Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Why all adults pose a danger to children

Many parents and adults think that they are safe around children. Most adults think only a few adults are orchestrating the children's rights epidemic, meaning pedophiles. Most pedophiles do not sexually abuse children, with 3 out of 4 pedophiles choosing not to sexually abuse children.

Every single adult is guilty merely for existing in relation to children, and is to surrender to the every need of children as their enemy, seeking to be their friend. I am a depraved and entitled sinner just because I am an adult, and am deserving of DEATH and PUNISHMENT merely for existing in relation to children, being convicted with reverent terror and fear of my natural hatred of children, which we all have as adults towards children. Mine is of the fetishizing type, and of the sexual variety.

I am a pedophile, and I choose not to abuse a child, and I choose to be abstinent from all sex outside of marriage as a protective layer so I do not abuse children, sexually or otherwise. I have misused the word "love" so I only use it when I really mean it, meaning in the Agape sense towards a child. I am attracted to age 6-16.

I was born in original sin, like all adults, only I admit it, and YOU do not, dear parents. We want all adults to admit their original sin, but only a few do currently. All adults are equally guilty in relation to children, and are deserving of DESTRUCTION and PUNISHMENT just for existing in relation to children, for being a part of a group of people that has kept children down since time immemorial.

Let them all be tormented and burned in Hell-fire on their last day. Dear adults, you are gonners if this injustice keeps up.

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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

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