Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Is pedophilia a part of parenting?: Why it is, but in a negative way

Many parents in this country have an incest problem, meaning at least low-level attraction to their children. 1 and 4 girls and in 1 in 6 boys are sexually abused each year, with 1 our of 4 pedophiles being among the perpetrators. Most sexual abusers act out of distress at the last straw, usually with other forms of abuse in the mix.

Pedophilia and ephebophilia have a biological purpose which is dated, showing that our nature as adults is truly depraved and decadent in nature. It is an instinct designed to freeze up a crying child and "soothe" the child. Today, that part of parenting exists, but as a struggling one. Parents should openly acknowledge their pedophile or ephebophile status.

It says in Colossians 3:21 KJV:

Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they become discouraged.

The Greek root word translated "provoke...to anger" is ερεθιζο (Latin: erethizo) and literally translates to "stirring up" upset and resentment in children, referring to the Jewish adage of "stirring the pot" in terms of your child's emotional welfare. This included sexual abuse, in which case attraction to children, including pedophilia, was treated as a problem in parenting, not something divorced from parenting. 

The Apostle Paul handed out parenting manuals to the Colossians that included a chapter on the primary prevention of child sexual abuse, which recommended that, in the case of sexual attraction to children, that fathers use pro-social channeling to channel the desire to a dead end within their own thoughts and daydreams, being aware of that side of themselves, struggling openly.

The reaction of a pedophile admission would have been more of a "be careful" type of response. Think caution sign. Hazardous terrain ahead. That, however, if you disclosed a mere attraction or crush on one's daughter, which mothers supported fathers as accountability partners, not by covering up for the daughter's nudity, but by holding her tight, in a pro-social menacing way towards the father. Actually sexually harassing or assaulting a child? The common saying then to a child abuser was "you are deserving of death, even if Christ abolished it on the cross" and then often adding "you will surely suffer the second death, while being detached from the church body". They were left for dead to the Romans, who killed them on the spot. However, simply liking your child in the wrong way was simply a cause for strong concern, for the parent, but more so for the child. Society then saw pedophilia as a parenting struggle, and something to be struggled against, channeling that sexual energy into a box, with that box kept out of reach of the actual child being unfairly favored.

Positive parenting is a good attitude for a pedophile, with gentle, positive parenting involving turning one's controlling instincts against oneself. A pedophile/ephebophile who is non-offending turns their sex drive inward, focusing on thoughts and not actions, chastened up in the Lord. Gentle parenting is the parent disciplining themselves against parental entitlement.

The depraved parent and adult fornicators will burn in Hell! Let them be tormented for all eternity! Sex with children will never be acceptable, and never has been, even where it was accepted it. God hated it, hence why He chastened us up! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!...Because choosing not to sexually abuse a child a choice. Don't be there when it happens, because then it won't happen.


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2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
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