Monday, February 28, 2022

Why children don't need rules

Many parents think children need rules. This is a common misconception about children, ultimately stemming from a misunderstanding about what the Bible says about parenting. Children do not need rules, as they absorb information about morality and the world around them.

The Apostle Paul wrote in Ephesians 6:1-4 KJV:

Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. Honor thy father and mother, for this is the first commandment with promise; That it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long upon the earth. And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.

The Greek root word translated "nurture" is παιδεία (Latin: paideia) and refers to a specific standard of Christian discipline in parents in relation to children, namely one that is entitled to nothing, and grateful for everything, especially in relation to children. Children owe parents nothing, and parents owe children everything, and this leads to a chastened up example for children to follow, backed up by the occasional instruction as a righteous test - this means that a child is given an instruction once, and if they don't follow parental instruction, it is assumed that they are too young to understand the instructions given their age and development, and are kept safe through logical consequence. Most childhood behaviors are left go, and assumed to be phases, with only the unsafe behavior or unattainable/unsafe wants leading to a verbal warning from a parent, with this warning being denoted by the Greek root word νουθεσία (Latin: nouthesia), with this referring to parental instruction in the form of verbal warning and reproof, allowing children a chance to not listen, in which case at least they were warned. This is all weighed by the Greek root word translated " wrath" is παροργίζο (Latin: parorgizo) and refers to damages, meaning the slightest of personal offense perceived by the child, including the slightest of offense touch or speech perceived by the child, with this including striking or punishing a child for any reason. The Apostle Paul here was lifting up the Law on punishing children. The punishment of children carried severe penalties in biblical times, and incurred bloodlust in both the Old and New Testament. The rod verses in the book of Proverbs, meaning all seven of them, are repealed verses, as they are only relevant to the context that they were given, as advice and not a legally binding command. These seven verses all refer not to spanking, but to a dated form of judicial corporal punishment conflated with the death penalty in Ancient Israel - the 40 minus 1 lashes with the rod of correction, as a final warning before an errant ADULT child was put to death. Only adult children were whipped, and rarely were they whipped for offenses against parents, as minor children could not be charged with a criminal offense or civil wrong - their parents were responsible for any mischief from their children that lead to offense, and had to apologize in court.

Children need some motivation to learn and absorb morality from a parent. Christian love does the trick, with this being esteeming children first, and parents last, to the point of dutiful and selfless submission to children, expecting absolutely nothing in return, with this leading to children resting in the love and grace of parents, denoted by the English word "obey" in which case the corresponding Greek root word υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo). This refers to secure, vulnerable rest in the love and grace of parents. It is a resting type of respect where children feel safe telling parents anything and everything under the sun, without mincing words, telling parents off if necessary.

Mothers and fathers had different roles in biblical parenting. Mothers provided nourishment and sustenance, through breastmilk and skin-to-skin closeness and intimacy respectively, with children being weaned by the time they were 3, or maybe even older if they insisted on mother's milk. Fathers were simply best friends with children, esteeming children highly, being like a human ragdoll for them to drag around, especially with older daughters. Fathers usually held connotational sexual attraction to their children, meaning the "sun tan spray" type of attraction. Children usually went completely naked, and this brought the level of attachment down to full equality, which led to the subtle attraction from fathers, usually towards older daughters. To be clear, sexual use or assault of a child was seen as wicked and evil, and deserving of death...This context can be applied to the degree the parent wants it to be applied, but just remember to clothe your infant when they leave the house, so they know that public indecency IS against the law.

Children, in biblical times, played freely, with many of the games having sexual undertones to them, with the most overt one being "marriage", with the marriage contract being the consummation of the marriage, meaning sex was a necessary component of a real-life marriage. Most children simply embraced, but if a boy showed intent to penetrated, the two were kept separate, the most serious consequences in a Hebrew or Christian home.

Children today don't need rules. They need a good example to look up to. Even then, children do not learn everything right away. Children absorb moral lessons and lessons about the world around them at their own pace, from adults they like and respect, but there is usually one adult in their life, usually a parent, that they look up to and form themselves as. But, it happens slowly, not overnight. Most childhood behaviors can be either ignored or responded to as developmentally appropriate. Nudity or partial nudity in a home environment, in our society, is developmentally appropriate behavior, and is to be ignored and maybe laughed about to other parents. Nudity or partial nudity outside the home isn't developmentally appropriate, and is a sign of either autism and/or a sensory processing disorder (SPD). It is good to know the stages of development of one's child, and memorize the chart.

Most children in America get punished for developmentally appropriate behaviors. Most behaviors simply are a phase, meaning if your child is drawing on the wall at age 3, they won't be doing that at age 13. You can tell your child not to draw on the wall, but they won't get it until later, when they will remember you telling them it is wrong to draw on the wall, and by that time they will be too old for that naturally. 

The idea is to model the Christian attitude you want to see in them, but know they will only pick it up at their pace. Children can learn strict discipline, but only if it is modeled to them through example, and only when they pick it up. At certain ages, they should achieve certain milestones, and if they respect a certain adult, they will willfully submit to them for a vocation, eager to learn about God and Jesus, usually in question and answer format. The more you interfere with a child's development using punishment, the less they want to cooperate, and the more they will fight back. Christian parents should model the Living Example of Christ, meaning a charitable example that is entitled to nothing from others, and grateful for everything. Make sure your child thinks you are the coolest parent on the block, so that they take up your example and run with it!

The depraved and entitled parents who provoke children to anger will not inherit the Kingdom of Heaven! Let them burn in the lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Let them descend into the abyss which is the ever-burning Hell of fire and torment, suffering God's Wrath forever and ever! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

Sunday, February 27, 2022

Religious child abuse against pedophilic children: Why we should care

Religious child abuse is the perception of religious entitlement as an offense. Pedophilia is the sexual attraction to children under age 14, and is a mental health disorder classified under DSM-5 classifications. Children are the most oppressed class of people on planet earth - and the most oppressed among them are pedophiles.

Pedophile hysteria does not stem from children's rights communities, but the epidemic of religious child abuse in the United States. The bulk of child abusers are motivated by religious teaching or doctrine of some sort, and these are the people that hate pedophiles. The most impacted of pedophiles in this regard are children under age 18. Sexual shaming abuse is the first abuse many pedophiles endure in life, from their own parents, and usually in the form of removal of magazines, lurching, and even sexual abuse. Many alleged "Christian" parents have punished their pedophilic children for masturbation, including with sexually violent "purification" rituals. The well-adjusted pedophiles out there, who deal with the hysteria calmly and coolly, had attached, gentle parents who didn't abuse them for being a pedophile. These parents usually know, but wait for a disclosure from the child in order to affirm that they knew already and simply were concerned. Usually, good parents show concern, but in a listening manner.

The core of pedophile hysteria is the misunderstanding of what "inordinate passions" in Colossians 3:5-7 KJV:

Mortify your members which are upon the earth; fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and covetousness, which is idolatry: For which things' sake the wrath of God cometh on the children of disobedience: In which ye also walked some time, and lived some.

The Greek root word translated "inordinate affection" is επιθυμέω (Latin: epithumeo) and refers not merely to abnormal sexual desire, but to a certain level of sexual desire - sexual desire at the level of seeking to taking the first steps to sexually abuse a child in the case of a pedophile. Being a pedophile isn't a sin, but rationalizing sexual behavior with children to the point of convincing yourself that it is okay to do is adult sexual entitlement, and sexual entitlement in any adult is sin. The Early Church affirmed pedophiles, as long as they stayed abstinent, and the parenting was so egalitarian in nature that most men were pedophiles, at least to their children, in an abstinent way due to purity norms and laws. The misuse of this passage, however, is what has led to hatred of pedophiles worldwide.

What is the solution? A solution that benefits non-pedophilic children as well - allow children to identify as pedophiles into adulthood. Then, we know who the abusers are by who is not identifying, or else how they identify. In such an affirming society towards pedophiles, most pedophiles will be aware of their attraction to children, and will be working on curbing it through re-channeling it into fantasy. Anyone who admits to being a pedophile, by default, will be believed, unless they are clearly using it as a medical excuse, in which case we believe the pedophiles who don't commit crimes or offenses against children. When the non-offending pedophiles of the world identify by their desires, the abusers have one less identity on their side. Usually, abusers hide. It may be perfectly safe to "come out", but they hide anyway, and if they show, their usage of the word "pedophile" will determine whether they are a threat or not. It would bring the sexual self-interest towards children onto the surface for all to see, so we can judge like a landscape and not a tunnel underground. 

I myself am a pedophile on the surface, of the non-offending, anti-contact variety, and I find it easier to manage that way, meaning it can be moved around and centered in a way that keeps children safe from my own self-interest. It isn't even at the entitlement level, but the self-interest level, meaning sex with children is my self-interest. I simply settle for being around children, and I'm happy and grateful. They can be in the restaurant or the store, and I am happy for them even being there. I myself do not have trauma related to being a pedophile, as my parents accepted me despite my disorder, in a listening fashion. Most understanding people know fully the disorder only when it is brought up, and otherwise, they move onto other things. A surface level pedophile can be worked into ordinary conversation. I am entitled to nothing from children, and am grateful for all the joy they bring me, just seeing them out and about.

Let the depraved and defiled adult fornicators of children BURN for their desecration of children and defamation of the true pedophiles who do not abuse children! Repent!

Why punishing children is sin

Many parents believe in punishing children. The majority of parents in the United States believe in the punishment of children. Most people think that not punishing your child in some way, at some point, is sin. The fact of the matter is that the reverse is true - punishment is sin. 

