Sunday, October 31, 2021

What is pedophilia?: Why being a pedophile is not a moral crime

Many adults believe that pedophiles are the adults that are dangerous, and that all other adults are safe. That is false, as most child abusers are parents, meaning 80% of reports of child abuse defined by the civil laws. Many people associate a pedophile with abusers and sex offenders. However, most pedophiles are not sex offenders, and most sex offenders are not pedophiles. What is pedophilia? A case of a child trapped in an adult's body.

Pedophilia is a mental disorder, with 3 out of 4 pedophiles choosing not to abuse children, meaning pedophiles are disproportionately safer than other adults, due to the necessity of centeredness in coping with pedophilia properly as a clinical disorder, with most pedophiles coping naturally with centeredness techniques. Pedophilia is both a paraphilic disorder and a developmental disorder, and is a genetic disorder associated with autism. It is a disorder due to the fact that a child is unavailable as a sexual target, meaning in terms of consent.

Pedophilia almost always comes with an immature personality, usually due to a developmental disorder such as autism or ADHD, or traits of such in an individual (ex. PDD-NOS). I myself am a pedophile, and for me, it is an extension of my emotional immaturity as someone with autism. I often feel on the level of an 11-12 year old

Pedophilia is nowhere mentioned in the Bible. It says in Colossians 3:5-7 KJV:

Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth; fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and covetousness, which are idolatry: For which things' sake the wrath of God cometh on the children of fornication: In which ye also walked some, when ye lived in them.

The Greek root word translated "inordinate affection" is επιθυμέω (Latin: epithumeo) and refers here to adult sexual entitlement, meaning unlawful intent to have sexual relations with a children, meaning wanting leading to the point of seeking to impose said want onto a child, leading to offense by way of sexual perception of intent (fornication - πορνεία). Lust is a sin, but not at the level of desire, unless desire itself leads you elsewhere due to your profile. You have to want a child to the point of being spurred to action in order to be guilty of inordinate affections, meaning at the very least seeing a child as available and believing that they are an acceptable sexual partner, or else seeing them as worthy of sexual punishment in some way. That is unlawful intent (mens rea) leading to unlawful sexual action, which must be with another human being or else an animal (actus reus). 

Pedophilia is not a disorder of intent, but of thought, meaning it is not wrong to be a pedophile, but is simply unfortunate. Pedophiles were dealt a bad hand, so they accept that they have that hand dealt, don't deny it out of adult sexual entitlement, and live knowing they are attracted to children, meaning a pedophile. 

Pedophiles should be aware of their disorder fully, meaning if you repress something, it controls you, whereas because I am aware of my pedophilia, I control it and I control where it goes, like putty in hands. I am aware, but at a level I can distract myself from sexual desire and focus on life except when a young girl is around, in which case I have enough control to make repeated glances instead of one "good long look", and the more self-aware I was of the disorder, the easier it is to control. It is not good to repress anything. Feel it, to the degree you choose to, meaning with me that means I get thoughts about a girl, and I let those thoughts just fly by in a comfortable way, but know it is wrong to do anything about them. Both, together, make an offense nearly impossible. Lust, meaning adult sexual entitlement, is when you focus on a sexual thought towards a young girl in a way that convinces you that sexually abusing her is okay, meaning defending beliefs that the harm from sexual abuse does not exist.

Pedophilia is a low-level drive, meaning I feel it when I reference the fact that I have it, but underneath me, as a hidden drive I find myself pulling up on my own, in my own bedroom, indulging in sexual fantasy. Simply talking about the disorder isn't arousing, and seeing a young girl in public simply is a "she's pretty" observation that I can either forget about or save the mental image for later, and both are legal under Christian law. If I didn't fantasize at all, I'd want to be with a real young girl. It is called pro-social channeling for a reason - it channels sexual desires for children away from children and towards a space in the home designed for sexual fantasy, meaning time-out in attachment parenting terms. Sexual fantasy is my time-out away from children. Time-out, in gentle parenting, is intended to channel feelings of anger away from the child by taking a break, but otherwise doing the opposite of one's anger or sexual aggression. 

Pedophilia is simply intrusive, unfair thoughts about one's child or a child. Mere thoughts are not a moral crime. Thinking of a child as a sexual target is not a moral crime, meaning being attracted to a child. Saying "I like her" can be a moral crime, depending on the context. In the restaurant, or in the store? Vile fornication. To a parent, or to a therapist? Understandable observation. Depends who is offended, and what precedes the offense. Usually, people make sexually objectifying comments about a child in public if they want to offend or gaslight others, in which case it the the moral crime of fornication by way of obscenity. 

I gaslight pedophiles and screen for possible predators by way of pro-social compassionate empathy, meaning I can empathize with a pedophile fully, but don't think the disorder itself is a good thing. I have never profiled a pedophile here, but would be their gentle parent and listen to them, and if they took advantage of me, usually by disclosing a crime, I would ask if they wanted to stop what they were doing, and if they defended it, I'd flame them out of my inbox and publish everything. I cannot shame a remorseful abuser under my Christian standards, meaning if they are truly sorry, even for molesting a child, I either reassure them or stay out of the matter, leaving it between victim and abuser...Most pedophiles want to be listened to, and I am reading posts at VirPed, but I am just not interjecting anything because I do not have the collective sexual shaming trauma that VirPed has as a group of people.

Most pedophiles have a sexual trauma from sexual shaming as a child, meaning they were shamed for their sexual fantasies, and so they focus on them. The prejudicial parents who imposed this "pedophile" trauma in the affirmative will be cast into the burning fire of Hell! Especially the alt-right parents who hate their pedophilic children - because anyone's child could have it. 

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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

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