Wednesday, March 31, 2021

"A pedophile cannot be the victim of abuse..."

 Yet Robbyn reassures "the individual can be". Yes, "pedophile" describes an individual, in shorthand format, but ultimately they have a disorder, and are not a label. I refuse to believe you are that inhumane as to, in 2021, believe pedophiles don't have trauma, apart from those that are victimizing narcissists.

"That is my view, in fact" Most of us are actually traumatic traumatics, meaning we took it hard as a child and never defended our parents. Trauma is fun, and you can gaslight abusers with it. If they falsely accuse someone of abuse to cover for their abuse or to manipulate others, then they can't have a say. Those scum hurt me because I might actually have a point. I do, and don't see my abuser everywhere - I see my abuse being committed everywhere, and link it to an abuser - parents.

A man who is bitterly angry about being spanked as a child, and always hated his parents from seemingly day one, is likely to be a pedophile.

The ultimatum: Understanding lawful child abuse

"The ultimatum" has a special meaning around here, and I don't like it, at all. It revolves around a grooming story concerning my cousin and I being rivals. I am actually out of the loop as to the details, but there is a loop, and Focus on the Family is in the middle of it. There is no rivalry. It's called affinity pedophile. We see ourselves as in alliance with children, as one united front, or as best friends. The ultimatum is a form of entitled abuse, or narcissistic abuse, that involves quid pro quo to control others.

The Tenth Commandment prohibits entitlement, or any form of adult power or control in parenting. This is denoted by the Greek root word translated πλεονεκτης (Latin: pleonektés) and refers to wanting a child to do something you want them to do, to the point of seeking to impose said want on a child. It is "either/or" imposition in this case.

The ultimatum exists in adult relationships quite a bit, especially in family relationships. Many on the parental rights left call it "narcissistic abuse", but I shun that term because many of the curators of the term support narcissistic forms of parenting (as well as mental health awareness reasons - it actually is a disorder), so I bring up entitlement instead, which the left all hates. 

Compare these two abusive statements:

  1. Adult: If you don't shut up about me verbally abusing you, I will lock you out without supports
  2. Children: If you don't stop talking back to me, I will take away that tablet.
Both are the same in my eyes. Both are forms of entitlement, one a form of spousal entitlement, and one a form of adult/parental entitlement. Anyone who tries to use bribes in the negative or positive to control someone is manipulating, and is entitled. 

Appropriate ways to deal with a child is instead asking them to do something, and then having the parent-child bond already laid out like a carpet for the child to trust that you mean well, and listen, without fear of punishment.

Controlling or coercing a child in any way that the child can perceive is entitlement according to my Christian faith, and deadly entitlement if defended as a "right". Yes, my gentle parenting beliefs go deep to those roots. They will never be uprooted, and I will never see children and childhood any different. I know why it is so easy for me to be a gentle parent, and that, at the very same time, gives me very real, dark adult entitlement issues - no, never normalize the sexuality itself, but normalize the struggle, and humanize it, and I will humanize children regardless. "Regardless" makes that statement NOT an ultimatum.

"Alienation videos": Why I often make false testimony against fellow survivors

 False testimony alone isn't perjury, but it is close - insisting on a factually false moral legal narrative. Sometimes, in gaslighting situations, this can get complicated. 

"Alientation videos" are a way to get advocates to blame each other. This is a anti-children's rights to cause conflict and isolate children's rights advocates, then blaming either the movement or removing an advocate from visibility/activity.

This is not your fault, anyone. Just state in the exchange what year you recorded what you did. I am learning to tell on my own that some background contexts don't match up to the modern context, which would be at a police station.

If you have no clue why I am attacking you, know that I could have a very clear idea that ultimately was a controversy then, not now. My policing instincts are predation instincts, but factoid driven. You have to run up a ramp in a reassuring way with exonerating facts. My bias, meaning personal bias, is to keep every advocate here, as they are, and leave as little of a footprint as possible...And that means I wanted this to end like a lamb, which isn't going to happen.

Think windmill. Just state the facts, including "I don't know why you are bringing this up? This happened in 2017". The tape obscures that fact until the last part, with "rascal" gaslighting that I just roll my eyes at. So immature, they are over there at anti-children's rights.

On another note, suicide is murder, according to my Christian beliefs. Murder in relation to the community. "Take it all out and do it all at once". We will assume that is a homicidal or otherwise menacing statement. "Take it all out" Take my mom and I out as the trash, and "do it all at once" rape us both at a force that could kill. This is a "shut up" threat, in first-to-last format. 

Parental rights trauma

 Why am I "not leaving", according to many anti-CR hoodlums who complain about me not leaving, wanting to help and showing it by having me choke on, then sending messages that I should die, and basically that I should have killed myself every night they misused EEG technology. 

EEGs are good for shocking the brain in a way that distracts trauma, and is a valid, yet new option, meaning the science is not settled. Many survivors have said that it helped, when geared to the right trauma. These EEGs were intended to take away my children's rights beliefs, which no such deed was done. All it did was control my movements in my own home, including whether I take medication or not, like a zip-line.

I don't hate parental rights so much because I hate the existence of parents, but that they have special rights and children do not. If you have a qualm about custody rights, call it "custody rights". If you are talking about disciplinary rights, know that punishment is not an acceptable way to discipline a child. There's always something you can say instead of that term...

...But say it nonetheless, because then I know what you are, yet know to read around it. 

I'm safe here. I do deem this a temporary setback, being banned. I'm not sure how to feel, but it was stupid what I said, at very best. It was a threat that didn't exist, and I wanted her to disprove it, due to its grandiosity. I wanted to put things into perspective - I'm not that powerful, and if she sees me as powerful, she either is very afraid of one aspect of my mental health, or else deifying me in cases where that leads to pursuit...I don't go to pages to "shut them up" before they attack me. I presume innocence everywhere, until a weed pops through. Then I whack it down. Even with misinformation, I know it is there, so I clarify it here on my page, to avoid a proselytizing and imposing image upon the community...I am lately more of a pro-tolerance conservative. You live as you live, and I live as I live. I was never here to impose religion, except on overhead pro-spanking trolls. My words were colored by anti-children's rights.

EEGs are not intended to silence people, or use them as playtoys. They are intended for treating trauma survivors. It gives you tasks to do around the house, that I can replace my situation with someone who actually needed that sort of trauma. Usually, a doctor prescribes it, not a judge. The assumption was that I would have some children's rights trauma. Children's rights trauma is about the term "children's rights", and I use the term frequently for a reason - it's my trade. I always believed. It is an added function of my Christian beliefs. This case falls more along the cases of women being forced into hospitals for "neuroses" and "psychoses" for thinking they could parent without punishment. That is INSULTING! I leave pro-spanking America alone, until its demise. Condemned to their fate, is my sole comfort, and laugh when they say that about me. Pro-social arrogance. Pro-social consignment. Fook parental rights. Give children all the rights instead.

"I am an abuser, and I admit it, and I don't care"

 ...And then it takes one guy to point out that they do. Why gaslight this way? I do admit myself to be an abuser, but only in terms of capacity in modern tense. I am not an abuser in terms of action and attitude towards children. I admit that I hate children in a certain way, and work on it, with that work turning to love.

I might say "I am a pedophile, and I admit it, and I don't care", because a pedophile is not an abuser, and if I say that, you likely are projecting your abusive attitudes towards children onto me, so I own up to something you can't/couldn't own up to, in order to soil myself so I can soil you, and if you point that out, I'll acknowledge that, and won't care, and then I'll accept most any name in the book. If I get torn down, I know, at least by the end, that I'll get through it.

Or you could leave me alone, or else converse with me on a flat cooperative level, and I wouldn't have to bring out that law. Another, much more common level of gaslighting I use is pro-social questioning, pro-social clarify. If you are digging your teeth, *I* might admit to being (your) abuser to get a defense out of you, and do so falsely, and/or falsely admit to lying, because no criminal defends themselves that way. I would, in that instance, urge you to report me for something. At the end of my line of gaslighting is "HELP" submission to my abuser - surrender all hope, and bare all helplessness, in a way no abuser ever would. This stages only occur if you attack me first. Otherwise, I simply respect what you do here. I hate having to take out the trash with the parents here, but sometimes they pop up like tall poppies, and you need a whole lawnmower, for some reason, to keep them down. We aren't parents here. We don't brag like that about our title. We are survivors. One of us admits to being a pedophile as a part of his trauma, that's all - not that a "victim made me a pedophile" - pubertal hormones did - but that pedophilia shapes how my trauma is expressed. It's a scientific issue for me, primarily, mixed with Christian sexual morality.

I always win the argument, at least in retrospect, because I can just pull myself right back up. The least level of interrogation and intrusion on the family, the better. Gentle parents are good, loving parents who sacrifice, tirelessly, in a thankless way. How about a round of applause for all the gentle, attached parents choosing to do the right thing, when a flawed and evil world says it is the wrong thing to do,

Are gentle parents ever identified parents?

 When they cease to be so, by way of punishment or permissiveness. Gentle parenting is about a parent-child bond.

It says in Colossians 3:20-21 KJV:

Children, obey your parents in all things, as is well-pleasing unto the Lord. Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they become discouraged.

The Greek root word translated υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to surrender coming from surrender to children, which is denoted by the Greek root word αγαπαο (Latin: agapao) and refers to submission to children in the form of indentured servitude. The Greek root word translated "parents" is γονεύς (Latin: goneus) and refers to a sort of selfless submission to the child that allows them to be themselves, learn, and thrive. It is submission to their needs in a way that gives a pro-social cocoon of freedom to grow and progress in terms of development, without punishment or control...Parents are to submit in a responsible way, and a child to parents without responsibility, but willing to help out anyway if parents earn their trust.

