Sunday, October 31, 2021

What is pedophilia?: Why being a pedophile is not a moral crime

Many adults believe that pedophiles are the adults that are dangerous, and that all other adults are safe. That is false, as most child abusers are parents, meaning 80% of reports of child abuse defined by the civil laws. Many people associate a pedophile with abusers and sex offenders. However, most pedophiles are not sex offenders, and most sex offenders are not pedophiles. What is pedophilia? A case of a child trapped in an adult's body.

Pedophilia is a mental disorder, with 3 out of 4 pedophiles choosing not to abuse children, meaning pedophiles are disproportionately safer than other adults, due to the necessity of centeredness in coping with pedophilia properly as a clinical disorder, with most pedophiles coping naturally with centeredness techniques. Pedophilia is both a paraphilic disorder and a developmental disorder, and is a genetic disorder associated with autism. It is a disorder due to the fact that a child is unavailable as a sexual target, meaning in terms of consent.

Pedophilia almost always comes with an immature personality, usually due to a developmental disorder such as autism or ADHD, or traits of such in an individual (ex. PDD-NOS). I myself am a pedophile, and for me, it is an extension of my emotional immaturity as someone with autism. I often feel on the level of an 11-12 year old

Pedophilia is nowhere mentioned in the Bible. It says in Colossians 3:5-7 KJV:

Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth; fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and covetousness, which are idolatry: For which things' sake the wrath of God cometh on the children of fornication: In which ye also walked some, when ye lived in them.

The Greek root word translated "inordinate affection" is επιθυμέω (Latin: epithumeo) and refers here to adult sexual entitlement, meaning unlawful intent to have sexual relations with a children, meaning wanting leading to the point of seeking to impose said want onto a child, leading to offense by way of sexual perception of intent (fornication - πορνεία). Lust is a sin, but not at the level of desire, unless desire itself leads you elsewhere due to your profile. You have to want a child to the point of being spurred to action in order to be guilty of inordinate affections, meaning at the very least seeing a child as available and believing that they are an acceptable sexual partner, or else seeing them as worthy of sexual punishment in some way. That is unlawful intent (mens rea) leading to unlawful sexual action, which must be with another human being or else an animal (actus reus). 

Pedophilia is not a disorder of intent, but of thought, meaning it is not wrong to be a pedophile, but is simply unfortunate. Pedophiles were dealt a bad hand, so they accept that they have that hand dealt, don't deny it out of adult sexual entitlement, and live knowing they are attracted to children, meaning a pedophile. 

Pedophiles should be aware of their disorder fully, meaning if you repress something, it controls you, whereas because I am aware of my pedophilia, I control it and I control where it goes, like putty in hands. I am aware, but at a level I can distract myself from sexual desire and focus on life except when a young girl is around, in which case I have enough control to make repeated glances instead of one "good long look", and the more self-aware I was of the disorder, the easier it is to control. It is not good to repress anything. Feel it, to the degree you choose to, meaning with me that means I get thoughts about a girl, and I let those thoughts just fly by in a comfortable way, but know it is wrong to do anything about them. Both, together, make an offense nearly impossible. Lust, meaning adult sexual entitlement, is when you focus on a sexual thought towards a young girl in a way that convinces you that sexually abusing her is okay, meaning defending beliefs that the harm from sexual abuse does not exist.

Pedophilia is a low-level drive, meaning I feel it when I reference the fact that I have it, but underneath me, as a hidden drive I find myself pulling up on my own, in my own bedroom, indulging in sexual fantasy. Simply talking about the disorder isn't arousing, and seeing a young girl in public simply is a "she's pretty" observation that I can either forget about or save the mental image for later, and both are legal under Christian law. If I didn't fantasize at all, I'd want to be with a real young girl. It is called pro-social channeling for a reason - it channels sexual desires for children away from children and towards a space in the home designed for sexual fantasy, meaning time-out in attachment parenting terms. Sexual fantasy is my time-out away from children. Time-out, in gentle parenting, is intended to channel feelings of anger away from the child by taking a break, but otherwise doing the opposite of one's anger or sexual aggression. 

Pedophilia is simply intrusive, unfair thoughts about one's child or a child. Mere thoughts are not a moral crime. Thinking of a child as a sexual target is not a moral crime, meaning being attracted to a child. Saying "I like her" can be a moral crime, depending on the context. In the restaurant, or in the store? Vile fornication. To a parent, or to a therapist? Understandable observation. Depends who is offended, and what precedes the offense. Usually, people make sexually objectifying comments about a child in public if they want to offend or gaslight others, in which case it the the moral crime of fornication by way of obscenity. 

I gaslight pedophiles and screen for possible predators by way of pro-social compassionate empathy, meaning I can empathize with a pedophile fully, but don't think the disorder itself is a good thing. I have never profiled a pedophile here, but would be their gentle parent and listen to them, and if they took advantage of me, usually by disclosing a crime, I would ask if they wanted to stop what they were doing, and if they defended it, I'd flame them out of my inbox and publish everything. I cannot shame a remorseful abuser under my Christian standards, meaning if they are truly sorry, even for molesting a child, I either reassure them or stay out of the matter, leaving it between victim and abuser...Most pedophiles want to be listened to, and I am reading posts at VirPed, but I am just not interjecting anything because I do not have the collective sexual shaming trauma that VirPed has as a group of people.

Most pedophiles have a sexual trauma from sexual shaming as a child, meaning they were shamed for their sexual fantasies, and so they focus on them. The prejudicial parents who imposed this "pedophile" trauma in the affirmative will be cast into the burning fire of Hell! Especially the alt-right parents who hate their pedophilic children - because anyone's child could have it. 

Discipline: Why parents need it, not children

Many parents believe in disciplining their children. Discipline is an important part of life. I myself am a very disciplined person in my personal life, meaning I am the quiet, reserved individual. I can be talkative on rare intervals, but usually am silent in terms of personality. Parents should be the ones focusing on discipline, not children.

It says in Ephesians 6:1-4 KJV:

Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. Honor thy father and mother, as is this is the first commandment with promise; That it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long upon the earth. And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.

The Greek root word translated "nurture" is παιδεία (Latin: paideia) and refers to a specific form of discipline, known as Christian discipline, meaning being disciplined in the selfless way that Christ was, in the sacrificial way that Christ was. Parents then turned their entitled instincts towards their children inward, doing the opposite of what their sin nature told them to do. It is centering one's anger and sexual entitlement towards children, in an exemplary way that models self-control to children. Parents were to impart the Living Example of Christ, which was self-discipline in a giving, charitable manner. The Greek root word translated "admonition" is νουθεσία (Latin: nouthesia) and refers to setting limits, namely with the word "no". It is one thing to model discipline in children, which works well enough most of the time, but sometimes children need a warning, meaning a verbal warning that their behavior is unacceptable and/or unsafe, with this warning being rare and not being backed up by punishment. The Greek root word translated " wrath" is παροργίζο (Latin: parorgizo) and literally translates to "bitter anger" and refers to the moral count of provocation to anger, meaning offenses against children. This means the slightest of offense perceived by the child. This included, by the Apostle Paul's intent, any punishment or control of a child, including corporal punishment. The Apostle Paul was chastising parents of Greco-Roman origin for using punitive tactics with their children. Greco-Roman culture relied heavily on spanking and corporal punishment, whereas Judeo-Christian society then did not use corporal punishment or any form of punishment, with corporal punishment in the Bible being related to the death penalty under the Law of Moses. Christ abolished both capital and corporal punishment by experiencing both on the cross. Corporal punishment in the Old Testament involved 40 minus 1 lashes as a last warning before being put to death, and if you endured it, you got a second chance, and that was the meaning of it all. Only adults were whipped, with most subjects being male.

The Greek root word translated "obey" is υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to closeness to parents leading to respect for parents, but in a policing manner that is selfless for the parent. Children demand anything and everything from parents, and parents provide and supply needs, with children being able to say anything and everything under the sun. Children are more likely to heed the example of parents when they have open trust and dialogue with parents, meaning they can confide into parents about anything, and rest in the love and grace of parents just as parents rest in the love and grace of Christ Himself. A child that trusts a parent vulnerable and warmly, meaning without being forced to, also trusts the example that a parent imparts to a child. Children in ancient Israel and adjoining churches were breastfed by their mothers until age 3, and treated as infants in terms of childhood emotions up until then. Children, right up until adulthood, slept in the nude with mothers, in skin-to-skin closeness, forming a secure parent-child bond. Fathers encouraged learning and spiritual growth in children, and supervised free play, which was within the range of their mother's eyesight. 

Parents are to be a child's first role model. Children learn by taking after their parents, but that only fully works if you don't punish or control a child. If you simply let them develop naturally, and form a close bond with your child, they will take after you and your family values. There is no need to punish a child, and attachment parenting is a command from God, meaning form trust and cooperation through attachment instead of entitled parental demand.

The depraved and entitled parents will not inherit the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand! Let them burn and suffer in the lake of fire and brimstone forever and ever, suffering the second death prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand! 

