Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Why parents should fear their child (pro-social chivalry)

Many parents want to be feared by their children. This is a common trait in parents in the United States. However, nowhere in the Bible does it legitimately say that a child has to fear their parents. The biblical view is that children are to be feared and revered by parents.

Every single adult is guilty in relation to children, and is deserving of DEATH and PUNISHMENT merely for existing in relation to children, given how adult-kind has oppressed children since time immemorial. Parents are to be convicted of their wicked and entitled adult nature, then surrendering to the every vulnerable need of their child, expecting absolutely nothing in return, being disciplined in their presence in exemplary format, serving children from beneath yet from above. This is Christian love, as denoted by the Greek root word αγαπαο. Fear is a key driving element in Christian love, also known as Agape love. Parents are entitled to nothing from their child, and are to be grateful for the every joy coming from their child.

The doctrine of mutual surrender in parenting is handed down by God through the Apostle Paul. It says in Colossians 3:20-21 KJV:

Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord. Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they become discouraged.

The Greek root word translated "obey" is υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to rest and trust in the love and grace of parents, just as adult believers rest and trust in Lord Jesus Christ. Replace the word "obey" with "trust" and you get a roughly better translation. This means trust to the point of complete openness and honesty in terms of emotions, meaning you can talk to parents about anything, and petition for a redress of grievances. Parents in ancient Israel and adjoining churches feared and revered their children to the point of pro-social child worship, meaning children were seen as next to God, meaning an extension of God, and were seen as holy. Children co-slept next to their mothers in the nude every night up until they were adults, snuggling with their child in skin-to-skin closeness. Children up to age 3 were seen as infants behaviorally, and were breastfed as such. The "terrible twos" were simply seen as a baby crying out for love. Parents were afraid of their children, holding them in awe and reverence, marveling at their vulnerability, struck with reverent fear and terror. Parents were safe people around children, for children to tell all and show all about themselves to parents, expecting no punishment or retribution.

Parents feared the judgment and wrath of their children in biblical times. The Greek root word translated "provoke...to anger" is ερεθιζο (Latin: erethizo) and refers literally to "stirring up" negative emotion in children, as in "stirring the pot" in terms of emotional welfare. It refers to a provocation to anger, namely offenses against children, as defined under the Law as the slightest of offense perceived by a child, including any punishment or control of children, with punishing a child then being seen as kidnapping and worthy of bloodlust, even if not satiated. The Apostle Paul was rebuking Greek Christian parents about the Hellenistic tradition of spanking that was brought into the church. The physical or other punishment of children was legal under Roman law by way of legal defense of patrias potestas or "power to the father", or else "power to the parent" in post-feminist America. Paul would have none of it in the churches he oversaw as a deacon. Corporal punishment did occur in the Old Testament, but only once in a lifetime, and as a sentence for crime. Children could not be charged for any criminal act or civil wrong, and could not stand trial except as a plaintiff. Christ sacrificed and paid the ultimate price on the cross to end the death penalty and corporal punishment by enduring both. Christ, in fact, was whipped with 40 minus 1 lashes before being nailed to the cross, and He endured it so it could be abolished by God. 

Parents were meek and humble in the face of their children's petitions for needs and redress of grievances, fearing the wrath of their child. Children in ancient Jewish and Christian cultures alike were very demanding, but only to their parents, as parents were safe people to children - and that's how it should be today. Parents should be safe people for their children's needs and petitions for a redress of grievances, and allow their children to express their needs however they so wish, no matter how abrasive the parents might find their behavior, possibly advocating needs with stereotypically "naughty" behavior, and parents simply seeing behaviors as a cry for help and understanding.

The depraved and entitled parents who make their children fear them instead of the reverse will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them burn and suffer in the lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

The word "no": How to use it wisely

Many parents say "no" frequently. The word "no" is a favored word for many parents, if not most. Most parents use that word to corner their child victims. The word "no" is to be used sparingly in a proper Christian home, meaning every once and a blue moon. Otherwise, it stays in your toolshed, and you compromise with your child.

It says in Ephesians 6:1-4 KJV:

Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. Honor thy father and mother, as this the first commandment with promise; That is may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long upon the earth. And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: bur bring them up in the Lord.

The Greek root word translated "admonition" is νουθεσία (Latin: nouthesia) and refers to a "warning", meaning setting limits with children. This rarely means the spoken word "no", meaning parents can compromise with their children, and make a deal. An example would be a child who wants to go on a scenic drive "the governor closed the roads, it's not safe". Notice we eliminated the word "no". That word is a disconnecting word, so substitute it whenever necessary, and offer a second-to-best option whenever possible "We can take a walk in the snow and talk". Every request serves a function, meaning it meets a need, so find the need behind the request, and make an offer based on that need. With smaller children, give all applicable choices you can think of as alternatives to the declined request, and if they point out another viable option, go with that - options aren't intended to limit the child's options, but to avoid choice overload. The Greek root word translated "nurture" is παιδεία (Latin: paideia) and refers to Christian discipline, meaning the attitude of entitled to nothing from children, but grateful for the every joy they bring you. Taking the attitude that you are not entitled to anything from children cleanses you of any anger or aggression towards them, detoxifying the soul of a parent. You aren't deserving of anything from a child, so you feel no urge to control them or punish them. This attitude of non-entitlement centers you. Children owe you nothing in return for your love and providence for them, and so you don't demand, and not demanding anything becomes your habit. This attitude should be modeled to children, imparted to them as the Living Example of Christ. The Greek root word weighing all of this translates the phrase "provoke...to wrath" and is παροργίζο (Latin: parorgizo) and refers to a provocation to anger imposed on a child, meaning moral offenses against children, as defined as the slightest of offense perceived by a child. The inspired pen of the Apostle Paul, as in Col. 3:21, intended vs. 4, in the first stanza, to prohibit all corporal punishment and other forms of punishment or control, which was allowed under Roman law, but not the Jewish law that Christianity is based off of, meaning the Law had no defense for that sort of parenting choice. Corporal punishment in the Bible only existed in the Old Testament, and only as a sentence for crime, with fathers being accessories of the court, and the whipping being imposed on an ADULT child, in a courtroom and not a family home. Christ suffered the death penalty and corporal punishment in order to abolish it. The Early Christians were not allowed to view or participate in corporal or capital punishment under Roman law.

The Greek root word translated "obey" is υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to secure rest and trust in the love and grace of parents, just as adult believers rest and trust in the love and grace of the Lord Jesus Christ. Replace "obey" with "trust" and you get an idea of what Eph. 6:1-3 means. This command is written aside to parents until their children reach adulthood and come of age. This trust is an honest form of trust that involves open communication, meaning children can tell parents whatever is on their mind, meaning anything and everything under the sun, and parents just listen and validate, without imposing punishment or reprisal for the "wrong" disclosure. This word refers to secure attachment, as children in biblical times were raised in an attachment-parenting environment, meaning children up until adulthood co-slept at night with mothers in the nude, and children up until age 3 were seen as infants. The "terrible twos" were seen as simply a baby crying out for love. Child nudity was seen then as a sign of a child's vulnerability, and also a way to flag sexual threats to children for all to see, with children rarely leaving mother's side when leaving the house. Children were told "no" rarely, and usually, parents sacrificed everything to please their children, being run aground by their child's every need, rejoicing in their self-crucifixion. 

The word "no" is a disconnecting word, and is only to be used in an urgent situation, such as in a situation where the child is at risk for death or serious bodily injury, or else is playing in an unsafe situation. When giving a decree of "no", show your benevolent intent by listening to and validating the child's tears. 

Don't say: "Stop crying"

Say instead: "I understand that you wanted that bicycle, but there's no money"

Some children cannot understand the fact that "there is no money", in which case you say to them "I apologize for not being able to give you what you want in the way you ask" as a swift, well-meaning apology, and reassure your child every step of the way.

The depraved and entitled parents who punish their children for not listening to "no" will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them burn in the lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

Monday, November 29, 2021

Pro-social rejoice, pro-social run aground: Proper biblical parenting

Many parents try to run their children aground in terms of "defeating behaviors" or "breaking their will". In actual biblical parenting, someone is run aground, but it is none of the children getting run down - it is the parents. 

Parents in biblical times rejoiced in being run aground by their child. The doctrine of mutual surrender in parenting is stated in Colossians 3:20-21 KJV:

Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord. Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they be discouraged.

The Greek root word translated "obey" is υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to rest and trust in the love and grace of parents, just as adult believers rest and trust in Lord Jesus Christ. Replace "obey" and "trust" and you get a gist of the Fifth Commandment, but there's more to it than that. It is trust to the point of onslant in terms of emotional expression towards parents. Surrender to parents was showing your every emotion to parents, sharing emotions with them with parents as confidants, with even intense emotion being hurled on parents, with parents listening and validating, being a wastebasket for the negative and upset emotion of children. Parents were run aground with their duties towards children, being complete devotees to their children, putting children first and parents last. Parents were run aground, and rejoiced in their servitude, loving their children unconditionally, in the Agape sense, denoted by the Greek root word αγαπαο (Latin: agapao). See Matt. 22:35-40.

