Sunday, October 24, 2021

The age of consent - Why 18 is a good age

Many people in the United States think the age of consent is already 18. It isn't. In the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, the age of consent is 16, with marriages allowed at that age with parent approval by way of marriage waiver. The age of consent should reflect legal competency, and that means it should be raised to 18.

Some in the children's rights community think the age of consent could be lowered in the future much lower. This might be a fact, but if you are a pedophile like I am, you shouldn't be focusing on it. Adult sexual entitlement is wanting sexual relations with a child to the point of seeking to impose said want onto a child, and that can be expanded to your beliefs, in which case devising a plot to rearrange society to cushion said sexual apart is adult sexual entitlement, as denoted by the Greek root word πλεονέκτης (Latin: pleonektés)

There was an age of consent in ancient Israelite society - 12 for females, and 13 for males. We use "male" and "female" as terms because that the age of marriage/consent under the Law aligned with the age of majority. This context is uplifted in the Greek root word ὑπερακμος (Latin: huperakmos) and the Greek root word πορνεία (Latin: porneia) in 1 Corinthians 6:18. 

Christians are to obey the law of the land (Rom. 13:1-4), and the age of majority is 18. Why is this a good age of consent as well? The idea is that children under the age of 18 are under a power of attorney with their parents, and every other adult that cares for their interests, and you have a power dynamic like that, power corrupts. Yet, at the same time, children will always be a ward of some caregiver, as per the law. Sex between a child and an adult is as shady as sex between an adult with disabilities and their guardian. They don't want sex from adults. They want care, love, and attention from a gentle, attached a parent who is attached in the right way, not the wrong way.

Some pro-contact pedophiles believe childhood does not exist. That is false. Children were oppressed by the sexual aggression and abuse of their parents in Caananite times, and in all prehistoric cultures, and this is a legacy that we as adults will never live down. Just because whole societies have done something for most of human history does not mean it is just. Childhood existed in ancient Hebraic culture as a shelter from responsibility, with closeness being maternal and not sexual in nature, centered around co-sleeping and breastfeeding with mothers. This sexless attachment parenting context exists today, meaning the occasional Hebrew father colored his child attractive from time to time, but it was a fleeting, non-entitled attraction. Any man who engaged in a sexually abusive relationship with their daughter or son were put to death, by burning at the stake or being stoned respectively. The spirit of this context - don't sexually abuse your child - exists today. Mothers then had rights to protect their child, usually against fathers, and in the New Testament, Christ gave mothers the right to divorce an abusive father of their children, and this context applies today.

The age of majority can be understood in terms of contract. Some of us adults also have guardians with a power of attorney over us, as I am a care-dependent adult. Any power of attorney can easily be exploited, and the age of majority is a power of attorney by default, by default handed to any adult the child comes in contact with, up to age 18. In Pennsylvania, only certain powers are criminally liable for sexually oppressing their charges. A neighbor can entice a 16-year-old girl to sexual relations, and if he shows himself well in court, or perhaps in interrogation, nothing can be done in terms of justice for the child. ALL legal guarantors should be held legally culpable for defiling themselves next to minor children.

Ultimately, the answer is sexual purity, meaning men in particular, but also women in relation to children, not defile themselves by way of unlawful sexual relations with children, which none is lawful under God's Law, which is above the law of the land. It says in 1 Corinthians 6:18 KJV:

Flee fornication. Any sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body.

The Greek root word translated "fornication" is πορνεία (Latin: porneia) and refers to a false marriage, in general, meaning sex with another person is considered a marriage, but not all marriages are God-approved. Only officially-approved marriages are God-recognized marriages, and only so if they involve love, not enslavement as in a child marriage. In the modern context, only marriages between adults of the same age or with an older bride approved under state laws and procedures are God-approved marriages. God does not approve of children getting married. Fornication can also include any sexually obscene expression outside of marriage that offends your neighbor. Any sexual activity outside of marriage is sin, and that simplifies a lot of the confusion created by the sex-positive revolution that complicated the topic of sexual relations. It is simply a function of marriage, and a defining one. Outside of that narrow context, sex has no relevance. 

What also doesn't help is alcohol. I personally support prohibition, as alcohol can tear apart families. Most sex outside of marriage is fueled by alcohol consumption, and most of the time, the willing victim or offender in a fornication case regret the event later, when they move onto a new partner. I support banning both sex outside of marriage and alcohol outside of the medicine cabinet. Yes, I am that kind of feminist. Usually, the offenders are male, not female, and there is often inequality in these liaisons in favor of the man.

Let the fornicators BURN! A man who has sex with a woman or girl outside of marriage commits fornication, with the female partner being his willing victim (or unwilling in the case of rape or incest)! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

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