America is a Christian nation, founded on Judeo-Christian family values. We get most of our wisdom as a society from the Bible, including our wisdom on parenting. Most people think this means spanking shouldn't be banned. The fact of the matter is that the Bible bans all punishment of children, in all its forms. Punishment of children was not part of the biblical context that we glean from as a society.

Every single parent and adult is guilty in relation to children, and is deserving of DEATH and DESTRUCTION merely for existing in relation to children, with parents/adults being meek and shamefaced in relation to children, with parents being shut up in the Lord. Parents especially are to esteem their child above all else, putting children first, and parents last, leading to dutiful and selfless submission to children and their every vulnerable need, expecting absolutely nothing in return, with children resting safely and securely in parents. See Colossians 3:20-21 KJV:

Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord. Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they be discouraged.

The Greek root word translated "obey" is υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to secure, vulnerable rest in the love and grace of parents, with children feeling safe and secure in the presence of parents in a secure parent-child bond, with children being able to tell parents anything and everything under the sun. Children in biblical times trusted parents enough to go naked in front of them, bringing the level of attachment down to an equal level, and also allowing for skin-to-skin closeness and intimacy. 

The Greek root word translated " anger" is ερεθιζο (Latin: erethizo) and refers to damages, meaning the slightest of personal offense perceived by the child, including the slightest of offensive touch or speech, with this including striking or punishing a child for any reason. The Apostle Paul was lifting up the Law on punishment and control of children. Punishment of a child carried severe penalties, and was seen as deserving of death, especially in the Old Testament where punitive parents were hanged like poultry, known as bloodletting or chenek. The seven rod verses in Proverbs are repealed verses, meaning they are only relevant to that time-period, as they refer to a dated form of judicial corporal punishment - the 40 minus 1 lashes with the rod of correction, as a final warning before the errant ADULT child was put to death. Only adults could be charged with a criminal offense and receive a whipping for it, as minor children could not be charged with any criminal act or civil wrong due to youthful inexperience. Taking out one's anger on children is sin, in and of itself, as anger is to be saved for the courtroom exchange, and children are not subject to that Law, and cannot stand trial for moral crimes they did commit, as an age of infancy defense existed under the Law that Christ fulfilled and spread around the world.

Punishing a child was seen very differently in biblical times than today. It was seen as deserving of death. In the Early Church, it was against church ordinances to punish a child at all under age 13, with 13 being the age of majority under church ordinance. The Early Christians did not rely on Roman law on child abuse issues, but dealt with child abuse themselves, excommunicating abusive parents and clergy alike, with deacons such as the Apostle Paul cracking down on church abuse. 

Instead of punishing children, the Early Christians were attachment parents. Mothers nurtured children, providing nourishment and sustenance, meaning breastmilk and skin-to-skin closeness and intimacy respectively. Fathers related to children on a more equal, casual level, being friends with their child. Friendships between fathers and children - especially daughters - were conflated with connotational sexual attraction. To be clear, acting on such an attraction was considered evil and wicked by society then, and excommunication of abusers was seen as a fate next to death. Most fathers simply were passive around children, and were dragged around by their children like a human ragdoll. Parents then did not, on average, have physically aggressive instincts. Those that did were second-class parents then, as punishing a child at all was something very shameful and seen as pure evil then. Children were supposed to be close to parents, and even though free play was allowed, children never strayed away from the line of sight of parents, so not to be harmed by predators. Some games were high-risk, such as "marriage" (marriage, in biblical times, was defined by the consummation), were allowed, with the most stringent of penalties imposed by Christian parents then being separating siblings or cousins forcibly. Children went completely naked, everywhere they went, with mothers also being naked when in the house, with mothers wearing a thin skirt with nothing underneath but maybe their child when running errands. Child nudity was used as a means to bond with children more intimately, including to equalize the level of attachment, but also to allow for skin-to-skin closeness and intimacy, with mothers sleeping next to their children to lull them to sleep, using co-sleeping as a bonding tool...This context may be somewhat dated, but for the most part, it can be applied today, with little tweaking.

We as a nation glean from the biblical context for moral answers as to how to behave as a society. We are still learning about our values as a country. We learned we were wrong about slavery, Jim Crow, and women's oppression by learning that we were wrong about the Bible. Society now is learning that the Bible never says to punish a child. We know enough about our Bible now in the American church that we can ban all forms of punishment of children under the secular law, by passing laws redefining child abuse to be whatever the child perceives to be abuse. Defining child abuse by child/victim perception is in line with the biblical command not to provoke a child to anger.

The depraved and entitled parents will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them burn in the lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Let them descend into the ever-burning Hell of fire and torment, suffering God's Wrath forever and ever! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

Saturday, February 26, 2022

What is pedophilia?: Why being mentally ill is not a crime

Many individuals in society hate pedophiles. Most people, however, who hate pedophiles don't know what the disorder is. Pedophilia is a mental disorder featuring "intense sexual fantasies, urges, or behaviors" towards a child under age 14. "Intense" is interpreted by pedophilia experts in the mental health community as a sexual preference.

What is autism in relation to pedophilia? Autism is a disorder marked by developmental delays or arrest. Pedophilia, on the other end, is arrested sexual development associated with autism and the immaturity involved. Most pedophiles are not narcissists, but simply immature on the level of their sexual targets. This lack of maturity can be masked, and masking it is a sign of improvement, meaning lack of risk.

Most pedophiles are the safest people to be around children. Why is this? Most pedophiles have centered the entitlement most American adults have towards children, and they have done so instinctively, because they know sexual relations with children is wrong.

I myself am a pedophile, and I don't experience it as something "attached" to me, but a general feeling I get when I am around children, and away from them when fantasizing about children. It is an automatic feeling that I save for later, actively noticing a young girl as attractive, perhaps ogling her from the opposite corner of the room, and she just lets me. 

I feel attached to children in an affinity way, meaning I have at least a good idea of what it must be like to be a child, as I am on their level, and I also remember what it was like - it's no fun being a child with adults quartering you and lining up against you. Adulthood is escape from being a child, counting your blessings that you no longer in that war zone. I feel on the level of a child when I am around them, in a cautious, self-conscious way, seeing into them in an empathic way, with my sex drive conflated with my empathic drive.

It can be a self-interest, but is rarely entitlement these days. It used to be a form of entitlement for me, when I would flirt with girls as young as 9, and ask them for contact information. I was an obvious abuser, but still an abuser, thus I am responsible and culpable for what I did. I am a depraved and wicked adult merely for existing in relation to children, and am deserving of nothing, not even existence, in relation to a child, and am grateful when a child lets me exist within their periphery of perception. Most of the time, children don't care about my existence in relation to them, so the general rule is that I am allowed to exist in relation to children, but I have earned that through self-improvement.

Child sexual abuse is something slightly different that is committed by all sorts of adults, namely any adult that gets the opportunity and runs with it. The Greek root word denoting adult sexual entitlement is επιθυμέω (Latin: epithumeo) and refers to seeking to take the first steps to sexually abuse a child, with adult fornication being denoted by the Greek root word πορνεία (Latin: porneia) and refers to the child's perception of sexualized intent directed towards them, which can be legally evidenced by an upset stomach in a child or avoiding an adult, including elopement behavior.

However, most pedophiles do not abuse children sexually. 3 out of 4 pedophiles do not sexually abuse children, and most pedophiles are pro-youth rights to varying degrees. Most of us do admit entitlement over children, but as adults, not pedophiles, because pedophilia is irrelevant as a label to child protection after the fact. Before the fact, it is something for the mental health system to treat more humanely, namely by using more listening tactics when the topic comes up, seeing pedophiles as just like any other struggling parent, re-parenting them based on their mental health needs. A pedophile needs a gentle, listening, and encouraging parent, and one that simply gives guidance and allows the pedophile to reform themselves on their own, guiding them along like a loving parent. 

Let the depraved adult fornicators of children BURN, for their existence defames pedophiles! Repent!

Understanding the Fifth Commandment: Why respect for parents is not fearful in nature

Many parents think that the Fifth Commandment gives them absolute authority over their children, enough to demand respect from children. This is a common misconception that many parents believe - that they can unilaterally rule over their children like tyrants. The fact of the matter is that the purview of the Fifth Commandment does exist, but is narrow and refers to abuse of parents, meaning elder abuse, not merely "talking back". Back talk was encouraged in biblical times, in fact.

It says in Exodus 20:17 KJV:

Honor thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD giveth thee.

This refers to elder abuse. Elder abuse of parents was rampant in Ancient Israel, in a way that blamed the victim. Adult children would gaslight their parents, meaning sending them on their merry way, because they wanted things from their parents. This commandment was enshrined by the Lord in order to enable the Israelite government to clamp down on elder abuse of parents, predicting ahead of time a surge in elder abuse cases. Adult children were given many warnings before some received 40 minus 1 lashes with the rod of correction. This abuse did not include "talking back", even in expletives, as "cursing parents" referred to gaslighting curses. The abuse had to be severe and prolonged with many warnings. The mentality of broader Israelite society was like with how flawed humans react to most abuse - blame the victim, and suspect all elder abuse victims of punishing their children. Punishing children was more widely punished and hated severely by Israelite society, and so in order to admit to being beaten and taken advantage of by your own child, you had to admit to a lot of ignorant people that you, as the parent, failed your child. 

