Thursday, September 30, 2021

Why I am guilty for being an adult (and so is every adult)

Many parents believe they are not guilty, and that only small minorities of adults are the risk. The fact of the matter is that you can get any adult to commit any form of abuse, pretty much, under the right/wrong conditions. No adult truly means well around children, as we all have sinned against them, as to God.

I am depraved and entitled adult in relation to a child, and am deserving of punishment merely for existing in a group of people that has kept children down since time immemorial. I hated adults as a child as my oppressor. Now I am my oppressor, so I hate myself and loathe my sin nature in relation to children, and am not a good adult. I do not mean well in relation to children, and thus am atoning and paying penance by advocating for children, whom I have sexually pestered - and even objectified with my gaze on a few occasions (antisocial "pest"/"leer")

I am being investigated, as is my whole organization and platform, due to a valid complaint of antisocial "rough-play" from my cousin, who now feels compelled by evil forces to be silent against me, when I want a confrontation, and I want to lose because I deserve to be confronted, and I am grateful that I am not being confronted after all this.

Every single adult is guilty merely for existing, and so I admit my sin guilt in relation to a child, and surrender to God through them, hating myself and my nature merely for existing as an adult. I submit to pro-social oppression from children for my existence, meaning I support adults being put in the ditch by children, righteously enslaved to them like they have been enslaved to adults for far too long, tipping the scales, with adults giving up their power and control over children.

I am evil in relation to a child, and I realize this, and how does this come out in person? Good Christian manners, meaning hands behind my back, or else folded when sitting down and sharing a restaurant with them. It is a quiet that shows reverent respect for children, as I have reverent fear for their expressed and implied needs, meaning their every need, and know they need me to leave them alone, in peace. 

I model a good attitude towards children, and am a judge. It says in 1 Corinthians 5:11 KJV:

But now I have written unto you not to keep company, that any man that is called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolator, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner: with one an no not to eat.

The Greek root word translated "covetous" refers to entitlement, and is πλεονέκτης (Latin: pleonektés) and refers to parental entitlement, namely referring to the wicked nature of adult-kind, meaning wanting things from children, and haven't we all wanted things from a child before, that they were unwilling to give us due to their mood, upset, or immaturity? That want is what is defined as a sin nature. Parental entitlement can be a crime leading to all crimes against children under Divine Law, meaning wanting things from children, or for children to do things, to the point of seeking to impose said want onto a child, with any offense perceived being abuse (Col. 3:21; Eph. 6:4). How about we all, as adults, be convicted of our wicked, evil nature, making ourselves aware of it, and centering it nonetheless, hating ourselves in order to love our children. Let the entitled parents burn and descend into the lake of fire and burning sulfur!

Pedophilia: Mental illness or sexual orientation?

Many pedophiles in the United States think they have "a sexual orientation, and not a mental illness", meaning they don't have any disorder whatsoever from pedophilia. I disagree that it is only a sexual orientation, on child safety grounds. I see my disorder as entirely different.

There is a difference between sexual orientation and sexual identity. Anything can be a sexual orientation, meaning anyone can be attracted to anything. A sexual orientation is a variant of sexuality, usually ultimately determined by brain wiring and positioning. Pedophilia is centered in the parental lobe of the brain, meaning pedophiles are parents to every child they see, and can also get emotionally involved with a child they don't even know. I know I have felt panic attacks in the past when a parent as much as raised their voice to me.

Pedophilia is a mental illness, meaning a form of parental sexual aggression directed towards an unfair target. It is not a sin to be mentally ill, nor is it a crime, therefore being a pedophile is no sin and no crime. Pedophilia itself is not a moral subject, but a medical one, in terms of mental health labels in terms of self-diagnosis.

Anything can be a sexual orientation, but why announce it as a sexual orientation? Why not just say "I struggle with pedophilia as a mental disorder" like I do. See how much more sympathy you get that way. 

I myself find being a pedophile to be no big deal, meaning it is my normal. I sometimes hold my nose and plunge into fantasy, and otherwise am aware that I am capable of sexual fantasy about children, finding young girls attractive when I see them in public, or in catalogue ads.

I have no sexual identity, meaning I only have a clinical identity that serves that purpose. I identify as a pedophile, viscerally, as good/neutral, but identify clinically as bad/neutral. Pedophilia is a bad thing, because it is pointed at a child. It denotes, as a medicalizing term, a form of adult sexual entitlement when defended as an act towards a child, or else it is bad because it could lead to entitlement.

Pedophilia is not a recognized mental health label in this country, and the goal of my advocacy on this issue as a pro-pedophile children's rights advocate is to promote the label as a diagnosed and self-diagnosed label for both children and adults, with pedophilia being the newest and most improved label coming out. 

I am actually very much for labeling children with mental health disorders, and that is because it is not a crime or a sin to have a mental health label, or to struggle with mental illness. It is not weak to admit you are in pain. It should not even be a shame for a child to self-diagnose or be diagnosed as a pedophile, as we give labels meaning by choice. So we are afraid of the "word" pedophile? All I see is a bunch of letters, and what that combination of letters mean. Apart from that, I choose the connotation, and usually, I think waiting room or medical things. Maybe ambulance driver and suicide attempt, at the worst. Pro-pedophile means not stigmatizing the label. All it means to me is that I am attracted to children, and it helps me figure out the rest, including how to control it (which requires a certain level of awareness).

In reality, it isn't the pedophiles abusing children, meaning most are non-offending in that they don't offend children with their behavior. Non-pedophiles are far more of a risk around children. Think of a pedophile as a guy who fetishizes childhood on the sexual level, and doesn't want to grow up. Those, in fact, are the majority of pedophiles. A children's rights pedophile never wanted to be a child, because they perceived abuse and discrimination from adults as it was happening, thus they hate the world and conflate it with "my love". I myself am that type of pedophile, and I cope by choosing not to project any connotations onto children, assuming ignorance around them. As for the age of consent? I steamroller through any pro-contact beliefs by advocating against my self-interest, as I know it is just wrong to feel that way, and that it is entitlement. I don't know what they want, apart from the fact that they don't appreciate abuse, and I see it all around. Everyone at VirPed presumably is a virtuous pedophile, whereas I am not. I am a very wicked and evil adult by my very nature, by my very existence, and I must keep paying due penance for my existence as a member of an angry mob that has oppressed children, including me being a sexual oppressor of children merely for pestering them. I am grateful for their forgiveness, and demand nothing in return.

Who is this angry mob? Every single adult. Pedophiles might be an exception. The most common form of abuse committed by a pedophile is antisocial "leering", which can either be a sexual offense here in Pennsylvania when committed within a family home, or else a summary offense, meaning either harassment or disorderly conduct. 

Discipline in parenting: Why parents need it (not children)

Many parents believe in disciplining their child, usually through punishment of some sort. However, discipline means teaching, of a chastened up way, and thus parents need to learn to behave, as children follow the example of parents in everything, for good or for bad.

It says in Ephesians 6:1-4 KJV:

Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. Honor thy father and mother, as this is the first commandment with promise; That it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long upon the earth. And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.

The Greek root word translated "nurture" is παιδεία (Latin: paideia) and refers here to the chastening of the Lord, meaning centering oneself in a way that sets a good example for children, chastening up oneself by doing the opposite of your entitled aggressive drives as a parent, turning them inwards, forcing oneself to show compassionate empathy to a child who is upset or frustrated, bearing the brunt, thus imparting a disciplined example, lovingly encouraging strictness in older children instead of enforcing it. Strictness with oneself as a parent is charring oneself as a parent by knowing your evil nature, then purifying yourself by choosing to act against that nature for the greater good, meaning not punish a child at all. This all serves as a disciplined, chastened up example for children to follow, with parents being the primary role models. The Greek root word translated "admonition" is νουθεσία (Latin: nouthesia) and literally translates to "warning" and is the admonition of the Lord. Sometimes, children are in unsafe situations, perhaps during free play, that they need to be warned that they are endangering themselves, sometimes physically by running into the street, possibly eloping if they are autistic. A warning is basically the word "no" in its proper order, which should be rare, as children and parents should work together for a compromise. The Greek root word translated " wrath" is παροργίζο (Latin: parorgizo) and refers to the moral count of provoking one's neighbor to anger, which is a form of theft in the Old Testament, uplifted explicitly here in order to crack down on corporal punishment of children, and other forms of punishment. Ancient Jewish culture, including 1st Century Christian culture, was attachment-based in nature. Greco-Roman culture was punitive with children, with the Greeks and the Romans both having customs that punished children for misdeeds such as "effeminacy" and "unchastity".

The Greek root word translated "obey" is υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to secure, vulnerable rest and trust in parents, coming from sacrifice for one's child, in the spirit that Christ sacrificed for His children; taking up the cross for one's child, in the spirit that Christ sacrificed for one's child, expecting absolutely nothing in return...and then children rest in the sacrificial, martyring example of parents, showing gratitude and thanksgiving for one's parents by following their example. The Greek root word translated υπακουο ultimately uplifts a traditional biblical context on parenting that is attachment-based in nature, with intimacy and closeness to mothers even as older children being to the level of nudity, with mothers co-sleeping and sleeping next to their children, cuddling and snuggling, with the father foreshadowing with his staff and rod, protecting his family, not punishing them, providing for them as a breadwinner. Secure attachment is a must in parenting, which feels like tagging along with your parents, in a compelling yet comforting way, as even an adult child of a parent who used attachment

Parents are the ones who need discipline, not children, and the reason why is simple - parents have to set a good example, and goodness in Christianity means discipline. So lose the cell phone, put down the remote, and spend some time with your children, modeling compassionate empathy to them by showing it to them. Be selfless as a parent, sacrificing yourself for children like the good Lord sacrificed for you on the cross, not expecting anything in return, just like Christ denied gifts when He rose on the Third Day.