Saturday, October 30, 2021

Why childhood is a communication deficit (pro-social punching bag, pro-social projectile board)

Many people think that children misbehave "just to get under our skin" and that children are willful pests for adult. What is the number one cause of childhood misbehavior? Communication issues. Children don't communicate on the level of adults, and that is due to cognitive immaturity.

The doctrine of mutual surrender means open communication with a child. It says in Colossians 3:20-21 KJV:

Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord. Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they become discouraged.

The Greek root word translated "obey" is υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to closeness with parents, leading to respect, with children being able to say anything and everything to parents under the sun, with parents expecting absolutely nothing in return for their surrender and listening to the child's needs. Parents were projectile boards for the upsets and crying of children, perhaps the 2-year-old screaming and hitting parents. Why do they do this? Biblical parents knew then that children had a limited vocabulary, and a limited amount of self-control, so they took the brunt of their child's cries and aggression, and channeled it towards them, listening to it and validating needs, determining what the child needs based on the context. Children were breastfed until age 3 and treated as infants behaviorally until that age, and perhaps much older, sleeping in the nude with mothers until adulthood. Children demanded what they needed from parents in that historical context, and didn't always use their words. The Greek root word translated " anger" is ερεθιζο (Latin: erethizo) and literally translates to "stirring up" upset and resentment in children, referencing the Jewish idiom of "stirring the pot". Parents didn't dare provoke their child to anger, meaning provoke any offense in the child, with offense meaning the slightest of personal offense perceived by the child. Paul was writing in vs. 21 to Hellenistic Christians who relied heavily on the Greco-Roman custom of spanking and corporal punishment. Paul would have none of it in the churches he oversaw. He lifted up the Jewish law on the offenses to them, and charged the parents with it, banning all corporal punishment and other punitive  parenting throughout Christendom.

Children who act out and are attention seeking usually have a communication barrier in place keeping them from expressing what they need. Hebraic parents in the Bible knew children knew what they needed, but also knew their children didn't have enough words to express their needs or petition of redress of grievances. Parents would be projectile boards for the child's upset, and punching bags for frustrated aggression, being pummeled until they figured out what the child need, then meeting that need, usually an attachment need at some level, with a shamefaced smile, convicted of their evil nature for merely existing as their parents, with the child being a vulnerable yet convicting extension of God. 

Children communicate through behavior, and through play. Children in ancient Judeo-Christian culture played freely and without interruption, but within range of parents. The child might communicate a need by crying out of nowhere while playing, and the mother would simply validate the child's upset in a reassuring way, by listening to the child's upset. Many times, younger children cry for no reason for the same reason a baby would cry for no reason - they just need to be soothed, because the world is too threatening. Haven't we all been there as adults? They can't control their feelings like we can, due to their immature emotional development. Parents in biblical times instinctively knew this, but we as a society have lost that ability to decode the needs of children. Decoding the needs of children is easy - whenever they cry, reassure them, and also, give them what they want and forbid them not when it is harmless, just as Christ did in the temple (Matt. 19:14).

The depraved and entitled parents will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them burn in the lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Let them descend forever and ever into to a Hell of fire and torment, with God hating their adult existence from the beginning, foreknowing their evil deeds! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

Friday, October 29, 2021

What is love?: How to love your child (and why most parents don't)

What is love? Many parents misuse this word a lot. I, admittedly, have misused it for other reasons, which I share in other posts. Most parents don't know what love is, yet they claim to love their child. Most adults do not love their children.

Every single adult is guilty merely for existing in relation to children, and is deserving of DEATH and PUNISHMENT merely for said existence in relation to children, leading to conviction by way of reverent terror and fear, leading to sacrificial surrender to the every need of children as their enemy, just as mankind is the enemy of God, with parents and adults having to pay due penance for being an adult in relation to children, as to God. This leads to good works that put the rights and needs of children above one's own, expecting absolutely nothing in return, being and feeling grateful for the fruits of one's labor. This is love, as denoted by the Greek root word αγαπαο (Latin: agapao). 

It says in Matthew 25:35-40 KJV:

Then which of them, which was a lawyer, asked him a question, tempting him and saying, Master, which is the greatest commandment in the law? Jesus said unto them, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and all thy soul, and all thy mind. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. On these two commandments hang the law and the prophets.

The Greek root word here translated "love" is αγαπαο (Latin: agapao). "As thyself" refers to an inverse comparison, meaning you are to put others first by putting yourself in their shoes, pretending for second that your neighbor is you. Would you like being treated that way? Children are our neighbor as adults, and the one we wronged, meaning we ultimately are their enemy, with parents and other adults seeking to be friends with a child, winning over their trust and friendship. 

Love is to be practiced in mutual surrender format, meaning parents love their children without expecting any in return. Colossians 3:20-21 KJV:

Children, obey your parents in all things: as is well pleasing unto the Lord. Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they be discouraged.

The Greek root word υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to secure, warm rest in the love and grace of parents, but in a policing and enforcing manner. This means children in biblical times gave lawful and binding orders to parents as to their needs, being demanding of their parent, and parents in the Judeo-Christian context, including the 1st Century Christian culture, simply surrendered to their children's needs. Children went in the nude right up until adulthood in ancient Israelite culture and adjoining churches, and that was because mothers would co-sleep and snuggle with children while nude themselves, in the form of skin-to-skin contact, which was used to create closeness which lead to respect later.

The Greek root word translated " anger" is ερεθιζο (Latin: erethizo) and refers to "stirring up" upset and resentment in children, as in the Jewish adage of "stirring the pot" regarding your child's emotional welfare. This referred to the offenses, with a "provocation to anger" meaning any perceived offense or trespass against one's person, namely the slightest of personal offense perceived by a child. This was meant by Paul the Apostle to include corporal punishment and other forms of punitive parenting, as the Hellenistic Christians in the Colossian church relied heavily on punishment to raise their children. Paul would have none of it in the churches he oversaw as a deacon, and so a divinely inspired letter was written with intent to convict pro-spanking parents of their evil ways. The Apostle then handed out attachment parenting manuals. They read much like Eph. 6:4 in context (also an anti-spanking verse), but in expanded form, meaning children needed parents to impart a disciplined example, meaning the Living Example of Christ, and warn children when they are behaving in an unsafe way, and pretty much only then, except when a petition from a child was completely unattainable, and warnings were to be imparted with empathy and without punishment or control, with lawful orders not being binding except in the reverse - children were extensions of God in the family home, as the "least of these" (Matt. 25:31-46). Children were feared and revered in biblical times, striking reverent terror in the complacent or abusive parent towards their needs.

Love is service to your neighbor, meaning caring for your neighbor by way of putting their needs first and yours last. This means children first, parents last. Children are the neighbor parents serve, and so you put your child first, and you last. Love is a verb, not an emotion or a passion, and means good works for children in the case of parenting.

The depraved and entitled parents who provoke children to anger will not inherit the Kingdom of God, for they hate their child and do not love them! Let them burn in the lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death, which is Satan's final resting place! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

Modesty in parenting: What does that mean? (and why body shaming is sin)

Many Christian parents believe in modesty as a teaching, but get it wrong. The idea is that childhood should be fully clothed all the time. This mandate imposed onto children is unbiblical, as modesty meant something different then.

It says in 1 Timothy 2:9-10 KJV:

In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array: But (which becoming women professing godliness) with good works.

Note the underlined. Especially "costly array". That meant women were to be modest in the sense that they didn't wear pearls, gold, or any apparel intended as a fashion statement. What did women wear usually, then? Outside, just a pullover, one-piece dress with nothing underneath, with children wearing nothing at all. Women often dressed in revealing clothing, even to church, and that was expected given the warm Mediterranean climate.

It says in Colossians 3:20-21 KJV:

Children, obey your parents in all things: as is well pleasing unto the Lord. Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they become discouraged.

The Greek root word translated "obey" is υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to secure, warm rest in the love and grace of parents, just as parents rest in the love and grace of Jesus Christ. In biblical times, this meant nudity for children. Childhood was unclothed entirely, right up until adulthood for children. Girls stayed with mothers right up until adulthood, and the two were inseparable. Connotational pedophilia was common in fathers, but mothers protected young girls in particular, meaning young girls were "on display" to any sexually entitled father, yet the father could have none. If he had any with his daughter, he was seen as deserving of death, even as Christ abolished the death penalty by enduring it on the cross. The Greek root word translated " anger" is ερεθιζο (Latin: erethizo) and refers to the moral count of provocation to anger, with "provocation to anger" referring to any offense perceived, including offenses against children. The slightest of offense perceived by the child is child abuse, thus a moral crime, thus sin. This was intended to ban all punishment, including that of the body shaming type.

Childhood, especially in its earliest stages, is rarely fully clothed. By the biblical standard. nudity or partial nudity in the house can be allowed up to the age of majority, which is 18 in most states. In attachment parenting homes, children are sloppy about keeping on the clothing, even when older. Most parents in America police such things. We don't in our homes, and that is because we know that immodesty in a girl has nothing to do with level of undress or dress, but how they wish to stand out by way of adornments that are unnatural to their appearance, such as flashy sneakers or expensive clothing. Just keep it simple, and she'll be fine.

The depraved and entitled parents who body shame their children will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them burn in the lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!


