Friday, January 22, 2021

Robbyn with "Det" Greensbruck

 St. Joseph's Hospital and Medical Center psychiatric ward. I was there due to behavioral complications due to an overdose on medication for Tardive Dyskenesia. Some medications lose their ability to be effective when you take too much (it was an "as needed" medication). TD is a movement disorder, and is indeed very overwhelming to deal with. I took more and more, and then needed more and more. My mom didn't understand the "more and more" part, and I had trouble explaining because I was so overwhelmed...Some general medical conditions can lead to a mental health crises. I wasn't exactly opposed to the hospital stay, but maybe thought it wasn't the right fit because there was nothing they could do to help me. They had no reason to change medications (and they didn't), and group therapy focused on issues that had nothing to do with my needs. The stay had nothing to do with pedophilia.

I have no shame about discussing matters surrounding stays in in-patient psychiatric stays. I might go again if I am at risk of hurting a child, and stay in a safe haven. I am opposed to any form of mental health stigma, at all.

I was loopy, not manic, meaning I was out of it. Sleep a couple days, and that would have been better. My mother doesn't realize that I am now able to realize when I am manic, and I don't like it. I remember roughly what it was like when I decreased a mood stabilizer I was on (lithium carbonate).

Yes, he was right there...the officer and the once respected child advocate. All of the major institutions here in Reading are bribed to get me out of the movement. 

Robbyn, let it be known that you basically broke into a hospital, with a rogue detective, and attempted to fish me out of a movement. I had no clue what children's rights trauma was, and found the mere concept OFFENSIVE, you mutha-f*cking scum. Lots of people here don't like the condition. Even I don't when being honest with myself. We don't want a parent here at children's rights. Get out! Most people here didn't know any of this before, and you hid it, and you went behind the scenes to try and frame me for a trauma I don't have. I had no concept then of what a "children's rights death" was, nor that I was being investigated.

I do not believe a word you say about anything. I do not believe a word you post anywhere on the Internet, except from other people's sources. I do not believe you when you are sorry, except on my own accord, meaning not yours. You are to shut up, and leave the pedophile survivors get a children's rights bullet to the head, meaning a children's rights death. We did not need your "help". We wanted to endanger ourselves, and risk harm from an ideology that you agree with. 

Let it also be known that Ms. Bennett worked with Focus on the Family to have me shipped from children's rights to a hostile land that hates my trauma and doubts its existence. 

You DO have trauma, Robbyn, so why do you doubt mine (responding to abusers overhead). You have no rights, including to kill yourself, even though you may want to in relation to me. I will continue to not bombard your private messages and pages, and watch you be ungrateful. 

Sit down, shut up, and stop being the angry, controlling parent you are. Talk about phobias? I have a phobia - a child phobia, connected to their PARENTS, and sometimes I'm the adult finding the young girl attractive (or simply worrying about the little boy who is simply in danger - that happens). What are you doing to cure that phobia? Cure it, and you'll still hate the concept. Coming from someone with the condition themselves. There is a reason I often use person-first language - it isn't who I am. It is something I have, that may color things about my personality. I see children on their level, or more perhaps slightly above my level in an assertive level. Everything children, or linked to. And politically oriented, towards giving them their rights. It shapes my whole personality, like a parent attached to a person might shape someone's whole worldview. It's not a flickr, but an L - one L finding a young girl attractive/a cause of concern (or a boy simply a cause for concern), and the other side of the L being a strong arm and pro-social dictator over any abuser to the child. Is this a good thing? No, due to what it is conflated with, and once you lose the phobia, you'll still think it is a bad thing. I've heard the hidden parts, and most adults have those parts attached to them as well. No adult means well in relation to children...Now GTFO of everything because I don't think you care about anything I say. Just sit high and proud, and laugh. I have a PARENTAL RIGHTS trauma, meaning I'll never leave. I just won't attack you on your page either.

I don't think you are sorry. I was very shocked when I heard that someone who openly supported empathy like you hated pedophiles. Usually, people just hate abusers and call them pedophiles when they molest children, and don't care about the ramifications. You study us and hate us. Why? You run StopSpanking - an anti-spanking organization. Why not care about that cause? That same entitlement motivates sexual abuse of children. That's why they do it - they are "stressed", and see children as a projectile board for that stress, coming up with excuses to do so. Why are pedophiles relevant...A healthy pedophile can make a great child advocate. The problem is that most haven't been seen by anti-pedophile. Now we are arising, and most of us are ordinary caregivers and adults, and can just choose not to take our stress out on a child like anyone else, and not "run away" with them to get away from stress. That's why I support stronger prison sentences - because not raping people is real easy to do. Just don't do it. Thoughts don't make me want to do it either (just a daydream)...I've found that I have a phobia of sexual abusers themselves, only it isn't really a phobia, it is ANGER at the rape level. F*CK you if you do that and defend it - otherwise, we're good if you are a pedophile (better than any other parent besides a gentle parent). I'm afraid of children being abused - morbidly so. That's why I retreat into fixations regarding children. I'm that child, and I'm hurt by those nasty words and hands. I'm scared. It's never going to stop. Please mommy, don't yell at me like that. I just want to die, only I can't get that feeling up yet. I WANT YOU TO SUFFER! SUFFER! SUFFER! It's like an L. Nurture on one end, and protect on the other, like any other antisocial parent (meaning all of them) but conflated with sexual aggression instead. Me? Just look in public. Just glance, and nothing more. She doesn't even notice.

It looks like she is making amends, but I'll leave this up anyway as a progress report.

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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
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