I simply treat them with respect, and don't sexually harass them at all.

8-ball logic: Why I call myself a pedophile, not a parent

 Many people think "you should identify as a parent". Yes, you should on my pages, and if you want to be flamed and/or banned, or at least banned. We hate parents here, so don't carry that sign picketing your welfare rights while not caring about your child's rights. I am a pedophile, and thus *I* am responsible. So are you parents, as I am.

Do I really hate myself? I hate my nature, especially my depraved parent nature. All adults are lined up against children with a entitled cord attached to them. Think a begging hand, demanding their rights. Sitting in lines, in waiting rooms, reprimanding your child and treating such a child as subhuman property. They all seem to have one thing in common, "I am a parent". So, I instead say, when interrogated, "I am a pedophile. What do you need to know".

Christian humility in parenting is not so much beating yourself up, and self-loathing, but pro-social self-hatred that leads to emphasizing flaws as a parent, and wanting to emphasize flaws in one's parenting attitudes when talking about oneself, and avoiding talking about one's own interests in relation to children while children are in tow, or anywhere other than time-out, meaning the parent takes time away from the child.

It is an 8-ball submerged in pool water, the pedophile side, in terms of personal disclosure and pro-social honest attitude, shows, and the parent label is completely hidden in the love and grace of parents, whose label should not be seen or heard anywhere. Only the parent themselves should exist in relation to the child.

Most parents aren't pedophiles, but all adults have stripes to wear in relation to children, usually propensity for anger to some degree. Pedophilia is simply propensity to sexual aggression (when the parent/pedophile is antisocial) when the parent is stressed.

Even the label "pedophile" is insignificant, meaning it is only relevant in a small aspect of life that seems big to the pedophile - psychiatric care and parent coaching involving rehabilitating a parent. It is like that, in that when you give a parent advice, they are naturally resistant, and stubborn indeed - but then they take that advice if they are willing. I myself can relate emotionally to this therapy setup.

I am a pedophile, for sure. It is my self-diagnosis, and one of many, but relevant in a child protection setting. The rationale behind bringing it up was full disclosure, meaning others were suspecting me, so I just figured that people needed to hear the truth. I disclosed partially on my page, and fully at ETC. I was listened to both times. You tend to sound like my mom concerning this issue, when speaking in an understandable tone - sex-positive, but only in terms of distant sex education that is an uncomfortable discussion. I try to be honest about my flaws as an adult, as I do not claim to mean well around children, but children and their parents can judge for themselves. I'm one to downplay that kind of praise, or any praise really.

Entitled to nothing from a child, bur grateful for the trust I have gotten over the months/years, asking for nothing more.

Understanding respect for parents through planned statements

 How do you understand biblical surrender to parents? What ultimately does it center? Worries. What does it feel like to respect parents? You just do it. You just go along.

It says in Ephesians 6:1-3 KJV: 

Children, obey your parents in all things, as this is well. Honor thy father and mother: which is the first commandment with promise. That is may be well with thee, and thou mayest be long on the earth.

The Greek root word translated υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to willful, sullen, and vulnerable surrender to parents, from the top down, with parents being servants and righteous slaves for their every need. It is a closeness to a parent, even at a distant. It is like having an image of one's father or mother within you, where you get a release of cold refreshment, and chipper perk up, when thought of. If I were at work, and I was told my mother was coming to check in for some reason, I'd light up like a Christmas tree...I did when I was at community college, the few times she picked me up.

Under providing custody in a parent-child custodial relationship, there is only one side with legal rights to be a contestant in a gaslighting exchange. How much you cut your parents a break reflects how much you respect them, alongside how much their presence enables you to cut yourself a break in relation to them. I could accuse my mother of abuse because she refused to take me somewhere I wanted to go, or I could simply trust that she had a a good reason. 

It is sparing a parent, because they spared me their entitled wrath. I honor my parents by tradition, meaning not fear of punishment. My mother has been there from day one, and I can tell her about literally anything, including low-level topics such as mental disorders that most people do not understand, and some will never understand.

The depraved and entitled parents shall burn! Let them die the second death, in the ever burning lake of fire and brimstone! Hang 'em by blood, then nail 'em up. We don't want any entitled parents or spoogs here at children's rights. Come here ready to learn instead. GPNOs don't exist here, and if they do, we ALL flame them out real fast - there's nothing "gentle" about spanking, lost puppy.

What just happened... terms of pedophile self-advocacy, on behalf of children. It seems pedophile acceptance will be accelerated throughout the country, conflated with the anti-spanking cause.

The children's rights movement is 100% opposed to the existence of pedophilia, and will never celebrate a pedophile in the fact that they have a condition, nor celebrate celebratory tirades about how "women are gettin' in between us and the kids" and that kind of filthy crap.

Smoke signals. The movement was actually a welcoming place to open up about my clinical/medical condition. One advocate I knew worked with juvenile sex offenders, and seemed like a safe person to confide in.

So, I disclosed, and the rest is medical excuse. We as a conglamorate, meaning the children's rights sister network on (rocky?) collaboration with the Virtuous Pedophiles organization. Torch. Messenger. Surrender to study, willfully and proud of said choice.

No, you didn't do it because you are a did it because you did it, chose to do it, and chose that because you are an abuser. You're on your own, from now on...God helps those who help themselves, meaning you can't treat a pedophile who doesn't help themselves. 

Understanding respect for parents through attachment logic

Most all parents want to be respected, and most in this country demand respect, including repsect...("STOP"...this article stopped by Matthew. Rack up the stoppages, rack up the damages, but be honest).

Ahem, sorry, we need to close early because of retaliation from Matthew.

Understanding the emotional reasons for becoming an advocate - parental protective pedophile

There is a pedophile amongst us at children's rights, and I am said individual with the condition. Many people wonder why a pedophile would be a child advocate. I myself don't know why more don't, except for the fact that most don't want to focus on anti-child abuse issues for traumatic reasons, and then stay hidden. I view it in terms of the VirPed board, a floor underneath showing the hurt and tears of non-offending pedophiles, and the top expression, which is buried completely, like potholes. Or, you could see them a different way - terrified individuals, and very few EVER impose that same yet similar yet different nonetheless trauma on a child, thus passing on pain in a selfish and depraved manner that even most pedophiles HATE! I myself emerged from a wall of panicked text - that's your ACTUAL stereotypical pedophile...That's why I am advocate.

I was frightened. I was scared. I knew what happened in the past, and what my parents did to me, and I was traumatized. I am a survivor of lawful child abuse from spanking/corporal punishment. There are very few anti-spanking survivors out there, and most who are male tend to be pedophiles. It was like a split in my head between the desires/fantasies for children and the upset, but I've learned being here that there is a connection between that "protect" side of me, and the sexual aggression wick of my parent.

I was scared for every child, projecting my past-tense child onto them, as they were being reprimanded and controlled in a child. It was desolate, there being no justice, meaning no God to "set things right". It was a pull, like a magnet, to do a parental feat that I had no authority to do, that Berks County Children and Youth Services had no authority to do, that Berks County Detectives had no authority to do, like the Court of Common Pleas had no authority to do - take their parental rights away, and place them in a foster home, just like what I wanted as a child - because even a foster home is a better place for a child than a home infested with pro-spanking parents. I wanted to get a wick going from my cell phone, but in a freezing type of way, paralyzed with severe, defining anxiety because abuse was EVERYWHERE...I always felt this way, but when not on mood stabilizers, it was instead tyrannical anger.

I needed an outlet for my trauma/pedophile, and so I put up a blog, hoping to get parents to stop spanking. This page is an outlet for my trauma, and writes to an adversarial audience, in their language. I do believe in what I preach. I tend to the type of person that caters to an audience, while not giving up what I have to say.

Friday, February 26, 2021

Why "parent" and "adult" are swear words (in a good way)

I have one, a mother, at home. I myself might be one in relation to children, in symbolic parallel format, but you decide. Many who think I might be out to get them as a parent don't understand that parents have a religious meaning to meaning (think church sanctuary, candles lit for victims), whereas pedophiles secular and medical (think waiting room, therapists, notepad). I identify clinically/medically as a pedophile, and identify by my flaws as a responsible adult in relation to children.

It says in Colossians 3:20 KJV:

Children, obey your parents in all things, as is well-pleasing unto the Lord.

The Greek root word translated "parents" is λονεύς (Latin: goneus) and refers to a form of servitude towards children that allows them to lead you to their needs. Leading the way, with the child pointing ahead. This is very different from what parenting is today in our modern society - tyrants in high authority that boast about their looms of control.

I don't say "I'm the adult, and so I am responsible", but instead just am responsible. I speak on a page, in Christian lettering, about me being evil and wicked for being an adult, and that basically means I am deserving of nothing just for being an adult in relation to a child. It is a fear-based statement (GRK: ψοβός) that leads to self-discipline and self-control, denoted by the Greek root word παιδεία (Latin: paideia) and refers to a specific form of self-control - centering oneself by finding oneself telling oneself "I am evil" and then finding oneself showing respect to child, then I am purified and replenished by my respectful attitude.

