Monday, July 31, 2023

The dangers of pornography: Why pornography should be banned

Many parents don't realize the effect of the proliferation of pornography on the Internet. We have become a sex-saturated society, with pornography addiction on the rise. Most people today don't understand the norms we have in place in this country, meaning pornography is not an acceptable sexual outlet. 

It says in Ephesians 5:4 KJV:

Neither filthiness, nor foolish talking, nor jesting, which are not convenient: but rather giving of thanks.

The Greek root word translated "jesting" is ευτρεπλία (Latin: eutrapelia) and refers, in tbis context, to pornography. Pornography is defined as any depiction, writing, image, or statute that is intended to arouse, alarm, or offend others, or else recklessly does the same. "Recklessly" means carelessly to the point of non-apology.

Pornography was considered a form of fornication in biblical times. Smuggling pornography into the church was seen as a form of fornication, as was creating pornography. Possessing or using pornography was seen as a form of sexual entitlement if it lead to the offender defending their "right" to the images.  

Pornography did exist during the time of the Early Church. It existed in the form of erotic writings and statues mainly. Pornography was allowed in the Old Testament, but in the New Testament, the Early Church prohibited all forms of pornography, and anyone defending their "right" to possess pornography was summarily excommunicated from the Early Christian Churches of God on counts of offense perceived concerning the sexual entitlement behind the use of pornography.

The depraved and decadent, defiled pornographers who sexually exploit women and children will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them descend into torrents of Hell-fire! Repent!

How mothers can protect their child from predators

Many parents think protecting children is about strutting your stuff to the perpetrator. Most parents think of protecting children from predators as a parent disclosure. Parents are under a collective ban, and parent statements are therefore banned from use as per the children's rights community. There are better ways to protect your child. In the biblical context, mothers were the protective parent, and fathers were seen as the biggest sexual threat to their children.

Actual child protection was based off of the mother's sexual instincts towards the child. Mothers have a parent attraction to their children, but it is usually not much of one. Usually, the child stands out as attractive to the mother, but at a low level. But, when a sexual threat appears in the mother's line of sight, the attraction lands on the adult in question instead. But, if the child wants to go with the adult in question, the mother knows that the adult in question is safe around children, and likely a pedophile. 

The most common form of child sexual abuse in biblical times was father-daughter rape/sexual assault. The most common form of father-daughter incest is documented in the story of Lot. Lot succumbed sexually to the advances of his daughters. That was the case for most sexually abusive fathers in biblical times. The tole of mothers was to keep the two separate. This meant skin-on-skin co-sleeping as a pro-social tease to the father, so that he spent away his attraction to his daughter through righteous masturbation instead of raping or sexually assaulting his daughter. 

Fathers were not allowed ANY sexual contact with their daughters in biblical times. It says in Leviticus 18:17 KJV:

Thou shalt not uncover the nakedness of a woman and her daughter, neither shalt thou take her son's daughter, or her daughter's daughter, to uncover her nakedness; for they are her near kinswomen: it is wickedness. 

This commandment was intended as prohibiting any sexual contact with a young girl under the age of majority. Another common form of sexual abuse of young children was raping or sexually assaulting the mother while she had her child with her. However, that wasn't the only form of child sexual abuse banned. Any adult sexual entitlement perceived by an underage girl was considered sexual contact tantamount to child sexual abuse. This included when the girl wanted sexual relations with her father. This is according to how the courts interpreted this moral statute, and the ultimate sentence for raping or sexually assaulting your daughter was burning at the stake. The tradition of the Law was that any sexual relations outside of a lawfully-ordained marriage was fornication.

Whenever your child refuses to go with an adult, listen to him/her, and don't make the trip. Children usually refuse to go with an adult without explanation if they feel that the adult in question is unsafe, sexually or otherwise. But, if they want to go with an adult, why not let them? They know in advance nothing is going to happen, usually, even if they want something to happen (which happens a lot).

Mothers can get in touch with their parent attractions by co-sleeping next to their children in skin-on-skin format. That elevates the parent attraction to children to the surface level. Usually, that attraction is connotational in nature, at the lowest level of connotations. You know it is there, but you don't feel it at a gutteral level unless you are sexually entitled as a mother, meaning having your children approach you for sexual favors. For this reason, if you are a female pedophile, you probably should not be having children.

Fathers have a very different complex that is their parent attractions. By nature, a father is supposed to be attracted to the child of the opposite sex, and it is a gutteral attraction, but a connotational one nonetheless. The only time it should be felt at a gutteral level is during masturbation, when fathers should be having masturbatory fantasies about their children. When fathers follow sexual thoughts about their children using masturbatory fantasy, they end up becoming closer to the children they are attracted to, with the sexual instinct being depressed as a male nurturing instinct. Due to the masturbatory nature of the attraction, however, fathers are inept at being the primary protector of their children from sexual abuse. They can protect their children by abstaining from sexual relations with their child, and this means righteous masturbation.

The depraved and decadent, defiled adults who rape or sexually assault children will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them descend into torrents of Hell-fire! Repent!

"Terrible twos": What to do about this stage in childhood development

Most parents have to deal with it at some point. The "terrible twos" are when children aged 2-6 throw frequent temper tantrums, destroy property, and what not. Most parents react to the "terrible twos" by punishing their young child or else ignoring their temper tantrums. Most parents don't know that children aged 2-6 are still babies. Most behavioral issues in young children are due to them being separated prematurely. 

The solution to the "terrible twos" is the Christian doctrine of mutual submission, where children surrender in the loving arms of mothers. See Colossians 3:20-21 KJV:
Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord. Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they be discouraged.

The Greek root word translated "obey" is υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to secure, vulnerable rest in the love and submission of parents. Children are to rest securely in the sacrifice of parents, just as parent believers rest securely in the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ. This commandment was intended by the Apostle Paul to lift up the customary law that commands a secure attachment between parents and children in the family home. This secure attachment comes from parent submission, where parents submit to children as their enemy, from beneath yet from above, expecting absolutely nothing in return.

The Greek root word translated " anger" is ερεθιζο (Latin: erethizo) and refers to damages or offenses, namely the slightest of personal offense perceived by a child, including, nut not limited to, the slightest of offensive touch or speech perceived by a child, stemming from entitlement. This commandment was intended by the Apostle Paul, and understood in its original context, as a moral statute prohibiting all forms of punitive parenting, including any punishments, reprimands, or controlling demeanor towards children. In the Old Testament, punitive parents were put to death by way of bloodletting, after punishing their children one last time. Parents who punished their children were charged with kidnapping, with "kidnapping" being defined under the Law as the slightest of damages or offenses stemming from hostage-taking - child punishment was seen in biblical times as holding your child hostage merely for things they did wrong, thereby treating your child as a quartered slave. Paal here was lifting up the Law in order to convict a group of Greek Christian parents who brought their pagan custom of spanking and punishing children into the church. Paul, contrary to popular legend, was anti-spanking, and opposed any and all punishment of a child in his writings.

The "terrible twos" are a modern parenting problem. They didn't have the problem of toddlers throwing massive temper tantrums in biblical times. Toddlers cried, but they were quickly tended to. This is because a toddler was seen as a baby. All children under age 6 were seen as babies, and were treated as babies by broader society. Young children were righteously infantilized, meaning held close to mothers and watched close by mothers in the way babies under age 1 are today. 

A 2-year-old, and all children that were milk-dependent, were constantly held, like babies. Most children in biblical times were weaned by age 3, by the child pushing away the nipple of the mother. But, sometimes, children were only weaned at age 6, or even later in some cases where children had growth conditions. When toddlers cried, they were immediately comforted, and usually were offered to breastfeed by their mothers. Mothers comforted their children by cooing and cradling the toddler in their arms. Cooing helped validate the upset of the child.

When mothers were out and about in public, their toddlers were swaddled to their bosom in swaddling blankets, and possibly breastfed in public if the child summoned the mother to do so. The child was swaddled while tucked underneath the loose-fitting, revealing dress of mothers that resembled an apron. The swaddling blankets were made of velvet, with velvet being grown throughout the Ancient Middle East. The swaddling blankets were tied to the left breast of the mother, then across the dot to the right leg of the mother, or vice versa, or both in the case of twins. Children were comforted by mothers holding the child closer to her bosom, and cooing to validate the upset of the child.

Punishing or reprimanding a toddler for crying is a provocation to anger according to Christian law. This is because punishments or reprimands come from a controlling place, and thus are entitlement. Any parental entitlement perceived by the child as offensive or damaging is child abuse by the biblical standard. See also Eph. 6:4. Parental entitlement is defined as, officially speaking, wanting things from children, to the point of imposition.

