Monday, January 31, 2022

Parent attraction: Healthy alternatives to "healthy pedophilia"

Attachment parenting has many upsides to it, and is the one form of parenting the Bible supports. However, attachment parenting usually comes with parent attraction. Many parents, namely fathers, believe "healthy pedophilia" is the way to go. No parent is without self-interest in relation to children, but no sexual contact with a child is acceptable.

It says in 1 Corinthians 7:1-2 KJV:
Now concerning the things whereof ye wrote to me: It is good for a man not to touch a woman. Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and every woman her own husband.

Yes, your sexual behavior is to be reserved for your wife, as is defined in the Greek root word πορνεία (Latin: porneia) and refers to the slightest of contact or touch for sexually entitled purposes. See also Colossians 3:21 KJV:

Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they be discouraged.

The Greek root word translated " anger" is ερεθιζο (Latin: erethizo) and refers to damages, meaning the slightest of offensive touch or contact perceived by the child, with all sexual contact towards a child under age 18 to be the moral crime of adult fornication, meaning child sexual abuse, without exception. Any time a child perceives sexual intent breathing down their neck, it is sexual abuse, to some degree.

The Early Church was no stranger to parent attraction. A great many fathers were sexually attracted to their young daughters. Mothers guarded their daughters from even their own fathers. Fathers were recommended by church elders to sexually fantasize about their own children, yet avoid all real life want for their own child, channeling sexual lusts into a box that could be only be accessed by solo masturbation. 

Adult sexual entitlement is denoted by the Greek root word επιθυμέω (Latin: epithumeo) and refers to sexual want to the point of the adult taking the first steps to have sexual relations with a child, with sexual abuse being when this sexual entitlement is perceived by the child, including overt sexual contact as a fraudulent marriage. Any time the child was offended or led astray by sexual entitlement, it was fornication. Fornication or sexual abuse, at the most everyday level, involves looking at a child in a way that embarrasses them or offends them, or else uses sexually objectifying or offensive speech that offends the child or could get back to the child leading to offense.

Any parent who was sexually attracted to their child, at any age, had to admit it upon questioning, and be honest about how they dealt with it, and how they planned to keep their child safe from their own self-interest. You literally had to admit to self-interest in relation to children, calmly and politely, in order for your answer to the court to be accepted as valid and not perjury. Any attempt to hide pedophilia was seen as a sign of an abuser. Acceptance of sexual attraction to children was on the nodding level, pretty much, or the admission level, since coarse jesting and filthy talk, including sexually objectifying and offensive speech about children, as determined by individuals around the discussion or in the discussion that were offended by the sexually scathing remarks about the child.

The primary prevention of child sexual abuse was largely something in the context that one can glean on to find meaning in the text about sexual abuse prevention. However, one verse illustrates how seriously it was taken. Parent attraction is mentioned in 1 Corinthians 7:36 KJV:

But if any man think he behaveth himself uncomely towards his virgin, if she pass the flower of her age, and need so require, let him do what he will, he sinneth not: let them marry.

The Greek root word translated "flower of her age" is υπερακμος (Latin: huperakmos) and refers directly to the age of consent/marriage under Christian law, which was 13 then, and is 18 now. Sex was seen as something that was "grown up" and not for children, as a marital contract. Children couldn't sign contracts, so they couldn't marry. What this verse is saying is that if a man has a very strong parent attraction to their children, marry them off as soon as possible, and take the blame. "Take the blame" means that the father was dishonored for having to resort to giving away his daughter to avoid sexual entitlement. 

Most men then were not sexually entitled towards their own children, but simply had some self-interest, enough for a connotational attraction to their child that did not express itself to the child. It was mist in the atmosphere during a normal parent-child bond. Jewish and Christian fathers both were very warm and caring fathers, in a friendly, amicable, yet passive way towards children. Fathers were passive like a ragdoll usually in relation to their children, and that was because they were in heaven just being around their child. Pedophilia, as a disorder, is expressed in a healthy way when the pedophile simply enjoys the company of children, and the children feel safe around the pedophile.

I myself am a pedophile, yet I might not be entitled like I once was around them. I just like being around them, in a way oftentimes that they don't notice, or else notice and don't care. I am not entitled to a friendship with a child, at all. That is something to work for, and be cautious about. I, however, refuse to meet a child in their home, and prefer meeting in a neutral location such as a public place such as a public pool or park, or else a restaurant. Even with a parent right there, I might just get myself nabbed by the parents trying to antisocial "cling" to a young girl. Non-entitlement means being perfectly okay not going that route, and simply being around a child I like, and nothing more. Many children in the community, as unearthed by an investigation into an antisocial "rough-play" incident, trust me, and I am grateful for that, because I don't deserve trust from any child. I am entitled to nothing from a child, yet grateful to see children wherever I go. This was how most parent attraction went in biblical times - adult men usually acted like ragdolls around children, like they were stunned and in heaven while on earth.

The depraved and entitled parent fornicators who defile themselves next to their children will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them burn in the lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death, which is Satan's final resting place! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!


Why "adult authority" doesn't exist in the Bible

Many parents and teachers believe in the concept of adult authority. Adult authority is a hegemonic concept that keeps children down beneath a compress. However, does adult authority really exist? Adult authority is a misinterpretation of the Bible, whereas God's Law prohibits the overpowering of a child.

Every single parent and adult is guilty in relation to children, and is deserving of DEATH and DESTRUCTION merely for existing in relation to children, with parents/adult being meek and shamefaced in relation to children. Parents especially are to prioritize their child above themselves, to the point of dutiful and selfless submission to children and their every need, expecting absolutely nothing in return, with children resting safely and securely in the love and grace of parents, with children being in place of God on earth. See Colossians 3:20-21 KJV:

Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord. Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they become discouraged.

The Greek root word translated "obey" is υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to secure, vulnerable rest in the love and grace of parents. Attachment parenting was the norm in biblical times. Think a mother holding pales of water, with a young child swaddled in her bosom, and an older child in the nude that walked in tow with the mother. This is the proper image of true biblical parenting - primitive, in a way that encourages closeness with parents. Fathers simply hung out with children, being their child's best friend, relating to children on an equal level, with sexual connotations attached to a benign friendly interaction, with children confiding into parents about anything that upsets them, bothers them, or simply is on their mind, without any fear of punishment or reprisal, with children being valued as extensions of God in the family home, laying down the Law as to their needs, with their every need being Law. The Greek root word translated "parents" is γονεύς (Latin: goneus) and refers to leadership, not authority. In many friendships, there is the leader in the friendship that cares for the younger, more vulnerable friend. Parents are to leaders in this regard in caregiver format, meaning caregiver friends to children. Mothers are to provide sustenance and nourishment such as skin-to-skin closeness and breastfeeding, and fathers are to be friends in a more distant, encouraging way, hanging out with their children like they are equals. Teachers should also be friends with their students, pre-kindergarten through grade 12, as the same kind of restful submission allocated to children in relation to parents applied to teachers, and did in the Early Church, when most children were homeschooled. I do recommend homeschooling whenever possible, to shield children from the punitive nature of school discipline in the United States.

The Greek root word translated " anger" is ερεθιζο (Latin: erethizo) and refers to damages, namely the slightest of personal offenses perceived by the child, including the slightest of offensive touch or contact perceived by the child. The commandment not to provoke a child to anger is the commandment to love your neighbor stated in the negative, and was intended by the Apostle Paul to lift up the Law, with penalties for punishing or otherwise controlling children being quite severe, meaning chenek or hanging parents in a bloodletting way, similar to how a slaughterhouse hangs poultry - punishing a child was very much a criminal offense in biblical times, and would have been seen in Hebraic circles then as pure witchcraft and desecration of a child, as children were seen as holy and guiltless. The seven verses in the book of Proverbs mentioning the rod of correction are repealed verses, meaning they only apply to the context, as they refer to a dated form of judicial corporal punishment - the 40 minus 1 lashes with the rod of correction, which applied only to the Old Testament, with the Early Church banning members from participating in capital or corporal punishments, even as a spectator. Ancient Israel, in the Old Testament in particular, was a patrilineal society in terms of family structure, with fathers being legal authorities over their ADULT son once appointed by the state. The patrilineal system usually had to do with family headship or heirlooms, but in a criminal investigation involving the religious authorities, fathers were appointed to whip their young adult children in the case of a criminal conviction for a capital offense.

Adult authority, however, did not exist for minor children. Minor children surrendered to parents in a specific way that deemed them incompetent to be held accountable for any criminal acts or civil wrongs towards others or God. Children were not seen as culpable for things they did wrong, with parents instead being required to apologize in court on the child's behalf. The role of parents was attendant care and protection, with mothers providing nourishment and sustenance in terms of breastfeeding and skin-to-skin closeness respectively. Fathers simply hung out with children as friends, approaching them as equals. There was a dynamic of sexual connotations attached to girls in particular by fathers, with children of both sexes being guarded by mothers.