It is head hung low, head behind your back, type of attitude, being shamefaced and humble in relation to children. It is the pro-social allowance of, for example, a young girl of about 9-10 running around a convenience, with me being the calm, stoic adult allowing it all, knowing she'll run, but not far. It is a shamefaced reverence towards one's child, where caution and concern is unspoken and not bragged about. Children first, parents last. Children first, adults last. 

It is pro-social ragdoll, meaning I'm literally dragged through her life, by her, like I'm some ragdoll. That's how I am. I am not fearful of a child, like having panic attacks. I am fearful of myself in relation to a child, in a healthy, respectful way in relation to said child. I identify as a pedophile on the surface, when asked by another adult, when they are concerned about my gaze or something along those lines. Adult? Yes, that's obvious, and identifying by it therefore may be a menace to children if identified out-front. Parent? Downplay it, to the point of denial. When behind the 8 ball, identify by your weaknesses with shamefaced humility, and hide your good, gentle parenting traits for commonsense view. Talk more about your struggles as a parent/adult, because we all know what we are good at.

Why sex with children will always be wrong (a pedophile's perspective)

There are many shades of pedophile. Most see it as a plummet, whereas I see it as a foursquare field - a parcel - out in the boondocks, with one quarter of pedophiles being the shady, antisocial types. Typically, they have an abusive subtype of autism, are anti-moralists or else are heavily religious or moralistic, to an extreme that other pedophiles aren't. The other four quarters of the pedophile parcel are hidden among other weeds and scrub brush, such as victim-type autism, bipolar disorder, and/or childhood PTSD. Everything from this indicates that ordinary pedophiles hold ordinary views on the age of consent, perhaps a stronger, more strong-arm view that only comes out when the topic comes out.

That guy you talk to that is progressive, but is matter of fact, at least outwardly, saying that we need a high age of consent. He's a struggling parent. He may be grasping as to why a sexual/romantic relationship with a child is wrong, but on the minor end of things - he feels their age, and on their level, but also is a parent, and knows it will never work.

It just won't. Why? Fight-for-flight. I'm bigger than them, at least in society's eyes, and so it is like some monster grabbing hold onto you and using you for their own "needs". I put "needs" in quotation marks because that "need" could have been taken elsewhere. 

As for teenagers, I am only to have sex within a marriage, and if a marriage doesn't serve the needs of the wife, it is not out of love, and thus not a Christian marriage.

Child sexual abuse is adult sexual entitlement imposed on a child, leading to damages, including emotional damages of the short-term and long-term, and spans, based on severity of action in spectrum format, from leering/menacing to rape/lust murder, and usually has motives similar to that which is inflicted upon adults. I might do so when alone with a child I have a fixation on, so I just avoid visiting until the coast is clear, and I know there will be oversight and/or, in the case of reciprocated feelings, that it doesn't devolve into abuse.

Understanding gentle parenting by understanding legal damages under Christian law

 Many parents who hear about gentle parenting turn away because it is described in key phrases, either not to use or use instead. These gentle parenting phrases oftentimes are phrases that come naturally, but that's because I am a rote memorization learner, in rule format. Yes, I see the Bible itself as a set of rules and laws to live by. However, the parenting practice is based on damages to the child under biblical law.

It says in Colossians 3:21 KJV:

Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they become discouraged.

The Greek root word translated " anger" is ερεθιζο (Latin: erethizo) and refers to "stirring up" or "upbraiding", and ultimately to short-term legal damages imposed upon a child, namely pain, shame, defamation of character, and/or fornication, all guided by controlling entitlement, meaning the controlling instincts of parents.

Damages, in real life divine jurisprudence, are flexible in terms of understanding, particularly emotional and physical damages. Ultimately, hurt is hurt, and pain is pain, and whatever the child perceives viscerally as such din in the ears, different types of fear, overhang from sexual blows, feeling cornered. These are all emotions of abuse.

Adult-to-adult gaslighting is two sided, in terms of determining intent between two contestants. In Christian gaslighting, the one who is guilty is the one who is guilty, and is proven such by proof beyond a reasonable doubt. Entitlement is defending guilt as a "right", oftentimes as an attitude. 

Parent-to-child is different, and is lopsided in favor of the child. The child voices a need, and such is to be observed as an officially issued lawful and binding order. The need is discerned by the parent by way of observational righteous judgment. Refusing to meet the need, and punishing the child for the need, constitutes the moral crime of parent entitlement leading to personal slights leading to theft/kidnapping by way of dereliction of providing custody. This need could be something most parents find insignificant - such as going for a drive or a hike with mom. That alone is a need. Saying "no" because "the governor closed the roads" is an acceptable denial of attachment needs, but "I don't feel like it, and you've been too mouthy lately"

A common refusal to meet emotional/attachment needs is punishment and control of children, namely corporal punishment. In biblical times, any control in parenting was unlawful and a moral crime under Jewish law. Boys stayed with their mother until age 6, and girls until age 12. Punishment of any kind was only allowed to be inflicted upon a person within a court of law. In the Old Testament, the rod of correction was a tool of judicial corporal punishment that was used on young adult men by their fathers in the Sanhedrin, as a final warning that they would end up being put to death. In the New Testament, punishment was based on collective shunning, meaning exiling an evildoer after gathering evidence. Anyone under the age of majority, then 12 for girls and 13 for boys, could not be charged. Thus, no child under age 18 should be punished for anything.

The depraved and entitled parents will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them suffer, let them burn! If you have submitted to God through your child, and choose not to control, punish, or adultify/spousify your children, you have nothing to worry about. You're among us, and they are over there with their pro-spanking parent antics

"Trust" framing: How I deal with parents

 What is "trust" framing. How I deal with the pro-spanking parents in star judgment format. I, as an advocate, support parent-to-parent judgment with an anti-spanking basis, I don't trust parents on the lowest level, but on the surface, I trust most any parent I pass in the store. 

Parents, as a whole, when speaking rationally, are a group of people I trust yet distrust, and so I observe and bear witness to a fallen world that hates children. On the surface, I see the parent - a calm, sordid, nihilstic feeling. The parent simply exists as a human entity, and otherwise has no assumed existence. All assumptions as to parenting views are dropped. Pro-social diversity means that even that family wearing Trump Revolution shirts could possibly be one of us, while knowing elsewhere, reading statistics, that it is quite unlikely, just like if they were wearing Biden shirts. Pro-social diversity is, ultimately, a punitive tool when sitting at the desk of a children's rights platform, knowing that your abuser knows no stripes, meaning can be anyone in this country. Most likely, the person you shake hands with is the person using that hand on a child's buttocks. But, shake their hands anyway, to show how dire it really is...I have a universal abuser, of the most universal variety - I myself fit the profile, in a lopsided way, meaning I am a pedophile, and so I work on it.

When I start distrusting you is when I start a parent investigation, which presumes innocence in the parent, beyond a reasonable doubt, with bias of unbiased superficial suspicion, in fork format. If I have any reason to trust that you are innocent, I go by that, but knowing, by way of superficial suspicion, that something is not up, asking questions further until I hit a place where I have found damages. The defendant then must plead guilty, and accept the damages, repaying them with an apology, or else, if there is a defense, shunning the offender from the land, until they agree to return to my compound, and repay with an apology, then receiving legal forgiveness. I can decline legal forgiveness any time I deem you to be insincere, which might happen after repeated shuns/fallings out. At that point, you have burnt all trust in me, and you need to work to get it back.

Trust is earned in life, now bestowed on a platter. If I don't trust you as a parent to be around children, you'll surely know. I believe in frank honesty, not dancing around a subject. That can be noted from my writing. I do talk similarly in real life, but don't give religious orders to my mother, and even if I do, not in religious speak itself (pro-social questioning, in hastened format)...I don't want you to trust me. I am not entitled to trust from survivors. But, a lot do trust what I do here, and I am grateful. They are understanding, but in a conservative, cautious way that resonates with me.

Ethan Edwards and Nick Devin: Can't name the issue in an airport

 "Justice of the peace" and "officer of the peace"...and now it leads to "parent-hater in chief?" Yep, that's me. Do I think they are abusers at present, as they were by default by unwanted search warrant? No, even if they are, as they are enlisted by vile and damned child abuse organization Focus on the Family. 

When it comes to serving non-offending pedophiles, it is not the instance that we don't like who we serve, but the exact opposite. They don't like me at all, and many suspect me, and/or downgrade me to a mere damsel in distress who "needs help", through no fault of their own, through every fault of those snowbricks - the Pearls. Yank down and stop, is all I can think of in terms of interests.

The two founders have been tracked down and named trauma-haters alongside their abuser, the Pearls. One must understand that VirPed was not "contacted" for "some deal" by the Pearls, but instead the Pearls instead held VirPed hostage, which is easy to do. VirPed is very much a pro-SJW place. Does the rainbow flag match yet mismatch with VirPed? If you instead picture us as rural pedophiles entirely, you're under an influence of stereotype stew, because there isn't anything backwoods about many of the individuals there, or maybe I would be more motivated to return.