The depraved and entitled parents who provoke children to anger through punitive parenting will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them forever be cast into the lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Let them descend into the abyss which is the ever-burning Hell of fire and torment, suffering God's Wrath forever and ever! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

Sunday, July 30, 2023

Crying: Why crying is not bad behavior

Many parents have had to deal with it. Their child cries. Most American parents think that a crying child is deserving of punishment. This is a common attitude amongst American parents. Most American parents punish crying in children, or at least reprimand it. The Bible prohibits all forms of punishments, reprimands, or controlling demeanor towards a child, including a crying child.

Crying is remedied best by the Christian doctrine of mutual submission, where children surrender in the loving arms of parents. See Colossians 3:20-21 KJV:

Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord. Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they be discouraged.

The Greek root word translated "obey" is υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to secure, vulnerable rest in the love and submission of children. Children are to rest securely in the sacrifice of parents, just as parent believers are to rest securely in the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ. This commandment was intended by the Apostle Paul to lift up the customary law that commands a secure attachment between parents and children in the family home. This secure attachment comes from parent submission, where parents are to submit to children as their enemy, from beneath yet from above, expecting absolutely nothing in return.

The Greek root word translated " anger" is ερεθιζο (Latin: erethizo) and refers to damages or offenses, namely the slightest of personal offense perceived by a child, including, but not limited to, the slightest of offensive touch or speech perceived by a child, stemming from entitlement. This commandment was intended by the Apostle Paul, and understood in its original context, as a moral statute prohibiting all forms of punitive parenting, including any punishments, reprimands, or controlling demeanor towards children. In the Old Testament, punitive parents were put to death by way of bloodletting, after punishing their children one last time. Parents who punished their children were charged with kidnapping, with "kidnapping" being defined under the Law as the slightest of damages or offenses stemming from hostage-taking - child punishment was seen in biblical times as holding your child hostage merely for things that they did wrong, thereby treating your child as a quartered slave. Paul here was lifting up the Law in order to convict a group of Greek Christian parents who brought their pagan custom of spanking and punishing their children into the church. Paul, contrary to popular legend, was anti-spanking, and opposed any and all punishment of a child in his writings.

Children have cried in all time periods, across cultures. In biblical times, crying was not seen as bad behavior, but as communication of vulnerable needs. For the first 6 years of a child's life, children were in constant closeness with mothers, meaning that wherever the mother went, so did the child. Mother and child were in a state of birth nudity, where mother and child were naked next to each other, in skin-on-skin closeness and intimacy. 

Mothers, when children cried, cooed and picked up the child, cradling the child before co-snuggling next to him/her. The cooing was intended as a primal way of validating the child's upset. Children calmed down shortly after their mother cooed towards them, and then the crying went silent. Mothers then co-snuggled next to the child in skin-on-skin comfort and sustenance.

Mothers, when out and about, swaddled their children next to their bosom in swaddling blankets, perhaps breastfeeding their child in public when summoned to by their child. Children, once swaddled, were tucked underneath the loose-fitting, revealing dress of mothers that resembled an apron. The swaddling blankets were tied to the left breast, then tied further across the dot to the right leg of the mother. When children cried while swaddled, mothers simply held them closer to their bosom in mammary closeness, cooing in the process. 

Under Christian law, failure or refusal to comfort or reassure a crying child, including when they hear the word "no", is a provocation to anger. Punishing or reprimanding a child for crying is also a provocation to anger. Trying to punish or reprimand crying comes from a controlling place, which is entitlement. Whenever a child perceives entitlement, that is child abuse by the biblical standard. 

The depraved and entitled parents who provoke their children to anger through punitive parenting will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them forever be cast into the lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Let them descend into the abyss which is the ever-burning Hell of fire and torment, suffering God's Wrath day and night forever and ever! Repent, fot the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

Saturday, July 29, 2023

Total submission to children: Why parents are to obey their children

Many parents think that children should submit to them. This is a common attitude amongst American parents. Most American parents expect their children to submit to them. However, parents are to be in dutiful and selfless submission to children, meaning parents are to obey their children.

Love is submission, and submission is obedience. See Matthew 22:35-40 KJV:

Then one of them, which was a lawyer, asked him a question, tempting him, and saying, Master, which is the great commandment of the law? Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and all thy soul, and all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. The second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

The Greek root word translated "love" is αγαπαο (Latin: agapao) and refers to, in this context, putting children first, and yourself last, to the point of dutiful and selfless submission, expecting absolutely nothing in return, valuing children as extensions of God. True Love does not come from pride or desire, but from fearful conviction of a sinful nature, with parents knowing that they are depraved and decadent sinners who are deserving of nothing but DEATH and PUNISHMENT merely for existing in relation to children and the God that protects them. This creates a sense of urgency where parents feel parched and worthless, leading to parents submitting to children by obeying the every order of children.

Christian attachment parenting is based off of the Christian doctrine of mutual submission. See Colossians 3:20-21 KJV:

Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord. Fathers, provoke your children to anger, lest they be discouraged.

The Greek root word translated "obey" is υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to secure, vulnerable rest in the love and submission of parents. Children are to rest securely in the sacrifice of parents, just as parent believers are to rest securely in the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ. This commandment was intended by the Apostle Paul to lift up the customary law that commands a secure attachment between parents and children in the family home. This secure attachment comes from parent submission, where parents submit to their children as their enemy, from beneath yet from above, expecting absolutely nothing in return. 

The Greek root word translated " anger" is ερεθιζο (Latin: erethizo) and refers to damages or offenses, namely the slightest of personal offense perceived by a child, including, but not limited to, the slightest of offensive touch or speech perceived by a child, stemming from entitlement. This commandment was intended by the Apostle Paul, and understood in its original context, as a moral statute prohibiting all forms of punitive parenting, including any punishments, reprimands, or controlling demeanor towards children. In the Old Testament, punitive parents were put to death by way of bloodletting, after punishing their children one last time. Parents who punished their children were charged with kidnapping, with "kidnapping" being defined under the Law as the slightest of damages or offenses stemming from hostage-taking - child punishment was seen in biblical times as holding your child hostage merely for things that they did wrong, thereby treating your child as a quartered slave. Paul here was lifting up the Law in order to convict a group of Greek Christian parents who brought their pagan custom of spanking and punishing children into the church. Paul, contrary to popular legend, was anti-spanking, and opposed any and all punishment of a child.

Children, in the Early Church, had lawful and divine authority over their parents, meaning children could issue lawfully binding orders, and from there, parents had to obey the orders of their children in most every case, or else risk provoking their child to anger. Parents could only righteously disobey their child's orders and authority when the orders were unlawful and/or unworkable. When disobeying an order from a child righteously, parents had to be reassuring towards any upset. This usually meant skin-on-skin comfort and sustenance such as mammary closeness.

Young children issued lawfully binding orders by crying, and from there, mothers obeyed the orders of children, and did so by responding to the every cry of children, giving them what they need. Children age 6 and up would bark orders at mothers. Mothers did not fight the orders, but instead gave up the fight, and gave in to the orders of their child. Children issued orders towards parents, and parents obeyed the orders, only disobeying when the law of their child conflicted with God's Law, or when the order was completely unworkable. 

Children could take their parents to court if they perceived a provocation to anger over being told "no". Parents had to prove, in their defense, that they reassured their child, and that the word "no" was warranted due to the order from the child being unlawful and/or unworkable. If any of the aforementioned criteria could not be proven, the parents were excommunicated from the church, and the children were collected by "child saviors" into a form of foster care run by non-contact pedophiles. Demanding sexual ransom was seen as fornication under the Law. When parents won the lawsuit, the child was comforted by their church elders and gently lectured at their level. Children did not have to pay any legal penalties whatsoever. 

The depraved and entitled parents who provoke their children to anger through punitive parenting will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them forever be cast into the lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Let them descend into the abyss which is the ever-burning Hell of fire and torment, suffering God's Wrath forever and ever! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

Friday, July 28, 2023

Why to catch children being good

Many parents seek to catch their children being bad. "Bad" to them is any behavior that offends parents. Most American parents discipline their children by punishing bad behavior, and then focus on punishing and reprimanding children for bad behavior. The fact of the matter, however, is that the Bible commands something different in parenting. The Early Christians instead caught their children being good.

Catching children being good is part of the Christian doctrine of mutual submission. It says in Ephesians 6:1-4 KJV:

Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right. Honour thy father and mother; which is the first commandment with promise; That it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth. And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.

