Sunday, January 31, 2021

What is providing custody? What is biblical parenting? - Understanding how God wants parents to raise children in custodial terms

 Many parents believe they are the authority figure and higher power over their children. 70% of adults support the non-existent parent "right" to punish, control, or manipulate their child in the name of "discipline". The fact of the matter is that children come first, and parents last. Why is this. The Divine Legal doctrine of providing custody. Children on a pedestal above parents.

It says in Colossians 3:20-21 KJV:

Children, obey your parents in all things, as is well-pleasing unto the Lord. Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they become discouraged.

The Greek root word translated "children" is τέκνον (Latin: teknon) and refers to dependence, just as mankind is dependent on Christ's sacrifice, sheltered under their parents' roof. The Greek root word translated "obey" is υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to surrender to the love and grace of parents, in the form of secure rest and attachment, being able to tell parents anything, including uncomfortable subjects, and not expect any punishment or controlling treatment in return. The Greek root word translated " anger" is ερεθιζο (Latin: erethizo) refers to long-term damages such as pain, shame/emotional abuse, defamation of character, and/or fornication, guided by control and entitlement. Entitlement, in parenting, is not merely wanting things, but wanting them to the point of seeking to impose said item onto a child, leading to abuse (GRK: κλεπτω). Any act or failure to act inflicted upon a child that said child perceives as offensive, affronting, unsafe, and/or uncomfortable by fight-or-flight or biological. 

Surrender to parents is providing custody. Children are bigger and more prominent in relation to their parents for being smaller, and have control over their every vulnerable need. A parent is the property of his/her child, and is an indentured servant and mere tool to their child. A parent is not entitled to respect, but is expected to earn it. Parenting in ancient Jewish culture was attachment-based, with boys staying with their mothers until age 6, and girls until age 12. Infancy lasted until age 3 with both sexes. Striking a child was illegal, and striking an adult was illegal without judicial authority.

Providing custody means provide for your child selflessly, as his/'her enemy, just as mankind is called to obey God as His adversary. We as adults do not know what it is like to be a child, and never again will. That sort of righteously ignorant providence is what makes up providing custody. The depraved and entitled parents who identify by abuse will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them burn!

God abstains!

 Yep, I remember a foggy memory, when I was walking from foxtrot loop. I saw Lizbeth with nothing on, completely nude. She offered me over to her side end, and told me that I was allowed to use her body carnally outside of marriage...nope, resist the allure of woman. 

In Proverbs, all the verses that describe staying away from "dangerous women" referred to the fact that the women had the right to exist there, but were a danger to the man at the man's responsibility...And young girls as well! She is dangerous, and it is all my fault, and I am commanded by God to not provoke a child to anger through fornication and sexual abuse.

Lots of kids to resist the temptation to use carnally. I am PROUD of my ABSTINENCE!!!! Yep, a few gaslighting errors, but at least I know that it is wrong.

Expect more tonight! Pro-social God, pro-social Bible, pro-social abstain.

Attn: Bonnie Schnabel - read anytime

 ...No, I am more concerned about the people who don't want to read my work, yet read it anyway and get butthurt and offended. I am shocked that someone close to me founded that framework. I presume innocence in you, and assume you to be non-existent as a parent.

But, feign a view? Really? Think fire-alarm. I don't like people pretending to be pro-spanking. I need to know where my abuser is, so I can spot them. 

I myself hate parents, and want them all executed. "Kill parents" means execute them, in a symbolic context. Chenek. What does chenek stand for? The legal system, once spanking is banned. I thought for sure that you were one of them, meaning one of the parents out there conspiring to abuse their children. 

I don't care whether someone WAS a pro-spanking or permissive parent. What are you doing about it? Are you working to change it? If you can answer those questions in the affirmative, I'm okay with you.

"I fooking hate you if you are one of those pro-spanking parents"

...because if you were, that's exactly how I'd feel. Since you aren't now, you never were, especially since you never liked feeling that way to begin with. The penalty for being a parent which I identify? Shunning. Consignment to fate. Slams the door shut. You can debate me all you want, but if you don't agree with what you're arguing, expect pushback. I right now, to be honest, am a bit annoyed by the fact that you were hiding from me about the spanking issue AND claiming to be my abuser, willfully and purposefully.

I know where you live, and remember the mailbox...useless information. I'm not the clingy type of autistic pedophile except with children. I ignore adults. Think a sleeping cat. I don't get adults, so I cast them aside. I only really get children, and I can't be around them either due to my entitled motives. Personally? You're a grouch, and a crank, and I don't get along with adults like you, at all.

I don't see survivors in general as attraction figures, and if I do, its due to her looks and level of undress (and memory of such at a lake day use area). Nope, can't drive to New York. Mom won't give me the keys, and I don't have a license.

Subj: Amy White

 Yep, I use a lot of your framework. That's all I really see of you - yep, we ALL are the abuser. Pedophiles are only one part of the puzzle, and a very minute part of the puzzle. ALL adults are collectively guilty as abusers, and are individually liable to the court for their mere existence, both of God and of man.

She's simply taken my advice, and left me alone, so I return the favor. See...

Sorry, I don't know how to control parents

 The parent is my abuser. I'd love to be above them, like a game of chess (with their children on the other end). But, I'm not. I can't control my abuser except by broomsweep, meaning I question you forcefully to test any doubt of guilt, until there is none, and then shun you.

The two main steps to treating any mental health problem, including a child abuse problem (ex. parent anger, pedophilia), is

  1. Admit that you have a problem
  2. Agree to solve it, namely by finding treatment
  3. Stick with it
My righteous judgment of parents is based on this. Don't just say you're sorry. Show it. As for controlling parents? Even though they controlled me like a switchboard, I don't seek to control them.

When you attack me verbally in an airborne slide, you resemble my parents in an abusive state. I don't care about reexperiencing your trauma, which I already experienced in allegorical format and can relate to in textbook description.

I post what I want, and will never cater to misused trauma, meaning never perhaps the opposite. Never give abusers credibility, even for valid complaints misused. They simply want to know if they can control their abuser. It comes from a vulnerable, understandable place, but none of us are God. Only God is God, and God opposes all forms of control. In a heated exchange, I'd never corner my opponent, if not only for legal reasons - give them a way out.

They brought up the psychiatric ward over the airwaves, showing their intent to control a vulnerable traumatic pedophile to feel safe, bypassing proper procedure. I can hear your altars at ever level, loud and clear (so can my mother - it is disturbing to her).

No, I don't want control over you, Robbyn and Matthew. I simply count you among the goats, and shun you for that purpose. I know now that I am not leaving, since all rules like that, at this point, are not authoritative. 

But, I misspeak. There is a way to control me - Facebook invented the block button and the ban list. So I am threatening? Ban me right now, and then once I complain about that, I truly am the abuser. In fact, I order you to ban me to show that you simply want to feel safe, and don't want to sexually exploit my pedophilic condition. We don't want your "help" here.

As for Matthew unfriending me? I was simply shocked, and then, by chance, I got a video of some of his behavior in Ocean City, Maryland, and past attitudes towards me, and mistook them for present-ongoing attitudes towards me, in which case someone must have been lying to him. I was very angry at the people spreading the lies, both of you, but when you defend yourself like that, you lump yourself in with the culprit.

Missing "I"

 It's down the LANE, not down the LINE, dear anti-pedophile.

Understanding pedophile hatred at its source: Risk of pedophile teens for child abuse and long-term trauma

Children and pedophiles. Both hated, yet different. Our friends are punished in front of us, whereas we are hidden and sequestered. It is the same venom and entitlement. Children get the compress from big parent, and pedophiles grabbed by the scruff of the neck to the point of suffocation - door hang treatment (yes, the usual self-inflicted kind many times, sadly). Most of the time, the door hang treatment does not occur in a state-run prison. Where does it occur? Another prison that is state sanctioned. Home. Childhood. 

Pedophiles, having a psychiatric condition, are not mere abusers, but victim/abusers. In the legal context, an abuser is a pedophile only implicitly, whereas a victim of abuse is a pedophile explicitly. Abusers should simply be called what they are - abusers, period, end of story. A man rapes a child, gets arrested, and goes to prison. End of story. Pedophiles should only be brought up when describing traits that put children at risk for abuse. 30% of pedophiles are children under the age of 18, and children are the most oppressed class of people on earth, and so pedophilic children are the most oppressed of pedophiles, and the most oppressed of children.

Pedophilia, in an adolescent child, puts him/her at risk for various forms of abuse, namely physical and sexual abuse. With physical abuse, children with the condition, particularly boys, can be rebellious and think apart from parents many times, leading to the child being abused with spanking, corporal punishment, or other forms of punishment or control. 

A pedophilic child is attached differently to a parent, from birth, than a normally-developing child. The attachment is sensitive, as pedophilia is high sensitivity conflated with sexual instincts. Punishing a child with this condition is something they will remember, and hold against their parents. But, on the other end of the token, when a parent chooses to listen to and validate said child's concerns and upset about their condition, they make a friend with their child, for life. You can tell parents anything.

This is a pedophile:
i'm sorry i was wired this way. i don't want to be this way. i wish i was into women like all my friends are. i can't live much longer hiding this secret - that i am a pedophile. please! please! please! i don't want to hurt a child! i don't want to hurt her! Young girls are so lovely, so adorable! Please, Lord, take this sick fetish away!

Those are the ones I usually see as an advocate. Then, many times, they shed their belief in God. It is a specific type of religious trauma centered around the teaching of predestination. They internalized that they were programmed by "God", like clockwork, to inflict harm on the children they love, knowing that it is wrong and harmful. They were convinced that they, at some point in time, would abuse a child. Remember, these aren't individuals with any children's rights expertise. They are ordinary individuals, and most of the general population has no real expertise on these subjects until they are affected by it.

Other cases, which are more high-risk, involve anxiety and depression centered around another topic, the abuse of children in general. In my case, I was extremely anxious that children around me were spanked, punished, or otherwise abused. It wasn't vengeful sort of stewing, but fearful, traumatic stewing. I felt calm, albeit stiff and frozen, at every layer but the bottom layer, where I felt suppressed anxiety that I couldn't shake. I felt cornered by seeing the child cornered.