The Greek root word translated "provoke...to anger" is ερεθιζο (Latin: erethizo) and refers literally to "stirring up" upset and resentment in children, as in the Jewish idiom "stirring the pot" in regards to a child's emotional welfare. This refers to provocations to anger under the Law imposed upon children, with this referring to all offenses against children, as defined by the slightest of offense perceived by a child, including any form of punishment or control of or over children, regardless. The Apostle Paul was rebuking Greek Christian parents on their tradition of spanking children, brought into the church from greater Greco-Roman society. Parenting in Jesus' and Paul's Jewish culture was attachment based, with the Apostle Paul handing out attachment parenting manuals, instructing exemplary instruction, with parents being the Living Example of Christ, only since they are not Christ, they should focus on self-discipline. Parents are to render themselves entitled to nothing, but grateful for the every joy their children bring them, and then model that attitude to children.

Being able to model discipline to children means allowing them enough freedom to run you aground. Parents in the Early Christian context believed in a principle known as pro-social self-crucifixion, meaning taking up the cross for their children, sacrificing everything for one's child, being awe-struck with reverent terror and fear at the mere vulnerability of the child, fearing their child's wrath, wanting to keep the child pleased and happy, with parents shaking and quaking at the child's every demand for their needs. Children were seen as an extension of God, based on the fact that vulnerable individuals were a sign of God in terms of their needs - you serve your child's needs, you serve God's needs (Matt. 25:31-46).

The depraved and entitled parents who punish and control their children will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them burn and suffer in the lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death! The depraved and entitled parents will descend into everlasting Hell and torment! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

Why we need hysteria about parental entitlement

Opposing Parental Entitlement has a goal - to increase pro-social hysteria against all forms of child abuse, including lawful corporal punishment, by pointing out it's true cause...parental entitlement.

There is a threat to children, and it exists within each and every one of us as adults, especially parents. Parents spend more time with children, and thus are more likely to abuse children. 

Parental entitlement is denoted in the Bible by the Greek root word πλεονέκτης (Latin: pleonektés) and refers to wanting things from children to the point of seeking to impose said want onto children. It is an attitude that children owe you things just for you being the adult, when children owe me nothing as an adult, and owe no adult anything. We owe everything to children, and should expect nothing in return.

It is good to panic when you see yourself capable of harm, and see your neighbor the same. Blame yourself first as a parent or responsible adult, other adults last, children never. I am responsible for the child abuse epidemic not because of any mental health label I wear, but because I am an adult, in an adult's world, and belong to an elite group of people that work together to keep down children and their voices.

Let the depraved and entitled parents and similarly charged adults burn in Hell for all eternity! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

Banning spanking: Why pedophiles deserve stronger child abuse laws

Many people assume that pedophile advocacy involves eliminating laws protecting children. It depends what type of pedophile you care about. Pedophilic children are the worst yet best victims of child abuse, and the stigma carries on to the next generation by the lawful abuse of pedophilic children. These children scream for better child abuse laws, such as banning spanking.

LET THE DEPRAVED PARENTS BURN! Yep, I am THAT angry on a traumatic level at these depraved parents who spank and punish a child. You depraved scum, you entitled ragweed, you entitled parents, you! Go burn in Hell! Go KYS! WE are pedophile survivors and WE will ban domestic violence from our law-abiding parents - that is trauma from a pedophile.

Anti-spanking trauma is usually a hidden trauma, but in pedophiles, it is out in the open, in the form of a borderline-histrionic trauma. Pedophilic trauma usually opposes parental rights, not children's rights, and namely "power to the parent" attitudes. Pedophiles who have a trauma from corporal punishment crusade against their abuser, the parent, in a messianic way.

Most pedophilic children who are self-identified live in securely attached living situations with parents, and can tell parents everything. Several children in this children's rights community are out to their parents about their pedophilia. Many of them were punished earlier in life. I myself was that pedophilic child, in both tenses, meaning I wore my trauma proudly, without shame, in a way that drove my parents aground, and when I disclosed that I was a pedophile, it was like the waters assuaged - I can now talk to my mother about everything (my father passed away in 2017, sadly). 

Disclosure of pedophilia to the right parent is a lifesaver. However, usually, they are also the source for a gentle parenting decision, meaning the parents were once authoritative in nature, in a behaviorist way, and the child wouldn't allow it. Such children will bombard their parents with anti-spanking facts, and will not cease until all is settled, and the parents are broken down, and then they disclose their pedophilic disorder to parents. The disclosure isn't "like a bomb going off" but more like either a cascade of tears, or in some cases with more moderate forms of autism (as opposed to mild), a tone-deaf disclosure that prompts denial in parents, then acceptance, with most of these children doing the work themselves to improve in respecting and not abusing children. These children never became anti-spanking through change of heart, but by lack of internalization of societal norms in dealing with children. 

Why don't pedophilic children internalize the lie that "I deserved to be spanked"? Pedophiles have different threads in terms of parental locus of control than most adults/adolescent children. When that thread is different, and it is on the aware level, that leads to the natural view of children being internalized instead. Most adults hate children, more than a pedophile can ever imagine, and this includes seeing children as "monsters" or "brats", whereas a pedophile naturally does not see children this way, except in rare cases where they internalize the societal hatred of children, and find children annoying but wish them their rights from afar. 

Pedophiles are canaries in the coal mine as to signs of a sea change in opinion on the issue of corporal punishment of children. Ordinary adults relate to pedophiles, in terms of attachment, on the same level they do children, when they actually meet a pedophile up close. Those who punish children will punish a pedophile. Those who encourage children without punishment will do so with pedophiles, encouraging them not to offend. Since 2012, mental health supports for pedophiles have increased immensely, with many therapy organizations now accepting non-offending pedophilia as a valid mental illness. When pedophiles start getting their supports in not abusing children as at-risk adult, all other at-risk adults will be afforded help as well. There is a great need for generic gentle parenting supports in certain communities, namely in more conservative areas with my values, sadly. First pedophiles will turn themselves into children by self-diagnosis, then the rest of adult-kind will turn themselves in as well, getting help and support for their domestic violence addiction against children. Most pedophiles already oppose these things that most adults support in unison, patting each other on the back, and scapegoating pedophiles for the collective trauma that they have created, and pedophiles suffer from the loudest (in a convincing way, I have found, but only once you become an adult).

The depraved and entitled pro-spanking parents will burn in Hell! Let them be tormented in the lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death, forever and ever! Let's ban spanking now, as pedophilic children are the most sensitive of children to punitive parenting. Repent, for the Kingdom of heaven is at hand!


Pro-social confidant - How to avoid children lying

Many parents believe in being "tough on the discipline" and being harsh with their children. Most parents are punitive parents. The problem is then that children hide things from you, and lie to you as a parent. How do you prevent it? Pro-social confidant.

It says in Colossians 3:20-21 KJV:

Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord. Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they be discouraged.

The Greek root word translated "obey" is υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to trust and rest in the love and grace of parents, just as adult believers trust and rest in Lord Jesus Christ. Replace "obey" with "trust" and you get a more accurate translation. This kind of trust is an open, honest type of trust, where children can tell their parents anything and everything under the sun, being able to be oneself in relation to children, with parents being the closest of confidants to children, meaning children should surrender to parents by confiding in everything to parents, good or bad, with parents listening reflectively and with validation. Parenting in ancient Israel and adjoining churches was attachment-based in nature, with children co-sleeping in the nude next to mothers until adulthood, with children up to age 3 being breastfed as infants, and being treated as infants as such. The "terrible twos" were simply seen as a baby crying out for love, and possibly nourishment from mother. This laid out the framework for children to be brutally honest to parents about how they felt.

The Greek root word translated "provoke...to anger" is ερεθιζο (Latin: erethizo) and refers literally to "stirring up" upset and resentment in children, as in "stirring the pot" in regards to the emotional welfare of a child. This ultimately refers to provocations to anger inflicted upon children, meaning offenses against children, as defined as the slightest of offense perceived by the child, which included, by the intent of the inspired pen of the Apostle Paul, corporal or other forms of punishment, meaning all forms of punishment or offending of children regardless. Christian parents of Greek origin spanked their children as part of an idolatrous tradition, which was later introduced to the Christian church by Rome. Paul would have none of that kind of entitlement and idolatry in the churches that he oversaw as a deacon. Paul could be a menacing figure towards ordinary Christians, but he cared about children enough to be convicted to give a commandment not to provoke children to anger, meaning not offend them in any way.

Children in biblical times were not punished in the way children are today, meaning they weren't punished at all for being too outspoken. Children were brusque and forceful in their orders and demands towards parents. They saw parents as similar to how a patron of a restaurant would see waitstaff, with parents being as attendant as such. Children screamed. Children cried. Older children barked orders. Parents chalked it up to childish immaturity, and totally accepted their children for their flaws, being struck with reverent fear and terror. Children could tell parents anything, and parents would simply listen and validate.

