Sunday, September 26, 2021

Children first, parents last - God's order of the family (why children are to be respected first)

Many parents think of themselves as bigger and more prominent than their child, meaning they put their needs first, and their child's needs last. The fact of the matter is that children come first, and parents last, under biblical law.

It says in Colossians 3:20-21 KJV:

Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well-pleasing unto the Lord. Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they become discouraged.

The Greek root word translated "children" is τεκνον (Latin: teknon) and refers to dependence in parents, just as mature believers are dependent in the Lord, meaning anyone dependent on their children physically and emotionally is a child under biblical. The Greek root word translated "obey" is υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to secure, vulnerable rest and trust in the love and grace of parents, with parents sacrificing for their children, in the spirit that Christ sacrificed for His children; taking up the cross for children, in the spirit that Christ did for His children, martyring yourself for your child in all things...and then children resting in the love and grace of parents, showing gratitude and thanksgiving by listening to the reassuring voice of parents, thanking parents for their kind and tactful treatment of children, owing absolutely nothing in return to them. The Greek root word υπακουο uplifts the traditional parenting of ancient Jewish culture, including 1st Century Christian culture, which is attachment based by nature. Child nudity was legal everywhere, and that was so mothers could use skin-to-skin contact to earn closeness, and then respect and cooperation when they are older, as mothers were also unclothed within a home setting, snuggling and co-sleeping next to children, with daughters especially being inseparable from mothers until adulthood. Young children were swaddled with swaddling bands to the bosom of mothers, with children being breastfed until then. The Greek root word translated "parents" is γονεύς (Latin: goneus) and refers to leadership or headship over a child, not authority, in the form of being a bondservant or caregiver to one's child, being completely beholden to their needs, putting your needs last, putting children's needs first, not expecting anything in return, meaning no praise whatsoever. Parenting then was about closeness, not authority or legalism.

The Greek root word translated " anger" is ερεθιζο (Latin: erethizo) and literally translates to "stirring up" upset or resentment in children, referring to the Jewish adage of "stirring the pot" regarding your child's emotional well-being. This was a direct command from God for church communities everywhere to ban spanking, as a timeless command. This refers ultimately the form of theft under the Old Testament known as provocation of one's neighbor to anger, explicitly extending moral legal protections to children. Basically, the slightest of personal offense perceived by the child is child abuse under God's Law, despite the child abuse definitions of the world. The Apostle Paul handed out parenting manuals that advised that parents use attachment parenting, meaning mothers hold their children close and breastfeed them until age 3 or 4, and fathers treat pedophilia and attraction to children as part of parenting, but a negative aspect of parenting, known as adult sexual entitlement. Pedophilia and attraction to children was on the surface, and was a surface-level struggle for many fathers then, who struggled openly in their respective church communities. Fathers especially were told to channel the sexual drive for children away from them by only indulging in sexual fantasy when they aren't around, leading to the child only being enamored sexually in the connotational tense. Attachment parenting comes from the Bible, and in attachment parenting, a pedophile can struggle openly, with a self-diagnosis. I as an advocate discourage "healthy pedophilia", as did the Apostle Paul, as that alone was seen as fornication.

Children first, parents last. That's the order God planned, meaning children are under the care of parents, but in an outspoken way where they demand what they need, and get what they need, based on diagnosing stated wants. Reverent rebellion was the norm in ancient Jewish culture, meaning children were invited by parents to question and flat out rebel towards parents, and the more children demanded, the more parents provided, with children's immaturity being accommodated and excused. The idea was to get all your energy out while you are still a child, allowing the child to be themselves and be immature, with children usually coming to emotional maturity at a much earlier age than in modern punitive homes, by way of basically being allowed to be wound up in the presence of parents, with parents as safe people, then being able to hold it all in and be self-disciplined once leaving the nest, as children get there naturally, at an earlier age. Punishment halts development, by making the moral centers of the brain dependent on punishment in order to stay in shape, meaning children grow up to fear the police, instead of see the police as their friend because they know that they are on the right side of the law, and thus don't care if a police officer is sharing a restaurant with him. When children are allowed to totally be themselves, they become mature around puberty, hence why ancient Jewish culture had an age of majority at age 13 for males and 12 for females. Children were put first, and children last.

The depraved and entitled parents will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them burn in the lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Let them descend into the ever-burning fire of Hell, with God turning His back on them from the very beginning of adulthood, predicting their evil acts from the very beginning! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

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Any comment that
1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

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