Friday, November 26, 2021

Child salvation: Why children have a straight ticket "up"

Most people do not even want to think of a child dying. I can't fathom the mortality of children, due to my flawed permissive personality as a pedophile. But, I know a child who dies is going nowhere but "up". 

A child is defined as an individual under the age of majority. In ancient Israel and adjoining churches, under Jewish law, the age of criminal/legal responsibility was on par with the age of majority, meaning until children come of age, they cannot be charged with a moral crime, and cannot testify in court except as a plaintiff.

We must recognize the age of majority in our home jurisdiction (Rom. 13:1-4) yet give it a Christian meaning, meaning the age of majority means the age of reason. See John 7:24 KJV:
Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.

The Greek root word translated "judge" and "judgment" is κρινο (Latin: krino) and uplifts all the righteous judgment standards of ancient Israel. The judgment standard then was based on the phrase "innocent until proven guilty, beyond a reasonable doubt", with the presumption of ignorance and remorse in the defendant. Children under a certain age were deemed ignorant by default, meaning even if they knew what they did, they didn't in the eyes of the Law, thus children who died had no sin count, and if you have no sin count, there are no sins to punish in Hell. All of the judgment standards of ancient Israel apply now, including the legal defenses, including the defense of infancy - meaning a child under the age of reason/majority was assumed beyond the shadow of a doubt as not guilty of any moral crime. The historical context shows Christ scolding a rabbi for judging too rashly a moral wrong, meaning not using the proper judgment system, and assuming guilt where it isn't. Christ was saying presume innocence in a subject, and He was implying in the way it was done then in the Greek root word mentioned in this paragraph, legal defenses and all, as that's how you exonerate a falsely accused defendant by your own judgment.

Hell if for sinners who rebel against God, not those who, by a defined age bracket, can be deemed as never knowing God in an informed way. Hell is a legal punishment, meaning an eternal prison for those who violate God's Law knowingly and intently. Let's face it, children don't know what they are doing, meaning they are packed full of impulses and communication blocks, meaning behavior is communication, and cannot be judged with an adult lens. Most of the time, children cannot form the intent to sin because they don't know what they are doing is wrong, and even if they do, they can't help it. The Law, by implied legal defense in John 7:24, allows for a defense of infancy, which applied even to adults illiterate due to intellectual/developmental disabilities, meaning the person responsible for them took the blame.

Childhood in the Bible entails that infancy is a defense under the Law. This doesn't mean drop the case, but that the culpability goes to the next person in line, meaning the parent was held responsible for their child's mishaps, usually a vagrancy offense against the neighbors that required parents to apologize for their child in the exchange, and a parent who refused to was deemed entitled for permissiveness.

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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
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