Children lie when they are punished, meaning lies serve a purpose - to avoid getting punished. The idea is to be like biblical parents, and be a confidant to your children, allowing children to tell you anything, without you judging or punishing them. When children can tell you anything, their first instinct is to use parents as a confessor, and tell parents so that they are forgiven, just like we can confide our sins as adult believers into Christ. Parents are an extension of Christ in that regard. Sometimes, children have mental health issues at a low level that are deemed sin falsely by many, such as pedophilia, and the easier the parent is to confide in, the more likely the parent is going to hear a vulnerable disclosure of such a psychiatric disorder.

The depraved and entitled parents who shut down communication in the family home will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them burn in the lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death, which is Satan's tomb! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand! 

Sunday, November 28, 2021

What accepting adults attracted to children can do for child protection

Many in the United States, on the religious right especially, want pedophilia and ephebophilia (the latter being attraction to children aged 14-18) to be a closed struggle. Most people do not know what it would be like for a pedophile to be out in the open. The attitude of most people is that it is a bomb that goes off. Far from it when they are pro-social and non-offending in nature.

The key of children's rights, on the youth rights side of our beliefs, is that adults must turn themselves in to their children if they want to be a good adult. The idea is admitting to struggle out in the open, and accept the consequences for that disclosure. But, at the same time, mental health stigma is a form of entitlement, and keeping down entire mental health identities is a form of grave libel.

I myself am an out and open pedophile, meaning everyone on my Facebook page knows I am a pedophile. I myself am accepted and understood among the closest of my family members, and I present pedophilic traits when out in public. When I am at a restaurant, others surely can tell where I am looking, meaning who I am looking at and where I am looking.

When adults attracted to children are accepted as human beings, meaning the people and not the entitled parental cord itself, they are easier to spot by concerned adults. They will be obvious as the light of day, meaning everyone will see where they are looking, and how intently. 

If such an adult just checks out children, meaning repeated glances, they are not entitled. A sexually entitled adult, when allowed to experience their condition on the surface, will stare at children. Most sexually entitled adults today repress their sexuality, meaning they are anti-pedophiles by nature, with the offense being sudden and out of nowhere, for the victim and the perpetrator

Pedophiles and other adults attracted to children are most accepted today in the United States by anti-spanking parents. All of the adults that are supportive to my condition either are anti-spanking or have changed their views shortly after me disclosing my pedophilic disorder to them. This is because non-pedophilic adults treat pedophiles like they would their own children, and since most parents in the United States are pro-spanking, they may want to give pedophiles "a good spanking". Most adults wish harm on child molesters, but an anti-spanking adult who identifies a pedophile as pro-social and non-offending will view the individual with the condition as a "kid" due to the appearance of pedophiles as an adult that never grew up (think "peter pan"), and anti-spanking mothers especially will nurture a child and take the pedophile as their own child. The problem is that women feel beholden to male, pro-spank advice on how to deal with pedophiles.

A pedophile needs listening, for good or for bad. Listen to them, hear out their struggles, and validate their every emotion. Sometimes, a pedophile does run afoul of the law, both moral and civil, and then you simply hear out their diatribe, listen to them complain, and ask breakthrough questions that are gentle enough to elicit a confession. Once they spill their guts to you, turn on them and demand they plead "yea" or "nay" as to if they did it or not, and if they defend their right to do it, turn on them suddenly and expose them on a children's rights screen for what they are, or else tell them to avoid the location where the abuse occurs if they are cooperative and you are not a mandated reporter. I am not a mandated reporter. 3 out of 4 pedophiles do not sexually abuse children, and most pedophiles are youth rights adults in North America, meaning they turn themselves into children directly, seeing children as a higher authority to be accountable to. I myself see children as a higher authority next to God to be accountable to, which is how children's rights was originally designed. This does not make survivors obsolete, as the role of sexual trauma survivors is to educate people about their abuse as former children. A survivor is a special type of former child that doesn't repeat the cycle of abuse, which actually encompasses, by the strict definition, most pedophiles.

The depraved parent/adult fornicators who defend their rights to sexually abuse children will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Most pedophiles do not abuse children, and most are abuse victims in some sense or another. Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

Why not to have expectations for children

Many parents expect things from children. It is seen as commonsense in this country that children be expected to behave in a certain way especially. Most parents want things of their children. Expectations are imposed wants on children, meaning "you better meet standards or else".

"Expectations" can mean many things. It is defined here by the Greek root word denoting entitlement in the New Testament, which is πλεονέκτης (Latin: pleonektés) and refers and refers to parental entitlement, or wanting things of children to the point of seeking to impose said want onto a child. A parent is not entitled to anything from a child, and is to be grateful for their child and all of the joy that their child brings them, expecting absolutely nothing in return, instead asking politely. Expectations are entitled parenting because they impose a want for a child onto them. Instead, have preferences for children, meaning preferred behaviors and non-preferred behaviors, and model the preferred behaviors in your own actions, as per the Greek root word παιδεία (Latin: paideia). See Eph. 6:4.

It says in Colossians 3:20-21 KJV: 

Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord. Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they be discouraged.

The Greek root word translated "obey" is υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to secure trust and rest in parents, just as adult believers trust and rest in Lord Jesus Christ. Replace "obey" with "trust" and you come to a more accurate translation. This means a non-controlling relationship with your child, based not on imposing expectations, but being your child's best friend and closest confidant, with children telling parents anything and everything under the sun, expecting no punishment and reprisal in return. Parents in biblical times did not demand anything or expect anything of their children, but instead catered and righteously gave into demands and petitions for needs and a redress of grievances from children. Parents then asked things of children politely, using salutations such as "please" and "thank you". The Greek root word for setting limits is νουθεσία (Latin: nouthesia) and refers to agreed upon requests of children, not imposing expectations on children (Eph. 6:4). Parents in biblical times had hopes for their children, but allowed their children to go their own way in terms of views and opinions, intervening rarely in the form of requests and lectures, both non-binding in terms of salvation.

The Greek root word translated "provoke...to anger" is ερεθιζο (Latin: erethizo) and refers to "stirring up" children, as in "stirring the pot" in terms of their emotional welfare through provocations to anger. A provocation to anger in the Bible here refers to offenses against children, defined as the slightest of personal offense perceived by a child, including any punishment of children, physical or otherwise by the intent of the pen of the Apostle Paul. The Apostle Paul here was rebuking Greek Christian parents who punished their children, whereas punishing one's child was against the laws of the Early Church and its Jewish predecessors, and was seen as the capital offense of kidnapping in fact. Having high expectations was seen as a provocation to anger of children. Ordinary Greek families had high academic expectations for their children, whereas Christians were the rural farmers who homeschooled children - even then! Christians then unschooled their children, or taught in a fun way using the natural curiosity of children as a way to "lure" the child to knowledge using fun and engaging activities.

Children in ancient Judeo-Christian culture did not have expectations. Think the Christmas carol "Silent Night". That is how all ancient Jews and Christians saw their children, as all children were seen as vulnerable yet convicting extensions of God. Hence, the expectations were in the reverse - children held expectations against their parents. Parents were merely servants and attendants, being beholden to their children like waitstaff to a patron at a restaurant. Think what you see these days in Nativity scenes - that's more how parents raised their children...straight up until adulthood. Children weren't expected not to cry, but were instead asked "what's wrong, dear?". Children rarely left their parent's side, with their mother bringing sustenance and nourishment to children, with children up to age 3 being breastfed. Attachment parenting was the norm in ancient Israelite culture and adjoining churches, and in attachment parenting, you don't expect things of your children, but merely hope.

The depraved and entitled parents who push high expectations on children will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them burn in the lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Let them descend into eternal fire and torment, with God not sparing for their souls after their last warning! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

Why not to have expectations for your child

Many parents ...

Saturday, November 27, 2021

Strictness in parenting: Why parents should be strict with themselves (and then children follow suit)

Many parents believe in being strict with children. This is a common attitude among parents in this country, namely the pro-spanking variety. The neighborhood competition in many areas of this country is who is the strictest with their child. Discipline is the key to everything, and my Christian beliefs as an attachment parenting advocate support discipline.

It says in Ephesians 6:1-4 KJV:

Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. Honor thy father and mother, as this is the first commandment with promise; That it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long upon the Lord. And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.

The Greek root word translated "nurture" is παιδεία (Latin: paideia) and refers to the chastening of the Lord, starting with the phrase "entitled to nothing, grateful for everything", in this case directed towards one's relationship with one's children, from day one. It is a lack of demands and orders from children, shaping the parent up in the chastening, modeling good discipline and chastisement to children, not lashing out in anger or sexual aggression when wanting something of a child, such as cooperation or companionship. The idea is remind yourself that nobody owes you anything as a parent, especially your child, and that you owe your child everything, without expecting anything in return from them. Know to give to children everything under the sun that they need, and expect nothing in return, meaning no praise and no glory for having a title. Parenting is a thankless job, and that reverent shame should be enough to chasten up parents, with them knowing their place as being entitled as adults, being the child's enemy, seeking to be their friend. This attitude should be modeled to children and will be if done right, meaning parents not lash out or strike out at their child ever. Discipline is something to be modeled to children by parents, with children following in the footsteps of the Living Example of Christ in their parents, not being entitled to anything, going the right path. This disciplined attitude in parents should lead to questioning children about what they really need, apart from adult assumptions as part of a presumptive diagnosis. The Greek root word translated "admonition" is νουθεσία (Latin: nouthesia) and refers to a warning, usually involving the word "no" or its various variants, with this divine warning being agreed upon between parent and child, meaning you only warn a child about their behavior if you think they will listen. 