Who is responsible for all child abuse? All adults, by default, are marked for deletion by God, and will be destroyed and annihilated on the last day, and will burn in everlasting torment on their last day. Many will be called to be parents or caregivers, but few will choose to submit to God through their child, and choose not to abuse or disrespect their child. All others will be terminated and erased, as objects of divine wrath. Let the prejudicial parents and haters burn - because they are the ones doing the abusing! They all tend to advocate spanking along the side, at some depth, as well...

FYI: Regarding Robbyn Peters Bennett, Nadine Block, Erin Jacobs, and a few others

 Yep, another campaign, apparently, to label Max a peacekeeper. I write about what I want, and if you don't like it, don't read it.

I understand some people have existence traumas regarding pedophiles. I have an existence trauma about parents, meaning your parent anger, so get with it. Most people here aren't that ridiculous.

To resolve the Oak Lane issue, and miscellaneous "friendships" of mine

Janine Geisler is not an enabler. I spoke to her. She doesn't like that her daughter is attracted to a pedophile, but feels dragged into it. Maybe I'm as cautious about the whole thing as she is. I am, in fact.

The rest of the child victims/targets are off-limits completely, and presumably want nothing from me, and nothing to do with me. Feeling annoyed and pestered by an adult is a form of child abuse, as abuse is anything the child perceives as offensive, alarming, hateful, uncomfortable, or annoying. No child is at fault for any abuse. I only have myself to blame. I myself do not appreciate my disability being pointed out to excuse me of my self-protective duties as a concerned adult.

Pedophiles: The reason why spanking should be banned

Spanking and punishing children has been a debate in American society for the past 50 or so years. We have plenty of valid scientific research clearly documenting the harm of striking a child or punishing them. However, until now, we haven't seen a human face to describe an anti-spanking trauma. There is clear reason for public alarm over the existence of parents striking their children in America.

Most of my colleagues says "spank out of love" is a euphemism, to the point of non-understanding. Many ask "how can a parent even do that?. Some wish my childhood abuse on themselves. Nope, same level of harm. Different means. Same entitlement. All child abuse comes from the same entitlement. Who should tell this story? Pedophiles. Lawful physical abuse is, in our modern day, something only a pedophile can recall fully, enough to haunt them.

Most people repress anger towards their parents, and want to forget that the abuse ever happened once they left home. Pedophiles are a non-conforming parent, meaning they do not readily internalize the norms of society, largely in terms of child discipline. Pedophiles remember everything about their abuse, in a way that is haunting. It isn't a suppressed trauma like most forms of child abuse, but a war-zone trauma.

The war-zone trauma that I endured was a battle of the ages, meaning adults versus children. That's what children's rights is - David fighting Goliath. In the past, I didn't defend my parents, even publicly. I righteously defied and hated them. My father passed away sorry for the abuse he inflicted on me, in the form of about 4-5 swats to the rear end, a few times. However, if he wasn't sorry, and defended it openly until his last day, I would wish him to be in Hell (which he surely is not due to his major transformation).

You only need three words to know about my trauma. Window. Home. Everywhere. It is universalizing one's abuse. It is walking around a store, seeing a well-polished family walking down the aisles, with a young girl in tow smiling, and knowing, with dread and angst, freezing at the mere sight of child tears, thinking she was me at some level, feeling afraid of the parent. I wanted to call the police, but the law wouldn't let me. I saw a window into every home I passed, and every family I passed, and I saw my abuse EVERYWHERE...This is how rape trauma is perceived by the victim. I am an anti-spanking SURVIVOR as of late, not merely a victim. 

Over the course of my childhood years between age 2-16, I was physically abused within the law through spanking and corporal punishment by my father, as well as time-out and loss of privileges by both my father and mother. I was spanked on the buttocks, clothed, with several swats, then left for dead. Much of the time, I had a warm home life. Then, it switched immediately when I committed an infraction that I couldn't explain.

I F*CKING CAN'T EVEN BLAME THEM ANYMORE...they're sorry, so THE DEPRAVED PEARLS AND OTHER PRO-SPANKING PARENTS can go to HELL!!!!!!!!!! KILL ALL! KILL ALL! KILL ALL! I can't even protect my child, meaning your child, meaning my child, meaning your child, meaning my child, meaning your child, meaning your child. I'm desperate, helpless, and scared! STOOOOOOOOOOP! STOP HURTING THAT CHILD WITH HARSH WORDS!...That's my trauma. That child might be a mighty attractive girl, in which case my stomach would groan and I shudder.

Let's go to Harrisburg and pass a law. Shall we? Maybe Capitol Hill someday? Let pedophiles lead the way. We can explain it just as good as a child can, since children aren't allowed a voice yet.

What I want now after fantasy...

TW: Discusses a first-person event in my thoughts 

Nothing. Just grateful, not asking for more. I don't want it in real life, as it is wrong. Forgets. I just know that doing such things with a child is wrong. You just don't do it. You just don't...I tend to see children as guardians in relation to me, because I let them when nobody else allows a child to make accusations toward them. Just answer to their court, and either explain your motives calmly and respectfully, or egress respectfully/shamefacedly in a non-verbal manner. I don't think most children mind fantasy. Children have different opinions, based on my surface-level observation, but most simply find the issue threatening and distasteful, but to the point where they don't want to be reminded of it, in a libertarian manner with a vanish component. . Pro-social vanish

Fantasy isn't yearning for a child, but escape from reality. It is reminding oneself of one's issues in a safe way that does not involve a real child. It is enjoyable as well, in a centered way. Compacted sexual thoughts. I am not entirely aware of my attraction to children, i.e. "A man has a sexual thought every 10 seconds". Nope, just think about children all day, usually these days in relation to children's rights, then delve in to escape using fantasy.

Robbyn Peters Bennett - You will STOP arguing with me about fantasy

 Perhaps I got into the mood, then you stepped in...

I didn't smell much of any ammonia at all. I smelled cat litter on top of cat litter at my house.

Pro-social reenactment, pro-social escape, pro-social fantasy. It's the same thing. Children are the guardians of themselves, as children self-protect. I don't think any child likes sexual fantasy about them by a pedophile, but only to the point of non-existence - they simply want no trace of it in their perceived vicinity. Women make horrible guardians too. A peacekeeper would instead use sexual fantasy to contemplate plans to abuse a child sexually.

Robbyn, the police are not a medical entity. They don't have to understand my condition. Those rights are earned rights. Adult sexual entitlement is, in fact, intent to abuse a child sexually. Afterthoughts are not intent, but merely a desire to indulge in thoughts and fantasies as a dissociative coping mechanism. Antisocial traumatic dissociation, with sexualized conflation.

Curtain. That's my policy.

NOTICE: How I lie as a reformatory adult with pedophilia

 Many people associate lying through the wazoo with pedophiles. All adults in America has abused a child at some point in their life, in some form, usually in the form of lawful abuse such as spanking or verbal aggression. My pedophilia is at the lawful level, in terms of visibility. 

I can't lie about it or hide things that easily. In fact, more brute and generous honesty about my feelings for children - especially if names are specified - are a red flag. If I was THAT obsessed with Lizbeth, I'd be spreading her name all around the complex. Same with everyone else.

Dating pedophile, with surface application, with risk of summary harassment and disorderly conduct (motivated by adult sexual entitlement). I like to ask girls for their number and address, show up, and be welcomed. Sadly, it doesn't turn out like that usually.

Subj: Matthew Copeland

BE IT BEKNOWNST, that Matthew Copeland, is placing airborne software in my ... "head" in order to "distract" me from religious "thoughts", and subtle pangs to deconstruct from my religious beliefs (which instantaneously go away)

Religious entitlement leading to abuse is a crime against God (1 Cor. 5:11; Rev. 21:8)...(Erin Jacobs cut me off here). I believe in Hell for a reason - there is no justice for children otherwise. 

Believe whatever you want, Matthew, but your perspective isn't the only perspective on this planet.

I don't need your "help". Antisocial "help" is a crime against God. You have no right to "help" me without me asking. Did I ask for spiritual guidance? No. You are an anti-pedophile researcher, and so I was submitting to study. I did NOT grow up in the same home you grew up with, and given your current course of conduct now, I get pangs that YOU are plagiarizing MY childhood religious upbringing by falsely crediting all progressive Christians as gentle parents, and all conservative Christians as punitive parents. Everyone spanks their kids, Matthew. Even many Methodists go against the church teaching. This is about entitlement. Feeling like children owe you things, and lashing out based on that. Progressive Christians, to me, seem to have LESS starting ground to come to the conclusion that spanking is wrong, because they tend to be a doubting Thomas sometimes. Nope, if you look up the context completely, you become BOTH conservative AND anti-spanking. Anti-spanking is actually a theologically conservative idea, of the radical, reactionary sort. Thus, both sides can come to agree that children should not be spanked, hit, or punished as a means of above control.

I bring up the pedophilia issue for many reasons, but on the issue of spanking (which is more of a religious issue to me than pedophilia), but the fact of the matter is that the pedophiles are now choosing not to abuse children. Physically aggressive parents next? Down the line (row of children and their allies). Down the lane (parents like dominoes - go down for child abuse). 

We are Christians, and We are traumatic pedophiles...(clarified for abuser upon cooperation - use kind words, please).

Fook GirlChat

 Fundamentalist cult haunting the online pedophile community. And BoyChat. And Common Ground. VirPed is the escape from the drug, the crack, that so many pedophiles are STILL high on...dude, it's not going to happen. You're make believe "pedophile" religion doesn't even exist.

Why don't I mention "the chats" much? They don't deserve mention. They don't have enough resources to get what they want, which is basically radically reordering our social and political systems, so why even mention them.

The two tenets of VirPed are:

  1. Pedophiles can choose not to sexually abuse a child, and should be recognized as don't.
  2. The age of consent will exist for all time, and that adults should respect the age of consent in their jurisdiction
Apart from that, think for yourself...And don't give religious abusers and zealots a mouthpiece.