These principles can be applied to teachers and educators as well, meaning a good teacher is a good friend towards their students. Adult authority is for the wastebasket. Throw out the paddle and the detention slip. Simply call teachers by their first name, and feel safe in school, knowing you won't be punished or harmed in any way. "Parent in loco parentis" here means children should rest in the love and grace of teachers in place of parents, with teacher-student relationships being warm and caring, in a way that is distant and respects the consent of all parties involved, namely all students enrolled in a local education agency (LEA). Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) streamline services for some students, but every child has special needs of some sort. Teachers should be attendant to their student's needs and even requests. If ANY child, IEP or no IEP, wants to play on the computer after a lesson, they should be able to. All children should be treated in the least restrictive manner possible by an LEA. This means no punishment or rewards systems, but instead direct incentives such as "if you finish your math work you can surf the Internet". ALL children need that sort of non-demanding environment, not just children with autism. The one thing a teacher may not be able to swallow - but must swallow nonetheless - is the demand from a student. Children are demanding. They cry, whine, or pout, and that is because they are trying to communicate a need, and the teacher or school personnel involved should be attendant to those needs, and the more attendant and selfless you are in relation to students, the less trouble they cause. Children should have a say in even the administration of a school, with student council actually having influence over school decisions. Here in Pennsylvania, state regulations allow for reassuring physical contact such as hugs and embraces for ALL students, which should be the law nationwide.

Schools in the Early Church consisted of homeschools, where fathers would gather together to homeschool their children collectively, apart from the hierarchical and punitive Greco-Roman public school system. Homeschools then were very non-demanding on children, and worked by peeking the natural curiosity of the child, with children usually forming an interest in theology at age 6. This curiosity in theology was cultivated into a religious education, usually in the form of the Socratic reasoning of both question-and-answer and meeting a question with a question. Children had a casual, close relationship with their parents, with education being meted out on the level of the child, at the child's pace. Early Christian fathers were warm with their children, in a push-over type of way that was pro-social in nature. I support homeschooling rights, largely because the public school system has a long record of violating the rights of children. In 19 states, it is still legal to srrike a child in public schools, and in 48 states, it is legal to strike a child in a private school. This was unheard of in Early Christian homeschools, where children could take a break when they needed it, play when they needed it, and then study knowing play would come after work. 

The depraved and entitled parents who provoke children to anger will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them burn in the lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death, prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Let them descend into the abyss which is everlasting Hell and torment, suffering God's Wrath forever and ever! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

Sunday, January 30, 2022

Individual responsibility for adults attracted to children

Child sexual abuse is a common form of child abuse, with 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 6 boys being sexually victimized before age 18. Pedophilia is parental sexual attachment to children under age 14, with ephebophilia parental sexual attachment to children age 14-18. Most people think of sexual abuse prevention in terms of "enabling" a perpetrator. The fact of the matter is that adults have choices, and sexual abuse is usually a rash decision that is situational in nature by adults.

I am for stronger penalties for child sexual abusers, but not pedophiles. If you abused a child sexually in the Old Testament, you were burnt alive at the stake in the case of a female victim, and stoned to death in the case of a male victim. Why? Pedophiles can do better. Cuff 'em and lock 'em up, because most pedophiles are predestined as victims of crime and abuse, not perpetrators of such. Child molesters make pedophiles look bad, and they are usually the ones hating and oppressing pedophiles, not trauma survivor. I am a pedophile survivor, meaning I survived 16 brutal years of abuse protected by the law, fully aware of my abuse, with nowhere to run and nowhere to hide, and also with no hotline or number to call to get out of a domestic violence situation.

How does most child sexual abuse occur? A choice. A choice usually to be in a certain location where abuse can occur. A choice not to egress from said situation when they easily could. A common excuse of those who sexually offend children is "I was in the wrong place, at the wrong time". Why were you even there to begin with? Why were you drinking so much? Why were you smoking so much weed? Why didn't you make something up to get out of babysitting or caring for the children? Why not just say "I will NOT be alone with a child" which is a proper adult choice to make, especially if you are a man?

Who brought on the sexual assault or rape of a child? Nobody but the perpetrator themselves. Nobody else is responsible for "keeping them at bay" or "not enabling them". Only the perpetrator is at fault, and nobody else. No child deserves to be sexually abused, even if they were in a "flimsy" location themselves. A sexual abuser of children is a lone wolf usually, usually family or friends of family, and usually, they get into a situation that is opportune for sexually offending a child, have poor boundaries, and with those poor boundaries, sexually assault or rape a child. 

To understand the boundaries part, know that nobody has inherently poor boundaries. Self-control is part of executive functioning, which is a core concept in understand autism, whereas most sexual abusers have strong autistic traits and diminished IQs. When they get alone with a child, they fall apart due to lack of accountability. The solution for them is just not to be alone with a child, and to channel those sexual desires elsewhere. In the Early Church, they recommended masturbation as a means to re-channel sexual desires away from a real life child. You can be very astute with boundaries in one setting, while slowly acclimating yourself to crossing boundaries with children, to the point of rape perhaps, and that gradual acclimation is what grooming is from the perpetrator's perspective. Most child sexual abuse is a domiciliary peacekeeper, meaning it is a part of the depraved person that comes out only inside the home, usually towards a specific child that was "chosen" in some way.

I myself have a jurisdictional peacekeeper as a pedophile, meaning I was an antisocial "flirt" at my local swimming pool. I either went right up to young girls and asked for their number, or else simply flirted with them. I held back by making it a point not to interact with a child unless addressed first by the child, basically imposing a no-speech rule. Lately, I have found it helpful not to speak much at all unless necessary. Home life is rather quiet at my house. In most settings, I have no problems keeping my distance from children, but in one setting, I felt acclimated to flirt with young girls as young as 9. In my case, I can be in the given location safely. Many times, it isn't safe to be at the given location at all. If it is a bathroom when they are bathing or showering, or their bedroom when they are getting dressed, or a sleepover where your child's friends might be in a state of undress at times, maybe you shouldn't be there. Maybe you should go to your OWN room and treat yourself with sexual fantasy about what must be happening behind the door where, for example, your daughter and her friends are changing into pajamas. This is an issue most men have, by the way, with any girl who has hit puberty, but especially girls in their mid to late teens, where today they look pretty much like adults due to better nourishment when they were young.

I myself hold that I am a depraved sinner in relation to children. Sex is my self-interest in relation to children. It doesn't have to be a bad thing to have this self-interest, but it isn't a good thing either, for sure. The goal is for that self-interest to stay self-interest, and not become adult sexual entitlement. My self-interest is wanting sex with a child, but I keep it in a box as a fantasy, where it isn't entitlement. Sexual entitlement is want to the point of taking the first steps to sexually victimize a child, meaning once the fornication is imposed on the child, every choice I would have made beforehand would have come into question. I have policies about even speaking to children without their cue and consent, and striving to simply enjoy their presence out and about. So, if I sexually assaulted a child, which I gauge would be through heavy petting, the mere choice to interact with the child in any way would be a defiled choice, and part of the fornication.

Let the depraved and defiled adult fornicators of children BURN in the lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death, prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Repent! 

Pro-social friendship: Why parents should be a child's best friend

Many parents say "I am not your friend, I am your parent". This is a common statement among American parents, where punishing a child is completely legal. Most parents in the United States are vehemently opposed to being their child's friend. However, the Bible commands that parents befriend their child.

Every single parent and adult is guilty in relation to children, and is deserving of DEATH and DESTRUCTION merely for existing in relation to children, with parents/adults being meek and shamefaced in relation to children. Parents especially are to prioritize the needs of children above their own, leading to complete dutiful and selfless submission to children and their every need, expecting absolutely nothing in return, with children resting securely in the love and grace of parents, with parents being the best friend of children. See Colossians 3:20-21 KJV:

Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord. Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they be discouraged.

The Greek root word translated "obey" is υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to secure, vulnerable rest in the love and grace of parents. Parents are to listen to their child's upset, with children being able to tell parents anything and everything under the sun, expecting absolutely no punishment in return. Parenting in biblical times was very primitive. Think a Christian mother in the 1st Century holding pales of water, with a young child wrapped around her bosom in swaddling blankets, and an older child, in the nude, in tow next to her mother. Children in biblical times could run to the arms of their children while crying and upset, and vent their upsets into parents, expecting only a warm embrace.

The Greek root word translated " anger" is ερεθιζο (Latin: erethizo) and refers to damages under the Law, meaning the slightest of offense perceived by the child, including the slightest of offensive touch or contact perceived by the child. The commandment not to provoke a child to anger is the commandment to love your neighbor stated in the negative, and was intended to prohibit any sort of punishment or controlling measures in parenting, with this provocation to anger being seen as a grand theft, meaning kidnapping. The seven verses depicting the rod of correction in Proverbs are repealed verses, meaning they only apply to the context they are written to, as they reference a specific, dated form of judicial corporal punishment specific to the Old Testament culturally and legally - the 40 minus 1 lashes with the rod of correction, as a last resort before putting the ADULT offender to death. Only ADULT children could be whipped, and it took place in the courtroom, not in the offender's home, and it was always linked to capital punishment. Children could not be charged with any criminal act or civil wrong. Hebrews 12:5-11 also refers to the rod of correction, but in a figurative light that refers to enduring hardship.