The Greek root word translated "obey" is υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to secure, vulnerable rest in the love and submission of parents. Children are to rest in the sacrifice of parents, just as parent believers rest securely in the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ. This commandment was intended by the Apostle Paul to lift up the customary law that commands a secure attachment between parents and children in the family home. This secure attachment comes from parent submission, where parents are to submit to children as their enemy, from beneath yet from above, expecting absolutely nothing in return. 

The Greek root word translated " wrath" is παροργίζο (Latin: parorgizo) and refers to damages or offenses, namely the slightest of personal offense perceived by a child, including, but not limited to, the slightest of offensive touch or speech perceived by a child, stemming from entitlement. This commandment was intended by the Apostle Paul, and understood in its original context, as a moral statute prohibiting all forms of punitive parenting, including any punishments, reprimands, or controlling demeanor towards children. In the Old Testament, punitive parents were put to death by way of bloodletting, after punishing their children one last time. Parents who punished their children were charged with kidnapping, with "kidnapping" being defined under the Law as the slightest of damages or offenses stemming from hostage-taking - child punishment was seen in biblical times as holding your child hostage merely for things that they did wrong, thereby treating your child as a quartered slave. Paul here was lifting up the Law in order to convict a group of Greek Christian parents who brought their pagan custom of spanking and punishing children into the church at Ephesus. Paul, contrary to popular legend, was anti-spanking, and opposed any and all punishment of a child in his writings.

The Greek root word translated "nurture" is παιδεία (Latin: paideia) and refers to here, in this context, to modeling Christian discipline to children. The Christian standard of discipline is deserving of absolutely nothing, therefore grateful for absolutely everything, coming from a sinful nature, leading to a chastened up example for children to follow. Christian parents in the Early Church centered their entitlement in view of their children. Children were caught being good in biblical times, instead of being caught being bad. When children emulated the disciplined example of parents - such as by showing self-control or giving up something they really wanted - they were lavishly praised and encouraged to "keep going down the straight path". Boys were given manly praise when caught being good, and girls were given physical affection such as hugs and embraces when they were caught being good. Sometimes, children needed direct parental instruction. The Greek root word translated "admonition" is νουθεσία (Latin: nouthesia) and refers to direct parental instruction. Due to the fact that parents could not issue lawfully binding orders, parents instead pleaded with their children, asking politely and humbly for favors, expecting absolutely nothing in return.

Mothers, for the first 6 years of a child's life, were in constant closeness with their children, meaning wherever the mother went, so did the child. Mother and child were in a state of birth nudity, with mother and child being in the nude next to each other, in skin-on-skin format. Children, when they cried, were picked up and cradled in skin-on-skin format, and then mothers engaged in skin-on-skin co-snuggling. When children turned age 6, they were handed to their father. Their father encouraged discipline and family values, and did so through lavish praise and encouragement. Boys were given manly praise and encouragement, and girls were rewarded with hugs and physical affection. 

Good behavior, or non-entitled behavior, was encouraged by both parents, but especially by fathers. Bad behavior, or entitled behavior, was overlooked or else was made a joke of. Parents in biblical times laughed at the mischief that their children came up with, and didn't force children to clean up after they made a mess out of things. Parents in the Early Church knew that most childish and immature behavior in children is developmentally appropriate given their age and developmental level. Thus, they let go of most mischevious behavior in children, and comforted and reassured crying children with skin-on-skin comfort and sustenance.

Good behavior was imparted by a disciplined example, known as the chastening of the Lord. Parents took up the undeserving attitude that they were deserving of absolutely nothing, for being a depraved and decadent sinner. Taking up this undeserving attitude leads to parents being grateful for absolutely everything, and being happier. Then, children will try to emulate your disciplined example. When you see children following your own footsteps, and being convicted of the chastening of the Lord, praise them and encourage them lavishly. Encouragement helps children understand that they did the right thing, and made the right choice, and will encourage them to keep going down the straight path.

The depraved and entitled parents who provoke children to anger through punitive parenting will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them forever be cast into the lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Let them descend into the abyss which is the ever-burning Hell of fire and torment, suffering God's Wrath day and night forever and ever! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand! 

Co-sleeping: Why the Bible recommends co-sleeping

Many parents think that co-sleeping is the irresponsible choice that a parent of makes. Most American parents oppose using co-sleeping in their home. Most parents cite the belief that children "need to learn how to self-soothe". The fact of the matter is that not only that children don't need to be taught how to self-soothe, but that co-sleeping prevents child sexual abuse.

Co-sleeping is the ultimate application of the Christian doctrine of mutual submission, with children surrendering at night to the loving arms of mothers. See Colossians 3:20-21 KJV:
Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord. Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they be discouraged.

The Greek root word translated "obey" is υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to secure, vulnerable rest in the love and submission of parenting. Children are to rest securely in the sacrifice of parents, just as parent believers rest securely in the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ. This commandment was intended by the Apostle Paul to lift up the customary law that commands a secure attachment between parents and children. This secure attachment comes from parent submission, where parents are to submit to children as their enemy, from beneath yet from above, expecting absolutely nothing in return.

The Greek root word translated " anger" is ερεθιζο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to damages or offenses, namely the slightest of personal offense perceived by a child, including, but not limited to, the slightest of offensive touch or speech perceived by a child, stemming from entitlement. This commandment was intended by the Apostle Paul, and understood in its original context, as a moral statute prohibiting all forms of punitive parenting, including any punishments, reprimands, or controlling demeanor towards children. In the Old Testament, punitive parents were put to death by way of bloodletting, after punishing their children one last time. Parents who punished their children were charged with kidnapping, with "kidnapping" being defined under the Law as the slightest of damages or offenses stemming from hostage-taking - child punishment was seen in biblical times as holding your child hostage merely for things that they did wrong, thereby treating your child as a quartered slave. Paul here was lifting up the Law in order to convict a group of Greek Christian parents who brought their pagan custom of spanking and punishing their children. Paul, contrary to popular legend, was anti-spanking, and opposed any and all punishment of a child in his writings.

It is common knowledge that children under age 6 usually have trouble falling asleep. Many parents of children aged 2-6 try to get their children to bed, but it falls through, and then they are up again. Most parents punish or reprimand children for refusing to go to bed at their bedtime. The fact of the matter is that children under age 6 are too young to be sleeping on their own. Children under age 6 have primal fears of being devoured by predators. Most parents think predators don't exist in today's modernized society. However, the fact of the matter is that most rapes and sexual assaults against children are committed by fathers. Mothers solved this issue by co-sleeping next to children in skin-on-skin format. The skin-on-skin nature of the co-sleeping convicted the man of the house of his parent attraction. He just had to get used to seeing mother and child naked next to each other, because that was the way of Christian birth nudity in the Early Church. All fathers have a parent attraction towards their children, and that was made more apparent in Ancient Jewish society, where parent attraction in fathers was on the surface. Mothers co-slept next to their children in order to guard them from the sexual wrath of their fathers. Skin-on-skin co-sleeping, in biblical times, happened every night of a prepubescent child's life.

A common excuse for not co-sleeping is that children will develop "sleep dependence" and not be able to self-soothe. The fact of the matter is that self-soothing is a developed trait, not a learned trait. Most mothers in biblical times co-slept next to their children in skin-on-skin format until the child hit puberty, and wanted their own place to sleep. Usually, right at the onset of puberty, children want their privacy. When co-sleeping continues after the onset of puberty, that is a sign of trauma, as trauma stunts the development of children. But, if everything goes right in your child's life, they should want their own place to sleep at the onset of puberty. 

A mother and child co-slept next to each other in skin-on-skin format, and this was done for levels of reasons. On one level, the mother wanted a secure attachment with children, and the best way to form a secure attachment with a child is to sleep next to them in skin-on-skin format. If a parent is a reformatory parent, the skin-on-skin setup heals wounds from trauma. Also, skin-on-skin co-sleeping creates a reaction out of the man of the house that forces him to deal with his parent attraction, and the conclusion most men come to is righteous masturbation. Masturbation, once accepted as an alternative outlet for parent attraction, leads to a closer relationship between parent and child. Righteous masturbation turns a parent attraction into a male nurturing instinct. Eventually, men can get used to even skin-on-skin co-sleeping every night until puberty. I know that if I were a father, I'd like to see the view, and then maybe save it for later, without shame. That's how a father should react to parent attraction. Co-sleeping is, in fact, a biblical concept, and the biblical application of co-sleeping is skin-on-skin in nature.