Every single parent and adult is guilty in relation to children, and is deserving of DEATH and DESTRUCTION merely for existing in relation to children, with parents/adults being meek and shamefaced in relation to children, being shut up in the Lord for being the entitled adults that they are. Parents especially are to put their children first, and themselves last, to the point of dutiful and selfless submission to children and their every vulnerable need, expecting absolutely nothing in return from children or others, with this leading to secure and safe rest in parents. The Fifth Commandment is repeated Colossians 3:20-21 KJV:

Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord. Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they be discouraged.

The Greek root word translated "obey" is υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to secure, vulnerable rest in the love and grace of parents, with children feeling safe and secure in parents enough to tell parents anything and everything under the sun, expecting no punishment or reprisal in return. Respect for parents, in this context, means respecting parents enough to give them a piece of your mind, and then they thank you later for the criticism. Children in biblical times trusted their parents enough to be naked in front of them. On one hand, children went naked wherever they went, but on the other hand, children were supervised wherever they went - they rested in the supervision of adults, never leaving the line of sight of mothers or fathers, but more so mothers. Child nudity was children baring their vulnerability to parents, as nudity in ancient Israel and adjoining churches meant exposed vulnerability, and children were seen as vulnerable then.

The Greek root word translated " anger" is ερεθιζο (Latin: erethizo) and refers to damages, or the slightest of offense perceived by the child, including the slightest of offensive touch or speech perceived by the child, with this including striking, punishing, or controlling a child for any reason, regardless. The Apostle Paul was lifting up the Law on punishing children, as many members of the Colossian church were punishing their children as part of Hellenistic custom. Punishing a child carried severe penalties in the Bible, meaning it was seen as deserving of death, even in the Early Church where the death penalty was abolished. The seven rod verses in Proverbs, and the verse in Hebrews 12:6, do not refer to spanking, but to the rod of correction, with the verse in Hebrews being symbolic for enduring hardship. The verses in Proverbs depicting the rod are all repealed verses, meaning they only apply to the context that they were given to, as they reference a dated form of judicial corporal punishment specific to the Old Testament - the 40 minus 1 lashes with the rod of correction. No minor child suffered the rod as a punishment, as it was intended for ADULT children only. Minor children could not stand trial due to assumed inability to form the level of entitlement necessary to commit a crime, meaning youthful inexperience - you either has to know ALL of the Law, meaning your education was complete, or you knew nothing because you were still learning the law as a child. All anger expressed towards a child is sin, as anger has a moral legal meaning to it, meaning the moment you open up with anger at your child, you take them to court in the exchange, which is unlawful for minor children under age 18, as they are minors and cannot stand trial in a moral legal exchange.

The Fifth Commandment, for minor children, isn't about obligations to parents, but secure, vulnerable rest leading to cooperation. The idea is that a child who rests in parents out of trusting them securely and safely will want to take up a vocation through a parent or elder's example, usually a parent or elder that they like and look up to. There is no need to even teach children how to behave - they will absorb such a lesson at their own pace from adults, by watching adults, and seeing how they behave, so behave as if the eyes of Texas are upon you - for your children's eyes are the eyes of Texas in this context.

Secure, vulnerable rest then meant child nudity in the house. What this did was lower the level of attachment to an equal level, and enable a secure parent-child bond through skin-to-skin closeness and intimacy with one's child as a mother. Fathers were simply friends on an equal level, but had connotational sexual attraction at the "spray tan oil" level, meaning like spraying the attraction on bare, exposed skin like sun tan spray, with older daughters being the main target for attraction, but with the attraction being completely centered and self-controlled away from children, with attractions to children being channeled into solo masturbation, where they remained - mothers guarded their children, especially their daughters, even from internal threats such as parent attraction from a father. Fathers were passive in relating to their children, having no physically aggressive instinct, letting children drag them around like a human ragdoll. Mothers nurtured, and fathers encouraged. Fathers struggled then with setting limits, fighting through the attraction, with mothers being more sturdy, as she didn't feel attraction to her children, but simply was driven by instinct through the Holy Spirit. Mothers did set the limits for the children, but only rarely, as a means to mete out a righteous test, and if children didn't listen, it was assumed that they weren't able to. Some of this context may be dated, but much of this context applies today, including the parent attraction in attachment parenting homes. Like today, sexual behavior with a child was seen as deserving of Hell and death, as it was seen as fornication, even in "gunning down" stance.

The depraved and entitled parents who provoke children to anger will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them burn in the lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Let them descend into the ever-burning Hell of fire and torment, suffering in God's Wrath forever and ever! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

Let children call the shots: Secure parent-child bond, in policing format

Many parents believe that they call the shots. This is a common misconception about the role of parents in relation to children, and vice versa. The fact of the matter is that children call the shots as to what their needs are, and how they are to be met.

Every single parent and adult is guilty in relation to children, and is deserving of DEATH and DESTRUCTION merely for existing in relation to children, with parents/adults being meek and shamefaced in relation to children, being shut up in the Lord. Parents especially are to esteem their child above all else, putting children first, and parents last, to the point of dutiful and selfless submission to children and their every vulnerable need, expecting absolutely nothing in return, with children then resting securely and safely in parent. See Colossians 3:20-21 KJV:

Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord. Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they be discouraged.

The Greek root word translated "obey" is υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to secure, vulnerable rest in the love and grace of parents, with parents being attendant caregivers to children, being beholden to the every need of children. This means being able to tell parents anything and everything under the sun, not expecting any punishment or reprisal in return for being honest and open about one's feelings and emotions with parents. Children in biblical times trusted their parents so much that they went naked in front of parents, with this bringing down the level of attachment to the level of the child, with Hebrew and Christian parents then "growing up" with their children. Child nudity also ensured skin-to-skin closeness and bonding.

The Greek root word translated " anger" is ερεθιζο (Latin: erethizo) and refers to damages, or the slightest of offense perceived by the child, including the slightest of offensive touch and speech. This includes striking and punishing children for any reason. The Apostle Paul was lifting up the Law to the Greek Christians in Colossae concerning their custom of punishing children. Punishing children, under the Law, carried severe penalties, and incurred bloodlust in both the Old and New Testaments. The seven rod verses in the book of Proverbs are repealed verses, meaning they only apply to the context given, as they reference a specific, dated form of judicial corporal punishment conflated with the death penalty in ancient Israel - the 40 minus 1 lashes with the rod of correction, as a final warning before putting an errant ADULT child to death. This happened rarely, and never for any crimes committed against parents. Minor children could not stand trial, and thus they were not held responsible for criminal acts and civil wrongs committed. Anger then was seen as taking up the courtroom exchange, and was only allowed for that purpose in the biblical context, with children being incompetent to stand trial in the exchange.

Children called the shots in biblical times. The goal for any parent in biblical times was a secure parent-child bond, and one with a policing nature. That means children demanded for needs and a redress of grievances, and even gave their own parents parenting advice. This was the established norm of biblical society - children demanded needs and a redress of grievances, and parents surrendered, giving in and giving up.

When children call the shots, they express directly to parents what they need. They do so through what they want, meaning wants either express a need directly, or else point to a need. Attention-seeking behavior means they aren't getting enough attention, and so you gladly take them for a walk and bond with the child, giving them the right kind of attention instead of the wrong kind of attention. Babies cry for attention, older children act out for attention, but the motive in the child is the same. Children advocate for needs on their own, first by crying, then by whining, and then by pouting or rolling eyes. Usually, by the time they are whining or rolling eyes, they simply feel like they aren't being listened to, and so they need to be listened to and have their concerns heard out.

The depraved and entitled parents will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them burn in the lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death prepared for Satan and his accomplice! Let them descend into the abyss which is the ever-burning Hell of fire and torment, suffering God's Wrath forever and ever! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

Friday, February 25, 2022

Please your child: The role of parents as keeping peace in the home

Many parents think that keeping peace in the home means firm, punitive discipline. This is a common misconception about children made by parents. Children do not need a firm hand - they need to be pleased, and from there won over.

Children cannot be trained like a pet can. Children are instead to be won over like a wife should be won over. I myself am conditioned by my Christian beliefs to please children, and appease to them, not wanting them to be angry with me, calmly blaming myself when they are angry with me, assuming it is something I must clear up with courtroom honesty. I am entitled to nothing from a child, including their approval, as a child owes me nothing. YOU, the parent, cannot take your child to court, but your child can take you to court, and they can tell you how they want to be parented (petition of redress of grievances).

Every single parent and adult is guilty in relation to children, and is deserving of DEATH and DESTRUCTION merely for existing in relation to children, with parents/adults being meek and shamefaced in relation to children, being shut up in the Lord for their sin nature as entitled adults. Parents especially are to esteem their children above all else, putting children first, and parents last, to the point of dutiful and selfless submission and subjection to children and their every need, expecting absolutely nothing in return, with children resting safely and securely in parents. See Colossians 3:20-21 KJV:

Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord. Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they be discouraged.

The Greek root word translated "obey" is υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to secure, vulnerable rest in the love and grace of parents. Parents are to work for their child, while their child rests in the work from parents. Parents are to please their children by creating space for children to tell them anything and everything under the sun, then appeasing their demands by responding to them instead of reacting to them, giving them whatever they want that is attainable and safe, knowing that wants point to needs, ALWAYS responding to cries with reassurance instead of disdain. Children felt safe enough around parents in the Bible to be naked in front of them, meaning children went anywhere and everywhere while naked, but always within the supervisory line of sight of parents. Nudity was to lower the level of attachment to full equality, and to ensure skin-to-skin closeness. Rest in parents means that the child feels safe in a secure parent-child bond, with parents being a child's best friend.

