Monday, March 22, 2021

What are damages? How to exchange with your child

 What are damages in the Bible. Many people in the gentle parenting community do not like the concept of damages. This is after infiltrating peacekeepers here at children's rights vilified and dehumanized our survivors as "damaged goods". They weren't referring to the past tense child, but their "goods", meaning body parts a woman has to offer to her husband. It was an erotomanic delusion known as a "symbolic marriage with the survivors". Damages, for my similar trauma, is actually a liberating discovery, and in fact also helps me navigate social situations, both with children and others.

Damages refer to legal damages. In the case of child abuse, these damages are emotional mostly, momentary, and with concrete gaslighting evidence in the brain, during the time of imposition of entitlement from an adult - namely around the fight-or-flight instincts of the brain, such as the amygdala as well as any visible celebratory sexual arousal or excitement when the assailant is an adult, and the victim a child. The latter part is rare, but we need to cover all our basis, so not to rule out evidence where dismissal of existence could lead to excuse.

The Greek root word denoting damages is κλεπτω (Latin: klepto) and refers to legal damages, meaning tangible, material evidence that a moral crime has been committed, or else viable and credible to give testimony in the form of hearsay. Hearsay can accompany many type of testimony, and ultimately means anything other than forensic evidence (ex. bruises, scratches on legs, etc). A child's visible upset alone, in fear of a parent next to the child, is absolute proof of child abuse. Parents are compelled to apologize and soothe their children, to the best of their attempted ability, when their child cries due to a limit being set, or an injury of some sort. Refusal to do so is abuse, as well as any punishment that follows suit.

Gaslighting in Christian countries like the United States is verbal in nature, and is selfless in nature, based on the acronym of pro-social martyrdom, meaning martyring yourself to the smaller person especially as Christ did. It is based on whomever is guilty, with entitlement shading over it. It doesn't matter what race, color, religion (or lack thereof), or other subdivide you belong to, you are equally responsible next your neighbor, and to the court. My judgment is colorblind, but admittedly is biased in favor of women in cases of crimes like fornication, unless it is exploitative, blaming the man. The sex crime statutes under the Mosaic Law were directed mainly towards men, not women. Women who were adulteresses were not the main target of execution - the man was for allowing it. We all know today that a bad, adversarial marriage often leads to seeking out others.

Children are exempt from all Divine Prosecution, for all crimes, for all crimes, for all crimes, thus all moral crimes committed by a child are deemed to shine back and dishonor parents by making them culpable. A parental exchange with a child must take the utmost care not to inflict damages onto a child, meaning provoke them to anger or upset enough to blame you in the moment, or else be afraid of you in the moment.

If a child is upset by anything I do, even my mere existence, I must apologize both verbally and non-verbally. "Existence" refers to the non-verbal aspect of apology - I shall not exist within her midst, or perhaps her periphery of perception if she states that limit. I am a servant to a child in that way. An attendant and bondservant. I am entitled to absolutely nothing from a child. Not even respect. I am deserving of nothing good from a child, in terms of trust, and everything bad, meaning I am to assume they don't trust or respect me, until proven otherwise. I am to hate and loathe myself merely for existing as an adult, as adults have, for all of human history, abused children.

I am worthy of nothing but rejection from children, being the sexually entitled adult that I am...What should I do instead? Remove myself from the situation. It's that simple for me, as a pedophilic adult. Other adults who don't have such a social imperative to protect children from one's own entitlement and violent tendencies are damned and condemn themselves for their complacent, defensive, or otherwise entitled choices, in the case that they harm or abuse children

I answer to children regarding my sexually entitled tendencies as an adult in relation to children, as an extension of God and His Kingdom, called to hold me accountable in the form of pro-social segregation, and there will always be some form of segregation between adults and children. Children's rights is about child empowerment, and creating a nesting space for such. Let the depraved and entitled parents who identfying by having all the rights to themselves BURN IN HELL! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

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