Mutual surrender: Why parents should respect their children first

Many parents want to be respected. These parents demand respect from their children. However, respect is earned in life, and when you disrespect a child with demanding entitlement, you don't earn respect in return. Parents and children are to mutually surrender, only Rome reversed the roles between parents and children.

The Fifth Commandment is repeated in the doctrine of mutual surrender, which commands parents respect first. It is Colossians 3:20-21 KJV:
Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord. Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they be discouraged.

The Greek root word translates "obey" is υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to rest in the love and grace of parents, just as parents rest in the sacrificial love of Christ, with children being close to parents, leading to respect, with children being able to tell parents and be in relation to parents anything and everything under the sun, with children resting in the security and freedom provided for by the sacrifice and love of parents. Children went in the nude, and co-slept with mothers who were also nude while at home, receiving skin-to-skin closeness with mothers. Closeness was valued with children over slavish obedience, meaning parents in ancient Israel and adjoining churches wanted to be close to their children, with mothers nurturing and fathers lovingly encouraging. Children gave demands, in a policing manner towards parents, and parents supplied the demands. Attachment then was of a policing manner, meaning one-way confidant, where the child confides their every want and feeling to parents, and parents selflessly obliges to the demands of children, not questioning the needs of children. Children demanded, then parents provided, then children were happy and adored their parents for doing so much for them, then resting in the warmth and love of parents, being thankful and grateful for all their acts of service and charity towards children.

The Greek root word translated " anger" is ερεθιζο (Latin: erethizo) and literally translates to "stirring up" as in the Jewish idiom of "stirring the pot" in regards to the emotional welfare of your children. A provocation to anger was an offense, here offenses against children, namely the slightest of personal slight perceived by the child. This command opposed spanking and corporal punishment, as well as other forms of punishment and control in parenting, and this commandment was intended by the Apostle Paul to ban spanking and corporal punishment, as Paul was chastising pro-spanking parents of the Hellenistic variety. Hellenistic culture was heavily reliant on corporal punishment, and many of the new congregants in the 1st Century were Greeks. Paul would have none of it in the churches he oversaw, and sent anti-spanking and anti-punishment commands to parents in several Christian communities. Accompanying the delivery of the command not to offend children in vs. 21 was attachment parenting manuals, which instructed parents to use an exemplary form of attachment parenting, based on the Living Example of Christ, meaning being generous and charitable to children in a way that modeled the charity and love of Jesus Christ, namely His Sacrifice. Christ gave to His children, meaning everything, and so should parents towards their children, then watch them be thankful. Sometimes, "I want..." is a statement of thanksgiving in and of itself, because they trust you on the want level, which is pretty deep trust with a child.

In order to get respect, you have to earn it, even as a parent. There is no free ride in parenting, meaning parents need to work for their respect, not demand it with a glorified title. The way to earn respect from your child is to be close to them, and spend some quality time with them. Allow them to talk to you about anything, then watch them rest in your loving presence.

The depraved and entitled parents who provoke children to anger will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them burn in the lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

Thursday, October 28, 2021

The link between high sensitivity and pedophilia

Many times, people misunderstand pedophilia. Pedophilia is a mental disorder, and a victim/abuser. Pedophiles can be on both ends of the abuser/victim spectrum, meaning they either are vulnerable victims, or abusers. Most pedophiles are highly sensitive.

How does this work in abusive situations? Most pedophiles are sex-positive offenders in the modern day. A sex positive offender usually has empathy for their victims, but not a relating type of empathy. A pedophile's high sensitivity is conflated with their sexuality, and a sex-positive abuser cannot relate with who they empathize with.

Empathy has two components, empathic intent and empathic action. A predatory pedophile may feel empathy towards their victim, but they don't know how to deal with it, so they relate to the child sexually, thus abusing the child. A predatory pedophile empathizes with their child victims too much, in a way that is clouded given the sexual drives that it is conflated with, meaning antisocial "care". They care too much about the child, without internalizing the child's needs.

This is also the case with all sex offenders pretty much, meaning the 90% of sex offenders not known to the authorities. Everything points to the fact that sexual abuse is usually a domiciliary peacekeeper, not a clinical one. Most child rapists and sexual abusers don't lie in a string about their abuse, but hide the incident, and many times, the victim hides it too by forgiving the abuser after the abuser repents - such is a personal choice among survivors, but some survivors choose that and decide to support their abuser. It is hidden by omission usually. This is a reason for better parent education for pedophiles and other adults attracted to children, as pedophiles and other adults attracted to children can and should be educated about the dangers of sexual abuse. They simply have not internalized society's norms on parenting and child care, and need to see it in the form of attachment parenting. Pedophilia is a sexual attachment, usually to all children at some level, and the sexual thread in the attachment leaf towards children should be kept restrained at all times, no matter what, even if the child wants it and begs for it.

What should adults do to avoid sexually interacting with a child? DO NOT be alone with a child, ever, if you are sexually attracted to them, as that is where most abuse starts. Also familiarize yourself with child development, especially child sexual development. Young girls in particular want to be admired instinctively, but that's where it stops. Admire them, then take it to your room to blow off steam with some sexual fantasy. Take care of your condition instead of simply shoving it. Also, know that pedophilia is not a death sentence, meaning you are not condemned to the fate of abusing a child, but simply have a disorder that mimics that type of abuser. Most adults, however, have some attraction to children, namely attraction to children in their mid to late teens, which is normal for adults as the sexual thread of their parent, though it is buried with one's own child except in attachment-based homes, where it is open and can be monitored, usually a mother monitoring the father and holding him accountable. What worked for me is the hourglass treatment associated with my Christian faith, meaning reverent self-loathing leading to a call to action for children, leading to learning about how to help them the right way by being their advocate.

I myself am a pedophile. I am a depraved and decadent sexually entitled adult, meaning I am capable of entitlement, and am deserving of DEATH and PUNISHMENT for that capability conflated with my existence as an adult. I encourage all adults to take responsibility for their harmful and entitled tendencies towards children, for no adult truly means well in relation to children. Aren't we all flawed and entitled in relation to children, as adults? Pedophilia is just one form of parental entitlement as an adult, meaning all child abuse comes from the same entitled place. Most child abusers in the United States feel empathy for their child victims, but don't show it. Let's show our care for children the right way, adults, and listen to their input as self-advocates for their own needs, which all children should be in some capacity.

Why parents are the abuser of pedophiles

Many people in the United States support pedophiles, usually in the form of civil libertarian or autism awareness advocacy. Most people who claim to be pedophile advocates, sadly, still blame children's rights movements. Most pedophiles do not blame children's rights, but instead we support the rights of the children we love. I hate parents in a double-sided way, meaning they hate their children, even when their children, especially when they are pedophiles.

I don't feel hated as a pedophile, unlike most. I don't have prejudicial parents either, but supportive parents. They are there if you need to unload about a child who is attractive, yet can't have as a girlfriend. I am never praised for being a pedophile. We pedophiles don't want praise, and don't need it. We simply need listening to, in a reflective and validating manner. 

3 out of 4 pedophiles in North America do not sexually abuse children, according to the research at the Canadian Centres for Addiction and Mental Health, Sexual Behaviors Clinic in Toronto, Canada. Most pedophiles are youth rights supporters, by way of quiet example, meaning they vow not to abuse children in other ways as well. Most pedophiles oppose ALL child abuse, regardless of status, in a litigious manner, perhaps to a fault. A pedophile is simply someone who fetishizes children and childhood, usually in an introverted, low-level manner, while on the surface appearing as simply the guy who can easily talk to children..

Most pedophiles have a common childhood trauma that I dodged, which is a form of sexual abuse called sexual shaming. It is a form of masturbatory shaming that hurts them very badly, especially since most pedophiles are exclusive and never were in a relationship with a woman. We call these prejudicial parents, and their fate is the fire of Hell.

Most of the understanding parents, in my experience, have been attached, gentle parents, and they usually don't understand until after it hits them, and their child happens to be a pedophile. Usually, when a child is being accepted by their parents, the first stage is denial. My mother thought it was a phase. But, as the child gets older, the parent can deny it less, in which case they, at the same time, see the effort to not offend a child common among pedophiles. 

However you treat children is how you will treat pedophiles, as even an adult pedophile is received, according to attachment theory, as immature by non-pedophilic adults, meaning most people who go solely on their instincts about a pedophilic child just chalk it up to immaturity. Usually, the child is diagnosed as on the autism spectrum or else identified as such, and the immaturity reflects the immature capacities of their case of autism. I am developmentally delayed in a way that matches up with my age of attraction due to my autism, meaning the peak age (age 11-12) is where I am stuck due to my autism. Most people who are supportive to pedophiles, in my experience, are anti-spanking. Most pro-spank advocates want to put a vulnerable traumatic pedophile through boot camp, whereas on the anti-spanking side, most gentle, attached parents are also attached to pedophiles in a concerned way.