The depraved and entitled parents who set a poor example for their children will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them suffer and rot in the lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Let them descend forever and ever into eternal Hell-fire, being tormented for all eternity, with God turning His back on them. Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

Lying in children: Why parents are to blame

Many parents deal with it almost daily. They cannot believe a word coming out of their children's mouth. Their child lies through the wazoo. But, why do they lie? They have something to hide. But, they hide for a reason - to avoid persecution. 

Children lie due to the fact that punishment doesn't work. It only teaches children how to lie to get out of trouble, by creating that survival need. Usually, either the children that lie the most or are truthful the most are the ones arrested by the juvenile division of your local law enforcement agency (LEA). I myself was a truthful teenager, to the point of speaking my own mind, to the point of saying insensitive things that offended others, or else engaging in an insensitive course of conduct that offended others. I was an offense/offended narcissist, meaning I offended others, but couldn't take it in return, meaning a snowflake. I would instead hide intent when I wanted to, say, visit a girl's house, and since I always told the truth, people never suspected I would omit anything. Other children deal with things differently, and lie in order to get out of trouble. So, why should they be in trouble anyway?

It says in Colossians 3:20-21 KJV:

Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well-pleasing unto the Lord. Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they become discouraged.

The Greek root word translated "obey" is υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to secure, vulnerable rest in the love and grace of parents, being able to share anything and everything under the sun with parents. This is an environment where parents sacrifice for their children, in the spirit that Christ sacrificed for His children; taking up the cross for one's children, in the spirit that Christ sacrificed for His children, martyring oneself for one's children in all things, expecting absolutely nothing in return, just as Christ wanted nothing in return when Rising on the Third Day...and then children rest in the love and grace of parents, and can tell parents anything, expecting no punishment in return. The Greek root word υπακουο ultimately uplifts the attachment parenting traditions of ancient Israel, where children as old as age 3 were seen as infants, and were treated as such, being breastfed as such. Child nudity was legal everywhere, and was seen as a sign of vulnerability, with mothers being nude in the house alongside the children. Secure attachment was very close in ancient Judeo-Christian culture, to the level of nudity. That was the level of intimacy children had with mothers. Fathers and mothers both encouraged reverent rebellion, meaning thinking for themselves and questioning parents and other adults, many times in the form of rebellious speech, which was to be expected in children of a certain age. Children could say anything, and order parents around, and parents would be selfless enough to listen, without punishment or control. In such an environment, a child wouldn't lie, but would err on the side of honesty.

The Greek root word translated " anger" is ερεθιζο (Latin: erethizo) and refers to "stirring up" upset and resentment in children, referencing the Jewish adage of "stirring the pot" in regards to your child's emotional well-being. This was a commandment from God through the Apostle Paul to ban all corporal punishment, and any punishment whatsoever. Punishing a child was acceptable in Greco-Roman culture, but not in Judeo-Christian culture. Instead, Paul handed out attachment parenting manuals, with the mandate that churches everywhere on planet earth had to become in compliance with church ordinances. Basically, the slightest of personal offense perceived by a child is child abuse under Divine Codified Statutes.

Children who lie are afraid of being punished, so don't punish, and allow them to say anything and everything to you. Encourage them to set you straight when you are wrong, and then admit you are wrong, to their face. The Apostle Paul and other church leaders then saw children as mirrors of an adults attitudes. If you can't admit you are wrong to them, they will never admit they are wrong to you. Respect for parents is like being a mirror and shining their flaws into their face, whether they want to see it or not. Parents often defend themselves and are dishonest that way, and so I defended myself the same way. If a child lies, that means they don't feel safe admitting they are wrong. In order to allow them to admit fault, you must be willing to listen and validate, and then reward and thank them for coming forward about what really happened. Usually, they will be in tears, and see you as their sole confidant, not being able to tell anyone else. 

Children don't lie except to get out of punishment, so why punish them when you can simply set a good example for them, and have a healthy parent-child bond with them, with children feeling safe being able to admit to wrongdoing, and maybe even ask questions as to why certain behavior is wrong, thinking for themselves. All children need is good role models, meaning from their parents first. Parents are extensions of Christ in the family home, and are to give a Christ-like example to children, meaning a selfless one. Children naturally listen to role-models through the atmosphere, meaning children are instinctively wired to take after their parents, for good or for bad, so be on your best behavior, at least when around children, and be disciplined and chastened up in your attitude towards life, but in a loving and merciful way that Christ was.

Let the depraved and entitled parents who provoke children to lying behavior burn in the lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death, which is Satan's final resting place! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Abuser writings: Looking for the 3 D's when spotting a prejudicial pedophile online

Many people think we at survivors hate pedophiles. We hate child abuse, no matter what kind or color, but we don't hate pedophiles, by my standard. Most people just don't know what the disorder is, meaning they don't know what pedophilia even is, and once you gently tell them, turning the other cheek, they can accept it, usually on a sad note. This is most everyone who is liberal and/or educated on trauma-informed or psychological issues.

Pedophilia is a developmental sexual disorder involving sexual attraction to children under age 14, meaning usually a surface-level, defining attraction, linked to autism at some level. Autism is self-centered positioning in the world, and pedophilia is when you add children to that mix, meaning a strong affinity to children in most cases where the pedophile feels "attached to the hip" to children, with this distant attachment conflated with sexuality.

Pedophile hatred affects children, or individuals under age 18, the worst. It is a myth that it is a primarily a legal hatred, as most pedophiles do not run afoul of the law in any way, nor do most pedophiles abuse children, as opposed to their non-pedophilic counterparts. Many people may not see eye to eye with the disorder, and hate the fact that it exists, but this is due to misinformation. The moral crime of collective perjury, or prejudice, requires a certain burden of proof, meaning they must be informed first that their opinions on pedophilia are misinformed, meaning I am calm and courteous, and selflessly provide information, knowing the actual disorder mimicks a sexual abuser - and that's all it is. If they can't accept a fact like that, and go into false and abusive religion, they are an abuser, as the actual hatred is a distinctly Christian hatred, and a distinctly Roman Catholic one if that, stressing the Roman part alongside the other.

The phrase to be shunned by pedophiles, that all the core haters seem to say, is "depraved and decadent, defiled" or else any other words that start with D, such as "degenerates". This is language you save for a fornicator, meaning in the world of pedophiles, you did it, meaning you did the crime, meaning you abused. Then, I call them degenerates and everything else with impunity, because then I have the right to call my enemy names. It says in Matthew 5:21-22 KJV:

Ye have heard that it was said of old time, Thou shalt not kill, and whosoever shall kill shall be in danger of the judgment: But I say unto you, That whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment: and whosoever shall say to his brother, Raca, shall be in danger of the council: but whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire.

This does not mean do not call names, but only call people names when they deserve it, and only mock them when they deserve it. Everyone in society is to be presumed innocent beyond a reasonable doubt, meaning doubt their guilt, by your perceptions, until you have all the evidence, then pronounce them guilty in an intervention, disclosing all the evidence you have secured to them, giving them time to answer. The nature of a prejudicial pedophile is to project their crimes and abuse onto a younger, weaker target, usually a pedophile by the clinical definition. Once this pattern of abuse is discovered, you can call them any name in the book, but only after determining them to be a prejudicial pedophile. The tick before that, and they are guilty, and only a suspect.

Most abusers of pedophiles are not trauma survivors, but adult fornicators and sexual abusers who are defiling themselves next to a child, so they "pass the trash" onto a pedophile, usually deeming them "the pedophile" with a child being molested on the other end.

Usually, the pedophile victim is a child, meaning they are under the age of majority, and usually, they are the victim of a false police report, usually by a misinformed therapist, but also perhaps a projectory therapist in the case that the pedophile is a male. Most pedophile haters are men, not women, and most are Christians of a certain type, meaning they attend hate churches, as deemed by the Southern Poverty Law Center, namely Southern and Independent Baptist churches. 

There are levels to pedophile hatred, and the lowest is in the family home - the child's bedroom. Most American parents actually are not friendly to things such as masturbation, including those that are moderately religious, and oftentimes "intrude on the party" in order to "snuff it out". Perhaps a picture of a young boy or girl in a swimsuit was shoved under the bed, and the parent found out and punished. That scenario is code for the fact that parents can tell, and actually do not turn a blind eye to it. They may be more hasty in their sexual shaming of their child, which is, in and of itself, a form of sexual abuse. There is a reason I went completely sex-positive in an abusive way, and that is because my parents never punished me for being a pedophile or fantasizing like one. They just prefer not to hear about it, but my mother still listens. My father, while he was alive, didn't care to hear sometimes. My parents actually did the right thing, with me finding my way afterwards. No adult is perfect, but it is good that I am more disciplined in relation to children. Usually, pedophiles "come out" to parents when they feel safe, and they know they won't get punished for disclosing. In Pennsylvania, child abandonment is illegal, meaning something different and more outrageous, even for a pedophile. 

