Friday, January 22, 2021

Children's rights criticism

 Many here have low expectations here. That is INSULTING, and infuriating when people all around you assume you know very little when you know a lot about giving children their rights!

You know who does know more than me - the child, and they know instinctively. If you aren't a child, I take your opinion, and throw it away by default. So you want me to not feel guilty all the time? I just throw it away unless a specific child says it WILLINGLY (I don't want them to feel guilty), and only in relation to that child.

I want to stay, and I have no grudge against survivors. A grudge has been projected onto me by Matthew concerning plagiarizing. Plagiarizing is taking something from your ENEMY and considering it your own. I often copy my friends, or compare them against me. I am very individualistic - I want my own identity, and I want to be my own individual, and when you impede on that, and go up that ramp, I send you down right away, perhaps seeing stars and disoriented from the fall...No, Matthew, we don't GAF about your way in at this point. I asked a polite question, knowing you regretted it then, and then you turned on me for it - all based on a lie you told yourself. I don't judge what you put on a paper during gaslighting if you have that profile. So you love all the women? Pffft. I love all the children, and girls I am sexually attracted to - I like variety, to be like. You try to treat women with respect as an adversarial friend and I DO SO WITH CHILDREN. When I say "I am the enemy to children", that means EXACTLY what it means to you in relation to women - only with children. I am simply defining MY identity as apart from yours, while finding similar threads.

I shouldn't have even brought up that topic with him. Now he's going to jail. I know I'm only responsible for things I've done, but still, what I said was unnecessary.

No, I love them ALL. Yes, the Greek word αγαπαο (Latin: agapao) - total servitude and submission to the every need of children! Give them everything they need, want, need, want, need, want, need, but what they want is often what they need! LOVE THEM ALL!!!!!! I love all child-kind! Let them put me into fearful and dutiful submission! ANYTHING, my lady! Put me into submission, my lady! Put me in fear of your moral legal prowess, my lady, for *I* fear you, and so *I* will duly treat you with respect, for I am a wicked, depraved adult that is repulsive and worthy of DEATH and PUNISHMENT. Why, my lady? Why spare me? I am not perfect in treating you with respect? I must strive to be perfect at respecting children as the "least of these" (Matt. 25:31-46), knowing that I never will be in this world. Whatever imperfections, yes, will be shed by God in an otherworldly context, but in this world, I must be perfect in relation to a child, or perish by their discerning judgment. Children know when an adult is "off", and I must obey their judgments of me, and commandments as to needs (ex. glass of milk, snuggle/co-sleep, drive to sports event), or be damned...I'm worthless in front of you, my lady! I give myself worth by treating you with respect, and I'm grateful for your respect and empathy...One-piece. Community pool. Initiative to RESPECT EVEN MORE!!!!!!!!! Pleasurable subjection when they show themselves to you. I respect them when they hate me, meaning the very opposite, and that I shouldn't "be hard on himself. I'm worried". Adults have no say in reassurance. I f*cking did it until they say otherwise. 

"Anti-parent" is a supportive acronym towards children's rights. All gentle parents are not classified as parents because they imply themselves by not abusing a child, or else not supporting child abuse in the role of a parent. All punitive and permissive parents are classified as parents, and are marked for deletion on the last day.

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Any comment that
1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

will not be published. Flexible application. Debate is allowed, but only civil arguments that presume the best of intentions in their opponent, on both sides.

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