What blasphemous phrase do I associate with VirPed? "God is dead". The main conflicts were civil, and about religion, including debates into the existence of God. Anti-contact is not religious at all, and my firsthand experience with these people shows that clearly. The vast majority of members of that board are atheist, whereas most people in life are not atheists. Most are harm-deterred nihilists of some sort, and the Christians there tended to be nihilistic/humanistic of some sort. A pedophile believes in nothing but children, and nobody else can seem to find a fit in his/her life. Usually, it is aloofness and not arrogance or rebellion, but there may be traits of freethinking nonetheless. It is the feeling of being completely free and owing nothing to anyone by God and the child. Everyone else? They can wait...As for that blasphemous phrase about our Lord and Savior - it used to scare the living craps out of me, because what if He really was, which I knew was untrue. Atheism was an addiction to me, meaning I was addicted to nothing, thus everything bad in relation to a young girl.

I have them both marked as parent enlists due to the fact that they are bound by gaslighting to abuse and persecute me for being a children's rights advocate. Michael and Debi Pearl are named and identified parents, registered in the local telephone directory that is children's rights. You will not encroach on VirPed. You hear me?

VirPed got hijacked. They couldn't tell me at Newark Airport, but that's what happened. 

Pro-social guilty conscience, pro-social self-hatred: Why parents should hate themselves

Many parents defend the notion that they are "good parents", and think they have rights in that regard. Parents have no rights, and never did in God's eyes. We anti-spankers put the parents down, after a pedophile proudly surrendered vital clinical information to survivors. The reward for him in terms of trauma awareness - bring back anti-spanking awareness. I'd preferrably like how it is done in biblical times - hang 'em up by blood, then nail 'em.

I am guilty merely for existing in relation to God, with the child as His extension, extended to me for providing custody in the case of a caregiving situation, and care and protection. I, as an adult, am deserving of absolutely nothing from a child. Zilch. Nada. I am to earn a relationship or friendship with a child, or else be shoved on the peripheries, and shunned for my mere adult status.

It says in Revelation 21:8 KJV:

But the fearful, and unbelieving, and abominable, and murders, and whoremongers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

The Greek root word translated "fearful" is δείλός (Latin: deilos) and refers to a bad form of guilty conscience around a child, where you are afraid of a child "snitching" on you. To put this into perspective, most sexual predators in the United States target teenagers, usually teenager girls. Think a shady guy trying to run away with a 13-year-old girl, but she doesn't see the dangers due to her immaturity, and wants a power imbalance due to said immaturity. When that guy is confronted, he often shakes and is like "Uh, um. I wasn't...there" and then he blows up, creates a hostage situation, and makes a list of names.

The Greek root word that instead illustrates the fear that God commands parents to have in relation to children is ψοβός (Latin: phobos) and refers to reverent terror, fear, and dread of your own sin nature in relation to a child, hating oneself and loving one's child, selflessly, judicially, and lawfully, as a servant to children, accepting one's place as second-rate to child. It is a terror and shriek that subsides once you know your actions or inactions benefit the child...I avoid children, by default, and it is like being put in my place, like a soft smash from a crane that is comforting, until the child invites me to be her friend, in which case healthy friendship (preferably supervised) is welcoming.

All adults, by default, are marked for deletion merely for their existence in relation to children, with said parents/adults being in full selfless and judicial submission to the every vulnerable need of a child of a child, as her enemy, just as mankind is the enemy of God, and is to answer to God's Law, with said jurisprudence literally being replaced by the child's needs (Col. 3:21; Eph. 6:4). Adults are the enemy of every child, and are deserving of annihilation and erase for their entitled, wicked nature that God hates with a vengeance, but loves the parent or caring adult struggling against said nature. Love for a child is selfless, blind servitude towards that child, symbolizing Christ's sacrifice for His children.

The depraved and entitled parents in our society who punish, control, spousify, or coddle children, will not inherit the Kingdom of God. I am guilty of the latter two, in the past.

What it is like to be anti-spanking to the core

 What it is like to be anti-spanking to the core? A bowl. A bowl of God's wrath, where you are always angry at parents over the spanking issue on the lower end of the bowl, but can laugh with your arms folded just like they laugh at you.

You know where they are headed, and you don't care. You won't let them get you down, meaning their existence.

Thursday, February 25, 2021

STATEMENT: Why my page does not support anti-pedophile as an organization

 What is my anti-pedophile stance? Only clinical/medical pedophiles exist. All others have been deleted, and instead are called abusers.

I do not support the organization anti-pedophile for crimes against children with pedophilia or abusively diagnosed as such an abusers' excuse.

"Where you're headed" gaslighting, in parallel format

 I see you, dear pro-spanking parent, in my local Wal-Mart, with your screaming punching bag err child. I see where you're headed, and I'm not talking about where you're headed once you get out of check out. Divine Witness, marking to the Divine Legal Peacekeeper, the Lord thy God, the damages you have inflicted on your child.

And I say it out loud these days, behind your back, to your face, all in one, parallel to you. You hear my judgment, and I gauge your entitlement by how much you avoid me or how much you protest me with looks. I can smell parent entitlement from a mile away. Kill parents like oxen, and execute them by hanging them up while letting their blood - then righteously crucify them for three days, as a measure to scare other parents straight. THAT type of anti-spanking survivor. We hate you here at anti-spanking here at children's rights. Light a candle for all the parents victimized by parents without earthly legal recourse. May the good Lord bring them Divine Justice.

God is watching, dear parents, and I am His extension, called to be judge and jury over every parent.

Collective help: Help the parents, enforce God's Law against spanking/corporal punishment

 What is spanking/corporal punishment? Doesn't exist. I don't see it, nor do I hear it, nor do I feel it (while 94% of children sadly). That sort of thing does not exist in this country, and when it does, it exists in error, and is deserving of a bringing-down by the angry, protective masses. Mob rule. Mob justice. Children's rights...I'm afraid of a pro-spanking parent, but at a level where I can be calm about it.

What do we do about it? Scorn and shun. The more a parent or family insist on spanking children, the more they are rejected, swept like broomsweep into the peripheries of society, where the parents are criminalized for their refusal to cooperate with CPS, because cooperation is an option they choose, because they don't deserve.

Never enable an addict, including a parent addicted to abusing a child. Disappear from them, and shame them in a way that brings them down, hiding your "good parent" traits so that their entitled "good parent" claims stand out.

Sweep them out of our communities, homes, and schools...and into Hell. Let them BURN!

Who is at fault: Meet Clara?

 Who is Clara. Clara just turned 16. She can't deny it anymore. She is not interested in peers, and prefers to be around children. Her parents are pro-spanking to the core, and even at 16, she gets whippings with the belt for "playing with the kids", which her parents explain away as a horrid trait of autism...She's a lovely teenage girl with autism, interested in rules and laws, and so forth. "Solicitor" type girl with autism. She hates being corrected right after being whipped. 

Who is to blame for her abuse by parents? It goes in circles, meaning circles of accountability, period. Her parents, as guilty individuals, and the whole world, who might oppress her in other ways

She's done with life. Nobody will ever know that she is/was a pedophile. She'll snuff out all the evidence. She'll just die. Only, mission aborted - looks like her father figured it out. Listening with validation, then bawled in the next room...Then, these things become normal. You have a pedophile in the house, but he/she isn't really a pedophile to the parent. They just see their kid most of the time.

Replace harm myself with harm a child, and you get me.

Do not get offended: Why parents shouldn't be snowflake

Many parents are the easily offended type. What is a pro-spanking parent? Card reader. Only they are mooching off their children, not the state, getting offended by their child's every whine, whim, and antic. Parents can be the most despicable people on earth, blinded by their parent nature for control.

If you have a child or work around children, expect tantrums, expect rebellion. That's just what kids do, and if you resent them for that, you can go to Hell for all I care. I believe in the concept of pro-social punching bag. Shut up, quieten, and take care of your child.

I am an adult in relation to a child, and I am entitled to nothing, but grateful that children simply exist. I am to submit to the every vulnerable need of a child, expecting absolutely nothing in return, convicted with the child veering sideways inward at the unwashed masses of parents and other adults.

The Greek root word repeating the Tenth Commandment, and denoting entitlement, is πλεονέκτης (Latin: pleonektés) and refers to the attitude of "I am the parent, so I have the right to not have disagreement from my child", leading to wanting children not to say or do things that offend you, to the point of seeking to impose said hurt feeling upon your child, thus inflicting damages of personal slights and kidnapping.

So you think your child is annoying, a pest, and so forth? YOU are the one that is entitled. I don't have that problem, and find your daughter who runs all around the store to be a charming little gal, especially when she flips you off and curses you at age 12- she's just setting limits. Kids these days. could you be offended by that? I'm not offended by her choice of clothing either - a short, sleeveless dress in wintertime. Showy attire. Just deal with it, and shut up otherwise.