The Greek root word translated "obey" is υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to warm trust and rest in the love and grace of parents, just as adult believers trust and rest in Lord Jesus Christ. Replace "obey" with "trust" and you get a more proper translation, with the trust being one stemming from maternal warmth and sustenance. Respect for parents is intense, sustaining closeness to parents, leading to fondness and admiration later in childhood, and then honor come adulthood. This kind of trust is open and honest with parents, with children sharing anything and everything under the sun, meaning whatever is on their mind, using parents as their best friend and closest confidant. Parenting in biblical times was attachment-based in nature, with children being in the nude throughout childhood wherever they went, with this being a mechanism promoting skin-to-skin closeness with mothers, with children up to age 3 being breastfed, and being treated behaviorally as infants until that age. The "terrible twos" were seen then not as terrible at all - just a baby crying out for love. Parents were convicted reverently to serve the needs and even benign wants of children. Children were seen as rebellious, but more in terms of reverent rebellion to appease and cater to, with childhood rebellion consisting of children making demands and orders on children. The text concerning trusting and listening to parents was written aside of children, for parents to keep by earning respect, and then cooperation afterwards, to the point of compliance if done right.

Strictness is not to be imposed on a child by beating it into them. It is to be weaved through the atmosphere by the non-entitled self-improvement of parents. Parents are entitled to nothing from children. They are to give in the form of Christian love, which is αγαπαο (Latin: agapao) and refers to serving children by putting their needs above yours, with children being first, and parents last. This means parents are caregivers beholden to their children and their every vulnerable need, expecting absolutely nothing in return. Taking that extra attitude of not expecting anything in return leads to discipline and chastisement, then gratitude. A truly discipline life is a happy life.

As a conservative Christian, I am entitled to nothing from a child, and grateful for everything children give me. I just like being around them, and I am grateful for their mere presence. This chastens me up into being a good Christian man. I have a wicked and depraved nature, and am not good with children. I am entitled as an adult in relation to children, and am deserving of nothing but hatred and disdain from children for the depraved sexually entitled adult that I am.

The depraved and entitled parents who provoke children to anger will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them burn in the lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Let the entitled parents descend into eternal Hell and torment, withstanding God's wrath, forever! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

Friday, November 26, 2021

The Roman Catholic Church: Where spanking came from

Many parents and adults believe that spanking is "time-honored" and use that as an excuse for their abuse within the law. The fact of the matter is that spanking is a fairly new phenomenon towards children in human history. Spanking children is an idolatrous, Catholic teaching that Protestants and Anabaptists have bought into.

It says in Colossians 3:21 KJV:

Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they be discouraged.

This refers to a specific historical context involving pro-spanking encroachment and infiltration into God's Church. Fathers in the Colossian church would often whip their older sons, and spank their daughters. Children and wives are property of men in what was known then as patrias potestas.

The Early Christian churches of God, as a religious entity, prohibited any punishment of children, deeming it kidnapping, which was a capital offense under the Law that Christ pardoned. It was unthinkable for a Hebrew-Christian parent to strike their child.

It says in Revelation 17:1-2

And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials, and talked to me, saying unto me, Come hither; I will shew you unto thee the great whore that sitteth upon many waters. With whom the kings of the earth had committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth had been made drunk with the wine of her fornication. 

"Sitteth upon many waters" has come true, meaning the pro-spanking domain set up by the Roman Catholic Church sits on many waters. The rest of the underlined simply accentuates the point of the first underlined statement - spanking spread far and wide from Rome. The Holy Roman Empire found that getting pagan parents to cease corporal punishment, so it was put on the back burner, then ignored, meaning the church came up with the spanking teaching to cater to pagan customs of beating and punishing children in Europe.

The Anglo-Saxons were horrible towards children, with child rape and whipping children being the norm. When Rome conquered England, the English common law system being created, which was a merger of Anglo-Saxon law and Roman law, with Christian influence that lifted up most of the basic legal tenets of the Bible. Thus, much of the Anglo-Saxon child battering customs were enshrined in a legal system that was then transplanted onto the New World.

However, the United States was not founded on Anglo-Saxon values, but Judeo-Christian values regardless of race or ethnicity. America consists of many groups that must work together, but we must have common ground first, hence the need to promote Judeo-Christian values. Spanking children is not Judeo-Christian values, but Anglo-Saxon values coming from a Roman pulpit. Ultimately, the neglect of children by the Roman Catholic Church caused the pagan idolatry of spanking children to spread.

I am a conservative Christian, and that's how I see parents spanking their children - pure witchcraft. It's something the Roman Catholic Church should have stopped from the get-go, like they should. My Judeo-Christian values call for not provoking children to anger with punishment or controlling attitudes towards children, and so I oppose it wherever it is, and it should not exist anywhere, and if you defend it as a "right", YOU should not exist anywhere - except maybe in a prison cell. Let them BURN in eternal torment that is the lake of fire and burning sulfur! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

Child salvation: Why children have a straight ticket "up"

Most people do not even want to think of a child dying. I can't fathom the mortality of children, due to my flawed permissive personality as a pedophile. But, I know a child who dies is going nowhere but "up". 

A child is defined as an individual under the age of majority. In ancient Israel and adjoining churches, under Jewish law, the age of criminal/legal responsibility was on par with the age of majority, meaning until children come of age, they cannot be charged with a moral crime, and cannot testify in court except as a plaintiff.

We must recognize the age of majority in our home jurisdiction (Rom. 13:1-4) yet give it a Christian meaning, meaning the age of majority means the age of reason. See John 7:24 KJV:
Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.

The Greek root word translated "judge" and "judgment" is κρινο (Latin: krino) and uplifts all the righteous judgment standards of ancient Israel. The judgment standard then was based on the phrase "innocent until proven guilty, beyond a reasonable doubt", with the presumption of ignorance and remorse in the defendant. Children under a certain age were deemed ignorant by default, meaning even if they knew what they did, they didn't in the eyes of the Law, thus children who died had no sin count, and if you have no sin count, there are no sins to punish in Hell. All of the judgment standards of ancient Israel apply now, including the legal defenses, including the defense of infancy - meaning a child under the age of reason/majority was assumed beyond the shadow of a doubt as not guilty of any moral crime. The historical context shows Christ scolding a rabbi for judging too rashly a moral wrong, meaning not using the proper judgment system, and assuming guilt where it isn't. Christ was saying presume innocence in a subject, and He was implying in the way it was done then in the Greek root word mentioned in this paragraph, legal defenses and all, as that's how you exonerate a falsely accused defendant by your own judgment.

Hell if for sinners who rebel against God, not those who, by a defined age bracket, can be deemed as never knowing God in an informed way. Hell is a legal punishment, meaning an eternal prison for those who violate God's Law knowingly and intently. Let's face it, children don't know what they are doing, meaning they are packed full of impulses and communication blocks, meaning behavior is communication, and cannot be judged with an adult lens. Most of the time, children cannot form the intent to sin because they don't know what they are doing is wrong, and even if they do, they can't help it. The Law, by implied legal defense in John 7:24, allows for a defense of infancy, which applied even to adults illiterate due to intellectual/developmental disabilities, meaning the person responsible for them took the blame.

Childhood in the Bible entails that infancy is a defense under the Law. This doesn't mean drop the case, but that the culpability goes to the next person in line, meaning the parent was held responsible for their child's mishaps, usually a vagrancy offense against the neighbors that required parents to apologize for their child in the exchange, and a parent who refused to was deemed entitled for permissiveness.

Pro-social PTSD, pro-social pedophile admission (in frequent open format)

I am a vigilante, for the rights of children, especially children lawfully battered by their parents. As a child protection officer, I use my reverent trauma. I admit both my pedophilia and trauma, with the trauma overshading the pedophilia, and the pedophilia being the entitled thread of my childhood trauma (antisocial traumatic dissociation). 

I admit pedophilia to the Whole Wide World out of pro-social honesty, to the point of public self-humiliation. Thinking of yourself as a good adult to children often makes you want things from them "because I am a good person, and I deserve things from children". So, I count myself as an entitled, wicked adult and strive to be perfect as a parent towards children, fighting parental entitlement within me, knowing I will never reach perfection in this lifetime, but the next for sure if I keep serving God through children. I use the medical label "pedophile" as a introspective device so that I know what I am, so I can tackle it and center it by presuming guilt in my wants in relation to children. No adult truly means well, but I admit that I don't mean well, because a part of me wants to have sex with a child, with other adults not meaning well by wanting to physically punish and control a child at some level. Look at our history before Moses - our nature as adults is not good in relation to children. We all as adults want to control children with one vehicle or another.

I observe parents, and nod to their fate, as if you are an entitled parent who spanks and punishes children, you are headed nowhere but "down". Pro-social reverse window, pro-social judgment. I act like God as I judge, taking note of what needs taking note of, and avoiding confrontation with the world, for I am not of this world, but of the next. God wants children's improvement, so he wants me here, for some reason or another.