"VirPed will legalize pedophilia as a sexual orientation"

"Sexual orientation" refers to the scientific usage of the term, not the non-existent legal or moral usage of the term. I do not believe in the concept of sexual identity, at all - only personal identity. That view is allowed at VirPed, in moderated format.

Child sexual abuse: A crime of ignorance (yet no excuse nonetheless)

 Many abuser defenders will say that pedophiles abuse out of ignorance, so "we need lighter sentences, and more therapy". More therapy? Absolutely. Lighter sentences? Insulting. I have pedophilic disorder, and I do believe it is a crime of ignorance, but not at all along the lines of a "delusion" or "psychosis". Nope, locational recklessness due to lack of parent and caregiver information and support.

Have you ever lashed out at your child when really were thinking about all the bills due, and how the boss hates you. You could have easily chosen a different route, but your parenting views then caused you to rationalize that striking a child "out of love". That is what it is like to be a predatory pedophile. It is that level of impulsivity. Yes, no excuse.

It is a driven feeling that you do have limited control over. Such a drive cocoons you next to the child, with the entitled intent of antisocial "affection". You are drawn to a child target, and because you have no or limited knowledge telling you that it is wrong, you do it anyway..."Anyway" means I could have simply educated myself on child development here and with my therapist sooner. It is a learning process, where you learn by trial and error, guided by a therapist, that sexual abuse of a child is wrong.

Mental health rights are earned rights, due to the volatile nature of mental illness in general. Mental illnesses, under this system, are classified into two groups - responsible or irresponsible. Many people stereotype pedophiles as having an irresponsible mental illness. Such is an excuse, by far. It is a responsible mental illness. You rarely have to go to a psychiatric hospital for pedophilia alone, except to be cornered by law enforcement in a police investigation. Most of the time, pedophilia can be treated in-patient, in a trauma-informed therapy setting.

I have earned my rights as a pedophile to treatment and understanding from the community. I don't go around raping children, looking up child pornography, or defending my "rights" to sex with children. I want support and accountability for a mental illness instead, and thus I have earned my pedophile rights. They could be taken away any time I misuse the disorder to abuse a child. Pedophile rights are mental health rights, and mental health rights are pedophile rights.

I don't want to be quarantined or hospitalized if I abuse a child in any way. Lock me up, and throw the book at me. There are much more difficult things to deal with in terms of mental illness (for the sufferer) than being drawn to an individual who isn't for you. 

So an abuser was "in the wrong room, at the wrong time, and then something happened?" Why were you even there in the first place? Why were you even in that house? Why are you even a parent (in the case of incest)? It's called personal responsibility, and abusers lack it. Pick yourself up, get your rear end out of there, and cut off the friendship. That simple. Even most pedophiles can do it just fine...I don't even get in such situations.

Drawn, in a driven way. Those are how my impulses are, and they are a temporary fixation. Just like you may be drawn and driven to dissociate from stress by punishing a child as a parent. The only difference is that it isn't a punishment for the child, but a form of spousification/parentification that places her in an adult caregiver role (adultification), in a cocooning fashion ("you are the only one that understands. Everyone else hates me"). The point of pointing out motives has nothing to do with the child or her actions, but the fact that sexual abuse can be motivated by ordinary parental stress.

I myself grew up in a punitive home, of the authoritative variety, with spankings, time-out, and loss of privileges being staple punishments of my time. I went in the other direction instead of following the cycle directly, and grew permissive. Gentle parenting is NOT permissive, but instead egalitarian/child-centered. In my case, permissiveness is sexual/behavioral entitlement. It's an entitlement where you want to appease your child like some king or queen, and don't want them to ever be mad at you, and so you give them whatever they want, with the "sexual" part indicating that it is a manifestation of a diagnosis/self-diagnosis of pedophilic disorder. It is a situational narcissist, with mine being the anxious/avoidant type (common with pedophiles). I had a phobia, at a low level, of children being harmed and abused by adults. So, when a young girl - among the group of people I was protecting! - smiled at me and showed interest, I was wooed and wanted to appease her. I didn't want her angry with her at all. As for adults? I don't care what you think of me, as no adult is indispensable...I literally couldn't bring myself to say "no" to a child. Now I can, and that is because now I know that I am not entitled to anything from a child. Not even respect. Not even them liking me. I want them to like me, and if they hate me instead, I scramble as to know what to do to fix the situation. These days, being here, I have more tools than before, so I don't have to allow children to have no limits. I now feel confident enough to set limits and boundaries without punishment. I'll never have the guts to punish a child to back up a limit. I fall asleep when children behave in an erratic or aggressive manner, or at least want to - I can't get mad. At all.

Saturday, January 30, 2021

Robbyn Peters Bennett

 ...just got me to delete a post convicting her of online sexual abuse/exploitation alongside two police detectives.

I don't talk that way about any child. "Thot" "rascal". How about? Child. I know to cut them a break when they hand me that plackard.

Nice radio show you put on in the back, Robbyn.

The lowest motive, on her part, is one of vulnerable trauma, in terms of entitlement. She wants to chop off my blog and discredit it before it attacks her. It wasn't intended to attack her, as I support Stop Spanking 100%, as well as every other gentle parenting/children's rights group here. But, now you got what you wanted, Robbyn, because if you are that intent on a pedophile survivor betraying you, and walking away from you, now there you have it.

Quit victimizing yourself with your anxiety disorder. Even *I*, the pedophile here, didn't victimize myself with an anxiety disorder when under suspicion of doing wrong. BPD is not an excuse either, as many people with that disorder do not act in this route.

I don't even know what swear names I was supposed to call you. If you are sorry, like I'm fairly certain you'll be, I hope you recover from that experience. I'm not here to be your enemy, but if you treat me as one, I will appear as one, whether I like it or it.

I do not learn by parable, and anyone who says so is projecting a Christ-complex onto me. I learn by way of hard lesson. Say something stupid on someone's page, and I get banned. Don't whine or complain to the higher authorities, because they don't care. Just suck it up, and know not to talk like that in a children's rights space. Maybe ask calmly what went wrong, and then accept the answer. I go to you for help, not the other way around. Direct therapeutic English, in listening admission format - most traumatic conditions require active listening, whereas pedophiles only need passive/reflective listening, of the person-centered variety (like with ordinary parents, but instead LESS interactive). That's how my mother addresses my condition, and so does everyone else, and I can tell them anything about a kid crush...I just need to know I am making myself heard, and am being listened to. Too much advice actually is annoying. Din. Spotlight shining in. You don't get it, so admit it and nod and play along. Lot's of people already do that. Then I come to my own conclusions and grow as an adult in relation to childten.

...more determination (urgency, huh?)

 ...And then the chase goes...Detective Antonio Greensbruck and Detective Andrew Hoffstetter.

Leave those kids alone...and my blog. I am not a textual narcissist. A textual narcissist is aroused by either reading or writing text. I am a tactile-visual pedophilic narcissist, meaning looking at or touching a young girl is how I would relate to her sexually. I don't fantasize about pillaging. Pro-social reenact/reflect, meaning using sexual fantasies to know what not to do in real life.

Pornography of any kind is not appropriate for children. This is a form of pornographic exploitation of children. 

If the post has nothing to do with the right of the child not to be abused or disrespected, or pedophilia as a medical topic, it does not come from me, but from the hackers whose names are enumerated above.

Try again (to show the determination of the abuser to be known)

  ...And then the chase goes...Detective Antonio Greensbruck and Detective Andrew Hoffstetter.

Leave those kids alone...and my blog. I am not a textual narcissist. A textual narcissist is aroused by either reading or writing text. I am a tactile-visual pedophilic narcissist, meaning looking at or touching a young girl is how I would relate to her sexually. I don't fantasize about pillaging. Pro-social reenact/reflect.

Pornography of any kind is not appropriate for children. This is a form of pornographic exploitation of children. 

If the post has nothing to do with the right of the child not to be abused or disrespected, or pedophilia as a medical topic, it does not come from me, but from the hackers whose names are enumerated above.

Now 128...

 ...And then the chase goes...Detective Antonio Greensbruck and Detective Andrew Hoffstetter.

Leave those kids alone...and my blog. I am not a textual narcissist. A textual narcissist is aroused by either reading or writing text. I am a tactile-visual pedophilic narcissist, meaning looking at or touching a young girl is how I would relate to her sexually. I don't fantasize about pillaging. Pro-social reenact/reflect, meaning using sexual fantasies to know what not to do in real life.

Pornography of any kind is not appropriate for children. This is a form of pornographic exploitation of children. 

If the post has nothing to do with the right of the child not to be abused or disrespected, or pedophilia as a medical topic, it does not come from me, but from the hackers whose names are enumerated above.

Pro-social pedophilia, pro-social listen/admit, pro-social shelter: What is this most biblical method of gentle parenting

 Many parents believe that the Bible condones for or even commands corporal punishment. It is a myth that children were spanked in biblical times. This is far from the truth. Spanking and punishment of children were banned under Jewish law. Instead, parenting was attachment-based in the biblical context, and of a specific type - pro-social pedophilia.

What is pro-social pedophilia? No sexual attraction to children is pro-social, in the sense that it is something to celebrate. Pro-social pedophilia refers to the peacekeeping aspect of gentle parenting - a domiciliary peacekeeper, of the listening and inviting type. Pro-social pedophilia is the purest form of both gentle parenting and biblical parenting in general.

Pro-social pedophilia is an anti-entitlement concept, based on the doctrine of mutual submission. Parents are not high authority figures under biblical law, but instead are servants and bondslaves to their children and their every need. Christian love, in the Bible, is denoted by the Greek root word αγαπαο (Latin: agapao), and refers to submission and subjection to a child's every need, in the form of indentured servitude, driven by reverent fear (GRK: ψοβός), with said Greek word referring to the same kind of fear that keeps you from saying something to insult your spouse or friend. This concept is denoted in Colossians 3:20 KJV:

Children, obey your children in all things, as is well-pleasing unto the Lord. 