Ancient Jewish culture was a tribal nation, with only a few major urban areas, namely Jerusalem. Think a papoose bag, and a child strapped on the back of the mother. That's how parenting was then. None of this controlling children from above, and punishing them for misdeeds. Older children were ranged close to parents. This is how parenting should go in our modern American culture, as these are true family values...Being attendant to one's children, while ranging them close. THAT is true submission to one's children.

How Robbyn - and others - can understand my Christian law

 As a Christian, I do impose lawful orders upon the masses on occasion, meaning in this community, rarely.

Robbyn is worried like a lot of others are about "muckraking" business. Events are only legally relevant when they occurred recently and have relevance as such, meaning they cause harm in the moment, or another person comes forward to me bearing personal witness to long-term harm. 

"Turn the other cheek" can mean ignore most personal insults, and brush them off. It also means allow others to solve their own problems, and don't intervene unless asked. Sometimes, even when asked, you don't want others to be dependent on your judgment.

How I REALLY feel about my cousin Gina

 ...She's just, well, herself. She has the right to be herself. I instead resent her having to "conform" to anything I would "wish". Children are who they are, even as young adults living with their parents.

The detectives want conflict, and are taking it out on her. I do not know what she said, but if it was against me, it wasn't of her accord, meaning gaslighting.

Anti-CR has been involved in that house, forcefully instructing parents to "pro-social" rape their own child. How horrific!

I do NOT hate the police

 ...They simply enforce laws. Someone in the police thinks I mean the police when it comes to describing "parents". Nope, the evil entity that sent them on their way. FSF is evil.

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

We will not shut up for the parents

 ...hang 'em all up bloody, and then nail 'em for three days. ALL abuse is kidnapping, and now our survivors are being abused and shut up, with Facebook's systems being manipulated by anti-children's rights.

We will not shut up for parents, for We are traumatic pedophiles. Posts will keep cranking out. They just won't be seen by as many people as I like. Oh well. It's only 30 days, meaning much less - they usually only do 30 days in the case of a drug dealer or something like that. I will not be shut up by anyone but my own choice to resign, which I refuse.

I admitted I was wrong for verbally abusing two fellow survivors, now YOU admit the same thing, and everything else, to your child, ya depraved spoog.

Apologies to Robbyn Peters Bennett and Nadine Block

 I do apologize for overreacting to something you said about "punishing your trauma". I don't believe it is okay to punish anyone's trauma. The moment your altar said that, I was up and atom and ready to expose you for the scum that you were, shaking the little guy of his trauma. Based on my assessment of you now, I don't think you meant it. Please do not say anything like that again to me, and I won't make feigned threats either

Nadine, thank you for the help during that whole EEG mess. I am aware of what it is - it is something attached to the brain that :"shears" the trauma away. It felt like that, in retrospect - I hate them, but I always bounce back up.

Robbyn is only on edge because she was told she'd be punished somehow for past abuse towards a son of hers. No, I presume repentance on that issue. I was crying when I heard that TedX talk because you did something I want parents to do. That's submission right there - admitting that you did wrong, and learning how to rectify the situation...Apparently I was assigned falsely on a mission to take out Robbyn, fail, then be sent to the anti-CR morgue.

I'm here, and I currently feel grudges with nobody. My faith values allow for hate, but only of the Christian kind, meaning you are willing to forgive when your enemy apologizes, and show due courtesy in ignoring your adversary once they agree to leave, thus loving thy enemy. I actually don't "harass back". I pro-social bunker/hide/defend. Fighting must be of martyrdom type, meaning fighting will using selflessness to bring out the selfishness in others. If you are a narcissistic peacekeeper, I can easily mow you down. I do not have any fetish for this except when engaged, and I am relieved when I can come to terms with the other party.

Facebook page is down

Got suspended for 30 days based on a false projected report by two officers. Hard to talk right now. Any movements from the tape. 

UPDATE: EEG tape out. I did rush to judgment when getting angry with Robbyn, in which case I apologize. I made a post feigning a threat.                                       

Why I am the enemy of children

 Many here are shocked when I use "alienation theology" to talk about children. It is very clear that children and adults are not alike. But, why are we enemies with children, with adults sequestered to Divine Punishment and Annihilation? Knowledge, mixed with perception and assumption. We have wronged children that much. It is the lowest caste of oppression imaginable.

All adults, by default, are condemned to eternal Hell-fire, and will be destroyed and annihilated on the last day by God's holy fire for their depraved and entitled nature, and also condemned on their last day to their fate. Only a few parents currently submit to Christ through their children. Parents are the enemy of children, just as mankind is the enemy of God, with children being the "least of these". Parents are to be in a state of indentured servitude, paying time-shares of allowance for Otherworldly Freedom from their wicked sin nature in relation to children.

What is this sin nature? Not knowledge in the case, but lack thereof, alongside assumption. Antisocial "assume" is one of the most serious moral offenses against children under the children's rights Christian/anti-entitlement framework. It is projecting your reality onto a child, assuming she feels the same way you do about life. It is projecting an adult's view of the situation onto a child.

It is seeing a child coming out of the shadows, or out of a crowd of people. It is presuming nothing but innocence of wrongdoing onto a child, and when concerned with their welfare in the form of providing custody, validating every need of said child. I am dumb and ignorant in relation to an individual child's needs, and need to tell me, at their level, what they need, and to assume they need nothing from me until they petition for a redress of grievances. I am their servant in this regard, like a bondservant who is bound and shackled to the child and her needs, as well as her safety and protection, including self-protection...Self-protection is a duty for every parent, and every adult in relation to child, with anyone protecting children from their own sin nature being a true parent in God's eyes. This leads to what is stated in Colossians 3:20-21 KJV:

Children, obey your parents in all things, as is well-pleasing unto the Lord. Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they become discouraged.

The Greek root word translated "obey" is υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to surrender to parents coming from surrender to children, with said surrender being in the form of secure rest and attachment. This involves being able to say and talk about whatever you want to with parents, and confide anything, and know you will never be punished. Parents ask you what you need, politely and kindly, and not shove "needs" in front of children backed up by punishment...The setup involves pro-social pedophilia, which has nothing to do with pedophilia, and involves siphoning of a child's exuberant energy towards parents, meaning children can be themselves for parents, but maybe be quiet in other settings.

The depraved and entitled parents and adults who provoke children to anger through punitive or permissive attitudes will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Only the gentle parenting saints will persevere, and the rest will perish.

Monday, March 29, 2021

Childhood bipolar disorder and rage attacks (and the Christian way to deal with them)

 Many, if not all, parents have to deal with temper tantrums of various sorts. Childhood bipolar disorder is a mood disorder with mixed episodes of depression and mania, and moods in between, known as a mixed mood. In children, the disorder is associated with other issues, not just the disorder itself, and this can lead to problems.

It says in Exodus 20:17 KJV:

Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbor's..

The word "covet" is denoted by the Hebrew word דלחמו (Latin: lachmod) and refers not only to wanting, but to wanting to the point of seeking to impose onto a child, or else seek to control a child. This is cross-referenced by the Greek root word πλεονέκτης (Latin: pleonektés) and refers to demanding things from children instead of politely asking for the child to do you a favor. When the child perceives unlawful demands and control imposed on them, to the slightest of din, in terms of pain, shame, fornication, or other emotional distress. Abuse is further defined in Colossians 3:21 KJV:

Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they become discouraged.

The Greek root word translated " anger" is ερεθιζο (Latin: erethizo) and literally translates to "stir up" or "upbraid", meaning momentary damages as named above, meaning anything that the child perceives to be upsetting, offensive, alarming, or otherwise uncomfortable. Such is a general rule, but there are exceptions.

Self-defense is a principle in biblical law, but, ideally, must be done in a way where the struggling parent retreats to their abode, meaning their room, meaning likely the master bedroom. Sometimes, parents have to invoke the children's rights acronym pro-social punching bag. This refers to the specific act of a parent submitting to physical violence from a child, to any point necessary to selflessly quell the child's upset.

It isn't a normal tantrum, and it rarely occurs in public venues. It can be understood as a form of domestic violence against a parent, by way of dynamics. Parent abuse (as opposed to abuse of parents, which is more of an adult-geared offense) is about a parent "feeling their regret" by the child's primal urge to "punish my abuser back". That means they are likely aware of the fact that they are being punished as a child, and deem it an injustice.

Why don't you see this? You do, in fact, but may call it ADHD when a little girl with messy hair runs down the aisles, but the defining bipolar behaviors are documented by the parents at home. They also include things such as attachment issues, namely insecure attachment where they co-sleep in the parent's bed until they are teenagers.

I actually have the disorder, but it is completely medicated. That's the only way I can remotely function in society without being in prison. I am very much pro-medication, because lithium carbonate saved my life, meaning was the first step. It sent me on a self-exploratory mission to diagnose myself and seek psychiatric treatment. 

A parent of a child with this disorder can only set realistic limits AFTER the child is medicated, which could take many years, perhaps not until the child is in their mid-late teens. Parents, in the mean time, can attempt to set limits and boundaries, but should readily expect them to be ignore. Gentle parenting is something that should be geared to the child's individual traits, and in these cases, this means more stringent supervision, but at the same time more selfless supervision. This means expecting maybe bruises and even broken bones from your child, even if they are as young as 8 or 9. It is a very serious form of temper tantrum, where the child may fit the criteria of "strength of 10 men". Some stereotypes are true, sadly.