What should a parent do if their child opens up about being a pedophile. The doctrine of mutual submission applies here. It says in Colossians 3:20-21 KJV:

Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well-pleasing unto the Lord. Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they become discouraged.

The Greek root word translated "obey" is υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to secure, vulnerable trust in the love and grace of parents, coming from sacrifice for one's child, in the spirit that Christ sacrificed for His children; taking up the cross for one's child, in the spirit that Christ did for His children; and martyrdom in everything as a parent...and then pedophiles disclose, with the pedophile in the house turning out to be the child, not the other. Pedophiles will only disclose to a certain type of parent, a selfless parent, and what they want is to be listened to and validated. Punishment is prohibited by the Greek root word ερεθιζο (Latin: erethizo) and refers to "stirring up" upset and resentment in children, meaning "stirring the pot" in terms of your child's emotions, meaning the slightest of personal offense perceived by the pedophilic child is abuse, and usually, if they can perceive any, they won't disclose. This commandment was intended by the Apostle Paul to prohibit spanking and other forms of corporal punishment, and any punishment whatsoever. A form of adult sexual entitlement is playing God, and removing attractions in an individual that only God can take away. Pedophilia is a permanent disorder, and trying to cure it with quack therapies forced on the child, or punishing the child to "beat out demons" as it is sometimes done, is a form of sexual entitlement. Just stop punishing, period, and make that commitment to your child, and you should know shortly if your child is a pedophile or not.

A pedophile is a child-centered individual with autism, who is sexually motivated to fixate on children.  Most pedophiles are not like me, and were punished by their parents, with their parents "seeing in" and being able to tell that their child would become a pedophile. Usually, it fits in with any form of sexual shaming of masturbation, however, as most children in the United States are punished for that, at least up until a certain date. I was never punished for using my body like that, and that is why I don't hate myself for being a pedophile. Pedophile hysteria starts at home, with a fake Christian taboo that has no roots in actual Christianity. The Greek root word for "inordinate passions" in Col. 3:5 is επιθυμέω (Latin: epithumeo) and is also translated "lust" in Matt. 5:27-28, and refers to a specific type of intent to sexually harm a child, or else have sexual relations with a child, meaning when you find yourself in the planning stages of abusing children, or else recklessly positioning themselves in an area where they are alone with a child. Being reckless or willful enough to possibly commit sexual abuse is the same as actually committing it in your heart. Simple sexual thoughts may or may not be part of the equation, but they usually, for those testing as victims, are no big deal. It clears my memory, and gets the young girl out of my system.

There are different levels of abuser of pedophiles, meaning if you are the pastor-type to preach about the "debauchery" or "sexual immorality" of simply having a sexual thought about a child, you are the top of the top, meaning most of the country simply stigmatizes pedophilia in a way that can be linked to child hatred, meaning pedophilic children are the most hated among children in this country. It is ultimately a sexual taboo that is unnecessary, and leads to extreme mental health stigma in conversational format. 

A prejudicial pedophile hates them all, and hates them all because they hate themselves for what they are doing at a lower level, and should hate themselves, but not while bringing down all these other people that have nothing to do with their sexual offenses perceived by the child. An abuser of pedophiles might just be uninformed, but if they are abusing a child especially with their sexually entitled shaming, they deserve to be treated as an abuser until they learn to accept their child as is, no strings attached. That's what God wants of every parent - to accept their child. Pedophile or no pedophile.

POSITION STATEMENT: Future of our movement

What do we want for our movement as a future context goal? Child-led movement, starting with a woman-pedophile led movement. I may or may not be the only pedophile here from now on, as others are perfectly capable of buckling down. The ones that left or were thrown out all were following the anti-CR instructions attached to their person, and were raped along the way "to get them out beforehand".

Eventually, both pedophiles and women will have to step aside...and allow American children to have a movement of their own, meaning pamphlets and flyers cut out in workshops by children, and maybe drawings expressing how a child feels about certain adult behavior. All we need is to empower children to advocate for themselves, by not being so entitled in relation to them, and not wanting as much from them. I don't want anything from a child, even what I want most. I just like daydreaming about it.

Forgiving abusive parents: The moral legal statutes on such

Many Christians believe in forgiveness, meaning all of us who are really Christians. I believe in forgiving parents on a personal level, but not a macro level. I was abused within the law, and the trauma showed, to me and to everyone. I was persecuted for being a child. Once my abusive parents forgave me for being a child, by my perception, I forgave them. I hate parents unlike them, who don't turn themselves into their children.

It says in Matthew 6:14-15 KJV:

If ye forgive your men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive: But if ye forgive men not their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive you.

The Greek root word translated "trespasses" is παραπτομα (Latin: paraptóma) and refers to trespasses, meaning here whatever a child perceives as offensive to their person (Col. 3:21; Eph. 6:4). Offenses can be shunned once defended by a parent. A child is an individual under age 18. No child has to forgive their abusive parent blindly. 

Forgiveness should be based on perception of guilt, and defense of said guilt. It says in John 7:24 KJV:

Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.

The Greek root word translated "judge" is κρινο (Latin: krinó) and refers to righteous judgment, meaning Christian judgment, as understood in context, that presumes innocence beyond a reasonable doubt. The Greek root word translated "appearance" is οψις (Latin: opsis) and refers to "beyond what the eye can see", meaning base your judgment on what evidence exists, looking inward towards what evidence doesn't exist by your periphery of perception, meaning your senses. If you sense it with your eyes or ears, it exists, and sometimes, bad things exist beyond what you perceive. Evil can exist in any person, as it exists in every adult. Children should not trust adults because they are adults, and should not blame themselves for any sort of violence, including corporal punishment, since no individual deserves violence.

Once a child has obtained enough evidence, they don't have to speak to a parent they are afraid of, or any adult they are afraid. A speech ban is what shook up my dad, and made him want to treat me better. I held him on probation, even though I was an atheist at the time, until I was sure that he changed, then I was grateful. But, only instate a speech ban with parents if you can keep to it, as parents are manipulative by nature, and want their child to do as they demand, but forgiveness is for your perception, even if you are stuck in your present living situation, and your parents don't listen or take you seriously.

Forgiveness requires a different legal standard, and assumes the party is shunned for entitlement leading to theft. Those shunned are guilty until proven innocent, beyond a reasonable doubt. Thus, if you have any reason to doubt the apology of your abusive parents, do not forgive your abusive parents. Only forgive if they give you every reason to believe them, and no reason to doubt them. Or else, they are trash, and you can throw those parents in the wastebasket. They were deficient, ineffective, and hated you from day one, so cut them out of your life if they are harassing you, in the case that you can and they are an adult. If they leave marks or touch private parts, Pennsylvania law will intervene and you can expect justice from the system. PA ChildLine is 1-800-932-0313, and children can call to self-report. Children are the most well meaning witnesses against child abuse, and the most reliable as well. If there are no marks, you cannot press charges against your parents, even if they do strike you on the buttocks, unless you think they have sexual intent. They usually want you to be naked if that is the case.

I do not have to forgive anyone if they aren't sorry. I do not have to forgive any parent if they aren't sorry. Let those parents BURN! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!


Original sin: Why parents have a depraved sin nature

The teaching of original sin is a widely misused and misunderstood teaching in Christianity. Many parents think they are good parents, and think they mean well when they really don't. No adult truly means well in relation to children, as all are capable of harm.

The Greek root word denoting entitlement is πλεονέκτης (Latin: pleomektés) and refers to, on the surface, the moral crime of entitlement, meaning in the context of parenting parental entitlement, or wanting things from children, or for children to do things, to the point of seeking to impose said want onto a child. At another level, the word refers to the nature of mankind to want from his neighbor, and thus want from children. Wanting anything from a child enough to demand, control, or impose in any other way is parental entitlement, meaning the moment you even impose anything onto children. This sin nature is activated by one simple self-affirmation - "I am a good parent" or "I am a good adult with children" leading to wanting praise and glory, when no adult is entitled to praise from children or others, and need to earn it. Don't we all as adults want things from children that perhaps we can't have, because they won't listen to us at the time?

It says in Ephesians 6:1-4 KJV:

Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. Honor thy father and mother, for this is the first commandment with thee; That it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live upon the earth. And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.

