Saturday, February 26, 2022

What is pedophilia?: Why being mentally ill is not a crime

Many individuals in society hate pedophiles. Most people, however, who hate pedophiles don't know what the disorder is. Pedophilia is a mental disorder featuring "intense sexual fantasies, urges, or behaviors" towards a child under age 14. "Intense" is interpreted by pedophilia experts in the mental health community as a sexual preference.

What is autism in relation to pedophilia? Autism is a disorder marked by developmental delays or arrest. Pedophilia, on the other end, is arrested sexual development associated with autism and the immaturity involved. Most pedophiles are not narcissists, but simply immature on the level of their sexual targets. This lack of maturity can be masked, and masking it is a sign of improvement, meaning lack of risk.

Most pedophiles are the safest people to be around children. Why is this? Most pedophiles have centered the entitlement most American adults have towards children, and they have done so instinctively, because they know sexual relations with children is wrong.

I myself am a pedophile, and I don't experience it as something "attached" to me, but a general feeling I get when I am around children, and away from them when fantasizing about children. It is an automatic feeling that I save for later, actively noticing a young girl as attractive, perhaps ogling her from the opposite corner of the room, and she just lets me. 

I feel attached to children in an affinity way, meaning I have at least a good idea of what it must be like to be a child, as I am on their level, and I also remember what it was like - it's no fun being a child with adults quartering you and lining up against you. Adulthood is escape from being a child, counting your blessings that you no longer in that war zone. I feel on the level of a child when I am around them, in a cautious, self-conscious way, seeing into them in an empathic way, with my sex drive conflated with my empathic drive.

It can be a self-interest, but is rarely entitlement these days. It used to be a form of entitlement for me, when I would flirt with girls as young as 9, and ask them for contact information. I was an obvious abuser, but still an abuser, thus I am responsible and culpable for what I did. I am a depraved and wicked adult merely for existing in relation to children, and am deserving of nothing, not even existence, in relation to a child, and am grateful when a child lets me exist within their periphery of perception. Most of the time, children don't care about my existence in relation to them, so the general rule is that I am allowed to exist in relation to children, but I have earned that through self-improvement.

Child sexual abuse is something slightly different that is committed by all sorts of adults, namely any adult that gets the opportunity and runs with it. The Greek root word denoting adult sexual entitlement is επιθυμέω (Latin: epithumeo) and refers to seeking to take the first steps to sexually abuse a child, with adult fornication being denoted by the Greek root word πορνεία (Latin: porneia) and refers to the child's perception of sexualized intent directed towards them, which can be legally evidenced by an upset stomach in a child or avoiding an adult, including elopement behavior.

However, most pedophiles do not abuse children sexually. 3 out of 4 pedophiles do not sexually abuse children, and most pedophiles are pro-youth rights to varying degrees. Most of us do admit entitlement over children, but as adults, not pedophiles, because pedophilia is irrelevant as a label to child protection after the fact. Before the fact, it is something for the mental health system to treat more humanely, namely by using more listening tactics when the topic comes up, seeing pedophiles as just like any other struggling parent, re-parenting them based on their mental health needs. A pedophile needs a gentle, listening, and encouraging parent, and one that simply gives guidance and allows the pedophile to reform themselves on their own, guiding them along like a loving parent. 

Let the depraved adult fornicators of children BURN, for their existence defames pedophiles! Repent!

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Any comment that
1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

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