Saturday, January 30, 2021

Children's rights are civil liberties: Children's gateway to American freedoms

Many children's rights advocates often say "we aren't a rally around the flag" movement, and instead insist we are a countercultural movement. Nope. Children's rights are American rights. Civil liberties for all, children included. Where do these freedoms arise? Our constitution. God's Law above it all.

Our civil liberties are based off of the concept of Christian non-entitlement. Entitlement, under biblical law, is wanting things from a child to the point of seeking to take away said item from a child victim, leading to theft/abuse, and is referenced throughout the New Testament by the Greek root word πλεονέκτης (Latin: pleonketés). This avoidance of entitlement is consistent of what is the children's rights code. Rights are entitlements in the reverse, granted by a higher power of the worldly type, namely the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. Children are like any other U.S. Citizen, and are endowed by their Creator the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Life. Liberty. Property. The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child was drafted here in the U.S., here in New York City. 

"Liberty" is determined by the United States Constitution and this nations founding values, Christian family values. America is a Christian nation, and will be until the end of time. The children's rights code, which provides a child's right to live free of imposed or coerced demands or needs from children. Children's rights can be easily be summed up as children being entitled to freedom from control or undue interference from parents or adults. 

I am a conservative Christian. We has conservatives have been wrong on many things in the past, and we've admitted it. Slavery. Jim Crow. Women's oppression. Now, it is about time conservatives admit that we were wrong about denying children their rights, including their right not to be spanked, punished, or otherwise controlled by an adult, including within the law. Conservatism is evolving, albeit much slower than liberalism. The reason is simple - conservatives are more cautious. We don't play with fire, and don't live on the edge. 

Our founding values are about total equality and total individuality, in balance with each other. Think looking at an equal plane before you, with rows of people on it. All persons are judged by their individual merit, based on their individual traits, personality, and needs, with the presumption of innocence beyond a reasonable doubt. There is no collective admission of privilege or victimhood in conservatism. As a conservative Christian, I admit privilege over ALL people, including/especially children. I don't claim to know anything about anyone's background, profile, place in society, or any defining or divisive characteristic. Everyone, man or woman, or regardless of race or other identity, is an equal to me, and is seen as equal in value. A woman is equal in value to me, or perhaps greater in the case of her being a wife that I provide for (she has no binding obligations towards her husband, and the right of divorce if the husband is at all entitled; husbands have no right of divorce)...Everyone is an individual, and is different in their own right. However, everyone, regardless, has equal worth. No adult is entitled to anything from anyone...even their child. Children do have greater status for being the "least of these" among us (Matt. 25:31-46).

I believe especially in religious freedom for children. It is a violation of my Christian faith to punish a child for refusing to be learnt in the biblical teachings. I must instead teach by example and by homeschool instruction (this does allow for public school attendance, if the child so wishes). Children have the right to practice or adhere to any faith tradition, or lack thereof, that they wish. However, most of the time, conservative parents who don't punish their child alongside religious instruction, and gear religious instruction to a level appropriate given their age and development. I wasn't punished for anything regarding religion or religious belief, as my parents were "careful" not to punish me for anything regarding sex, or religious/ideological views. I am afraid of God, but only in the sense that I know, at every level, not to disobey His Laws. You just don't. You just don't. You just don't.

Children's rights are American rights. Children are citizens of this country just like anyone else. Our founding Christian values instill non-entitlement and personal responsibility in children.

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Any comment that
1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

will not be published. Flexible application. Debate is allowed, but only civil arguments that presume the best of intentions in their opponent, on both sides.

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