The Greek root word translated "nurture" is παιδεία (Latin: paideia) and refers to the chastening of the Lord, which operates like an hourglass shaping up, turning the parental aggressive instincts (sexual/pedophilic, physical/verbal) inward, shaping parents upward, chastening parents up, with parents being extensions of Christ, serving a peaceable and orderly Christian example for children, listening to and validating children, taking mercy on their resentment and upset, saying "I love you too" when they say "I hate you", turning the other cheek when your teenage son or daughter slaps you instead of calling the police, showing tears instead of fighting back. It is a peaceable form of discipline, a selfless one, like a stork sheltering a little child underneath its wing. Christian virtues associated with discipline are steadfastness and sturdiness, but in a patient, charitable way towards children especially. Christian men in the Bible sought to be like Christ in terms of their generosity, as do I. Parents were very generous to children, in different ways. Discipline is achieved by channeling aggression inwards, by blaming yourself for your mere existence, focusing on a flaw in your behavior towards children and then doing the opposite. The Greek root word translated "admonition" is νουθεσία (Latin: nouthesia) and refers to the admonition of the Lord, meaning God's loving lecture, saying "no" and stating why, then bracing for the oncoming tears that may be elicited by your denial. Negotiate with your child a middle ground whenever possibility, coming to a compromise with your child. The word "no" should be rarely in Christian home, and usually only in cases of where the child is engaging in unsafe behavior. An example would be "No, play ball outside, so you don't break the new vase we got over Christmas"' This is all weighed by the Greek root word translated " wrath" which is παροργίζο (Latin: parorgizo) and refers to "bitter anger" and refers to the moral count of provocation to anger, which included any form of striking or corporal punishment or other form of punishment or verbal berating/abuse. This refers to the fact that the slightest of personal offense perceived by a child is child abuse, when coming from entitlement. The perception of the child colors the entitlement of the adult, unless the adult can apologize. This was a command by God through the Apostle Paul to ban corporal punishment in all settings in the Early Christian church. Spanking and other forms of corporal punishment were a staple of Greco-Roman parenting, whereas Judeo-Christian parenting was attachment-based, as per parenting manuals handed out by the Apostle Paul. Corporal punishment only came in judicial form in the Bible, and only in the Old Testament for younger men who were ADULTS, not children. The most common offense for a whipping was child abuse, using the kidnapping or incest statutes. Grandparents were installed as accessories of the state in such investigations, which required many warnings and eyewitness to the crime, hence why child abuse could be prosecuted so easily. Corporal punishment, alongside the death penalty, was abolished on the cross, when Christ in fact experienced both types of punishment, one than the other. The Apostle Paul handed out manuals reminding parents of their obligation to be attachment parents to their children, thus being securely attached. Men were told to re-channel sexual lusts and inordinate passions for their children inward towards their self-awareness, meaning taking out the need in a solitary position away from the child's senses.

The Greek root word translated "parents" is γονεύς (Latin: goneus) and refers to parents as a caregiver and servant towards their child, being a leader of one's child instead of an authority figure, with parents providing for their children. Leadership was martyrdom for parents, meaning selfless, in a way they enjoyed being used by their child for his/her every vulnerable need. The Greek root word translated "obey" is υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to secure, vulnerable rest in the love and grace of parents, due to parents sacrificing for children, in the spirit that Christ sacrificed for His children; took up the cross for children, in the spirit that Christ took up the cross for His children, martyring oneself as a parent in everything...and then children rest in the care and protection of parents, with children showing gratitude and thanksgiving by way of emulating the example and instruction of parents, as parents are the first role models a child has. They should be non-entitled, selfless role models. The Greek root word υπακουο ultimately uplifts the attachment parenting traditions of ancient Jewish culture, as well as 1st Century Christian culture. Children went completely in the nude, wherever they went. The reason is that they most always were within range of their mother, and thus skin-to-skin contact was encouraged in that culture as a way to earn trust of children, then win over compliance and obedience when they were older, with children instinctively following their parents everywhere they go, separating later as young men and women seek to shake off the warmth of their parents by doing things on their own and insisting on doing things on their own, in a "me do me self" type of rebellion. Reverent rebellion was a Christian tradition then, meaning children were invited to question their parents and be outspoken. 

Every single adult is guilty merely for their entitled existence in relation to children, and is to be convicted of their depraved and wicked sin nature, leading to surrender to God through one's child (Matt. 25:31-46), giving up adult power and control over children at their footstool, worshipping children like royalty, surrendering at their altar to their every vulnerable need, serving God by way of serving your child, doing good works for children, expecting absolutely nothing in return. Parents and adults have a sin nature that is repugnant and disgusting to God, and are to atone for their sin nature by paying due penance as a parent or caregiver to children, or else avoiding them if you can't treat them with respect.

The depraved and entitled parents and adults who provoke children to anger by defending their sin nature, perhaps with a glorified title, will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them burn and descend into the lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

Do parental rights exist (why they are earned)?

Many parents think they have rights. As a default statement, you have no rights as a parents, only duties towards your children. However, parents can earn rights in relation to their child, but they have to work the system, and recover from their parent flaws.

Parental rights isn't a system of existent rights, but earned rights. You earn your right to your children by way of following a content of custody. America is a Christian nation, and thus the Bible is America's book. We are a nation founded on Judeo-Christian family values. The Bible is clear - parental rights is trust in parents, and that is earned. God's context of child custody is stated in Colossians 3:20-21 KJV:

Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well-pleasing unto the Lord. Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they become discouraged.

The Greek root word translated "obey" is υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to secure, vulnerable rest and trust, with parents sacrificing for their child, in the spirit that Christ sacrificed for His children; with parents taking up the cross, in the spirit that Christ sacrificed for His children; with parents martyring themselves in everything...with children then resting in the love and grace of parents, with children showing gratitude and thanksgiving by emulating the example and instruction of parents. Children owe nothing to parents, and parents owe everything to children, deserving nothing in return from children. Respect in parenting is earned, as per the Fifth Commandment, meaning children should respect their parents, but when they don't, it is the fault of the parents, not the child. The Greek root word υπακουο ultimately uplifts an attachment parenting context that allowed for closeness to the level of nudity. Child nudity was legal and acceptable everywhere, and this was for children to be held close in skin-to-skin contact, as mothers were also unclothed when in the home.

The Greek root word translates "parents" is γονεύς (Latin: goneus) and refers to a leader, not an authority figure, meaning parents were mere caregivers to their children, attendant to the every need of children. Parenthood was seen then as martyrdom, meaning sacrifice for one's child, where parents were praised for having discipline and self-restraint in parenting. The Greek root word translated " anger" is ερεθιζο (Latin: erethizo) and literally translates to "stirring up" upset and resentment in a child, namely the Jewish adage "stirring the pot" regarding the emotional well-being of one's child, referring to a ban on all physical and mental punishment under Jewish law, and then Christian church ordinance. Basically, the slightest of personal slights perceived by the child is child abuse, thus a moral crime, thus sin. This commandment uplifted existing law in order to crack down on physical and mental punishment, including corporal punishment, which was Greco-Roman custom. Judaeo-Christian parenting custody instead favored attachment parenting, which is what parenting manuals taught Christian parents. These manuals were exhaustive, with pedophilia and attraction to children being seen as a part of parenting, but a part to struggle against. Fathers were charged to channel lusts away from children, into their own self-awareness. Pedophilia was a common parenting struggle in ancient times. Acting on it was seen as deserving of death "even if Christ abolished the death penalty by enduring it". However, pedophilia was an open struggle in the Early Christian church communities, not a closeted one.

When you choose not to provoke children to anger, and instead treat them with respect, you have earned parental rights. If you speak to one child, that opinion counts, but only for them. Ask two and get the same answer, maybe there is something about you that they like. Ask all of them, and they all think you are safe, and are not coached by anyone to say that, you are a good adult, but not until you pass that test. This is direct admission of entitlement to children, turning oneself into children...and then parents earn their rights. Children have removed your rights as a parent or caregiver, and in order to earn them back, you need to treat children with respect, and not abuse them by their perceptions. 

The depraved and entitled parents who provoke children to anger will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them burn in the lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Shielding children from blame - Why parents should protect their children

Many parents love to lay blame in parenting, and blame their child for everything. Many parents in our society do not understand the fact that children are not to blame for anything, and that part of the mutual submission doctrine between parents and children is that parents shield their children from blame until they are ready.

It says in Colossians 3:20-21 KJV:

Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well-pleasing unto the Lord. Fathers, provoke not your children, lest they become discouraged.

The Greek root word translated "obey" is υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers ultimately to a form of shielding on the part of the parents, and the child's response - a human shield. Picture a parent and a child in the ditch, with the parent holding the shield, and the children hiding behind the shield, clinging to mother, with father keeping watch, holding his rod and staff, comforting the children, knowing they are in good hands. Remember, parents - that shield is literally YOU, meaning YOUR reputation and YOUR livelihood. YOU are to put on everything on hold once the child enters the house from schools. Parenting is martyrdom; with parents sacrificing themselves in the spirit of Christ sacrificed on the cross, with parents taking up the cross in this regard, shielding their children from blame and scrutiny, devaluing themselves to the level of caregiver as opposed to lawmaker or lawgiver. The Greek root word υπακουο ultimately uplifts the traditional parenting of ancient Jewish culture, including 1st Century Christian culture, in which case attachment parenting was the norm then. Children went in the nude everywhere in the biblical context, and it was legal, and the reason was simple - so mothers could nourish their children with skin-to-skin contact, including while breastfeeding. Children up until age 3 were seen as infants, and were swaddled to the bosom of mothers. This goes to show how close children were to mothers especially, but also parents in general, in ancient Judeo-Christian culture. This ideal cannot be replicated fully, but skin-to-skin contact is recommended by pediatricians and child psychologists as a way to form a bond with your child early.

