Wednesday, October 27, 2021

ANNOUNCEMENT: Why the children's rights movement supports VirPed

There are three VirPeds - VirPed the support group, VirPed the greater movement, and VirPed the value system. I support all three, but not all of the goodies the second one wants, as I am an anti-pornography pedophile, as I hate pornography. I won't advocate for "loli" or "shota" but don't think they should be illegal. 

I believe VirPed can be merged with children's rights. The core of children's rights is not policing, but primary prevention of child abuse. We do it well in the United States with physical abuse, but have been punitive on pedophiles because until now, pedophiles did not come up with a good answer as to how they would help themselves.

VirPed is all about the choice not to abuse a child, much like gentle parenting, and the two many times are exactly the same, but with different names. Most here seem to agree with me, at least in that pedophiles can choose not to abuse children, but are afraid to say it openly. I write about the topic occasionally to sort of encourage trauma survivors to speak out in their personal lives, and tell others about non-offending pedophiles.

It seems like we at VirPed have a lot of low level support among educated Americans, from a distance. We are seen at VP as a strange group of people that "I don't know how they do it". We aren't entitled at the lowest level, meaning the parental level, and I worry about those that are pro-spanking in terms of offending, but I am not a mandated reporter, and I presume innocence beyond a reasonable doubt in all suspicion of child sexual abuse.

Do I support sex offender rights? I support a sex crimes registry similar to that of Iceland, where the deal is "you keep quiet, we keep quiet" and your home is bugged and monitored, and if you make plans to sexually abuse a child, the authorities will know it, and will warn the relevant parties so it can't happen, with CPS overseeing the list and not the police. CPS will do it better than the police, as the police are a bunch of drunken sailors during search party times. Sex offenders should only be afforded therapy if they want it, or else simply wait for them to re-offend, and catch them in the act. Most sex offenders who have served their time want help, because by then they have lost everything, and losing everything is a good motivator for change, isn't it?

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Any comment that
1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

will not be published. Flexible application. Debate is allowed, but only civil arguments that presume the best of intentions in their opponent, on both sides.

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