The depraved and entitled parents who provoke children to anger through punitive parenting will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them forever be cast into the lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Let them descend into the abyss which is the ever-burning Hell of fire and torment, suffering God's Wrath forever and ever! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

Thursday, July 27, 2023

Temper tantrums: How to deal with temper tantrums

Most all parents, if not all, have had to deal with it. Children throwing a temper tantrum. Most parents punish tantrums and meltdowns in children. This is a common reaction amongst American parents. Most American parents punish tantrums and meltdowns in children. The fact of the matter is that the answer to temper tantrums is not punishment or reprimands, but sustaining warmth. 

Temper tantrums are treated using the Christian doctrine of mutual submission, where a crying child surrenders to the loving arms of parents. See Colossians 3:20-21 KJV:
Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord. Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they be discouraged.

The Greek root word translated "obey" is υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to secure, vulnerable rest in the love and submission of parents. Children are to rest securely in the sacrifice of parents, just as parent believers rest securely in the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ. This commandment was intended by the Apostle Paul to lift up the customary law that commands a secure attachment between parents and children in the family home. This secure attachment comes from parent submission, where parents are to submit to children as their enemy, from beneath yet from above, expecting absolutely nothing in return. 

The Greek root word translated " anger" is ερεθιζο (Latin: erethizo) and refers to damages or offenses, namely the slightest of personal offense perceived by a child, including, but not limited to, the slightest of offensive touch or speech perceived by a child, stemming from entitlement. This commandment was intended by the Apostle Paul, and understood in its original context, as a moral statute prohibiting all forms of punitive parenting, including any punishments, reprimands, or controlling demeanor towards a child. In the Old Testament, punitive parents were put to death by way of bloodletting, after punishing their children one last time. Parents who punished their children were charged with kidnapping, with "kidnapping" being defined under the Law as the slightest of damages or offenses stemming from hostage-taking - child punishment was seen in biblical times as holding your child hostage merely for things that they did wrong, thereby treating your child as a quartered slave. Paul here was lifting up the Law in order to convict a group of Greek Christian parents who brought their pagan custom of spanking and punishing children into the church. Paul, contrary to popular legend, was anti-spanking, and opposed any and all punishment of a child in his writings.

Children, throughout history, have thrown temper tantrums. Children in biblical times, therefore, have thrown their fair share of temper tantrums. For the first 6 years of a child's life, children were in constant closeness to mothers, meaning wherever the mother went, so did the child. Mother and child were in a state of birth nudity, where both mother and child were in the nude next to each other, in skin-on-skin closeness and intimacy. 

When children cried, mothers picked up their children and cradled them like babies, then engaged in skin-on-skin co-snuggling with their children. Mothers were naked when in the family home, and that was to serve both their children and their husbands. Mothers served their children by providing for them mammary closeness when they cried or were upset. Mothers also offered children to breastfeed if they were still milk-hungry. Children up until age 6 were coddled as babies, with children being breastfed until they pushed away the teat on their own.

When out and about in public, mothers swaddled their children to their bosom in swaddling blankets, perhaps breastfeeding their child in public if summoned to by their child. From there, the child was tucked underneath the mother's loose-fitting, revealing dress that resembled an apron. The swaddling blankets were made of velvet, which was grown throughout the Ancient Middle East. The swaddling blankets were tied to the left breast, then across the dot to the right leg, or vice versa, or both in the case of twins. When children cried in public, they were simply held closer to the bosom of mothers, and perhaps offered to breastfeed if that is what they needed. 

The depraved and entitled parents who provoke their children to anger through punitive parenting will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them forever be cast into the lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Let them descend into the abyss which is the ever-burning Hell of fire and torment, suffering God's Wrath day and night forever and ever! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand! 

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Righteous ordering: Why children call the shots in Christian parenting

Many parents think that they call the shots in parenting, and have the "right" to issue orders and edicts to children. This is a common attitude amongst American parents. Most American parents issue orders and edicts to their children. However, the fact of the matter is that children have the unilateral right to issue lawfully binding orders to parents. Children call the shots in Christian homes.

Righteous ordering is part of the Christian doctrine of mutual submission, and describes the child's role in parenting. See Colossians 3:20-21 KJV:

Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord. Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they be discouraged.

The Greek root word translated "obey" is υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to secure, vulnerable rest in the love and submission of parents. Children are to rest securely in the sacrifice of parents, just as parent believers rest securely in the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ. This commandment was intended by the Apostle Paul to lift up the customary law that commands a secure attachment between parents and children in the family home. This secure attachment comes from parent submission, where parents are to submit to children as their enemy, from beneath yet from above, expecting absolutely nothing in return.

The Greek root word translated " anger" is ερεθιζο (Latin: erethizo) and refers to damages or offenses, namely the slightest of personal offense perceived by a child, including, but not limited to, the slightest of offensive touch or speech perceived by a child, stemming from entitlement. This commandment was intended by the Apostle Paul, and understood in its original context, as a moral statute prohibiting all forms of punitive parenting, including any punishments or controlling demeanor towards children. In the Old Testament, punitive parents were put to death by way of bloodletting, after punishing their children one last time. Parents who punished their children were charged with kidnapping, with "kidnapping" being defined under the Law as the slightest of damages or offenses stemming from hostage-taking - child punishment was seen in biblical times as holding your child hostage merely for things that they did wrong, thereby treating your child as a quartered slave. Paul here was lifting up the Law in order to convict a group of Greek Christian parents who brought their pagan custom of spanking and punishing children into the church. Paul, contrary to popular legend, was anti-spanking, and opposed any and all punishment of a child in his writings. 

Children, in biblical times, held lawful and divine authority over their parents. Children could issue lawfully binding orders towards their children, and parents, in most every case, were obligated to obey the lawfully binding orders of children. Parents could not issue lawfully binding orders of their own, and could not sue their child in court. If a parent took their child to court, the case was promptly dismissed, and the parent excommunicated from the church body if they refused to apologize to children for the false accusation. All accusations against children were deemed false under the Law, even if they were technically legally true. Parents could only refuse to obey orders issued by children if they were unlawful or unworkable. 

Parents, while children were under their care, were servants to their children, meaning mere caregivers. Children made orders from their parents as a parent would make orders from waitstaff at a restaurant. With young children in biblical times, their every cry was a summonses to provide vulnerable needs, and mothers had to obey the every cry of their child. Mothers responded to the every cry of their child with sustaining warmth, giving children skin-on-skin comfort and sustenance while in a state of birth nudity with their child. Birth nudity, in the biblical context, was practiced as mothers and children being in the nude next to each other, in skin-on-skin closeness and intimacy. Co-sleeping was completely skin-on-skin, and lasted until puberty. Children age 6 and up usually issued lawfully binding orders by barking orders at parents, and ordering parents around. Parents were under the divine authority of their children, with children being extensions of God on earth. Usually, siblings in Early Christian homes all righteously demanded the same thing, copying off of each other in demanding needs. 

Children are the salt and light of the world, with children sitting atop a mounted hill, casting high judgment upon all adult-kind, discerning the sheep and the goats amongst all adults, bringing out the best in adults with their childish immaturity. Children are sacrosanct, meaning children can do no wrong, even if accused of wrong, even if they technically legally do no wrong, as children are guiltless. Adults are to live in reverent fear of the righteous judgment of children, for children are a higher authority to adults for being the lowest among the "least of these". Adults are to answer to children, pleading "yea" or "nay" for all damages or offenses that children perceive. 

The depraved and entitled parents who provoke children to anger through punitive parenting will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them forever be cast into the lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Let them descend into the abyss which is the ever-burning Hell of fire and torment, suffering God's Wrath forever and ever! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

Original sin: How to raise your child in the doctrine of original sin (without punishment or force)

The doctrine of original sin is one of the most misunderstood and misused of Christian teachings. Yet, original sin is the backbone of Christianity. Without original sin, there would be no reason for a Christ. All children are born in original sin. However, calling them sinners and punishing them for it is a provocation to anger, and thus is abuse. How do we raise our children in the doctrine of original sin without punishing them or using force or shaming devices on them? There is a way, but it isn't punishment, that's for sure.

The Christian doctrine of original sin is taught using the Christian command of mutual submission. See Ephesians 6:1-4 KJV:
Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right. Honour thy father and mother; which is the first commandment with promise; That it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long upon the earth. And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.

The Greek root word translated "obey" is υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to secure, vulnerable rest in the love and submission of parents. Children are to rest securely in the sacrifice of parents, just as parent believers rest securely in the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ. This commandment was intended by the Apostle Paul as lifting up the customary law that commands a secure attachment between parent and child in the family home. This secure attachment comes from parent submission, where parents are to submit to their children as their enemy, from beneath yet from above, expecting absolutely nothing in return.