How to understand your pedophilic child? A pedophile is a parent conflated with sexuality, with the pedophilia being the thread, with the thread being encased with helpful parenting information. Whatever parenting style a pedophile chooses shapes the entitlement of the pedophile, with non-entitled parenting choices being the healthiest for pedophiles, meaning pro-social parental entitlement being bad for pedophiles, because it blurs the boundaries by appointing the pedophile as authority over the child, which can be misused. I am an attachment parent to children, in a detached way, and it is easy to avoid harming children. It's like slapping suntan oil on their skin, meaning connotational pedophilia. I see it as morally neutral to have sexual thoughts about children, and so they are just there, and I know I am not a sinner unless I form the intent to abuse a child in any way, meaning intent that would be defended in any way. Otherwise, I am good, with children, and with God, with children being His extension. Chances are, if your child is anti-spanking, you are too in some capacity, and their attractions are connotational. Entitled pedophiles abuse children, meaning those who think they are either invincible or deny their attractions, and get in a situation where they are alone with a child. 

My relationship with my mother has improved since disclosing my pedophilic disorder to her. Now she knows everything about me or can know, which is God's order in terms of surrender to parents. Surrender all your information to parents, with the listening ear of parents earning such respect. I can talk about my pedophilic condition any time with my mother, and she usually listens, but doesn't have much to say. Don't say anything if you want to be supportive of a condition like that. Let the pedophile speak, and assume nothing apart from what they say about themselves. I was treated like a struggling parent by my therapist, and I think that is what a lot of pedophiles need.

Pedophile privilege is a two-way street, meaning once a pedophile shows privilege to survivors, survivors should show privilege to pedophiles. What we ask is pro-social ignorance, meaning do not treat them in a manufactured way, but listen to them and validate them, perhaps with a reassuring nod, listening and occasionally asking questions. There is really nothing you can say to us to make it go away or make it better. We, as pedophiles, are on our own, and a non-entitled, non-offending pedophile doesn't need a caretaker to babysit them. We monitor ourselves, and if we act out and abuse a child, face the legal and social penalty. Most survivors seem to understand my condition in an honest way that follows their intuition as gentle parents, meaning they claim to know nothing about my condition. They want pointers, at this point, on how to deal with pedophiles, with the error being doing too much and then getting burnt out. Take it easy, dear survivors. All we need is listening and someone to talk to, and the rest we do ourselves. With any good therapist, there is an 80/20 rule, meaning you do 80% of the work, and your therapist does 20%. Pedophilia may in fact need even less supports from therapists and mental health professionals. 

The enemy to pedophiles everywhere is a specific type of parent, known as a prejudicial parent. They are the lower, more common rung of the hierarchy of pedophile haters, with the most rabid being pedophiles themselves, but in denial, meaning child sexual abusers/adult fornicators. Prejudicial parents usually have more than a whiff that their child is a pedophile, and punish their child for things such as masturbation and use of depictions of children. Think snatching a department store catalogue away, then swatting or spanking the child in some way. These are actions that impose false purity doctrine on pedophiles. "Purity parents" are the worst abusers of pedophiles. I myself am a purity parent, but in the right way, meaning I just don't have sex outside of marriage. 

The Greek root word denoting parental entitlement in the New Testament is πλεονέκτης (Latin: pleonektés) and refers to wanting things of a child, including changing a sexual preference that they did not choose and cannot change, to the point of seeking to impose said want onto a child. A prejudicial parent of pedophiles wants to "cure" their child of the disorder in the form of religious sexual abuse by way of sexual shaming. Pedophilia is not a good thing, meaning it is a mental illness, but it is the hand they are dealt, and they were persecuted by their parents for being born with a lifelong disorder. This is especially common in overtly religious households where they have similar values to me except in terms of parenting. 

Let the prejudicial parents BURN! Let them burn in the lake of fire and burning sulfur! That glorified title does not excuse child abuse, regardless of if the victim is a pedophile or non-pedophile! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand! A pedophile can be a child too, and if you abuse that child, you be damned!

Pro-social filter, pro-social faucet: Understanding the role of parents in relation to childhood wants

Many parents tell children what to do, and give orders to their children, oftentimes claiming to be "God" in some implied way to the child. The fact of the matter, however, is that she is your child, and she gets her way always, in some way, in some form. See also pro-social compromise.

Children have five main needs from parents - food, water, shelter, transportation, and attachment. What is the greatest need of any child? Attachment, which is the base need for any child. How does a child trust that parents are nourishing them with the right food, or taking them to the right place? Attachment parenting is a biblical institution, with God using secular institutions to revive the Christian tradition of attachment parenting. It says in Ephesians 6:1-4 KJV:

Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. Honor thy father and mother, as this is the first commandment with promise; That it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long upon the earth. And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.

The Greek root word translated "obey" is υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to closeness leading to respect for parents, but in a policing and enforcing way towards parents. Children demanded their wants/needs, and petitioned for a redress of grievances, and parents supplied the provisions, carrying the burden of the provisions cart, being selfless like a vending machine towards your child. This meant attachment parenting in ancient Israel and adjoining churches, meaning children co-sleeping in the nude with mothers come nighttime until adulthood, with children rarely leaving the side of mothers, playing in close range of her. The Greek root word translated "admonition" is νουθεσία (Latin: nouthesia) and refers to the parental duty to set limits in the home, by way of the doctrine of pro-social filter. Think like a filter on a faucet. Most of what passes passes, but some dirt that is unnecessary and unhelpful is held back. A child gets most of what they want, but a few things they don't need that are harmful or unattainable are filtered out, with parents reassuring and validating the every need of children. 

The command to set limits was weighed against the command not to provoke a child to wrath. The Greek root word translated " wrath" is παροργίζο (Latin: parorgizo) and literally translates to "bitter anger" and refers to offenses against children, namely the slightest of personal offense perceived by a child. This included then corporal punishment, and other forms of punishment, as Paul was charging the Ephesian church community not just to stop spanking their children, but what to do instead. The Greek root word translated "nurture" is παιδεία (Latin: paideia) and refers to a Christ-like form of disciplined example for children, both in terms of being a child's first role model, and also the question and answer aspect of parenting, teaching children about Christ by answering questions, allowing yourself to be tested just as Christ was tested by His children, and then He patiently answered the questions. This is called Socratic reasoning, and it can also come in the form of answering a question with a question. Christ, as was prophesied, taught by example, and so should parents. This, however, involves setting limits. But, at the same time, we as Christian adults should avoid benign deprivation. Attachment parenting was recommended then as the traditional Judeo-Christian parenting, and involved, in this form of attachment parenting, the Living Example of Christ, meaning being charitable and generous to children, and showing them how to be disciplined, in a way that imparts these values onto them.

A water faucet allows the necessary water to flow, but shields the water drinker from dirt and debris. That's how parents should set boundaries with children. Children's outlandish wants usually signal a need. So they want an airplane of their own? Maybe they just need to be listened to, or taken for a walk. They never cry for nothing. There is always a reason behind the cry of a child. Older children and teens ask you to do things, and so, take into account how it involves you. They generally want to spend time with you. Give them most of what they want, but all of what they need at the same time, meaning what they want is at least related to what they need usually.

The depraved and entitled parents will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them burn in the lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Why "making" children do things is sin

Many parents think that they can make children do things, and order them around like slaves. Most children in this country live in servile conditions in relation to their parents. Within the parent population, there seems to be a collective individual God complex, meaning most parents think they are God in some way. I am not God, so I cannot make a child do anything.

The Greek root word denoting entitlement is πλεονέκτης (Latin: pleonektés) and refers to entitled want, meaning wanting things from children to the point of seeking to impose said want onto a child, leading to abuse by way of offense perceived. Making a child do something is entitlement on the part of the parent, meaning children do as they will. Ask, and you shall receive, but demand and control, and you shall be damned.

Children make their parents do things instead. It says in Colossians 3:20-21 KJV:

Children, obey your parents in all things: as is well pleasing unto the Lord. Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they be discouraged.

The Greek root word translated "obey" is υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to closeness leading to respect, but of the policing and enforced variety, meaning children had Divine Authority to enforce their needs onto parents, making their parents either meet their needs or go bust, because they were your children then, and you didn't question it when they need something. Parents were the filter for the child's demands, letting in most of them, but denying the most whimsical and unrealistic of them, otherwise finding a way to make it work. Parents in biblical times were servants towards the parents, of the attachment parenting variety, meaning children up to age 3 were treated like infants, and breastfed as such. Children co-slept next to mothers right up until adulthood, staying within close range to their mother, then shaking off the closeness to parents come adulthood, seeking independence. Independence was a virtue in children, far more than obedience, which was seen as slavish in blind format. The ancient Jews were independent thinkers, in an individualistic way, with every man for himself in relation to God, even in the Early Church to a large degree, meaning submission was across, between neighbors, with children being considered your neighbor then in the most precious, convicting sense. 

The Greek root word translated " anger" is ερεθιζο (Latin: erethizo) and refers to offenses against children, meaning the slightest of personal offense perceived by the child, which included then corporal punishment and other forms of punishment or harshness towards children, as a provocation to anger in the Bible refers to, under the Law, to any offense perceived by the child. The Apostle Paul here was admonishing entitled parents of Hellenistic origin who were culturally inclined to punish and control their children. Paul would have none of it in the churches he oversaw as a deacon. The Apostle Paul was a menacing figure, and one to put the pressure on congregants in church communities across the Roman Empire and elsewhere, yet he opposed spanking and punishment of children very adamantly, like most all Jewish men of his time did. Making children do things was not the Christian thing to do. The norm in Christian churches in the 1st Century was to impart the Living Example of Christ, meaning parents should be their child's first role model. 