Parents should be friends with their children. This means children should have the absolute right and ability to talk to parents about anything. A mother's role is immediate sustenance and nourishment, and a father's role is hanging out with children in an encouraging manner. Fathers are to be best friends with their children, not harsh disciplinarians, hanging out with their children and befriending them on their level. Mothers should hold children to their bosom with swaddling blankets, snuggling their children close, breastfeeding children for as long as they need breastfeeding. 

In biblical times, mothers would be close with their children in a sustaining way, wrapping up their younger children in swaddling blankets attached to their outdoor clothing. Mothers did not wear clothing inside the house, and children didn't wear clothing, period. Fathers, especially with school-age children, related to children at an equal level, hanging out with them as casual friends with their son or daughter. Fathers then often did attach sexual connotations to their children due to the egalitarian nature of the parenting, and it was something discussed casually among men in a lighthearted fashion, but acting on the sexual attachment and sexually abusing any child was seen as pure evil and incurred bloodlust. Most men in biblical times were very distant around children, in a formal way, and did not revert to informal/casual conversation until the child "broke the ice", and even then, after the conversation was ended by either party, the father merely stood by and protected the children with his rod and staff. Most men dealt with the sexual attachment to children by engaging in solo sexual fantasy, re-channeling otherwise inordinate passions to a safe box in one's mind.

The depraved and entitled parents who provoke children to anger will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them burn in the lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Let them descend into the abyss which is the everlasting Hell of fire and torment, suffering God's Wrath forever and ever! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

Saturday, January 29, 2022

Why children don't need discipline (parents need it)

Many parents think children need discipline, and that it is a no-brainer. This is a common misconception many parents make about children, thinking they need imposed structure system when they do not. What most parents don't know is that children need a good, sturdy Christian example.

It says in Ephesians 6:1-4 KJV:

Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. Honor thy father and mother, which is the first commandment with promise; That it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long upon the earth. And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.

The Greek root word translated "nurture" is παιδεία (Latin: paideia) and refers to a certain standard of Christian discipline in parents in relation to children, namely one that is entitled to nothing, and grateful for everything, especially when they win over their child's trust and affection. Children owe nothing to parents, and parents owe children everything, with this leading to a chastened up example for children to follow, backed up by instruction from parents in the form of non-binding advice and guidance, as denoted by the Greek root word νουθεσία (Latin: nouthesia) and refers to a form of righteous test where parents gave instruction to children hoping they would heed it, but when they didn't heed instruction, it was assumed they couldn't understand the instructions given their age and development, and were forgiven, just like Christ would forgive a helpless sinner. All of this is weighed by the Greek root word translated " wrath" is παροργίζο (Latin: parorgizo) and is one of the words that refers to damages, namely the slightest of personal offense perceived by a child, including the slightest of offensive touch or contact. The commandment not to provoke your child to wrath was intended by the Apostle Paul as uplifting the Law prohibiting all punishments and controlling measures in parenting, in which case the penalties for punishing a child were severe in the Old Testament, where it was seen as kidnapping and thus worthy of death. The seven verses in Proverbs that depict the rod of correction are repealed verses, meaning they are only specific to the context, and reference a specific, dated form of judicial corporal punishments - the 40 minus 1 lashes with the rod of correction, as a last warning before a criminal offender, who had to be an ADULT child to the Hebrew parent. Children could not be held culpable for a criminal offense or civil wrong under Jewish law. Punishment and controlling measures towards children were a church offense in the Early Church, with punitive parents and all other abusive parents being subject to inquisition and then excommunication.

Children need motivation to follow the example of parents, and need to want to be like parents. The Greek root word translated "obey" is υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to secure, vulnerable trust, in response to unconditional Christian love, as denoted by the Greek root word αγαπαο (Latin: agapao) which refers to putting children first, and parents last, to the point of dutiful and selfless submission. Attachment parenting was the established norm in ancient Hebrew and Christian cultures. Think a mother holding pales of water, with a young child wrapped up in swaddling blankets next to the bosom of the mother, being nourished with mother's milk, with an older child in the nude tagging alongside the mother as she gathered water to cook dinner. This was what Christian parenting was like in biblical times, and secure attachment was used to win over the hearts of children, with children wanting to be like parents, following in their footsteps and example.

Children don't need discipline. Parents need discipline, as you need discipline to model it to children. The key word to avoid as a parent is πλεονέκτης (Latin: pleonektés) and is the Greek root word denoting entitlement. Entitlement is wanting things from or of children to the point of imposition. However, why want anything from a child at all? Ask your child, and you shall receive. Demand, and you get nothing but resentment from a child. Parents simply are leaders of their children, not authority figures, and are not to demand authority from children ever. Parents can only ask children to do something, and give advice, but if there is a secure bond beforehand, children will heed advice and do as they are asked. Parents are to be grateful for whatever cooperation they have with their child, not demanding or expecting anymore, simply earning more cooperation by continuing to love their child.

The depraved and entitled parents will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them burn in the lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

Respect in parenting: Why the burden of proof is on parents

Many parents believe that they deserve respect, and that if children don't respect them, they are in violation of one of the Ten Commandments. The fact of the matter is that the burden of proof in terms of respect for children is on parents, not children.

Every single parent and adult is guilty in relation to children, and is deserving of DEATH and DESTRUCTION in relation to children, with parents/adults being meek and shamefaced in relation to children. Parents especially are to prioritize their child above themselves, to the point of dutiful and selfless submission to children and their every need, expecting absolutely nothing in return, with children resting in the love and grace of parents. See Colossians 3:20-21 KJV:

Children, obey your parents in all things, for this is well pleasing unto the Lord. Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they be discouraged.

The Fifth Commandment simply holds that children rest in the loving arms of parents. The Greek root word translated "obey" is υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to secure, vulnerable rest in the love and grace of parents, trusting in parents, feeling safe in their loving arms, owing nothing in return to parents for their good works. Attachment parenting was the norm in biblical times. Think a Christian mother holding pales of water, with her young child wrapped up in her bosom, in swaddling blankets, with a nude older child in tow. The main form of secure attachment in biblical times was policing attachment, meaning children in ancient Israel and adjoining churches were very demanding, and ordered their parents around, with parents giving in and giving up regarding their child's demands on them.

The Greek root word translated " anger" is ερεθιζο (Latin: erethizo) and refers to damages, meaning the slightest of personal offense perceived by the child, including the slightest of offensive touch or contact. The commandment in vs. 21 references the offenses system in the Bible, and prohibits punishment and control in parenting such as spanking and corporal punishment. The concept of spanking a child does not come from the Bible, but Hellenistic tradition as a form of purification for sexually "unchaste" children that a few Greek Christians brought into the Colossian church. The seven verses in Proverbs that depict the rod of correction are repealed verses, meaning they only apply to the legal context of the time as a dated legal punishment for ADULT children - the 40 minus 1 lashes with the rod of correction. No child could ever be charged for any criminal act or civil wrong, with parents having to apologize for them in court.

In the Apostle Paul's secular writings accompanying the Epistle to the Colossians, Paul likened respect for parents as like a mirror, with the child being the mirror staring into the parent's face. Thus, whatever respect you give to your child is what you can expect to receive, and if you aren't being respected, you must be doing something wrong. As an adult, I respect my mother to the degree that she respects me, which is a high amount of respect, but when she is refusing to understand a situation I am in, I don't have to be nice to her, meaning I can tell her off and reverse gaslight to get my needs met when she doesn't understand the gravity of a situation, usually in the context of gaslighting.

The Apostle Paul wrote the passage in Colossians 3:20-21 from prison, as Christians were persecuted even then (perhaps if only for the fact that they were attachment parents), and Paul taught that children are like mirrors into our own soul, as they imitate what kind of person you are, often in a convicting way. A Christian parent then would likely look into their child's behavior, see themselves, and correct their own behavior. The goal in parenting then was not to get children to respect you, but to not pass down your sinful habits to your children, and work on them in yourself as soon as your children are old enough to pick up on those habits. It is teaching by example, imparting the Living Example of Christ to children, striving to be like Christ as a flawed human being, then modeling that model of perfection to children. In a true Christian parent, the struggle is from within, as it appears to your child, and so struggle with yourself from within, so that your child picks up on how to struggle against their own sins.

The depraved and entitled parents who provoke their children to anger will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them burn in the lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death, which is Satan's final resting place! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

How pedophile hysterias start

Many people hate pedophiles in the United States. Most people who hate pedophiles hate out of ignorance, and thus cannot be held morally culpable for their hatred and insensitivity. Pedophile hysteria is something associated by most pedophile advocates with children's rights movement. There seems to be a pattern worldwide of women in children's rights movements being victimized with anti-pedophile indoctrination.

Where did pedophile hysteria start with? Men. Men who hate women. Men who molest children. The abusers themselves are throwing pedophiles under the bus, using our children's rights women as human shields. 

Pedophile hysteria started with a group of abusers who decided to take up the cause of eradicating pedophiles "on behalf of survivors", mostly far right and alt-right groups such as neo-Nazis and men's rights groups. If you know the average profile of the domestic abuser, you can understand how abuse of pedophiles can fit right in with that picture.