The Greek root word translated " anger" is ερεθιζο (Latin: erethizo) and refers to damages, meaning the slightest of personal offense perceived by the child, including the slightest of offensive touch or speech, including striking, punishing, or otherwise controlling a child, regardless. The Apostle Paul was lifting up the Law concerning punishing children. Punishing a child carried severe penalties in both ancient Israel and the Early Church. The seven rod verses in the book of Proverbs that depict the rod of correction do not refer to any "biblical spanking", but to a specific, dated form of judicial corporal punishment culturally and legally specific to the Old Testament - the 40 minus 1 lashes with the rod of correction, as a final warning before condemning an errant ADULT son to death. Minor children could not be charged with a criminal offense or civil wrong, as children were assumed under the Law not to be able to form the intent necessary to be able to stand trial. Any anger then was seen as a courtroom gesture, and children could not be taken to court, thus any anger directed at a child is perjury, especially in interrogational format.

Parents are there to please their children, meaning they are beholden to their child's needs and emotions, like waitstaff in a restaurant, serving their children at table, bending over backwards to make sure children are happy. Love for a child is a form of submission, being lawfully and dutifully subject to the righteous demands of their child, being meek and shamefaced in relation to children, with parents and other adults in a child's life being shut up in the Lord, struck with reverent fear and terror for their children, to the point of putting children first, and parents/adults last.

That's all you're there for as a parent - to keep the peace at home by pleasing your child and making sure they are always happy, taking the blame oneself for when children aren't happy, seeking to win them over and make amends, working diligently to please and appease the needs and emotions of children. Children have five basic categories of needs; food, water, shelter, transportation, and attachment, with the last of those needs - attachment needs - being the most important.

I myself am conditioned by my Christian faith to appease a child's resentment of me, presuming they have a good reason to resent me, until proven otherwise beyond a reasonable doubt, looking into the child's emotions to see why they are angry or upset with me, and then give evidence calmly and empathetically to reassure any child that is afraid of me or doesn't like me. Even then, though, some children just won't like me, and I have to accept that, and move on, as I am not entitled to children liking me. Respect is not about fear, but about trust, and trust enough to be open with parents about anything. You can respect someone and give them a piece of your mind, and if a parent respects candor from a child, that's one good parent.

The depraved and entitled parents who provoke children to anger will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them burn in the lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death, prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!



Pro-social friendship: Why (and how) a parent should be a child's best friend

Many parents think that they should be their child's parents, not their friends, separating the two roles. These parents usually cite the Bible as an excuse for their controlling stance towards their children. However, parents are to be a child's best friend, with parents having a secure parent-child bond with children, and vice versa.

Every single parent and adult is guilty in relation to children, and is deserving of DEATH and DESTRUCTION merely for existing in relation to children, with parents/adults being meek and shamefaced in relation to children, shut up in the Lord. Parents especially are to put children first, and parents last, to the point of dutiful and selfless submission to children and their every vulnerable need, expecting absolutely nothing in return, with children resting securely and safely in parents. See Colossians 3:20-21 KJV:

Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord. Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they be discouraged.

The Greek root word translated "obey" is υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to secure, vulnerable rest in the love and grace of parents. This sort of surrender to parents is surrender in the loving arms of parents, with children feeling safe to share anything and everything under the sun with parents, expecting absolutely no punishment or reprisal in return for confessing things done wrong into parents. Parents are to listen to their children like a confessor hears the testimony of a penitent, taking a vow of secrecy and confidentiality when handling a child's information, only dispersing their child's information as the child sees fit. This ultimately refers to a secure parent-child bond, or a friendship between parent and children where the child confides into parents about their emotions, upsets, or frustration.

The Greek root word translated " anger" is ερεθιζο (Latin: erethizo) and refers to damages, meaning the slightest of personal offenses perceived by the child, including the slightest of offensive touch or speech perceived by the child, which prohibits striking or punishing a child under any circumstances. The Apostle Paul here was lifting up the Law on punishing children, with the punishment of children in biblical times carrying severe penalties, meaning that punishing or striking a child for any reason was seen as deserving of death, even in the Early Church where the death penalty was abolished. The seven verses in Proverbs that refer to the rod of correction do not refer to spanking, but to a dated form of judicial corporal punishment conflated with the death penalty in ancient Israel - the 40 minus 1 lashes with the rod of correction, as a final warning to an ADULT child guilty of a capital offense. Minor children could not be charged with a criminal offense nor a civil wrong, due to youthful inexperience, meaning the defense of infancy.

The Bible, as a whole, calls for a secure parent-child bond in the family home, meaning parents are their child's best friend, and someone to lean on, and this was how parents were seen by their children in biblical times. Mothers were nurturers, providing nourishment and sustenance, meaning usually breastmilk and skin-to-skin closeness respectively, but sometimes ordinary food as they got older. Fathers simply befriended children on an equal level. Children were naked all the time, wherever they went, and this brought the level of attachment down to full equality, meaning Hebrew and Christian parents alike then "grew up" with their children. Fathers had connotational sexual attraction to their children that was on the surface, usually idealizing older daughters especially in their speech, putting them on a pedestal, interacting with them in a passive manner, like a human ragdoll being dragged about. Mothers were charged by society then in guarding their children against sexually predatory threats in the home, extending a stophand to the father of her children, halting him from engaging in sexually abusive behavior with their children. However, parent attraction was very common in Early Christian culture, and fathers could be intimidated quite a bit by the upsets of their daughters and sons alike, but especially their daughters, meaning fathers then listened to and validated children, while putting them on a pedestal. Mothers simply rolled their eyes at the dramatic, child worshipping statements coming from the father of her children. The parent attraction was due to the heavily egalitarian nature of the parenting then, which allowed for children to be naked everywhere they went.

Children in the Bible went completely naked everywhere they went, and there were two reasons for it. First off, the presence of naked children in a household lowers the level of attachment to the level of the child, and secondly, it makes for easy skin-to-skin closeness with parents. Forcing children not to wear clothing in the house is abuse, but allowing children birth nudity is not abuse, as children today should be allowed to wear clothing. But, a child growing up used to being naked will be accustomed to being naked wherever they can. I wouldn't recommend it in public (Rom. 13:1-4), but at home, why not? Traditionally, in ancient Hebrew and Christian cultures, children would wait until they were an adult to wear clothing, and that is because of the intimate nature of mother-child friendships in biblical times. Today, this can be applied, upon introducing a new home setup, by saying "you don't have to wear clothing", and chances are, they are going to take them off, and then adults are just going to have to deal with the sexual stimuli, because children have the right to be naked, even in public if it were allowed. Children snuggled next to their mothers, with mothers also being in the nude, and together, children and mother were in skin-to-skin closeness and intimacy. Some of this advice may be dated, but most of this context can be applied today, to the degree that it can be applied given your individual living situation

The depraved and entitled parents who provoke their children to anger will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them burn in the lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Let them descend into the ever-burning Hell of fire and torment, suffering God's Wrath forever and ever! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

Pro-social instruction, pro-social righteous test: How to give instructions to children properly

Many parents believe that they can simply order children around, and that children must listen. Parents, under Christian law, cannot give lawful and binding orders to minor or dependent children, as all dependent children owe nothing to parents - all cooperation is a gift from God to be grateful for. Ask, and you shall receive from your child, if she is ready developmentally. Demand, and you get nothing but resentment of parents.

The Greek root word denoting entitlement in the New Testament, and commonly translated as "covetousness", is πλεονέκτης (Latin: pleonektés) and refers here to parental entitlement, as defined officially as wanting things from or of a child, to the point of imposition. Unofficially, this refers to all unattainable want, meaning adults should try to not want anything from a child. Instead, we ask politely, even with children. See Ephesians 6:1-4 KJV:

Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. Honor thy father and mother, for this is the first commandment with promise; That it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long upon the earth. And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.

The Greek root word translated "admonition" is νουθεσία (Latin: nouthesia) and refers to righteous instruction, meaning instruction as a righteous test as to whether the child is able to listen or not. What happened in biblical times was that, when a child was instructed on an unattainable want or unwanted behavior, it was presumed that perhaps the child would not understand the instruction, in which case the parents just let it go, or perhaps kept the child safe with logical consequences such as removing the child from an unsafe situation or, the most stringent consequence then, forced separation of siblings (usually for sexually impure behavior). The Greek root word translated "nurture" is παιδεία (Latin: paideia) and refers to a specific Christian standard of discipline for parents in relation to children known as the chastening of the Lord, meaning parents are entitled to nothing, and grateful for everything, especially in relation to children. Parents are to ideally want nothing from their child, and give thanks to whatever trust they have earned from their child. This is all weighed by the Greek root word translated " wrath" is παροργίζο (Latin: parorgizo) and refers to damages, meaning the slightest of personal offenses perceived by the child, including the slightest of offensive touch or speech perceived by the child, stemming from entitlement, including striking or punishing the child, or else anything that offends or threatens the child, regardless. The Apostle Paul here was lifting up the Law on punishing children to the Ephesian church, as the Greek Christians there took to the Greco-Roman custom of punitive parenting, which was prohibited under the Law, with punishing children carrying severe penalties. The rod verses in Proverbs and Hebrews both refer not to any sort of "biblical spanking" but a specific, dated form of judicial corporal punishment specific culturally and legally to the Old Testament - the 40 minus 1 lashes with the rod of correction, as a final warning before putting an ADULT child to death. Minor children could not legally be whipped, as they could not stand trial due to youthful inexperience. The book of Hebrews mentions the rod figuratively, as symbolism for enduring hardship. Any anger towards a child is a courtroom exchange with them, and any interrogation of a child is perjury, as children were seen then as blameless.

