Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Abuser writings: Looking for the 3 D's when spotting a prejudicial pedophile online

Many people think we at survivors hate pedophiles. We hate child abuse, no matter what kind or color, but we don't hate pedophiles, by my standard. Most people just don't know what the disorder is, meaning they don't know what pedophilia even is, and once you gently tell them, turning the other cheek, they can accept it, usually on a sad note. This is most everyone who is liberal and/or educated on trauma-informed or psychological issues.

Pedophilia is a developmental sexual disorder involving sexual attraction to children under age 14, meaning usually a surface-level, defining attraction, linked to autism at some level. Autism is self-centered positioning in the world, and pedophilia is when you add children to that mix, meaning a strong affinity to children in most cases where the pedophile feels "attached to the hip" to children, with this distant attachment conflated with sexuality.

Pedophile hatred affects children, or individuals under age 18, the worst. It is a myth that it is a primarily a legal hatred, as most pedophiles do not run afoul of the law in any way, nor do most pedophiles abuse children, as opposed to their non-pedophilic counterparts. Many people may not see eye to eye with the disorder, and hate the fact that it exists, but this is due to misinformation. The moral crime of collective perjury, or prejudice, requires a certain burden of proof, meaning they must be informed first that their opinions on pedophilia are misinformed, meaning I am calm and courteous, and selflessly provide information, knowing the actual disorder mimicks a sexual abuser - and that's all it is. If they can't accept a fact like that, and go into false and abusive religion, they are an abuser, as the actual hatred is a distinctly Christian hatred, and a distinctly Roman Catholic one if that, stressing the Roman part alongside the other.

The phrase to be shunned by pedophiles, that all the core haters seem to say, is "depraved and decadent, defiled" or else any other words that start with D, such as "degenerates". This is language you save for a fornicator, meaning in the world of pedophiles, you did it, meaning you did the crime, meaning you abused. Then, I call them degenerates and everything else with impunity, because then I have the right to call my enemy names. It says in Matthew 5:21-22 KJV:

Ye have heard that it was said of old time, Thou shalt not kill, and whosoever shall kill shall be in danger of the judgment: But I say unto you, That whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment: and whosoever shall say to his brother, Raca, shall be in danger of the council: but whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire.

This does not mean do not call names, but only call people names when they deserve it, and only mock them when they deserve it. Everyone in society is to be presumed innocent beyond a reasonable doubt, meaning doubt their guilt, by your perceptions, until you have all the evidence, then pronounce them guilty in an intervention, disclosing all the evidence you have secured to them, giving them time to answer. The nature of a prejudicial pedophile is to project their crimes and abuse onto a younger, weaker target, usually a pedophile by the clinical definition. Once this pattern of abuse is discovered, you can call them any name in the book, but only after determining them to be a prejudicial pedophile. The tick before that, and they are guilty, and only a suspect.

Most abusers of pedophiles are not trauma survivors, but adult fornicators and sexual abusers who are defiling themselves next to a child, so they "pass the trash" onto a pedophile, usually deeming them "the pedophile" with a child being molested on the other end.

Usually, the pedophile victim is a child, meaning they are under the age of majority, and usually, they are the victim of a false police report, usually by a misinformed therapist, but also perhaps a projectory therapist in the case that the pedophile is a male. Most pedophile haters are men, not women, and most are Christians of a certain type, meaning they attend hate churches, as deemed by the Southern Poverty Law Center, namely Southern and Independent Baptist churches. 