A child can get bipolar disorder when they aren't punished - usually some other life event triggers the genes, such as puberty, and they simply have strong mood swings that escalate as they get older. If no violence was modeled to them, they'd simply be happy-go-lucky types mixed with an alternate depressive ego, and maybe have psychotic symptoms as well. Psychosis, however, is almost never about being abused by someone, even in paranoid format. Sometimes, persecutory delusions exist, but that would be like me claiming "an anti-pedophile guy visits me at night and tries to kill me". Usually, that could be allegorical for an actual trauma. Pedophilia is genetically related to persecutory delusions, but most pedophiles instead have strong traits of PTSD, both from childhood abuse and societal abuse intermeshed. If you think everyone hates you, and are quiet about it entirely (which most pedophiles are) someone is after you, and there is a danger, and it started with parents - but they never grew out of society's compress like most children did. If they are known abusers, and believe their victim is persecuting them, they are the persecutor. If they think us Christians are at fault, that's a trauma. Most at VirPed are atheist, and most blame us Christians. A child with autopedophiliac traits from childhood bipolar mania can have those traits switched to pedophilia at puberty, as is my case. Pedophilia is actually in the same cluster of mental disorders as childhood bipolar disorder, in terms of genetics. Pedophilia can better be understood as a childhood disorder in and of itself, usually self-realized in the mid-teen years, and occurs on the male genome, and is rarely expressed in females (though it seems to be more common in females than originally thought, from self-reports on support forums).

I have known gentle parents here with a child with the disorder. Yes, even these children can be raised gently and without punishment. It just takes a little bit more sacrificial attitudes in parent. Christ sacrificed for His children, put Himself on trial, and gave up His life for them. This is the ideal for any parent, but since such perfection will not be met in any parent, Christ will dissolve all sins and abuse that is atoned for and regretted...Do whatever you need to do, as long as there is no control or punishment. Sometimes, the circumstances around a child need to be controlled for their own good, and many times, this is the case for such a child. I am not judgmental of parents of such children, as long as you don't believe in punishment. A common entitled attitude in parents is "pills are an excuse. Get out the belt and whoop them". Nope, listen to them, even if that means submitting to physical attack.

Children first, parents last: Understanding the biblical role of parenting

Many parents spank and punish their child here in America, and many parents use the Bible as an excuse for abuse. Our nation is Christian nation, and founded on Judeo-Christian family values, including that which include non-entitlement and individual responsibility. The true biblical order of the family can be summed up without flowcharts - children first, parents last.

It says in Colossians 3:20-21 KJV: 

Children, obey your parents in all things, as is well-pleasing unto the Lord. Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they become discouraged.

The Greek root word translated "children" is τεκνον (Latin: teknon) and refers to a dependent role, like believers are dependent on Christ. The Greek root word translated "obey" is υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to surrender coming from a surrender from parents, leading to secure attachment. This means being able to say anything to a parent, share any aspect of your life, and expect no punishment in return. The Greek root word translated " anger" is ερεθιζο (Latin: erethizo) and literally translates to "stir up" or "upbraid", and refers to momentary or short-term damages such as pain (such as from a pin needle), shame, emotional distress (to the level of din), and/or fornication, all coming from parental entitlement of parents and other adults. 

Children,.in that culture, were deemed as a higher priority than parents, and were the center of life. Parenting in ancient Israel was attachment-based, with infancy lasting until age 3, with breastfeeding being normal and accepted in that culture. Children stayed with their mother until age 6 in the case of boys, and age 12 in the case of girls, ranging right beside her.

Parents are to submit to their child's every vulnerable need as an enemy, just as mankind must submit to God, and pay all debts due, sacrificing for their children as Christ did for His children, as a servant and tool of God for their care, safety, and protection. I am entitled to nothing good and everything bad in terms of respect or gratitude from a child. I, instead, must be grateful for children, enough to show them respect, not punishing them or coddling them with sexual/behavioral neglect (the latter which I struggle with). Children do need limits, but they don't need punishment or to be controlled in any way. I know nothing about how a child conducts her life, so will always be an adversary to children, in some way or another.

All adults, by default, are marked for deletion, merely for existing in relation to children, with only a few gentle parenting and pro-child saints persevering. All others will be destroyed. I am deserving of DEATH and PUNISHMENT as an adult merely for existing in relation to children. Parents are to save and purify themselves by submitting to God and Christ through their children, with said children being the "least of these" (Matthew 25:31-46).

The depraved and entitled pro-spanking parents who provoke children to anger will BURN! Let them SUFFER! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

Sunday, March 28, 2021

Pro-social rebellion - Gauging healthy rebellion in children

Our nation was founded as a Christian nation, and is based off of Judaeo-Christian family values. Pro-social rebellion is the founding biblical principle of our nation. Some of us conservatives apply that principle to family life.

It says in Exodus 20:17 KJV:

Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor anything that is thy neighbor's.

This is not an exhaustive list, by far. The Greek root word cross-referencing this commandment is πλεονεκτης (Latin: pleonektés) and refers to wanting anything from a child, to the point of seeking to impose said want on that child, leading to abuse/kidnapping (GRK: κλέπτω). I am entitled to nothing good, and everything bad, from a child in terms of respect. I am wicked and depraved, and entitled to absolutely nothing from children. Ask, and I shall receive if I've earned trust. Demand, and I become entitled.

It says in Colossians 3:20 KJV:

Children, obey your parents in all things, as is well-pleasing unto the Lord.

The Greek root word translated "obey" is υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to surrender coming from surrender, leading to secure attachment. Secure attachment is pro-social rebellion, coming from pro-social submission from parents. Christian love is denoted by the Greek root word αγαπαο (Latin: agapao) and refers to being convicted of one's depraved and entitled parent/adult nature, leading to submission towards one child as an enemy, knowing nothing about childhood or your child's life, serving her every need and being her friend, with the child owing nothing in return to adults. 

The child can simply rest in the care and providence of parents, with children having every right to issue lawful and binding orders as to their needs. Glass of milk? Lawful and binding order, must do. Walk in the park? Lawful and binding orders, except maybe if snow or ice are in the way. A child can tell me what to do, and that is her role in parenting - tell me what she needs, on her level, and I lawfully and dutifully provide, as a servant to her every need. She can "talk back" whenever she wants, and I must obey her command as to what she needs, and be convicted as such, in a trembling way that acknowledges my guilt merely for being an adult in relation to her.

Parenting in the biblical context was attachment based, with infancy lasting until age 3, with breastfeeding being culturally acceptable until that date. Boys went with their father at age 6 to receive religious instruction, and girls until age 12. Religious instruction was not punitive in nature, but was simply imparting religious knowledge in a non-violent, non-coercive. It referred to reciting the law orally, through word of mouth. Punishment was for those who knew the law, yet violated it anyway - legal adults. Children were seen as an extension of God in the Early Christian churches, meaning the attitude was that if you mistreat or neglect a child, you do so for God.

The depraved and entitled parents shall PERISH in the lake of fire and brimstone, suffering the second death! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

Saturday, March 27, 2021

Pro-social subduction, pro-social punching bag - Options for parents in the case of a meltdown

 Many Christian parents especially believe in punishing a child for a temper tantrum. Some advocates will cave to the fact that "tantrums are/can be bad/messy", I won't. It's a child's special right to act that way, since they don't have the words to communicate, nor the self-control to "keep it in" (though lack of punishment sure gives them tools to keep themselves in line). What would I do when a child threw a tantrum? Become a victim of domestic violence, and willingly submit to my child captor, repenting for my wretched parent existence with joy and splendor. Pro-social accountability/security, pro-social bliss, pro-social sacrifice, pro-social love. 

Love for your child is incurring an "abuser" from them,. because you are always guilty, and the child is always innocent, and that is God's order of things, and none of that will ever change, even if societies disparage of that advice widely. This is Christian love, and is denoted by the Greek αγαπαο (Latin: agapao), which refers to submission to children in varying degrees, in this case to complete and utter subduction, meaning complete 100% turnover, complete and disproportionate choice by the adult to surrender to the child and her needs, convicting themselves as wicked, filthy, and depraved merely for existing in relation to that child, trembling with reverent fear. Reverent fear is denoted by the Greek root word ψοβός (Latin: phobos) and refers to a low-level, driving fear that jolts you into doing good works for them. Love is a verb, and is doing good works for a child. In a case of a tantrum, it is selflessly taking your licks from your child.

She's a stubborn and rebellious daughter, and she hates your guts right now because she wants go to her favorite restaurant. "But the car is in the shot" and then the meltdown. I'd just submit, and take the brunt of her wrath, frozen and shut up, confessing how lowly and horrible of a father I was for letting her down like that. A black eye? See if I care. A badge of honor, since I surely wouldn't reciprocate. Dragged around like a ragdoll. Thrown around walls. I want to be hurt, to see my child satisfied in my pain. I then ask "what do you want"? Then the tears flow. "I just wanted to be heard. Don't hate me, dad"...Usually, this aggression is suppressed in children, where they are forced to conform to standards of emotional expression that are developmentally inappropriate.

Pro-social pedophilia is a form of gentle parenting, and involves channeling healthy and unhealthy levels of childhood energy, aggression, and other strong emotion into a closed space within the quarters of parents. Parents are tools, and a specific type of tool - sounding boards. The child puts their worries in the containment basket, and the parent stores them selflessly, and reassures the child in a validating manner. The one rule of pro-social pedophilia is to avoid outbursts in public. This can mean leaving the cart at Wal-Mart, and leaving with the child alone, not paying for the items in said cart. Usually, they'd be there for after the tantrum. Eventually, children wouldn't act that way in public, but only in private, when parents were there to nurture, set limits, and protect. It says in Ephesians 6:4 KJV:

And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to anger, but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.

"Admonition" then, denoted by the Greek root word νουθεσια and refers to correction, but is balanced out by the Greek root word for " anger", which is παροργιζο (Latin: parorgizo). All this leads to the chastening of the Lord, which is a centered and disciplined attitude, mixed with good Truth and Scripture deciding right versus wrong. Christian discipline is denoted by the Greek root word παιδεία (Latin: paideia). It says in Hebrews 12:11 KJV:

Now no chastening for the present seemeth to be joyous, but grievous: nevertheless afterward it yieldeth the peaceable fruit of righteousness unto them which are exercised thereby.

