Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Why parents should fear their child (pro-social chivalry)

Many parents want to be feared by their children. This is a common trait in parents in the United States. However, nowhere in the Bible does it legitimately say that a child has to fear their parents. The biblical view is that children are to be feared and revered by parents.

Every single adult is guilty in relation to children, and is deserving of DEATH and PUNISHMENT merely for existing in relation to children, given how adult-kind has oppressed children since time immemorial. Parents are to be convicted of their wicked and entitled adult nature, then surrendering to the every vulnerable need of their child, expecting absolutely nothing in return, being disciplined in their presence in exemplary format, serving children from beneath yet from above. This is Christian love, as denoted by the Greek root word αγαπαο. Fear is a key driving element in Christian love, also known as Agape love. Parents are entitled to nothing from their child, and are to be grateful for the every joy coming from their child.

The doctrine of mutual surrender in parenting is handed down by God through the Apostle Paul. It says in Colossians 3:20-21 KJV:

Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord. Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they become discouraged.

The Greek root word translated "obey" is υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to rest and trust in the love and grace of parents, just as adult believers rest and trust in Lord Jesus Christ. Replace the word "obey" with "trust" and you get a roughly better translation. This means trust to the point of complete openness and honesty in terms of emotions, meaning you can talk to parents about anything, and petition for a redress of grievances. Parents in ancient Israel and adjoining churches feared and revered their children to the point of pro-social child worship, meaning children were seen as next to God, meaning an extension of God, and were seen as holy. Children co-slept next to their mothers in the nude every night up until they were adults, snuggling with their child in skin-to-skin closeness. Children up to age 3 were seen as infants behaviorally, and were breastfed as such. The "terrible twos" were simply seen as a baby crying out for love. Parents were afraid of their children, holding them in awe and reverence, marveling at their vulnerability, struck with reverent fear and terror. Parents were safe people around children, for children to tell all and show all about themselves to parents, expecting no punishment or retribution.

Parents feared the judgment and wrath of their children in biblical times. The Greek root word translated "provoke...to anger" is ερεθιζο (Latin: erethizo) and refers literally to "stirring up" negative emotion in children, as in "stirring the pot" in terms of emotional welfare. It refers to a provocation to anger, namely offenses against children, as defined under the Law as the slightest of offense perceived by a child, including any punishment or control of children, with punishing a child then being seen as kidnapping and worthy of bloodlust, even if not satiated. The Apostle Paul was rebuking Greek Christian parents about the Hellenistic tradition of spanking that was brought into the church. The physical or other punishment of children was legal under Roman law by way of legal defense of patrias potestas or "power to the father", or else "power to the parent" in post-feminist America. Paul would have none of it in the churches he oversaw as a deacon. Corporal punishment did occur in the Old Testament, but only once in a lifetime, and as a sentence for crime. Children could not be charged for any criminal act or civil wrong, and could not stand trial except as a plaintiff. Christ sacrificed and paid the ultimate price on the cross to end the death penalty and corporal punishment by enduring both. Christ, in fact, was whipped with 40 minus 1 lashes before being nailed to the cross, and He endured it so it could be abolished by God. 

Parents were meek and humble in the face of their children's petitions for needs and redress of grievances, fearing the wrath of their child. Children in ancient Jewish and Christian cultures alike were very demanding, but only to their parents, as parents were safe people to children - and that's how it should be today. Parents should be safe people for their children's needs and petitions for a redress of grievances, and allow their children to express their needs however they so wish, no matter how abrasive the parents might find their behavior, possibly advocating needs with stereotypically "naughty" behavior, and parents simply seeing behaviors as a cry for help and understanding.

The depraved and entitled parents who make their children fear them instead of the reverse will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them burn and suffer in the lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

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