Instead of making children do things, ask and you shall receive, if they trust your example as an extension of Christ to children. Demand things from children, and you get nothing but argument. "I make them" or "I will make you" are entitled statements of parents. Children respect parents who are not demanding, and allow for demands from children. It is a warm, soothing gratitude for parents that makes you want to listen to them, not despite their anti-punishment stance, but for it. I am grateful to have the mother I have caring for me. She is not the most perfect of parents, but where are all the perfect parents? Parents can strive for perfection, but they won't get there in this world. But, parents must strive for some standard of perfection even if they won't get there.

The depraved and entitled parents will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them burn and be tormented for ever and ever in the lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death, which is Satan's final resting place! Let them descend forever into the Hell of fire and torment, with God ever so angry at the evildoing parents and adults who abuse children! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

Pro-social chivalry, pro-social shyness: Why shy parents are the best

Many people here think I am some religious preacher in my personal life. That's not the case. I am actually a very shy and reserved person. I don't speak most of the time, meaning I am shut up by the Lord. I am not allowed to even speak to a child, and I am even convicted not to speak in public. I regard myself as the enemy of children, with them inviting me over to their side of life, learning about what it is like to be a child. Children are a mystery, meaning I don't know what it is like to be a child, so I learn from them.

The Greek root word denoting Christian love is αγαπαο (Latin: agapao) and refers to being struck with reverent terror and fear of the child and her every vulnerable need, leading to being convicted to surrender to the every need and interest of a child, as their enemy, seeking to be their friend, just as mankind is the enemy of God, and thus parents have to pay due penance to their child, as to God.

Patience is ultimately the virtue at hand here, in a chivalrous way. Chivalry is deeming yourself the enemy of children, in this case, and working to be their friend, knowing you have wronged them merely for existing as an adult with power and control over them. It says in James 1:19-20 KJV:

Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath: For the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God.

This is basically an assertion to pro-social shyness, meaning shyness around children. The idea is to let all your defenses go down, and let your child guide you to what they need, with you diagnosing upsets along the way. Parents aren't authority figures, but leaders of their children, and are to lead their children down the right path, and be lead to what the child needs, like a ragdoll. 

It says in Colossians 3:20-21 KJV:

Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord. Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they be discouraged.

The Greek root word translated "obey" is υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to closeness leading to respect, but in a policing way. Think a rowdy, demanding child and a shy parent, with the child giving the orders as to what they need. Children gave orders, but not all of them were honored as worded, with parents being the filter as to the lawful and binding orders, diagnosing an adjacent need if necessary. Children beg for something they want, and parents usually say "yes" but sometimes say "no" if it is unrealistic, unattainable, or immoral given their values, and if children don't understand, children are told "you'll understand when you are older". Children are demanding, and parents silent and shy.

The Greek root word translated " anger" is ερεθιζο (Latin: erethizo) and refers to the offenses, meaning the slightest of personal slights perceived by a child, stemming from entitlement. This was a command from God through the Apostle Paul banning corporal punishment and other forms of punishment or controlling attitudes in parenting. Paul handed out attachment parenting manuals charging parents to teach children through the Living Example of Christ, meaning in terms of sacrifice and selflessness. Christ put others before Himself, and paid the ultimate price for His children. So should other Christian parents be willing to lay down their life for their children, if necessary.

We are the enemy of children as adults, and so we need to show respect and love to children. We are deserving of DEATH and PUNISHMENT merely for existing in relation to children, so we must allow the children to cheer us up of our sin nature, and otherwise be shy and shamefaced around them, showing one's guilt in one's expressions in relation to children, having a pro-social guilty conscience in relation to children. Parents are to be shy and patient, and listen to their child's upset and anger, taking the brunt of their child's upset.

The depraved and entitled parents will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them burn and suffer forever in the lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

Children self-protect, adults abstain: Why this is the model for all adult-child relationships

Many parents think they have the right to protect their children, focusing on external threats. Many times, however, the threat is within, meaning within yourself as an adult in relation to children. Children self-protect and adults abstain from entitlement and abuse.

The Greek root word denoting entitlement is πλεονέκτης (Latin: pleonektés) and refers to wanting things from a child to the point of seeking to impose said want onto a child, leading to abuse by way of offense perceived. Children have the right to name their own abuser, and dial 9-1-1 if a parent is punishing or controlling them in any way. This is called a "hitman" investigation, where the child or other victim of child abuse hires the police as a defensive agent to investigate their abuser. 

Children self-protect/adults abstain is the doctrine of mutual surrender. Such is stated in Colossians 3:20-21 KJV:

Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord. Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they be discouraged.

The Greek root word translated "obey" is υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to closeness to parents, but in a policing way, meaning children were vulnerable yet convicting extensions of God, and had the absolute right to petition parents for a redress of grievances, and even order them around parents with their lawful and binding authority over their needs. Today, this means asserting one's boundaries as a child towards your parents when it is safe, or towards any pedophile. A child can assert anything to me, and I will do my best to obey, as their ragdoll and vending machine. If a child hates me, they can tell me to my face, and I must obey and heed their commands as per my Christian faith, unless their demands are unreasonable or unsafe. 

The Greek root word translated " anger" is ερεθιζο (Latin: erethizo) and literally translates to "stirring up" negative emotion in children, as in the Jewish idiom of "stirring the pot" in terms of your child's emotion welfare. This refers to an offense perceived by the child, meaning the slightest of personal offense perceived by the child. This could be enforced on parents by the child, as they could flag a concerned bystander to take their parents to court, usually an extended family member. The Apostle Paul here was bringing up the offenses in order to warn certain Hellenistic Christians who relied on corporal punishment that spanking children was illegal under the Law, which Christ sacrificed Himself to fulfill and promote the Law. The Law traditionally graded such a provocation to anger as kidnapping. The warning for a pro-spanking parent would be in the Early Church, "You are deserving of death for what you did, even as Christ abolished the death penalty" There was bloodlust in both the Old Testament and Early Christian context for a pro-spanking parent, meaning excommunicated pro-spanking members of the Early Church killed themselves anyway, and that suicide was sort of celebrated, meaning "good for him/her". All started with a child being empowered enough to tell about abuse. Child abuse was out in the open then, meaning you knew it when you saw it, and it wasn't a peacekeeper, and child abusers were excommunicated and collectively shunned from God's Church, with such parents being mobbed in the form of an inquisition. They were given a chance to turn themselves in, in which case the whole church would assist them in not abusing children...Any fear of an adult is deemed child abuse under God's Law.

Biblical children were submissive to their parents, but in an outspoken way, with children being a terror to their parents to get what they need, and parents just smiling and supplying the demands of children. If a child told an adult to stop something, the adult did, and the child didn't have to ask nicely. Children were sort of expected to be demanding and begging in their nature, and this was seen as a quirk of children. Children did not have good manners then, and parents assumed they would learn them later, when they were ready. A child did not have to be nice to any adult trying to harm them. Usually, it was the father that was abusive, and usually, that was grounds for divorce in a given church community. 

The depraved and entitled parents who provoke their children to anger will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them burn in the lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!



ANNOUNCEMENT: Why the children's rights movement supports VirPed

There are three VirPeds - VirPed the support group, VirPed the greater movement, and VirPed the value system. I support all three, but not all of the goodies the second one wants, as I am an anti-pornography pedophile, as I hate pornography. I won't advocate for "loli" or "shota" but don't think they should be illegal. 

I believe VirPed can be merged with children's rights. The core of children's rights is not policing, but primary prevention of child abuse. We do it well in the United States with physical abuse, but have been punitive on pedophiles because until now, pedophiles did not come up with a good answer as to how they would help themselves.

VirPed is all about the choice not to abuse a child, much like gentle parenting, and the two many times are exactly the same, but with different names. Most here seem to agree with me, at least in that pedophiles can choose not to abuse children, but are afraid to say it openly. I write about the topic occasionally to sort of encourage trauma survivors to speak out in their personal lives, and tell others about non-offending pedophiles.

It seems like we at VirPed have a lot of low level support among educated Americans, from a distance. We are seen at VP as a strange group of people that "I don't know how they do it". We aren't entitled at the lowest level, meaning the parental level, and I worry about those that are pro-spanking in terms of offending, but I am not a mandated reporter, and I presume innocence beyond a reasonable doubt in all suspicion of child sexual abuse.

Do I support sex offender rights? I support a sex crimes registry similar to that of Iceland, where the deal is "you keep quiet, we keep quiet" and your home is bugged and monitored, and if you make plans to sexually abuse a child, the authorities will know it, and will warn the relevant parties so it can't happen, with CPS overseeing the list and not the police. CPS will do it better than the police, as the police are a bunch of drunken sailors during search party times. Sex offenders should only be afforded therapy if they want it, or else simply wait for them to re-offend, and catch them in the act. Most sex offenders who have served their time want help, because by then they have lost everything, and losing everything is a good motivator for change, isn't it?

