Sunday, January 30, 2022

Individual responsibility for adults attracted to children

Child sexual abuse is a common form of child abuse, with 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 6 boys being sexually victimized before age 18. Pedophilia is parental sexual attachment to children under age 14, with ephebophilia parental sexual attachment to children age 14-18. Most people think of sexual abuse prevention in terms of "enabling" a perpetrator. The fact of the matter is that adults have choices, and sexual abuse is usually a rash decision that is situational in nature by adults.

I am for stronger penalties for child sexual abusers, but not pedophiles. If you abused a child sexually in the Old Testament, you were burnt alive at the stake in the case of a female victim, and stoned to death in the case of a male victim. Why? Pedophiles can do better. Cuff 'em and lock 'em up, because most pedophiles are predestined as victims of crime and abuse, not perpetrators of such. Child molesters make pedophiles look bad, and they are usually the ones hating and oppressing pedophiles, not trauma survivor. I am a pedophile survivor, meaning I survived 16 brutal years of abuse protected by the law, fully aware of my abuse, with nowhere to run and nowhere to hide, and also with no hotline or number to call to get out of a domestic violence situation.

How does most child sexual abuse occur? A choice. A choice usually to be in a certain location where abuse can occur. A choice not to egress from said situation when they easily could. A common excuse of those who sexually offend children is "I was in the wrong place, at the wrong time". Why were you even there to begin with? Why were you drinking so much? Why were you smoking so much weed? Why didn't you make something up to get out of babysitting or caring for the children? Why not just say "I will NOT be alone with a child" which is a proper adult choice to make, especially if you are a man?

Who brought on the sexual assault or rape of a child? Nobody but the perpetrator themselves. Nobody else is responsible for "keeping them at bay" or "not enabling them". Only the perpetrator is at fault, and nobody else. No child deserves to be sexually abused, even if they were in a "flimsy" location themselves. A sexual abuser of children is a lone wolf usually, usually family or friends of family, and usually, they get into a situation that is opportune for sexually offending a child, have poor boundaries, and with those poor boundaries, sexually assault or rape a child. 

To understand the boundaries part, know that nobody has inherently poor boundaries. Self-control is part of executive functioning, which is a core concept in understand autism, whereas most sexual abusers have strong autistic traits and diminished IQs. When they get alone with a child, they fall apart due to lack of accountability. The solution for them is just not to be alone with a child, and to channel those sexual desires elsewhere. In the Early Church, they recommended masturbation as a means to re-channel sexual desires away from a real life child. You can be very astute with boundaries in one setting, while slowly acclimating yourself to crossing boundaries with children, to the point of rape perhaps, and that gradual acclimation is what grooming is from the perpetrator's perspective. Most child sexual abuse is a domiciliary peacekeeper, meaning it is a part of the depraved person that comes out only inside the home, usually towards a specific child that was "chosen" in some way.

I myself have a jurisdictional peacekeeper as a pedophile, meaning I was an antisocial "flirt" at my local swimming pool. I either went right up to young girls and asked for their number, or else simply flirted with them. I held back by making it a point not to interact with a child unless addressed first by the child, basically imposing a no-speech rule. Lately, I have found it helpful not to speak much at all unless necessary. Home life is rather quiet at my house. In most settings, I have no problems keeping my distance from children, but in one setting, I felt acclimated to flirt with young girls as young as 9. In my case, I can be in the given location safely. Many times, it isn't safe to be at the given location at all. If it is a bathroom when they are bathing or showering, or their bedroom when they are getting dressed, or a sleepover where your child's friends might be in a state of undress at times, maybe you shouldn't be there. Maybe you should go to your OWN room and treat yourself with sexual fantasy about what must be happening behind the door where, for example, your daughter and her friends are changing into pajamas. This is an issue most men have, by the way, with any girl who has hit puberty, but especially girls in their mid to late teens, where today they look pretty much like adults due to better nourishment when they were young.

I myself hold that I am a depraved sinner in relation to children. Sex is my self-interest in relation to children. It doesn't have to be a bad thing to have this self-interest, but it isn't a good thing either, for sure. The goal is for that self-interest to stay self-interest, and not become adult sexual entitlement. My self-interest is wanting sex with a child, but I keep it in a box as a fantasy, where it isn't entitlement. Sexual entitlement is want to the point of taking the first steps to sexually victimize a child, meaning once the fornication is imposed on the child, every choice I would have made beforehand would have come into question. I have policies about even speaking to children without their cue and consent, and striving to simply enjoy their presence out and about. So, if I sexually assaulted a child, which I gauge would be through heavy petting, the mere choice to interact with the child in any way would be a defiled choice, and part of the fornication.

Let the depraved and defiled adult fornicators of children BURN in the lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death, prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Repent! 

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2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
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