The Greek root word translated "obey" is υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to complete surrender to parents, in the form of secure attachment and trust. In the biblical context, boldness in children, including emotional expression towards parents in a domestic setting, was seen as a sign of trust and respect for parents. The concept is that if you can be yourself around parents, share emotions with them, and share things that most people would find unacceptable. It is a wall between public and private; the outside and the outside in. Children get out all their energy and exuberance in the home, with supervision, so that they are calm and docile in terms of personality when they leave the house, headed to the supermarket with mom. The kids that are quiet and disciplined in nature, with their parents disciplining themselves in exemplary format. It says in Hebrews 12:11 KJV:

Hebrews 12:11 KJV:

Now no chastening for the present seemeth to be joyous, but grievous: nevertheless it yieldeth the peaceable fruit of righteousness unto them which are exercised thereby.

The Greek root word translated "chastening" is παίδεια (Latin: paideia) and refers to a specific form of discipline, based on the acknowledgement that one is inherently evil, with the Greek root word translated "grievous" being λυπέ (Latin: lupe). This refers to Christian non-entitlement, namely living against the word πλεονέκης (Latin: pleonektés) and refers to not only wanting things from a child, but wanting things from said child target to the point of seeking to impose said item onto a child, leading to abuse/theft. I myself live by the children's rights code, around children and in other vicinities - avoidance of entitlement leading to theft, with damages from abuse/theft defining abuse until intent leading to said abuse is explained otherwise. 

In this case, it is funneling a child's energy into a family home, by allowing children to be free in terms of themselves in the family home. This means they can scream, and shout, and run around the house all they want, and a parent has to just deal with it. I myself might have a daughter that would wear just a shirt (if that much?), and I would have to deal with it. This funneling is guided by a nurturing, sheltering, and protective example of Christian parents.

The depraved and entitled parents who provoke children to anger through punitive or permissive parenting, meaning not gentle parenting, are marked for deletion by God, and will be tormented on their last day, and on these last day. They will be cast into the ever-burning lake of fire and brimstone, suffering the second death! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

My idea of a peacekeeper convention...

 40 pro-spanking fathers hung in a row in Jerusalem for kidnapping, with blood letting onto the street. Then, righteously hang them up until the third day. Then dispose of their carcass. 

...We hang parents. ...In prison ...Like reverse sirens - of a guilty conscience. Expand our prey base, here at children's rights, here at CPS. Ban spanking NOW!

Christ abolished the death penalty, so just swing them out to their spiritual death. Same thing. Allegorical.

Now, who were the peacekeepers in the Old Testament? The same as today. Abuse rampant in the land. Time to abolish legal "defenses" that God abhors of.

ANNOUNCEMENT: Gaslighting requests for changes of wordage

 The gaslighting system here at children's rights is not the correct way to each me in the event that you find at least some of my writing to be abusive. Please do not "steer" me into your ideal of an advocate, based on your "plan for Max". I wouldn't approach a child by having a "plan" for them. I want children to feel safe.

Please speak to me in person in writing <scheibner.maxwell[at]protonmail[dot]com>. 

The tape is inaccurate, in terms of depiction, because my main way of dealing with pedophile stigma is "welcome" gaslighting, meaning reassuring calmly and compassionately, but then walking away when someone clearly does not want to be reassured. Most would just move on, just as I would. Complete jerk, thinking they are the only one in the exchange with trauma. 

For written forensic evidence? Yes, use the tape. To say "I don't like what you wrote. Please change it?" That's kind of nosy. The non-nosy thing you can do is click to the next page. Am I making any graven or death threats? Am I defaming a child by her perception or possible perception, meaning one or more individual children? If not, if it offends you, don't read it, or else read around it...Stop pushing your self-esteem crap on me. 

Please stop using forceful language over the airwaves on my platform. I am startled by such pushy and demonstrative behavior. Closes ears. Din. Counterwill. Just talk to me about these things.

To be clear, an actual survivor would not want their abuser to be guilty, but is convinced that he/she is, and so the survivor uses "guess" judgment to clarify whether an abuser is guilty, in a way that if you are not guilty, you will easily be able to answer to the court. I myself judge the same way, even with personal slights. I either brush their insults off, or else clarify for well-meaning intent, and only rebuke them at the end, when I am certain, beyond a reasonable doubt, that they are guilty and defend it as a "right". Anyone with trauma who cannot be swayed with empathy towards their trauma, even while being known to them as a pedophile, is an abuser of pedophiles. Most trauma survivors do not hate pedophiles, but simply hate abuse. Survivors do NOT want pedophiles to be guilty, but at the same time have seen too many individuals with the condition who were guilty to be so optimistic. Most pedophiles are non-offending, and avoid children's rights communities because that brings them close to a fear of children being harmed, which is a common phobia conflated with pedophilia (a bystander phobia).



WE are pedophiles, and WE are traumatic pedophiles, and WE are anti-spankers, and WE have reverent trauma from lawful abuse (the worst of the worst - authoritative parenting). YOU parents, meaning all who identify, meaning all who identify by entitlement or abuse, will DIE in HELL-fire.

Please, please, please, please, please, please don't hurt me, that child, me, child, me, child, me, child, child, child, OR YOU WILL BE DEAD IN PRISON!!! I WANT YOU TO SUFFER LIKE I DID, punishing that child like that. When I see you put a child in fear in the checkout line, YOU put ME in fear. You might as well be hitting me, and yelling at me, and you're scary when you do that.

Please don't hurt that little girl of yours. Just look at her. Blonde hair, right there with you in the store after school, wearing a uniform with a knee-length skirt. YOU WILL BE DAMNED FOR OPPOSING THE NEEDS OF YOUR CHILD, and since the state won't oppose you, *I* WILL. 

"No dad, please, I'm scared. I'm trapped. I'm cornered and scared" a child's life here in America. Please, little girl, I don't want you to be that way. Be free from adult control. Have rights...and when that doesn't work, escape into the blissful abyss that is a child's "love" (only no child has the duty to love or trust me - such things are always earned). I want her to feel safe. Pro-social God complex. Neighborhood watch, sourced from another neighborhood (or at least my protective instincts wish)...Angry at no child. I am strict with myself for a reason - the sexually entitled adult and buffoon that I was.

Love every child. Love is sacrifice. Love is submission. Love is martyrdom (to the outside world that hates children). Do not provoke a child to anger through spanking and punishment.

I think she's smoking hot, and kind too! How could you? How could you ever get mad at that face or body? I have no rights in relation to a child as a symbolic parent to them. A child owes me nothing, whereas I owe her everything, as parents are to be perfect in relation to children, and to God, whilst also accepting that they never will be until the next world.

Antisocial "rough-play": The most common form of child sexual abuse in America

 Only 1 out of 10 cases of child sexual abuse have been reported to the secular authorities. Many wonder why this is. Most people in our society think of mugshot on the evening news, and a rape in a school or playground, but fail to regard that abuse can remedied before it gets there. Not acts of sexual abuse are considered sexually violent offenses under Megan's Law. 

The objective definition of child abuse refers to the concept of Christian non-entitlement, as denoted by the Greek root word πγεονέκτης (Latin: pleonektés). Adult sexual entitlement is wanting sexual favors, control, or respite from a child, to the point of theft/abuse. Child sexual abuse is very straightforward to define - the children's rights code. Entitlement leading to theft. Parental entitlement leading to abuse. Said abuse ranges from leering to rape/lust murder. Rough-play is a form of sexual abuse against children.

The Greek word translated "fornication" is πορνεία (Latin: porneia) and refers to a parent or other adult defiling themselves next to a child, soiling themselves with their acts of vile and damned child abuse. Such contact can either be physical, verbal, and/or symbolic. Anti-social "rough play" is imposing physical contact in the form of roughhousing, with a child, with the intent to use a child's body, or impose sexual menace onto said child, causing either a fear and/or anxiety response from the amygdala.

I myself am guilty of the moral crime of antisocial "rough-play" with a cousin of mine (past-tense), in the attic of my grandparents' old home. It involved mounting atop the body of then 12-year-old girl, and trying to cling onto her with sexually entitled motives, misusing a medical label and making other pedophiles look bad. I technically was a child, but there was a clear power differential, so I was not a child in that very moment, but a feigned adult that could be held liable to the court for said behavior at a later date.

In most cases, based on my foresight, such antisocial "play" of a sexualizing and spousifying manner can escalate, during times of stress, to full-blown felony sexual assault, and then possibly rape. Antisocial "rough-play" is different, under the law, than sexual assault, because indecent assault, in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, is only legally plausible if it involves sexual battery, meaning physical sexual contact upon a child imposed without informed consent. Antisocial "rough-play" is physical "play" motivated by that sort of entitlement. In my case, my intent was to explore the girl with curiosity, though tactile stimulation.

Treating pedophiles as the struggling parents and caregivers that they are requires sex education. Most who have clinical pedophilia also have developmental delays, and may not be well-informed concerning what a young girl looks like underneath her clothes, leading to a boyish wonder and fascination for her body. My mother taught me about the bodily functions of children, in question and answer format. I asked her what children look like underneath at any given age, and scouted around based on her vague, clinical description. The idea is that the more that a pedophile knows about a child's anatomy from textbook sources, the less he will want to feel up a child victim to guess what is underneath. Parent education on the general development of children is also important.


Parent case closed - Robbyn Peters Bennett and Amy C. Bryant

 Verdict: Not guilty

Names Blake Hutchison as an enforcer, enlisting her as an enlist. Brick.

I apologize, Robbyn. I did not understand that Blake was doing this. I hope you are doing well.

Notice: Fake comments

 It appears that my blog has been hacked. If you see a comment that indicates, in any way, that I regret defending the rights of children, know that it likely wasn't from me. The comment was designed specifically to shield me from comments I want to see that would hurt me from trauma survivors, because only trauma counselors from NSCCY are allowed to hurt me.

Nope, you just want to make survivors look dumb, don't you?

Children's rights are civil liberties: Children's gateway to American freedoms

Many children's rights advocates often say "we aren't a rally around the flag" movement, and instead insist we are a countercultural movement. Nope. Children's rights are American rights. Civil liberties for all, children included. Where do these freedoms arise? Our constitution. God's Law above it all.

