Monday, March 22, 2021

Why antisocial "help" is abuse in parenting (why not all "help" is helpful)

Many parents think help is a good thing, and inherently so, otherwise it isn't such. Most adults, in this country, however, have antisocial tendencies to "help" children, to varying degrees. I can't help every child in terms of safety and freedom from violence.

Entitlement is prohibited under the Tenth Commandment, and in the New Testament is expanded to an attitude towards one's life, and is denoted by the Greek root word πλεονέκτης (Latin: pleonektés) and refers to the entitled attitude of "I am your parent, and I know what is best for you, even if you don't", name wanting a child to learn to the point of seeking to impose said learning on a child, with religious instruction being religious parental entitlement, the most evil of abusive tendencies known to man and to God, blaspheming His name with their false example towards children.

Do you not know that your child is an extension of God, to treat with reverence and respect? Do you not realize your worthlessness and filthiness just for being an adult existing in relation to children? Entitlement by way of child abuse/provocation to anger, through antisocial "help".

Most abuse in this country is well-meaning in this country, and is "helpful" in nature. A spanking is usually intended to "help" a child "behave well". If not that, other controlling means of domestic violence are used against children of all ages, even up to age 17 or even past that.

Wanting your child to be helped, based on superficial and incredulous projections, is antisocial "help". I don't want to help children, in fact, yet I do. I do have a desire to help them more directly, meaning help is my base want, but I don't really want to help a child by default, meaning with consent. This would mean a child contacts me with his/her problems, and wants to talk them out, with me being a listening and reflecting adult, bouncing her words off like a sounding board. I may not be able to relate of have much advice, but at least I'm a sounding board in that regard. That's all I am for. Spritz a few words on me, or even at me, and I'll happily listen, dear child.

Children don't need my help. God helps those who help themselves. I'd be THAT kind of Christian parent, of the gentle parenting type. Let the entitled and controlling parents BURN! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

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