Saturday, January 23, 2021

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Post quoted again:

Maybe I'm him. Feign caretaker self-destruct. Hopelessness. Defeated. Undermined at advocating for my child. So low that calm and angry.


I will f*cking stay, and YOU f*cking leave, or I will f*cking drive you aground with a floorboard, and inflict a REAL children's rights trauma onto you, ya scumbag. Go KYS. A pedophile CAN believe in children's rights AT EVERY LEVEL! YOUI HEAR ME? YOU HEAR ME? YOU WERE RIGHT THE FIRST TIME. 

STOP opposing SURVIVORS by opposing one of us. YOU eject one of least of us, you eject ALL OF US! WE want you, in, out, in, out, in, depending on your apology, depending on its genuineness. If you f*cking sick that sick, depraved organization on me one more time, I'll f*cking sick the Oregon State Police on you, ya sick stalking creep. I know where you live...meaning the opposite, because I don't flipping care. 

I turn myself into the Oregon State Police ahead of time in the case I travel to the State of Oregon to harm Robbyn Peters Bennett in any way. I do not drive. I also am not attracted to older women. I am only attracted to adults that are slightly younger than me going downwards, but the peak of my age range is 11-12. Only to girls. I keep certain reassuring information hidden to further avoid the appearance of defensiveness, which is a trait of an entitled adult towards children. I'm perfectly willing to share this information, which would garner in my defense. I just won't unless pressed in a certain way, in a specific opportune situation...Same with any law enforcement agency - if I hurt a survivor or child, lock me up and throw away the key. I am capable of trying to befriend children, and the failed attempt might be perceived as abuse in and of itself under harassment laws. Use the laws, children and parents, to the degree that you can in your state.

I'm not here for myself. I'm here for THEM, meaning CHILDREN, meaning CHILDREN, meaning me last!!!! I'll never leave the movement.

EDIT: Now Amy put me on house arrest. She says "we want you to leave, so we are trying to scare her into not leaving by giving her the fact that a pedophile wants to menace her"...Decide for yourself Robbyn...This looks fishy.

 "Kill all" means "I'm so angry that I could just kill everything, because nobody is listening", or maybe what Robbyn said in ETC. More so what she said. It was a victim peacekeeper - a parent that felt undermined and not listened to, to the core. I don't get angry like that when I have nefarious motives. I don't get angry at all when I have intent to harm a child. I become a "shmoozer" towards a child, and then scheme ways to get into her house, and then into her bed. When undermined in that, I actually wouldn't say that - there might be a domestic dispute with mom over two main items, her saying rightfully "I won't take you there" and/or me trying to leave the house when she blocks the entryway ("I'm not letting you leave the house. She doesn't want you there anymore. Move on. She's only 10."..."Kill all" is actually a good sign. I'm actually a lot like you, Robbyn, in that regard. I actually do get parents to that degree, and respect that parents do have pro-social needs like that. I just don't want to believe it, because they seem never to follow those instincts anyway. That's the problem...parents DON'T protect in this country. They feel undermined in an entitled way when they can't control their child or win them over. I say "win them over" for a reason - I might be one of those parents I'm angry at all the time, but in the reverse...permissive, in the form of sexual/behavioral negligence.

Whenever I relate to anyone, it is because I am trying to say "I am not your enemy". If I was, I wouldn't focus on comparisons at all, and if we did have things in common, I'd totally ignore that, or even say "I know, and I don't even care. I am angry at you, so GTFO of everything". I don't focus on identity comparisons when angry. I just shout someone down, and many times forget about it later. I hold grudges when I think you are an abuser, and have the evidence to prove it, beyond a reasonable doubt. In such case, prove me wrong. It's a ramp to climb, but the way it's set up, if you are truly innocent of child abuse or else are struggling, you'll have plenty of empathy to climb up, and then you'll be absolved of all guilt even if you are guilty. Repentance requires non-verbal apology, meaning saying "I'm sorry" isn't enough for me - you need to show it, meaning accept all worldly consequences. Maybe the police are sending you to jail for how you treated me, and maybe I won't agree to get you out if you'll just go right back to attacking and harassing me, meaning you'd be a flight risk by ruling of my court, until I see you in tears of undeniable remorse (and you're not known to be able to turn on the water fountain to get out of trouble).

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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

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