Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Pro-social guilty conscience - Why we are all guilty in relation to children

Many parents do not want to be seen as child abusers. There is a reason why - all adults are entitled in relation to children, in some capacity, in some form. Most adults have a guilty conscience in relation to children. I myself want to be seen as guilty in relation to children. I am a sexually entitled adult who struggles with pedophilia.

I myself fear children, but am not afraid of them. Antisocial fear of children is denoted by the Greek root word δειλός (Latin: deilos) and refers not merely to anxiety, but to guilty fear. This is when you are struck with a different fear, meaning one to hide mistakes and wrongdoing, as opposed to admitting them. 

Fear that convicts adults to admit their original sin which is tendencies to commit child abuse is ψοβός (Latin: phobos) and refers to reverent fear. This fear prompts one to open up when convicted of wrongdoing, opening up one's life to the public, hiding nothing. 

This form of fear is the prerequisite for Christian love, denoted by the Greek root word αγαπαο (Latin: agapao). It is fearing your neighbor and God in a way that prioritizes your neighbor's needs above yours, and God's needs above all else. Usually, when you serve your neighbor, you serve God, for God commands us to love our neighbor, and otherwise we are completely separated from God until the last day.

Pro-social guilty conscience is admission of fault and sin nature in relation to children, preferably whenever questioned about one's risk in relation to children, giving a pro-social honest answer about such risk, only overstating one's risk to children. It is being blatantly clear about one's capacity to harm children under the right/wrong conditions, perhaps overstating it, and then denying reassurance that "you'd make a good mother/father/caregiver". Pro-social guilty conscience is a form of pro-social understatement.

I might be a very low risk around children, and I might have my ducks in a row in terms of non-entitlement in relation to children, but why toot your own horn? Children are sacred beings, and so I am to deny my safety around children, and then deny once I get a complement, but maybe imply a little that I am not wasting away to nothing, and that I do have confidence in relation to children, but only as a low-level driving force. We all have pride at that level, but some of us not much higher. It is a shame to be an adult in the United States of America, where children have every right to complain about their status in society, and nobody else...only we shut them up, so we must shut up and allow the children to speak. I am grateful for all the changes I have made in the past few years, and the work it took to be safer around children. I am convicted to continue to do the work.

Yes, there are monsters out there. But, aren't we all monsters to children? Adults are a bunch of good old boys and girls pointing the promote finger at each other, waving back and forth like birds of a feather, with the parents being the most vocal about their parent persecution complex. I do not partake in this injustice towards American children. I shut up when they speak. I step aside when they run awry. I hold doors for children occasionally. I judge their parents, not them, for their immature struggles.

The depraved and entitled parents and adults who provoke children to anger will not inherit the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand! Let them burn in the lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

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