How do you get children to want to follow a parent's example? Christian love does the trick, meaning putting children first, and parents last, to the point of dutiful and selfless submission to children, expecting absolutely nothing in return from children or others, with children resting safely and securely in the love and grace of parents, with this rest being denoted by the word "obey" and the corresponding Greek root word υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo). This word refers to a form of respect where you aren't afraid of parents, but to a feeling of safety and security in parents, enough to share anything and everything under the sun with them, not expecting any punishment or reprisal in return for their honesty and candor. In Christian homes in the 1st Century, children felt safe enough to remain in the nude in relation to parents, baring their vulnerability in relation to their parents, and even when older children played outside naked, they were supervised, and didn't leave their mother's side. Child nudity was acceptable under biblical law then because it brought down the level of attachment to full equality, meaning parents "grew up" with their children, as well as the fact that children of all ages could benefit from skin-to-skin closeness, which children up until adulthood could receive from mothers as sustenance anytime. 

Children will not always follow instructions, and that can be assumed to be because they do not understand the instructions given. Children have a very different brain structure than adults, especially young children. Thus, a child at a young age will not understand the instructions given to them, meaning they literally cannot process, cognitively, what you mean by "don't play ball in the house", so you just let it go, and keep them safe with logical consequences, or else allow the natural consequence to take place if there is a way out. Natural consequences can be used, for example, when the child refuses to wear a winter coat - keep it with you, on your person, for when they complain that it is cold, and then say "That's why I brought your coat along. I knew you'd be cold."

Children do not carry on behaviors if they aren't "shut down" by "adult authority". Most behaviors that children are punished for in America are developmentally appropriate behavior. Most behavior adults find annoying are phases. So a child likes to scream at the top of her lungs in the store? Let her, because she'll grow out of the screaming fits soon enough. Most children that do it have discovered with their ears that they have a voice, and enjoy hearing their voice - no narcissism there, just a sensory-seeking child. Older children don't scream and cry, but graduate to whining when they don't get their way, so let them whine, because that is what they are supposed to do at that age, given their age and development. When development is staggered or slow, that means they have a developmental disorder. If they regress, they likely have a psychiatric disorder such as a mood and/or psychotic disorder. 

Sometimes, a behavior becomes intolerable due to being unsafe. In biblical times, certain games, such as "marriage", often led to two children being forcibly separated - the strongest of consequences handed down by Christian parents then, and only when two siblings were being aggressive or sexually inappropriate in some way. In the case of the game of "marriage", the defining signature on the marriage papers was sexual relations, which was seen as a marriage contract, with children being completely naked wherever they went. Children usually embraced and nothing more. Parents supervised the game, and when a boy was seen as about to penetrate, the two were separated, with the boy instructed and the girl seen as a victim. Sometimes, the boy didn't understand what went wrong, and then he was kept safe to keep any girl safe, and was kept away from that game. This is how Christian parents today should relate to their children's behaviors. First, give clear instructions that set clear limits and boundaries. Sometimes, that's all you need to do, and that's when their brain is ready to handle that kind of information. But, many times, children don't get it - it goes in one ear, and the right out the other. That's when you resort to logical consequences such as removing them from a situation. However, at the same time, if you are constantly moving your children around, maybe you are setting too many limits, and need to turn the other cheek with your attitudes towards your child. A good parent lets go of a lot of things from their children, meaning things such as screaming, crying, and so forth. Certain behaviors instead require a graceful response - NEVER leave a crying child unattended, meaning ALWAYS reassure them and/or ask them what is wrong.

The depraved and entitled parents who provoke children to anger will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them burn in the lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Let them descend into the abyss which is the ever-burning Hell of fire and torment, suffering God's Wrath forever and ever! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

Thursday, February 24, 2022

Self-behaviorism: Why behavioral techniques are for parents (not children)

Many parents have a child with autism. Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) is a way many behavioral specialists brainwash parents. However, behaviorism does have a valid application - with oneself, as a parent or similarly charged adult in relation to children

The Greek root word denoting entitlement in the New Testament is πλεονέκτης (Latin: pleonektés) and officially refers to want to the point of imposition, meaning any want imposed upon your neighbor. Unofficially, however, it refers to any unattainable want as an infraction, and not an offense. The idea is to strive not to want anything from your neighbor, including children. The idea is to be entitled to nothing, and grateful for everything, setting a good example for children. 

Children with autism can be taught by example. They just have to like the adult, and this means forming a secure parent-child bond, preferably from day one, lest your child with autism reject you. Love for a child, in the Christian sense, is putting one's child first, and parents last, to the point of dutiful and selfless submission to children and their every vulnerable need, expecting absolutely nothing in return, with children resting safely and securely in parents. Parents work and do their job, and children rest in the good works of parents. See Colossians 3:20-21 KJV:

Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord. Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they be discouraged.

The Greek root word translated "obey" is υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to secure, vulnerable rest in the love and grace of parents, with parents doing good works for the child, and children resting in safety, security, and gratitude, owing nothing in return to parents. This is a form of respect for parents where children don't fear their parents, but feel safe and secure in the presence of parents. Parents should be a safe place for children to unleash their every emotion, upset, and frustration, with parents not forcing children to mince their words. Children in biblical times felt safe enough around parents to bare their nude vulnerability to them, going naked wherever they were, yet never leaving the side of parents. 

The Greek root word translated " anger" is ερεθιζο (Latin: erethizo) and refers to damages in this context, or the slightest of personal offense perceived by the child, including the slightest of offensive touch or speech perceived by the child. The Apostle Paul here was lifting up the Law to Greek Christians who punished their children as part of Hellenistic custom. Punishing one's child carried severe penalties under the Law, meaning it was seen as deserving of death on the part of the parent. The seven verses in Proverbs that depict the rod of correction are all repealed verses, as they actually depict a dated form of judicial corporal punishment - the 40 minus 1 lashes with the rod of correction, as a final warning before putting an errant ADULT son to death, usually for crimes against the state or crimes against children. The parent protection laws, in practice, were never enforced. Minor children could not be charged with any moral crime or civil wrong, as children under the age of majority could not stand trial. Any anger towards a child, meaning imposed on them, is a courtroom exchange, and children are too young and too inexperienced to handle the exchange. So, the idea is to stifle anger or other emotions associated with interrogation. Ask, and you shall receive from your child, if they are ready. Demand, and you get nothing but resentment, at least later on.

Want from children is something you don't do as a parent. The idea behind self-behaviorism is to chasten oneself up in the Lord as the example you wish to impart onto your child. In order to teach them values, you have to be those values to them, and impart them. Christian parents should impart the Living Example of Christ onto children, meaning parents should be entitled to nothing, and grateful for everything, especially from their child. That means try not to want things from your child, and if you do want something from your child, ask nicely and politely, and you shall receive anything your child can give you.

The depraved and entitled parents who provoke their children to anger will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them burn in the lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Let them descend into the abyss which is the Hell of fire and torment, suffering God's Wrath forever and ever! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

What is a criminal?: Why children shouldn't be disciplined

Many parents believe the pro-spank narrative that if you don't spank or discipline your child, your child will end up in prison as a criminal. Many in the police establishment even (especially juvenile crime detectives and officers) - who are called to serve and protect our children - recommend to parents to punish their children somehow. This post deals with why many in the police are wrong.

We agree on what a criminal is. A criminal is an individual, usually an adult, who is reliant on punishment in order to function in society without harming others or disrupting society. We have a lot of adults who rely on earthly punishment to guide their moral decisions, and so anyone can become a criminal. That much we agree on. However, punishment begets the need for more punishment, meaning children's brains become reliant on punishment to tell them where the boundaries lay. Thus, the solution to solving the issue of crime isn't punishment of children, but lack thereof. Parents should teach by example, not imposed structure. See Ephesians 6:1-4 KJV:

Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. Honor thy father and mother, for this is the first commandment with promise; That it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long upon the earth. And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.

The Greek root word translated "nurture" is παιδεία (Latin: paideia) and refers to a Christian standard of discipline for parents in relation to children, namely one that is entitled to nothing, and grateful for everything, with children owing nothing to parents, and parents owing everything to children, expecting absolutely nothing in return, with this forming a chastened up example for children to follow, backed up by the occasional instructions as a righteous test - if children don't listen, it should be assumed that they can't listen, and thus parents should simply keep them safe, as denoted by the Greek root word νουθεσία (Latin: nouthesia) and refers to instruction in the Lord as a righteous test in order to see how emotionally. This is all weighed by the Greek root word translated " wrath" is παροργίζο (Latin: parorgizo) which refers to damages, meaning the slightest of personal offenses perceived by the child, including the slightest of offensive touch or speech. The Apostle Paul here was lifting up the Law on punishing children to Greek Christians who promoted punishing children in the name of Christ. Under the Law, punishing children carried severe penalties, with the offense incurring bloodlust in both the Old and New Testament. The rod verses in Proverbs, meaning all seven of them, are repealed verses, as they don't apply to today's society. They refer to a specific, dated form of judicial corporal punishment - the 40 minus 1 lashes with the rod of correction, which was a final warning before putting an errant ADULT son to death. Children could not stand trial for criminal acts or civil wrongs that they committed, and so no child ever was whipped.

How do you get a child to follow your example? Christian love is the answer, meaning putting children first, and parents last, to the point of dutiful and selfless submission, with children resting in the love and grace of parents, with this safe, secure rest being denoted by the Greek root word υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo). This form of respect for parents involves not fear of parents, but feeling safe enough to confide in parents about anything and everything under the sun, not mincing words in the process. This encourages children to take up their own vocation by following their parents' Christian example, wanting to be like their parents in every respect. Children in biblical times felt safe enough around children to be naked in front of their parents. Children in biblical times went naked all of the time, and that was to strengthen the parent-child bond and equalize it, allowing for skin-to-skin closeness and a level of attachment at equal level. Children in biblical times never left the line of sight of parents, even when playing freely outside. Children rested in the presence of parents, feeling safe and secure in parents.