A children's rights community is supposed to be welcoming to pedophiles, in the form of an underground railroad for pedophiles to seek shelter under the wing of children's rights, as long as they do their part and contribute to the rights of the children they are attracted to. The problem is when such communities let in narcissists first, and not victims. 

Narcissists, in a children's rights movement, when they are pedophiles, are dangerous and chaotic individuals, so bad usually that they need a special behavior plan. Usually, they sit on their pedophilia until the last day, when they hold a group hostage. A pedophile narcissist is a peacekeeper, meaning a criminal. They are thugs, and they usually hate pedophiles on the surface, and spray that hatred onto pedophiles who identify openly. 

What do the narcissists do? Pick on the victim pedophile members, usually just for fun, and then triangulate a battle between the true pedophile and the women. Women usually can understand pedophiles using their maternal instincts, as a disclosed pedophile is usually perceived similarly to an attachment to children by women, but the patriarchal men tell them to question their maternal instincts. A woman who isn't indoctrinated by pedophile hysteria would listen to a pedophile talk about their struggles, and if the woman suspects the pedophile of being an abuser pedophile, she listens for BS. The existing non-listening framework is from the male end of the movement.

What is pedophile hysteria, ultimately? A men's rights cause to subdue a population of "beta males", and on another level, a way for predatory pedophiles to deflect blame to an easy target - non-offending pedophiles who have a surface-level mental illness. Survivors are simply tools of the haters, being used, and their traumas being manipulated by predatory abusers of children and pedophiles alike. The sexual abusers of children don't want to be blamed, so they deflect their rape-intent onto a group of people that is more likely to be abused by these sick bastards than be among the sickos themselves. A pedophile is a victim/abuser, meaning pedophiles can become abusers, but it is far more likely that they are victims of abuse, and pedophiles tend to be incredulous in how they express their trauma. A pedophile victim of crime or abuse never forgives their abusers, and never blames themselves for their abuse. They simply resent their abuser in a ball of anger that makes them easily framed as the abuser themselves in, for example, stalking situations. We pedophiles talk directly and matter-of-factly about trauma, in a way that is shocking and tone-deaf, blaring it everywhere if we could.

Let the depraved and entitled haters BURN! Repent!

Friday, January 28, 2022

Original sin: Why parents and other adults are depraved sinners

The doctrine of original sin is the most misunderstood and most misused of all Christian doctrines. Yet, original sin is the backbone of the Bible and the Christian faith. Without a sin nature, there would be no need for a Savior. Original sin is a doctrine for adults, not children, to follow. The sin nature of adults should be of note.

The Tenth Commandment legislates what entitlement is, with this commandment being repeated in the New Testament by the Greek root word πλεονέκτης (Latin: pleonektés). Entitlement, officially, is want to the point of imposition, with parental entitlement being entitlement in this regard in relation to children. But, why want anything from a child at all? The mere tendency to want from children, and others, is what defines our sin nature as adults and as human beings. Ask, and you shall receive from your child. Demand, and you get nothing from your child except resentment.

Every single parent and adult is guilty in relation to children, and is deserving of DEATH and DESTRUCTION in relation to children, with parents/adults being meek and shamefaced in relation to children, shut up by the Lord so that the children can speak, speaking to children only at their cue and consent, becoming a complete and total servant to children, being ashamed of one's adult status and not proud at all. Parents are to prioritize their children above themselves, to the point of dutiful and selfless submission and servitude to children and their every vulnerable need, expecting absolutely nothing in return, leading to rest and security in the love and grace of parents. See Colossians 3:20-21 KJV:
Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord. Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they be discouraged.

The Greek root word translated "obey" is υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to secure, vulnerable rest in the love and grace of parents. This is a trusting form of rest, where children feel completely safe and in respite with parents, with parents being a safe place for children to cling to and vent on. Attachment parenting was the norm in biblical times. Think a Christian mother holding pales of water, fetching water to drink and to cook with, with a young child wrapped in her bosom with swaddling blankets, and a nude older child following alongside her. Children feel safe in close range, or in closeness period, with mothers, and this enables children to follow the example of fathers. Mothers nurture, fathers encourage. Minor children cannot be ordered around lawfully and bindingly, as children are not legal subjects under the defense of infancy under the Law. Ask, and you shall receive from your child, and if not, they are to be righteously assumed not to be able to listen due to immature development, with the rare parental request being a righteous test. For the most part, apart from situations involving the safety or chastity of the child, children should be able to develop without adult interference, with the parent stating a request or plead when necessary, when a want is unattainable or unsafe. Minor and dependent children can enforce law on their parents to self-advocate a need or benign want.

The Greek root word translated " anger" is ερεθιζο (Latin: erethizo) and refers to damages, meaning the slightest of offense perceived by the child, including the slightest of offensive touch or contact perceived by the child. The commandment in vs. 21 is the commandment to love your neighbor stated in the negative. Wherever it states in the Bible not to provoke someone to anger, it is implied that you must love them with the Agape love that you show your neighbor, as denoted by the Greek word αγαπαο (Latin: agapao). Paul here was lifting up the Law against punishing or controlling your child, which was considered kidnapping, meaning grand theft/damages against the child, due to the child's vulnerable status in society. The seven verses in Proverbs that depict the rod of correction are repealed verses, as they refer to a dated form of judicial corporal punishment - 40 minus 1 lashes with the rod of correction, as a last warning before being put to death. King Solomon was surely anti-spanking himself, but in a posh, elite type of way. All the biblical writers were anti-spanking, as no Jew wanted to be seen as pro-spanking even then. 

I am a depraved and entitled sinner in relation to children, and am deserving of DEATH and DESTRUCTION merely for existing in relation to children. A child owes me nothing. I owe a child everything I can give them, which usually means personal space. I am a pedophile, and am guilty of antisocial "flirt". Other adults can admit their sins to Christ just like I do, and they should, and they must in order to be saved. If you hate children, you hate God.

The depraved and entitled parents who provoke children to anger will not inherit the Kingdom of God. Let them burn in the lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Let them descend into the abyss that is the Hell of fire and torment, suffering God's Wrath for all eternity! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand! 

The attachment parenting traditions of the Bible

Many parents think the Bible commands spanking and punishment of children. This is a common myth about the Bible and what God wants from us. Attachment parenting was the norm in ancient Israel and adjoining churches.

Every single parent and adult is guilty in relation to children, and is deserving of DEATH and DESTRUCTION merely for existing in relation to children, being meek and shamefaced in relation to children. Parents especially are to prioritize their children first, and themselves last, to the point of dutiful and selfless submission to children and their every need, expecting absolutely nothing in return. leading to rest in the love and grace of parents. See Colossians 3:20-21 KJV:

Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord. Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they be discouraged.

The Greek root word translated "obey" is υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to secure, vulnerable rest in the love and grace of children. Attachment parenting was the norm in biblical times. Think a mother holding pales of water, with a young child wrapped up next to the bosom of mothers in swaddling blankets. The deepest of secure attachments is policing attachment, where children order parents around and demand their needs/wants from them, with parents giving in and giving up. Surrender to parents is surrender into the loving arms of parents, feeling safe and secure in their embrace.

The Greek root word translated " anger" is ερεθιζο (Latin: erethizo) and refers to the slightest of offense perceived by the child. This commandment was intended by the Apostle Paul to uplift the Law, and prohibit all forms of punishment or control of children in the Early Christian church communities. Punishment of a child was considered a grand provocation to anger, meaning kidnapping. Paul here was simply pointing out what the Law actually said to Greek Christians. Spanking does not come from the Hebraic context of the Bible, as the verses in Proverbs that refer to the rod of correction are repealed verses that refer to a dated legal punishment relevant only to the Old Testament - the 40 minus 1 lashes with the rod of correction. Spanking children was a Greco-Roman pagan tradition, with each Roman nation-state in Europe having its own customary punishment for children. Judaea did not, and never did, as Judaea was an attachment parenting society.

Attachment parenting (AP) was the norm in ancient Jewish and Christian cultures. Parents in biblical times held their children close, breastfeeding them up to age 3 or perhaps even older. Children in ancient Christian culture were in a constant state of closeness to parents. Children afterwards were intermittently in a state of closeness to parents, then playing freely or studying at homeschool - homeschools then were play-based in nature. Many of the games children played had sexual undertones, but did not have fornication-intent, such as childish games of "marriage". Parents were careful to preserve the chastity of boys and the virginity of girls, and so overt sex acts led to separation of the siblings, in a supervisory way. Children then played mostly with siblings, as otherwise, children were isolated in a sheltered way. Children then were very different then than children today, meaning children then were aware of their immature sexuality. Some of these ways of relating to your child are dated, but much of it isn't. 

Christians in ancient Greece and Rome were under orders from the church to raise their children by example, namely the Living Example of Christ, which is one of charity and discipline. Children didn't get the message right away, demanding things from their parents and parents righteously giving in, but eventually they got the message, and became like Christ. This started with attachment parenting strategies such as co-sleeping and co-mingling. In biblical times, both women and children were nude in the house, and children slept next to mother in the nude, in skin-to-skin closeness. Older children snuggled in as well, and were carried on the back of the mother when she went to the city to buy groceries, or gathered water at a nearby stream. Again, think pales of water. True biblical parenting is very primitive in nature, in a way that can be practiced by any parent who chooses to today. This primitive closeness to children motivated them to follow the example and instructions of parents as they got older in biblical times.

