Sunday, October 24, 2021

The history of punitive parenting

Many people think corporal punishment and punitive parenting are time-honored traditions, and have been around since time immemorial. Punitive parenting is a rather new and dark development in human history, with the majority of the world's children, throughout history, raised in attachment parenting homes.

Attachment parenting in the Levantine cultures were attachment-based in natures, for good in Israel and for bad in Canaan. Canaanite parents "connected" with their children with sex before the Ten Commandments were handed to the Israelite Levantine society. Israelite society was a purity and honor society, whereas the Canaanites engaged in more permissive, sexually indulgent attachment parenting. The Bible clearly lifts up the Law in terms of attachment parenting, which forbade "healthy" sexual interventions, associating "healthy pedophilia" with Caananite impurity. The Jewish rebellion was to assert among the Levantine land the authority of Monotheism. From there, child sacrifice and child sexual abuse were banned by the Law.

Thousands of years later, in the New Testament, Christ sacrificed Himself on the cross by submitting to a Roman execution. He endured both aspects of the Law in terms of enforcement, meaning capital punishment and the corporal punishment of 40 minus 1 lashes with the cat o' nine tails, with him then being nailed to the cross alive - yet He Rose from His tomb on the Third Day, with no enemy denying the events, and all this abolished all parental corporal punishment throughout the world, and this was cemented by the Apostle Paul's delivery of the commandment not to provoke a child to anger in Col. 3:21 and Eph. 6:4, with the Bible as a whole commanding attachment parenting, being a binding legal document uplifting child protection Law onto the broader, gentile world that is otherwise not Jewish in terms of cultural orientation. The Messiah was to self-sacrifice in order to catapult Judeo-Christian values. 

Any corporal punishment was seen by the Early Christians as idolatry, as it came from an idolatrous practice of punishing young boys with the cat o' nine tails and spanking young girls for "unchaste" behavior. These were no doubt pagan traditions to 1st Century Christians.

In the year 325 AD, Rome converted to Christianity. Beforehand, in the year AD 90, Rome ransacked Judea and hid the evidence that the Bible prohibited corporal punishment, leaving that knowledge among the Jews and their literature. From there, Roman law, which was pro-spanking in letter and practice, affected the English common law on corporal punishment, whereas the case R. v. Hopley used the case of the manslaughter of a student to legally justify the corporal punishment of children.

Corporal punishment is so common today as opposed to ancient times, including in the Early Church where it is banned. That is why I am a Calvinistic, anti-Catholic, Anabaptist Christian who believes in limited atonement. So many parents hate their children and punish them. Most of the world punishes children, and that is a regression of children's status, not a progression of status. The whole world is a menace to children, and is deserving of DEATH and DESTRUCTION for its vile and damned crimes against children. 

Punitive parenting is banned by the Sacrificial Example of Jesus Christ, as codified in Colossians 3:20-21 KJV:

Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord. Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they become discouraged.

The Greek root word translated "obey" is υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to closeness to parents leading to respect, with children being themselves in relation to parents, telling them anything and everything under the sun, making demands to parents, and parents supplying the demands, with children owing absolutely nothing to parents, but nonetheless listening and cooperating with parents out of thanksgiving and gratitude for the kindness, charity, and generosity of parents. This closeness came in the form of attachment parenting in ancient Judeo-Christian culture, with children as old as age 3 being treated as infants behaviorally, with children being breastfed up until that age. Children co-slept next to mothers until adulthood, with mothers and daughters being inseparable. The Greek root word translated " anger" is ερεθιζο (Latin: erethizo) and refers to "stirring up" upset and resentment in children, referencing the Jewish adage of "stirring the pot" in regards to a child's emotional welfare, legislating and codifying a biblical ban on spanking and corporal punishment.

The good old days. Before the corporal punishment of children invaded the earth. Let the depraved and entitled parents who provoke children to anger will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them burn in the lake of fire, which is the second death! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand! Christ never intended for spanking to be this widely legal, when the Law He promoted prohibited corporal punishment of children. Christ ended all legal punishment apart from pro-social alienation, even if it goes on without His permission. God will have a say in the end, for God is good and just. 

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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
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