Friday, March 26, 2021

Pro-social shyness: Why this is the attitude of the Christian male (and parent in general)

 Many men misunderstand what it means to be a man. It has often been seen as a way to domineer, and still is seen as a domineering role. In other areas, he was an equal. There are many ways to be a man, from a multicultural perspective. The way prescribed by my faith values is known as pro-social shyness, with providing capabilities.

The Greek root word for discipline is παιδεία (Latin: paideia) and refers to self-discipline and self-control. It is a disciplined attitude based on the concept of "I am evil, thus am deserving of nothing" - a charring, convicting statement that is replenished by treating others with respect, and doing good works, in order to replenish that righteous guilt. It is being convicted by the Holy Spirit, and then being instructed by God how to make things right in a fallen world.

This is ultimately a specific state of mind, known as "Israelite men". I am controlled in a shy way, not an arrogant way, by default. A peacekeeper is a jokester, and laughs at people's traumas and misfortunes, having no class. A real man shuts up, and does what he is supposed to in life, and stops at nothing at getting the job done. He feels entitled to nothing, but grateful for everything,

I myself find myself to be a shy, meek person, meaning I don't speak much, and I'm not gregarious or outgoing. It isn't a burdensome silence, but a peaceable silence. I feel at peace riding down the road with mom, being quiet and in my own thoughts, but at the same time not exactly sucked in. Aware, to the degree necessary, of my surroundings. Thoughts are rather shallow.

It is like being an observation tower, taking in the scenery, but remaining quiet. You can also get very loud and rambunctious, perhaps in the form of enforcing law on others, but then go straight back to silence and quietness...In the case of parents, this conditioning would lead to more disciplined parents, thus more disciplined children emulating parents.

It is part of a greater part of life that is the anti-entitlement way of life - conservatism is a way of life, not so much a political party. It is largely a relaxed way of life, with stipulations. Once you learn the rules, you can sit back on your deckchair, and know that the parent threat is far away from you, and live your life. There is a limited amount of time I take being reminded of my own personal trauma, and other times I cover it up with children's rights knowledge, and accompanying Christian judgment of parents. You have no worried, because you're conditioned to not want much from others, and be grateful for what you do have.

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