The depraved and entitled parents who provoke their children to anger will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them burn in the lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death prepared for Satan and his accomplices. There is a grand investigation going on, and all who support child abuse support Satan, and all that support Satan go "down". Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

Thursday, January 27, 2022

A brief history of my advocacy

I started advocating for children's rights when I was 17, and my therapist recommended to start a children's rights blog in order to journal my lawful trauma from authoritative parents. A police investigation started surrounding a post I made documenting a family dispute, with the anti-CR giving controlling doomsday forecasts of me "turning on his family" and prompting family members that I might hurt them. My grandfather, I think, saw it for what it was - a scam.

This brief history is necessary so that the police can't claim that they installed me. *I* installed me. I put myself out there, and children's rights found me and took me under her wing. She turned out to know everything about me while waiting for me to make the first move, seeing if she could tolerate my pedophile self or not. 

If the police didn't install me, they shouldn't be getting involved in the free exchange of ideas. The anti-spanking cause will win over this country - and nothing much else is going to be different. America will remain America, but with a new law added, and more of her population included in the free exchange of ideas.

A vow of silence: Why not only pedophiles should shut up (understanding the children's rights complexion in conservative individuals)

Many people have an understanding of a reformatory pedophile, even if they claim otherwise to a pedophile who is causing trouble. Most people understand them as the silent, sheepish type of man who keeps to himself or else aids police investigations. But, why stop at pedophiles? All adults should shut up, and let the children who are their victims speak.

We live in a peacekeeping society in terms of adult responsibility. Every single adult is an abuser towards children, and every single child is a victim of adult abuse and oppression, without exception. All adults are child abusers, at some level, in some capacity, as all adults are capable of child abuse under the right/wrong conditions.

The Tenth Commandment prohibits entitlement, and is repeated in the New Testament by the Greek root word πλεονέκτης (Latin: pleonektés) and refers officially to want from children or of children to the point of imposition. However, why even want anything from children? Not wanting anything from children makes one silent, however, and I attest to that.

I myself am a quiet person in real life, meaning I easily fall silent. I am shut up by the Lord. I have taken a vow of silence, meaning by default I am on formal terms with a child, until they invite me to "break the ice" and speak to them on informal terms, meaning casual terms. I support these formalities with all children in relation to an adult except their own, whereas parent-child bonds should be casual in nature, in an exclusive way that includes only the parents, by default, as best friends to the child.

Why do children's rights adults shut up? Our parental cord in our brain is closely conflated with the vocal chords of parents. First, you don't abuse children on the speech level, and then that translates to everyone else. This creates a very formal personality that nonetheless can get on the same level as the child. 

I myself abused children through antisocial "flirting", namely by waving with a flirtatious tone, in a way that was harassment towards a child, either by pure offense or the offense of leading a child astray. I shut up and stopped interacting with children, then I started slowly withdrawing from social interaction with adults, usually in a listening type way. I am on the periphery of any social gathering, observing and noting to myself as to what is being discussed, while not having much to say myself. I used to be very casual in how I interacted with others, but now I am very formal, in a shut up, quietened type of way. I tend not to speak to people except when spoken to, and that is one small price to pay for support the rights of children. What I did was sexual harassment, and I blurted all about my child crushes all around my hometown of Reading, Pennsylvania, and a sexual harasser needs to learn to shut up, and carry a meterstick with your words as well as your actions.

I am a depraved and entitled sinner in relation to children, and am deserving of nothing from them. I am grateful for every little bit of respect and trust that a child shows me, because I don't deserve it. I deserve only disrespect and distrust from children. This attitude silences your speech, as you start demanding less from others, to the point of demanding nothing at all from anyone, asking politely for things like you would from a child.

Let the entitled parents burn in the lake of fire and torment! Repent!

Why policing attachment was the norm in the Bible

Many parents think that they have the right to order their children around and police them. This is a common misunderstanding about biblical parenting. Attachment parenting was the norm in ancient Israel and adjoining churches.

Every single parent and adult is guilty in relation to children, and is deserving of DEATH and DESTRUCTION merely for existing in relation to children, with parents being meek and shamefaced in relation to children. Parents especially are to put their children before themselves in terms of priorities, to the point of dutiful and selfless submission to children and their every need, expecting absolutely nothing in return from children or others, leading to rest and respite in the love and grace of parents. See Colossians 3:20-21 KJV:

Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord. Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they be discouraged.

The Greek root word translated "obey" is υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to secure, vulnerable rest in the love and grace of parents. Attachment parenting was the norm in biblical times, and the normative form of secure attachment was policing attachment. Policing attachment is the deepest of all forms of secure attachment, and involves resting in parents with enough trust that the child feels empowered to order the parents around. Think a child outstretching a stophand, ordering parents around as to what they need and want. Children in biblical times were demanding, and issued lawful and binding orders as to their care and needs to parents, running abusive and/or absentee parents aground, striking reverent fear and terror into parents and other adults with their vulnerability. Think pales of water being held by a mother, with a young child crying for love while nestled next to mother's bosom in swaddling blankets worn over the mother's shoulder and head, and an older child making demands as to what they want for dinner, and the mother trying her best to tend to them both, treating them in accordance to their age and developmental level, following her nature which is the Holy Spirit.

The Greek root word translated " anger" is ερεθιζο (Latin: erethizo) and refers to the slightest of offense perceived by the child, including the slightest of offensive touch or contact perceived by the child. The Apostle Paul here was uplifting the Law to Greek Christians who held onto the pagan ritual of spanking children. Greek Christians quoted Proverbs 13:24 and other verses mentioning the rod of correction, and Paul was pointing to the fact that such verses are repealed verses that reflect a punishment specific to the context - the 40 minus 1 lashes with the rod of correction. Parents throughout the Roman Empire used specific punishments specifically designated for the local culture of nation-states of Rome. The Jews and Christians were hated for being "easy" and "soft" on their children. Spanking instead comes from ancient Greece, not King Solomon. King Solomon was anti-spanking, and was referring to the 40 minus 1 lashes with the rod of correction in his Proverbs.

Children were demanding in biblical times, with children ordering around parents, demanding needs and wants from parents, with parents surrendering to the needs and redress of grievances expressed by their child, giving in and giving up. Usually, a child wants what they need, at least in so many words. If they want candy or toys in the store, it is because it comes from YOU, hence an attachment need. Yes, it comes from your money, but they don't get that at that age - they just see you, and the money coming out, and think it never ends. Either just buy it for them (candy isn't that expensive, is it?) or plan to get it another time, or else simply spend time with them if what they want is off the charts to replace one attachment need with another, more plausible need. 

Children should be expected to demand things from parents, and parents are to keep children happy. The belief in ancient Hebrew and Christian cultures was that if you didn't appease your child and keep them happy, they'd eat you up and run you aground. Parents did not get angry when children turned mean and disrespectful - they cried and accepted their helplessness with their child. Think a child with bared teeth, and a father and a mother crying, incurring the wrath of their child onto themselves. Every parent has a rope, and the end of every parent's rope in biblical times was a ball of tears, not a whip, belt, or open hand. 

The depraved and entitled parents who provoke children to anger will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them burn in the lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death prepared for Satan and his accomplices! There is a grand investigation, and if you are not on the side of children, you are not on the side of God. Catch and capture Satan, then destroy it all! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Pro-social guilty conscience - Why we are all guilty in relation to children

Many parents do not want to be seen as child abusers. There is a reason why - all adults are entitled in relation to children, in some capacity, in some form. Most adults have a guilty conscience in relation to children. I myself want to be seen as guilty in relation to children. I am a sexually entitled adult who struggles with pedophilia.

I myself fear children, but am not afraid of them. Antisocial fear of children is denoted by the Greek root word δειλός (Latin: deilos) and refers not merely to anxiety, but to guilty fear. This is when you are struck with a different fear, meaning one to hide mistakes and wrongdoing, as opposed to admitting them. 

Fear that convicts adults to admit their original sin which is tendencies to commit child abuse is ψοβός (Latin: phobos) and refers to reverent fear. This fear prompts one to open up when convicted of wrongdoing, opening up one's life to the public, hiding nothing. 

This form of fear is the prerequisite for Christian love, denoted by the Greek root word αγαπαο (Latin: agapao). It is fearing your neighbor and God in a way that prioritizes your neighbor's needs above yours, and God's needs above all else. Usually, when you serve your neighbor, you serve God, for God commands us to love our neighbor, and otherwise we are completely separated from God until the last day.

Pro-social guilty conscience is admission of fault and sin nature in relation to children, preferably whenever questioned about one's risk in relation to children, giving a pro-social honest answer about such risk, only overstating one's risk to children. It is being blatantly clear about one's capacity to harm children under the right/wrong conditions, perhaps overstating it, and then denying reassurance that "you'd make a good mother/father/caregiver". Pro-social guilty conscience is a form of pro-social understatement.