The Greek root word translated "parents" is γονεύς (Latin: goneus) and refers to parents as understood under ancient Jewish customary law, which was a bondservant tethered to their children, beholden to their every vulnerable need. Parents were seen as martyrs for the good of children, a human shield that is willing to be brought down and destroyed in protecting the child. Parents are to be selfless for their children, being caregivers instead of lawgivers/lawmakers, meaning devaluing themselves to a mere bondservant to their child, attending to their every need and benign request. The Greek root word translated " anger" is ερεθζο (Latin: erethizo) and literally translates to "stirring up" upset and resentment in children, referencing the Jewish adage "stirring the pot" regarding your child's emotional well-being, ultimately referring to the moral legal fact that the slightest of personal offense perceived by a child, stemming from entitlement, is child abuse, with parental entitlement being denoted by the Greek root word πλεονέκτης (Latin: pleonektés) and refers to wanting things from children, or wanting them to do things, leading to parents seeking to impose said want onto a child, with any offense perceived being abused. Parenting in ancient Greco-Roman was very punitive in nature, with boys receiving the cat 'o nine tails, and girls being spanked with an open hand for "unchaste" behavior. The Apostle Paul would have none of it in His churches, and issued a spanking ban handed down by God in all Christian churches, with this command also found directed to the Ephesians, and to all time. The anti-spanking verses make up a timeless command to foster secure attachment with your child, with Paul handing out parenting manuals advocating a secure bond with one's child. The amount of information in these manuals was exhaustive, and there was a whole section for pedophile fathers about channeling lusts away from a child target, and into one's own awareness. Mothers were told to snuggle with their child, providing warmth and sustenance for their child, with fathers also being involved in a loving and encouraging way, challenging older children to academic discussion as a form of homeschooling.

Children are not to blame for anything. Parents are to blame for when their children cause a disruption, because in a securely attached home, a child rarely would, meaning they'd get everything out on their parents, with parents being safe people to throw things at, throw harsh words at, and so forth. Parents in the biblical context just didn't take it personally, as they had no pride in relation to children. Mothers especially. but also fathers, were dutiful and devoted, in a doting way on their children, deifying childre and seeing them as legal extensions of God in relation to their own needs.

The depraved and entitled parents who provoke children to anger will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them burn in the lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death, which is Satan's final resting place! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

Proper school discipline - logical consequences and forming a bond with students

Many teachers even these days like to appear "mean", meaning be vengeful and spiteful towards their students. School discipline should be positive in nature, but firm. It should involve students having a rapport with teachers, considering them friends.

All of the distance created in schools between teacher and student, apart from not being alone with a child, is unnecessary as a child protection measure. A little boy or girl can be held and cradled by their kindergarten or even grade school teacher, and even middle and high school students can be hugged. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania actually allows teachers to soothe the upset in a special needs student. I believe all students have special needs, and thus teachers need to get to know their students as individuals instead of a packaged monolith.

Some students are chronically disruptive, due to trauma and/or mood disorders, usually both. Schools have to keep in mind that there are other students there who want to learn. They should be given many warnings, but when they refuse to get it together, there's nothing much a school can do besides put them on homebound and expel them permanently, removing them from the school roster. They likely learned how to be aggressive, combative, or otherwise disruptive, at home, and thus the home should be monitored for abuse such as spanking and corporal punishment, assuming it is illegal in the context I am drawing, which it should be.

Student democracy should be allowed as a way for students to rally for or against new policy. In Iceland, there is a representative base from the student council, the school board, the parents' council, and the headmaster, making decisions for the school in a school council. Thus, individual local education agencies (LEAs) should be reformatted and restructured so that students have a say.

It says in Ephesians 6:4 KJV:

Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. Honor thy father and mother, as this is the first commandment with promise; That it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live upon the earth. And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.

The Greek root word translated "nurture" is παιδεία (Latin: paideia) and refers to exemplary discipline of children on the surface, but ultimately refers to a form of education and pedagogy that allows for freethinking, meaning the Greek root word denoting submission to a teacher is υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers here to building a rapport with a child in place of gentle, attached parenting, meaning a student securely attached to their teacher. In the old days, teachers could hold children gently to reassure them, but now, irrational fear of that being some act of pedophilia leads school districts to ban all touch of a student, ever. Perhaps some new students in Kindergarten need be held by their teacher when they are crying. Perhaps middle or high school students can be hugged by a teacher. A teacher is a parent in loco parentis, and thus since parents are to use attachment parenting to gain cooperation, so should teachers in place of the parents, to the degree appropriate as stated by the child. Some children like physical affection with teachers, some don't, and no child would blindly go with a predator in that regard, meaning a teacher in this environment would be abandoned by his or her students, as they know what the physical affection means to the teacher. Otherwise, many children would instead elect to talking about favorite topics in between work assignments. These are all secondary attachments, however, and should be backed up by a secure attachment to parents, which was the case for Christian children. Think nourishment. Your connection with your child should nourish them. The Greek root word translated " wrath" is παροργιζο (Latin: parorgizo) and literally translates to "bitter anger" and references the moral count of provoking your neighbor to anger, with your child being your neighbor. This also translates today to a school setting, as parents were the school then, as parents homeschooled in the Early Christian church to keep children from being whipped and punished in Hellenistic schools. Parents themselves were forbade from using any force apart from what is needed to reel in a child from clearly risking death or serious bodily injury, meaning the slightest of offense perceived by a child was deemed an offense, thus abuse, thus sin. Today, this means a teacher is not to punish a child in any way, meaning not offend a child by way of one's entitled demeanor and attitude towards a child. This means power trips leading to yelling out of entitlement to students are prohibited, as you are their parent until they get home to their parents, and even if the parents themselves punish, you are to find a way around that

Children usually are fine, even with behavioral issues, for the teacher that seeks to be their friend and not their adversary to obey. This form of submission implies clearly that teachers are deserving of nothing in return for being a servant to children, slaving over hot coals, so to speak. The Greek root word for surrender, υπακουο, refers to student surrender to teachers, meaning feeling at home in a classroom while at school, liking the teacher, and listening to the teacher because you like them and find them to be a fun person to be around, or else a kind and caring person, or else any positive traits. Christian homeschool parents in the 1st Century were very warm and loving with their charges, and slaves who were bad tutors were thrown out and condemned to being destitute (ancient Jewish culture had financial slavery). A lector of s student then had to be very warm and loving, in a challenging way that encouraged free thought. Teacher-student power dynamics can be understood in mutual submission format - the teacher gives, the student receives, and usually gives "thanks" when they don't have to.

Let the punitive teachers BURN! Cast them into eternal Hell-fire! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

Is pedophilia a part of parenting?: Why it is, but in a negative way

Many parents in this country have an incest problem, meaning at least low-level attraction to their children. 1 and 4 girls and in 1 in 6 boys are sexually abused each year, with 1 our of 4 pedophiles being among the perpetrators. Most sexual abusers act out of distress at the last straw, usually with other forms of abuse in the mix.

Pedophilia and ephebophilia have a biological purpose which is dated, showing that our nature as adults is truly depraved and decadent in nature. It is an instinct designed to freeze up a crying child and "soothe" the child. Today, that part of parenting exists, but as a struggling one. Parents should openly acknowledge their pedophile or ephebophile status.

It says in Colossians 3:21 KJV:

Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they become discouraged.

The Greek root word translated " anger" is ερεθιζο (Latin: erethizo) and literally translates to "stirring up" upset and resentment in children, referring to the Jewish adage of "stirring the pot" in terms of your child's emotional welfare. This included sexual abuse, in which case attraction to children, including pedophilia, was treated as a problem in parenting, not something divorced from parenting. 

The Apostle Paul handed out parenting manuals to the Colossians that included a chapter on the primary prevention of child sexual abuse, which recommended that, in the case of sexual attraction to children, that fathers use pro-social channeling to channel the desire to a dead end within their own thoughts and daydreams, being aware of that side of themselves, struggling openly.

The reaction of a pedophile admission would have been more of a "be careful" type of response. Think caution sign. Hazardous terrain ahead. That, however, if you disclosed a mere attraction or crush on one's daughter, which mothers supported fathers as accountability partners, not by covering up for the daughter's nudity, but by holding her tight, in a pro-social menacing way towards the father. Actually sexually harassing or assaulting a child? The common saying then to a child abuser was "you are deserving of death, even if Christ abolished it on the cross" and then often adding "you will surely suffer the second death, while being detached from the church body". They were left for dead to the Romans, who killed them on the spot. However, simply liking your child in the wrong way was simply a cause for strong concern, for the parent, but more so for the child. Society then saw pedophilia as a parenting struggle, and something to be struggled against, channeling that sexual energy into a box, with that box kept out of reach of the actual child being unfairly favored.

Positive parenting is a good attitude for a pedophile, with gentle, positive parenting involving turning one's controlling instincts against oneself. A pedophile/ephebophile who is non-offending turns their sex drive inward, focusing on thoughts and not actions, chastened up in the Lord. Gentle parenting is the parent disciplining themselves against parental entitlement.

The depraved parent and adult fornicators will burn in Hell! Let them be tormented for all eternity! Sex with children will never be acceptable, and never has been, even where it was accepted it. God hated it, hence why He chastened us up! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!...Because choosing not to sexually abuse a child a choice. Don't be there when it happens, because then it won't happen.


Pro-social peerification, pro-social child worship: Understanding child worship in the Bible

Many parents don't want to be their child's friend, instead saying "I am your parent, not your friend". However, the Bible disagrees, and states that parents should be a child's best friend, and should see their child as a lawful extension of God.