A criminal is dependent on punishment in order to survive in the real world, meaning many people use punishment as a way to decide right from wrong, seizing the moment when they can to do something wrong when they won't get caught. This isn't due to lack of punishment, but the fact that they were punished as children. Every time you punish a child, you make them that much more reliant on punishment to survive. Many criminals beg to go back to prison, and that is because prison had the same kind of structure as their upbringing - they didn't learn to form their own structure, and so they fall apart when opportunity arises on the streets.

A non-criminal is someone who knows right from wrong intuitively, meaning has internalized right from wrong based on example and not it being beaten into them. When you teach children by example, they will ALWAYS do the right thing, even when you are not watching, because the internalization did not involve fear, but the child absorbing moral lessons and other knowledge about the world around them on their own. When you force someone to do something, they will do it just to please you. Children are the same way - you force them to behave, and they will only behave for you, not behind your back (ex. at daycare, school). When you ask or imply that someone do something politely, they are more likely to do it for you. Children should learn on their own pace, with little adult interference, right and wrong.

The depraved and entitled parents who provoke children to anger! Let them burn in the lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Let them descend into the ever-burning Hell of fire and torment! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Why child pornography is immoral (but also why to decriminalize possession)

Many people hate child pornography, and rightfully so - it is sexual slander against childhood. Child pornography is not something we want legal. Pornography is a form of obscenity and sexual libel against the subjects it portrays. 

It says in Ephesians 5:4 KJV:

Neither filthiness, nor foolish talk, nor jesting, which are not convenient: but rather giving of thanks.

The Greek root word translated "jesting" is ευτραπελία (Latin: eutrapelia) and refers to coarse jesting, which was intended by the Apostle Paul and the Early Church to include pornography of all types, including child pornography. The Greek root word contained herein this paragraph was applied broadly to ALL sexual obscenity expressed in an open arena where others could be offended by the sexualized speech or expression. This means ANY sexual remark in a venue where it could cause offense, once it causes offense, meaning sexuality as a topic is irrelevant when eating in a restaurant - it could offend the neighbors. This word cross-references the Greek root word πορνεία (Latin: porneia) which refers to all of the sex crime statutes under the Mosaic system of jurisprudence enumerated. 

However, this Christian commandment only directly refers to the production or distribution of all forms of pornography, including child pornography. If someone slipped you a pornographic sketch or writing in the Early Church, the expectation was to turn it in and turn the offender in, or else be charged with perjury. The modern application today is making child pornography possession a moral offense, not a legal offense under the secular law.

Child pornography addiction is a very real addiction. Anyone who had that addiction in the Early Church was given treatment that would be sex-positive by today's standards, meaning instruction in how to masturbate without any form of pornography, without being judged as sinners. That is how our mental health system should work - and our legal system should butt out of it.

Child pornography possession can be a moral crime, period. That is when the victim depicted in the depictions of abuse state clearly that they don't want the images of their abuse used by pedophiles, and if you defy that nuance, you are guilty of an entitled offense for unlawful misuse of an image. Still, this should be treated by society as a mental health issue, with moral prohibitions merely being motivation for addicts of child pornography to kick the habit.

Go after the distributors, dear FBI. Don't distribute yourself. Shut down the honeypots, and zap all of the child pornography groups off of the dark web. Until then, I won't patronize the FBI sites and be part of the problem. Let the depraved scum who broadcast the sexual abuse of their own child (because it is the parents doing it) BURN in Hell for all eternity! Repent!

Co-sleeping: The core of a true biblical parenting relationship

Many parents believe that co-sleeping is inadvisable in parenting, with the excuse that children might become dependent on the stimulation from parents. For a while there in the early 2000s, the Children and Youth Services agency here in Berks County, Pennsylvania cited attached parents for neglect for co-sleeping next to their children. However, co-sleeping is the most time-honored tradition in parenting, and it has biblical basis.

Every single parent and adult is guilty in relation to children, and is deserving of DEATH and DESTRUCTION merely for existing in relation to children, with parents/adult being meek and shamefaced in relation to children, for adult-kind has wronged children collectively individually. Parents especially are to esteem their child above all else, putting children first, and parents last, leading to dutiful and selfless submission to children and their every vulnerable need, expecting absolutely nothing in return from children or others, with children resting in the love and grace of parents. See Colossians 3:20-21 KJV:

Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord. Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they be discouraged.

The Greek root word translated "obey" is υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to secure, vulnerable rest in the love and grace of parents. This rest is based in trust and safety in parents, feeling safe in parents enough to tell them anything and everything under the sun, and not fear any punishment or retribution for it. Children in biblical times felt safe enough with parents to sleep next to them, in the nude. Parenting in biblical times was attachment-based in nature, and children co-slept next to mothers, in the nude, in skin-to-skin closeness. Think a mother holding pales of water, in a sun dress, with a young child held beneath the dress, in her bosom, in swaddling blankets, and another, older child in the nude in tow next to her. That is how parenting was in biblical times. Very primitive. 

The Greek root word translated " anger" is ερεθιζο (Latin: erethizo) and refers to damages, meaning the slightest of personal offense perceived by the child, including the slightest of offensive touch or speech perceived by the child. This commandment prohibits striking and punishing children alike. The Apostle Paul here was lifting up the Law on punishing children, in which case the penalties for the punishment of children in both ancient Israel and the Early Church were very severe, with the act of punishing or even controlling a child incurring bloodlust. The rod verses in Proverbs are repealed verses, meaning they do not apply to today's context, as they refer to a specific form of judicial corporal punishment that is dated, and is closely conflated with the death penalty in ancient Israel - the 40 minus 1 lashes with the rod of correction, as a final warning before putting an ADULT son to death, usually for crimes against the state or crimes against children, and never for crimes against parents. Minor children, under Jewish law, could not stand trial, and so they could not be convicted of a criminal act or civil wrong. A passage does refer to this punishment in Hebrews 12:5-11, but the punishment was not practiced ever in the Early Church, as the death penalty was not practiced under Christian law, with church parishioners not being allowed to participate in capital nor corporal punishment under the Roman legal system.

Co-sleeping was done in conjunction with co-mingling in the Early Church. Children in ancient Hebrew and Christian cultures went in the nude, and children up until age 6 never left the side of their mother while naked, being wrapped up next to her bosom in swaddling blankets. The child went naked in order to bring their parents to full equality in terms of level of attachment. Children up until adulthood slept next to their mothers in biblical times. Older children alternated between closeness and free play, but at night, they retired to their mother's side, with children resting in the arms of mothers, in skin-to-skin closeness.

It is a myth that children develop sleep dependence when they co-sleep next to parents. Children sleep next to parents until maturity, when they then shake off the embrace of their parents, and seek to sleep on their own. If this does not happen, that is a sure sign of a developmental disability such as autism, because most children shake off the embrace of their parents in co-sleeping at the onset of puberty. Most children want their space after puberty, and if they don't, they have a developmental disability or other mental illness, and the fact that they want to stay in the family bed leaves no doubt that there is a mental health issue to be addressed by a child psychologist, child psychiatrist, or other mental health professional.

The culture in biblical times was attachment parenting culture. Children were breastfed, on average, until age 3, when they were weaned off, and remained close to parents until age 6. Past that age, they spend the day playing and studying Scripture, and by night they slept next to mother. Children didn't wear clothing then, and that was to bring down the level of attachment in parents to equal level. Clothing, especially for boys, was seen as an adult luxury. The nudity was also to strengthen the bond between mother and child, in the form of skin-to-skin closeness, with children feeling safe in the embrace of their mothers. Mothers also went in the nude at home - they wore a sun dress with nothing underneath when they ran errands. Some of this context may be dated, but most of it can be applied today with no problem. It is recommended in the Bible to sleep next to your children every night to ensure that they fall asleep soundly. 

Children have primal instincts to fear predators when isolated in a room at night. Children can't "get over" this fear, and some children don't outgrow this fear, and this was the reason for Hebrew and Christian parents in the Bible sleeping next to their children. They did it with the child having no clothing on, and the mother being naked as well. Predators did exist, both foreign and domestic. Co-sleeping kept children safe from sexual predation in the home, in most instances. Also, many times, scorpions would come inside and bite the children, in which case, due to lack of modern medical care, they would die of the venom. This history is so engrained in children that they NEED to be held close during the first 5-6 years, so they don't subconsciously fear predators.

The depraved and entitled parents who provoke their children to anger will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them burn in the lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Let them descend into the abyss which is the ever-burning Hell of fire and torment, suffering God's Wrath for all eternity! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Parent attraction: Understanding that new feeling for your child (and why it is not okay to act on)

It is a fact. Many parents, usually fathers, develop an attraction to their children in the process of acclimating themselves to attachment parenting. Many parents do not understand this part until after they have lowered their level of attachment to children.

There are two ways to become acclimated as an attachment parent. The hard way is trying to relate to your child as an equal by way of forcing yourself, with this including stifling anger until it is all gone. No matter what, you have to stifle that parent anger. But, a quick way to equality with one's child is to allow young children not to wear clothing within the house. But, when children are naked in an attachment parenting setting, the man of the house is attracted to the child, usually children of the opposite sex on the surface. That too must be COMPLETELY stifled, with ZERO exception.