I might be a very low risk around children, and I might have my ducks in a row in terms of non-entitlement in relation to children, but why toot your own horn? Children are sacred beings, and so I am to deny my safety around children, and then deny once I get a complement, but maybe imply a little that I am not wasting away to nothing, and that I do have confidence in relation to children, but only as a low-level driving force. We all have pride at that level, but some of us not much higher. It is a shame to be an adult in the United States of America, where children have every right to complain about their status in society, and nobody else...only we shut them up, so we must shut up and allow the children to speak. I am grateful for all the changes I have made in the past few years, and the work it took to be safer around children. I am convicted to continue to do the work.

Yes, there are monsters out there. But, aren't we all monsters to children? Adults are a bunch of good old boys and girls pointing the promote finger at each other, waving back and forth like birds of a feather, with the parents being the most vocal about their parent persecution complex. I do not partake in this injustice towards American children. I shut up when they speak. I step aside when they run awry. I hold doors for children occasionally. I judge their parents, not them, for their immature struggles.

The depraved and entitled parents and adults who provoke children to anger will not inherit the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand! Let them burn in the lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

"Back talk": Why it is not a sin

Many parents think that children talking back is sinful, and that a child who talks back should be punished or reprimanded somehow. However, the Bible does not prohibit children from "talk back" to parents. Child surrender means something very different.

Every single parent and adult is guilty in relation to children, and is deserving of DEATH and DESTRUCTION merely for existing in relation to children, with parents/adults being meek and shamefaced in relation to children. Parents especially are to prioritize their children above themselves - children first, parents last - leading to dutiful and selfless submission to the child and their every vulnerable need, including attachment needs, with children resting in the love and grace of parents. See Colossians 3:20-21 KJV:

Children, obey your parents in all things, as this is well pleasing unto the Lord. Fathers, provoke not your children, lest they be discouraged.

The Greek root word translated "obey" is υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to secure, vulnerable rest in the love and grace of parents. Attachment parenting was the norm in biblical times. Think a mother holding pales of water, with her young child wrapped up in swaddling blankets, with the mother gathering water from a desert stream. The modern equivalent of this surrender? A mother wrapping up her crying toddler, holding her in swaddling blankets fresh from the dryer. Children in biblical times were allowed to talk back, and they did as a norm. The most common form of secure attachment then is policing attachment. Picture a child with an extended stophand, ordering parents around as to needs and a redress of grievances. The Fifth Commandment, for minor and dependent children, simply means children rest while parents provide for a child's every vulnerable need, including attachment needs.

The Greek root word translated " anger" is ερεθιζο (Latin: erethizo) and refers to the slightest of offense perceived by the child, including the slightest of offensive touch or contact perceived by the child. This was intended by the Apostle Paul to crack down on pro-spanking parents of Greek descent who brought the pagan ritual of spanking children into the church. Spanking does not come from the Bible, as the rod of correction was only used on ADULT children of Hebrew parents, and only in the New Testament. Spanking comes from pagan Europe, where pagan parents throughout the Roman Empire would whip or spank their children as a traditional form of punishment for their region of Rome. Punishing a child at all, however, was a violation of Jewish criminal law, and in the Old Testament, parents were hung in a bloodletting manner in what is known as chenek, then nailed to a cross after passing away for three days, as a warning for anyone who would dare provoke a child to anger. In the Early Church, these executions were seen as symbolic, but still were used as a convicting reason why never to punish a child.

Children did "talk back" in biblical times, and it was expected. Children demanded their needs and a redress of grievances, convicting their parents of their needs, being in place of God. Children demanded their needs and a redress of grievances, and parents surrendered, giving in and giving up, being bondservants to their children, paying due penance for their existence in relation to children. Children gave an order, and mother and/or father heeded command from their children. Children were demanding in biblical times, and the demanding nature of children was seen as endearing.

The depraved and entitled parents who provoke children to anger will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them burn in the lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death, which is Satan's tomb! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Why our founding family values prohibit spanking and punishment of children

Many parents think that attachment parenting will erase traditions and religion in this country. Children's rights advocates talk a good game about banning religion or making it a taboo, but chances are, our religious traditions are here to stay, minus the spanking tradition.

We are a nation of values. We are a Christian nation, founded on Judeo-Christian family values. The Bible is America's book, and the source for all of our wisdom and norms as a country. Denominations may differ as to how to interpret the Good Book, but there is a right answer, and that right answer prohibits spanking.

Parents are to prioritize their children first, and themselves last, to the point of complete dutiful and selfless submission to the every need of their child, expecting absolutely nothing in return, with children resting in the love and grace of parents. See Colossians 3:20-21 KJV:

Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord. Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they be discouraged.

The Greek root word translated "obey" is υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to secure, vulnerable rest in the love and grace of parents. Attachment parenting was the norm in biblical times, including the Early Christian context. Think a mother holding pales of water, with a young child wrapped up next to her bosom in swaddling blankets, and an older child in the nude running close alongside the mother. That is how parenting was done in biblical times. The modern equivalent? A mother holding her crying toddler to her bosom, with the toddler wrapped with swaddling blankets fresh from the dryer, with an older child, with just a shirt on, held close in her mother's hand, confiding into her about how hard school was.

The Greek root word translated " anger" is ερεθιζο (Latin: erethizo) and refers to the slightest of offense perceived by the child, including the slightest of unwanted touch or contact perceived by a child. This commandment was intended by the Apostle Paul and the surrounding legal context as prohibiting any form of punishment and control in parenting, deeming it as a grand provocation to anger, meaning kidnapping. Paul here was admonishing Greek Christians who misused the "rod verses" in Proverbs to justify their pagan custom of spanking children, whereas all seven verses of Proverbs that mention the rod are repealed verses that mention a dated legal punishment towards ADULT children - the 40 minus 1 lashes with the rod of correction. Think "Department of Corrections" for what being whipped with the rod meant then for a young adult. Spanking children does not come from the Bible, but was a pagan custom to "purify" them of all "impurity" and "unchasteness" and was part of the rituals of the Greco-Roman pagan religions, especially the Hellenistic religion. In ancient Hebrew and Christian traditions, two siblings who were getting too close to each other in terms of experimentation were kept apart, and were supervised while kept apart. Much of play for older children was vaguely sexually themed, usually in terms of attractiveness to parents and siblings.

America is on the path to a spanking ban, particularly in states such as here in Pennsylvania. The idea is to gain as much support as possible, on a grassroots level, in order to campaign for a spanking ban. Expect bans in religious institutions first. As of now, the Seventh-day Adventist churches and the Jehovah's Witnesses do not have a stance on the spanking issue, meaning you can be an attachment parenting in such churches, as long as it is kept quiet and campaigned for only outside of the church. Being one of ours is already allowed in fundamentalist denominations, but trying to convert other congregants to our parenting is banned still. Most churches are neutral on the spanking issue these days, but the question remains HOW neutral a church entity is. Some churches have anti-spanking statements. America's anti-spanking transformation will most likely work within denominational boundaries, reforming from within and from without in churches. Anti-spanking laws will only be passed as per popular demand, meaning the more support we have, the more states will ban spanking. The core of the opposition is religious in nature, but few people know that the core of the support can be religious in nature as well.

We are a Christian country, and the Bible is one of our founding documents, with the Judeo-Christian tradition being attachment parenting. We are learning about our founding values, and amending them as we learn more about who we are as Americans. Nowhere in our nation's founding values does it say to exclude a group of people just because they are under a certain magic age. Children's opinions and grievances matter, and thus society should be welcoming of that. Attachment parenting is a biblically commanded and time-honored way of relating to children, meaning being their friend, but a more responsible friend that is a shoulder to lean on, or shout into.

The depraved and entitled parents will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them burn in the lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death prepared for Satan and his accomplices, meaning the devil's tomb! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

Monday, January 24, 2022

Pro-social crying: How to deal with an oppositional and defiant child

Many parents believe in being harsh and stern with a oppositional and defiant child. Oppositional-defiance comes in many different forms. Some children are simply strong-willed, whereas others have diagnosable mental health disorders such as autism, ADHD, bipolar disorder, and even psychopathy. Crying helps in dealing with especially the worst of defiant behavior.

Pro-social crying is allowing yourself to produce tears to your child, not away from your child to a professional, but to your child, right in front of them. Defiant and behaviorally challenged children have existed throughout history, but in biblical times, they were a source of tears, not anger, in biblical parents.

Tears mean total surrender - as your child throws objects, swears at you, and so forth. The Greek root word translated "love" is αγαπαο (Latin: agapao) and refers to prioritizing your child's needs above yours to the point of surrender, and the ultimate surrender to an oppositional and defiant child is breaking down in tears, much like the Early Christians did with their children when they were mean and hurtful to parents. Children rest in the love and grace of parents, for better or worse for the parents, but for the every need of one's child. See Colossians 3:20-21 KJV:

Children, obey your parents in all things, for this is well pleasing unto the Lord. Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they be discouraged.