I am not offended or entitled to my feelings coddled for anything your child does. Neither should you. Grow up, quit putting yourself up, and do your job. This isn't American Airlines. This is called life, and in life, children need things from adults, but don't relate to adults in a way that is easy to discern sometimes. You call them entitled brats one more time down the road I live on, I will shoot you. Second Amendment to protect the Fourteenth - equal protection under the law. A child being equal to me doesn't offend me in the slightest. Me being above them does.

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Why nobody is responsible but me

 Because I am an adult, and am deserving of DEATH and PUNISHMENT merely for existing in relation to children. 

Nobody made me commit those unlawful and horrendous acts of harassment in the past. *I* did it, and the parents are grateful for child victim's mercy.

NOBODY is responsible for treating my pedophilic disorder, but ME, ME, ME. Nobody else is responsible, so STFU and stop thinking I have a medical excuse.

Understanding my case of autism (in relation to pedophilia)

 Many people do not understand my case of autism, in relation to a self-diagnosis of pedophilia. This is proof that autism is not always inherently a good thing, and many times is a bad influence in one's life. It is a nebulous condition, at best. I myself have it because it is that nebulous. I have found it to be shaped by my pedophilic disorder. 

Our movement does have a little "treatment portal" for pedophiles, that is heavily misused. The stereotypes that autistic pedophiles are narcissistic and navigational. Some forms of autism are conflated with a law enforcement personality, and the most dangerous are not narcissists. Picture a young kid with office suppies, asking for a REAL cash register, looking up child emancipation laws in their own state. They have a crush at school? They lobby their parents for child marriage, and the adults think it is cute in a "pro-social corrupting" way (I find such traits mighty attractive in girls - empowerment). The old autism classifications judge by possible career, in mini format. Me? Barrister off my medication, and justice of the peace while on my medication. I am a mixture of "justice of the peace" and "officer of the peace". 

Ultimately, however, I am a caseworker autistic, meaning I am compassionate and calm, but in a judgy, kind of arrogant way. I am actually willing to help and support struggling parents, but my philosophy is all about not enabling a behavioral addiction, as anything can be understood as an addiction, including child abuse habits. In an ideal America, pro-spanking parents would be shunned to the peripheries of society, where they would have no option but to break down, pray to God, and ask for help and mercy at the local CPS, or else be stormed by an afterhours raid...Don't feed the parent. Nurture the former child, and help the survivor instead.

I see everyone I deal with as a legal case, and judge certain people as innocent or guilty if suspect, or else I have no salvarory opinion on them, thus being saved. Being on my watch list means I have sentenced you to lawful consignment/condemnation. If I have not approached you at all regarding an individual moral legal issue, that means I have not considered you a threat in the least, and only see your good traits, and my treatment of you should reflect that. You have many warnings to clarify, then done - no perception of your existence, on my part, but maybe yours if you violate that condition.

I see adults as legal/clinical cases, meaning I can listen to an adult and reassure them like a therapist. With children, I see them as clinical cases. I can view a young girl from an attraction lens, perhaps with a short skirt on in wintertime, or I can take a step back and focus on her upset, listening and validating as she cries or complains. I might IEP - ify children, meaning see them not as a collective, but a mosaic of children, with different interests, different hobbies, different parents that they have to put up with.

Pro-social oppression, pro-social adult submission - love is a verb (and is carried out without violence or entitlement)

 Children have always been oppressed, even further back than pedophiles. Children are kept down by a compress, in fear of adult authority, being terrorized, punished, and controlled in their homes - but now a pedophile submits to his enemy and adversary...I am the ENEMY of children, just like any other average Joe or Jolene, only *I* admit it, and YOU don't. 

All adults, without exception, are deserving of DEATH and DESTRUCTION merely for existing in relation to children, and are to lawfully, judicially, and selflessly submit to the every vulnerable need of their child, as they would an enemy, just as mankind is the enemy of God, and is deserving of annihilation and erase as such, or else damnation and torment.

I submit to children, and I heel to the command that is their every need. Think a servant or bondslave. The children have lined up against me, and I deserve it for my mere existence. I don't whine. I don't complain.  I shut up, give them what they need, for they have every worth, and I am worthless. Just a tool at their disposal. Just a ragdoll to drag around, is more like it.

What would a friendship with a child look like? I envision opposites getting along, in a friendly adversarial way. She might be into certain singers or pop stars, and might be right next to me played games on her phone or tablet. As for me? Law book, and I might have one or two laying around somewhere, for real, for real. The Bible is the ultimate Law book, objectively speaking, at least by my standard...Just follow her interests, like you're a ragdoll being dragged around.

I do not understand what it is like to be a child, and we never will as adults fully. I look in, and see nothing but what the child shares with me, meaning in terms of facts about their upbringing or how they live their life. Apart from the facts about a child, nothing else exists as far as who they are as persons. With a young girl I see in the store, all I know about her, pretty much, is her looks. If I got to know her better, I'd be even more enamored by her, if there wasn't a form of pro-social segregation in between us. It is very awkward to talk to a child, unless they invite you for casual conversation. They are an elite class of individuals, meaning the first for being put in last place for so many years.

I am to know that children are the authority over their own affairs, and you can't escape said authority. That is how it was in biblical times. I am not to even speak to a child, at this point in my life, since children need nothing from me. I am diagonally sideways placed in my place, trembling with reverent terror over my sin nature in relation to children.

Let the disobedient adults to the child's needs BURN! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

Parenting without control: Why control in parenting is sin and abuse

Most parents see themselves as "in control" in some way, and endorse this as a form of abusive parent. I myself might be accused by some here of wanting to be a controlling parent to the community here at children's rights. Controlling anyone is sin, and defending a controlling, domineering attitude is sin. I am not to control another human being for my own purposes even within a court of law, but can feign control.

It says in Matthew 5:38-39 KJV:

Ye heard that it hath been said, an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth. But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever smiteth on thy right cheek, turn the other also. 

What this refers to a new stipulation, leading to freedom from having to count everyone as an adversary, as was the old Law, which was systematic in nature. Now, the Law is in one's own hands, and so one must show clear discretion in their judgment, presuming innocence strongly in terms of personal slights. I myself let go of a lot, and brush it off. Many warnings. But, if you wear me out until the end of that wick, that's the last you'll hear from me, because you'd be shunned. Then apologize. Back and forth? You're gone for good, unless you can show an immediate turn around. This, too, is applied with some flexibility, but much predictability, for trauma-sensitive reasons...Parents are to take this attitude towards their children, meaning when a child says or does something wrong or inappropriate.

Control, itself, is always sin without the child's informed consent, and then it isn't control, but instead is feigned control, especially with older children. Control is a key form of entitlement, and is denoted by the Greek root word πλεονέκτης (Latin: pleonektés) and refers to wanting something from a child to the point of seeking to impose said item on a child, leading to theft/kidnapping. "Abuse" is the theft or kidnapping imposed, and "impose" is the control involved.

Many conversations could be considered controlling, but are you willing to apologize for appearing controlling? In an exchange, many times, if you don't apologize, YOU are the one who is entitled. Control can be understood as a form of intent, meaning wanting something from someone while expecting it handed to you, as determined by a massive temper tantrum, even of perhaps a minor sort, when the children don't do what you want them to do. 

But, it isn't a controlling conversation with a child, but an entitled attitude as a parent/caregiver that carries into real life. It is a whiny, hasty attitude in parents that rebels against their children, tries to form them into their image, and is otherwise an entitled spoog in need of a good whipping of 40 lashes by pedophiles, meaning their core anti-spanking victims.

I have no control in life. I'm quite content with that. Entitled to nothing, grateful for anything. Anything else I can work for, including trust in my enemies (most of the time by giving them their space). I don't like being controlled, at all. So, you can leave when I'm angry and shouting and scream.

For pedophiles: Cheat sheet on how to get in (that doesn't work with infiltrators)

 We need good pedophiles. Only, the only ones here/that come here are the antisocial pedophiles, meaning those with inherent antisocial traits. Many are worried I am being kicked out. There is a certain reason I know I will not be kicked out. The more you internalize, the better you'll fare. My type of autism is basically a children's rights cop in nature, and that makes it very easy for me to internalize the children's rights procedure on who is a "gonner" and who is a "bygonner". Like in most countries, we have never had a bygonner, at least until now.

Children's rights righteous judgment is understood by the statement "innocent until proven guilty, beyond a reasonable doubt", but unlike ordinary "presume" framing (which I use to frame parents), survivors frame pedophiles based on how they present themselves, presuming their judgment about a pedophile is true, and framing the pedophile based on that bias. I am not like that, as an advocate. I do unbiased "presume" framing, with mean-testing of the parents, meaning I don't care who you are or why you do it (apart from restorative justice, when possible), you did it, and if you defend it, you're at the very end of my wick, and you're gone - out either the front door, to the street, or the back door, to the police. I fetishize seeing the parents in handcuffs, with traumatic sadism. I use conservative righteous judgment for that reason. I don't use bias wisely, but center it completely. I am not one to comment on everything in real life like I used to, except in my head. Oh I'll offer, if you'd like, any opinion, but you may not like it, so I be polite, and quieten up.