The Greek root word translated " wrath" is παροργίζο (Latin: parorgizo) and refers to damages or offenses, namely the slightest of personal offense perceived by a child, including, but not limited to, the slightest of offensive touch or speech perceived by a child, stemming from entitlement. This commandment was intended by the Apostle Paul, and understood in its original context, as a moral statute prohibiting all forms of punitive parenting, including any punishments or controlling demeanor towards children. In the Old Testament, punitive parents were put to death by way of bloodletting, after punishing their children one last time. Parents who punished their children were charged with kidnapping, with "kidnapping" being defined under the Law as the slightest of damages or offenses stemming from hostage-taking - child punishment was seen as holding your child hostage merely for things that they did wrong, thereby treating your child as a quartered slave. Paul here was lifting up the Law in order to convict a group of Greek Christian parents who brought their pagan custom of spanking and punishing their children into the church. Paul, contrary to popular legend, was anti-spanking, and opposed any and all punishment of a child in his writings.

The Greek root word translated "nurture" is παιδεία (Latin: paideia) and refers to here, in this context, modeling Christian discipline to children. The Christian standard of discipline is deserving of absolutely nothing, therefore grateful for absolutely everything, coming from a sinful nature, leading to a chastened up example for children to follow. Christian parents in the Early Church centered their entitlement in view of their children, with children following in their footsteps. Children in biblical times were caught being good, instead of being caught being bad. When children were caught emulating the disciplined example of parents - such as showing self-control or giving up something they really wanted - children were lavishly praised and encouraged to "keep going down the straight path". Boys were given manly praise from their fathers when caught being good, and girls were given physical affection from their fathers when caught being good. Sometimes, children needed direct parental instruction. The Greek root word translated "admonition" is νουθεσία (Latin: nouthesia) and refers to direct parental instruction. Parents in biblical times were prohibited by Law from issuing lawfully binding orders to children, and thus instead pleaded with their children, asking favors of them from the bottom of their heart, expecting absolutely nothing in return.

All children, just like all human beings, are born in original sin. This is not up for debate. However, convicting your child of their original sin starts with YOU being convicted of your own original sin. Know that you are a depraved and decadent sinner who is deserving of absolutely nothing. This conviction and knowledge should lead to the parent being grateful for absolutely everything. Then, children will notice you doing hard work to improve yourself, and then they will want to improve themselves through taking an undeserving attitude towards life. When you see your child take an undeserving attitude towards life, praise them for it, and encourage them to keep going down the straight path.

What motivates a child to obey the undeserving example of their parents? A secure attachment, of course. For the first 6 years of a child's life, children were in constant closeness with mothers, meaning that wherever the mother went, so did the child. Mother and child were in a state of birth nudity, where mother and child were in the nude next to each other, in skin-on-skin closeness and intimacy. When children cried, mothers picked up their children, and then co-snuggled with them in skin-on-skin comfort and sustenance. When mothers were out and about, young children under age 6 were swaddled next to the bosom of mothers in swaddling blankets, perhaps breastfeeding the child if summoned to by the child, holding the child close when he/she cried. For the most part, the mother took charge in terms of parenting, and young children weren't allowed contact with their father, for reasons related to sexual abuse prevention. Having stable formative years of childhood allowed for fathers to encourage discipline and family values in children. Fathers in Ancient Jewish culture, contrary to popular belief, never sexually corrected their children - it was considered fornication - but instead used righteous masturbation to deal with the parent attraction. However the children got along with their mother is how they would get along with their father.

Children are born in sin, and that is a fact. However, what also is a fact is that children are capable of self-improvement. Children pretty much grow up and mature on their own. They just need a good Christian example to guide them into growing up and maturing in the right direction. Most childish and immature behavior in children is developmentally appropriate behavior, and just a phase. Children, however, are working on their behavior constantly, even if you don't see it, and they are working it to the ideal of your example

The depraved and entitled parents who provoke their children to anger through punitive parenting will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them forever be cast into the lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Let them descend into the abyss which is the ever-burning Hell of fire and torment, suffering God's Wrath day and night forever and ever! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Parent attraction: How to deal with parent attraction to your own child

Most parents don't want to face this topic. Most fathers in particular will probably read this article at a low level. However, it needs to be said. Most all child sexual abuse is preventable, and it is preventable through awareness of one's sexual instincts as a parent, especially in the case of fathers. Most child sexual abuse is committed based on a myth about the Bible and its context. Nowhere in the Bible does it legitimately say to sexually abuse a child.

It says in 1 Corinthians 6:18-20 KJV:
Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body. What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's. 

The Greek root word translated "fornication" is πορνεία (Latin: porneia) and refers to anything outside of proper channels, as understood in biblical times. Fornication comes in three levels - rape/sexual assault, fraudulent marriage, and obscenity/pornography. All sexual relations in biblical times were between one adult man and one adult woman. Children under the age of majority could not marry, at all, and could not have sexual relations with anyone. 

Unlike other ancient cultures, there was no exception in the Law for a man correcting his child. Most ancient cultures did "gun down" children, usually when they were crying in a way that they could not be consoled. In Ancient Jewish society, including the Early Church, this was strictly forbidden. Gunning down children, in and of itself, was fornication by way of rape/sexual assault.

Righteous masturbation was an acronym used by the Early Christians, and stood for how fathers dealt with their parent attraction to their children, usually their daughters. When fathers found themselves attracted to their daughters (or sons), they followed the sexual thoughts to the end by way of masturbatory fantasy. 

Usually, the fatherly attraction to children was connotational, not driven. The bare skin of children, who were always naked, glistened to the eye of the father, and then he masturbated to sexual thoughts of his children, thereby keeping the parent attraction at the connotational level. When the attraction was driven, meaning the father found himself approaching his daughter, his daughter was married off to a man two years older than her.

The Bible, in context, recommends skin-on-skin co-sleeping every night of a child's life, up until puberty. This usually brings out low-level parent sexual entitlement in a father, and it should. Then, from there, gauge whether you want the man in the picture with your children. Usually, they get used to a naked child running around with their naked wife after a while, and they should. The mother-child relationship is nothing to sexualize, yet men - by nature - sexualize mother-child setups, and so they should be directed to the masturbation basket. If they refuse, know that as a mother, you have the unilateral right to divorce your husband. Divorce is not a sin in the Bible except for the man of the house, who should never default on his responsibilities. See 1 Cor. 7:10-11. You do not have to tolerate a man who sexually objectifies your child. 

You should have the right to co-sleep next to your child in skin-on-skin format every night with no issues. If I were a father, that setup would not bother me, and in fact, I'd enjoy the view and save it for later. If he has my attitude, he's a keeper, since that's all you can expect of a man. I feel close to a child when I masturbate about her, and so if I were a father, I'd probably be very close to any daughter I'd have.

Fathers, you need to become aware of that parent attraction, and you need to do so by following the cursory sexual thoughts you already have about your child, yet deny, to the end using masturbatory fantasy. The more you go there, the more you'll feel comfortable going there, and before you know it you will be in full and total control of your sex drive towards children, and so you don't have to hide worries of "hitting" your children. This works best when coupled with righteous avoidance of some kind. When around a young girl, I have the fact memorized that I will burn in Hell for all eternity if I as much as approach the child for sexual or flirtatious reasons. That shuts off my desire to approach, and so I just look and save for later if I like what I see. That is acceptable under my Christian purity values.

Child sexual abuse is entirely preventable. Most perpetrators repress their sexual thoughts about their child targets, meaning they are in deep denial that they have those thoughts. They repress those sexual thoughts so deep into their cortex that they come out sideways onto the child. At that point, there is no choice in the matter but to turn in the perpetrator to law enforcement. There are things the offender could have done in order to avoid getting in that situation in the first place. It's called personal responsibility, and abusers lack it. 

The depraved and decadent, defiled parents who rape or sexually assault their own children in incest will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them descend into torrents of Hell-fire! Repent!

Love children: Why it is a Christian command to love all children

Many parents think that they love their children. This is common attitude amongst American parents. Most American parents will swear up and down that they love their children. But, do they really? There is only one way to love a child, and that is the Christian way. It is a Christian command to love all children as your neighbor.