The Greek root word translated "obey" is υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to secure, vulnerable rest in the love and grace of parents. This means allowance to express upset to the fullest extend necessary and possible to parents. If you need to scream at the top of your lungs to demonstrate your emotions to parents, parents should be a safe place to deposit that negative energy. Children in biblical times were demanding. Think a mother holding pales of water, and a child screaming and crying while she nestles the other in her bosom, with the child then venturing in the accusatory in terms of language choice, and them the profanity, and at the end of every Christian parent's rope then was a ball of tears, not a whip, a cane, or even an open hand. It was a parent's surrender, acknowledging their helplessness and cornered state in relation to their raging child. Children had the right of judgment towards parents, though parents couldn't judge in return, but had to accept the judgment of children and try to be better for next time.

The Greek root word translated " anger" is ερεθιζο (Latin: erethizo) and refers to the slightest of offense perceived by the child, including the slightest of unwanted touch or contact with a child. This commandment was intended by the Apostle Paul and the surrounding legal context to abolish all forms of punishment and control in the Christian churches of God in the 1st Century, as punishing or controlling a child was seen as kidnapping under the Law. Spanking does not come from the Bible, as all the verses in Proverbs depicting it are repealed verses, as whipping referred to a dated legal punishment that only existed in the Old Testament. Hebrews 12:6 mentions "scourging" but in a figurative sense that describes enduring hardship. Spanking children is a pagan tradition used to purify children who behaved in an "unchaste" and "impure" manner. The Judeo-Christian tradition then was to keep siblings who experimented sexually with each other separate in a supervised way, and otherwise leaving children develop naturally, as they will according to stages of development.

A child raging against you and your leadership should make any parent cry their eyes out. Children never take advantage of their parents' tears, but are stopped in their tracks usually by seeing their parents gulping and crying after their outburst. This is how it was in the Bible - children had a few stern words with their parents, and then the parents cry their eyes out. "How could my child be so disrespectful" is a question to cry over, not battle your child over. Give up the fight, and give into tears. Otherwise, you risk judgment from your child by battling them in the exchange. 

The depraved and entitled parents will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them burn in the lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Let them descend into the abyss of everlasting fire and torment, suffering God's Wrath forever and ever! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

Teaching Christian manners to children: Why not to punish children in the process

Most parents want to teach their children manners. Most think children can grasp the concept of manners. Eventually, but not immediately, meaning children are naturally impolite, and the idea is appease the nature of the child, not punish it or forcefully meld it like clay. Children aren't as malleable as you might think.

Common mannerisms such as saying "please" and "thank you" come from the Christian doctrine of non-entitlement, which is the framework of all our norms in this country. As a parent, you are entitled to nothing from your child, and are to be grateful for everything in relation to your child.

The Greek root word denoting entitlement in the New Testament is πλεονέκτης (Latin: pleonektés) and refers to parental entitlement in this instance, meaning officially, wanting things from children to the point of imposition. However, merely wanting something from a child out of place may lead to entitlement, in which case it is sin nonetheless. 

When we want something from someone as a society, we get around the non-entitlement requirement by saying "please" and "thank you". The only way around this is a lawful and binding order, meaning a plainly stated order that is backed up by shunning of some type. In marital relationships, this means the silent treatment, where the husband does not speak to the wife until she fesses up. Parents are simply leaders, not heads of their children, and have no lawful authority over them until they come of age and move out.

Parents, when they ask something of their child, are to say "please" to allow the child to decide for themselves whether to listen to parents, and then "thank you" to show gratitude. Each word in the English language serves a purpose when we can't get gratuity any other way but by righteous pleading.

Children take after their parents most times, and thus the more polite you are towards a child, the more polite they will be towards others. Politeness in anyone is based on gratitude. Gratitude is an undeserving feeling of satisfaction, where you have everything you want, and want nothing in return. The more you want from others, the more entitled you are. The goal is to want nothing from anyone by default, and be grateful for what you have, and if you want something from your child, ask politely and do not demand anything from a child.

The depraved and ungrateful parents who provoke children to anger will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them burn in the lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

Pro-social listening: Why reflective listening is best for children

Many parents believe their role is to give orders and instructions to parents. This is a common attitude of parents in America, due to our long-standing false belief that spanking is in our traditions. It isn't. Children need reflective listening from parents.

Every single parent and adult is guilty in relation to children, and is deserving of DEATH and DESTRUCTION merely for existing in relation to children, with parents/adults being meek and shamefaced in relation to children, silent and shut up at the child's cue and consent. Parents especially are to prioritize their child's needs above themselves to the point of dutiful and selfless submission, expecting absolutely nothing in return from children or others, with children resting in the love and grace of parents. See Colossians 3:20-21 KJV:

Children, obey your parents in all things, for this is well pleasing unto the Lord. Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they be discouraged.

The Greek root word translated "obey" is υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to secure, vulnerable rest in the love and grace of parents. This means listening and validation on the part of the parents, with children expressing vulnerable emotion, and parents listening and validating. Reflective listening is restating the gist of what children confide into you, in order to make sure you are listening, and to them to know you are listening. Think pales of water gathered by a mother from a desert stream, with a child wrapped up in swaddling clothes next to the mother's bosom, and a naked school-age child of about 8 in tow, with the mother wearing head-garb while holding her young child to her bosom. That was it was with the Early Christians, and how they raised their children. The modern equivalent? A young child crying at home, the floor being a mess, with the child then being wrapped up in swaddling blankets fresh from the dryer, with the young child being held close at home, and two girls running with just a shirt on and nothing else. Children then went up to parents, relaxed in just their shirt, venting about their day at school, crying and being reassured by parents...This is how God wants you to parent your children.

The Greek root word translated " anger" is ερεθιζο (Latin: erethizo) refers to the slightest of personal offense perceived by the child, including the slightest of unwanted touch, with this commandment being intended by the Apostle Paul to prohibit all punishment and control in parenting. the Law itself long forbade punishing or controlling children as kidnapping, which was a capital offense. However, Greek Christians in the Colossian church, among other churches, misused the book of Proverbs to justify their pagan custom of spanking children. The seven verses in the book of Proverbs depicting the rod of correction are repealed verses, as they reference a dated form of judicial corporal punishment unique to the Old Testament - the 40 minus 1 lashes with the rod of correction. Only ADULT children got whipped, and only as a summary punishment for a capital offense - and never in the Early Church. Striking or rebuking your neighbor outside of court was illegal under the Law (see Matt. 5:21-22), and minor children under the age of majority could not be taken to court for any reason, as they were assumed not to be able to form the level of entitlement necessary for a moral offense to be rightly perceived, which requires foreknowledge of the Law, which is assumed to be absent in anyone under the age of 18 in today's society, but was 13 in the Early Christian society. Wherever the age of majority stands is where you can presume moral legal competence in children, by my denominational beliefs, which are Anabaptist in nature...You are not to exchange with your child, but to care for them and protect them, as a caregiver and not a lawgiver.

Reflective listening is a tool used by therapists to help understand better what their clients need. The idea is to restate, in a reassuring way, what the issue is, restating the gist of what the child wants, both to make sure you heard right what they really want, and to reassure them that you are listening and not simply tuning them out.

Example of reflective listening

Child: I hate school. I know I am going to get a big fat F on my report card.

Parent: So you are concerned about your grades? What makes you think you are going to get an F?

Child: Everything's so hard, and confuses me.

Parents: I had trouble in one class - math - and I flunked a lot of math courses. Don't be too hard on yourself.

Reflective listening REFLECTS what the person being listened to is saying TO THEM in order to demonstrate, as the listener, that you in fact are listening. Parent leadership under biblical law confers that parents be good listeners, and learn to listen to their children more than talk to them, or at them to be more precise about the child's perceptions. Young children will cry, and may need something physical in terms of reassurance, such as swaddling blankets fresh out of the dryer.

The depraved and entitled parents and adults who provoke children to anger through punishment and control will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them burn in the lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death, prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Let them descend into the Hell of fire and torment, which is God's Wrath being imposed upon His creation, forever and ever! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

Sunday, January 23, 2022

Why pedophilia is not a medical excuse for abuse

Many people are afraid of normalizing pedophilia even as a mental health condition because of one thing - it could "be used as an excuse for abuse". I support identity rights for pedophiles, but not as an excuse for abuse, but as a way to assert yourself as not an abuser, as most pedophiles are the last person to abuse a child.

Most pedophiles do not sexually abuse children, and most are youth rights supporters. 3 out of 4 pedophiles are abstinent from their sex drive, and most that I have polled are anti-spanking. With this amount of data supporting the non-offending trends among pedophiles, being a pedophile should not be an excuse for abuse, at all.

Pedophilia is immature sexuality expressed as age-based attractions to children. Usually, pedophilia is co-morbid with some form of ASD or ADHD, and in males, the immaturity associated with developmental delays and disorders is most likely expressed in terms of age-based attractions to children. Pedophilia is simply arrested sexual development associated with a developmental disorder. Pedophiles are far more likely to be victims of crime and abuse than perpetrators of such.

