Saturday, September 25, 2021

Preventing child sexual abuse before the fact - the locational and entitlement aspect

Many people think a pedophile is a hopeless case. Adults who are attracted to children, namely pedophiles are, however, responsible for their every choice that impacts children. Child sexual abuse can be avoided entirely, and that is avoiding entitlement in relation to children.

3 out of 4 pedophiles choose not to abuse children sexually, with the most common form of abuse pedophiles commit being antisocial "rough-play" as pedophiles are often physically affectionate with children, even if they are introverted and shy usually with children. Your average pedophile is calm, centered, in an introverted and shy way, especially as they get older. They come to life around children, usually in a parental manner, but otherwise are stone-cold in their expressions. The guy to be calm and stoic, but then smile at your children being rambunctious in the store. We pedophiles like them like that. 

Pedophiles are less likely to abuse a child than most adults, as a true pedophile sexually fetishizes childhood and doesn't hate it one bit. An abuser takes this trait to an extreme, and doesn't know their size. They usually have a more pronounced case of autism, and are impulsive that rationalizes the consent of the child. They usually have a legal personality that looking for legal loopholes for sexual activity with children. Most are older teens and younger adults, with the teens being adults in that given situation. Think the rule bound male or female who is surely the debating type that is headed to law school in a lot of people's eyes, but falls apart in terms of clarity of sexual thought around children, and all self-control thereof.

There is a solution. The United States government, and/or the several state governments, should have an educational campaign for pedophiles and other adults sexually attracted to children, in terms of parent and caregiver mental health, alongside sexual abuse primary prevention. Why? If they all chose not to abuse a child, it would end, immediately. Adults choose, out of sexual entitlement, to sexually harass, assault, and rape children, with this entitlement usually being locational in nature, out of recklessness. If they weren't there, it wouldn't have happened.

Most child sexual abuse occurs when a sexually entitled adult is alone with a child. Usually, in a home setting, this is when a child is taking a bath/showering or when they are changing. All they have to do is avoid those areas of the house when occupied in said manner, but no, they had to barge in and harass the child, sometimes ending tragically, like a fuse, with sexually assault and rape. Most sexual abusers actually do have autistic traits, and their victims are usually autistic as well. Men are usually the offenders, usually against girls with autism that they deem "easy". 

When a child is sexually abused, I often ask questions, not react. Why was the adult even there? Why were they drinking/smoking/shooting up? Why didn't they just get the heck out of there? It can't be hard to walk away from such a situation, but no, they had to abuse that child, and that means they wanted to, and that means it was a choice. There are more choices in life than following your sex drive blindly, you depraved scumbag, you depraved sexual miscreant. 

Pedophiles who are ultimate victims oftentimes are into children's rights, and this can be a blessing or a curse, depending on their bias on the age of consent. I just changed my bias, because I don't want to get in trouble. I now want it to be high, and advocate against my self-interest, so that I grow in spirit and in terms of mental health.

The Greek root word denoting entitlement in the New Testament is πλεονέκτης (Latin: pleonektés) and refers literally to not just wanting sex from children, but wanting sex to the point of seeking to impose said sexual want onto children, leading to adult fornication against children (GRK: πορνεία), with adults defiling themselves next to children, thus sexually abusing them in a way that makes the abuser filthy and disgusting to God. Pedophilia and ephebophilia are simply sexual thoughts. All want comes from sin, so why single out pedophiles. Some want is neutral in terms of morality, meaning it isn't good or bad, and pedophilia in and of itself, meaning they fantasy, is harmless unless the adult chooses to be reckless and abuse a child with their reckless sexual entitlement as to location. So, don't blame the pedophile, blame the adult with the disorder attached to them for not wielding it right. Pedophilia is simply a thought disorder, with thoughts only becoming entitlement proper once they lead to planning against a child, in which case merely looking at a child while seeing them as a potential prospect is committing the sin, in and of yourself, and everything that may lead to it. For me, that is actually absence of fantasy, meaning I think clearer once I get a girl I saw somewhere out of my system, by fantasizing about sex with her. Sexual hatred is if I would tell her later as a way of flirting, or flirt with her in any way, as once she is offended, that is abuse.

Most pedophiles are not entitled in relation to children, compared to most adults, which is why most adults are jealous of pedophiles, and that's where the parental rights hatred of pedophiles comes from - the abusers are the ones hating the pedophiles, as a form of projectory prejudice. We pedophiles are already on the right track, dear parents. Most pedophiles support youth rights, and also support positive parenting ideas when dealing with children, which is basically what every pedophile wants - being a child's friend and building a good rapport with them. A few are permissive or authoritarian, and those abuse, due to their authoritarian and/or permissive views, and how they shape the attraction in terms of entitlement, with both parenting situations being entitled in nature. Most pedophiles are among the safest people on earth around children, and that is because of societal prohibitions against sexual abuse, which most pedophiles support. Most of us pedophiles also support banning spanking, as most of us have reverent trauma that seeks to purge such a thing from even existing, and perhaps the offenders as well while on this earth. Most who understand pedophiles well, meaning in a humanistic way, are anti-spanking, usually women, and usually educated.

I myself am an at-risk adult in terms of sexual abuse, with my risk diminishing. I was a spousifying abuser, meaning I wanted a relationship that recreated a marriage in my head, enough to flirt with young girls. What could I have chosen to do then? Either choose not to do it and stifle fornication, or else leave the area when I feel compelled to do the wrong thing. These days, I am most likely to commit the moral crime of antisocial "leer" towards a more sensitive child, meaning look away and the abuse is corrected. I want nothing from a child, not even what I want, as I am not deserving of anything from a child except hatred and disrespect. I must earn my keep with a child, or not at all.

Most child abuse is due to learned helplessness in adults, meaning you give them their options besides abusing, but all you get is "I don't want to" or "I am the parent, and I have rights". Just choose to do the right thing with children. There's never an excuse to abuse a child, meaning there is always a way around it. Don't give me the lame excuse that "I couldn't help it". Then you shouldn't have been there, fair and square. Now get out of there now before someone yanks you out, you depraved and decadent, defiled adult fornicator! Burn in Hell, adult fornicators against children! 

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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

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