Same word, in the case of chastening - παιδεία. The Greek root word λυπέ (Latin: lupe) and refers to pain, of a visceral sort, that leads to rewards at the end. Love and good works towards a child can be painful.

Let the parents burn if they disrespect or abuse their child! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

Understanding anti-parent

 Anti-parent is not a model I made up. Bonnie Schnabel is the creator of the framework. There are emotional reasons why I hate parents, meaning even the very word "parent". We are traumatic pedophiles, and We have reverent trauma...and We have that in your face as proof that hitting harms....Total power and control. That's why parents are evil, wicked, and depraved in relation to their children, and to God.

Why even identify by that label without admitting your privilege, power, and control over children. You are owning a tyrant's title and kingstool as a defense for abuse. So you think you are a ruler over your children? Do you not know that God punishes parents who provoke their children with mere personal slights and damages, meaning any that the child perceives? Do you not know that you are unsaved, and entitled in a deadly way for the mere punishment or control of a child? Woe is you, depraved entitled parent and child abuser! Die, by your own hand - that hand that instead "taps" a child "out of love". YOU are the abusers, as well as I, as well as all adults living in society.

A parent basically can do anything to a child that doesn't leave injury or death, meaning rename the child, hide the child like garbage, feel the "right" to talk to the child however they want, and otherwise see them as property.

PARENTS SHALL PERISH! Attached, gentle caregivers are the saints that shall persevere. I fooking hate parents, meaning all who identify, meaning all who identify by abuse or entitlement

Friday, March 26, 2021

My anti-abuse trauma

 Most pedophiles are "abuse" pedophiles, meaning their trauma is being seen as an abuser. Pedophilia is not simply a sexual abuser, but a specific condition associated with such - child-centered autism, but a dark, nihilistic, sexually variety. I am actually a different traumatic - anti-abuse.

What does the word "abuse" mean to me? Picture a stop sign, and you get the point. It is exactly what children's rights advocates want to see in a pedophile, whilst them forgetting the reasoning why I am that way.

Anti-abuse trauma comes in two forms, disorganized and centered. In disorganized form, I was a traumatic abuser with my parental rights traumas. I was far more outgoing. I enjoyed academic pugilism, and would debate my teachers in high school about the issues of the world. That attitude towards life also came with bragging about past and ongoing exploits with young girls.

I am an abuser, and I must purge myself of impurity, malice, and uncleanness by choosing to live life the right way, based on Christian family values, and I do so with words such as "sin" and "abuse". These words, from myself or someone else, issue a chilling, charring effect.

I embrace reasonable accusation of child abuse and other forms of abuse as an advocate, defining abuse as anything that the plaintiff defines as abuse, based on the intent of the defendant. When questioned or accused of abuse, I have the right to either plead guilty and accept a penalty, or else provide a defense as to why I didn't do it or why the moral crime is understandable. It is an exchange - gaslighting, you could say.

If you think I am about to abuse a child, or am currently doing so, come up to me directly. If I defend my rights at all, be suspicious. You should receive a concerned response. If you don't think at all that I will take responsibility, call PA ChildLine at 1-800-932-0313.

Therapy abuse of pedophiles: A common form of oppression against pedophiles

 More and more parents are finding out a cold, hard truth about their child. A reality that hard to swallow. This is very common in gentle parenting homes, among my parish of parents. Most parents outwardly claim ignorance in the form of overwhelm, but directly in relation to their children admit ignorance meaning privilege - they don't get it. So these children are "ticking-time bombs"? Their parents disagree.

Train cars. That's how you can understand a child/pedophile, in terms of methodology and modus operandi. Yearning pleads to parents about "can I be her friend, please", and mom saying "nope, she's too young for you". The boy is 16 and in high school, and the little girl being 7. Maybe they do become friends, and mom hears all about it, all the time. She's concerned, sees a therapist...Tan suit. Detective's badge. Gaslighting trails on social media. Humiliation. He's become a child self-advocate with his consent against his consent. 

There are different schools of therapy, and not all therapists think alike. There are sex-positive therapists and trauma-based family therapists, and these are the ones that are most understanding of most cases of pedophilic disorder. Among trauma-based therapists, you have your calm, reasoned therapists with a pro-social judge personality, and like to hear both sides of an issue, often counseling in that format, solving family conflicts. Some are pro-social cops, and are confrontational type therapists. The latter is more likely to report the pedophile to the authorities...For existing inside the therapist's office.

Yes, we are talking about a form of therapist alienation. Alienating abuse is driving a victim from a necessary source of support. These abusers are self-alienators operating within our therapy system. Proper protocol for a therapist is to refer to an agency "that we don't like, but have to work with" (as many professionals state). In this case, they rush to judgment, call the authorities for "how many children you must be molesting". In the case of a child, they could have younger siblings that could be "in danger", based on the client's stated age of attraction. Then/or, they dump the client, in a nervous wreck many times, without a referral.

These abusers fit a similar profile - more likely to have an "up-and-atom" type of reactionary style. They have peacekeeping traits such as swooping into a client's problems, in a mock-heroic yet no-nonsense way, often confronting clients with uncomfortable truths. When they don't report clients to the authorities, they use "urgency" gaslighting to "warn" the pedophile victim of "possible future predestined fate".

More humanistic therapists, including the ones here, seem fairly safe for a clinical pedophile. Professionals should note that they are basically acting as a parent coach, for a symbolic parent who earns that title merely for being in a place where they are responsible for not harming a child. Thus, advice may "bounce", meaning they may reject it, but then either take it behind your back and/or change their mind right then and there once presented with further evidence that sex with children is wrong. Also, most pedophiles intuitively just know that sex with children is wrong, but may need a gentle reminder from a therapist every once and a while.

Let the depraved prejudicial pedophiles and abusers of pedophiles BURN! Let them SUFFER! Let them PERISH! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

Pro-social shyness: Why this is the attitude of the Christian male (and parent in general)

 Many men misunderstand what it means to be a man. It has often been seen as a way to domineer, and still is seen as a domineering role. In other areas, he was an equal. There are many ways to be a man, from a multicultural perspective. The way prescribed by my faith values is known as pro-social shyness, with providing capabilities.

The Greek root word for discipline is παιδεία (Latin: paideia) and refers to self-discipline and self-control. It is a disciplined attitude based on the concept of "I am evil, thus am deserving of nothing" - a charring, convicting statement that is replenished by treating others with respect, and doing good works, in order to replenish that righteous guilt. It is being convicted by the Holy Spirit, and then being instructed by God how to make things right in a fallen world.

This is ultimately a specific state of mind, known as "Israelite men". I am controlled in a shy way, not an arrogant way, by default. A peacekeeper is a jokester, and laughs at people's traumas and misfortunes, having no class. A real man shuts up, and does what he is supposed to in life, and stops at nothing at getting the job done. He feels entitled to nothing, but grateful for everything,

I myself find myself to be a shy, meek person, meaning I don't speak much, and I'm not gregarious or outgoing. It isn't a burdensome silence, but a peaceable silence. I feel at peace riding down the road with mom, being quiet and in my own thoughts, but at the same time not exactly sucked in. Aware, to the degree necessary, of my surroundings. Thoughts are rather shallow.

It is like being an observation tower, taking in the scenery, but remaining quiet. You can also get very loud and rambunctious, perhaps in the form of enforcing law on others, but then go straight back to silence and quietness...In the case of parents, this conditioning would lead to more disciplined parents, thus more disciplined children emulating parents.

It is part of a greater part of life that is the anti-entitlement way of life - conservatism is a way of life, not so much a political party. It is largely a relaxed way of life, with stipulations. Once you learn the rules, you can sit back on your deckchair, and know that the parent threat is far away from you, and live your life. There is a limited amount of time I take being reminded of my own personal trauma, and other times I cover it up with children's rights knowledge, and accompanying Christian judgment of parents. You have no worried, because you're conditioned to not want much from others, and be grateful for what you do have.

Pro-social pedophilia - The biblical way of raising children

 Most parents in this country abuse their children, with 94% of parents using physical force in parenting, and 70% of adults defending the "right" to abuse their child within the law using physical domestic violence. It's called pro-social pedophilia, meaning not pedophilia in the slightest - yet something a pedophile can easily do with children when they are reformatory and restraining. Channel. Siphon.

It is siphoning a child's energy towards the parents, as a domiciliary peacekeeper. It says in Ephesians 6:4 KJV:

And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath, but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.

The Greek root word translated "admonition" is νουθεσία (Latin: nouthesia) and refers to correction, but is weighed against the word παροργιζο (Latin: parorgizo) and refers to the fact that any sort of correction should not impose short-term damages, meaning we are speaking of gentle, verbal or symbolic, with physical force only acceptable to preserve life or limb, such as when a child runs or elopes into the street - you pick them up or grab them, and then snuggle them in your arms telling them that you are worried. Correction means setting boundaries and limits with children. Think gently drawing a line in the sand, and if they truly trust you, they'll keep those limits.

The Greek root word denoting discipline and chastisement is παιδεία (Latin: paideia) and refers to self-discipline, self-control, and self-chastisement, meaning chastising yourself for misdeeds in misdeed. In this case, it involves exemplary self-discipline in children, in relation to their parents. The idea is to provide a safe place for children to be themselves, run around, maybe knock a vase or two over, and then tell me off when we can't go to our favorite dining spot because it is about to snow, and the governor cleared the roads. It is allowing children to be highly active and rambunctious with parents, in relation to parents, thus learning how to adjust and remain calm and collected in other settings, with the support of parents. This form of obedience is clearly documented in Colossians 3:20 KJV:

Children, obey your parents in all things, as is well-pleasing unto the Lord.