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Pro-social icebreaking: Understanding parent-child interactions in terms of formal or informal

Many parents think that formality means respecting parents and not questioning them. On the other hand, we have many advocates here at gentle parenting who don't like formalities. I beg to differ that all formalities should go. Some should be reversed, as Rome reversed it beforehand. Formality does exist in my brand of gentle parenting, but is self-imposed.

The Greek root word to avoid in parenting is πλεονέκτης (Latin: pleonektés) and refers in the negative to want avoidance, meaning it is wrong, by default, to want anything from children. Children are a special class, meaning they are segregated in a pro-social manner by adults, as adults have wronged children with their existence throughout history, and are deserving of DEATH and DESTRUCTION for their mere existence in relation to children. Parents are to be convicted of their original sin, which is adult entitlement.

Children are to "break the ice" as to initiate casual conversation, with the adult bargaining with the child as to where the limits are in the adult-child friendship. The idea is to be completely distrustful of your nature in relation to children, and let children cheer you up, if you earn that welcome from children. Trust is not a right, meaning it must be earned from children, not demanded for free on a silver platter.

This is how my variant of gentle parenting works. It is based on the concept of avoidance of adult entitlement, meaning adults are naturally entitled to things they want of children. Aren't we all wicked, entitled adults deserving of punishment merely for existing in relation to children? But belief in Christ solves it all, modeling oneself after Christ, with children as an extension of God. It says in 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 KJV:

Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the Kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the Kingdom of God. And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.

We all hate children as adults. Some of us simply admit it as a fault. Let children be the judge (1 Cor. 5:11; Col. 3:21). 

Pro-social afraid, pro-social child worship: Why your child is the authority over their needs

And also pro-social stophand. Parents want children to fear them, and punish them to enforce "reverent fear" onto children. The fact of the matter is that total acceptance of children requires fear of a certain reverence, meaning I am afraid of children, but in a loving, chivalrous type of way. You never question a child's demands and orders as to their needs. 

The ancient Israelite cultures, including the adjoining churches, were child worshipping cultures, of the attachment parenting variety, with children being seen as extended by God. It says in Matthew 25:45-46 KJV:

Then shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not unto the least of these, ye did it not unto me. And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal.

This means fear your child as you would God, and serve your child with the same reverent fear that would God, as children are the "least of these" and a vulnerable yet convicting extension of God. Reverent fear is a component of Christian love, and is denoted by the Greek root word ψοβός (Latin: phobos) and refers to low level fear that strikes the entitled parent into total submission to their children, shaking and quaking in the wake of the child's needs, leading to surrendering to the needs of child as one would God. Christian love is submission to children as their enemy, being charitable and chivalrous to them as their enemy, treating children as a friend, winning over their hearts by being convicted of their every need, seeing them as a terror and authority for their needs, fearing their reverent rebellion, falling into place and order in relation to children.

The doctrine of mutual surrender refers allegorically to the mutual surrender between Christ and His children, the saints. Children should dote on their children as saints that they sacrifice for. It says in Colossians 3:20-21 KJV:

Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well-pleasing unto the Lord. Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they be discouraged.

The Greek root word translated "obey" is υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to children resting in the love and grace of parents, just as Christ's children rest in His love and grace, with parents providing selflessly to the every need of children, with children being able to confide into parents anything and everything under the sun, including topics that would get them ostracized if stated to anyone else. Parent submission is convicted by the every demand of children, with parents supplying the every need of children, and child submission is surrendering one's every emotion to parents, with parents being safe people for children, like a home base. Children in ancient Israel and adjoining cultures were constantly close to mothers in particular, and were loving encouraged by fathers. Children went in the nude in biblical times, and that was so that they could co-sleep next to mothers and get their daily dose of skin-to-skin closeness, with children up until age 3 being breastfed, and treated as infants behaviorally until then. This is the spirit of how American normative parenting should go, as this is the natural law of the land that is much ignored. Children co-slept next to mothers until adulthood, when they shook off the care and protection of parents, and asserted their independence, being as independent as possible to please parents. Independence was a virtue far above slavish obedience in ancient Jewish culture, meaning independence of living and also independence of thought. The value and responsibility of the individual were core values of ancient Judeo-Christian society. 

The Greek root word translated " anger" is ερεθιζο (Latin: erethizo) and literally translates to "stirring up" upset and resentment in children, and referred to then the moral count of provocation to anger, meaning in this case uplifting the Law on Hellenistic Christian parents who would use corporal punishment on children, violating the Law. Under the Law of Moses, punishing a child was kidnapping, due to its hostage-taking nature, with all corporal punishment then being in the form of judicial corporal punishment, with only adult children getting whipped, and only in connection to a capital offense, usually for crimes against the state more than crimes against individuals. The Apostle Paul here, accompanying vs. 21, handed out attachment parenting manuals advising parents to impart the Living Example of Christ, in terms of being their first role model in terms of sacrifice and non-violence, in the spirit of Christ's sacrifice and non-violent example. Christ was forgiving. Christ was peaceful. Christ was non-violent. So should you be as a parent, and if you aren't, work towards that goal. Be like Jesus Christ as a parent, meaning a giving extension of Christ in the family home.

There are two sides to society, children and adults, with adults forever being the enemy of children. The goal in parent is perfection, meaning perfect acceptance of your child, and perfect Christian discipline in relation to children. The goal is seeking to love children as a friend, knowing you have wronged them merely for existing as an adult, paying due penance towards children, turning oneself into children, being washed of the filth that is parental entitlement, knowing that one will never achieve perfection in this world, but the next.

The depraved and entitled parents who provoke children to anger instead of fearing them will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them burn in the lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

Why parents are to be extensions of Christ

Many parents think of themselves as extensions of God, demanding things of their children. They punish their children and take controlling attitudes towards them. The fact of the matter is that parents are extensions of Christ.

It says in Colossian 3:20-21 KJV:

Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord. Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they be discouraged.

The Greek root word translated "children" is τεκνον (Latin: teknon) and refers to dependence in parents just as mature believers are dependent in Christ. The Greek root word translated "obey" is υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to rest and security in the grace and mercy of parents, just like mature believers rest in the grace and mercy of Jesus Christ. It is freedom to demand things from parents, knowing they are not under any Law, but under the grace of their father and their mother, leading to children honoring their parents on their own as they get older, approaching adulthood. This was expressed in ancient Judeo-Christian circles as attachment parenting, meaning parents were safe people to confide in, just as Christ is safe to confide in. Children act to please their parents who don't punish them, just as Christ is the aspect of God that we all want to please as Christians by way of good works. Children naturally want to please parents, usually by following their example, so impart a good Christ-like example for children, and children will meet you halfway, but the burden of proof is on you as an adult. Parents are to be confidants for their children, just as adult believers have the right to confide in Christ when in peril. A child should be able to tell parents anything, and not fear punishment or reprisal, even aspects of themselves that most people would not understand.

The Greek root word translated " anger" is ερεθιζο (Latin: erethizo) and literally translates to "stirring up" upset and resentment and children, meaning the Jewish idiom of "stirring the pot" regarding your child's emotional welfare. Vs. 21 is a direct commandment from God through the Apostle Paul uplifting the Law, showing the Colossian church, namely Greco-Roman Christians in Colossae, that punishing or controlling a child in any way is kidnapping. Paul's full warning included attachment parenting manuals that instructed parents in the expected attachment parenting in Christian churches, which was based on the Living Example of Christ, meaning the sacrificial and martyrdom elements of Christ's example, where children rest in the security and love of parents, in the Lord (Eph. 6:1). A provocation to anger, as mentioned in vs. 21, is the slightest of personal offense perceived by a child. A child has the right to self-defense. Think a young girl with a stophand extended towards you, striking reverent terror into you as the adult, reminding you of your lowly and convicted place in relation to children as adults, for merely belonging to a group of people who have abused children since time immemorial. When that child puts out that stophand, even through tears, heed her lawful orders and give her what she needs/wants. Fear your child, as part of Christian love is fear for who you love and for their best interests.

Parents are giving extensions of Christ in the home, meaning they are to be charitable in a selfless way, like a vending machine. Parents are to take up the cross for their children, and tear themselves down for their children, turning themselves into their children, in the spirit that Christ turned himself in for a crime He didn't commit. Parents sacrifice as well, and when they do, all children have to do is rest securely in the selfless sacrifice of parents, in the spirit that mature believers rest in the security of Jesus Christ. Children rest in the sacrifice and selflessness of parents just like their parents rest in the sacrifice and selflessness of Jesus Christ.

The depraved and entitled parents will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them burn in the lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death, which is Satan's final resting place! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

Monday, October 25, 2021

The morality of pedophilia: Why it is a non-issue

Many people think it is wrong to be a pedophile, especially those who thump a Bible they project onto. The most vocal of pedophile haters are pedophiles themselves who refuse to identify. Prejudicial pedophiles are the ones keeping their own down and spreading misinformation, and most of them are pro-contact. Most pedophiles, period, are anti-contact. Pedophilia is not a moral crime. Adult sexual entitlement is.