My perception is flexible, and I can feign projection, meaning I don't literally believe you are doing X to your child on the side, but I accuse you of it, setting the ground rules that if you defend yourself in any way, you will be guilty of perjury and abuse. Usually, that is when you are hiding something in an argument in a way I can't get to. Silence can be defiance, if it is intended as such, and outwardly stated. Non-response can be counted as entitlement against a child. Reverent corner, it is, meaning cornering the parent so that they have to tell the truth...and that's all I want from any parent, is to hear the truth as to what happens in the home, and I can tell what is truth and what is BS.

Ultimately, we are all looking for a diplomatic gesture. The whole point of the "imperfect messiah" is an official duty, and a very humble one - clinical informational pedophile. This is not the office of some king or ruler, and if you are seeking that, get out! Clinical informational pedophiles would disclose as if they were placing themselves into submission to survivors, but more like submission to a doctor's care, assuming this place is a research hospital at some level.

I know, as a fact, that I am going to make it, with hurdles. Most advocates here will simply brush my already hidden and preserved public imagine underground some more. Child advocacy isn't about being famous, but about giving children their rights.

Is Max a threat to children? The debate rages on

 Is a pedophile a threat to children? This should be an open and shut case, but there are many layers of opinion, stating "where he should be". All of this is figurative, since Max is a child advocate. The debate surrounds the hidden debate about whether adults with autism are responsible for sexual abuse towards child.

There are three camps concerning my risk to children:

  1. "No, it's just a developmental delay, and should be left alone"
  2. "Yes, let's not punish the individual, but the pedophile itself has to be secluded"
  3. "Get him out of here, right now, because something might happen"
"Because you're a filthy pedophile, that's why" has never been given to me as an answer, because we do allow pedophiles here. Survivors have a planned bias based on how you "come in", and if you do so diplomatically, the bias is for the pedophile to stay, as long as no outbursts occur that alienate the pedophile from the rest of the group. Presumption of survivorship until proven otherwise, beyond a reasonable doubt...If I were to come in attacking, I would have been out in a jiffy. Usually, the pedophile sees themselves as a politician, not liking it here. I saw myself entirely different - a research subject, or silent informant. Basically, the goal was to submit to survivors in order to share meaningful clinical information about pedophilia in mental health self-advocacy format...The debate now is over my risk.

I side most with those whose opinions fit in with the #2 opinion, and there is a reason for that - co-morbid autism can actually be an aggravating factor in the choice to sexually abuse a child. I do see my pedophilic condition as semi-separate from my identity, meaning it is one part, lie a pie chart. My autism is like a nebula, to the point of meaninglessness except for issues that cannot be explained elsewhere. Nothing I am accused of against a child is "because I'm autistic", because the child's perceptions are law, and whatever the child perceives is abuse. Most nothing, by default, is "because I am autistic", or at least this the attitude I need to take due to my autism. There are upsides to having autism, but many individuals with autism commit crimes due to lack of social awareness and expressed empathy. Most sympathetic sexual abusers of children have some level of autistic traits, and the condition of pedophilia itself is highly linked to autism...I don't blame advocates such as Nadine Block for being concerned, but I have her on watch due to how she is dealing with that valid and understandable fear. I have pacified her by avoiding her, and the more she protests, the more I'll ignore her protests. She is to not concern herself with my affairs, and pry into things that are not of her concern. However, she has a right to be concerned about a mixture of autism and pedophilia. I actually wouldn't, in an abusive state, go and kidnap any child she holds dear. I just would, at this point, maybe engage in antisocial "leer", meaning looking to the point of children feeling unsafe.

As for my personal opinion, which is biased, I am a threat to children because I am capable of harm, just like any other person, and that I must be reminded of such for humility. I do take into account adult opinions, but am highly skeptical of them - false until proven otherwise, with praise. With children, it is discerning what they think of me in terms of superficial judgment, meaning they could feel very differently about me than how I am communicating now. Tell me I am a good person, all I know is that you care, and will take your opinion into account. I might already know that I am doing good work, and care about children, but I'll let others decide that. Why should I let the opinions of others bring me down?

But a valid concern that a specific child or children might be abused? That court I ALWAYS have to answer to, whether it be the child, the parents, or another concerned relative. I don't buy that certain forms of pedophilia are extremely harmless, though I can understand why most pedophiles might need to "delude" themselves into thinking pedophilia is a good thing - an "abuse" trauma based on the Christian concept of predestination (they thought they were headed for Hell in THAT way - when they love children and know that it is harmful. They may self-isolate, like I have a tendency of doing, because of irrational fear of just pouncing on a child and raping them. I've had similar, founded fears, of sexually harassing children, so I make them look bad at VirPed. I want their trauma to shine, and make mine dim in relation to theirs, because I have it good on the pedophilia issue - and I want the same for them.

You decide, based on what I wrote here, whether I want to hurt the community. Danger can exist at any level, in any community, in any neighborhood, and you can presume every single child you meet or encounter is an active victim of some sort of child abuse. This is a national emergency! End spanking now, and watch the dominoes unfold!

What is 100% child acceptance like

 ...You deny it, because this isn't really Max. It is Max from another place in his psyche, his parent. 

I am his parent, sand I am HIGH and PROUD of my CHILD ACCEPTANCE. Come right up to where I am, mini joneses. 

How do I see children? Christian nihilism, meaning nihilism, meaning both, meaning both. They are fully human, belonging to themselves, there only for themselves, and if YOU DIMUNIZE THAT YOU DESERVE DEATH, for WE are parents, and WE are pedophiles, and WE are parental protective pedophiles, and WE are protective pedophiles, and WE are watchdogs...and WE have the right to accept children as we wish, speaking out against child hatred on any part of the Internet that we wish, and YOU SHALL NOT DEFY MY ORDERS. *I* can't protect my child, meaning *I* can't protect my child, AND THE PARENTS SHALL PAY IN TORMENT IN PRISON, for *I* am their arch nemesis, and the ombudsman to their child, and *I* see their child as an autonomous equal while YOU don't, and I want you to be angry and scorned...I'm glad I don't know any parents in my personal life who need that kind of grievance held over them.

This is an ego/trauma exposure, meaning how I ACTUALLY feel, yet strive not to feel, because I am a filthy, disgusting POS who is deserving of DEATH and DESTRUCTION for my mere existence in relation to children.

So you think I have self-esteem issues? I just barfed up for you what I have packaged up.

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Self-esteem grooming: The dark side of lawfully abusive homes

 Many misunderstand why we lawful abuse survivors compare our experiences to that of child sexual abuse survivors. "Grooming" is generally a term used for sexual abuse cases, when it can occur in other cases. Sexual predators groom you to feel shame. Lawful abusers groom you to be high and proud, like a rowdy activist.

The dynamic in my home was up, then down in planned outbursts from a parent. These planned outbursts were spankings out of love. You knew it was coming, and you had nowhere to run, and nowhere to hide, and when it came, it went. Even worse? It was legal, entirely. Since there were no marks on my bottom, there could be no charges filed, and it was deemed "reasonable force" under Section 509 of the Pennsylvania Crimes Code.

My home was a progressive in nature, meaning both my parents were schoolteachers, voted Kerry in 2004, Obama in 2008. I was told that there were good people, and bad people, growing up, and that most people were good. My parents were Christians, but away from me, not towards me, but in a way that I was never punished for anything relating to religion. I was punished for being a leftist, and children's rights leftist at that - that's why I surfed children's rights websites. No fault of anyone then - blind to a dictator, which is why I went overseas for my diet.

It was a hot-cold type of feeling, where you had toy kettles and toy cups and the ABCs in one corner, and violence in the other. To this day, I cringe heavily at the image of a child being punished in a colorful environment, though now I am numb to it, meaning I know I cringe meaning the opposite. It is a powerless feeling, but an activated one, where you are a good person, and don't deserve to be treated in such a horrific manner by adult authority. The only thing is that such a mindset led into adulthood in the form of an anxiety disorder.

My anxiety disorder wasn't "God hates me" but instead "I want life to go my way, and I want children to have justice, and no god or legal framework exists to keep me in line". So, now I believe in God, meaning the God that wrote the Bible. I am now centered because of this.

It is a very powerless feeling, to be spanked and punished within the law, but one that convinces you otherwise. Many of us have anger problems as well, and also substance abuse issues. I myself have an adult sexual entitlement issue stemming from self-diagnosed pedophilia. I have been aware since around age 16, and have been in various services here in the Reading, Pennsylvania and around Pennsylvania, with therapy from a trauma-informed therapists.

We need to ban spanking, and lock up every parent, validating every victim. The depraved and entitled adults, in the mean time, will burn in the ever-burning lake of fire and sulfur! Call yourself a parent, and admit that to me, and that's fine, we know we're you're headed, and we can't stop you. We'll just abuse you with your religion - because you should not EVER be a Christian if you are going to use the good book as an excuse for bad things. Bad things such as child abuse, including that which is excused by the law - for now. You watch it, entitled spoogs. We're going to blow your defenses away...