Love is submission, and submission is love. It says in Matthew 22:35-40 KJV:

Then one of them, which was a lawyer, asked him a question, tempting him, and saying, Master, which is the great commandment in the law? Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and all thy soul, and all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. The second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

The Greek root word translated "love" is αγαπαο (Latin: agapao) and refers to Christian love. Christian love, in the context of parenting, involves placing your child first, and yourself last, to the point of dutiful and selfless submission, expecting absolutely nothing in return. True Love comes not from pride or desire, but from fearful conviction, where parents are convicted of being depraved and decadent sinners who are deserving of absolutely nothing. This creates a sense of urgency in the parent, which leads to the parent feeling parched and worthless. This motivates parents to serve their child selflessly in order to earn their worth and goodness. This dutiful and fearful submission to children replenishes the soul, leading to gratitude for serving the child. Children then rest securely in the love and submission of parents. See Colossians 3:20-21 KJV:

Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord. Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they be discouraged. 

The Greek root word translated "obey" is υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to secure, vulnerable rest in the love and submission of parents. Children are to rest securely in the sacrifice of parents, just as parent believers rest securely in the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ. This commandment was intended by the Apostle Paul as lifting up the customary law that commands a secure attachment between parent and child in the family home. This secure attachment comes from parent submission, where parents are to submit to children as their enemy, from beneath yet from above, expecting absolutely nothing in return.

The Greek root word translated " anger" is ερεθιζο (Latin: erethizo) and refers to damages or offenses, namely the slightest of personal offense perceived by a child, including, but not limited to, the slightest of offensive touch or speech perceived by a child, stemming from entitlement. This commandment was intended by the Apostle Paul, and understood in its original context, as a moral statute prohibiting all forms of punitive parenting, including any punishments or controlling demeanor towards children. In the Old Testament, punitive parents were put to death by way of bloodletting, after punishing their children one last time. Parents who punished their children were charged with kidnapping, with "kidnapping" being defined under the Law as the slightest of damages or offenses stemming from hostage-taking - child punishment was seen in biblical times as holding your child hostage merely for things that they did wrong, thereby treating your child as a quartered slave. Paul here was lifting up the Law in order to convict a group of Greek Christian parents who brought their pagan custom of spanking and punishing children into the church. Paul, contrary to popular legend, was anti-spanking, and opposed any and all punishment of a child in his writings.

Mothers loved their children by responding to their every cry and upset. For the first 6 years of a child's life, children were in constant closeness to mothers, meaning that wherever the mother went, so did the child. Mother and child were in a state of birth nudity, with mother and child in the nude next to each other, in skin-on-skin closeness and intimacy. When children cried or were upset, they were picked up and cradled, then co-snuggled next to the mother in skin-on-skin format. When mothers and children were out and about in public, children were swaddled to the bosom of mothers in swaddling blankets, perhaps breastfeeding the child in public if the child was milk-hungry. 

To love your child is to provide selflessly, expecting nothing in return, knowing you are deserving of absolutely nothing from your child for being the sinful wretch that you are. But, it isn't enough to love your own child. All children are your neighbor, and all children are to be loved as one's neighbor, meaning as an extension of God.

Children are the salt and light of the world, sitting high upon a mounted hill, casting high judgment upon all adult-kind, discerning between the sheep and the goats in terms of charity and goodwill, bringing out the best and worst of adults with their childish immaturity. Adults, including parents, are to love all children, and love them unconditionally. Children in biblical times were seen as sacrosanct, meaning they could do no wrong, even if they did technically legally do things that were considered wrong. Children were seen as the "least of these", and the lowest among them, and thus children came first in Ancient Jewish culture.

The depraved and entitled parents who provoke children to anger though punitive parenting will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them forever be cast into the lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Let them descend into the abyss which is the ever-burning Hell of fire and torment, suffering God's Wrath forever and ever! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

Respect: Why parents have to earn their respect in parenting

Most parents want to be respected. However, many parents demand their "right" to respect from their children. Most American parents demand respect from children. This is a common attitude amongst American parents. However, parents are not inherently deserving of respect. Like all good things in life, they have to earn their respect in relation to their children.

Parents are to show respect to their children, as part of the Christian commandment for mutual submission. The burden of proof is on the parent, not the child. See Colossians 3:20-21 KJV:

Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord. Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they be discouraged.

The Greek root word translated "obey" is υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to secure, vulnerable rest in the love and submission of parents. Children are to rest securely in the sacrifice of parents, just as parent believers rest securely in the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ. This commandment was intended by the Apostle Paul as lifting up the customary law that commands a secure attachment between parent and child in the family home. This secure attachment comes from parent submission, where parents are to submit to children as their enemy, from beneath yet from above, expecting absolutely nothing in return.

The Greek root word translated " anger" is ερεθιζο (Latin: erethizo) and refers to damages or offenses, namely the slightest of personal offense perceived by a child, including, but not limited to, the slightest of offensive touch or speech perceived by a child, stemming from entitlement. This commandment was intended by the Apostle Paul, and understood in its original context, as a moral statute prohibiting all forms of punitive parenting, including any punishment or controlling demeanor towards children. In the Old Testament, punitive parents were put to death by way of bloodletting, after punishing their children one last time. Parents who punished their children were charged with kidnapping, with "kidnapping" being defined under the Law as the slightest of damages or offenses stemming from hostage-taking - child punishment was seen in biblical times as holding your child hostage merely for things that they did wrong, thereby treating your child as a quartered slave. Paul here was lifting up the Law in order to convict a group of Greek Christian parents who brought their pagan custom of spanking and punishing children into the church. Paul, contrary to popular legend, was anti-spanking, and opposed any and all punishment of a child in his writings.

Respect for parents was a command in the Early Church, but only for adult children who had left the home. Until then, parents had to give due respect to their children, and obey the lawfully binding orders of children. Respect did exist in parent-child relationships in biblical times, but that came in the form of closeness, not reverent respect. 

Respect meant closeness in Early Christian parenting. For the first 6 years of a child's life, children were in constant closeness with mothers, meaning wherever the mother went, so did the child. Mother and child were in a state of birth nudity, where both mother and child were in the nude next to each other, in skin-on-skin closeness and intimacy. Mothers picked up their crying child with both parties in the nude, and engaged in skin-on-skin co-snuggling, placing the child on the breast area in mammary closeness. It was this type of sustaining closeness that was seen as a child's way of surrendering to parents. 

When children became adults, and left the house to get married off, they gave thanks to their parents by giving their parents the due respect that they earned while their children were still dependent on them. Respect for parents was thanksgiving for all of the times that children were pampered while dependent on parents. Some children did not get that type of childhood even then, and such children, as young adults, usually shunned their parents or petitioned the council to excommunicate them, which was perfectly lawful then.  

The depraved and entitled parents who provoke children to anger through punitive parenting will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them forever be cast unto the lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Let them descend into the abyss which is the ever-burning Hell of fire and torment, suffering God's Wrath day and night forever and ever! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

Monday, July 24, 2023

Time-in: Why mammary closeness is the biblical way of doing time-in

Many parents use time-out as a means of controlling a child. Some parents, namely 37% of parents, use physical punishment as a means of controlling a child. Most American parents use some sort of punishment to control and reprimand a child when they are crying. Most American parents punish crying. The fact of the matter is that children don't need to be punished for crying, or for anything. Instead, children need time-in when they are crying or upset, and there is a proper way to do it. 

Time-in is part of the Christian doctrine of mutual submission, where children rest securely in the loving arms of mothers, and mothers provide the sustenance necessary to reassure the child. See Colossians 3:20-21 KJV:

Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord. Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they be discouraged. 

The Greek root word translated "obey" is υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to secure, vulnerable rest in the love and submission of parents. Children are to rest secure in the sacrifice of parents, just as parent believers rest securely in the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ. This commandment was intended by the Apostle Paul as lifting up the customary law that commands a secure attachment between parent and child in the family home. This secure attachment comes from parent submission, where parents are to submit to children as their enemy, from beneath yet from above, expecting absolutely nothing in return.

The Greek root word translated " anger" is ερεθιζο (Latin: erethizo) and refers to damages or offenses, namely the slightest of personal offense perceived by a child, including, but not limited to, the slightest of offensive touch or speech perceived by a child, stemming from entitlement. This commandment was intended by the Apostle Paul, and understood in its original context, as a moral statute prohibiting all forms of punitive parenting, including any punishments or controlling demeanor towards children. In the Old Testament, punitive parents were put to death by way of bloodletting, after punishing their children one last time. Parents who punished their children were charged with kidnapping, with "kidnapping" being defined under the Law as the slightest of damages or offenses stemming from hostage-taking - child punishment was seen in biblical times as holding your child hostage merely for things that they did wrong, thereby holding your child hostage merely for things that they did wrong, thereby treating your child as a quartered slave. Paul here was lifting up the Law in order to convict a group of Greek Christian parents who brought their pagan custom of spanking and punishing children into the church. Paul, contrary to popular legend, was anti-spanking, and opposed any and all punishment of a child in his writings.