It says in 1 Corinthians 6:18 KJV:
Flee fornication. Any sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body.

This refers to the Christian concept of defilement. The Greek root word translated "fornication" is πορνεία (Latin: porneia) and refers to all of the sex crimes under the Law of Moses enumerated in one word, with it all being summed up as any sexual expression outside of marriage, including any obscene speech or menacing towards or about a sexual target. Nowhere in the Bible is "healthy pedophilia" allowed, except in the form of a completely abstinent pedophile that is healthy. Anyone who sexually harasses, assaults, or rapes a child, defiles themselves next to the child, and condemns themselves to Hell. Just one look that embarrasses the child is fornication. Any time they can feel adult sexual entitlement, it is sexual abuse, meaning adult fornication of children.

Children have the right to be naked...and no adult has the right to rape them. A child can be naked on a beach, in the middle of a park, or walking down a back-alley, and NOBODY, I repeat NOBODY, has the right to rape or sexually abuse that child. If you rape a child for simply showing her body, go to Hell!

In the Early Church, sexually relating to a child, meaning any sexual interactions with a child, was considered fornication. Sexually fantasizing about a child, in the form of discharging sexual thoughts, was considered lawful. Church elders and deacons recommended that men re-channel their sexual thoughts about children into sexual fantasy. 

If you sexually want your naked child who is in the bathtub, go in another room and take the attraction with you. Chances are, it will stay in that room, meaning it surely will. The more you fantasize about a child target instead of have sex with them, the more you are in the habit of fantasizing over sexually assaulting or raping the child.

"Healthy pedophilia" usually does not involve consent, and is about the adult's needs, not the child's needs. Children do not want to bond with adults in a sexualized fashion. Much of adult-child bonding is sexually motivated, but on an ulterior level, at the most prominent in the psyche. Most mothers are totally unaware that when they nurture their child, the nurturing instinct is actually a sexually driven instinct. Most mothers who are educated on attachment parenting know this fact, but don't feel it anyway. Fornication isn't when you can feel it, but when the child feels it, and feels it due to imposition of entitlement. 

The Greek root word translated "inordinate affections" in Col. 3:5 is επιθυμέω (Latin: epithumeo) and refers not merely to sexual desire, but to desire to the point of taking the first steps to have touch or otherwise interact with a child for sexual purposes. This refers only to sexual desire perceived by the adult, meaning usually this applies to male heads of household, usually in a locational format. It is acclimation to blurring and violating boundaries by violating one boundary after another, then feeling safe in the enclosed nature of the location. Usually, this happens at bathtime and changing time, and sexual abusers of children feel entitled to be where they were, usually stating the phrase "I was in the wrong place, at the wrong time". Then don't be there. Be somewhere else in the house, taking care of your issue with your child.

There are three levels of sexual abuse - sexual obscenity/slander, sexual offense, sexual corruption. Sexual corruption is when the child perceives the abuse, and enjoys it. Sorry, fathers, but we have norms in this country, and we will have them until the end of time. If you are causing your child to sin in that regard, YOU are the sinner for real, not them, meaning it is a fraudulent marriage - usually between a teenage girl and an older man. Sexual offense is when the child calls a clear offense, usually shaking fear or anger from being touched or interacted with for sexual purposes. Sexual obscenity/slander involves saying things about the child, or flirtatious moves towards the child, that offend the child and/or others. Sexual slander in particular is bragging or boasting about a child target/victim in a way that brings shame or humiliation to the child and/or offends others (Eph. 5:4). All these levels are equally wrong. Saying you are a pedophile is not a sin at all, if you don't mention child crushes afterwards, and things such as child crushes are relevant to a closed support system, such as family, friends, a therapist, or a support group. 

Most attachment parents who are attracted to their children rarely act on it. It happens in all homes who utilize attachment parenting tools, and usually, it is on the level of "sun tan oil", meaning it is connotational in a way that sprays, like a sun tan spray on bare skin at the beach. This is the lowest level of attraction imaginable, and may motivate being around a child more and spending time with them, but adult sexual entitlement, at minimum, involves planning for sexual relations with a child. Sexual instinct alone is not sin, as we all have it as adults in relation to children, as the flawed animals that we are. But, if you want it so much that you are making plans to do it, you don't merely have self-interest, but are entitled in a sexual manner towards a child. Planning can be simply making the choice to seize the opportunity, but it is still a choice, and it is a premeditated choice. Usually, sexual abusing a child is a "bright idea" a sexually entitled adult gets in the moment, and then it ends with tragedy. Most of the time, the mother is giving them a bath. She has sexual instincts too, but they don't come out unless she was born a pedophile. I do not recommend female pedophiles have children, as proper attachment parenting involves positions they will consciously find sexually arousing, and the virtuous female pedophiles admit they are bad at nurturing children, and choose maybe to have a husband or significant other, but no children. Pedophile men are actually better at nurturing than pedophile women, on average.

There is nothing wrong with being attracted to your own child. That is not immoral, in and of itself. But a yearning want that leads to rationalization is what we deem sexual entitlement here at children's rights. The mental health label "pedophilia" is found nowhere in the Bible. Intergenerational marriage was forbidden when it lacked equality, but sexual fantasy about children was acceptable, and thus still is. It was actually encouraged by church clergy in the Early Church. As long as you don't yearn for children to the point that you are rationalizing ways to "get in" with children, I don't care if you are a pedophile. A good, virtuous pedophile sees a way in, then sees the harm immediately. If you are literally convincing yourself that it is okay to have sex with a child as an adult, you are a sexually entitled adult, and once you impose that venom on a child, an adult fornicator of children, defiling yourself next to children. 

I myself am a pedophile, but I choose not to abuse children at all, sexually or otherwise, and am beholden to her perceptions of my behavior around her. I myself am guilty of sexual slander and harassment against a child, meaning I have done it in the past, and I admit to it (an investigation continues stemming from a report from my cousin). Pedophilia is a mental illness, not a crime or excuse for abuse, and is my self-diagnosed label. I use it to understand both my sexual fantasies and the adult sexual entitlement I indulged in as an older teenager and younger adult. Just take responsibility as the flawed, entitled adult that you are for having a self-interest in your child. Don't we all have some self-interest in children as the depraved and entitled adults that we are? It's just not acceptable to God to exist as an adult in relation to children, entitlement and all, so we need to turn ourselves into God through children as His extension, and only then can we be marked by God as among the saved ones in relation to children.

Let the depraved and entitled adult fornicators of children BURN in everlasting Hell and torrent! Repent! 

Pro-social permissiveness: Why children don't need discipline

Many parents think that children need discipline. This is a common mistake made by parents in the United States. Pro-social permissiveness involves no rules or discipline, but in a way that children make their own rules and discipline, based on an example imparted by a parent.

It says in Ephesians 6:1-4 KJV:

Children, obey your children in the Lord, for this is right. Honor thy father and mother, for this is the first commandment with promise; That it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long upon the earth. And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.

The Greek root word translated "nurture" is παιδεία (Latin: paideia) and refers to a specific standard of Christian discipline that is entitled to nothing, and is grateful for everything, especially in relation to children. Children owe nothing to parents, and parents owe everything to children, expecting absolutely nothing in return from children or others, with this forming a good Christian example for children to follow, backed up by instruction to children as a righteous test, meaning setting a limit with a child to see if they can follow instructions from parents, and if children do not heed instruction, it is assumed that the child cannot learn due to age and development, with this righteous test being denoted by the Greek root word νουθεσία (Latin: nouthesia). Instructions should only be laid down when a child's wants are unattainable and/or unsafe. This is weighed by the Greek root word translated " wrath" is παροριγίζο (Latin: parorgizo) and refers to damages, or the slightest of personal offense perceived by the child, including the slightest of offensive touch or speech perceived by the child. This includes striking or punishing a child in any way, as anger is to be saved for the exchange, and children cannot stand trial in court under the Law. The Apostle Paul, here, was lifting up the Law on punishing children. In ancient Israel and the Early Church alike, punishing a child carried severe penalties, and incurred bloodlust in both jurisdictions. Christian law forbade the death penalty, but Jewish law did not, and punitive parents were put to death by bloodletting (hanging up parents like poultry). The rod verses in Proverbs as repealed verses as they depict a specific, dated form of judicial corporal punishment - the 40 minus 1 lashes with the rod of correction, as a final warning before putting to death an errant ADULT son. Adult children of Hebrew parents were never executed for mere rebellion alone.

How do you get a child to follow their parents' example? Christian love is the answer. Love is putting your child first, and you as the parent last, to the point of submission to children and their every vulnerable need, expecting absolutely nothing in return, leading to rest of children in the love of grace of parents. This rest and trust is denoted by the English word "obey", and the corresponding Greek root word υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to rest in the love and grace of parents. Children in biblical times trusted parents enough to be naked in their loving arms or else their supervisory line of sight, with the nudity of children bringing down the level of attachment to full equality between parents and children. Children should rest and trust in parents enough to tell them anything and everything that is on their mind, expecting no punishment or reprisal in return.

Children were naturally mischevious in ancient Israelite culture and adjoining churches, meaning children in the Early Christian churches caused mischief, usually in the form of property destruction such as spilling things or causing messes, and the parents just laughed when a child spilled and broke a vase. Children were expected to cause some mischief as per their rebellious nature, and parents had to appease their rebellion and keep them happy - that was the expectation then, and the Bible lifts up that customary law to today.