"Who is the abuser within you": Using this concept to understand my pro-social self-hatred (in the reverse)

"The abuser within you" is a framework for children's rights traumatics to work on, meaning see whether they are an abuser or not. This is actually handy for the narcissist, who may be very hesitant to admit abusive traits except in an entitled, victimizing way. What about victim pedophiles? I test as a victim with a capital 'V'. The abuser within me is then dialed in the direct opposite direction.

There is a reason why I believe I and all other adults are marked for deletion. I am - if I don't keep up the good work, meaning I'm not, because I've saved myself with my own respectful choices in relation to children, which cleanse me of filth and gook, purifying my soul of adult sexual entitlement and impurity. I don't feel "strangulated" or "repressed" by God or Christianity.

It is gauging yourself as the highest on the level as an abuser, and then using the input of children to "break the ice" in terms of relations with or alongside children. This is not just one child's fleeting opinion from a discussion, but a preponderance of opinion, setting a precedent, in order to know how you stand around child. In my personal experience, one child showed me respect, and the others were afraid of me, found me annoying, or else didn't 

Most adults in America who have pro-child values use the model of indirect privilege, meaning improving yourself and seeing "the children" as a collective to protect and provide for. I can see it that way, but judge myself based on how children might react to me. That, yes, can mean checking out young girls, and knowing that they just let it roll off. Why is this? I don't stare like I used to. I just look briefly, and check out how hot they are.

I am generally a calm, disciplined, centered man, who is shut up and quiet for the Lord in relation to children. I'm not unhappy while being quiet. I think it is an extended respite from conversation, and from my own voice. I can feel anything I want, as long as it doesn't lead to harming children or others. Sometimes, I am capable of bringing out the law, and waking somebody up, namely an abusive parent.

We all have an abuser within us, in relation to children. All adults, by default, are marked for deletion due to their undeniably evil and wicked nature in the eyes of God, due to how children have been treated since the beginning of time. Children? Up, always. Adults? Down, unless they choose to repent, and treat their child with respect next to God, ending their abusive ways. Abuse is everywhere, and it could be anyone. Any adult is most likely to be the abuser, and the child in tow a victim of the worst yet best kind. Repent, you parents, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

"My life crashing down right before me": The proposed future voice of pro-spanking parents

 "We are good adults" said the two teachers, and the two parents, at a conference table, discussing an exit plan for their child. The child cites the law, citing his rights as an IEP holder, and then gets punished at home for the pro-social tyrannical outbursts. Lawful trauma makes you, by nature, a dominant, tyrannical monster, in my case an anti-parent monster. God hath subdued me, and now I am quiet in my personal life.

What is divine prosecution of pro-spanking parents? Innocent until proven guilty, then dot or expose. It is the feeling that you know you are in trouble, and the only way out is to say "I'm sorry" and fess up to it, otherwise punishment becomes stronger and stronger, to the point where I am up and you are down, and since I am not a perpetrator, I can easily announce helplessness and name the feeling with ease.

The main rights of the accused in my court of law is that after the pronouncement of the personal slight, you can state your intentions, selling them as good intentioned or not. Be very specific, and simply tell it as it is, like judge and jury. Metal detector. This can lead to a collaborative exchange, meaning arbitration instead of trial, in which case of the latter two, arbitration is the better one.


Me: Hey, why do you repeatedly inbox me with that pornographic filth?

Other person: I like you

Me: GTFO of here

"I like you" was a given defense in a divine court of law, but not a valid one.

These parents know they are being interrogated by our watch, they see us coming, and they don't care. A bunch of entitled spoogs, deserving of death and punishment from Divine Justice for children...Watch their life crash down like the towers that they are in relation to children.

"Pedophile" trauma vs. victimizing narcissism

 What is "pedophile" trauma? The need to identify as a pedophile for traumatic reasons, and usually perceive everyone as a potential abuser. The concept of a victimizing narcissism is often conflated with pedophilia, whereas a victimizing narcissist does not have valid trauma, whereas pedophiles do. Victimizing narcissists often mimic pedophiles, part of their diet as an abuser in terms of victims. They are alarmists, and tend to be authoritarian conservative "Christian" zealots and bigots, and they point to one small group of people, and say they are "everywhere" and "out to get your kids". I have "pedophile" trauma, in the affirmative, interweaved with my anti-spanking advocacy.

What does a victimizing narcissist? Everyone is the abuser to THEM, meaning everyone is out to get them. As for me, I don't think everyone is out to get me, and count presumably everyone in this community as an ally in the fight for children's rights. I think everyone, myself included, means harm to the child, but presume innocence beyond a reasonable doubt. This is different than victimizing narcissism because I don't want children abused. I just see them as possibly having my experiences as a child, and wanting to be there for them, and then I find her attractive. Yes, the daughter. Then I really want to punch out the parents - only the law won't let me punch those spoogs out the way I want to, because its still legal. Pro-social victimization is a positive trait of my pedophile, as well as pro-social promote. Manufactured traits, however, coming from hard work behind the scenes, in therapy, being unafraid to be open and honest about my mental illness.

My parent anger may appear as victimizing narcissism because, if it were left to run wild, it would assume you were lying about not spanking your child, if I were to meet you and not know who you were or what you looked like. It would assume that any parent who claimed to not punish a child was lying, and so I'd grill them hoping for the truth, but looking for lies, until there are none - then I have to facture that anti-spanking image with the parent, in the case that they don't fit the educated, suburban stereotype. I now presume innocence, so this is much easier, but my grandfather is anti-spanking. I believe him, I just don't believe it. "It" meaning the parent - who chose not to spank. Whenever someone changes like that out of nowhere, I think they are buttering me up. That's due to the fact that I am anti-spanking to the core. Yes, it's that bad.

A victimizing narcissist will victimize children much like I do, but take it up a notch, and they don't want the child to ever be safe, because when children are safe, there's nothing to worry about for them. The fact that I can put it this way shows that ALL childhood trauma is victimizing in nature, whereas only sexual trauma is allowed to be visible. All others are repressed by adult tyranny.

How I protect children

 I have pedophilic disorder conflated with my parent. A parent can, in terms of emotional makeup, be an L, meaning a parent usually victimizes themselves next to adults, while naturally seeking to control and punish children, as part of its inherent sin nature. A pedophile is a reverse L, where we view children as a high elect that sit alongside us, in a high and proud manner above society, in affinity format, knowing literally that we are adults, but we are on the side of children to that much - and I punch your lights out if you try to violate the rights of my friends. Verbally, but nonetheless you're gone, because the joker sometimes comes out for practice runs.

In reality, it is a centered way to protect children. Think the CIA while in Russia. I am not really a citizen of the United States, even if I am and am grateful. I am not of this world but of the next, and that includes in terms of citizenship.

I have eyes in the back back, meaning covert erotic gaze, meaning covert protective gaze, meaning both, meaning both. I am alert in the store, and pay attention to these things, marking parents for dead, intervening rarely, holding wrath as a burden for advocacy elsewhere (or maybe there if the topic of children's rights comes up), having a religious peacekeeper that is anger at a child hating world, as a servant and tool of God directed towards said parents.

When a child is abused, and I find out, I do an assessment as to what remedy to apply, which may or may not involve state intervention, depending on the age and development of the child, depending on what the child wants with the case (some don't want to leave parents), and whether the abuse has the potential to be life-threatening. Smaller children have no say, due to their lack of communication skills, and so I would be very much more likely to report, especially since smaller children are more likely to be murdered in the course of child abuse. I assume that reporting will revictimize (largely due to state competence) until proven otherwise, beyond a reasonable doubt, with bias towards the least intrusive measures. That means that if a parental abuse situation can be resolved without state intervention, I will allow it....Basically, when picturing, say, an 11-year-old, if he/she comes forward to me and says "I hate my dad. Please report him", no matter what his expressions or however I like his dad, I must report, because the child's word is factual proof that abuse occurred by my faith standard, and the child is also describing something illegal inflicted upon them. There are many stories of children being burned by the authorities making false promises, with me being one of those cases.

I do not rush to protect a child, because if you rush too quickly, you end up hurting the child and/or the family dynamics that currently keep the child afloat, even if so barely. I respect any child's wish to be removed (which I can better relate to) but also any child's wish for me not to report, and just "tell him off". When you make it a big deal when a child self-reports, you scare them from cooperating, and encourage more secrecy. Sometimes I would have to go against the wishes of a child, but pretty much only in clear, life-threatening cases. Otherwise, I'd disagree with their choice, but know my place as an ignorant adult in that regard, not knowing what the child's home life really is like. Maybe he/she tells me a lot, but maybe I don't know the full story. Every case is different. Every child is different. We need stronger laws, such as an anti-spanking law.

