Saturday, February 27, 2021

What just happened... terms of pedophile self-advocacy, on behalf of children. It seems pedophile acceptance will be accelerated throughout the country, conflated with the anti-spanking cause.

The children's rights movement is 100% opposed to the existence of pedophilia, and will never celebrate a pedophile in the fact that they have a condition, nor celebrate celebratory tirades about how "women are gettin' in between us and the kids" and that kind of filthy crap.

Smoke signals. The movement was actually a welcoming place to open up about my clinical/medical condition. One advocate I knew worked with juvenile sex offenders, and seemed like a safe person to confide in.

So, I disclosed, and the rest is medical excuse. We as a conglamorate, meaning the children's rights sister network on (rocky?) collaboration with the Virtuous Pedophiles organization. Torch. Messenger. Surrender to study, willfully and proud of said choice.

No, you didn't do it because you are a did it because you did it, chose to do it, and chose that because you are an abuser. You're on your own, from now on...God helps those who help themselves, meaning you can't treat a pedophile who doesn't help themselves. 

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2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
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