Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Why child pornography is immoral (but also why to decriminalize possession)

Many people hate child pornography, and rightfully so - it is sexual slander against childhood. Child pornography is not something we want legal. Pornography is a form of obscenity and sexual libel against the subjects it portrays. 

It says in Ephesians 5:4 KJV:

Neither filthiness, nor foolish talk, nor jesting, which are not convenient: but rather giving of thanks.

The Greek root word translated "jesting" is ευτραπελία (Latin: eutrapelia) and refers to coarse jesting, which was intended by the Apostle Paul and the Early Church to include pornography of all types, including child pornography. The Greek root word contained herein this paragraph was applied broadly to ALL sexual obscenity expressed in an open arena where others could be offended by the sexualized speech or expression. This means ANY sexual remark in a venue where it could cause offense, once it causes offense, meaning sexuality as a topic is irrelevant when eating in a restaurant - it could offend the neighbors. This word cross-references the Greek root word πορνεία (Latin: porneia) which refers to all of the sex crime statutes under the Mosaic system of jurisprudence enumerated. 

However, this Christian commandment only directly refers to the production or distribution of all forms of pornography, including child pornography. If someone slipped you a pornographic sketch or writing in the Early Church, the expectation was to turn it in and turn the offender in, or else be charged with perjury. The modern application today is making child pornography possession a moral offense, not a legal offense under the secular law.

Child pornography addiction is a very real addiction. Anyone who had that addiction in the Early Church was given treatment that would be sex-positive by today's standards, meaning instruction in how to masturbate without any form of pornography, without being judged as sinners. That is how our mental health system should work - and our legal system should butt out of it.

Child pornography possession can be a moral crime, period. That is when the victim depicted in the depictions of abuse state clearly that they don't want the images of their abuse used by pedophiles, and if you defy that nuance, you are guilty of an entitled offense for unlawful misuse of an image. Still, this should be treated by society as a mental health issue, with moral prohibitions merely being motivation for addicts of child pornography to kick the habit.

Go after the distributors, dear FBI. Don't distribute yourself. Shut down the honeypots, and zap all of the child pornography groups off of the dark web. Until then, I won't patronize the FBI sites and be part of the problem. Let the depraved scum who broadcast the sexual abuse of their own child (because it is the parents doing it) BURN in Hell for all eternity! Repent!

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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

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