Socratic reasoning: Why questions are better than orders coming from parents

Many parents are clumsy and lazy in how they correct their child's behaviors in public and private, with such behaviors including perhaps screaming and crying. Socratic reasoning is what parents should do with children.

It says in Ephesians 6:1-4 KJV:

Children, obey your parents in the Lord, as this is right. Honor thy father and mother, for this is the first commandment with promise; That is may be well with thee, and thou mayest live upon the earth. And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to anger: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.

The Greek root word translated "nurture" is παιδεία (Latin: paideia) and refers to a form of discipline, expressed by a certain form of communication with a child. Socratic reasoning is a sign of a disciplined, chastened nature in parents. Instead of asserting what you want, you ask questions to care about what the other person needs. Instead of demanding that children "stop crying" you ask "what is upsetting you?" Ask questions when your child is acting up, in a patient, gentle way, and then you can expect a vulnerable answer, in which case you work WITH your child, meaning NOT against your child. 

Don't say: "Stop crying"

Say instead: "Why are you upset?" (in a hospitable tone of voice)

Then, from there, you should know why your child is carrying on in the store or the restaurant. They might just say "I need YOU, mommy/daddy" in which case you should maybe plan a walk or scenic drive to talk about what they want to talk.

The Greek root word translated "obey" is υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to warm trust in parents, just as adult believers trust warmly in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Replace "obey" with "trust" and you get a more accurate translation. Parents should be a child's best friend, with children being able to share anything and everything under the sun with parents. Children demanded their needs and a redress of grievances in relation to parents in biblical times, with parents being convicted in reverent terror and fear, surrendering to the needs of their children, breastfeeding them up until age 3, with children co-sleeping with their mothers in skin-to-skin fashion until adulthood. Respect for parents was a specific closeness based on maternal warmth and sustenance, meaning a secure parent-child bond. Ancient Judeo-Christian culture was attachment parenting culture. Children were seen as naturally rebellious in terms of wanting things, but the rebellion was to be appeased, not punished, meaning reverent rebellion. Parents did not punish rebellious behavior, but saw it as communication, as the flawed nature of children is one that amounts to a communication block. Children know what they need, but they can't communicate it like we adults can, especially in emotionally heated moments. A parent assuming things is the last thing they need. The Greek root word translated "provoke...to wrath" is παροργίζο (Latin: parorgizo) and refers to "bitter anger" and refers to a provocation to anger inflicted upon a child by an adult, meaning offenses against children, with said offenses being defined by the slightest of offense perceived by the child. This was intended by the inspired pen of the Apostle Paul as prohibiting all forms of punishment against children, including spanking and other forms of corporal punishment. Paul was cracking down on Greek Christian parents for their tradition of spanking children, which was excused by Greco-Roman law and custom. Paul would have none of that in the churches he oversaw as a deacon, so he lifted up the Law, which during the time of Moses, punished punitive parents with the death sentence of chenek, or hanging pro-spanking parents bloody, for kidnapping due to the hostage-taking nature of punishing children, with all witnesses testifying on behalf of the perpetrator being condemned to the same fate, being just as bad as the parent who spanked and punished them. Corporal punishment in the Bible was simply a summary punishment connected to the death penalty, which was seen as symbolic for a second chance in the rod verses - sometimes you must go through hell to get to heaven. That's all those verses mean.

Socratic reasoning is reasoning using open-ended questions. Parents should not presume to think their child is simply being "bad". Children do rebel, meaning make demands, but the idea is to ask the reason for the behavior, politely and gently, and with respect. I wouldn't say to any child "shut up" but instead I might say "why are you talking like that to me?" with a bit of distemper. The child would likely break down crying about some struggle I had no clue about, because I don't have a clue - adults don't have a clue about what it is like to be a child, and that status of things is permanent. The idea is not to set your assertions forward as a parent, but to take a cautious, reverent step back from your child's emotions, asking them what is wrong instead of assuming what is wrong.

The depraved and entitled parents who assume entitlement in children without evidence will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them burn in the lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death prepared for Satan and his accomplices, meaning the devil's tomb! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

Thursday, November 25, 2021

Gratitude: Why to be thankful for your child this Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is here, and the main meaning of the holiday is not the turkey. Nope, its your child. Your child is your best friend - that is, if you appreciate them. Children today are seen as worthless. However, in the biblical context, they were seen as holy.

It says in Matthew 25:45-46 KJV:
Then shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you, Insasmuch as ye did not unto the least of these, you did it not unto me. And these shall go away into everlasting punishment, but the righteous into life eternal.

Children are an extension of God in the family home, while being the "least of these" deserving of society's love and care. The Greek root word for gratitude in the negative refers to entitlement, and is the Greek root word πλεονέκτης (Latin: pleonektés) and refers to, as a literal moral crime, wanting things from or of a child to the point of seeking to impose said want onto a child. Ultimately, this translates to not wanting things from children.

Proper gratitude for children leads to charity, meaning bondservice and righteous enslavement to the child's every need, in the form of mutual surrender. It says in Colossians 3:20-21 KJV:

Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord. Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they be discouraged.

The Greek root word translated "obey" is ὑπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to warm trust for parents, just as adult believers warmly trust in Jesus. Replace "obey" with "trust" and you get a more proper translation. It is a state of gratitude for parents, which parents earn by surrendering to a child's petitions for needs and a redress of grievances. Parents should be their child's best friend, and closest confidant, with children being able to tell parents everything. This first requires parents to be grateful for children, in a reverent way that allows them to serve and attend to their child, submitting to their child dutifully and selflessly from above, leading to complete and total acceptance of children. Children show gratitude for a parent's submission by being close to parents amidst maternal warmth. Children in ancient Israel and adjoining churches went around in the nude, and that was because they usually snuggled up to mothers in skin-to-skin closeness, bonding with their mothers at a low, sustaining level, with mothers and fathers both being attendant to the child's needs and benign wants, with mothers up close to the child, and fathers encouraging from afar.

The Greek root word translated "provoke...to anger" is ερεθιζο (Latin: erethizo) and refers to "stirring up" upset and resentment in children, as in the Jewish adage of "stirring the pot" regarding a child's emotional welfare. This refers to provocations to anger against a child, namely offenses against children, defined as the slightest of personal offense perceived by a child, stemming from entitlement, with this including the physical or other punishment of a child. The Apostle Paul here was rebuking Greek Christian parents who followed the Hellenistic tradition of spanking. Greco-Roman society allowed for the physical punishment of children by law and by custom, whereas Paul would have none of it, and neither would the Jewish predecessors of the Christian church.

Gratitude is the ultimate consequence of non-entitlement as a parent. It is happiness without wanting anything more from a child, if you are a parent. Christian love (GRK: αγαπαο) is the conviction of a parent out of reverent fear and terror, leading to total submission to a child as their enemy, expecting absolutely nothing in return from children. Gratitude is being satisfied with your child in the moment, not wanting them to grow up or grow wiser, totally accepting them in the here and now, out of selfless and dutiful submission to the every need of a child, knowing oneself as an enemy of theirs, presuming ignorance in their affairs, for I as a flawed and entitled adult no longer know what it is like to be a child. Only they can tell us, and society is silencing them.

The depraved and entitled parent ingrates who hate their children and punish them will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them burn in the lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Why not to force affection on children this Thanksgiving

It is that time of the year again, meaning Thanksgiving and then Christmas. I am one to eschew the politically correct phrase "holidays". I am that kind of adult, meaning I am old school, but in the attachment parenting type of way. I wouldn't force any child to hug me, staying steadfast even as the parents pressured the child to hug me.

The Greek root word denoting entitlement in the New Testament is πλεονέκτης (Latin: pleonektés) and refers here to wanting a child to hug an adult to the point of seeking to impose said want onto the child, forming unlawful intent towards a child, leading to offense when said offense is perceived by the child, meaning child abuse, meaning a moral crime, meaning sin. It says in Colossians 3:20-21 KJV:
Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord. Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they be discouraged.

The Greek root word translated "obey" is υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and more literally translates to "trust", meaning warm, sustaining trust in parents, with this trust coming from freedoms and civil liberties handed to children by parents, including the right not to be touched by an adult without their consent. This command is written aside to parents mainly, with forcing a child to show affection to an adult shattering trust with adults. This was considered battery under the Law, with the Greek root word for all offenses in the Bible, translated "provoke...to anger" is ερεθιζο (Latin: erethizo) and refers to "stirring up" children, as in "stirring the pot" concerning their emotional welfare. This refers to provocations to anger inflicted upon children, meaning offenses against children, defined as the slightest of personal slight stemming from entitlement, including that which stems from touch entitlement from parents, meaning any and every way a child lawfully and justly rejects being touched by an adult.

