Monday, October 25, 2021

The morality of pedophilia: Why it is a non-issue

Many people think it is wrong to be a pedophile, especially those who thump a Bible they project onto. The most vocal of pedophile haters are pedophiles themselves who refuse to identify. Prejudicial pedophiles are the ones keeping their own down and spreading misinformation, and most of them are pro-contact. Most pedophiles, period, are anti-contact. Pedophilia is not a moral crime. Adult sexual entitlement is.

What is pedophilia? Sexual attraction to children under age 14, meaning at the thought level. Mere sexual thoughts about children are not sinful, and in the Early Christian churches, the Apostle Paul recommended that pedophile fathers, in attachment parenting manuals, direct the sexual aspects of their attachment to their children elsewhere, through sexual fantasy, as a form of pro-social channeling/fantasy. Pro-social fantasy is channeling sexual thoughts about children into one's awareness in box format, meaning you learn to access them like a box, and leave the sexually objectifying thoughts of children there, abstaining from the sexual objectification and use of children otherwise, meaning sexual relations with a child or treating them as sex objects in one's speech or actions around them or concerning them. That one thing you want from them - sex - is something you can have, but in a box away from them, not toward them in the form of sexually hateful or objectifying speech or conduct.

Adult sexual entitlement is denoted by the Greek root word denoting entitlement in the New Testament, which is πλεονέκτης (Latin: pleonektés) and refers to wanting sexual relations or interaction with a child to the point of seeking to impose said want onto a child, leading to sexual perception by the child, for better or worse, in which case the entitlement denotes adult fornication, meaning child sexual abuse. Child sexual abuse ranges from leering/menacing to rape/lust murder, as denoted by the Greek root word πορνεία (Latin: porneia) and refers here to sexual perception coming from sexually entitled intent of an adult towards the child, meaning in order to test for fornication, we take into account both the child's testimony of perception with the defendant's sexual entitlement. 

Pedophiles can be victims of this form of abuse, usually in the form of sexual shaming, which can come with or without sexual abuse/adult fornication. Many pedophiles have childhood memories of sexually entitled treatment from adults, perhaps having a catalogue snatched or being targeted with lurching techniques. Lurching is a toxic application of righteous judgment, meaning many promises to leave the pedophilic child alone, but only leaving on the last day. Pedophiles, meaning the individuals struggling with a mental illness, are more likely to be victims of abuse than abusers themselves, but are deemed victim/abusers mainly because they replicate an abuser while being a vulnerable victim in most cases, or else sexually harassing and stalking children due to autistic social ineptitude, as pedophilia is a sexual expression of autistic immaturity. Most pedophiles have a sexual shaming trauma, so I admit privilege over pedophiles at the Virtuous Pedophiles forum for pedophile victims of sexual shaming. I have\studied VirPed for years, and most of them were sexually shamed in some way as a child, either by broader norm or by being targeted specifically for being pedophiles.

Under my faith values, it is okay and recommended to be a pedophile, meaning struggle openly with a mental health disorder. But, if you want to struggle openly, you have to wear your stripes as a sexually entitled adult, meaning admit your capacity to such entitlement even if you aren't actively feeling entitled to a child sexually. This means answer questions and concerns about pedophilic expressions, and let the world be judge and jury, submitting to the world. Don't say you are a pedophile all the time, but don't hide traits of pedophilia from the public. Pedophiles have the right to be genuinely concerned about children. I am out and open in my community, but in a restaurant or store, it isn't relevant unless a concerned citizen asks, in which case you humbly just say "yes, I am" and take the heat. Usually, children don't mind me looking at their children, and their parents don't mind either. An entitled glance would scare a child, but children owe me nothing, and I want nothing even if I want it. "Pedophile" is my self-diagnosis, and "adult sexual entitlement" is my sin nature. Pedophilia isn't a religious concept, but a medical one, meaning pedophile rights are mental health rights, and mental health rights are human rights.

Your child could be a pedophile, in which case, lay out the atmosphere that allows for open communication, meaning say to your child "You can tell me anything" or "You can talk to me about anything" regardless of whether they are a pedophile or not, as that is the mutual surrender God intends for all parent-child relationships. When the disclosure comes, be prepared for tears to listen to and reassure. If the disclosure is tone-deaf, they might be on the way to becoming an abuser, and thus need a mental health professional pronto. Both cases require mental health healing, but of different types. One extreme in pedophiles is the most common - internalized mental health stigma. Some pedophiles have a case of autism that makes them immune to ideological abuse, and they need to become a children's rights supporter if they truly don't want to be an offender against a child, and oftentimes, they do support children's rights in a policing or judicial manner. They are actually more high-risk, meaning they need the proper balance of ideas. Unfortunately, you can't force any child to believe anything they don't want to believe, meaning a tearful admission is better news if you think your child is a pedophile. I myself was the type of kid to just say it out loud and not understand the gravity of the self-diagnosis. That is a new class of preverbal offender, and since they are victims, they will be charged on sight, meaning the opposite. It is a form of adult sexual entitlement mixed with "autism" entitlement. Usually, they don't know the harm, and usually, when they offend to the level of rape or sexual assault, they don't care, meaning a situational psychopathic sociopath. I myself learned in Sunday grade school that I am, in fact, evil just for being an adult in relation to children, and that all adults are the enemy of children. I have to learn to be their friend, by treating them with chivalry. The more I learn respect for children, and practice it, the better I feel about myself.

The children's rights movement has hit a new era. We now have moved on from our hatred of pedophiles. We hate parents, meaning all who identify, meaning all who identify by abuse or entitlement. Most of us pedophiles were abused by a parent, usually pedophiles experienced sexual shaming from parents, meaning they were punished for their sexuality. Prejudicial parents are the core haters of pedophiles, and most of them claim to be conservative Christians like me, in fact. Most of the abusers of pedophiles in this country today are pro-spanking, and take oppressive stances towards children. Most everyone who understands my condition is anti-spanking, as people tend to naturally treat pedophiles the way they'd treat children. When family members have come to understand my case of pedophilia, they also became anti-spanking. I am grateful to have what most pedophiles don't have, and what they should have, which is someone to talk to. Most supporters of pedophile rights also support the rights of children, and so the two now merge. A pedophile is a child encased in an adult's body, and that is why most adults respond to disclosures of pedophilia naturally as immature naturally, meaning it isn't within our nature to hate pedophiles, meaning want them dead. Most people, if left to their own devices, would discipline them like they do their own children regarding their sexual attractions to children. Gentle, attached parents seem to also want to naturally be gentle parents to pedophiles.

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Any comment that
1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

will not be published. Flexible application. Debate is allowed, but only civil arguments that presume the best of intentions in their opponent, on both sides.

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