Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Parent attraction: Understanding that new feeling for your child (and why it is not okay to act on)

It is a fact. Many parents, usually fathers, develop an attraction to their children in the process of acclimating themselves to attachment parenting. Many parents do not understand this part until after they have lowered their level of attachment to children.

There are two ways to become acclimated as an attachment parent. The hard way is trying to relate to your child as an equal by way of forcing yourself, with this including stifling anger until it is all gone. No matter what, you have to stifle that parent anger. But, a quick way to equality with one's child is to allow young children not to wear clothing within the house. But, when children are naked in an attachment parenting setting, the man of the house is attracted to the child, usually children of the opposite sex on the surface. That too must be COMPLETELY stifled, with ZERO exception.

It says in 1 Corinthians 6:18 KJV:
Flee fornication. Any sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body.

This refers to the Christian concept of defilement. The Greek root word translated "fornication" is πορνεία (Latin: porneia) and refers to all of the sex crimes under the Law of Moses enumerated in one word, with it all being summed up as any sexual expression outside of marriage, including any obscene speech or menacing towards or about a sexual target. Nowhere in the Bible is "healthy pedophilia" allowed, except in the form of a completely abstinent pedophile that is healthy. Anyone who sexually harasses, assaults, or rapes a child, defiles themselves next to the child, and condemns themselves to Hell. Just one look that embarrasses the child is fornication. Any time they can feel adult sexual entitlement, it is sexual abuse, meaning adult fornication of children.

Children have the right to be naked...and no adult has the right to rape them. A child can be naked on a beach, in the middle of a park, or walking down a back-alley, and NOBODY, I repeat NOBODY, has the right to rape or sexually abuse that child. If you rape a child for simply showing her body, go to Hell!

In the Early Church, sexually relating to a child, meaning any sexual interactions with a child, was considered fornication. Sexually fantasizing about a child, in the form of discharging sexual thoughts, was considered lawful. Church elders and deacons recommended that men re-channel their sexual thoughts about children into sexual fantasy. 

If you sexually want your naked child who is in the bathtub, go in another room and take the attraction with you. Chances are, it will stay in that room, meaning it surely will. The more you fantasize about a child target instead of have sex with them, the more you are in the habit of fantasizing over sexually assaulting or raping the child.

"Healthy pedophilia" usually does not involve consent, and is about the adult's needs, not the child's needs. Children do not want to bond with adults in a sexualized fashion. Much of adult-child bonding is sexually motivated, but on an ulterior level, at the most prominent in the psyche. Most mothers are totally unaware that when they nurture their child, the nurturing instinct is actually a sexually driven instinct. Most mothers who are educated on attachment parenting know this fact, but don't feel it anyway. Fornication isn't when you can feel it, but when the child feels it, and feels it due to imposition of entitlement. 

The Greek root word translated "inordinate affections" in Col. 3:5 is επιθυμέω (Latin: epithumeo) and refers not merely to sexual desire, but to desire to the point of taking the first steps to have touch or otherwise interact with a child for sexual purposes. This refers only to sexual desire perceived by the adult, meaning usually this applies to male heads of household, usually in a locational format. It is acclimation to blurring and violating boundaries by violating one boundary after another, then feeling safe in the enclosed nature of the location. Usually, this happens at bathtime and changing time, and sexual abusers of children feel entitled to be where they were, usually stating the phrase "I was in the wrong place, at the wrong time". Then don't be there. Be somewhere else in the house, taking care of your issue with your child.

There are three levels of sexual abuse - sexual obscenity/slander, sexual offense, sexual corruption. Sexual corruption is when the child perceives the abuse, and enjoys it. Sorry, fathers, but we have norms in this country, and we will have them until the end of time. If you are causing your child to sin in that regard, YOU are the sinner for real, not them, meaning it is a fraudulent marriage - usually between a teenage girl and an older man. Sexual offense is when the child calls a clear offense, usually shaking fear or anger from being touched or interacted with for sexual purposes. Sexual obscenity/slander involves saying things about the child, or flirtatious moves towards the child, that offend the child and/or others. Sexual slander in particular is bragging or boasting about a child target/victim in a way that brings shame or humiliation to the child and/or offends others (Eph. 5:4). All these levels are equally wrong. Saying you are a pedophile is not a sin at all, if you don't mention child crushes afterwards, and things such as child crushes are relevant to a closed support system, such as family, friends, a therapist, or a support group. 

Most attachment parents who are attracted to their children rarely act on it. It happens in all homes who utilize attachment parenting tools, and usually, it is on the level of "sun tan oil", meaning it is connotational in a way that sprays, like a sun tan spray on bare skin at the beach. This is the lowest level of attraction imaginable, and may motivate being around a child more and spending time with them, but adult sexual entitlement, at minimum, involves planning for sexual relations with a child. Sexual instinct alone is not sin, as we all have it as adults in relation to children, as the flawed animals that we are. But, if you want it so much that you are making plans to do it, you don't merely have self-interest, but are entitled in a sexual manner towards a child. Planning can be simply making the choice to seize the opportunity, but it is still a choice, and it is a premeditated choice. Usually, sexual abusing a child is a "bright idea" a sexually entitled adult gets in the moment, and then it ends with tragedy. Most of the time, the mother is giving them a bath. She has sexual instincts too, but they don't come out unless she was born a pedophile. I do not recommend female pedophiles have children, as proper attachment parenting involves positions they will consciously find sexually arousing, and the virtuous female pedophiles admit they are bad at nurturing children, and choose maybe to have a husband or significant other, but no children. Pedophile men are actually better at nurturing than pedophile women, on average.

There is nothing wrong with being attracted to your own child. That is not immoral, in and of itself. But a yearning want that leads to rationalization is what we deem sexual entitlement here at children's rights. The mental health label "pedophilia" is found nowhere in the Bible. Intergenerational marriage was forbidden when it lacked equality, but sexual fantasy about children was acceptable, and thus still is. It was actually encouraged by church clergy in the Early Church. As long as you don't yearn for children to the point that you are rationalizing ways to "get in" with children, I don't care if you are a pedophile. A good, virtuous pedophile sees a way in, then sees the harm immediately. If you are literally convincing yourself that it is okay to have sex with a child as an adult, you are a sexually entitled adult, and once you impose that venom on a child, an adult fornicator of children, defiling yourself next to children. 

I myself am a pedophile, but I choose not to abuse children at all, sexually or otherwise, and am beholden to her perceptions of my behavior around her. I myself am guilty of sexual slander and harassment against a child, meaning I have done it in the past, and I admit to it (an investigation continues stemming from a report from my cousin). Pedophilia is a mental illness, not a crime or excuse for abuse, and is my self-diagnosed label. I use it to understand both my sexual fantasies and the adult sexual entitlement I indulged in as an older teenager and younger adult. Just take responsibility as the flawed, entitled adult that you are for having a self-interest in your child. Don't we all have some self-interest in children as the depraved and entitled adults that we are? It's just not acceptable to God to exist as an adult in relation to children, entitlement and all, so we need to turn ourselves into God through children as His extension, and only then can we be marked by God as among the saved ones in relation to children.

Let the depraved and entitled adult fornicators of children BURN in everlasting Hell and torrent! Repent! 

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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
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