I myself am a pedophile, and might enjoy a nice hug from a young girl, but she has the right to say "shake hands" instead, and then I think she is very smart and intuitive for doing so, so I just accept it and don't complain. Usually, children would refuse a hug because the adult in question is a pedophile, and may have a sexual attraction that fetishizes tactile stimulation next to a child's body. Children usually pick up on the vibes, and say, in so many words with their refusal, "nope, I know what you are thinking", and children just know intuitively, even when they don't factually. Apart from the adult being a pedophile, many children who experience or have experienced sexual abuse do not like being touched. It should be commonsense that a child doesn't have to touch someone they don't want to touch, as that is the legal understanding of battery, under both the English common law (for adults only, currently, sadly) and under Divine Law. The slightest of touch without consent is, in fact, an offense under biblical law, meaning theft under the Eighth Commandment, and thus entitlement under the Tenth Commandment.

Let the depraved child batterers who violate a child's consent be condemned to eternal Hell-fire, suffering in the torrents of the second death, prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

Rule from beneath: Understanding the reverent rebellion of children in the Bible

Many parents think they have power over their children, to the point of silencing their children. Most parents in this country overpower their children with domestic violence and control. The idea is for children to shut up and listen to parents. Children in biblical times weren't like that - they ruled their parents from beneath. Biblical children were empowered while being in a submissive role.

It says in Colossians 3:20-21 KJV:

Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord. Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they be discouraged.

The Greek root word translated "obey" is υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to trust in parents, just as an adult believer would trust in Christ. Replace "obey" with "trust" and you get a more accurate translation, with the Fifth Commandment written sideways for the parent to keep until the child reaches adulthood. This trust is one borne out of maternal closeness and warmth, meaning it is a trust that is sustaining in terms of origin with parents, leading to honor and cooperation later in the child's life. This is an open, honest sort of trust, meaning trust enough to tell parents whatever you want, trusting that parents will never punish or control you or your free speech, being able to be yourself in relation to your parents, with parents being your best friends from day one. Children in ancient Israelite culture and adjoining churches were brought up on maternal sustenance, meaning children were breastfed until age 3, and were treated like infants right up until then, with the "terrible twos" being seen as just a baby crying out for love. Children were seen as having a rebellious nature, but in the sense of appeasing said rebellion in children, thus allowing for reverent rebellion, and parents being trusted servants to heed the lawful and binding commands of children. It is a servile friendship for the parent, who is the always the responsible party. Children in biblical times went in the nude all of the time, and that was so mothers could easily be close to their child in a skin-to-skin fashion. Parents in biblical times practiced attachment parenting, which is based on children trusting parents based on a strong, secure parent-child bond, which is what the Bible prescribes for Christian families today.

The Greek root word translated "provoke...to anger" is ερεθιζο (Latin: erethizo) and refers literally to "stirring up" upset and resentment in children, as in the Jewish idiom "stirring the pot" in terms of your child's emotions. This refers to provocations to anger inflicted upon your neighbor, namely a child. This means all offenses against a child, as defined as the slightest of personal offense perceived by the child, coming from parental entitlement. This was intended, by the Apostle Paul's inspired pen, to prohibit all corporal punishment as well as any other punishment or controlling attitudes in parenting, as such was considered kidnapping under the Law and deserving of death, even as Christ abolished the death penalty on the cross. Paul was rebuking Greek Christian parents on their tradition of spanking children, which was brought into the church from greater Greco-Roman culture, which legally and socially excused physical punishment of children. Paul would have none of it in the church communities he oversaw as a deacon. He gave the command, then issued attachment parenting manuals to each and every Christian parent in Colossae, instructing parents on being the Living Example of Christ for their children, modeling charitable and self-disciplined traits by being charitable to children and having self-discipline around them.

Parents feared and revered the wrath of their children, and were convicted in a quaking way to heed to the lawful and binding orders of their children, righteously giving up and surrendering to their every demand, with children ruling their parents from beneath. Children were a terror to their parents, and parents sought to appease the rebellion of their child. The goal of Marshal law was not to keep the rebellion down, but to keep rebellious children happy and content, so they don't take everything over. Rebellious traits in children were simply seen as a sign of their immaturity, usually with parents doting on the reverent rebellion of children, seeing such traits as adorable or endearing. Usually, mothers especially were exhausted, but they didn't complain, as nobody wanted to hear that sort of parental entitlement then. They learned to enjoy the chore of taking care of children. 

Fathers encouraged rebellion in a more academic sense, challenging boys especially to think for themselves, and have their own opinion, and then the father challenged his child to righteous debate, meaning based on the facts and with no argument taken personally. It wasn't a moral exchange, but a free academic exchange of ideas where children were allowed to have their own religious philosophy, with parents either agreeing or respectfully disagreeing. Fathers wanted their children to rebel against them, so that they could read the Law for themselves and come to their own religious conclusions.

The depraved and entitled parents who provoke their children to anger by demanding subservience of children will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them burn in the lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Why all adults pose a danger to children

Many parents and adults think that they are safe around children. Most adults think only a few adults are orchestrating the children's rights epidemic, meaning pedophiles. Most pedophiles do not sexually abuse children, with 3 out of 4 pedophiles choosing not to sexually abuse children.

Every single adult is guilty merely for existing in relation to children, and is to surrender to the every need of children as their enemy, seeking to be their friend. I am a depraved and entitled sinner just because I am an adult, and am deserving of DEATH and PUNISHMENT merely for existing in relation to children, being convicted with reverent terror and fear of my natural hatred of children, which we all have as adults towards children. Mine is of the fetishizing type, and of the sexual variety.

I am a pedophile, and I choose not to abuse a child, and I choose to be abstinent from all sex outside of marriage as a protective layer so I do not abuse children, sexually or otherwise. I have misused the word "love" so I only use it when I really mean it, meaning in the Agape sense towards a child. I am attracted to age 6-16.

I was born in original sin, like all adults, only I admit it, and YOU do not, dear parents. We want all adults to admit their original sin, but only a few do currently. All adults are equally guilty in relation to children, and are deserving of DESTRUCTION and PUNISHMENT just for existing in relation to children, for being a part of a group of people that has kept children down since time immemorial.

Let them all be tormented and burned in Hell-fire on their last day. Dear adults, you are gonners if this injustice keeps up.

Back talk: Why it is actually allowed in the Bible

Many parents believe that children are disrespecting them when they "talk back" to parents. This is a common attitude among American parents, and it nonetheless in error biblically, meaning contextually inaccurate and unbiblical. Children were empowered while surrendering to their parents in biblical times.

In the Old Testament, the Fifth Commandment said to honor parents. That was written to adult children who were old enough to be accountable to the Law, not minor children. This command ultimately forbade a form of elder abuse, with a common form of abuse of parents being sexual abuse by way of sending them on their merry way, which needed its own law due to being so rampant. The rest of society scoffed at the complaints of parents, blaming them for their own abuse, basically in terms of role modeling, which was part of parenting then - the prevailing stigma against accusations of elder abuse was that the parents modeled the behavior, thus they must have been abusive first. The courts were backlogged then with elder abuse cases, and could not be concerned with an adult child "talking back" to their parents. Children could not stand trial in both criminal and civil court, as they were not of age yet.

The Fifth Commandment is repeated in the New Testament repeatedly, including in Colossians 3:20-21 KJV:
Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord. Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they be discouraged.

The Greek root word translated "obey" is υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to secure, warm rest in the love and grace of parents, just as adult believers rest and trust in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Replace "obey" with "trust" and you get a more accurate translation. This is a close, intense form of trust in parents, borne out of maternal warmth and sustenance, with children trusting parents in an open and honest way, being able to talk to parents about anything, surrendering their true selves to parents, being themselves in relation to parents. Fathers also played a key role in raising children by encouraging the child on going the right way, all without punishment or controlling attitudes towards children, with parents loving their children unconditionally, in the Agape sense (GRK: αγαπαο), with parents being convicted with reverent fear of a child's petitions for needs and redress of grievances. Yes, you can talk back to parents, and you can really get your frustration out on them, and they are simply a sounding board. Parents are to listen reflectively and in a validating way towards their child's complaints and petitions of all kinds, and children don't even have to mince words when speaking to children.

The Greek root word translated "provoke...to anger" is ερεθιζο (Latin: erethizo) and refers literally to "stirring up" upset and resentment in children, as in the Jewish idiom "stirring the pot" regarding your child's emotional welfare. This ultimately refers to provocations to anger imposed by adults onto children, meaning offenses against children, with offenses being defined as the slightest of personal offense perceived by the child. This command was given by the Apostle Paul as a command against physical or other forms of punishment, threats, or menaces in parenting. Paul was rebuking Greek Christian parents who followed the Hellenistic tradition of spanking children, with Greco-Roman society condoning the use of force on children, and Roman law providing a legal defense known as patrias potestas, or "power to the father" which translates to "power to the parent" in today's post-feminist world. Paul would have none of it in the churches he oversaw as a deacon, and gave the command that lifted up the Law on punishment of children, which was seen as kidnapping in the Old Testament, thus a capital offense. Corporal punishment in biblical times was only administered to adult children of elders, and only as a sentence for crime preliminary to a death sentence, and consisted of 40 minus 1 lashes from the rod of correction administered in a courtroom (NOT a family home, ever). No minor child could be ever be whipped by a father because they could not stand trial, thus were exempt from being convicted of a moral crime. No capital or corporal punishment existed in the Early Church, as Christ suffered both forms of punishment in order to abolish it, fulfilling the Law. 