Children don't need rules or discipline. Most behaviors that children are punished for are developmentally appropriate behaviors. So a child screams in the store? Let behaviors like that go, as well as whining when they are older, and sulking when they are teenagers. That's just how children communicate, as they cannot communicate any other way due to their age and development. If a child's development truly is stuck, that may be due to a developmental disability or other mental illness in the child.

Children naturally absorb the moral lessons and other facts about the world, and don't need constant prompting. If they don't get a certain concept, that is most likely because their brain won't allow it, meaning they are too developmentally immature to understand that certain behaviors are disruptive, that throwing tantrums won't get you far in life, or anything relating to adult life. They aren't ready for "life", but they are learning about life - at their own pace.

Co-regulation is a form of attachment parenting where setting rules and boundaries isn't part of the equation. The idea is to be a good role model and set a good example for children, for them to want to emulate and thus take up the vocation of disciplining themselves and taking up religious instruction on their own, which children will do if you let them.

Parents in biblical times were so lenient and permissive in a pro-social manner that they allowed children to go in the nude - wherever they went - as public indecency laws picked up by the Greek root word πορνεία (Latin: porneia) allowed for a loophole for children to be naked (which doesn't apply today due to the civil laws on the subject - see Rom. 13:1-4). Children were prevented from copulating, but they were allowed to play games of a sexualized nature, with the most high-risk of games being "marriage", where parents were at the edge of their seat as children embraced. If the parents could tell that the boy was about to penetrate, the two children were separated and supervised apart from each other, but by the same adult. The purpose of child nudity, for parents, was to feel closer and more intimate with children in terms of closeness. Child nudity in a home ensures an equal level of attachment, as constant child nudity or partial nudity even brings down the attachment levels to the child's level. Parents in biblical times did not relate to their children on the physically aggressive level, but the sexualizing level, with fathers being the ones to consciously be aware of attractions to children, usually meaning simple connotational attraction and not driven attraction, like "sun tan oil" on the child's body. Mothers were driven by the sexual instinct, but at a very low level that didn't motivate any sexual relations with children - they simply saw children as equals in an idealistic way. Parents then had no physically aggressive instinct to control a child. Sex with children was not the norm in biblical times, to be very clear, but the instincts of parents of both sexes could be colored by sexuality towards their children, at some level - sexually abusing a child, meaning the child perceiving sexual entitlement from an adult towards them, was seen as evil and wicked even then, and deserving of death. Fathers usually dealt with their attraction to their children through solo masturbation to fantasies about their child, as was recommended by the clergy of the Early Church, and this re-channeled the sexual thoughts into a box to be opened regularly so that it stays in a box. Some of this context might be dated to the modern parent, but most of it has value in terms of application, at least in some way, maybe with some tweaking.

The depraved and entitled parents who provoke children to anger will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them burn in the lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Let them descend into the abyss which is the everlasting Hell of fire and torment, suffering God's Wrath forever and ever! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

Monday, February 21, 2022

Pro-social nudity, pro-social freedom: Why the Bible allows for domestic child nudity (opposing body shaming)

Many parents believe children should wear clothes, to the point of shaming them for their choice of undress. There are many levels of child undress, all of which are scorned and shamed by adult society, all because of a fake religious taboo that doesn't exist in the Bible for children. We as a country draw from the Bible and its context for understanding what taboos we should have, as we are a Christian nation. We should have taboos and norms, but the Bible explains it as different than what we have today, in the form of attachment parenting, and one way to create an attachment parenting environment is to allow nudity in the house.

Body shaming is shaming children in order to get them to wear clothing, such as punishing them for things such as nudity. So much as this is a provocation to anger, but children have a special right to nudity and body freedom under biblical law. It says in Colossians 3:20-21 KJV:
Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord. Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they be discouraged.

The Greek root word translated "obey" is υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to secure, vulnerable rest in the love and submission of parents, with parents prioritizing children above themselves to the point of submission, and children resting in the good works of parents, trusting them enough to be naked in front of parents. In biblical times, children were naked all of the time, yet at the same time never left the line of sight of parents. This level of nudity, which was total nudity for older children especially, brought parents down to the attachment parenting level, encouraging secure and warm attachment with mothers in the form of nourishment and sustenance, meaning breastfeeding and skin-to-skin contact, with fathers being friends with daughters especially on an equal level, with friendships motivated ulteriorly by parent attraction. 

The Greek root word translated " anger" is ερεθιζο (Latin: erethizo) and refers to damages, namely the slightest of personal offensives, including the slightest of offensive touch or shaming. Children in most Christian households are punished for running naked throughout the house, when there is no biblical basis for the manufactured infraction, and a biblical prohibition on punishing children. Yes, this commandment was lifted up from the Old Testament by the Apostle Paul to rebuke Greek Christians who were spanking children for "unchaste" behavior such as nudity. The rod verses in Proverbs are repealed verses, as they refer to a specific form of judicial corporal punishment - the 40 minus 1 lashes with the rod of correction, as a final warning before putting an errant ADULT son to death for committing a capital offense. The verses in Hebrews do not refer to corporal punishment literally, but figuratively to symbolize the endurance of hardship - the Early Church did not practice corporal punishment as a form of church discipline.

Child nudity existed everywhere in the Early Christian churches. The Early Christians were primitivists that lived a primitive lifestyle close to nature, shunning the hustle and bustle of surrounding Rome, while blending in at other times. Children were naked all of the time then, and when this happens, parents become attachment parents, on the attraction level, especially fathers. Fathers, in biblical times, were expected to be chaste and pure, and save their sexual relations for their wife, meaning for the fathers who bore the brunt of the attraction were required to abstain from parent attraction. Today, in many attachment parenting homes, children just cannot keep the clothes on while inside. They should be instructed to wear clothing outside the home. See Romans 13:1-4 KJV:

Let every soul be subject upon the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained by God. Whosoever resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God. For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same. For he is a minister of God to thee for good. But, if thou do that which is evil, be afraid: for he is the minister to God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil.

There is no command anywhere in the Bible mandating child nudity. It merely can be legislated by a strict contextual application of the Bible, where children remained naked in the line of sight of parents in order to keep parents relating to them as an equal. Thus, children should wear clothing in public, but maybe be lax about the clothing in the privacy of their own homes. The Greek root word translated "subject" is υποτασσο (Latin: hupotasso) and here refers to a certain reverence for the law leading to cooperation, in this case meaning Christian parents, though nudity is good for the parent-child relationship, should observe laws against open lewdness and public indecency. Having your child be naked in a market next to you wasn't illegal in biblical times, but it is illegal today, and so Christians should amend their practices as to nudity in children.

In attachment parenting, the nudity of the child, alongside skin-to-skin contact with mothers, lowers the level of attachment to an equal level. Parents in ancient Israel and adjoining churches did not have an instinct for physical aggression, with parents relating to children at the sexual level, which was not felt in mothers, but was experienced connotationally as pedophilia in fathers, with fathers usually knowing quite well not to act on their attraction, due to strong sexual taboos against any sexual activity with others outside of marriage.

Neighboring cultures in the Old Testament allowed for what was called "gunning down" a child who cried incessantly and nonstop, meaning using penile strength to freeze up a crying child like a balloon. Such was prohibited in the Bible in Leviticus 18:17 (for girls) and the sodomy laws (for boys), which are both repeated by the Greek root word πορνεία (Latin: pleonektés) and refers to any adult sexual entitlement perceived by the child target/victim. The Greek root word translated "inordinate passions" in Colossians 3:5 is επιθυμέω (Latin: epithumeo) and refers to taking the first steps to have sexual relations with children, with planning an offense being the minimum criteria for inordinate affections. Thus, the taboos were strong against sexually assaulting or raping one's child, and most fathers were only attracted to their children strongly in fantasy, due to them re-channeling their sexual thoughts away from the geo-location of the child, wherever the child is. The prohibition on father-daughter sexual relations is stated as only applying to "mother and daughter", however, the Law then was interpreted broadly and flexibly, with the spirit of the Law being that only your wife can be your sexual partner, and you cannot marry your daughter - sex was equated to marriage in the Bible. Any father who did anything with his daughter, once found out, was surely put to death, in some way, in some form. Mothers simply guarded their children, especially daughters, from sexual predation from even their father, with sexual abuse - or any abuse - resulting in divorce in the New Testament (1 Cor. 7:10-11).

Children should be able to wear as much or as little as they want at home. Usually, this allowance invites children to wear nothing or next to nothing, and this works to bring parents down to the attachment parenting level with their children. The same is the case with birth nudity, meaning allowing the baby to be completely naked while being nourished with breastmilk and sustained with skin-to-skin closeness. Usually, they see adults wearing clothing, and they sort of get the message, but not quite until later. Some children with autism, usually girls, don't get it at all, usually getting the message slowly that clothing is mandatory in a public building such as a school. Usually, these children have sensory issues that make putting the clothing on a complacent issue. Sensory issues improve with age and development.

In biblical times, mothers did wear clothing outside the house, but not much clothing - usually just a sun dress slapped on quickly with nothing underneath. Usually, a naked child was co-mingled in her dress and with swaddling blankets, perhaps feeding off of her breasts. Fathers in the Early Church wore a toga to blend in with the Greco-Roman culture, meaning conforming while not conforming, not being of this world, but of the next.

The depraved and entitled parents who provoke children to anger will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them burn in the lake of fire and burning sulfur, suffering the second death prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Let them descend into the abyss which is the ever-burning Hell of fire and torment, suffering God's Wrath forever and ever! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!


Righteous co-sleeping: Why God wants parents to sleep next to their children

Many parents think that co-sleeping is the irresponsible choice for a parent to make. This is a common attitude from American parents. Most ...