Saturday, January 30, 2021

Robbyn Peters Bennett

 ...just got me to delete a post convicting her of online sexual abuse/exploitation alongside two police detectives.

I don't talk that way about any child. "Thot" "rascal". How about? Child. I know to cut them a break when they hand me that plackard.

Nice radio show you put on in the back, Robbyn.

The lowest motive, on her part, is one of vulnerable trauma, in terms of entitlement. She wants to chop off my blog and discredit it before it attacks her. It wasn't intended to attack her, as I support Stop Spanking 100%, as well as every other gentle parenting/children's rights group here. But, now you got what you wanted, Robbyn, because if you are that intent on a pedophile survivor betraying you, and walking away from you, now there you have it.

Quit victimizing yourself with your anxiety disorder. Even *I*, the pedophile here, didn't victimize myself with an anxiety disorder when under suspicion of doing wrong. BPD is not an excuse either, as many people with that disorder do not act in this route.

I don't even know what swear names I was supposed to call you. If you are sorry, like I'm fairly certain you'll be, I hope you recover from that experience. I'm not here to be your enemy, but if you treat me as one, I will appear as one, whether I like it or it.

I do not learn by parable, and anyone who says so is projecting a Christ-complex onto me. I learn by way of hard lesson. Say something stupid on someone's page, and I get banned. Don't whine or complain to the higher authorities, because they don't care. Just suck it up, and know not to talk like that in a children's rights space. Maybe ask calmly what went wrong, and then accept the answer. I go to you for help, not the other way around. Direct therapeutic English, in listening admission format - most traumatic conditions require active listening, whereas pedophiles only need passive/reflective listening, of the person-centered variety (like with ordinary parents, but instead LESS interactive). That's how my mother addresses my condition, and so does everyone else, and I can tell them anything about a kid crush...I just need to know I am making myself heard, and am being listened to. Too much advice actually is annoying. Din. Spotlight shining in. You don't get it, so admit it and nod and play along. Lot's of people already do that. Then I come to my own conclusions and grow as an adult in relation to childten.

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Any comment that
1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

will not be published. Flexible application. Debate is allowed, but only civil arguments that presume the best of intentions in their opponent, on both sides.

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