Sunday, February 28, 2021

Policing the dress of children: Why this is sin

 Many parents, especially with daughters, are protective in the form of antisocial "protect". Parents think that it is the child's responsibility to dress appropriately. Many adults think certain "adult" dress is inappropriate for children. I have self-interest in this topic, if you read all my other posts in this. I like children. Children are placed in a hegemonic role, where they must "dress innocent" to "deter predators" (because it never works).

It says in the Tenth Commandment, in Exodus 20:16 KJV:

Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, not anything that is thy neighbor's.

The Hebrew root word נמםוד (Latin: lachmod) and refers to only wanting something from a child, but seeking it out in order to impose said item on a child. It is any forcible or coercive want imposed upon a child, usually backed up by punishment or control. In ancient Jewish culture, punishment was only legal for adults over the age of majority (12 for females, 13 for males), and only in judicial format. Children under the age of majority were exempt from all punishment whatsoever, and were close to their mother until a late age - age 6 for boys, and girls at age 12. Boys were removed from the providing custody of their mother at age 6 for gentle, non-violent instruction - punishment and chastisement of any kind happened AFTER the boy matriculated from his father's instructions at age 13, and became a legal adult. This information should help you understand the biblical context, and how God transported these family values to our society, which are yet to be realized.

Nudity itself is not mentioned by any specific statute, but is included by traditional law by the Greek root word πορνεία (Latin: porneia), with the specific norm being a grate, so to speak, for modern application. Children were, in fact, completely unclothed with their mother within the confines of the home, but were required, by custom, to wear dress of an appropriate, modest sort, or else be pulled aside by the religious authorities. Think any Middle Eastern country today, such as Saudi Arabia or Iran, and you get the point.

The Greek root word cross-referencing the Tenth Commandment is πλεονέκτης (Latin: pleonektés) and refers to the attitude of "I am the parent/adult/principal, and I don't think such showy attire is appropriate for a girl" or "I am your father, and I will not let you leave the house" leading to demanding, controlling, or hovering in terms of attitude towards dress.

A young girl who may dress in a showy manner around the house, or even in public, may distract me, and may distract others, but we as adults must deal with it. I must learn to focus on the fact that I have to check out a few bags of Cheetos and a Clover Farms chocolate milk. I like that a 11-year-old just ran into the store as well in the heat of summer (presumably with parent in distant tow in the car), in just a swimsuit and short shorts, just because it was convenient - and for me as well, to be honest.

I am not the police of a young girl's wardrobe (I want them to dress showy, personally speaking). Children dress however they like, and they can flip off any adult who takes advantage of it either way, including by antisocial "leer" or antisocial "policing". The bodies of children are indeed the property of God, as an extension, thus policing a child in this regard is policing God. Fornication is actually not much different - defiling yourself by imposing one's sexually aggressive behavior and instincts onto another person, often, in fact, viewed as a "policing" attitude.

The depraved and entitled parents who act as the police, when the police are the police, and the police don't enforce a dress code apart from minimal clothing requirements, are the scum of the earth. They will rot in Hell, and will be cast internal Hell-fire.


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2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
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