Understanding the line between abuse and discipline

Many believe that there is a clear line between abuse and discipline. I do believe in discipline. As Christians, and as a society, we discipline one another. We discipline children by teaching, instructing, and modeling morals and worldly advice to then.

The Eighth Commandment, in Exodus 20:15, states:

Thou shalt not steal.

This is repeated in the New Testament by the Greek root word κλέμτω (Latin: klepto) and does not fully refer to pilfering - the unlawful taking of an object - but a form unlawful giving of damages towards children, in this context. The damage system can be understood, in the modern context, as "whatever the victim perceives" in relation to the motives of the abuser, as indicated in an exchange to determine who is the abuser and who is the victim.

It says in Colossians 3:21 KJV:

Fathers, provoke not your child to anger, lest they become discouraged.

The Greek root word translated " anger" is ερεθιζο (Latin: erethizo) and refers to "stirring up" or "upbraiding" a child, which is perceived by the child and the child alone, by default, through legal damages evidenced by fight-or-flight reactions. Crying, in a child, is evidence for child abuse, by default. The parent can litigate by responding to tears appropriately, meaning without punishment or control, but instead explain good intentions for a limit, and then listen and validate any tears, whereas a guilty or entitled parent would lash out and punish the child.

Picture a child. Picture a brain. Picture stressors in a home such as physical punishment, mental punishment. The brain, especially fight-or-flight systems, are damaged, and the moment they light up, or even solely the sexual arousal centers of the brain, it is abuse. Abuse is any damages imposed on the child unremedied, thus stuck damages to the child's honor...If I were to upset a child, I'd simply say "I'm sorry" and engage in pro-social avoidance/escape as a form of non-verbal apology to SHOW that I am sorry towards a child. The child victim owns their abuser, and she owns me is like chains and shackles, with me being her indentured servant, paying time for what I've done to her merely by existing as an adult in America.

All adults don't know what is discipline and what is abuse, it seems. Discipline is teaching or modeling. Abuse is punishment, control, or adultification. There's a difference.

Empathy policing: How I enforce Christian law on the masses

 What is empathy policing? It is based on the concept of most abuse against children is lack of knowledge or resources to know their conduct isn't morally upright. It is know that empathy isn't always kittens and cupcakes...(gotta go...I have none, or at least none to show). 

I apologize for my existence as an adult to all children, and am grateful for their grace and forgiveness.

Monday, February 22, 2021

How to answer to my courtroom

 Many people are now wondering how to answer to Maxwell's divine bench. Many people seem not to know how. It generally receives law, not gives.

Sin guilt in gaslighting is whodunnit in nature, by my strict application based on the strict understanding of guilt. In any exchange, the abuser is the loser, and the victim has the upper hand every time, if not here on earth, than in Heaven.

Most offenses that I would be accused of would be perceptive based offenses, based on the concept what whatever the victim perceives to be abuse is objectively so, until meted out by arbitration between victim/judge and detainee.


Max: Don't speak to my trauma with disrespect

Other person: I have the right to treat you however I want, because you are stinking pedophile

Max: What type of pedophile do you perceive me to be? Some pedophiles do not offend,

Other person: The offender type, and I don't care. One bullet. One cure. Their existence is abuse. Especially the ones that stand out - the virtuous, rainbow flag, leftie type of pedophile. The second death is theirs as well - down the ass, straight.

Max: GTFO of everything. We know you must have something to hide besides trauma, attacking me and my trauma like that.  *walks away from screen* *takes a chill pill* *ignores abusers* *be like Max

No trauma survivor would ever attack a pedophile like depicted here. Anyone who attacks me like that has something to hide.

Why we should punish parents, not children

Many parents seek to defend punishing children, and feel like it is a right to do so to their children. This is what we call parent/adult entitlement. Many here are opposed to punishment, whereas some are like me - punishment of parents is the right thing to do. Punish them all. Lock them all up.

What is kidnapping? Most people think they know, yet they do not know the extent of such a law. Grabbing a child from a parent's providing custody is kidnapping, but a parent violating a child while in his/her providing custody is kidnapping. Mutual submission is how kidnapping disputes are settled, in the case of lawful child abuse.

Abuse of this God-ordained parent-to-parent system involves literal abduction of the child, meaning forcible removal of said child, disregarding existent custody status of the parents. Parent-to-parent gaslighting is about flipping up burgers, and a pedophile is a parent under this system, hated and damned by God on the level of all parents. 

All parents, without exception, and all adults also, are marked for deletion merely for existing in relation to God. All parents can be assumed, from an angle, to be guilty of abuse, but one must presume innocence in parents beyond a reasonable doubt.

What was justice like for parents in the Early Christian churches. Everyone was asking you questions, interrogating you about your parenting, with the first person likely being your wife, and then her divorcing you with the children. Then, the more the ex-father of the child defended his parental rights, the more he was questioned and harped for the allegation, and then the church community, as a whole, excommunicated the perpetrator. Children were secondary witnesses then - to their mother, usually against abuse from the father of the child, which could, in fact, including spanking or corporal punishment.

The New Testament is the side of the Bible that tells Christians how to apply Law, and all of this procedure is included in the meaning of John 7:24 and 1 Cor. 5:11, but can be applied in terms of individual pro-social honesty judgment of parents, when necessary. I usually simply count the dead, which is many, leaving the rest up to the Lord.

When I depart from you on parenting, that is a punishment. That is not a threat of punishment, but a punishment in and of itself, and if you have nothing to hide and/or quite a bit to regret, there is no reason to worry, because I only shun entitled parents, not regret parents. Pro-social avoidance/consignment, pro-social judgment, pro-social judgmental (with like-minded people).

Our parents here at gentle parenting? Good parents, and I side with ALL of them, because anyone who abuses a child in any way is not a gentle parent. 

Pro-social predation, pro-social chase: Why my trauma protection instincts towards parents are predatory in nature

 Many see pro-social predation, and since I am a pedophile, that scares a lot of people. What does pro-social predation mean? The level of the gaslighting, meaning the pedophile level. I am an enforcer of divine law here, and focus on parents that shouldn't be here. If you are a gentle parent, you are on my saved list, and stay put as parents, whereas all other parents stand out, and are marked for deletion by the Lord, meaning punishment, either by way of secular (when "out of bounds") or otherworldly (lake of fire/Hell).

I am a parent victimization traumatic, and that trauma is conflated with a pedophile. I stymy this urge to pick apart every urge in parenting by a formula of righteous judgment encoded in the Bible, meaning "innocent until proven guilty, beyond a reasonable doubt". I don't like when parents victimize themselves, meaning find their child annoying or maddening in any way - because your child isn't that way to me in the slightest way. A child "mouthing off"? Empowered child. Children misbehave for many, many reasons, and none have anything to do with me. It is developmental immaturity, and exploration stemming from such...I HATE parents make a mountain out of a mole hill. Running in the store? Focus on your loud voice, you entitled spoog. That child has the right to run in the store, and there are no rules against it posted? "I just need control". No, you need to sit down, shut up, and put your child first, and you last. Whiny brats - the parents, I mean. The kids? Absolutely fine. Parents? Picture ghetto. Handgun. Dirty streets. Screaming through screen in rowhouse. Yep, that's about how I see parent-land. And they are afraid of me straying into their little ghetto of children screaming in black and white format and such...I prey on parent anger and victimization.

Basically, anything about how the parent has it bad can trigger my instincts, but I can stop them immediately with facts. If I have no evidence of anything going on, I stop right there, but may squint at what what you post about how "parenting is hard". If you say, "I did lash out, but you have to understand..." I'll take it as entitlement, but not deadly entitlement, meaning I think you do already take responsibility, but need to show it in order to lower my instincts. If you say "I have the right to spank, because I made sure it is gentle", I will turn on you just like everyone else will...My bias is that I want you to be guilty once you show yourself as a parent suddenly, so I can prove the opposite by way of pro-social question/clarify, and pro-social offense/non-offense. This means asking questions from an angle, and you being dumbstruck and quiet, and if you can stay that way, you will see the end of the light of the tunnel, because then I know you are a gentle parent, because only a gentle parent who cares about my trauma would be so submissive to it. You might say "yes, I did lose my cool, and I regret it". Then, case closed right there, because of the language "I regret it" and me being able to tell you aren't copying off of a cheat sheet such as this article, meaning the tone in regards to how genuine both parties are counts - "both parties" because we are talking mutual submission, meaning equal level of culpability. If I am factually wrong in an exchange, and do not apologize, I am guilty of perjury, and sin guilt falls on me. I tell you this self-depricating part because I trust gentle parents, and for pro-social honesty purposes.

I ALWAYS have the right to question your parenting, just like you ALWAYS have the right to question MY risk to children as a pedophile. That is the setup, whether you like it or not.

"Powerless to his urges": Why focus on "driven" aspects of abusers is an excuse for abuse

 I am anti-pornography to the core, meaning I hate the online sexual exploitation of women and children, including that which is commercial in nature. A common belief is that a pedophile cannot fully be rehabilitated because "he has insatiable urges for carnal child flesh". Nope, not me. Not I, pedophile. I have choices in life. Many media outlets do not realize how such feigned survivor and feminist rhetoric actually enables sexual abuse against children. We pedophiles aren't powerless in terms of child protection, we are powerful, not over others, but ourselves. We are proud of abstaining from sexual abuse and immorality.