Our civil liberties are based off of the concept of Christian non-entitlement. Entitlement, under biblical law, is wanting things from a child to the point of seeking to take away said item from a child victim, leading to theft/abuse, and is referenced throughout the New Testament by the Greek root word πλεονέκτης (Latin: pleonketés). This avoidance of entitlement is consistent of what is the children's rights code. Rights are entitlements in the reverse, granted by a higher power of the worldly type, namely the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. Children are like any other U.S. Citizen, and are endowed by their Creator the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Life. Liberty. Property. The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child was drafted here in the U.S., here in New York City. 

"Liberty" is determined by the United States Constitution and this nations founding values, Christian family values. America is a Christian nation, and will be until the end of time. The children's rights code, which provides a child's right to live free of imposed or coerced demands or needs from children. Children's rights can be easily be summed up as children being entitled to freedom from control or undue interference from parents or adults. 

I am a conservative Christian. We has conservatives have been wrong on many things in the past, and we've admitted it. Slavery. Jim Crow. Women's oppression. Now, it is about time conservatives admit that we were wrong about denying children their rights, including their right not to be spanked, punished, or otherwise controlled by an adult, including within the law. Conservatism is evolving, albeit much slower than liberalism. The reason is simple - conservatives are more cautious. We don't play with fire, and don't live on the edge. 

Our founding values are about total equality and total individuality, in balance with each other. Think looking at an equal plane before you, with rows of people on it. All persons are judged by their individual merit, based on their individual traits, personality, and needs, with the presumption of innocence beyond a reasonable doubt. There is no collective admission of privilege or victimhood in conservatism. As a conservative Christian, I admit privilege over ALL people, including/especially children. I don't claim to know anything about anyone's background, profile, place in society, or any defining or divisive characteristic. Everyone, man or woman, or regardless of race or other identity, is an equal to me, and is seen as equal in value. A woman is equal in value to me, or perhaps greater in the case of her being a wife that I provide for (she has no binding obligations towards her husband, and the right of divorce if the husband is at all entitled; husbands have no right of divorce)...Everyone is an individual, and is different in their own right. However, everyone, regardless, has equal worth. No adult is entitled to anything from anyone...even their child. Children do have greater status for being the "least of these" among us (Matt. 25:31-46).

I believe especially in religious freedom for children. It is a violation of my Christian faith to punish a child for refusing to be learnt in the biblical teachings. I must instead teach by example and by homeschool instruction (this does allow for public school attendance, if the child so wishes). Children have the right to practice or adhere to any faith tradition, or lack thereof, that they wish. However, most of the time, conservative parents who don't punish their child alongside religious instruction, and gear religious instruction to a level appropriate given their age and development. I wasn't punished for anything regarding religion or religious belief, as my parents were "careful" not to punish me for anything regarding sex, or religious/ideological views. I am afraid of God, but only in the sense that I know, at every level, not to disobey His Laws. You just don't. You just don't. You just don't.

Children's rights are American rights. Children are citizens of this country just like anyone else. Our founding Christian values instill non-entitlement and personal responsibility in children.

Friday, January 29, 2021

Re: Robbyn Peters Bennett: What I really want (tic, tac, tile, genetics)

 Let's collaborate, please. I unlift the pedophiles that are unseen, and you point them out in lecture. Then, we all collaborate as a community dedicated to the rights of ALL children, including pedophilic children.

Informal. Page to page. Word of mouth advocacy. 

Friend: "Sick how many pedophiles there are here in Portland. They can't be helped, put them down like livestock"

You (Robbyn): "We actually have a pedophile here in our movement. He's giving us plenty of insight into his condition. He's a clinical pedophile, not a forensic one"

Friend: "Oh...that kind of pedophile? Is this really happening, in 2021? No...way"

Same with all other fellow advocates here at children's rights. Go forth. Proselytize. Spread the word. Pathway. Pamphlets and flyers. Therapist's office. Parent coaching service.

101 blog posts?

 Nope, I don't think I wrote 101 blog posts. Nope, I didn't. If you are getting any posts "from" me from the police that are erotic, know that it isn't from me, and if they are directed towards a child, I apologize that she has to be subjected to this.

The police are apparently writing erotic stories to past child targets of mine, because they "weren't traumatized enough". No, there is either harm or no harm, and if there is none by the child's description, pack your bags.

All law enforcement parties involved with any investigation of Maxwell Clark Scheibner must unhook from my computer and all my online accounts, as should those assisting them. This is computer trespass...and online child exploitation as well. I do apologize for any of my child advocacy platforms being hijacked as a form of online sexual abuse.

Why I hate children's rights

 Because it isn't everywhere yet. Because not everyone supports it.


 How do I see myself in relation to this community? My Christian values ordain the framework of mutual submission, in an egalitarian way between adults in relation to children, with inferiority going towards the one who is guilty in the exchange, regardless of who is guilty, regardless of the identity of who is guilty.

Let's make a deal. As long as I continue not to impose my Christian beliefs onto others, you are not to impose ANY belief or "advice" onto me. If I want "help" and "instruction", I'll ask (I've asked Matthew for support, and I'm willing to chat with others as well - be too flowery and encouraging, and I know its fake, and perhaps that you want something).

I am here, as a pedophile, to provide clinical information and perspective about the disorder as a self-advocate, with a child-centered focus. You can be whomever you want to be, any gender, any race, any religion or lack thereof, and all is fine. But, if you hurt me, you're on my ban list. I disappear, and you stand out. Same if you abuse a child. Especially if you abuse a child.

I am not here to shake things up. If you go back to my incoming statement, it wasn't a long speech making campaign promises for survivors. It was simply an article, out of the blue, about a valid mental health topic relating to pedophiles. Robbyn was told to delete it...My intention for coming here is a) get support and accountability as a struggling adult in relation to children, and also to defend non-offending pedophiles in their right to admit privilege towards children independently. Yes, we can do it. We are perfectly capable of choosing not to abuse on our own. It is already happening, but religious abusers cover it up, and/or put them in the trenches of church communities. That religious entitlement spreads all over the country.

What do I want from you? Stay. Be here for me, and I'll otherwise be freelance. My platform is simply like Texas - we like to do things our own way, here, and as long as it doesn't infringe on the rights and liberties of others, I have the right to write anything I want on my own platform, meaning any page I own on my platform, with "want" excluding sexual wants such as pornography. You have the right to police pornography and death/harm threats. Nothing else. Otherwise, I am open to feedback, but you have to provide evidence as to why you need me to take something down. I may test you, and maybe tell you "May I edit the part that is out that is upsetting you. I think this last sentence can be deleted". If you agree with such a concession, I know that you really do have an emotional grievance with the post, and thus you are not entitled. If you say, "no, you don't make deals with survivors, since you really do hate our trauma", I'd say "fine, you don't have to read anything I write if you don't want to. Get off my page then, snowflake!". Most genuine trauma survivors, namely the pro-child ones, would agree to a concession, or calmly explain why such is not possible. If I then became obstinate every step of the way, and shot down the survivor's every reason and concern in that respect, I would be entitled. Currently if you were to send a gang of survivors down to interrogate, my strategy is pro-social ignore. My strategy, if I were entitled, would be a pathetic plea of "can I please stay. Why can't I have a blog".

If you want to storm this comment, go right ahead. I know you are angry. I may not get to you, but I'm listening.

Pro-social rebellion: Principles for understanding biblical obedience

 ...I physically lashed out my mother a few days ago, to the point to ending up in a psychiatric facility. Grooming fight. I still am obedient and steadfast to my mother. Biblical obedience is a very much misunderstood concept among Christian parents. It is based on rebellion towards children, meaning expectedness coming from safety in relation to parents. 

The Fifth Commandment, in Exodus 20:12 KJV:

Honour thy father and mother: that thy days be long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee.

"Honour" refers to the Hebraic concept of family honor in ancient Israelite society, meaning everything that a child did wrong reflected upon the parent. The concept was that, if a child misbehaved and/or was rebellious, they had to learn it from somewhere. Ancient Israel was a first-to-last society based on the concept of pro-social rebellion. Pro-social rebellion is an American value, and is also a value of true biblical parenting.

It says in Colossians 3:20-21 KJV:

Children, obey your parents in all things, as is well-pleasing unto the Lord. Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they become discouraged.

The Greek root word translated "children" is τεκνον (Latin: teknon) and refers to an individual who is legally dependent on parents(s) or parents in loco parentis. It refers to receiving one's every vulnerable need, with parents being a sacrificial, servile extension of Christ. The Greek root word translated υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to surrender of a specific type. Secure attachment, leading to pro-social cocoon. It is being able to share anything with a parent, and share any emotion with a parent, with the child being above yet beneath the child in terms of petitioning, with said petitions striking reverent terror into said parents, with reverent fear being denoted by the Greek root word ψοβός (Latin: phobos), referring to the type of fear one would have of saying something that would upset a spouse or friend. The Greek root word translated " anger" is ερεθιζο (Latin: erethizo) and refers to short-term damages imposed upon a child, such as pain, shame, and fornication, guided by controlling parent instincts. This is all based off of the children's rights code, which prohibits entitlement leading to theft/abuse, first in relation to children, and then everyone else. Entitlement is not merely wanting things from a child, but wanting things from a child to the point of seeking to impose said item onto a child, leading to theft/abuse. I, as an adult in relation to children, am to want nothing from a child, with the damages from said entitlement being abuse.

Parenting in ancient Israelite culture was attachment-based, thus not authoritarian in nature. Boys slept with their mothers until age 6, and girls until age 12. Children were ranged next to parents, meaning they were allowed to be energetic and rambunctious, with the mother supervising closely, and the father more distant. Striking another human being, under Jewish law, was illegal outside of judicial setting, and only after a conviction based on the presumption of innocence beyond a reasonable doubt. Anything that caused pain, distress, or discomfort towards the child, apart from maybe the mother yanking the child gently from physical dangers or barriers (the father was actually forbidden to do so without the mother's consent). Children had the right to express free emotion, including frustration. Child anger carried less stigma then than it did today. Children were allowed to rebel for their needs, even to the point of pro-social punching bag. Yes, children may push in emotions in our modern American society because they fear punishment. In the biblical context, punishing or controlling a child was immoral, with perhaps mom carrying a child on her back being the only coercion that there was.