The Greek root word translated "obey" is υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to this sort of siphon, which allows the child to be themselves with parents, and save all their energy, angst, and frustration for parents, who will listen and attend to the child's feelings.

Parents are not authority figures over children, and instead are servants towards their children, and are indentured servants towards their children, beholden to their child to pay off their debts to God and to their child for existing as a parent in relation to their child. Children are equal yet above their children in the biblical context, with parents being tools for the child's needs.

The depraved and entitled parents shall be cast into ever-burning Hell-fire. Hang 'em up bloody, then nail 'em until the third day. Parents and all of us adults are deserving of punishment merely for existing in relation to (their) children. God has snuffed out a single parent, but He has that power. We at children's rights are God's Church, and called to place the world into submission to the lawful authority that is the child's rights and needs, striking terror in the masses, spread God's ANGER and HATRED for parents who identify by their choice to abuse a child, and other adults as well. It is an anger that no human being can fathom. I am afraid of wronging a child, for said child is extended by God for safekeeping and self-protection in relation to her. Let the parents be tormented!

Pro-social intervention, pro-social mobbing - Dealing with a child domestic violence addiction in a loved one

 Much of America, meaning about a third of Americans, are now anti-spanking. Many here prefer to reparent parents who abuse their children. Yes, I do, and believe even pedophiles are deserving of gentle parenting supports when they surrender to God and their child victims, and feel remorse. However, they have to want help. This platform itself is an anti-help narcissist. If you don't want my help, that's fine - I'll abandon you, This leads to pro-social abandonment.

A pro-spanking parent is defending a domestic violence addiction, a self-harm addiction imposed on children. They, at the lowest level, believe they are deserving of punishment. This is different than a pedophile, who is permissive with their victims (when the perpetrator is a medical pedophile, and not simply a depraved narcissist) because they didn't get everything they wanted in their childhood, so they are overly indulgent with their children, to the point of sexual/behavioral neglect. The vast majority of child abuse in the United States has to do with punitive parenting.

The idea stems from the notion that toxic behavior repels others, yet society doesn't yet allow children. The more the parent defends their abuse, the idea is to organize others within the circle of friends and family, and "plan an occasion" with them, where all of those leading the excursion rebuke the sinner that abuses a child. 

My family is mixed on the spanking issue these days, but many are now against it, either due to college education and/or my being open about my trauma, which I am grateful for earning in terms of support. If a member of the family endorsed spanking to my face, I would quietly or loudly disappear, and post a plackard that is a blog post exposing them, using facts and mean testing, being fair by avoiding the mere appearance of perjury. The one rule of children's rights vigilantism is do not lie. Lie, instead. You have to be trustworthy, meaning people have to believe you when you tell the truth. The idea is to drive as many people to rebuke them as possible. This is called a parent petition, meaning utilizing the parent-to-parent judgment systems set up under Divine Jurisprudence. 

Righteous judgment is checking up on your neighbor who disclosed to you that they are a pedophile, seeing how he is with his daughter, and him checking on his neighbor. Friendly visit, visiting for supper, and judging quietly and lowly on behalf of children. I eavesdrop, then judge as a panorama, meaning not eavesdrop but visit when invited, and noting suspicious refusals to invite. That does not automatically flag a parent as an abuser, but it is one sign counted as a doubt to their innocence, in which case I need many. Traumatic testimony from a child is deemed absolute proof that something happened, at the very least.

The idea is to, when possible, confront an abuser on their toxic, abusive nature, towards children, towards others. The idea is to set a standard, meaning a consequence for not agreeing to get gentle parenting assistance. In my case, it is "you just lost a friend" gaslighting. If you support spanking a child, and you defend that "right" to my face, you might be a relative, but not a friend. If someone is forcing you to do things, I blame that force...In practice, that would mean telling a joke about corporal punishment, and then you noticing how I purposefully avoid you. When you ask, you might be surprised at the answer you get...I fucken hate pro-spanking parents, but hope you're joking. I don't want that sort of cord to exist anywhere near me, nor anywhere in my community, even though that kind of parent is everywhere. 

Thursday, March 25, 2021

What would drive a pedophile to abuse a child: Ask a pedophile

 Pedophilia is the preferential sexual attraction to children under age 14. Most pedophiles are victims of abuse, not perpetrators, with 3 out of 4 pedophiles refusing to abuse a child, as is the "predestined fate" society places on. I refuse to be "predestined" to any harm towards someone I love. You shall not coax me, because I will protect my child No. Matter. What. God gave me personal choice, free will, and personal responsibility...Quite a few adults sexually abuse children, and most get away with it until their victim's dying day. What drives them? The answer is very messy, in a straightforward and nonsensical should never have happened, ever.

They chose to do it. That simple.

I myself will now go into un-planning mode. Basically, it is constructing than destructing a grooming plan. Suppose I go to a girl's house to play (you'd be surprised how often this is the context of abuse), and then we get into some back rooms. Now, suppose that happens when the single mother of the girl heads to the supermarket. Antisocial "rough-play" might lead to "feeling things", and then the child tells the mother.

Now, walk back, even in this "helpless" case of autism (the label implied in the text). Why was he visiting at all knowing he had that capacity? Why was he in the back rooms at all, alone with a child he was attracted to? Now she is shaking and nervous, with the police on their way. The suspect is throwing a huge crying fit, saying "I couldn't help it". Um, yeah you could, but you weren't empowered enough to know that. Now, you do the big boy crime, you do the big boy time. There is no way out of that, except that you are autistic, and you have more rights than the child at your level, due to your power and control over children merely for being an adult.

I just choose not to abuse children by choosing not to be around them, except when relevant. The rules have relaxed somewhat. I can't just pursue a friendship towards a child to the point of being at her house without her approval, and for the right reasons - I don't want to be pulled aside for anything by the child.

I am not afraid of abusing a child. I am empowered not to, in a convicted way, under my Christian family values. Fornication is sin. That's why I identify as a pedophile, as a self-diagnosis. Use the word to understand yourself, and how to not harm or abuse your child. It is self-exploration and self-discipline at the lowest level, going upwards. I explore my own condition, based on the research and voices of others with the condition.

Normalize pedophiles as a psychiatric diagnosis, and eliminate the medical excuse given to us by society that we don't want. We have earned our rights as mental patients who delude ourselves into thinking a young girl might be our wife in a context that exists nowhere. We have the earned right to treatment, before the fact. I am grateful to have it.

Control from beneath: Understanding child discipline in biblical times

 Many parents in this country support the use of force in parenting, and call it "spanking". In other Anglophone countries, it is called "smacking". This is based on a false, worldly heirarchy that the "big" rules the "little". This isn't the correct commandeering terminology in biblical parenting. The little is seen as "big", in a way that fearsome enough that her needs and demands cannot be ignored. The parent must either give in, or get out of the game. It's called pro-social pedophilia, and the name has nothing to do with the disorder itself. It is a form of sequestered pro-social rebellion.

I myself want my child to lash out at me, when they feel angry at me, and, in a safe place such as at home or in the care, just explode in temper tantrum, with me enduring the brunt of the child anger. The children's rights acronyms that apply here are pro-social temper tantrum, and pro-social ragdoll. It is a meek, selfless attitude where children drag me, the adult, around like I'm some toy doll. I am a possession of hers, a vending machine that gives her everything she needs, yet turns down things she can't afford. She controls me from beneath, particularly at home. It says in Colossians 3:20-21 KJV:

Children, obey your parents in all things, as is well-pleasing unto the Lord. Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they become discouraged.

The Greek root word translated "obey" is υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to surrender coming from surrender and submission to children and their needs, with one leading to the other, like a conveyor belt. It is secure attachment and rest in relation to parents. It is a place where one can say anything to parents, and easily issue them lawful orders even, and you can expect no punishment. Only listening and validation, like a sounding board. The Greek root word denoting damages is ερεθιζο (Latin: erethizo) and literally translates to "stirring up" or "upbraiding" a child, namely short-term damages such as a pain, shame, emotional distress, larceny, and fornication, all motivated by parental entitlement.

This is from an epistle, and an epistle is a vague religious writing - a letter or signpost - that is God-inspired and God-written, and the convicting messages were written to certain groups of the church that it applied to, but without naming names. Paul's attitude could be paraphrased as "You know who you are as offenders, now get on the straight and narrow". One can use these biblical texts as reverse law, meaning internalize how the text would have been applied then, based on the author's divinely-inspired intent, and apply it strictly, as law, today, meaning the whole Bible, meaning all that applies to the reader given their circumstances. Therefore, the Colossian church had to have a problem with corporal punishment of children - and that was a major part of the child abuse problem. Paul was warning fathers that children are like mirrors, and any time you are aggressive with a child, in speech or words, that child will reflect those entitled attitudes back on you.

Punishment of any kind against a child was illegal under Jewish law, and Paul is reminding fathers of this in vs. 21. Punishment was not legal except within a judicial setting, meaning a court of law, after a criminal conviction either by a Sanhedrin (in the Old Testament) or a church community as a form of collective judgment and gaslighting.

The parent-child heirarchy, in ancient Jewish culture, was based on control from beneath, meaning the child isn't told what he/she needs, but instead makes demands, perhaps by crying or whining, and the parent discerns what the child needs from the child's demands on parents. This was especially true in mother-child relationships.

The depraved and entitled parents who provoke children to anger will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them burn! Let them suffer! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!


Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Signs of an abuser in Maxwell Clark Scheibner

 Many people are worried about me abusing them on the last day of gaslighting. There are rumors about me floating around on both tiers of the internet that I am abusing others in various ways. I could just laugh off, or defy the allegations. But, I am an abuser, by virtue of being an adult in relation to children. My abusive tendencies are quite high level, meaning on the surface. It's called being too obvious.

A sign of abuse, in my behavior a sexually entitled adult, is constant mention or alluding to a child in posts, comments, or other online conversation. If the child were a member of this community, I would be driven enough to go into an inbox, and beg the parents for "her account", and would seek an online relationship. If I were deceptive, I would simply be vague about my motives, counting on you to say "oh, he's just autistic, so there's no problem" - I'm relieved that a lot of advocates here don't think that is an excuse. A lot of people here in Reading, including the parents of a young girl, would be hoodwinked until the last day - when I'm caught, meaning the girl throws me out presumably because I'm becoming a creep.

The children's rights assessment of me, as per most people here, is that I am a dumb abuser, meaning I don't even lie or gaslight apart from brutal honesty about observations. It might devolve into "you're pretty" or "you're hot" and if she slapped my face, I knew I was in the right place, meaning a place I deserved for being the scum that I was...We've had worse here. I have no transportation to Amy W.'s home, since she's all worried. She has her inbox open for a whole lot of nothing, meaning no correspondence. Thou shalt not commit adultery, as she is married. That simple, and I have a reason to stay away. Oh, and I'm not attracted to you that strongly. A bit too old. I often think of her when I use her framework. I don't think it is fair how other men have treated her, so I feel called to speak up. Music and sexuality do not mix. Most of us put on the radio at work for background music, and don't take things that deep. I see older women that I am attracted to as just another person to talk to, and I am not a gerontophile, meaning I am not attracted to older women. I do not believe early sexual experiences shape behavior, as much as genetics and brain chemistry does. Pubertal hormones are what made me a pedophile, but it was inevitable - that happens to most all children, apart from those with hormone malfunctions.

I want ALL abuse to be that much out in the open. My pedophilic condition, like many pedophiles now, is on the surface, meaning I am honest with myself entirely about my disorder, and may focus on it for self-improvement purposes. I am a psychology/legal narcissist, meaning I have both sides to me, but see this issue as a psychological issue. Anyone can spot it, and track it, in a store setting. It's on the level of any heterosexual male attracted to adults. The more you repress your gaze, the more you get caught, so I just let mine go with the flow, and check out every girl on the premises, and as long as I respect pro-social segregation, and stay apart from them, all is good...I do wish to be friends with Kaylee, to be clear, but she has to make the first moves. It would never go anywhere but friends, if I have any say in the matter, and I'm sure her mother would be relieved.

Pro-social tool, pro-social ragdoll, pro-social child worship - Adults, know their place

 Many parents believe in the concept of adult authority. The concept of adult authority is a worldly concept. I have no authority over a child, and am instead a servant for their every need when they are in myself. It's called pro-social tool. That's all I am to them. I am worthless otherwise.

ALL adults, by default, are marked for deletion, and will be destroyed on the last day. They will be tormented in ever-burning Hell-fire for ever and ever, unless they confess to God and their child their original sin, which is parental entitlement. Adults are to know their place in relation to children.

It says in Colossians 3:20-21 KJV:

Children, obey your parents in all things, as is well-pleasing unto the Lord. Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they become discouraged.

The Greek root word translated "children" is τεκνον (Latin: teknon) and refers to dependence, just as we as children of God are dependent on Christ, and vice versa - that Christ is the sacrificial parent of His children. The Greek root word translated "obey" refers to the receiving end of that sacrificial love and grace, and is denoted by the Greek root word υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to secure rest and attachment, meaning one can say anything to parents, and be anything in relation to them, and parents will not punish children. The child can expect that.

Christian love for children is denoted by the Greek root word αγαπαο (Latin: agapao) and refers to lawful, judicial, and selfless submission and bondservice towards children, being undeserving of mere existence in relation to children, just as mankind is undeserving of existence in relation to God, and is to be submissive and subject as such. It is being beholden to a child's every need in a time-bond, meaning paying penance for one's filthy, repulsive adult existence in relation to a child. An existence that God hates merely for the parent being there. Parenting is indentured servitude, paying off debts to children, and thus God as well. Children are an extension of God, and the "least of these".

I, as an adult charged as responsible merely due to the nature of my mental health and entitlement issues as an adult, am deserving of everything bad, and nothing good, from a child, in terms of respect or approval, or anything a child can possibly give me. If a child is even okay with me being her friend, I am to be grateful, and not demand any more. I am worthless in relation to a child, until I earn my worth by treating the child with respect, and thus earning trust, respect, and friendship. Being friends with a child is not sin, even as a pedophile, as long as you have the wherewithal to choose not to lash out at a child, sexually or otherwise.

It is being a mere tool to a child, for a child's development into adulthood, allowing the child to guide you to their needs, and then lawfully, like a ragdoll. It is worshipping a child figuratively, by seeing them as next to God. Christ says at the end of the Parable of the Sheep and the Goats, in Matthew 25:45-46 KJV:

Then shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not unto the least of these, ye did it not unto me. And these shall go away unto everlasting punishment: but the righteous unto life eternal.

This is the end of Christ speaking about how however you treat the smaller, more vulnerable people, you treat Him, and (here) vice-versa. Abusing or disrespecting a child, is the same as doing so to God.

I am evil, and deserving of punishment merely for existing in relation to a child. God has saved me, predicting my present way of life, which is both conservative and pro-child in nature. 

Understanding pedophilic anti-spanking trauma

 Many here in the anti-spanking/children's rights community were traumatized by spanking, and some of us have that as our sole trauma. Most with that as their sole trauma appear well-adjusted as opposed to others 

The reason certain people are well-adjusted is that they dig from the top-down. I dig in the opposite direction. True anti-spanking anger, exposed at the lowest level, is something you see in sex offender treatment centers, perhaps in a prison setting. In its reformatory form, it is constant anger of a silent form.

I am numb to child abuse instances in the store. They fear and alarm me, and I wish I could just call the authorities right there and then. Ultimately, it is an anger where you want back at your abuser, in this case meaning you wish harm on every parent you see, if only the cord. 

You simply have a parent, deal gentle parents. I see it when you voice anger and vindictiveness at your child, and I know for myself that parents exist, despite my traumatic intentions, and that I need to respect their existence, at least while in their worldly state, and hold Christian manners and grace, keeping the anger to myself, being grateful for all I do have, namely my mother.

It is pro-social evil anger. You want to harm your abuser, especially when it is vulnerable and defends itself vulnerably, torturing and tormenting them in a chance to have a defensive argument, using perhaps raw trauma against them, leading to kicking and screaming on the floor, from my floorboard anger erasing them! Ahoy, for damages have been inflicted! Let this teach a lesson, by inflicting harm, by inflicting harm, because it is so horrific and so terrifying! I love hurting my abuser, or so I say to them. I just want them to stop abusing, by any means possible or necessary, stopping at nothing, shutting everything and everyone down to persevere as an advocate for children and a gentle parent towards children. NOTHING will stop me from my protection my/your child, meaning me. Because you might just hit me as well, so pray that God snuffs you out...I was calm writing all this. I'm done feeling mad or angry. I'm just ticked off at how adults treat children. This is definitely what I do to parents, meaning the opposite to those who know me.

I believe humans as a whole are evil due to what I've seen done to children in stores and other public venues, which is ground zero for locating child abusers. I don't even have to torture them myself. Just nod, look up, and know the good Lord will take care of such scum in due time. We know where they are headed, so we're assure that there is some justice for children. I hate the world, as God does, but seek to bring it light with my shining example of Christian family values that value the rights of children not to be controlled or punished.

Yes, I'm that ANGRY at pro-spanking parents. I presume none within my periphery of existence, if only for my own grounds, but also Christian love and grace for one's neighbor, meaning assuming the best in one's neighbors and colleagues.

Lawful physical abuse and domestic violence towards a child, from the victim's standpoint in hindsight, towards repentant parents, is a self-harm addiction directed towards the child. They are angry at themselves, and blame themselves for their trauma, and so they take it out on the child due to the fact that they are the bigger person, and there is an easy outlet for all that anger...I went in the opposite direction, and a child's role in an abusive situation would have been "escape". It is the same entitlement bracket, and can be treated the same way...I only defend my father because he is sorry. If he never was sorry, I would have wanted nothing to do with him, perhaps to the level of a protection from abuse order (PFA), because he would have remained that threatening to me. The more a parent is nice to their child and not constantly angry, and agrees with your anti-spanking views, the more you trust them.

The spanking issue is a very religious issue to me, much like pedophilia might be a religious issue to its victims. It speaks of the level that even mild spanking can harm children. My Christian faith values discipline, with love flowing from that. So, you lose your cool and punish your child? And think taking certain "precautions" helps? No, you are not disciplined as a parent if you have to punish your child. You are weak and cowardly for abusing and punishing your child in that way.

I am the movement's first anti-spanking vigilante. The 1979 anti-spanking law in Sweden was furthered by anti-spanking vigilantism. For now, we are on the stage of silent witness, taking note of local resources, especially legal and prosecutorial resources, and staging an entry plan, to integrate children into society as a group of people, by way of stripping their parents of their "rights" to punish a child. We are God's Church, dispersed and a chosen few, called to defend the rights of children not to be abused whenever possible. I have no rights in relation to a child. I abdicate.

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Why spanking and punishing children is of this world (and gentle parents of the next)

Not all of the Christian parents here have a concept of the saints. I myself do. I'm that kind of anti-spanking Christian. As a Christian, I am to shun all things of this world, meaning things that are harmful to God or your neighbor, and dishonors either/or of them. Nothing but God and His Laws exist as a moral authority, and said moral authority bans all child abuse by the children's rights standard, meaning any that the child perceives as such.