How can one understand the ease of a pedophile choose not to abuse? Certain parents will understand more than others, but picture why you don't kill or suffocate your child even when you are angry and infuriated by their child's behavior. Imagine, if you are an anti-spanking or non-spanking parent, refraining from not spanking or shouting at a child is kind of the same thing as, if I were a father, not touching or groping a daughter I was fixated on.

What would lead to me to abusing a child? Belief that it was okay or not harmful. Wanting a relationship with a specific child. Being alone or in closed quarters with said child target. It isn't a "driven" event, as I might foresee with myself, in hypothetical format. It would be a choice, much like date rape is a choice and not an "urge" or "instinct" to overpower a woman.

Saying "they can't help it" or even "they need to learn to control it" is a false depiction of what pedophilia actually is. It gives abusers an excuse for their abuse, just like banning simulated child abuse images sends the message "the porn made me do it". No, no amount of fantasy or pornography (a brief, unhealthy stage, in fact - at age 18) made me behave in a sexually entitled and untoward manner towards a child target/victim.

A pedophile is a parent, and is wired, in the brain, as a sexually attached parent, meaning the wick of attachment is a strand of sexual desire, usually expressing itself by way of connotational attraction, usually restrained at a level where it is insignificant to everyone except the pedophile, and made aware to the pedophile starting in their mid-teens. Most have a traumatic grudge against having the disorder, usually anti-theistic in nature, or else grew up without boundaries and need strict religion to have boundaries. VirPed is the one place where suicide can be talked about at length, and some rationalization as to morality - yes, the trauma is THAT bad, and unfortunately, some here would prey on it due to anti-abuser predation instincts. 

I kill fornicators... Remember that... A sexual abuser of children is a quintessential fornicator...

Why "pedophile entitlement" doesn't exist as a standalone concept

Many here in the children's rights community believe in a concept called "pedophile entitlement". In this past, this was mentioned as a standalone concept, back when we knew little about pedophiles as an entity. As the first pedophile extension of God's Church, meaning children's rights, I am aware that pedophiles are not entitled just for being an adult, and unfair entitlement distinctions lead to oppression and abuse against more vulnerable populations. Pedophiles are a vulnerable population, and a victim group by my standard, but at the same time a chunk of a very broad abuser group - adults. There is always a better way to protect children than calling out one's mental health issues. A pedophile that can be a victim of an abusive adult, in which case the child/pedophile is the victim and the parent is the perpetrator.

Pedophile entitlement is a feminist lie from pro-parent rally feminists who were not ready to accept their own responsibility towards their children, in terms of lawful child abuse such as spanking and corporal punishment. At that time, our movement was openly hostile abuse. Nowadays, most people here simply want abuse to end...I myself AM a feminist, but in the way any decent, chivalrous conservative man would be - holding doors, seeing women as equal yet different in their roles in society. I would indeed speak to my son firmly yet surely if he ever were to disrespect a woman or girl. 

Pedophile entitlement does not exist - only parent/adult entitlement in relation to children, and male entitlement in relation to rape cases (some antisocial pedophiles rape women instead, while projecting a child). I am not entitled merely because I have a self-diagnosis of pedophilic disorder. I am entitled merely by way of being an adult in relation to children, or the past child of anyone.

Adult entitlement is denoted, in the Bible, by the Tenth Commandment, which reads in Exodus 20:17 KJV:

Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, or his ass, or anything that belongs to thy neighbor.

The Greek root word translated "covet" is נמםוד (Latin: lachmod) and refers to not simply wanting sexual favors from or use of a child, but to the point of seeking to imposing said want upon a child, leading to fornication/abuse. This is repeated in the New Testament by the Greek root word πλεονέκτης (Latin: pleonektes), and refers to the entitled attitude of "I am a good, loving parent/adult towards children, and so I have the right to punish/control/adultify/spousify a child". 

What is the collective result of this individual entitlement upon adults. Compress. Shouting muzzle. Laughing face. You shout in the wind, and then when nothing comes back for you in terms of rights as a child, you become even more agitated, to the point of full rebellion against an adult. It is openly-felt terror sometimes, during spankings/assaults from parents, and otherwise a reluctant tolerance of a parent's presence, meaning embarrassment when parent show up...My mother is a gentle parent, so when she shows up at a place unexpected, my eyes light up, and I'm happy! Even at age 24. 

I am a depraved, entitled adult who is deserving of nothing but DEATH and DESTRUCTION merely for existing in relation to a child, and am her enemy, just as mankind is the enemy of God, and must submit to God, with "God" representing the child, figuratively. A child is an extension of God, and if you harm or abuse a child, you are abusing God, thus committing blasphemy.

I am not entitled because I am a pedophile. Nothing in life is because I am a pedophile, even things I have done in the past. I have a mental illness, and have earned my keep in choosing not to abuse a child (and I don't even complain), so I deserve my mental health rights, with my pedophilic disorder treated as equal to all other mental disorders - meaning with compassion, listening, and validation. 

Why God protects me from a fallen, child hating world: Benign religious traumas

 Many in the children's rights community are concerned about my religious health, though far fewer than before. I am a unique religious traumatic, in the sense that I can understand both the perspective of an atheist and a Christian, while still holding the perspective of a conservative Christian. Benign religious trauma, in information parental format.

An example of a verse that troubled me is Proverbs 13:24

He that spareth the rod hateth his son, but he that loveth him chasteneth him betimes.

Ultimately, in literal application, we are speaking of a clearly spelled-out legal procedure when an adult son, over the age of majority, is convicted of a crime, and sentenced to death. The Mosaic Law went by a many warnings system, meaning that the religious authorities simply noted in a docket all the offenses a lawbreaker was engaging, and the ceremonial whipping of an adult son by his father, for perhaps the abuse of his grandchildren, cemented the fate of the abusive father. Justice was come, and at that time the authorities knew, like predestined fate, that the abuser would be quelled, meaning burnt alive, stoned, and/or hung and blootlet. Criminals were either righteously crucified on the third day by nails, or by ashes/dust next to the cross. A crucifixion scene was set up for three days, as a trembling example to the community to get straight, "or I could be next"...NO judge would sign off on any sort of punishment of anyone under the age of majority, as children were exempt. Ultimately, the rod of correction was a symbol for law and order, much like calmly and gently stating to a teenager "if you do that as an adult, you might arrested".

None of this information phases me. I didn't know how to read the Bible, which was why I had a religious trauma. I simply went on pro-spanking websites, as I'm the type of guy to hear out the other side, in order to discredit them or plagiarize them. I was terrified of them sending me to Hell, yet at the same time not literally believing in Hell. It was "what if" gaslighting. On top, there was no legal recourse for children, and it made me paranoid, meaning PARANOID, meaning PARANOID. Justified paranoia, with your abuser, the pro-spanking parents, hovering over me, with me ashamed of reaching the magic age of 18 while others before me didn't experience that grace yet - the most magic birthday you could ever have! You get to get your parents arrested, for real, for real, for real, if they do something! Only, I still expect a cop to laugh at me if somebody abuses me - and the pedophile label might be why.

Ultimately, it wasn't fear of what I read in the Bible, but fear of reading the Bible, which is what I can attribute to Satan and not God. Religious fear and undue guilt comes from Satan, not God.

Ulitimately, I just want you to know that there is nothing wrong with having religious trauma, but I do not have the same collective trauma you have. That may make me an outsider on some things, and I accept that. I have accepted that long ago. Accept that I accept that. I think most people here have.

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Lawful child abuse: Survivor experience (discrediting pro-spanking parents/advocates)

 Lawful child abuse is a much understood term, and often conflated with either pedophilia and/or hatred of pedophiles. It is a fact that pedophiles are more susceptible to the impact of anti-spanking trauma. I myself am living proof of that.

I grew up in a lower middle class home in a middle-sized city. I grew up in a punitive household of the authoritative type. This meant that spanking wasn't even the default punishment growing up. Time-out and loss of privileges, instead, were staples of abuse growing up, with spanking being a last resort.

Lawful trauma of this sort is a parent informational trauma, meaning parent existence, meaning the fact that parental abuse even exists to the degree it does. It is a legal trauma since one law, the "reasonable chastisement" - just a piece of paper, as God's Law prohibit spanking, punishment, or any control of a child.

I am at peace now, with God, with my mother, knowing that spanking/punishment doesn't even exist, even if it does over there. God will destroy this world in due time, now or later. The prophecies say it could happen any day now, meaning the opposite.

I can bring out my trauma at any time - at the pedophile level, and fitting the label as well, while being a survivor while holding that label.

Righteous co-sleeping: Why God wants parents to sleep next to their children

Many parents think that co-sleeping is the irresponsible choice for a parent to make. This is a common attitude from American parents. Most ...