In today's society, this can be applied as a domiciliary peacekeeper, meaning a child's home is her castle. She can run around the house, be as loud and rambunctious. Perhaps she runs into a table, and a vase of flowers falls onto the rug. I would just not even fight the battle. She's running up and down the hall, enjoying the sound of her scream, with racing energy and thoughts (speech, sometimes?). I'll just clean it up. The last time I "made" her clean it, I got a good beating. Welp, take your licks, and do better next time...Some parents, with another child, may simply say "now, you clean that up. and they do - because that's what you do to please mom. End of story. Children can be free about anything within the home. Perhaps she likes to run around in a completely unclothed state on a summers' day, after wearing a swimsuit at the pool or lake. I must deal with it, and not control her choice of wardrobe because I am distracted as an adult male in relation to her. I mean, I like seeing her showing everything to the whole house, but only look with her consent. The moment she flips me off, I know I have transgressed into abuse (antisocial "leer"). Child sexual abuse runs on a continual spectrum, ranging from leering to rape/lust murder. Any sexualizing glance towards a child that she deems to be offensive, alarming, uncomfortable, or annoying, is an act of sexual abuse towards a child. Yes, even that. Children in Pennsylvania have the right to report their abuser, meaning any adult that looks at you strange or funny in a way that makes you unsafe, meaning anything that makes you afraid, and can dial 9-1-1 or have a trusted adult take them to the police station, in order to file charges of summary harassment (18 Pa.C.S. 2709). If you feel "harassed, annoyed, or alarmed" by your abuser, the police should issue a summary citation to the abuser of $300. If it continues, he/she will have to serve 90 days in prison. The statute of limitations, or the window of time where you can make a legal claim against an adult that you are afraid of, is 90 days. After that, it is unfortunate, but the abuser will go unpunished.

The depraved and entitled parents and other adults who provoke children to anger will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them suffer! Let them burn in the lake of fire and brimstone! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

...My mom is not one of those parents going to Hell. The fact that I trusted her enough to be that emotional, no matter the fact that it could be considered a form of domestic battery under Pennsylvania law if in another context, means that I can voice any thought or emotion with my mom, and in most cases, she'd listen. In this case, she was deprived of information, meaning this was two victims pitted against each other, co-enlisted to "box it out". That's wrong. For both us. As victims of triangulating abuse. Looking in. All-seeing eye. Gang of stalkers.

Saturday, January 23, 2021

Facebook permissions

 facebook can see any of my posts, for any reason. 

Post quoted again:

Maybe I'm him. Feign caretaker self-destruct. Hopelessness. Defeated. Undermined at advocating for my child. So low that calm and angry.


I will f*cking stay, and YOU f*cking leave, or I will f*cking drive you aground with a floorboard, and inflict a REAL children's rights trauma onto you, ya scumbag. Go KYS. A pedophile CAN believe in children's rights AT EVERY LEVEL! YOUI HEAR ME? YOU HEAR ME? YOU WERE RIGHT THE FIRST TIME. 

STOP opposing SURVIVORS by opposing one of us. YOU eject one of least of us, you eject ALL OF US! WE want you, in, out, in, out, in, depending on your apology, depending on its genuineness. If you f*cking sick that sick, depraved organization on me one more time, I'll f*cking sick the Oregon State Police on you, ya sick stalking creep. I know where you live...meaning the opposite, because I don't flipping care. 

I turn myself into the Oregon State Police ahead of time in the case I travel to the State of Oregon to harm Robbyn Peters Bennett in any way. I do not drive. I also am not attracted to older women. I am only attracted to adults that are slightly younger than me going downwards, but the peak of my age range is 11-12. Only to girls. I keep certain reassuring information hidden to further avoid the appearance of defensiveness, which is a trait of an entitled adult towards children. I'm perfectly willing to share this information, which would garner in my defense. I just won't unless pressed in a certain way, in a specific opportune situation...Same with any law enforcement agency - if I hurt a survivor or child, lock me up and throw away the key. I am capable of trying to befriend children, and the failed attempt might be perceived as abuse in and of itself under harassment laws. Use the laws, children and parents, to the degree that you can in your state.

I'm not here for myself. I'm here for THEM, meaning CHILDREN, meaning CHILDREN, meaning me last!!!! I'll never leave the movement.

EDIT: Now Amy put me on house arrest. She says "we want you to leave, so we are trying to scare her into not leaving by giving her the fact that a pedophile wants to menace her"...Decide for yourself Robbyn...This looks fishy.

 "Kill all" means "I'm so angry that I could just kill everything, because nobody is listening", or maybe what Robbyn said in ETC. More so what she said. It was a victim peacekeeper - a parent that felt undermined and not listened to, to the core. I don't get angry like that when I have nefarious motives. I don't get angry at all when I have intent to harm a child. I become a "shmoozer" towards a child, and then scheme ways to get into her house, and then into her bed. When undermined in that, I actually wouldn't say that - there might be a domestic dispute with mom over two main items, her saying rightfully "I won't take you there" and/or me trying to leave the house when she blocks the entryway ("I'm not letting you leave the house. She doesn't want you there anymore. Move on. She's only 10."..."Kill all" is actually a good sign. I'm actually a lot like you, Robbyn, in that regard. I actually do get parents to that degree, and respect that parents do have pro-social needs like that. I just don't want to believe it, because they seem never to follow those instincts anyway. That's the problem...parents DON'T protect in this country. They feel undermined in an entitled way when they can't control their child or win them over. I say "win them over" for a reason - I might be one of those parents I'm angry at all the time, but in the reverse...permissive, in the form of sexual/behavioral negligence.

Whenever I relate to anyone, it is because I am trying to say "I am not your enemy". If I was, I wouldn't focus on comparisons at all, and if we did have things in common, I'd totally ignore that, or even say "I know, and I don't even care. I am angry at you, so GTFO of everything". I don't focus on identity comparisons when angry. I just shout someone down, and many times forget about it later. I hold grudges when I think you are an abuser, and have the evidence to prove it, beyond a reasonable doubt. In such case, prove me wrong. It's a ramp to climb, but the way it's set up, if you are truly innocent of child abuse or else are struggling, you'll have plenty of empathy to climb up, and then you'll be absolved of all guilt even if you are guilty. Repentance requires non-verbal apology, meaning saying "I'm sorry" isn't enough for me - you need to show it, meaning accept all worldly consequences. Maybe the police are sending you to jail for how you treated me, and maybe I won't agree to get you out if you'll just go right back to attacking and harassing me, meaning you'd be a flight risk by ruling of my court, until I see you in tears of undeniable remorse (and you're not known to be able to turn on the water fountain to get out of trouble).

Friday, January 22, 2021

Children's rights criticism

 Many here have low expectations here. That is INSULTING, and infuriating when people all around you assume you know very little when you know a lot about giving children their rights!

You know who does know more than me - the child, and they know instinctively. If you aren't a child, I take your opinion, and throw it away by default. So you want me to not feel guilty all the time? I just throw it away unless a specific child says it WILLINGLY (I don't want them to feel guilty), and only in relation to that child.

I want to stay, and I have no grudge against survivors. A grudge has been projected onto me by Matthew concerning plagiarizing. Plagiarizing is taking something from your ENEMY and considering it your own. I often copy my friends, or compare them against me. I am very individualistic - I want my own identity, and I want to be my own individual, and when you impede on that, and go up that ramp, I send you down right away, perhaps seeing stars and disoriented from the fall...No, Matthew, we don't GAF about your way in at this point. I asked a polite question, knowing you regretted it then, and then you turned on me for it - all based on a lie you told yourself. I don't judge what you put on a paper during gaslighting if you have that profile. So you love all the women? Pffft. I love all the children, and girls I am sexually attracted to - I like variety, to be like. You try to treat women with respect as an adversarial friend and I DO SO WITH CHILDREN. When I say "I am the enemy to children", that means EXACTLY what it means to you in relation to women - only with children. I am simply defining MY identity as apart from yours, while finding similar threads.

I shouldn't have even brought up that topic with him. Now he's going to jail. I know I'm only responsible for things I've done, but still, what I said was unnecessary.

No, I love them ALL. Yes, the Greek word αγαπαο (Latin: agapao) - total servitude and submission to the every need of children! Give them everything they need, want, need, want, need, want, need, but what they want is often what they need! LOVE THEM ALL!!!!!! I love all child-kind! Let them put me into fearful and dutiful submission! ANYTHING, my lady! Put me into submission, my lady! Put me in fear of your moral legal prowess, my lady, for *I* fear you, and so *I* will duly treat you with respect, for I am a wicked, depraved adult that is repulsive and worthy of DEATH and PUNISHMENT. Why, my lady? Why spare me? I am not perfect in treating you with respect? I must strive to be perfect at respecting children as the "least of these" (Matt. 25:31-46), knowing that I never will be in this world. Whatever imperfections, yes, will be shed by God in an otherworldly context, but in this world, I must be perfect in relation to a child, or perish by their discerning judgment. Children know when an adult is "off", and I must obey their judgments of me, and commandments as to needs (ex. glass of milk, snuggle/co-sleep, drive to sports event), or be damned...I'm worthless in front of you, my lady! I give myself worth by treating you with respect, and I'm grateful for your respect and empathy...One-piece. Community pool. Initiative to RESPECT EVEN MORE!!!!!!!!! Pleasurable subjection when they show themselves to you. I respect them when they hate me, meaning the very opposite, and that I shouldn't "be hard on himself. I'm worried". Adults have no say in reassurance. I f*cking did it until they say otherwise. 

"Anti-parent" is a supportive acronym towards children's rights. All gentle parents are not classified as parents because they imply themselves by not abusing a child, or else not supporting child abuse in the role of a parent. All punitive and permissive parents are classified as parents, and are marked for deletion on the last day.