Why was the world created? For Satan, not us. That's how all this child abuse makes sense - Satan is orchestrating the child abuse epidemic, not as a voyeur from Hell, but as an interloper walking this earth, alongside his angels, stirring up trouble everywhere abound. 

Pro-spanking parents, alongside any parent that abuses a child, is a tool of Satan in that child's life, meaning they push the child away from God, not towards, even if they identify as Christians - especially so.

Why is punishing a child sin? It says in Colossians 3:21 KJV:

Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they become discouraged.

The Greek root word translated " anger" is ερεθιζο (Latin: erethizo) and literally translates "stir up" and "upset" and refers to momentary legal damages, including pain, shame, defamation of character (saying hurtful things about a child regardless of their presence), larceny (ex. taking away toys or electronics), and/or fornication, all motivated by parental entitlement.

Parental entitlement is a worldly aspect of our depraved sin nature. It is easily influenced by demonic influences, but can also be influence by godly, otherworldly influences as well. Anything that gives you liberty as a parent, namely to harm another person, is not from God, but from one's sin nature and demonic influences. 

It says in Colossians 3:5 KJV:

Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth; fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil conspuscience, and covetousness, which is idolatry.

"Moritify" is translated by the Greek root word νεκρόω (Latin: klepto) and refers to death or making weak/impotent, and here refers to a children's rights death, and a gentle parenting resurrection. My posts are there to administer a children's rights death to a pro-spanking parent, meaning tears of sorrow and mourning for damage done to one's child.

We, as gentle parents, are not of this world, but of the next. All other institutions not on the side of children will be destroyed and annihilate.

Monday, March 22, 2021

Are you shy? - Personality traits of a good parent

 Are you a shy parent? Many parents feel the need to be in charge of ship. Me? I find they are tugboats, and guide me to what they need from me, as self-advocates. I see roles like any other tested "victim" would - levels of speech. I'm no chatterbox around children. Only around them. I'm shy around them, and am a shy person overall.

I hardly speak these days. I was under police interrogation, and the type that many civil liberties crusaders get in my corner not knowing what the heck they are getting into, ignoring the fact that someone can hijack gaslighting, which actually isn't against my religious beliefs unless you shed your beliefs on the other side of the thread. I'm happy being my new self, meaning instead of uttering mindless chatter, I am silent and enjoy the scenery on a drive, with a breath of fresh air in my nostrils. It is being silenced and quelled by the Lord, and this is the change described in the New Testament, namely the Pauline epistles.

The roles are clear, ideally speaking. The parent or responsible adult is shut up, silenced, with anger and sexual entitlement quelled and shut away. The adult is to center and discipline themselves in relation to children. It says in Ephesians 6:1 KJV:

Children, obey your parents, for this is right.

The Greek root word translated "obey" is υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to surrender coming from surrender, meaning the parent surrenders quietly everything, submitting to the every vulnerable need of the child, in the form of pro-social pedophilia - where the child channels all their immature behavior to the presence of parents, preferably private, towards the parents, and then inwards towards themselves. This was how children were raised in biblical times, and it has nothing to do with any sexual abuse being acceptable in that time period. It wasn't.

The depraved and entitled parents who provoke their children to anger will burn! Let them languish in the lake of fire and burning brimstone, suffering the second death!

ANNOUNCEMENT: Feigning my abuser

 Yes, I had an online conversation with Robbyn Peters Bennett. This deserves an official announcement from the Anti-Parental Entitlement organization.

How do I feel about you defending past acts of lawful physical abuse and domestic violence against children? Tone-deaf. Remember who you are speaking to - someone capable of tone-deaf anti-spanking anger. Like a thunderbolt, but may purge through someone with a decent heart of empathy.

I am ANGRY that children are being punished and abuse, and YOU WILL as an ADULT and PARENT CEASE ALL ABUSE, and DIE, and DIE, and DIE! ALL OF YOU, if I could, flip the switch and sentence you to DEATH...That is my anger, and YOU are not the cause, so YOU SHALL NOT feign the cause. You absolved yourself of that role a long time ago.

Yes, I am that angry that I want a rapture, and for all the parents to die in a holocaust of fire and brimstone, and the children all saved, as well as the few gentle parenting adults who care about them.

You are NOT my abuser, Robbyn, so stop claiming to be him. I can see right through it - you are sorry, and I judge the TexX footage as more credulous in that remorse. Lots of parents regret - and a lot defend their abuse and hatred of their child. I have a lot of fish to fry in this country, which especially hates children. I'm just glad you are willing to work the program.

Surviving parental rights (and admitting pedophilia)

 Many people here do not understand my view on parental rights. It isn't as much as parents don't have rights, but that parental rights doesn't even exist. It's a made up concept to keep children down. I am anti-parental rights, to the core. Only children's rights exists in the next world, with parental rights being a pagan, worldly concept. Parental rights raped my soul down to the very core, down to the bone, and I'm not going to back to where I never accepted - a fighter in a war against children vs. adults, and adults keeping children down, like a reservation. Like a subjugated class of galley-slaves. WE are traumatic parental pedophiles, and we are self-protective towards your children, even if YOU are not.

I am the scum of the earth, and am deserving of DEATH and DESTRUCTION merely for existing - and that fact doesn't bother me one bit, because I am a Christian, and am pro-child, and granting them their rights. Parental rights trauma is the one trauma that you have to char yourself, and heed the command of a higher authority, answering to her. Children, just as all adults should. I have the most common trauma in the country, yet the least common in admission format, likely due to the fact that most being treated for it are child molesters. I feign one well, yet hate their guts just as well.

I was spanked as a child starting at around age 3, and around that time, I developed autopedophiliac tendencies towards some family members, excluding anything my mother would approve of, meaning usually quiet yet obvious yearning. I knew, intuitively, that what I was experiencing was abuse, in so many words, but saw it as an isolated incident. Then, as I grew up, I saw it happening more, and more, and more. I searched the Pennsylvania Crimes Code for a legal statute to lock up my parents on. None existed. I just glossed over Section 509, which states that parents have the right to punish their children.

I was exiting a dark place, meaning childhood bipolar disorder, around age 15. I had an autistic special interest in abnormal psychology, guided by the DSM-5. I then had a crush, on a girl who lives in the Southernmost neighborhood in Reading, meaning the reverse. I went to the VirPed website, and Ethan, on the surface, sounded exactly like me, in a lot of ways - how he simply self-diagnosed and moved on. That's how I felt, but then got in trouble with abuse situations, as a child dating abuser. I asked one child victim/target "May I have your number". I would fixate and obsess on singular targets, girl after girl until...

...That same girl came to me. Gaslighting mask due to an investigation, meaning I wasn't allowed to recognize her, and she told me with a shaky voice "What do you want from me" and I said under my breath "sorry", and then ran, in the case the police would come to issue a non-traffic summary citation, which would be $300. I didn't know WHO it was, but the gaslighting didn't "make" me do things in that specific instance, as obviously my abusive gaze could have been averted. It was antisocial "leer"/"menace". It sent me to the bottom of that pro-social V, and then I went up with resolve not to speak to children at all, unless they give permission.

This treatment involves pro-social hysteria, meaning being convicted of intentional hysteria about one's own actions, to the point of pro-social center. First, it was fear of the law, but in the midst of this, the Holy Spirit was awakened in me to cement this change, and color it beforehand.

This isn't parental rights. That's an excuse. That's parental DUTIES, meaning I have certain duties towards, meaning away, from children. Reverse attendant, meaning constantly attend to one's abstinence habits until they become just that, habits...You just don't take up an offer when at an "invite and search" party. You just don't, meaning you just don't, meaning you just don't,.

I am guilty just for being an adult, yet exonerated and purified by my own choices. 

Time-out: Why every adult needs it in relation to children

 Many people here think of me as being the parent-hater in chief. The dash there tells you the level of anti-spanking trauma. Many would be surprised on my views on time-out. Time-out in gentle parenting is not for children, but instead is for parents and other responsible adults. Every adult does, in fact, need a break now and then.

To make parenting stance clear, I am a gatekeeper advocate, in convicting/welcoming format. I assume stepping along my blog, and having the fear of God struck into them. But, once you're here, and have hit rock bottom, relax. The first step in combatting any addiction, including one to domestic violence against your child, is admitting that you have a problem. The premise of this blog is that most parents haven't gotten to that point. Pro-social proof...Oh yeah, a parent needs a time-out now and then. I sure do away from children.

Time-out, in a gentle parenting home, is dad being left with the kids while mom goes walking in the neighborhood, or leaving older children home alone while parents go for a romantic stroll. With pedophilic parents, this can include sexual fantasy when and where it is safe - meaning do NOT do so anywhere within the child's vicinity, or eyeshot in the reverse, as this is abuse of the child in the form of sexual exploitation, especially the hypothetical eyeshot context. In fact, any lustful look that the child perceives as unsafe or otherwise uncomfortable.

It says in 1 Thessalonians 5:22 KJV:

Abstain from all appearance of evil.

The Greek root word translates "appearance" is ειἶός (Latin: eidos) and refers to when evil shows itself to you, with the original text translating as "abstaining from all evil". Evil, summarized, is whatever harms God or your neighbor, with preference to the smallest and weakest that is your neighbor. Sometimes, in order to control oneself in relation to children, one needs to take a break.