The idea is for the innocent, non-offending pedophiles to identify, and the rest to remain submerged, with them identifying as parents or adults instead as an excuse. Predatory pedophiles who abuse their own children tend to either misuse children's rights ideas or support the parents in everything, with most predators being parent narcissists.

Pedophiles and adults attracted to children in general sexually assault and rape for the same reasons adults are raped and sexually assaulted - it was the opportune thing to do, due to recklessness involving the perpetrator's chosen location. All a pedophile has to do to avoid sexually abusing a child is pinpoint where they would offend a child, and avoid it, escaping from imminent, emergency situations where a child is in imminent risk of harm from them, and they recognize it. A rapist of any degree simply gets themselves into a situation that they could have just egressed from, but they instead chose to take up the opportunity to sexually abuse that child.

Abusing a child is a choice, and a choice most pedophiles avoid with ease. I myself am a pedophile of the non-offending sort, and the more I have avoided situations that were bad for me and the child, the easier it has gotten to avoid such a situation. What I did was pro-social hi/lo-tide and the tide is receding slowly, meaning I am almost at the point where I can visit a child's house, but I am not quite there and seek to meet children only in a neutral location within public visage. I still, however, feel convicted to only speak to children only on their cue and consent, when they offer to "break the ice". 

Pedophilia is not a medical excuse for abuse. I can just choose not to abuse children, and then everything flows with that. Most child sexual abuse is not an accident - it is a choice. If you identify by being "in the wrong place, at the wrong time" you are choosing to abuse, because you could have just left. Let the depraved adult fornicators of children BURN in HELL for ALL ETERNITY, suffering in the lake of fire in eternal torment! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

Parental entitlement: Why we all pose a risk to children

Many parents believe only a few people "are the kind to abuse a child". Most people don't want to believe they have a stake in the abuse of children, and thus point the finger. Enough with the pointer finger at others. It is about time we as adults blamed ourselves.

Parental entitlement is wanting things in return for being a parent. It is denoted in the New Testament by the Greek root word πλεονέκτης (Latin: pleonektés) and refers to want to the point of imposition in relation to children, which is what we are all capable of as adults. Abuse is when the child is offended by the imposed want.

What is the solution? Pro-social oppression, in self-applied exemplary format. Presume guilt in your every motive in relation to a child, with the child's perception of your motives being a guide for understanding your own motives. I myself am guilty until proven innocent in relation to a child, meaning I, by default, mean harm in relation to a child, because I might just mean that harm if I don't check my motives.

Children have been oppressed for thousands of years. Now, it is time for adult-kind to be shut up and shut down, finally heeding by the cries of our children, being convicted of those cries in a meek and shamefaced manner. Adults are to accept the role of oppression that children once held, thereby being servile to children just as children were rendered servile to the needs of adults for so long. Know how evil and wicked you as an adult are in relation to children, and know that they owe you nothing, with you instead owing them everything you can.

I myself am a depraved abuser of children merely for existing in relation to children, and I have committed the moral crime of antisocial "flirt" in relation to children. It may not be a physical crime, but it is a moral crime, and I turn myself in to Christ and all children everywhere for the harassment of my cousin and other children. I am not to even speak to a child now, and that only changes when a child opens up the door for interaction with me, and I see that interaction as acceptable. Most of the time, I feel the need to brush off the interaction politely. Aren't we all abusers of children as adults? Don't we all sometimes lash out and strike out at children, quite sadly and unfortunately? 

It's time adults took responsibility for their actions. It's called individual responsibility. Get with it.

What is love for a child? What is non-entitlement in parenting?

Many parents think they love their children. Very few do by the biblical standard of love, which runs deep. Love is a verb, not mere affection towards your child. It is a selfless act of kindness bestowed to children. Love is not simply good feelings for a child, but taking up a duty to care for and protect a child.

Every single adult is guilty in relation to children, and is deserving of DEATH and DESTRUCTION merely for existing in relation to children, and are to be meek and shamefaced in relation to children, convicted of our guilt that is the sin nature of adult-kind. Every single parent should place the needs of children above their own, to the point of dutiful and selfless submission to children and their every need, expecting absolutely nothing in return.

Expecting anything in return for an act of charity towards children is entitlement, which is denoted by the Greek root word πλεονέκτης (Latin: pleonektés). Entitlement here is an expectation that you will be recognized and rewarded for your good works towards children, when nobody deserves recognition just for doing the right thing. You are nobody special just because you are a parent.

Love for a child is giving without receiving, meaning you care for and submit to your child, and expect absolutely nothing from your child. If children are treating you with rotten disrespect, maybe something is wrong with you, not them.

The depraved and entitled parents will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them burn in the lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Let them descend into the abyss that is the Hell of fire and torment, suffering God's Wrath forever and ever! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

"Honor parents": Why the Fifth Commandment does not justify punishment of children

Many parents today punish their children, and the main way they make excuses for their behavior is the Fifth Commandment. Most American Christians do not understand the context of the Fifth 
Commandment. Otherwise, they wouldn't be citing it as an excuse for child abuse.

The Fifth Commandment reads in Exodus 20:12 KJV:

Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee.

This commandment ultimately laid out the framework for a list of laws prohibiting elder abuse. Elder abuse was a problem in ancient Israel. It was rampant, with children sending parents on their merry way, cursing them with gaslighting curses, and also beating them up and taking advantage of them. This commandment came before the rash in elder abuse, in order to give the religious authorities tools to deal with the elder abuse epidemic then. Before the parent protection laws, parents could easily be blamed for their own abuse in court. Simply talking back is not dishonoring parents, and neither is swearing at them. "Curse parents" means specifically a gaslighting curse.

Every single parent and adult is guilty in relation to children, and deserving of DEATH and DESTRUCTION merely for existing in relation to children, with parents/adults being meek and shamefaced in relation to parents, with silence at the cue and consent of children. Parents especially are to esteem their child above all else, prioritizing their child before even themselves, to the point of dutiful and selfless submission to children and their every need, expecting absolutely nothing in return from children or others. Children should be allowed to rest in the love and grace of parents. See Colossians 3:20-21 KJV:

Children, obey your parents in all things, for this is well pleasing unto the Lord. Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they be discouraged.

The Greek root word translated "obey" is υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to secure, vulnerable rest in the love and grace of parents. Attachment parenting was the norm in biblical times. Think pales of water held by a mother gathering water from a nearby river, with a young child wrapped up in swaddling blankets, feeling warm and cozy in the bosom of mothers. This is how God wants parents to raise their children. This scenery depicts it all. The modern equivalent? Holding a tired child close to you in the supermarket, wrapping them up with warm swaddling blankets fresh from the dryer, with the child being warm in the bosom of the mother. Children are to rest securely in parents, in the form of policing attachment, meaning children give orders as to what they need, and parents give in and give up, surrendering to the needs of the child. The Fifth Commandment, for children, means children should rest in the love and grace of parents, then honoring their example when they are older, wanting to be like parents. Simply "talking back" is not a sin against parents. Striking parents when they have not struck out at you as a child is disrespect of parents, as it is elder abuse. Rest in parents often involves children being held close and snuggled by parents, with children feeling safe and secure, surrendering into the loving arms of parents, telling parents anything and everything under the sun, with parents being confessors for the child, hearing their children out in confidence, with children petitioning for needs and a redress of grievances in a policing way. Children owe nothing in return to parents.

The Greek root word translated " anger" is ερεθιζο (Latin: erethizo) and refers to any offenses perceived by the child, meaning the slightest of personal offenses perceived by the child, including the slightest of unwanted touch perceived by the child. The Apostle Paul intended this command as a statement of Christian love in the negative, and as a ban on corporal and other forms of punishment inflicted upon children. The Greek Christians in the Colossian church brought their pagan custom of spanking children into the church, and justified it using the book of Proverbs. Paul gave the commandment to not provoke children to anger as the commandment to love your neighbor in the negative, telling the Greek Christians to see the big picture - that your child is your neighbor, and deserves the same respect as any neighbor. The seven verses that depict the rod of correction are repealed verses, as such verses depict a dated form of judicial corporal punishment - the 40 minus 1 lashes with the rod of correction, which was a punishment for ADULT children of Hebrew parents as a last warning before the death penalty was imposed on the offender, as children could not be found culpable for crimes they committed. The Early Christian church ordinances had no concept of any capital or corporal punishment.

The Fifth Commandment does not mean a child has no right to talk back to parents. Child submission is a restful submission, and basically is surrender into the loving arms of parents, feeling safe to express oneself freely, state what is on your mind, and with parents listening to and validating their child's concerns and redress of grievances. Surrender to parents is secure, vulnerable rest and respite in the care and love of parents. Parents are to be caregivers, not lawgivers, and children are to rest in their care, and if children feel insecure, the parent must be doing something wrong. All the Fifth Commandment means for children is that the burden of proof is on parents, so that children are motivated to honor them later in life by emulating their example.

The depraved and entitled parents who provoke children to anger will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them burn in the lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Let them descend into the Hell of fire and torment, suffering God's Wrath for all eternity! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!



Righteous co-sleeping: Why God wants parents to sleep next to their children

Many parents think that co-sleeping is the irresponsible choice for a parent to make. This is a common attitude from American parents. Most ...