Every single adult is guilty merely for existing in relation to children, with parents being struck with reverent fear and terror, leading to conviction to turning themselves into their child, just as Christ turned Himself into His children, paying the ultimate sacrifice for His children, expecting absolutely nothing in return. If you punish a child, or sexually use or objectify a child with your behavior, don't exist. Exist away from me (see 1 Cor. 5:11). A parent/adult is the enemy of children, seeking to be their friend, not knowing anything about their child except which is shared, getting to know each and every individual child in the home. Every single adult is deserving of punishment, and every child grace from adults. It says in Matthew 25:45-46 KJV:
And then he answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you, inasmuch as ye did not to one of the least of these, ye did it not unto me. And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal.

Christ here is speaking as God the Father in this passage, meaning the smaller person is God, period, meaning next to God. A child is a legal extension of God called to petition for needs and a redress of grievances to adults, as a form of reverent rebellion. Parents and other adults, to children, are extensions of Christ in relation to children. It says in Colossians 3:20-21 KJV:

Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well-pleasing unto the Lord. Fathers, provoke nor your children to anger, lest they become discouraged.

The Greek root word translated "children" is τεκνον (Latin: teknon) and refers to dependence in parents, just as mature believers are dependent in Christ. The Greek root word translated "obey" is υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to secure, vulnerable rest and trust in the love and grace of parents, with parents sacrificing for their children in the spirit that Christ did for His children, taking up the cross as Christ did with His children, martyring oneself in everything in relation to one's child...with the child resting in the care and friendship of parents, and parents being the best friend of their children. The Greek root word υπακουο ultimately uplifts the traditional biblical parenting context, which endorsed attachment parenting. Child nudity was legal throughout the biblical context, and the reason was that children needed someone to snuggle up next to for skin-to-skin context, with co-sleeping being the norm with Christian mothers in particular, but especially children up to age 3, who were swaddled to the bosom of mothers and treated as infants. and were nourished through breastfeeding as such. This imagery does not need to be literally applied today, but gives you an idea of how God wants you to parent your child. The key concept here is secure attachment, which means being close with your child to the point of being a safe person for them to confide absolutely everything into.

The Greek root word translated "parents" is γονεύς (Latin: goneus) and refers to leadership and headship, not authority over children, with parents being mere bondservants and caregivers to their children, sacrificing for their children as Christ did. It is a state of being close friends with a child, setting boundaries and limits as if they were a friend, serving their needs just as they would to God. Parents weren't lawgivers or lawmakers, but caregivers to children, in the biblical context. The Greek root word translated " anger" is ερεθιζο (Latin: erethizo) and literally translates to "stirring up" upset and resentment in children, referring to the Jewish adage of "stirring the pot", in terms of your child's emotional well-being or perceived safety. Basically, the slightest of personal slight perceived by a child is child abuse, meaning a moral crime, meaning sin. Greco-Roman culture was all for the punishment of children, whereas Judeo-Christian culture then favored attachment parenting as a means to relate to children. The Apostle Paul gave out parenting manuals that advised attachment parenting as the Hebraic way of parenting, thus the Christian way of parenting. Parents were best friends with their children, and vice versa, to the lowest level of acceptance imaginable and unimaginable. Children confided in parents as if parents were their best friend, even concerning frustrations, which were made raw because children could expect their parents not to punish raw frustration or anger - and that is what God wants of parents and for children. And parents should worship the footstool of their children by taking their orders as to what they need, attending to their needs, and treating them with respect.

The depraved and entitled parents who provoke children to anger through controlling and punitive attitudes will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them burn in the lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

Monday, September 27, 2021

Pro-social permissiveness: Why parents shouldn't set rules for their children

Most parents make rules for their children, often punishing children in the progress. It is a given that "children must follow the rules" but should they really? A good Christian home has no rules or expectations, but instead preferences for children's behavior that are compelling to children due to good treatment of children.

The Tenth Commandment is denoted by the Greek root word πλεονέκτης (Latin: pleonektés) and refers to parental entitlement, or wanting children to meet certain standards to the point of seeking to impose said want onto a child, with perceived offense being defined as child abuse under Divine Codified Jurisprudence. It says in Colossians 3:20-21 KJV:

Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is well-pleasing unto the Lord. Fathers, provoke nor your children to anger, lest they become discouraged.

The Greek root word translated "children" is τεκνον (Latin: teknon) and refers to a childhood or early adulthood dependence in parents, just as mature believers are dependent in Christ. The Greek root word translated "obey" is υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to a relational surrender, not a legalistic one. The Greek root word υποτασσο (Latin: hupotasso) and refers to militant-type submission, meaning coming to revere an authority figure due to its might in protecting you, to the point of willful surrender to said authority. Parenting is different in the Bible, meaning there are no rules for children, only preferences. Parents are to sacrifice for children just as Christ sacrificed for His children, turning themselves in to their children, worshipping their child as an extension of God (see Matt. 25:31-46), being a giving, charitable extension of Christ, tearing themselves down for their children as Christ did on the cross for His children...and then children rest in gratitude and thanksgiving for the martyrdom and sacrifice of parents. The Greek root word υπακουο ultimately uplifts an attachment parenting context that was traditional to Judeo-Christian society in the 1st Century, with children being naked and running around playing, but in the supervision of mothers, with their nudity being there for skin-to-skin contact with children, with mothers also being unclothed within the family home. Young infants were put in swaddling clothes, and swaddled to their mother until age 3, meaning children until age 3 were seen as infants, and were breastfed and nourished as such. 

The Greek root word translated "parents" is γονεύς (Latin: goneus) and doesn't refer to a lawmaker or lawgiver, but a caregiver, meaning parents were not authority figures in biblical times, but instead were heads of their children, meaning they were leaders of their children, following their children as to their needs, attending with care to the every vulnerable need of children. The Greek root word translated " anger" is ερεθιζο (Latin: erethizo) and literally translates to "stirring up" upset and resentment in children, as in the Jewish adage of "stirring the pot". Basically, the slightest of personal offense, coming from entitlement, is abuse, meaning when you impose a want or need onto a child, such as the need to control or sexually "bond", and the child is offended by it, it is an offense, thus abuse. The Apostle Paul also handed out parenting manuals that recommended attachment parenting in the form of Christian example, meaning children weren't given a list of rules to follow, but a Christ-like example in a parent as a role model. This meant that children then weren't disciplined directly, but were given an example, and occasionally gentle nudged in the right direction by God's loving instruction (see Eph. 6:4). The parenting handbook, under church ordinances, stated that children were legal extensions of God, demanding their vulnerable needs and benign wants, with parents being giving extensions of Christ, with Christ being the giving aspect of God, just as Christ did when He walked the earth. The parenting manual did not mince words about expectations of fathers especially not to sexually abuse and corrupt their children, with pedophilia and other attraction to children being seen as a part of parenting, meaning an open struggle in a parent, not a closeted one where it can fester into something really toxic. 

The depraved and entitled parents who provoke their children to anger by punitive attitudes towards parenting will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them burn in the lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death prepared for Satan and His accomplices! You will burn forever and ever, dear parents, if you keep going down this dark path! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

Mutual respect in parenting: Why this is actual biblical parenting

Many parents demand respect from children, and punish their children when they don't receive the respect they want. Most parents do not respect their children, and hate their children, due to their punitive ways. Children should, ideally, respect their parents, but parents should respect children first.

It says in Colossians 3:20-21 KJV:

Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well-pleasing unto the Lord. Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they become discouraged.

The Greek root word translated "children" is τεκνον (Latin: teknon) and refers to dependence in parents, just as mature believers are dependent in Christ. The Greek root word translated "obey" is υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to secure, vulnerable rest and trust in the love and grace of children, coming from sacrifice for one's children, in the spirit that Christ did for His children; taking up the cross for one's children, in the spirit that Christ took up the cross for His children, martyring yourself in every aspect of parenting, shamefacedly and humbly rendering yourself a caregiver or servant...and then children rest in the sacrifice and care of parents, showing gratitude and thanksgiving by way of emulating the example and teachings of parents, with parents being an extension of Christ, giving themselves up for their children. The Greek root word υπακουο ultimately uplifts a biblical parenting context that is attachment-based. Child nudity was legal everywhere in ancient Jewish culture, including 1st Century Christian culture, and there was a reason for that - mothers, who were also unclothed in the family home, would use skin-to-skin contact, with young infants up to age 3 being swaddled to the bosom of mothers, and older children co-sleeping next to mothers until adulthood, particularly girls, as mothers and daughters are inseparable, and also mothers and sons at a younger age, before they went with their father to be homeschooled. Girls were also homeschooled in the Early Church when they showed interest, and church leadership actually encouraged gender equality (see Gal. 3:28). Children shared their true emotions for their parents, with parents bearing the brunt of the emotions of children, with children not being punished or kept down for anything, reverently rebelling towards parents, with parents encouraging rebellion in the form of questioning parents and keeping the caregiving powers of parents in check by demanding needs and parents diagnosing based on an assessment of said demands. Children played freely then, but while not leaving the sight of mothers. 

