Sunday, November 28, 2021

What accepting adults attracted to children can do for child protection

Many in the United States, on the religious right especially, want pedophilia and ephebophilia (the latter being attraction to children aged 14-18) to be a closed struggle. Most people do not know what it would be like for a pedophile to be out in the open. The attitude of most people is that it is a bomb that goes off. Far from it when they are pro-social and non-offending in nature.

The key of children's rights, on the youth rights side of our beliefs, is that adults must turn themselves in to their children if they want to be a good adult. The idea is admitting to struggle out in the open, and accept the consequences for that disclosure. But, at the same time, mental health stigma is a form of entitlement, and keeping down entire mental health identities is a form of grave libel.

I myself am an out and open pedophile, meaning everyone on my Facebook page knows I am a pedophile. I myself am accepted and understood among the closest of my family members, and I present pedophilic traits when out in public. When I am at a restaurant, others surely can tell where I am looking, meaning who I am looking at and where I am looking.

When adults attracted to children are accepted as human beings, meaning the people and not the entitled parental cord itself, they are easier to spot by concerned adults. They will be obvious as the light of day, meaning everyone will see where they are looking, and how intently. 

If such an adult just checks out children, meaning repeated glances, they are not entitled. A sexually entitled adult, when allowed to experience their condition on the surface, will stare at children. Most sexually entitled adults today repress their sexuality, meaning they are anti-pedophiles by nature, with the offense being sudden and out of nowhere, for the victim and the perpetrator

Pedophiles and other adults attracted to children are most accepted today in the United States by anti-spanking parents. All of the adults that are supportive to my condition either are anti-spanking or have changed their views shortly after me disclosing my pedophilic disorder to them. This is because non-pedophilic adults treat pedophiles like they would their own children, and since most parents in the United States are pro-spanking, they may want to give pedophiles "a good spanking". Most adults wish harm on child molesters, but an anti-spanking adult who identifies a pedophile as pro-social and non-offending will view the individual with the condition as a "kid" due to the appearance of pedophiles as an adult that never grew up (think "peter pan"), and anti-spanking mothers especially will nurture a child and take the pedophile as their own child. The problem is that women feel beholden to male, pro-spank advice on how to deal with pedophiles.

A pedophile needs listening, for good or for bad. Listen to them, hear out their struggles, and validate their every emotion. Sometimes, a pedophile does run afoul of the law, both moral and civil, and then you simply hear out their diatribe, listen to them complain, and ask breakthrough questions that are gentle enough to elicit a confession. Once they spill their guts to you, turn on them and demand they plead "yea" or "nay" as to if they did it or not, and if they defend their right to do it, turn on them suddenly and expose them on a children's rights screen for what they are, or else tell them to avoid the location where the abuse occurs if they are cooperative and you are not a mandated reporter. I am not a mandated reporter. 3 out of 4 pedophiles do not sexually abuse children, and most pedophiles are youth rights adults in North America, meaning they turn themselves into children directly, seeing children as a higher authority to be accountable to. I myself see children as a higher authority next to God to be accountable to, which is how children's rights was originally designed. This does not make survivors obsolete, as the role of sexual trauma survivors is to educate people about their abuse as former children. A survivor is a special type of former child that doesn't repeat the cycle of abuse, which actually encompasses, by the strict definition, most pedophiles.

The depraved parent/adult fornicators who defend their rights to sexually abuse children will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Most pedophiles do not abuse children, and most are abuse victims in some sense or another. Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
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