Time-in is the opposite of time-out, and can be practiced in many ways. In the biblical context, time-in was practiced withing the safety and security of a birth nudity setup, where mother and child were naked next to each other, in skin-on-skin closeness and intimacy. This brought out raw separation anxiety in the child, with the child deathly fearing their mother "going away and never coming back". Mothers accommodated the separation anxiety of children by picking up the child in skin-on-skin format, and engaging in skin-on-skin co-snuggling with the child. The mother would give the child mammary closeness, meaning hold the crying child close to her breast, perhaps allowing the child to breastfeed if he/she was milk-hungry. Mothers would respond to the every cry of a child, not just the cries that they felt like responding to.

When mothers and children were out and about in public, children were swaddled to the bosom of mothers, with mothers breastfeeding in public. The child was then tucked underneath the loose-fitting, revealing dress of mothers that resembled an apron. The swaddling blankets were made of velvet, and were tied to the left breast, and then tied further across the dot, to the mother's right leg, or vice versa, or both in the case of twins. When children cried in public, mothers responded to the every cry of children, simply holding them close and maybe offering them to breastfeed if they were still milk-dependent. 

The breast area of women was not designed primarily for men to sexualize. It was designed primarily to nurture children. When children come into contact with that part of their mother's body, they immediately calm down, and then there can be a discussion based on what went wrong if the child has words. When you try it as a mother, you will wonder why you didn't use mammary closeness earlier. 

The depraved and entitled parents who provoke children to anger through punitive parenting will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them forever be cast into the lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Let them descend into the abyss which is theb ever-burning Hell of fire and torment, suffering God's Wrath day and night forever and ever! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

Separation anxiety: What to do when a child seemingly "cries out of nowhere"

Many parents have dealt with it. A young child crying "out of nowhere". Many parents make the mistake of punishing or reprimanding the child for his/her crying. Most parents don't understand that crying is a communication of needs. Children between the ages of 0-6 have special attachment needs, meaning they are prone to separation anxiety as a normal developmental stage. 

Separation anxiety is solved by parents following the Christian doctrine of mutual submission. See Colossians 3:20-21 KJV:

Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord. Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they be discouraged.

The Greek root word translated "obey" is υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to secure, vulnerable rest in the love and submission of parents. Children are to rest securely in the sacrifice of parents, just as parent believers rest securely in the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ. This commandment was intended by the Apostle Paul as lifting up the customary law that commands a secure attachment between parents and children in the family home. This secure attachment comes from parent submission, where parents are to submit to children as their enemy, from beneath yet from above, expecting absolutely nothing in return.

The Greek root word translated " anger" is ερεθιζο (Latin: erethizo) and refers to damages or offenses, namely the slightest of personal offense perceived by a child, including, but not limited to, the slightest of offensive touch or speech perceived by a child, stemming from entitlement. This commandment was intended by the Apostle Paul, and understood in its original context, as a moral statute prohibiting all forms of punitive parenting, including any punishment or controlling demeanor towards children. In the Old Testament, punitive parents were put to death by way of bloodletting, after punishing their children one last time. Parents who punished their children were charged with kidnapping, with "kidnapping" being defined under the Law as the slightest of damages or offenses stemming from hostage-taking - child punishment was seen in biblical times as holding your child hostage merely for things that they did wrong, thereby treating your child as a quartered slave. Paul here was lifting up the Law in order to convict a group of Greek Christian parents who brought their pagan custom of spanking and punishing children into the church. Paul, contrary to popular legend, was anti-spanking, and opposed any and all punishment of a child in his writings.

For the first 6 years of a child's life, children were in constant closeness to their mothers, meaning that wherever the mother went, so did the child. Mother and child were in a state of birth nudity, meaning mothers and children were in the nude next to each other, in skin-on-skin closeness and intimacy. This birth nudity setup brought out raw separation anxiety in children, where children were deathly afraid of mom "going away and never coming back". Mothers accommodated the crying by reassuring their children, in so many words, "I'm here, and I'm not going anywhere". Mothers responded to the cries of separation anxiety by picking up the child in skin-on-skin format, and engaging in skin-on-skin co-snuggling. 

When mothers were out and about, children were swaddled next to the bosom of mothers in swaddling blankets. From there, the young child was tucked underneath the loose-fitting, revealing dress that mothers wore, that resembled an apron. The swaddling blankets were tied to the left breast of a mother, then across the dot to the right leg of the mother, or vice versa, or both in the case of twins. Swaddling blankets were made of velvet, which was grown throughout the Ancient Middle East. Mothers breastfed their children in public if summoned to by their child.

Most cries that are random, in young children under age 6, are due to separation anxiety. They don't need punishment. They need YOU, and to know that YOU are going to be there for them. They are worried about you, in a pro-social manner. The idea is to reassure children with your sustaining warmth that you are going nowhere.

Most cries of separation anxiety in today's society are repressed due to punishment, and so the cries only come out once and a while. When these cries are in full steam, they sound deathly, in a way no mother can ignore. The idea is to listen and validate to these upsets, and provide skin-on-skin warmth and sustenance, This reels out the separation anxiety, and takes care of the need. 

All too often, parents think that when a child appears to be crying for no reason, that there is no reason for them crying, except maybe to "undermine" parents. The fact of the matter is that children never cry to "undermine" parents. They cry in order to communicate vulnerable needs, usually attachment needs. There is always a reason for a child crying, and that reason often has to do with separation anxiety.

The depraved and entitled parents who provoke children to anger through punitive parenting will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them forever be cast into the lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Let them descend into the abyss which is the ever-burning Hell of fire and torment, suffering God's Wrath day and night forever and ever! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

Sunday, July 23, 2023

Child crushes: Individual responsibility for adult attraction to children

Many adults think that pedophiles are solely to blame for the sexual abuse epidemic. Child sexual abuse is a real problem in today's society, with 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 6 boys being sexually abused before their 18th birthday. Most people use pedophiles as a medical excuse not to deal with the problem, claiming the problem is "over there". The problem comes from a simple issue - adult sexual entitlement. Adult sexual entitlement is sexual entitlement on the part of an adult towards children, and is a widespread form of entitlement, especially amongst men, but also quite a few women. 

All adults are guilty in relation to children, but especially parents, and are deserving of nothing but DEATH and PUNISHMENT merely for existing in relation to children with the sexual entitlement they presumably have as parents/adults. All adults are capable of the moral crime of raping or sexually assaulting a child under the right/wrong conditions. Righteous avoidance is about avoiding the conditions that lead you as an adult to sexually abusing a child. Righteous avoidance is to be weighed with righteous masturbation. 

Adult sexual entitlement is defined as, officially speaking, sexual wants from children, to the point of sexually motivated approach. This becomes fornication by way of rape/sexual assault once the approach is perceived by the child, either by way of offense (if the child perceives offense) or procurement (if the child goes along with it). Sexual assault is a form of fornication that ranges from leering to rape, based off of the offense perceived by a child, which is any perception of sexually motivated intent from an adult by a child. Any time the child says the word "creep" concerning an adult, it is fornication by way of sexual assault.

Most rapes and sexual assaults against children happen the same way. The adult offender develops a crush on the child, and represses that crush because it alarms them. They then continue to repress the crush to the unaware level, fighting back the crush until the crush comes out sideways onto the child. Usually, rapes and sexual assaults against children are single incident events, and not committed by a pedophile. Pedophilic children are at a heightened risk for being raped or sexually assaulted by an adult trying to "correct" or "cure" them for their pedophilia. 

The idea to prevent child sexual abuse is for adults to feel free to masturbate to sexual thoughts of children, as a means of discharging their natural sexual fantasies about children. Then, sexual fantasies and desires about children will be on the aware level throughout society. I am not for open discussion of sexual fantasies of any kind, meaning we don't discuss these things in public. But, an adult should feel free to go there if tempted by a crush on a child. The more they do it, the more they will accept that part of their attractions, and then they will be able to control their sexual desires for children, as the desires will be on the surface level.

You control a sexual desire for children by setting boundaries with yourself through aversion imagery. I imagine myself burning in Hell for approaching a young girl with sexual or flirtatious intent. In the past, I had trouble going up to young girls and approaching them. I had to associate the approach with burning in Hell, as well as the burning romantic desire that motivated the approach. I'm left with just sexual fantasies and a healthy aversion to approaching a young girl for any reason. Every adult has my problem to varying degrees.

