Sunday, January 31, 2021

What I want now after fantasy...

TW: Discusses a first-person event in my thoughts 

Nothing. Just grateful, not asking for more. I don't want it in real life, as it is wrong. Forgets. I just know that doing such things with a child is wrong. You just don't do it. You just don't...I tend to see children as guardians in relation to me, because I let them when nobody else allows a child to make accusations toward them. Just answer to their court, and either explain your motives calmly and respectfully, or egress respectfully/shamefacedly in a non-verbal manner. I don't think most children mind fantasy. Children have different opinions, based on my surface-level observation, but most simply find the issue threatening and distasteful, but to the point where they don't want to be reminded of it, in a libertarian manner with a vanish component. . Pro-social vanish

Fantasy isn't yearning for a child, but escape from reality. It is reminding oneself of one's issues in a safe way that does not involve a real child. It is enjoyable as well, in a centered way. Compacted sexual thoughts. I am not entirely aware of my attraction to children, i.e. "A man has a sexual thought every 10 seconds". Nope, just think about children all day, usually these days in relation to children's rights, then delve in to escape using fantasy.

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