The Greek root word translated "parents" is γονεύς (Latin: goneus) and refers not to authority, but leadership or headship. Parents were extensions of Christ, meaning were to sacrifice for children in the spirit that Christ did, turning oneself in to the needs of one's child, just as Christ turned Himself in to His children for a crime He didn't commit, paying the ultimate price in way every parent should be prepared to in order to protect their child. Parenting was martyrdom in terms of glory, meaning everyone honored parents for how they sacrificed tediously for their children, expecting absolutely nothing in return from them. The Greek root word translated " anger" is ερεθιζο (Latin: erethizo) and literally translates to "stirring up" upset or resentment in children, referencing the Jewish idiom "stirring the pot" in terms of your child's emotions, ultimately referring to the slightest of personal offense perceived by the child. This was a command from God through the Apostle Paul prohibiting all forms of punishment against a child, including corporal punishment. Paul handed out secular attachment parenting manuals alongside the delivery of the Epistle to the church gates. These manuals warned that any punishment was kidnapping in the eyes of God, calling for parents to be the sacrificial lamb for their child, and to be as gentle as one. Pedophilia and sexual attraction to children was seen in the pamphlets instructing Hebraic tradition as a part of parenting, but a very negative one, meaning it is mentally unhealthy to be attracted to one's child or a child, but it was tolerated as an open struggle, not a closed one, meaning sex with children was seen as vile and damned fornication by the Christian community then, worthy of death even as Christ abolished the death penalty by enduring it. But, simply having a connotational attraction to one's child elicited "safety-first" advice once found out. Sexual abuse was the main form of abuse in Hebraic circles, whereas Greco-Roman parents were very punitive, hence the need for uplifting the command to not provoke your child to anger, implied in the Old Testament as an offense under the Eighth Commandment. Offenses could be anything that the plaintiff, including a child or their parent representative, perceived as offensive, and any offense perceived by a child is child abuse under natural law, despite what the physical law states.

Respect is earned in parenting, and that requires that parents martyr themselves in relation to children, being Christ to them just like Christ was a sacrificial parent to His children by taking up the cross for them. First parents surrender, then children surrender in return as a means of giving thanks and honoring parents for all that they do, running to the shelter of parents for warmth, comfort, and freedom. A parent who is abusive does not deserve forgiveness until they apologize and it can be discerned, by way of non-verbal apology, that they mean it, and even then, forgiveness is simply stating "I accept your apology". Nobody has to trust their parents. I respect my parents because they respect me, even beyond the grave (my father passed away). My mother does so much for me, and agrees with me on parenting, so I respect her. Obedience is a concept in attachment parenting, and is a tag-along type of obedience. You might want to grab something from the fridge, but instead, you just tag-along and forget about it, because you don't want to hold mom up. I chastened myself up in the Lord, in the support of my parents, who support my faith values despite maybe not agreeing with them fully. That is how respect works. You give respect to get respect, and that is the rule as a parent. My father, in another state where he was abusive, would state it the opposite way. No, children cannot be expected to respect a tyrant.

The depraved and entitled parents who provoke children to anger through punitive or permissive attitudes will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let the parents burn in the lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death, which is Satan's final resting place! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

Sunday, September 26, 2021

POSITION STATEMENT: The existence of the Virtuous Pedophiles board

Let them have their board. I do have an account there myself, but plan to post rarely. The Virtuous Pedophiles board is for virtuous pedophiles. I'm not one of them. 

We at Anti-Parent classify the Virtuous Pedophiles forums a self-help group for caregivers and parents struggling with pedophilia or other attraction to children, meaning a trauma board. We have observed that the collective trauma at VirPed is "pedophile" trauma in the affirmative, meaning they need to identify due to a religious trauma of theirs. I have views similar to their abuser, so I advocate from afar, and rarely compare notes.

We want there to be a board for pedophiles, and we defend their right to have a board for clinical celebratory discussion that leads to healing and growth.

I myself am grateful for the support from family, and mentors and colleagues in this children's rights community. I avoid VirPed in terms of giving them their space because I have a parental rights trauma (and have to see them as a youth right entity in remorseful format). I sometimes struggle by way of rationalizing the age of consent. Think a coconut, and you understand my brain on that issue. I am struggling to be anti-contact, and sound more astute because I want to roll over and erase the bad thoughts by advocating against my self-interest. Most pedophiles will never understand my admittedly draconian side as a children's rights pedophile. Most of them at VirPed are actually on my good side, which is rare for any group of adults. Most of them are just random guys sexually fetishizing childhood with some sexual fetish for children that is weird to most Americans, but in my experience, when explained right, not frightening at all.

A Virtuous Pedophile is, by default, an implied parent, due to their admission of their flawed nature, but if pro-spanking views are expressed genuinely, meaning not as a form of anti-contact gaslighting (I can tell by the tone), they will be put on my foes list, but unfortunately, the board does not allow me to campaign against pro-spanking parents due to the neutral spanking status of VirPed. Most pedophiles do not like that sort of thing, and from what I have seen, those that support such abuse lay their heads low and do not proselytize on that issue.

I was banned mistakenly, so I make this statement to make it clear what my stance on VirPed is. The gist of my righteous judgment is that anyone who identifies themselves as a parent in their entitlement or defended glorified title is one. Parental rights trauma, however, is not something that requires accommodation. It is so low that I can read varying lenses of text and tell if a children's rights writer is masking their parental rights views with children's rights language, which is what a lot of modern behaviorist authoritative parents do. It is like looking under the text, and telling your motives, and whether you want to empower the children or the parents, and it better be the former, or else I, for one, am not reading your posts...I can advocate children's rights with a parental rights twang.

The proper privilege attitude of any attached parent

In conservatism, we rarely discuss privilege except that of the left, meaning the left being a great monolith that shuts out certain voices just because of their status in society, the very definition of prejudice. Privilege does exist as a concept in conservatism, and it is called individual privilege.

The concept of privilege is rooted in the teaching of righteous judgment, meaning moral legal judgment on an individual level. As soon as you start judging groups blindly, you run into the moral crime of collective perjury, or prejudice, which is denoted by the Ninth Commandment, repeated in the New Testament by the Greek root word λοιδορος (Latin: loidoros). Righteous judgment is denoted in Christ's commandment in John 7:24 KJV:
Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.

"Judge" and "judgment" is translated by the Greek root word κρινο (Latin: krino) and refers to surround sound judgment of one's neighbor, meaning your neighbor is innocent until proven guilty, beyond a reasonable doubt, with due suspicion "beyond what the eye can see", regardless of unchosen group status, meaning judging any group based on unchosen traits as collectively guilty is perjury, including in a conversation between two people of different groups. Adult privilege/entitlement is the fact that adults will never again fully understand the oppressed and abused position of being a child in this country, judging children one by one with psychologist's judgments, looking into children, seeing the good in them, and assuming goodness in children no matter what, as children are exempt from prosecution under Divine Codified Jurisprudence. Suspect all adults like surround sound, but presume innocence in children like surround sound nonetheless, taking up cases as they come up, with children being a clinical case and not a legal case, due to youthful ignorance and inexperience. 

Judge your child like a psychologist would, using clinical profiling and not forensic profiling. Ask them questions about their well-being periodically, or when they seem upset. When they want a ready answer that they won't like, ask a question back to get them to think. Every child is a victim, but their victimhood is unique, so assume nothing about even your own child, apart from what they share with you. Assume your child is simply a blank canvas, and let them paint you a picture of themselves on that canvas, the best they can, being there like a psychologist, diagnosing needs based on input and status alone. If they are crying, they are crying for some reason, and it might just be that they want attention - so give them attention, and quit being a lazy and whiny parent for punishing an "attention-seeker". Get to know your child. Don't paint on their blank canvas - let them paint on it for you, delineating the bullet points as to who they really are, like a slide show. I believe nothing about a child's personality apart from what they share. I might infer other things, but I don't know, so I assume nothing.

Apart from adult privilege, there is no organized privilege on the right. We are all individuals, and even when judging children, you should invoke individual privilege as well. I don't know what a child I just met wants from me, so I let them paint a picture on a blank canvas of who they are, and I sort of get into that, meaning sort of share their interests, at least while they are there.

Let the depraved group perjurors burn in the lake of fire and brimstone, suffering the second death! Let them burn forever and ever! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

Children first, parents last - God's order of the family (why children are to be respected first)

Many parents think of themselves as bigger and more prominent than their child, meaning they put their needs first, and their child's needs last. The fact of the matter is that children come first, and parents last, under biblical law.

It says in Colossians 3:20-21 KJV:

Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well-pleasing unto the Lord. Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they become discouraged.

The Greek root word translated "children" is τεκνον (Latin: teknon) and refers to dependence in parents, just as mature believers are dependent in the Lord, meaning anyone dependent on their children physically and emotionally is a child under biblical. The Greek root word translated "obey" is υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to secure, vulnerable rest and trust in the love and grace of parents, with parents sacrificing for their children, in the spirit that Christ sacrificed for His children; taking up the cross for children, in the spirit that Christ did for His children, martyring yourself for your child in all things...and then children resting in the love and grace of parents, showing gratitude and thanksgiving by listening to the reassuring voice of parents, thanking parents for their kind and tactful treatment of children, owing absolutely nothing in return to them. The Greek root word υπακουο uplifts the traditional parenting of ancient Jewish culture, including 1st Century Christian culture, which is attachment based by nature. Child nudity was legal everywhere, and that was so mothers could use skin-to-skin contact to earn closeness, and then respect and cooperation when they are older, as mothers were also unclothed within a home setting, snuggling and co-sleeping next to children, with daughters especially being inseparable from mothers until adulthood. Young children were swaddled with swaddling bands to the bosom of mothers, with children being breastfed until then. The Greek root word translated "parents" is γονεύς (Latin: goneus) and refers to leadership or headship over a child, not authority, in the form of being a bondservant or caregiver to one's child, being completely beholden to their needs, putting your needs last, putting children's needs first, not expecting anything in return, meaning no praise whatsoever. Parenting then was about closeness, not authority or legalism.