What is pedophilia? Sexual attraction to children under age 14, meaning at the thought level. Mere sexual thoughts about children are not sinful, and in the Early Christian churches, the Apostle Paul recommended that pedophile fathers, in attachment parenting manuals, direct the sexual aspects of their attachment to their children elsewhere, through sexual fantasy, as a form of pro-social channeling/fantasy. Pro-social fantasy is channeling sexual thoughts about children into one's awareness in box format, meaning you learn to access them like a box, and leave the sexually objectifying thoughts of children there, abstaining from the sexual objectification and use of children otherwise, meaning sexual relations with a child or treating them as sex objects in one's speech or actions around them or concerning them. That one thing you want from them - sex - is something you can have, but in a box away from them, not toward them in the form of sexually hateful or objectifying speech or conduct.

Adult sexual entitlement is denoted by the Greek root word denoting entitlement in the New Testament, which is πλεονέκτης (Latin: pleonektés) and refers to wanting sexual relations or interaction with a child to the point of seeking to impose said want onto a child, leading to sexual perception by the child, for better or worse, in which case the entitlement denotes adult fornication, meaning child sexual abuse. Child sexual abuse ranges from leering/menacing to rape/lust murder, as denoted by the Greek root word πορνεία (Latin: porneia) and refers here to sexual perception coming from sexually entitled intent of an adult towards the child, meaning in order to test for fornication, we take into account both the child's testimony of perception with the defendant's sexual entitlement. 

Pedophiles can be victims of this form of abuse, usually in the form of sexual shaming, which can come with or without sexual abuse/adult fornication. Many pedophiles have childhood memories of sexually entitled treatment from adults, perhaps having a catalogue snatched or being targeted with lurching techniques. Lurching is a toxic application of righteous judgment, meaning many promises to leave the pedophilic child alone, but only leaving on the last day. Pedophiles, meaning the individuals struggling with a mental illness, are more likely to be victims of abuse than abusers themselves, but are deemed victim/abusers mainly because they replicate an abuser while being a vulnerable victim in most cases, or else sexually harassing and stalking children due to autistic social ineptitude, as pedophilia is a sexual expression of autistic immaturity. Most pedophiles have a sexual shaming trauma, so I admit privilege over pedophiles at the Virtuous Pedophiles forum for pedophile victims of sexual shaming. I have\studied VirPed for years, and most of them were sexually shamed in some way as a child, either by broader norm or by being targeted specifically for being pedophiles.

Under my faith values, it is okay and recommended to be a pedophile, meaning struggle openly with a mental health disorder. But, if you want to struggle openly, you have to wear your stripes as a sexually entitled adult, meaning admit your capacity to such entitlement even if you aren't actively feeling entitled to a child sexually. This means answer questions and concerns about pedophilic expressions, and let the world be judge and jury, submitting to the world. Don't say you are a pedophile all the time, but don't hide traits of pedophilia from the public. Pedophiles have the right to be genuinely concerned about children. I am out and open in my community, but in a restaurant or store, it isn't relevant unless a concerned citizen asks, in which case you humbly just say "yes, I am" and take the heat. Usually, children don't mind me looking at their children, and their parents don't mind either. An entitled glance would scare a child, but children owe me nothing, and I want nothing even if I want it. "Pedophile" is my self-diagnosis, and "adult sexual entitlement" is my sin nature. Pedophilia isn't a religious concept, but a medical one, meaning pedophile rights are mental health rights, and mental health rights are human rights.

Your child could be a pedophile, in which case, lay out the atmosphere that allows for open communication, meaning say to your child "You can tell me anything" or "You can talk to me about anything" regardless of whether they are a pedophile or not, as that is the mutual surrender God intends for all parent-child relationships. When the disclosure comes, be prepared for tears to listen to and reassure. If the disclosure is tone-deaf, they might be on the way to becoming an abuser, and thus need a mental health professional pronto. Both cases require mental health healing, but of different types. One extreme in pedophiles is the most common - internalized mental health stigma. Some pedophiles have a case of autism that makes them immune to ideological abuse, and they need to become a children's rights supporter if they truly don't want to be an offender against a child, and oftentimes, they do support children's rights in a policing or judicial manner. They are actually more high-risk, meaning they need the proper balance of ideas. Unfortunately, you can't force any child to believe anything they don't want to believe, meaning a tearful admission is better news if you think your child is a pedophile. I myself was the type of kid to just say it out loud and not understand the gravity of the self-diagnosis. That is a new class of preverbal offender, and since they are victims, they will be charged on sight, meaning the opposite. It is a form of adult sexual entitlement mixed with "autism" entitlement. Usually, they don't know the harm, and usually, when they offend to the level of rape or sexual assault, they don't care, meaning a situational psychopathic sociopath. I myself learned in Sunday grade school that I am, in fact, evil just for being an adult in relation to children, and that all adults are the enemy of children. I have to learn to be their friend, by treating them with chivalry. The more I learn respect for children, and practice it, the better I feel about myself.

The children's rights movement has hit a new era. We now have moved on from our hatred of pedophiles. We hate parents, meaning all who identify, meaning all who identify by abuse or entitlement. Most of us pedophiles were abused by a parent, usually pedophiles experienced sexual shaming from parents, meaning they were punished for their sexuality. Prejudicial parents are the core haters of pedophiles, and most of them claim to be conservative Christians like me, in fact. Most of the abusers of pedophiles in this country today are pro-spanking, and take oppressive stances towards children. Most everyone who understands my condition is anti-spanking, as people tend to naturally treat pedophiles the way they'd treat children. When family members have come to understand my case of pedophilia, they also became anti-spanking. I am grateful to have what most pedophiles don't have, and what they should have, which is someone to talk to. Most supporters of pedophile rights also support the rights of children, and so the two now merge. A pedophile is a child encased in an adult's body, and that is why most adults respond to disclosures of pedophilia naturally as immature naturally, meaning it isn't within our nature to hate pedophiles, meaning want them dead. Most people, if left to their own devices, would discipline them like they do their own children regarding their sexual attractions to children. Gentle, attached parents seem to also want to naturally be gentle parents to pedophiles.

The Fifth Commandment: Why there is no such thing as parental authority in the Bible

Many parents feel like they are authority figures, and many credit God and the Bible for giving parents authority over children. The fact of the matter is that a parent is a leader in the home, not an authority figure.

The Fifth Commandment states in Exodus 20:12 KJV:

Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land the LORD thy God gave thee.

This commandment refers to family honor, not individual honor, and refers to the criminal code of ancient Israel, meaning if you, as an adult child, commit a crime, with said criminal offense reflecting poorly on parents. Canaanite parents had the right to kill their children on the spot for dishonor, whereas under Jewish law, only adult children could be subject to legal punishment of any kind, and it had to go through the court system. Most parents in the Old Testament practiced a form of attachment parenting that involved bondservice from parents, with parents beholden to the every vulnerable need of children. Respecting parents was something where the burden of proof was on parents, meaning children could charge their parents with any offense in the book.

The Fifth Commandment is repeated in Colossians 3:20-21 KJV:

Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord. Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they be discouraged.

The Greek root word translated "parents" is γονεύς (Latin: goneus) and refers to leadership, meaning either leading children down the right path, or them leading you as the parent to their needs, with the parent fawning to their child's needs like a ragdoll, selfless like a vending machine. The Greek root word translated "obey" is υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to closeness to parents leading to respect, in the form of secure attachment, meaning children being able to be themselves in relation to parents, being able to tell them anything and everything under the sun, without fearing any punishment or reprisal from parents, making demands towards parents, with parents supplying said demands, surrendering to their children, with parents expecting absolutely nothing in return from their children, yet earning respect and gratitude from children through love and mercy towards them. Children went in the nude in ancient Israel and adjoining churches, and this was for mothers to treat children with skin-to-skin treatment, with children being breastfed and treated as infants behaviorally until age 3. Under the Judeo-Christian parenting traditions, children co-slept with mother at night into adulthood, with mothers and daughters being inseparable until adulthood.

The Greek root word translated " anger" is ερεθιζο (Latin: erethizo) and literally translates to "stirring up" upset and resentment in children, provoking them to anger. Parents in ancient Judeo-Christian society were reverently afraid of their children, meaning children were seen as vulnerable yet convicting extensions of God. This was a command prohibiting corporal punishment and all forms of punishment and control in parenting, as the Apostle Paul was cracking down in punitive parenting by Hellenistic Christians in the churches he oversaw. Greco-Roman society, then, supported corporal punishment of older children and teens, and controlling and punitive measures otherwise for younger children. The Law of Moses, which Christ expanded and catapulted with His Sacrifice, prohibited provoking children to anger through punitive and controlling attitudes in parents towards their job as parents. A provocation to anger is the slightest of personal offense perceived by the child, with the child issuing a hatra'ah, meaning lawful and binding order, by crying if they are younger in a way that signals abuse. A mere cry of abuse is, in fact, absolute proof of such under biblical law. 

Parents are leaders in the home in terms of being a good role model for children, as Christian parenting was based on the Living Example of Christ, and parents were mini Christs called to sacrifice for their children in the spirit that Christ Himself sacrificed for His children. Parents lead their children in that light, and are to be their first role models, and the greatest role models in the hearts of their children, winning over closeness and respect by surrendering to the every need of their children, resigning to their righteous servitude towards children. Parents are servants towards children, called to fear their children, leading to them being beholden to their children by way of bondservice. Love is a form of selfless service towards children that puts them before you as the parent or adult, out of reverent fear and terror convicting you as the parent or adult of their needs, and is denoted by the Greek root word αγαπαο (Latin: agapao). 

