Monday, November 29, 2021

Banning spanking: Why pedophiles deserve stronger child abuse laws

Many people assume that pedophile advocacy involves eliminating laws protecting children. It depends what type of pedophile you care about. Pedophilic children are the worst yet best victims of child abuse, and the stigma carries on to the next generation by the lawful abuse of pedophilic children. These children scream for better child abuse laws, such as banning spanking.

LET THE DEPRAVED PARENTS BURN! Yep, I am THAT angry on a traumatic level at these depraved parents who spank and punish a child. You depraved scum, you entitled ragweed, you entitled parents, you! Go burn in Hell! Go KYS! WE are pedophile survivors and WE will ban domestic violence from our law-abiding parents - that is trauma from a pedophile.

Anti-spanking trauma is usually a hidden trauma, but in pedophiles, it is out in the open, in the form of a borderline-histrionic trauma. Pedophilic trauma usually opposes parental rights, not children's rights, and namely "power to the parent" attitudes. Pedophiles who have a trauma from corporal punishment crusade against their abuser, the parent, in a messianic way.

Most pedophilic children who are self-identified live in securely attached living situations with parents, and can tell parents everything. Several children in this children's rights community are out to their parents about their pedophilia. Many of them were punished earlier in life. I myself was that pedophilic child, in both tenses, meaning I wore my trauma proudly, without shame, in a way that drove my parents aground, and when I disclosed that I was a pedophile, it was like the waters assuaged - I can now talk to my mother about everything (my father passed away in 2017, sadly). 

Disclosure of pedophilia to the right parent is a lifesaver. However, usually, they are also the source for a gentle parenting decision, meaning the parents were once authoritative in nature, in a behaviorist way, and the child wouldn't allow it. Such children will bombard their parents with anti-spanking facts, and will not cease until all is settled, and the parents are broken down, and then they disclose their pedophilic disorder to parents. The disclosure isn't "like a bomb going off" but more like either a cascade of tears, or in some cases with more moderate forms of autism (as opposed to mild), a tone-deaf disclosure that prompts denial in parents, then acceptance, with most of these children doing the work themselves to improve in respecting and not abusing children. These children never became anti-spanking through change of heart, but by lack of internalization of societal norms in dealing with children. 

Why don't pedophilic children internalize the lie that "I deserved to be spanked"? Pedophiles have different threads in terms of parental locus of control than most adults/adolescent children. When that thread is different, and it is on the aware level, that leads to the natural view of children being internalized instead. Most adults hate children, more than a pedophile can ever imagine, and this includes seeing children as "monsters" or "brats", whereas a pedophile naturally does not see children this way, except in rare cases where they internalize the societal hatred of children, and find children annoying but wish them their rights from afar. 

Pedophiles are canaries in the coal mine as to signs of a sea change in opinion on the issue of corporal punishment of children. Ordinary adults relate to pedophiles, in terms of attachment, on the same level they do children, when they actually meet a pedophile up close. Those who punish children will punish a pedophile. Those who encourage children without punishment will do so with pedophiles, encouraging them not to offend. Since 2012, mental health supports for pedophiles have increased immensely, with many therapy organizations now accepting non-offending pedophilia as a valid mental illness. When pedophiles start getting their supports in not abusing children as at-risk adult, all other at-risk adults will be afforded help as well. There is a great need for generic gentle parenting supports in certain communities, namely in more conservative areas with my values, sadly. First pedophiles will turn themselves into children by self-diagnosis, then the rest of adult-kind will turn themselves in as well, getting help and support for their domestic violence addiction against children. Most pedophiles already oppose these things that most adults support in unison, patting each other on the back, and scapegoating pedophiles for the collective trauma that they have created, and pedophiles suffer from the loudest (in a convincing way, I have found, but only once you become an adult).

The depraved and entitled pro-spanking parents will burn in Hell! Let them be tormented in the lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death, forever and ever! Let's ban spanking now, as pedophilic children are the most sensitive of children to punitive parenting. Repent, for the Kingdom of heaven is at hand!


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