The Greek root word translated " anger" is ερεθιζο (Latin: erethizo) and literally translates to "stirring up" upset or resentment in children, referring to the Jewish adage of "stirring the pot" regarding your child's emotional well-being. This was a direct command from God for church communities everywhere to ban spanking, as a timeless command. This refers ultimately the form of theft under the Old Testament known as provocation of one's neighbor to anger, explicitly extending moral legal protections to children. Basically, the slightest of personal offense perceived by the child is child abuse under God's Law, despite the child abuse definitions of the world. The Apostle Paul handed out parenting manuals that advised that parents use attachment parenting, meaning mothers hold their children close and breastfeed them until age 3 or 4, and fathers treat pedophilia and attraction to children as part of parenting, but a negative aspect of parenting, known as adult sexual entitlement. Pedophilia and attraction to children was on the surface, and was a surface-level struggle for many fathers then, who struggled openly in their respective church communities. Fathers especially were told to channel the sexual drive for children away from them by only indulging in sexual fantasy when they aren't around, leading to the child only being enamored sexually in the connotational tense. Attachment parenting comes from the Bible, and in attachment parenting, a pedophile can struggle openly, with a self-diagnosis. I as an advocate discourage "healthy pedophilia", as did the Apostle Paul, as that alone was seen as fornication.

Children first, parents last. That's the order God planned, meaning children are under the care of parents, but in an outspoken way where they demand what they need, and get what they need, based on diagnosing stated wants. Reverent rebellion was the norm in ancient Jewish culture, meaning children were invited by parents to question and flat out rebel towards parents, and the more children demanded, the more parents provided, with children's immaturity being accommodated and excused. The idea was to get all your energy out while you are still a child, allowing the child to be themselves and be immature, with children usually coming to emotional maturity at a much earlier age than in modern punitive homes, by way of basically being allowed to be wound up in the presence of parents, with parents as safe people, then being able to hold it all in and be self-disciplined once leaving the nest, as children get there naturally, at an earlier age. Punishment halts development, by making the moral centers of the brain dependent on punishment in order to stay in shape, meaning children grow up to fear the police, instead of see the police as their friend because they know that they are on the right side of the law, and thus don't care if a police officer is sharing a restaurant with him. When children are allowed to totally be themselves, they become mature around puberty, hence why ancient Jewish culture had an age of majority at age 13 for males and 12 for females. Children were put first, and children last.

The depraved and entitled parents will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them burn in the lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Let them descend into the ever-burning fire of Hell, with God turning His back on them from the very beginning of adulthood, predicting their evil acts from the very beginning! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

Saturday, September 25, 2021

Preventing child sexual abuse before the fact - the locational and entitlement aspect

Many people think a pedophile is a hopeless case. Adults who are attracted to children, namely pedophiles are, however, responsible for their every choice that impacts children. Child sexual abuse can be avoided entirely, and that is avoiding entitlement in relation to children.

3 out of 4 pedophiles choose not to abuse children sexually, with the most common form of abuse pedophiles commit being antisocial "rough-play" as pedophiles are often physically affectionate with children, even if they are introverted and shy usually with children. Your average pedophile is calm, centered, in an introverted and shy way, especially as they get older. They come to life around children, usually in a parental manner, but otherwise are stone-cold in their expressions. The guy to be calm and stoic, but then smile at your children being rambunctious in the store. We pedophiles like them like that. 

Pedophiles are less likely to abuse a child than most adults, as a true pedophile sexually fetishizes childhood and doesn't hate it one bit. An abuser takes this trait to an extreme, and doesn't know their size. They usually have a more pronounced case of autism, and are impulsive that rationalizes the consent of the child. They usually have a legal personality that looking for legal loopholes for sexual activity with children. Most are older teens and younger adults, with the teens being adults in that given situation. Think the rule bound male or female who is surely the debating type that is headed to law school in a lot of people's eyes, but falls apart in terms of clarity of sexual thought around children, and all self-control thereof.

There is a solution. The United States government, and/or the several state governments, should have an educational campaign for pedophiles and other adults sexually attracted to children, in terms of parent and caregiver mental health, alongside sexual abuse primary prevention. Why? If they all chose not to abuse a child, it would end, immediately. Adults choose, out of sexual entitlement, to sexually harass, assault, and rape children, with this entitlement usually being locational in nature, out of recklessness. If they weren't there, it wouldn't have happened.

Most child sexual abuse occurs when a sexually entitled adult is alone with a child. Usually, in a home setting, this is when a child is taking a bath/showering or when they are changing. All they have to do is avoid those areas of the house when occupied in said manner, but no, they had to barge in and harass the child, sometimes ending tragically, like a fuse, with sexually assault and rape. Most sexual abusers actually do have autistic traits, and their victims are usually autistic as well. Men are usually the offenders, usually against girls with autism that they deem "easy". 

When a child is sexually abused, I often ask questions, not react. Why was the adult even there? Why were they drinking/smoking/shooting up? Why didn't they just get the heck out of there? It can't be hard to walk away from such a situation, but no, they had to abuse that child, and that means they wanted to, and that means it was a choice. There are more choices in life than following your sex drive blindly, you depraved scumbag, you depraved sexual miscreant. 

Pedophiles who are ultimate victims oftentimes are into children's rights, and this can be a blessing or a curse, depending on their bias on the age of consent. I just changed my bias, because I don't want to get in trouble. I now want it to be high, and advocate against my self-interest, so that I grow in spirit and in terms of mental health.

The Greek root word denoting entitlement in the New Testament is πλεονέκτης (Latin: pleonektés) and refers literally to not just wanting sex from children, but wanting sex to the point of seeking to impose said sexual want onto children, leading to adult fornication against children (GRK: πορνεία), with adults defiling themselves next to children, thus sexually abusing them in a way that makes the abuser filthy and disgusting to God. Pedophilia and ephebophilia are simply sexual thoughts. All want comes from sin, so why single out pedophiles. Some want is neutral in terms of morality, meaning it isn't good or bad, and pedophilia in and of itself, meaning they fantasy, is harmless unless the adult chooses to be reckless and abuse a child with their reckless sexual entitlement as to location. So, don't blame the pedophile, blame the adult with the disorder attached to them for not wielding it right. Pedophilia is simply a thought disorder, with thoughts only becoming entitlement proper once they lead to planning against a child, in which case merely looking at a child while seeing them as a potential prospect is committing the sin, in and of yourself, and everything that may lead to it. For me, that is actually absence of fantasy, meaning I think clearer once I get a girl I saw somewhere out of my system, by fantasizing about sex with her. Sexual hatred is if I would tell her later as a way of flirting, or flirt with her in any way, as once she is offended, that is abuse.

Most pedophiles are not entitled in relation to children, compared to most adults, which is why most adults are jealous of pedophiles, and that's where the parental rights hatred of pedophiles comes from - the abusers are the ones hating the pedophiles, as a form of projectory prejudice. We pedophiles are already on the right track, dear parents. Most pedophiles support youth rights, and also support positive parenting ideas when dealing with children, which is basically what every pedophile wants - being a child's friend and building a good rapport with them. A few are permissive or authoritarian, and those abuse, due to their authoritarian and/or permissive views, and how they shape the attraction in terms of entitlement, with both parenting situations being entitled in nature. Most pedophiles are among the safest people on earth around children, and that is because of societal prohibitions against sexual abuse, which most pedophiles support. Most of us pedophiles also support banning spanking, as most of us have reverent trauma that seeks to purge such a thing from even existing, and perhaps the offenders as well while on this earth. Most who understand pedophiles well, meaning in a humanistic way, are anti-spanking, usually women, and usually educated.

I myself am an at-risk adult in terms of sexual abuse, with my risk diminishing. I was a spousifying abuser, meaning I wanted a relationship that recreated a marriage in my head, enough to flirt with young girls. What could I have chosen to do then? Either choose not to do it and stifle fornication, or else leave the area when I feel compelled to do the wrong thing. These days, I am most likely to commit the moral crime of antisocial "leer" towards a more sensitive child, meaning look away and the abuse is corrected. I want nothing from a child, not even what I want, as I am not deserving of anything from a child except hatred and disrespect. I must earn my keep with a child, or not at all.

Most child abuse is due to learned helplessness in adults, meaning you give them their options besides abusing, but all you get is "I don't want to" or "I am the parent, and I have rights". Just choose to do the right thing with children. There's never an excuse to abuse a child, meaning there is always a way around it. Don't give me the lame excuse that "I couldn't help it". Then you shouldn't have been there, fair and square. Now get out of there now before someone yanks you out, you depraved and decadent, defiled adult fornicator! Burn in Hell, adult fornicators against children! 

Righteous co-sleeping: Why God wants parents to sleep next to their children

Many parents think that co-sleeping is the irresponsible choice for a parent to make. This is a common attitude from American parents. Most ...