What is tonguelash in a "paws" abuser

 Many children's rights professionals in particular do not understand where sexual abuse comes from, due to understandable reasons. Over 90% of sexual abusers are undetected entirely. This is likely because the collective gaslighting of society is set up to only flag the worst abusers, while hiding the more "benign" abusers. This is a common argument by pro-pedophile/anti-pedophilia advocates. Why is this? There is a human facade to this claim. The "paws" abuser. The concept of tonguelash makes them very difficult to detect. They are also very endearing abusers, meaning many of their mannerisms - associated with a moderate autism spectrum disorder - elicit sympathy from others. 

These are pedophiles in the purest sense, and are passing down intergenerational trauma in the opposite directional way. Most child abuse in the United States involves same directional generational transcending trauma, meaning grandparents spanking/punishing the parents of a child, and then the child is at the bottom of the heap. I AM a "paws" pedophile, and I am permissive by nature. My understanding is that most all sexual abuse fits that profile.

What connotation can one attach to such abuse, from the outside? Graveyard shift. Best friend turned mad. Rainy, dark point. Domestic call (police reluctant, in a dismissive way). Most abuse swept underground. Most of this abuse actually does not involve sexual contact, but sexual harassment. These are very benign, annoying calls for police - "yeah, that kid with autism keeps pestering the neighborhood girls. Where's his parents. Yeah, he's like 25, but still, he's young...". 

Tonguelash refers to where this "amicable" abuse leads at the end. Usually, this involves the abuser getting in the wrong situation, at the wrong time, in a way that they are clearly responsible. An example would be a young adult man walking into the a child's room in the middle of the night - a 12-year-old girl sleeping over with his 15-year-old sister. She pushes him off, and then the abuser states "please! I can't sleep! I'm scared!". Then, the girl says "well, okay". He then rapes her through her night clothing. The parents rush in terrified, knowing exactly what those sounds meant...Then he gets a light sentence. His "law enforcement" attitude, inherent of his diagnosed ASD, got him far. The judge liked him. 2 years - in Wernersville State Hospital (the one forensic psychiatric institution here in Berks County), where he would simply be tried on mood stabilizers.

It comes out of nowhere, in a sudden way that is very shocking. The abuser is simply goofy, perhaps in a sexual way, then they turn on their victim. It is a reason I can get ANGRY at some people in the Virtuous Pedophiles community, despite still defending their existence. Not every pedophile is like me, meaning having the risk level that I do. Most are capable of this sort of abuse, but in a very remote level - think saying someone with autism, in some remote situation removed from everything, is capable of raping ducks or zoophilia (it's like speculating about what a child is capable of sexually, referring to their low risk around children). It is INSULTING for people to SPEAK OVER my intuition. Sometimes, a parent just knows that they are capable of hurting their child, and NOBODY can convince us otherwise...I simply point out that they have the same tendency as me, but have the tendency hidden in a way that it will never show, because they experience sexual shame from abusive religious parents. Most of them are not as impulsive as I was, and are more like how I am now. Do youv realize, dear VP, that I had to CHAR MYSELF IN THE REVERSE as you. I thought I was all that, so God convicted me that I was inherently evil and deserving of punishment due to my nature, and then you are pressed to find things wrong with yourself and your attitude, and then you remedy them, and then when your life improves, you feel better, like an hourglass. I center the hourglass around my parent, holding in my pedophilic disorder, keeping the extension cord from plugging into a child's butt.

My agenda? Normalize restraining pedophiles - meaning reformatory ones. There are already organization that believe in what I am talking about. The Virtuous Pedophiles organization was founded in 2012 to make aware to the public that non-offending, non-abusive pedophiles who refuse (the pedophile community is currently infiltrated by a collective religious abuser - GirlChat/BoyChat) to abuse children exist. Now VirPed made "the potholes" well-known...We tend to talk about restraining ourselves from sexually abusing children as normal as an ordinary parent talks lightly about their choice not to spank or punish a child, and their refusal to do so. Sometimes, you need to talk lightheartedly yet seriously to blow off steam. That's what VirPed is for. I am opposed to that type of talk on the Internet leaving spaces like VirPed, meaning things like talk about children's body parts, child sexualty, etc. (I never heard about child sexuality until going there - and then I internalized quite a bit here in restraining format). Yes, that's the most detail that I see at VirPed - body parts and such, in the text. Yes, liken it to a preteen boy wondering what is underneath the clothes of the opposite sex. It's a curious form of attraction, where you'd be satisfied with her just showing you (everything). Most of us have not seen the rest on the Internet. 

Fun fact about children's rights support of pedophile infiltrators

 Most all came in to the movement in a civil manner, advocated mental health parity, and only attacked on the very last day.

Lies cannot exist.

Why? Why should I?

 I don't want to hurt survivors. I AM one. *shy little boy with shaky voice on big stage* 

I'm trying to make a plain to attack everyone

 I'm supposed to attack everyone. Anti-CR wants me to. Any ideas on how to plan? I just don't know what to do now that American Airlines banned me from all airlines - just because I am a pedophiles.

I have to, it seems. Some initiation ritual.

Sorry, the airline company denied me a plane ticket

F*CK YOU, American Airlines! I WANT TO GO SEE ROBBYN! I will KYA down the drain! Mom ganged up with them. I just wanted to be her friend. She's a good advocate.

I've never feigned anything in my life. F*CK YOU, Robbyn! F*CK you, mom. F*CK you, pop pop (who just came home from Florida).

"Stop showing us who you really are"

 Says everyone in the tape...reaffirms my beliefs in the doctrine of original sin.

I'm not here for myself

 Maybe I'm him. Feign caretaker self-destruct. Hopelessness. Defeated. Undermined at advocating for my child. So low that calm and angry.


I will f*cking stay, and YOU f*cking leave, or I will f*cking drive you aground with a floorboard, and inflict a REAL children's rights trauma onto you, ya scumbag. Go KYS. A pedophile CAN believe in children's rights AT EVERY LEVEL! YOUI HEAR ME? YOU HEAR ME? YOU WERE RIGHT THE FIRST TIME. 

STOP opposing SURVIVORS by opposing one of us. YOU eject one of least of us, you eject ALL OF US! WE want you, in, out, in, out, in, depending on your apology, depending on its genuineness. If you f*cking sick that sick, depraved organization on me one more time, I'll f*cking sick the Oregon State Police on you, ya sick stalking creep. I know where you live...meaning the opposite, because I don't flipping care. 

I turn myself into the Oregon State Police ahead of time in the case I travel to the State of Oregon to harm Robbyn Peters Bennett in any way. I do not drive. I also am not attracted to older women. I am only attracted to adults that are slightly younger than me going downwards, but the peak of my age range is 11-12. Only to girls. I keep certain reassuring information hidden to further avoid the appearance of defensiveness, which is a trait of an entitled adult towards children. I'm perfectly willing to share this information, which would garner in my defense. I just won't unless pressed in a certain way, in a specific opportune situation...Same with any law enforcement agency - if I hurt a survivor or child, lock me up and throw away the key. I am capable of trying to befriend children, and the failed attempt might be perceived as abuse in and of itself under harassment laws. Use the laws, children and parents, to the degree that you can in your state.

I'm not here for myself. I'm here for THEM, meaning CHILDREN, meaning CHILDREN, meaning me last!!!! I'll never leave the movement.

EDIT: Now Amy put me on house arrest. She says "we want you to leave, so we are trying to scare her into not leaving by giving her the fact that a pedophile wants to menace her"...Decide for yourself Robbyn...This looks fishy.

He's dead

 This is Jessica Lynn Scheibner. This is to inform you that Maxwell Clark Scheibner has passed away by suicide. He is afraid of "the trauma counselor taking him away".

Nobody makes a post like this unless they are for real, about something. He was working on those urges. I thought it was reckless for him to post like that, but he told me on the way out (he overdosed) that he wasn't here for himself...I don't know why he had these urges, but he does.



No Todd, not angry

 Nope, I am not angry. I don't think you get out peacekeepers, Todd, and it is ridiculous that you have to feign it.

*I* ACTUALLY DO, and YOU depraved pro-spanking scum should GTFO out of our movement. YOU WILL NOT eject me from CHILDREN'S RIGHTS, and-CR (speaking aside diagonal to Todd)

Just demonstrating how I am, with ALL adults I judge as abusive (including a minority of pedophiles - about 1 out of 4). If I thought you were abusing a child, I would have exposed you already, right on this page. You are with your nephew? How does he feel about it? Does he want to? I don't know anything, and my court judges by pro-social ignorance, with "I don't know" logic. 

With VirPed, I give you the benefit of the doubt, all the way, with superficial suspicion, until I can no more, and then I flame you, with individual guilt. I deem every member of VirPed, by default, non-existent, meaning not standing out as parents, meaning not entitled. Talking about one's sexual disorder as a way to vent is not entitlement, and neither is defending such. Defending your "right" to abuse a child is, and VirPed rules support that logic that I find in the Bible.

An example of any questioning would be, when someone talks about risky behavior such as texting a child, and claiming to "not have any sexual reasons", either ask them "are you sure?". If they admit to it, and then don't back down, then goodbye from me, and everyone else in the thread. Most people at VP agree that online contact is very dangerous.