The depraved and entitled parents will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them burn in the lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!


Sunday, October 24, 2021

The age of consent - Why 18 is a good age

Many people in the United States think the age of consent is already 18. It isn't. In the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, the age of consent is 16, with marriages allowed at that age with parent approval by way of marriage waiver. The age of consent should reflect legal competency, and that means it should be raised to 18.

Some in the children's rights community think the age of consent could be lowered in the future much lower. This might be a fact, but if you are a pedophile like I am, you shouldn't be focusing on it. Adult sexual entitlement is wanting sexual relations with a child to the point of seeking to impose said want onto a child, and that can be expanded to your beliefs, in which case devising a plot to rearrange society to cushion said sexual apart is adult sexual entitlement, as denoted by the Greek root word πλεονέκτης (Latin: pleonektés)

There was an age of consent in ancient Israelite society - 12 for females, and 13 for males. We use "male" and "female" as terms because that the age of marriage/consent under the Law aligned with the age of majority. This context is uplifted in the Greek root word ὑπερακμος (Latin: huperakmos) and the Greek root word πορνεία (Latin: porneia) in 1 Corinthians 6:18. 

Christians are to obey the law of the land (Rom. 13:1-4), and the age of majority is 18. Why is this a good age of consent as well? The idea is that children under the age of 18 are under a power of attorney with their parents, and every other adult that cares for their interests, and you have a power dynamic like that, power corrupts. Yet, at the same time, children will always be a ward of some caregiver, as per the law. Sex between a child and an adult is as shady as sex between an adult with disabilities and their guardian. They don't want sex from adults. They want care, love, and attention from a gentle, attached a parent who is attached in the right way, not the wrong way.

Some pro-contact pedophiles believe childhood does not exist. That is false. Children were oppressed by the sexual aggression and abuse of their parents in Caananite times, and in all prehistoric cultures, and this is a legacy that we as adults will never live down. Just because whole societies have done something for most of human history does not mean it is just. Childhood existed in ancient Hebraic culture as a shelter from responsibility, with closeness being maternal and not sexual in nature, centered around co-sleeping and breastfeeding with mothers. This sexless attachment parenting context exists today, meaning the occasional Hebrew father colored his child attractive from time to time, but it was a fleeting, non-entitled attraction. Any man who engaged in a sexually abusive relationship with their daughter or son were put to death, by burning at the stake or being stoned respectively. The spirit of this context - don't sexually abuse your child - exists today. Mothers then had rights to protect their child, usually against fathers, and in the New Testament, Christ gave mothers the right to divorce an abusive father of their children, and this context applies today.

The age of majority can be understood in terms of contract. Some of us adults also have guardians with a power of attorney over us, as I am a care-dependent adult. Any power of attorney can easily be exploited, and the age of majority is a power of attorney by default, by default handed to any adult the child comes in contact with, up to age 18. In Pennsylvania, only certain powers are criminally liable for sexually oppressing their charges. A neighbor can entice a 16-year-old girl to sexual relations, and if he shows himself well in court, or perhaps in interrogation, nothing can be done in terms of justice for the child. ALL legal guarantors should be held legally culpable for defiling themselves next to minor children.

Ultimately, the answer is sexual purity, meaning men in particular, but also women in relation to children, not defile themselves by way of unlawful sexual relations with children, which none is lawful under God's Law, which is above the law of the land. It says in 1 Corinthians 6:18 KJV:

Flee fornication. Any sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body.

The Greek root word translated "fornication" is πορνεία (Latin: porneia) and refers to a false marriage, in general, meaning sex with another person is considered a marriage, but not all marriages are God-approved. Only officially-approved marriages are God-recognized marriages, and only so if they involve love, not enslavement as in a child marriage. In the modern context, only marriages between adults of the same age or with an older bride approved under state laws and procedures are God-approved marriages. God does not approve of children getting married. Fornication can also include any sexually obscene expression outside of marriage that offends your neighbor. Any sexual activity outside of marriage is sin, and that simplifies a lot of the confusion created by the sex-positive revolution that complicated the topic of sexual relations. It is simply a function of marriage, and a defining one. Outside of that narrow context, sex has no relevance. 

What also doesn't help is alcohol. I personally support prohibition, as alcohol can tear apart families. Most sex outside of marriage is fueled by alcohol consumption, and most of the time, the willing victim or offender in a fornication case regret the event later, when they move onto a new partner. I support banning both sex outside of marriage and alcohol outside of the medicine cabinet. Yes, I am that kind of feminist. Usually, the offenders are male, not female, and there is often inequality in these liaisons in favor of the man.

Let the fornicators BURN! A man who has sex with a woman or girl outside of marriage commits fornication, with the female partner being his willing victim (or unwilling in the case of rape or incest)! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

The history of punitive parenting

Many people think corporal punishment and punitive parenting are time-honored traditions, and have been around since time immemorial. Punitive parenting is a rather new and dark development in human history, with the majority of the world's children, throughout history, raised in attachment parenting homes.

Attachment parenting in the Levantine cultures were attachment-based in natures, for good in Israel and for bad in Canaan. Canaanite parents "connected" with their children with sex before the Ten Commandments were handed to the Israelite Levantine society. Israelite society was a purity and honor society, whereas the Canaanites engaged in more permissive, sexually indulgent attachment parenting. The Bible clearly lifts up the Law in terms of attachment parenting, which forbade "healthy" sexual interventions, associating "healthy pedophilia" with Caananite impurity. The Jewish rebellion was to assert among the Levantine land the authority of Monotheism. From there, child sacrifice and child sexual abuse were banned by the Law.

Thousands of years later, in the New Testament, Christ sacrificed Himself on the cross by submitting to a Roman execution. He endured both aspects of the Law in terms of enforcement, meaning capital punishment and the corporal punishment of 40 minus 1 lashes with the cat o' nine tails, with him then being nailed to the cross alive - yet He Rose from His tomb on the Third Day, with no enemy denying the events, and all this abolished all parental corporal punishment throughout the world, and this was cemented by the Apostle Paul's delivery of the commandment not to provoke a child to anger in Col. 3:21 and Eph. 6:4, with the Bible as a whole commanding attachment parenting, being a binding legal document uplifting child protection Law onto the broader, gentile world that is otherwise not Jewish in terms of cultural orientation. The Messiah was to self-sacrifice in order to catapult Judeo-Christian values. 

Any corporal punishment was seen by the Early Christians as idolatry, as it came from an idolatrous practice of punishing young boys with the cat o' nine tails and spanking young girls for "unchaste" behavior. These were no doubt pagan traditions to 1st Century Christians.

In the year 325 AD, Rome converted to Christianity. Beforehand, in the year AD 90, Rome ransacked Judea and hid the evidence that the Bible prohibited corporal punishment, leaving that knowledge among the Jews and their literature. From there, Roman law, which was pro-spanking in letter and practice, affected the English common law on corporal punishment, whereas the case R. v. Hopley used the case of the manslaughter of a student to legally justify the corporal punishment of children.

Corporal punishment is so common today as opposed to ancient times, including in the Early Church where it is banned. That is why I am a Calvinistic, anti-Catholic, Anabaptist Christian who believes in limited atonement. So many parents hate their children and punish them. Most of the world punishes children, and that is a regression of children's status, not a progression of status. The whole world is a menace to children, and is deserving of DEATH and DESTRUCTION for its vile and damned crimes against children. 

Punitive parenting is banned by the Sacrificial Example of Jesus Christ, as codified in Colossians 3:20-21 KJV:

Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord. Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they become discouraged.

The Greek root word translated "obey" is υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to closeness to parents leading to respect, with children being themselves in relation to parents, telling them anything and everything under the sun, making demands to parents, and parents supplying the demands, with children owing absolutely nothing to parents, but nonetheless listening and cooperating with parents out of thanksgiving and gratitude for the kindness, charity, and generosity of parents. This closeness came in the form of attachment parenting in ancient Judeo-Christian culture, with children as old as age 3 being treated as infants behaviorally, with children being breastfed up until that age. Children co-slept next to mothers until adulthood, with mothers and daughters being inseparable. The Greek root word translated " anger" is ερεθιζο (Latin: erethizo) and refers to "stirring up" upset and resentment in children, referencing the Jewish adage of "stirring the pot" in regards to a child's emotional welfare, legislating and codifying a biblical ban on spanking and corporal punishment.

The good old days. Before the corporal punishment of children invaded the earth. Let the depraved and entitled parents who provoke children to anger will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them burn in the lake of fire, which is the second death! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand! Christ never intended for spanking to be this widely legal, when the Law He promoted prohibited corporal punishment of children. Christ ended all legal punishment apart from pro-social alienation, even if it goes on without His permission. God will have a say in the end, for God is good and just. 

Original sin: How to bring up children in the doctrine of original sin the right way (meaning without punishment or force)

The doctrine of original sin is perhaps the most misused and misunderstood of Christian teachings. Yet, original sin is the backbone of Chri...