I myself do regard sexual fantasy, as a pedophilic adult, as a form of time-out. That's exactly what its meaning is to me. 1-2% of parents are clinically pedophiles, meaning primarily attracted to children under age 14. It is actually common for men in particular, but adults as a whole, to be attracted to teenagers, and in this case, "time-out" would be making time for yourself in regard to sexual fantasies about children. Fantasies don't bother me, because they have nothing to do with how I would relate to a child in real life. It is basically a suppressed afterthought that, at this point, I have complete control over, and then reel out the extension cord when I want to watch TV (as opposed to filming it). That's all the images mean to me - TV reel. I simply HATE the prospect of harming a child, which is avoided by pro-social avoidance/escape...My healing journey as a pedophile started by escaping from children like the ocean, then staying away for quite a while to char and center myself, and now I remark to myself, perhaps, Max is more respectful to children? I'd say I am, not to brag.

Time-out can be extrapolated to any parent/adult self-care in relation to children, namely those that deal with the understandable stress from the children. Each parent should find whatever help them deal with stress, as stress exists in ALL parent-child relationships. I myself simply feel stressed and drowsy when around children - it IS stress, but on the gaslighting level, meaning where I might not be aware except for the tiredness. Stress from children, to me, feelings like I was on the road or the trail all day long, or perhaps jumping into the ocean all day long.

Relax, dear gentle parents. You're doing great!

What are damages? How to exchange with your child

 What are damages in the Bible. Many people in the gentle parenting community do not like the concept of damages. This is after infiltrating peacekeepers here at children's rights vilified and dehumanized our survivors as "damaged goods". They weren't referring to the past tense child, but their "goods", meaning body parts a woman has to offer to her husband. It was an erotomanic delusion known as a "symbolic marriage with the survivors". Damages, for my similar trauma, is actually a liberating discovery, and in fact also helps me navigate social situations, both with children and others.

Damages refer to legal damages. In the case of child abuse, these damages are emotional mostly, momentary, and with concrete gaslighting evidence in the brain, during the time of imposition of entitlement from an adult - namely around the fight-or-flight instincts of the brain, such as the amygdala as well as any visible celebratory sexual arousal or excitement when the assailant is an adult, and the victim a child. The latter part is rare, but we need to cover all our basis, so not to rule out evidence where dismissal of existence could lead to excuse.

The Greek root word denoting damages is κλεπτω (Latin: klepto) and refers to legal damages, meaning tangible, material evidence that a moral crime has been committed, or else viable and credible to give testimony in the form of hearsay. Hearsay can accompany many type of testimony, and ultimately means anything other than forensic evidence (ex. bruises, scratches on legs, etc). A child's visible upset alone, in fear of a parent next to the child, is absolute proof of child abuse. Parents are compelled to apologize and soothe their children, to the best of their attempted ability, when their child cries due to a limit being set, or an injury of some sort. Refusal to do so is abuse, as well as any punishment that follows suit.

Gaslighting in Christian countries like the United States is verbal in nature, and is selfless in nature, based on the acronym of pro-social martyrdom, meaning martyring yourself to the smaller person especially as Christ did. It is based on whomever is guilty, with entitlement shading over it. It doesn't matter what race, color, religion (or lack thereof), or other subdivide you belong to, you are equally responsible next your neighbor, and to the court. My judgment is colorblind, but admittedly is biased in favor of women in cases of crimes like fornication, unless it is exploitative, blaming the man. The sex crime statutes under the Mosaic Law were directed mainly towards men, not women. Women who were adulteresses were not the main target of execution - the man was for allowing it. We all know today that a bad, adversarial marriage often leads to seeking out others.

Children are exempt from all Divine Prosecution, for all crimes, for all crimes, for all crimes, thus all moral crimes committed by a child are deemed to shine back and dishonor parents by making them culpable. A parental exchange with a child must take the utmost care not to inflict damages onto a child, meaning provoke them to anger or upset enough to blame you in the moment, or else be afraid of you in the moment.

If a child is upset by anything I do, even my mere existence, I must apologize both verbally and non-verbally. "Existence" refers to the non-verbal aspect of apology - I shall not exist within her midst, or perhaps her periphery of perception if she states that limit. I am a servant to a child in that way. An attendant and bondservant. I am entitled to absolutely nothing from a child. Not even respect. I am deserving of nothing good from a child, in terms of trust, and everything bad, meaning I am to assume they don't trust or respect me, until proven otherwise. I am to hate and loathe myself merely for existing as an adult, as adults have, for all of human history, abused children.

I am worthy of nothing but rejection from children, being the sexually entitled adult that I am...What should I do instead? Remove myself from the situation. It's that simple for me, as a pedophilic adult. Other adults who don't have such a social imperative to protect children from one's own entitlement and violent tendencies are damned and condemn themselves for their complacent, defensive, or otherwise entitled choices, in the case that they harm or abuse children

I answer to children regarding my sexually entitled tendencies as an adult in relation to children, as an extension of God and His Kingdom, called to hold me accountable in the form of pro-social segregation, and there will always be some form of segregation between adults and children. Children's rights is about child empowerment, and creating a nesting space for such. Let the depraved and entitled parents who identfying by having all the rights to themselves BURN IN HELL! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

Why antisocial "help" is abuse in parenting (why not all "help" is helpful)

Many parents think help is a good thing, and inherently so, otherwise it isn't such. Most adults, in this country, however, have antisocial tendencies to "help" children, to varying degrees. I can't help every child in terms of safety and freedom from violence.

Entitlement is prohibited under the Tenth Commandment, and in the New Testament is expanded to an attitude towards one's life, and is denoted by the Greek root word πλεονέκτης (Latin: pleonektés) and refers to the entitled attitude of "I am your parent, and I know what is best for you, even if you don't", name wanting a child to learn to the point of seeking to impose said learning on a child, with religious instruction being religious parental entitlement, the most evil of abusive tendencies known to man and to God, blaspheming His name with their false example towards children.

Do you not know that your child is an extension of God, to treat with reverence and respect? Do you not realize your worthlessness and filthiness just for being an adult existing in relation to children? Entitlement by way of child abuse/provocation to anger, through antisocial "help".

Most abuse in this country is well-meaning in this country, and is "helpful" in nature. A spanking is usually intended to "help" a child "behave well". If not that, other controlling means of domestic violence are used against children of all ages, even up to age 17 or even past that.

Wanting your child to be helped, based on superficial and incredulous projections, is antisocial "help". I don't want to help children, in fact, yet I do. I do have a desire to help them more directly, meaning help is my base want, but I don't really want to help a child by default, meaning with consent. This would mean a child contacts me with his/her problems, and wants to talk them out, with me being a listening and reflecting adult, bouncing her words off like a sounding board. I may not be able to relate of have much advice, but at least I'm a sounding board in that regard. That's all I am for. Spritz a few words on me, or even at me, and I'll happily listen, dear child.

Children don't need my help. God helps those who help themselves. I'd be THAT kind of Christian parent, of the gentle parenting type. Let the entitled and controlling parents BURN! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

Sunday, March 21, 2021

Comparing the motives of pro-spanking and sexually abusive parents: A pedophile's perspective

 Feel like having a halo over your head for simply spanking out of "stress". You might be surprised who else has that excuse handy to use in the case society were to go down downslope - and legalize sex with children. "Stress" is a common abusers' excuse, across the board. The nature of most all abuse is "venting" (how a domestic abuser or unlawful abuser would often put it). If you feel yourself venting ON a SUBJECT, you are abusing someone. Talk to them, and vent vulnerably, if they are in a position to listen.

There are many reasons for sexually abusing children. Note that this page, and the advocate behind it, are not experts in how abuse turns out in all cases. It's survivors are. I am only the expert in one case - my own, and my experience is continuing the trangenerational cycle of violence, but in an alternate format that is basically going the opposite direction, wanting to flee abuse, while replacing one form of abuse with another...meaning permissiveness.

True permissiveness is NOTHING like gentle parenting. Gentle parents, I might stereotype, resemble to me soccer moms with a lot on their plate, organizing life around the child, taking the child to evens such as sports, theater, and so forth, or else the child has a relaxed schedule, but still boundaries, if the child needs that instead. It is based on needs. Permissiveness is based purely on wants. I have to understand it as a chain interlinking wants and needs in order to know that it is okay to set boundaries with children - meaning children usually want what they need, and behind every irrational want is a need. The antecedent of the crying to "take me for a drive" at next to midnight might just mean you, as a parent, need to spend time with your child in a way that would replicate that activity, AFTER reassuring them in their grief that they will never be able to leave to go for a drive at that time. Feel like having a halo over your head for simply spanking out of "stress". You might be surprised who else has that excuse handy to use in the case society were to go down downslope - and legalize sex with children. "Stress" is a common abusers' excuse, across the board. The nature of most all abuse is "venting" (how a domestic abuser or unlawful abuser would often put it). If you feel yourself venting ON a SUBJECT, you are abusing someone. Talk to them, and vent vulnerably, if they are in a position to listen. 

I struggle with sexual/behavioral neglect, in which case the main abusers' statement is "they are just so darn cute/attractive that I can't say no", and if left not controlled, would lead to attitudes of antisocial "corruption" in me, including perhaps promoting a teenage daughter to her boyfriend. Permissiveness is corruption, and vice versa, meaning it is giving children responsibilities before they are of age to handle them in a mature manner. Whenever a parent speaks of "sexual/behavioral neglect", they are speaking of pedophilia.

I myself find gentle parenting attitudes to be helpful, in fact. It only works if you want to work it, meaning my permissiveness was stated as "I want her to not hate me" and so I basically put her on a pedestal instead, and not set limits. Now, my moral statement in relation to children is "I am entitled to nothing from them, and they are entitled to everything from me". Children, to me, have equal rights to adults, but in the way someone with a serious mental disability would be an equal.

Abuse is abuse is abuse, and with parents, it comes from the same entitlement - parental entitlement. We all hate parental entitlement here at it's hatred's namesake.

Righteous co-sleeping: Why God wants parents to sleep next to their children

Many parents think that co-sleeping is the irresponsible choice for a parent to make. This is a common attitude from American parents. Most ...