Friday, January 29, 2021


 How do I see myself in relation to this community? My Christian values ordain the framework of mutual submission, in an egalitarian way between adults in relation to children, with inferiority going towards the one who is guilty in the exchange, regardless of who is guilty, regardless of the identity of who is guilty.

Let's make a deal. As long as I continue not to impose my Christian beliefs onto others, you are not to impose ANY belief or "advice" onto me. If I want "help" and "instruction", I'll ask (I've asked Matthew for support, and I'm willing to chat with others as well - be too flowery and encouraging, and I know its fake, and perhaps that you want something).

I am here, as a pedophile, to provide clinical information and perspective about the disorder as a self-advocate, with a child-centered focus. You can be whomever you want to be, any gender, any race, any religion or lack thereof, and all is fine. But, if you hurt me, you're on my ban list. I disappear, and you stand out. Same if you abuse a child. Especially if you abuse a child.

I am not here to shake things up. If you go back to my incoming statement, it wasn't a long speech making campaign promises for survivors. It was simply an article, out of the blue, about a valid mental health topic relating to pedophiles. Robbyn was told to delete it...My intention for coming here is a) get support and accountability as a struggling adult in relation to children, and also to defend non-offending pedophiles in their right to admit privilege towards children independently. Yes, we can do it. We are perfectly capable of choosing not to abuse on our own. It is already happening, but religious abusers cover it up, and/or put them in the trenches of church communities. That religious entitlement spreads all over the country.

What do I want from you? Stay. Be here for me, and I'll otherwise be freelance. My platform is simply like Texas - we like to do things our own way, here, and as long as it doesn't infringe on the rights and liberties of others, I have the right to write anything I want on my own platform, meaning any page I own on my platform, with "want" excluding sexual wants such as pornography. You have the right to police pornography and death/harm threats. Nothing else. Otherwise, I am open to feedback, but you have to provide evidence as to why you need me to take something down. I may test you, and maybe tell you "May I edit the part that is out that is upsetting you. I think this last sentence can be deleted". If you agree with such a concession, I know that you really do have an emotional grievance with the post, and thus you are not entitled. If you say, "no, you don't make deals with survivors, since you really do hate our trauma", I'd say "fine, you don't have to read anything I write if you don't want to. Get off my page then, snowflake!". Most genuine trauma survivors, namely the pro-child ones, would agree to a concession, or calmly explain why such is not possible. If I then became obstinate every step of the way, and shot down the survivor's every reason and concern in that respect, I would be entitled. Currently if you were to send a gang of survivors down to interrogate, my strategy is pro-social ignore. My strategy, if I were entitled, would be a pathetic plea of "can I please stay. Why can't I have a blog".

If you want to storm this comment, go right ahead. I know you are angry. I may not get to you, but I'm listening.

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Any comment that
1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

will not be published. Flexible application. Debate is allowed, but only civil arguments that presume the best of intentions in their opponent, on both sides.

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