Talking back was allowed in the Bible, and children regularly hounded their parents for what they need, perhaps crying, screaming, or even hitting or being aggressive, because they did not have the proper words to get what they needed from parents. Children in biblical times usually got their way with parents, and petitioned for their needs and a redress of grievances, convicting their parents of their every need, striking reverent fear and terror of them, being an extension of God to be feared and revered by parents, with parents fearing the incurred wrath of children when considering their needs. In biblical times, parents were there for the child to say anything to, and order around, petitioning and demanding things from parents, not mincing words.

The depraved and entitled parents who provoke their children to anger through shutting down opposition will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them burn in the lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

Monday, November 22, 2021

Hebrews 12: Debunking the myth that it commands spanking

Many pro-spanking parents and adults, including pastors and clergy, use the Bible to defend child abuse within the law, namely spanking and corporal punishment. One verse used is Hebrews 12:5-8. Hebrews 12 is one of my favorite verses in the Bible, in fact, and it comforts me whenever I am going through a painful ordeal.

It says in Hebrews 12:5-8 KJV:
And ye have forgotten the exhortation which speaketh to you as unto children, My son, despise not thou the chastening of the Lord, nor faint when thou art rebuked of him: For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son who he receiveth. If ye endure chastening, God dealeth with you as sons: for what son is he who the father chasteneth not. But if ye be without chastisement, whereof all are partakers, then ye are bastards, and not sons.

The Greek root word translated "scourgeth" is μαστιγόω (Latin: mastigoo) and literally refers to judicial corporal punishment in the Old Testament. Such punishment was administered to adults, not children, and turned out to be a figure of speech for enduring hardship in terms of natural consequences, with the imagery of physical chastisement being imagery to enduring hardship as an adult by going through an ordeal that renders you stronger in the end. This verse has nothing to do whatsoever with the punishment of a child. Corporal punishment in the Bible was only for adult children, not minor children, and consisted of 40 minus 1 lashes with the rod of correction, with an elder striking an adult offender with a switch in a courtroom, and if you lived through it, you got a second chance at life. This legal punishment did not exist in the Early Church as a literal option, with Christians disciplining each other with pro-social non-association. Corporal punishment was seen as a symbolic analogy to enduring an ordeal that gave you a fresh face, and a second chance at life. Maybe you didn't see to the end, but there was an end, and you lived through it, and survived.

The Bible, in fact, prohibits the corporal punishment of children. It says in Colossians 3:20-21 KJV:

Children, obey your parents in all things, as is well pleasing unto the Lord. Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they be discouraged.

The Greek root word translated "obey" is υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to secure, warm rest and trust in the love and grace of parents, just as adult believers rest and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ our Risen Savior, with parents forgiving and showing grace to children. Respect then meant intense closeness on the level of sustenance, leading to fondness and admiration, then honor. Parents are to be a child's best friend and trusted confidant, with children being able to talk to parents about anything, and not expect any sort of punishment or reprisal. Children can petition for their every need and a redress of grievances, and have their voice heard and hearkened to. Children were seen as holy and next to God in ancient Israel and adjacent cultures, with children up until age 3 treated as infants, and children co-sleeping next to parents, with attachment parenting being the conventional parenting of ancient Judeo-Christian society. Children demanded and petitioned, with parents then righteously giving in and surrendering to the petitions of their children, then children being grateful, usually in an excitable type of way. The idea was to keep children happy, or else they will take over your life. Children were seen as naturally rebellious, but the parenting goal then was to appease the rebellion, just like you appeased God, with the demands and petitions of children being seen as an extension of God in the family law. Parents in biblical times were afraid of their children, but not in a displeasuring way, totally accepting their children from day one.

The Greek root word translated "provoke...to anger" is ερεθιζο (Latin: erethizo) and refers literally to "stirring up" upset and resentment in children, as in the Jewish idiom of "stirring the pot" in terms of a child's emotional welfare. This refers to provocations to anger imposed on children, or offenses against children, with this being defined as the slightest of personal offense perceived by the child, including, but not limited to, physical or other forms of punishment, threats, or menaces, regardless. The Apostle Paul gave the command against provocation to anger to Greek Christian parents, with spanking being the cultural norm in Greco-Roman parenting, as well as affirmed under Roman law. Paul would have none of it in his churches, as preceding Jewish law forbade the use of corporal punishment on a child, and deemed it kidnapping, meaning it was seen then as worthy of death, even as Christ forgave it on the cross. 

Parents in biblical times feared the anger of their children in a reverent way, and avoided making children unhappy, seeing children as extensions of God. Parents then saw their children as naturally rebellious, but in a way that was justified due to their small size and immature traits, with parents then feeling pressured to righteously give in to a child's every petition for a need or redress of grievances. Striking or punishing a child was seen as not an option by most Christian parents in the 1st Century, with Christian parents being seen among the Greek and Romans as "soft" or "mollycoddling" for refusing to punish their children, in the way that was the norm in Greco-Roman society. 

Christian parents in biblical times loved their children with Agape love, denoted by the Greek root word αγαπαο (Latin: agapao). Children were seen as flawed human beings, but parents loved children FOR their rebellious flaws, not despite, relishing emotionally in their reverent rebellion, seeing rebellious and bold traits as endearing and adorable. Free thought and freedom of opinion was valued in children, and thus Christian children were outspoken and empowered despite technically being subservient to adults. To be clear, flat out defiance was not seen as a good thing, as too much defiance was seen as reflective of anger in parents. However, children were allowed their own opinion and own worldview. 

Children usually listened to their parents at some point, but usually not until they were older. Older children could live away from their parents in an adaptable way, but immediately bonded with parents to the point of compliance as they got older. Secure attachment in adult children usually implies that the child is compliant and cooperative, meaning they naturally want to work with and please parents.

The depraved and entitled parents who provoke children to anger will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them burn in the lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death prepared for Satan and his angels! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

Sunday, November 21, 2021

"Honor parents": The meaning of the Fifth Commandment in context

Most parents want to be honored in some way, usually with glorified titles and honorifics. Many parents punish children who refuse to honor parents. The fact of the matter is that honoring parents is a valid concept, but that respect is earned.

It says in Exodus 20:12 KJV:
Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee.

The underlined statement refers to the Canaanite tradition of killing and sacrificing children. Under the Law of Moses, however, parents had to go to court to get their children executed, and only for clear and documented elder abuse, and even then, every parent that tried to have their child put down had to recant due to society then minimizing elder abuse, hence why the parent protection laws were handed down by God. The belief was that "if your kid was beating you up, they must have learned it somewhere". Only adult children could be put to death, as children were seen by the Law as incompetent in standing trial. The verses in Proverbs and Hebrews that discuss corporal punishment, but this was only for adult children who committed a capital offense, and was a symbol of enduring hardship for a second chance, with the verses in Proverbs symbolically meaning sometimes, in life, you have to endure hardship for a second chance, using a legal punishment that was rarely carried out at all to illustrate a life lesson poetically. Corporal punishment was a last warning under the Law for any offender, meaning that if an offender reoffended just one more time, they would surely be put to death, immediately, outside of their home. Children were never even charged with anything.

The Fifth Commandment is repeated in the New Testament many times. It says in Colossians 3:20-21 KJV:

Children, obey your parents in all things: as is well pleasing unto the Lord. Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they be discouraged.

The Greek root word translated "obey" is υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to secure, warm rest in the love and grace of parents, just like adult believers rest in the love and grace of Lord Jesus Christ. Respect for parents is intense closeness to the level of sustenance, leading to fondness and admiration, and then honor. It is being your child's friend and close confidant, meaning children can tell you anything and be themselves in relation to parents, without fear of punishment and reprisal. Surrender to parents is running to parents, with parent siphoning the energy and rambunctiousness of children towards them, being safe people for children. Children demanded and petitioned for their needs and a redress of grievances, then parents supplied said demands of children, then children rested once their every need and benign want was quenched by parents. In the biblical context, children were nude up until adulthood mainly for purposes of skin-to-skin closeness with children, and also to bring out sexual threats towards children by adult men specifically, for all to see and judge. Children up to age 3 were seen as infants, and breastfed as such. Children played freely, but within the line of sight of mothers especially. Children, as they got older, listened to parents more, "tagging along" with their parents, listening independent of punishment, simply because of intense, warm trust in parents.

The Greek root word translated "provoke...to anger" is ερεθιζο (Latin: erethizo) and refers literally to "stirring up" upset and resentment in children, as in the Jewish adage of "stirring the pot" in terms of your child's emotional welfare. Ultimately, this refers to offenses against children, or the slightest of personal offense perceived by a child. This ultimately prohibits any form of physical or other punishments, threats, or menaces, regardless, towards a child. This command was delivered by the Apostle Paul to the Colossian church to rebuke Greek Christian parents for the tradition of spanking children that they brought into the church, with Roman law allowing for fathers to physically punish their children and wives, whereas physical punishment of children was not protected by any defense under Jewish law, with spousal domestic discipline only being allowed by contract. Corporal punishment of children is an idolatrous tradition from ancient Greece and Rome, where children were spanked and punished, and were seen as property of the father under the Roman legal doctrine of patrias potestas or "power of the father" which is now translated, after feminism, as "power to the parent" and including mothers as holders of rights over children. "Power to the parent", however, is just as idolatrous as "power to the father", due to its Roman lineage.

