Sunday, January 31, 2021

Pedophiles: The reason why spanking should be banned

Spanking and punishing children has been a debate in American society for the past 50 or so years. We have plenty of valid scientific research clearly documenting the harm of striking a child or punishing them. However, until now, we haven't seen a human face to describe an anti-spanking trauma. There is clear reason for public alarm over the existence of parents striking their children in America.

Most of my colleagues says "spank out of love" is a euphemism, to the point of non-understanding. Many ask "how can a parent even do that?. Some wish my childhood abuse on themselves. Nope, same level of harm. Different means. Same entitlement. All child abuse comes from the same entitlement. Who should tell this story? Pedophiles. Lawful physical abuse is, in our modern day, something only a pedophile can recall fully, enough to haunt them.

Most people repress anger towards their parents, and want to forget that the abuse ever happened once they left home. Pedophiles are a non-conforming parent, meaning they do not readily internalize the norms of society, largely in terms of child discipline. Pedophiles remember everything about their abuse, in a way that is haunting. It isn't a suppressed trauma like most forms of child abuse, but a war-zone trauma.

The war-zone trauma that I endured was a battle of the ages, meaning adults versus children. That's what children's rights is - David fighting Goliath. In the past, I didn't defend my parents, even publicly. I righteously defied and hated them. My father passed away sorry for the abuse he inflicted on me, in the form of about 4-5 swats to the rear end, a few times. However, if he wasn't sorry, and defended it openly until his last day, I would wish him to be in Hell (which he surely is not due to his major transformation).

You only need three words to know about my trauma. Window. Home. Everywhere. It is universalizing one's abuse. It is walking around a store, seeing a well-polished family walking down the aisles, with a young girl in tow smiling, and knowing, with dread and angst, freezing at the mere sight of child tears, thinking she was me at some level, feeling afraid of the parent. I wanted to call the police, but the law wouldn't let me. I saw a window into every home I passed, and every family I passed, and I saw my abuse EVERYWHERE...This is how rape trauma is perceived by the victim. I am an anti-spanking SURVIVOR as of late, not merely a victim. 

Over the course of my childhood years between age 2-16, I was physically abused within the law through spanking and corporal punishment by my father, as well as time-out and loss of privileges by both my father and mother. I was spanked on the buttocks, clothed, with several swats, then left for dead. Much of the time, I had a warm home life. Then, it switched immediately when I committed an infraction that I couldn't explain.

I F*CKING CAN'T EVEN BLAME THEM ANYMORE...they're sorry, so THE DEPRAVED PEARLS AND OTHER PRO-SPANKING PARENTS can go to HELL!!!!!!!!!! KILL ALL! KILL ALL! KILL ALL! I can't even protect my child, meaning your child, meaning my child, meaning your child, meaning my child, meaning your child, meaning your child. I'm desperate, helpless, and scared! STOOOOOOOOOOP! STOP HURTING THAT CHILD WITH HARSH WORDS!...That's my trauma. That child might be a mighty attractive girl, in which case my stomach would groan and I shudder.

Let's go to Harrisburg and pass a law. Shall we? Maybe Capitol Hill someday? Let pedophiles lead the way. We can explain it just as good as a child can, since children aren't allowed a voice yet.

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Any comment that
1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

will not be published. Flexible application. Debate is allowed, but only civil arguments that presume the best of intentions in their opponent, on both sides.

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