The board is written in clear literal English, and the words mean as they say, along the lines of any mental health support board. The reason you weren't allowed in is that the founders/admin thought you meant me harm, and I don't think they can be swayed. The parent lobby has an agenda to shut down the board. The children's rights community has a pro-social ignore policy with VirPed, alongside pro-social "lack of resources". That is how we are trained to treat such sites, by official policy. Otherwise, if you test as a victim, it is okay to join VirPed. The atmosphere here is not too different from VirPed...A lot of pro-spank monitors actually think parts of the movement are too cozy with my condition, with poor enforcement in terms of eradicating pro-contact pedophiles, and I'd agree with that stance. I want only anti-contact pedophiles permitted to stay - meaning the age of consent will always exist, and sex with children will always be wrong...Some people here pain themselves trying to praise my condition, knowing I mean no harm, and some just get very angry about it in a mixed way. What I ask is that people listen in a way that admits ignorance, with a sort of lukewarm sort of sensitivity (ex. "I don't get that sort of thing, but whatever - I'm glad you're not molesting children"). If you praise my condition, or feign praise (think forced emphasis on something upsetting), I think you want something. I think we got the wrong advice. My mother's understanding, as others in my personal life, is lukewarm. Due to my gentle parenting/children's rights community, I actually WANT you to indicate very lightly that you feel uncomfortable with the condition. Trying to sit down with me, and pretend to be interested alongside me, shows me that you want something, ESPECIALLY if you can't feign it, meaning the opposite. There are roles on my side of mutual privilege - I am calm, and non-chalant (I simply live with a disorder) and perhaps being able to talk about it like it is nothing, and you be distant and concerned, and there if I need listening and validation. The more distant you are, the less responsibility you have. You don't have to listen at all if you don't want to, but you do have to make sure I am safe, with distant supervision if possible. Those very close to me, namely family and mental health professionals, do have to listen...The condition is remote in terms of necessary support, meaning it is not the job of everyone to be supportive. Some people just exist...("children's rights" intervention - I've said enough, haven't I? Off your high horse from aside, Dr. Cantor).

Robbyn with "Det" Greensbruck

 St. Joseph's Hospital and Medical Center psychiatric ward. I was there due to behavioral complications due to an overdose on medication for Tardive Dyskenesia. Some medications lose their ability to be effective when you take too much (it was an "as needed" medication). TD is a movement disorder, and is indeed very overwhelming to deal with. I took more and more, and then needed more and more. My mom didn't understand the "more and more" part, and I had trouble explaining because I was so overwhelmed...Some general medical conditions can lead to a mental health crises. I wasn't exactly opposed to the hospital stay, but maybe thought it wasn't the right fit because there was nothing they could do to help me. They had no reason to change medications (and they didn't), and group therapy focused on issues that had nothing to do with my needs. The stay had nothing to do with pedophilia.

I have no shame about discussing matters surrounding stays in in-patient psychiatric stays. I might go again if I am at risk of hurting a child, and stay in a safe haven. I am opposed to any form of mental health stigma, at all.

I was loopy, not manic, meaning I was out of it. Sleep a couple days, and that would have been better. My mother doesn't realize that I am now able to realize when I am manic, and I don't like it. I remember roughly what it was like when I decreased a mood stabilizer I was on (lithium carbonate).

Yes, he was right there...the officer and the once respected child advocate. All of the major institutions here in Reading are bribed to get me out of the movement. 

Robbyn, let it be known that you basically broke into a hospital, with a rogue detective, and attempted to fish me out of a movement. I had no clue what children's rights trauma was, and found the mere concept OFFENSIVE, you mutha-f*cking scum. Lots of people here don't like the condition. Even I don't when being honest with myself. We don't want a parent here at children's rights. Get out! Most people here didn't know any of this before, and you hid it, and you went behind the scenes to try and frame me for a trauma I don't have. I had no concept then of what a "children's rights death" was, nor that I was being investigated.

I do not believe a word you say about anything. I do not believe a word you post anywhere on the Internet, except from other people's sources. I do not believe you when you are sorry, except on my own accord, meaning not yours. You are to shut up, and leave the pedophile survivors get a children's rights bullet to the head, meaning a children's rights death. We did not need your "help". We wanted to endanger ourselves, and risk harm from an ideology that you agree with. 

Let it also be known that Ms. Bennett worked with Focus on the Family to have me shipped from children's rights to a hostile land that hates my trauma and doubts its existence. 

You DO have trauma, Robbyn, so why do you doubt mine (responding to abusers overhead). You have no rights, including to kill yourself, even though you may want to in relation to me. I will continue to not bombard your private messages and pages, and watch you be ungrateful. 

Sit down, shut up, and stop being the angry, controlling parent you are. Talk about phobias? I have a phobia - a child phobia, connected to their PARENTS, and sometimes I'm the adult finding the young girl attractive (or simply worrying about the little boy who is simply in danger - that happens). What are you doing to cure that phobia? Cure it, and you'll still hate the concept. Coming from someone with the condition themselves. There is a reason I often use person-first language - it isn't who I am. It is something I have, that may color things about my personality. I see children on their level, or more perhaps slightly above my level in an assertive level. Everything children, or linked to. And politically oriented, towards giving them their rights. It shapes my whole personality, like a parent attached to a person might shape someone's whole worldview. It's not a flickr, but an L - one L finding a young girl attractive/a cause of concern (or a boy simply a cause for concern), and the other side of the L being a strong arm and pro-social dictator over any abuser to the child. Is this a good thing? No, due to what it is conflated with, and once you lose the phobia, you'll still think it is a bad thing. I've heard the hidden parts, and most adults have those parts attached to them as well. No adult means well in relation to children...Now GTFO of everything because I don't think you care about anything I say. Just sit high and proud, and laugh. I have a PARENTAL RIGHTS trauma, meaning I'll never leave. I just won't attack you on your page either.

I don't think you are sorry. I was very shocked when I heard that someone who openly supported empathy like you hated pedophiles. Usually, people just hate abusers and call them pedophiles when they molest children, and don't care about the ramifications. You study us and hate us. Why? You run StopSpanking - an anti-spanking organization. Why not care about that cause? That same entitlement motivates sexual abuse of children. That's why they do it - they are "stressed", and see children as a projectile board for that stress, coming up with excuses to do so. Why are pedophiles relevant...A healthy pedophile can make a great child advocate. The problem is that most haven't been seen by anti-pedophile. Now we are arising, and most of us are ordinary caregivers and adults, and can just choose not to take our stress out on a child like anyone else, and not "run away" with them to get away from stress. That's why I support stronger prison sentences - because not raping people is real easy to do. Just don't do it. Thoughts don't make me want to do it either (just a daydream)...I've found that I have a phobia of sexual abusers themselves, only it isn't really a phobia, it is ANGER at the rape level. F*CK you if you do that and defend it - otherwise, we're good if you are a pedophile (better than any other parent besides a gentle parent). I'm afraid of children being abused - morbidly so. That's why I retreat into fixations regarding children. I'm that child, and I'm hurt by those nasty words and hands. I'm scared. It's never going to stop. Please mommy, don't yell at me like that. I just want to die, only I can't get that feeling up yet. I WANT YOU TO SUFFER! SUFFER! SUFFER! It's like an L. Nurture on one end, and protect on the other, like any other antisocial parent (meaning all of them) but conflated with sexual aggression instead. Me? Just look in public. Just glance, and nothing more. She doesn't even notice.

It looks like she is making amends, but I'll leave this up anyway as a progress report.

Pro-social role reversal, with lightswitch application, with children controlling parents; pro-social conviction of original sin

Many parents are terrified of the concept of a role reversal, and want to be in charge of their children. Most parents in America see themselves as above their children, with parents controlling children from above. That is how the Bible prescribes parents to raise children. Proper parenting of a child is like a light switch.

In the biblical context, parenting was not position of power and control over a child, like it is today, but a position of servitude and submission towards a child. The word "parent" does not exist anywhere in the Old Testament. Only the words "father" (HEB: אָב, ab) and mother (HEB: אֵם, em) appear in the Hebrew Bible. The word "parent" only appears a few times in the Pauline Epistles, denoted by the word γονευν (GRK: goneus) and refers to a "begetter", as cited from the Blue Letter Bible. Pave the way. 

What is the biblical definition of "pave the way"? Trust. The presumption, in parenting, is that your child hates you, and fears you because you are bigger than them, and thus can overpower them. Their first reaction is to control parents, and demand that they get what they want/need. A child is in complete and utter control of me, as a symbolic parent in relation to them, with me trembling in reverent fear and terror of their every vulnerable need, with said fear denoted by the Greek root word ψοβος (Latin: phobos). 

It is a specific type of fear of letting your child down, and offending their needs and safety. Steeple hill. Courthouse. It is this type of righteous terror and conviction, putting a child on a high pillar, with her being the judge of all in your parenting relationship/friendship, striking terror, shame, and hatred of one's own adult nature in relation to her, leading to submission to God, with one's child as His extension to her. She is the law, meaning the law over her own needs and interests. She is bigger than me for being smaller than me.

In order to win over and earn the respect of a child, one must be cooperative and obedient with their needs, and respectful to their needs and boundaries. I, by default, am segregated from children by God's Divine Jurisprudence, to the level of presence, or at least speech (that's what I want - be her friend, then hang out, then do other things). Only when children want to interact, and indicate that they wish for the conversation to be on casual terms, with me then - and only then - freely conversing and talking to a child. 

Eventually, the lightswitch switches up, and I earn my keep as the parent, and earn the right to be a parent to the child. In the biblical context, that was the case. Parenting was, indeed, attachment based, with boys remaining with their mother until age 6, and girls until age 12. Punishing a child, in that culture, was a violation of Jewish law, and punishment could only occur within a court of law, and only men over age 13 were legal subjects. Anyone under the age of majority could not be charged. Infancy lasted until age 3, and children were breastfed until that age as well. The father stood there, and was the primary protector of the home. The mother had the right to protect her children, even from the father, despite him being the head of the household.

Basically, children hate your guts, usually based in fear of you harming or hurting them for being bigger than them. As you treat them with respect anyway, and submit to them and their needs on their level, you grow in significance and worth to them, and the roles switch - if you are a parent, earn your keep, and earn your respect. Don't demand it. Colossians 3:20 KJV:

Children, obey your parents in all things, as is well-pleasing unto the Lord.

The Greek root word translated "obey is υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to a certain surrender to parents, preferably at a young age - secure, vulnerable attachment to parents, always trusting in them, knowing that one can talk to them anytime, including about uncomfortable subjects that others might not understand.

The depraved, entitled parents will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them burn! Let them suffer in the lake of fire and brimstone, suffering the second death! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

Righteous co-sleeping: Why God wants parents to sleep next to their children

Many parents think that co-sleeping is the irresponsible choice for a parent to make. This is a common attitude from American parents. Most ...