There are levels to pedophile hatred, and the lowest is in the family home - the child's bedroom. Most American parents actually are not friendly to things such as masturbation, including those that are moderately religious, and oftentimes "intrude on the party" in order to "snuff it out". Perhaps a picture of a young boy or girl in a swimsuit was shoved under the bed, and the parent found out and punished. That scenario is code for the fact that parents can tell, and actually do not turn a blind eye to it. They may be more hasty in their sexual shaming of their child, which is, in and of itself, a form of sexual abuse. There is a reason I went completely sex-positive in an abusive way, and that is because my parents never punished me for being a pedophile or fantasizing like one. They just prefer not to hear about it, but my mother still listens. My father, while he was alive, didn't care to hear sometimes. My parents actually did the right thing, with me finding my way afterwards. No adult is perfect, but it is good that I am more disciplined in relation to children. Usually, pedophiles "come out" to parents when they feel safe, and they know they won't get punished for disclosing. In Pennsylvania, child abandonment is illegal, meaning something different and more outrageous, even for a pedophile. 

What should a parent do if their child opens up about being a pedophile. The doctrine of mutual submission applies here. It says in Colossians 3:20-21 KJV:

Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well-pleasing unto the Lord. Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they become discouraged.

The Greek root word translated "obey" is υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to secure, vulnerable trust in the love and grace of parents, coming from sacrifice for one's child, in the spirit that Christ sacrificed for His children; taking up the cross for one's child, in the spirit that Christ did for His children; and martyrdom in everything as a parent...and then pedophiles disclose, with the pedophile in the house turning out to be the child, not the other. Pedophiles will only disclose to a certain type of parent, a selfless parent, and what they want is to be listened to and validated. Punishment is prohibited by the Greek root word ερεθιζο (Latin: erethizo) and refers to "stirring up" upset and resentment in children, meaning "stirring the pot" in terms of your child's emotions, meaning the slightest of personal offense perceived by the pedophilic child is abuse, and usually, if they can perceive any, they won't disclose. This commandment was intended by the Apostle Paul to prohibit spanking and other forms of corporal punishment, and any punishment whatsoever. A form of adult sexual entitlement is playing God, and removing attractions in an individual that only God can take away. Pedophilia is a permanent disorder, and trying to cure it with quack therapies forced on the child, or punishing the child to "beat out demons" as it is sometimes done, is a form of sexual entitlement. Just stop punishing, period, and make that commitment to your child, and you should know shortly if your child is a pedophile or not.

A pedophile is a child-centered individual with autism, who is sexually motivated to fixate on children.  Most pedophiles are not like me, and were punished by their parents, with their parents "seeing in" and being able to tell that their child would become a pedophile. Usually, it fits in with any form of sexual shaming of masturbation, however, as most children in the United States are punished for that, at least up until a certain date. I was never punished for using my body like that, and that is why I don't hate myself for being a pedophile. Pedophile hysteria starts at home, with a fake Christian taboo that has no roots in actual Christianity. The Greek root word for "inordinate passions" in Col. 3:5 is επιθυμέω (Latin: epithumeo) and is also translated "lust" in Matt. 5:27-28, and refers to a specific type of intent to sexually harm a child, or else have sexual relations with a child, meaning when you find yourself in the planning stages of abusing children, or else recklessly positioning themselves in an area where they are alone with a child. Being reckless or willful enough to possibly commit sexual abuse is the same as actually committing it in your heart. Simple sexual thoughts may or may not be part of the equation, but they usually, for those testing as victims, are no big deal. It clears my memory, and gets the young girl out of my system.

There are different levels of abuser of pedophiles, meaning if you are the pastor-type to preach about the "debauchery" or "sexual immorality" of simply having a sexual thought about a child, you are the top of the top, meaning most of the country simply stigmatizes pedophilia in a way that can be linked to child hatred, meaning pedophilic children are the most hated among children in this country. It is ultimately a sexual taboo that is unnecessary, and leads to extreme mental health stigma in conversational format. 

A prejudicial pedophile hates them all, and hates them all because they hate themselves for what they are doing at a lower level, and should hate themselves, but not while bringing down all these other people that have nothing to do with their sexual offenses perceived by the child. An abuser of pedophiles might just be uninformed, but if they are abusing a child especially with their sexually entitled shaming, they deserve to be treated as an abuser until they learn to accept their child as is, no strings attached. That's what God wants of every parent - to accept their child. Pedophile or no pedophile.

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