Saturday, November 20, 2021

Religious child abuse against pedophilic children - a forgotten group of abused children

Many people try to advocate for pedophiles, and think they are advocating for a group of criminals and their civil rights, and most of these advocates work for pro-spank. However, most pedophiles are victims of crime and abuse, not abusers themselves, with 3 out of 4 pedophiles not sexually abusing a child. The most oppressed and marginalized pedophiles in our society are children.

The hysteria against pedophiles can be organized roughly into levels, with lower meaning more severe and egregious, and also inherent. There are two main groups of hater of pedophiles - prejudicial pedophiles and prejudicial parents. Most prejudicial parents do not disown pedophiles, for the mere reason that most do not disclose to parents, but they are the punitive type of parent, and children fear retribution if they tell their parents and ask for help - right when they need it the most.

The hysteria starts with the misuse of one Bible verse used to sexually shame these children, with parents "just knowing" their child is "headed places" and thus "needs correction". It says in Matthew 5:27-28 KJV:

Ye have heard that it was said of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery: But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her in his heart.

The Greek root word translated "woman" is γυνέ (Latin: gune) and refers also to a wife, with the Greek root word translated "adultery" being μοιχεύο (Latin: moicheuo) and refers strictly to adultery, which then was the specific crime of taking another man's wife as your own sexual partner or rape-slave, but quite often the latter. The Greek root word translated "lust" is επιθυμέω (Latin: epithumeo) and refers not to mere sexual desire in pedophiles, but clear adult sexual entitlement. All moral crimes, officially speaking, must be evidenced for others to judge, meaning the moral crime of sexual entitlement can be evidenced as either taking the first steps to sexually abuse a child, or else draw blueprints or other rational plans to sexually victimize a child. Christ here was simply rehashing the Law, which requires intent to commit a moral crime, and when trying intent only, there needed to be material, tangible evidence or else the case would be thrown out of court. Masturbation could never be proven as a crime in court, and so it was never tried, nor was it considered to be a moral crime. 

The prejudice against pedophiles is, at the basest level, fueled by prejudicial parents who are punitive in nature. In the United States, there is a stark divide between children in anti-spanking America and pro-spanking America, whereas the majority of pedophilic children are born into punitive homes, where they would not imagine telling parents about their condition, and fear that their parents have already figured it out, especially if they are being singled out for sexual shaming rituals. 

I don't hate my parents, and that is because my parents actually did the right thing, and listened reflectively to me talking about how I was attracted to children. When you are allowed to talk about something enough, you become more self-aware of your issues and can deal with them better, and pedophilia is not an exception to this rule. Just confide into someone, perhaps a parent, friend, or therapist, and your life becomes better.

Most of liberal America is becoming more pedophile-friendly, alongside becoming more child-friendly and anti-spanking. Most anti-spanking parents see children's rights as an everyday topic, whereas pedophiles exist in a distant world, but they now hear that many are non-offending. It is when someone with the disorder discloses to a trauma survivor is when it really hits home - we need to find these people some help. 

Most people who are anti-spanking are also pro-pedophile, once they get to know a pedophile at every level. Most people perceive attachment from pedophiles as the same way they do children, and the fact that most pedophiles have some level of age dysphoria, meaning immaturity, tells you that, naturally speaking, adults react to pedophiles with perhaps a raised eyebrow. Most pro-spanking parents hate pedophiles blindly, largely because they don't know what the disorder is, and many times, sadly, because they don't care.

Today is Universal Children's Day, and part of observing this day is recognizing minorities among children that are marginalized and oppressed. Childhood itself is a minefield, let alone having to deal with unwanted attraction to much younger children. I myself got the help and support I needed, and I wish that on every teenage pedophile, and adult pedophile as well.

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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

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