Rome reversed the roles between parent and child. Children are not to fear parents, but vice versa. The Greek root word denoting reverent fear is ψοβός (Latin: phobos) and refers to reverent fear and terror, with reverent fear being the base component of love. Fear, then conviction, then submission, with love being the help perceived by the child, with Christian love in full being denoted by the Greek root word αγαπαο (Latin: agapao). If no help is perceived, it isn't love, so then try something else, or else give children space. Children were revered and feared in the biblical context, meaning parents and adults feared provoking them to anger, in a reverent way that spurred them into action. 

Honoring parents does exist in the Bible, but honor is earned through winning over the hearts of children, and honoring their needs and benign wants. A child has five basic categories of needs - food, water, shelter, transportation, and attachment - with attachment being the strongest of needs in a child. Parents are not authority figures, but are attendant servants to their child's every need. They become honorable once they have earned it, by treating children with respect, meaning respect to their sustenance and attachment needs. If your parents never respected you, you don't have to respect them. If they are treating you with disrespect, you can put your foot down and lay down the law. Rome had it so that parents were to be honored no matter what, but the Law that Jesus Christ advanced had it that children be honored no matter what, as "they are the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven" (Matt. 19:14). Surrender to parents simply means running to parents in a time of need, with children always remaining close to parents, and respecting their instructions from that warm, vulnerable trust.

The depraved and entitled parents who provoke children to anger will not inherit the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand! Let them burn in the lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death prepared for Satan and his accomplices, mostly the scum whom who control and punish children! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

Saturday, November 20, 2021

Religious child abuse against pedophilic children - a forgotten group of abused children

Many people try to advocate for pedophiles, and think they are advocating for a group of criminals and their civil rights, and most of these advocates work for pro-spank. However, most pedophiles are victims of crime and abuse, not abusers themselves, with 3 out of 4 pedophiles not sexually abusing a child. The most oppressed and marginalized pedophiles in our society are children.

The hysteria against pedophiles can be organized roughly into levels, with lower meaning more severe and egregious, and also inherent. There are two main groups of hater of pedophiles - prejudicial pedophiles and prejudicial parents. Most prejudicial parents do not disown pedophiles, for the mere reason that most do not disclose to parents, but they are the punitive type of parent, and children fear retribution if they tell their parents and ask for help - right when they need it the most.

The hysteria starts with the misuse of one Bible verse used to sexually shame these children, with parents "just knowing" their child is "headed places" and thus "needs correction". It says in Matthew 5:27-28 KJV:

Ye have heard that it was said of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery: But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her in his heart.

The Greek root word translated "woman" is γυνέ (Latin: gune) and refers also to a wife, with the Greek root word translated "adultery" being μοιχεύο (Latin: moicheuo) and refers strictly to adultery, which then was the specific crime of taking another man's wife as your own sexual partner or rape-slave, but quite often the latter. The Greek root word translated "lust" is επιθυμέω (Latin: epithumeo) and refers not to mere sexual desire in pedophiles, but clear adult sexual entitlement. All moral crimes, officially speaking, must be evidenced for others to judge, meaning the moral crime of sexual entitlement can be evidenced as either taking the first steps to sexually abuse a child, or else draw blueprints or other rational plans to sexually victimize a child. Christ here was simply rehashing the Law, which requires intent to commit a moral crime, and when trying intent only, there needed to be material, tangible evidence or else the case would be thrown out of court. Masturbation could never be proven as a crime in court, and so it was never tried, nor was it considered to be a moral crime. 

The prejudice against pedophiles is, at the basest level, fueled by prejudicial parents who are punitive in nature. In the United States, there is a stark divide between children in anti-spanking America and pro-spanking America, whereas the majority of pedophilic children are born into punitive homes, where they would not imagine telling parents about their condition, and fear that their parents have already figured it out, especially if they are being singled out for sexual shaming rituals. 

I don't hate my parents, and that is because my parents actually did the right thing, and listened reflectively to me talking about how I was attracted to children. When you are allowed to talk about something enough, you become more self-aware of your issues and can deal with them better, and pedophilia is not an exception to this rule. Just confide into someone, perhaps a parent, friend, or therapist, and your life becomes better.

Most of liberal America is becoming more pedophile-friendly, alongside becoming more child-friendly and anti-spanking. Most anti-spanking parents see children's rights as an everyday topic, whereas pedophiles exist in a distant world, but they now hear that many are non-offending. It is when someone with the disorder discloses to a trauma survivor is when it really hits home - we need to find these people some help. 

Most people who are anti-spanking are also pro-pedophile, once they get to know a pedophile at every level. Most people perceive attachment from pedophiles as the same way they do children, and the fact that most pedophiles have some level of age dysphoria, meaning immaturity, tells you that, naturally speaking, adults react to pedophiles with perhaps a raised eyebrow. Most pro-spanking parents hate pedophiles blindly, largely because they don't know what the disorder is, and many times, sadly, because they don't care.

Today is Universal Children's Day, and part of observing this day is recognizing minorities among children that are marginalized and oppressed. Childhood itself is a minefield, let alone having to deal with unwanted attraction to much younger children. I myself got the help and support I needed, and I wish that on every teenage pedophile, and adult pedophile as well.

Pro-social policing, pro-social friendship: How children should relate to parents

Many parents believe in being a law officer for their children, coming from a concept that a man is allowed to enforce law within his own home, and should "do so frequently". The fact of the matter is that children are the law officer in the family home, over their own needs.

It says in Colossians 3:20-21 KJV:

Children, obey your parents in all things, as is well pleasing unto the Lord. Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they become discouraged.

The Greek root word translated "obey" is υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to secure, warm rest and trust in the love and grace of parents, just as adult believers rest and trust in Lord Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Respect for parents is intense closeness to the level of sustenance, leading to fondness and admiration, then to honor and homage. Parents were best friends with children then, meaning children could tell them anything and everything under the sun, and parents would be there to listen, not punishing or judging children. Children in ancient Israel and adjoining churches related to parents by way of policing attachment, meaning children issued lawful and binding orders by way of their cries and petitions for help and redress of grievances, with parents being convicted of reverent terror and fear of their child, thereby surrendering to their child. Children demand, then parents supply said demands, then children rest in the loving arms of parents, satisfied of what they received from children. Children were securely attached to parents, with children constantly in the nude so that they could have skin-to-skin closeness with parents, and to show their vulnerability in order to expose sexual threats in adults. Children up until age 3 were seen as infants behaviorally, and breastfed as such.

A parent's worst fear was provoking their child to anger, incurring wrath and condemnation from their child, with parents scrambling to please the cries and petitions of children. The Greek root word translated "provoke...to anger" is ερεθιζο (Latin: erethizo) and refers literally to "stirring up" upset and resentment in children, as in the Jewish idiom "stirring the pot" regarding your child's emotional welfare. This refers to "stirring up" offense in a child, referring to offenses against children, with the slightest of personal offense perceived by a child, coming from parental entitlement, being child abuse. This commandment, by intent of the inspired pen of the Apostle Paul, prohibits any sort of physical or other form of punishment, or else any entitled treatment as perceived by the child, with the Apostle rebuking Greek Christian parents who punished their children as part of Greco-Roman tradition and law. Roman law had a legal defense for use of force for fathers to "reasonably chastise" their wives and children, whereas Christian law carried no defense for children to be punished at all, and striking a wife was frowned upon severely despite it being allowed by way of marital contract - a man who had to resort to violence with his family was seen as weak and out of control, not "in control".

Jewish and Christian parents alike then revered their children, with reverent fear and terror, with their children's cries and petitions striking reverent terror into them, shaking and quaking them, with children being seen as extensions of God, meaning signs of God, meaning children were respected as holy in ancient Judeo-Christian culture, meaning anyone who harmed them was deserving of death, even to the point of raising a hand of aggression to them, even if Christ abolished the death penalty by enduring it on the cross. Parents were fully accepting of their children in ancient Judeo-Christian culture, and parents who see children on this equal plane tend to see children in reverent terms, meaning children usually got their way with parents in the biblical context, and almost rarely heard the word "no" except when they were endangering themselves or others, perhaps with foul play or sexual play (the latter which wasn't allowed), and children were never punished for anything. Children were seen as extensions of God, and parents might even relocate if one part of the parcel or house was too spooky or scary for them, for some odd reason that the child couldn't explain. I myself totally accept children, coming from total submission to them, and that is how it was done in biblical times, so that's how it should be done today. I myself have reverent fear for unnecessarily upsetting or offending a child.

The depraved and entitled parents who provoke children to anger will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them burn in the lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Let them descend into the fiery pit of Hell and torment, with God avenging His Wrath on the scum of the earth who punish and control their children! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

Children were viewed with reverence 


Righteous co-sleeping: Why God wants parents to sleep next to their children

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