So you think you are immune to sexual desires towards children as an adult? I challenge you to masturbate to sexual thoughts about a child. Chances are, it will be your child, and the fantasy will be what you are capable of. The idea is to keep indulging in masturbatory fantasy about children until you feel comfortable with the concept. When you feel comfortable going there, you probably won't sexually abuse a child, and you'll know it, and you'll feel confident in that regard. I can't see myself approaching any other young girls, as I masturbate regularly to sexual thoughts of young girls to avoid the approach. But, it is good to utilize righteous avoidance, as it will always be unacceptable to discuss sexual attractions to children in public or out in the open.

Should sexual fantasies about children be part of open discussion? The answer is no. Fornication by way of obscenity is defined as anything coming from one's person with the intent to arouse, alarm, or offend, or else recklessly does the same. "Recklessly" means carelessness to the point of non-apology. If you are willing to apologize, any sexual topic is up for discussion. But, if someone is offended by the discussion, part of the apology is dropping the subject. Do you really want to risk offending others with your sexual speech? It is best to avoid that topic when out in the open, and wait until you are in private to discuss sexual matters. There is a proper place for discussing sexual thoughts about children, and that is with a mental health professional.

The depraved and decadent, defiled adults who rape or sexually assault children will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them descend into torrents of Hell-fire! Repent!

Hebrews 12:5-8: Why this isn't a rod passage

Many people in America use physical and other forms of punishment on children. Most of the punitive parenting in America is religiously motivated. Many parents cite the Bible as an excuse for abuse when punishing children. The main argument that holds the pro-spanking argument together is Hebrews 12:5-8. However, this argument is made in error. There is no evidence that the Apostle Paul intended Heb. 12:5-8 as a spanking passage.

It says in Hebrews 12:5-8 KJV:

And ye have forgotten the exhortation which speaketh unto you as unto children, My son, despise not the chastening of the Lord, nor faint when thou art rebuked of him: For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth. If ye endure chastening, God dealeth with you as sons; for what son is he whom the father chasteneth not? But if ye be without chastisement, whereof all are partakers, are ye bastards and not sons.

This passage was written to a specific audience that was Jewish in terms of cultural background, for a specific purpose. The Greek root word translated "scourgeth" is μαστιγόω (Latin: mastigoó) and refers not to the scourge of cords under Roman law, but to the 40 minus 1 lashes under Jewish law, in a reminiscent type of way, as the Early Church did not use corporal punishment in law enforcement, and forbade parishioners from partaking in Roman floggings. The 40 minus 1 lashes were being referred to in a figurative way, in a form of metaphorical language in the Hebraic languages known as rod language. In Israel, you don't say "I had a hard day at work" but instead say "God whipped me hard today". This passage was intended by the Apostle Paul as reassurance to the Hebrew Christians in their persecution by the Romans, and was not intended by Paul as a parenting verse.

God whips His children, like only He can. God whips His children by sending trials and tribulations their way, like only He can. However, God only whips His children when it doesn't harm them. Earthly parents only whip their children when it DOES harm them. Earthly parents, due to this crutch - a part of their sinful nature - they are to bring up their children with natural parenting, meaning attachment parenting. The passage in Hebrews has nothing to do with bringing up a child. There are passages in the Bible that deal with parenting directly. See Ephesians 6:1-4 KJV:

Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right. Honour thy father and mother; which is the first commandment with promise; That it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth. And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.

The Greek root word translated "obey" is υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to secure, vulnerable rest in the love and submission of parents. Children are to rest securely in the sacrifice of parents, just as parent believers rest securely in the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ. This commandment was intended by the Apostle Paul as lifting up the customary law that commands a secure attachment between parent and child in the family home. This secure attachment comes from parent submission, where parents are to submit to children as their enemy, from beneath yet from above, expecting absolutely nothing in return.

The Greek root word translated " wrath" is παροργίζο (Latin: parorgizo) and refers to damages or offenses, namely the slightest of personal offense perceived by a child, including, but not limited to, the slightest of offensive touch or speech perceived by a child, stemming from entitlement. This commandment was intended by the Apostle Paul, and understood in its original context, as a moral statute prohibiting all forms of punitive parenting, including any punishments or controlling demeanor towards children. In the Old Testament, punitive parents were put to death by way of bloodletting, after punishing their children one last time. Parents who punished their children were charged with kidnapping, with "kidnapping" being defined under the Law as the slightest of damages or offenses stemming from hostage-taking - child punishment was seen in biblical times as holding your child hostage merely for things that they did wrong, thereby holding your child hostage merely for things that they did wrong, thereby treating your child as a quartered slave. Paul here was lifting up the Law in order to convict a group of Greek Christian parents who brought their pagan custom of spanking and punishing children into the church. Paul, contrary to popular legend, was anti-spanking, and opposed any and all punishment of a child in his writings.

The Greek root word translated "nurture" is παιδεία (Latin: paideia) and refers to here, in this context, modeling Christian discipline to children. The Christian standard of discipline is deserving of absolutely nothing, therefore grateful for absolutely everything, coming from a sinful nature, leading to a chastened up example for children to follow. Christian parents in the Early Church centered their entitlement in view of their children, with children following in the footsteps of parents. Children, in biblical times, were caught being good, instead of being caught being bad. Whenever children were caught emulating the disciplined example of parents - such as showing self-control or giving up something they really wanted - they were lavishly praised and encouraged to "keep going down the straight path". Children were otherwise allowed to be themselves, with crying and temper tantrums being reassured and comforted by mothers. Sometimes, children needed direct parental instruction. The Greek root word translated "admonition" is νουθεσία (Latin: nouthesia) and refers to direct parental instruction. Parents were not allowed to issue lawfully binding orders on children, and so parents pleaded with their children, asking for favors from the bottom of their heart, expecting absolutely nothing in return, knowing they'd get nothing in return.

Christian attachment parenting is the way to raise a child. Christian attachment parenting is attachment parenting based off of the Early Christian context. For the first 6 years of a child's life, children were in constant closeness to mothers, meaning that wherever the mother went, so did the child. Mother and child were in a state of birth nudity, meaning that mother and child were in the nude next to each other, in skin-on-skin closeness and intimacy. This birth nudity setup brought out raw separation anxiety in children, where they were deathly afraid and in tears about mothers "going away and never coming back". Mothers reassured children, in so many words, "I'm here, and I'm not going anywhere". For the latter 7 years of childhood, children were in the providing custody of their fathers, where they were encouraged in their religious self-education, and were encouraged in showing discipline and taking an undeserving attitude towards life. Mothers nurtured up close, and fathers nurtured from afar. Fathers struggled with parent attraction to their children, and most fathers dealt with this parent attraction through righteous masturbation. This made the parent attraction come out as a male nurturing instinct. Fathers nurtured boys by giving them manly praise when they were caught being good. Girls were snuggled with and cuddled with when they were caught being good, with the permission of the mother.

Heb. 12:5-8 is not a rod verse. I personally find the passage to be reassuring, particularly when dealing with hardship. God sends hardship my way in order to chasten me up, and the more hardship I endure, the stronger I am. It is like an inoculation. I, when I become a parent, want my children to be inoculated like I am from hardship. But, I am not God, and so I cannot act as God when raising a child. I am the servant of the child whenever a child is in my care. They place their order, and I serve them like waitstaff. That's how parenting is supposed to go with earthly parents. 

The depraved and entitled parents who provoke children to anger through punitive parenting will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them forever be cast into the lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Let them descend into the abyss which is the ever-burning Hell of fire and torment, suffering God's Wrath day and night forever and ever! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

Birth nudity: Why birth nudity is a Christian tradition

Many parents think that children should keep their clothing on. This is seen as common sense by many parents. Most parents want their children want to keep their clothing on. However, we have traditions as a Christian nation, and one of those traditions is birth nudity. Birth nudity is where children are naked in the family home until they choose to wear their clothing. This tradition dates back to the beginnings of Christianity itself. 

Birth nudity is part of the Christian doctrine of mutual submission. See Colossians 3:20-21 KJV:

Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord. Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they be discouraged.

The Greek root word translated "obey" is υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to secure, vulnerable rest in the love and submission of parents. Children are to rest securely in the sacrifice of parents, just as parent believers rest securely in the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ. This commandment was intended by the Apostle Paul as lifting up the customary law that commands a secure attachment between parent and child in the family home. This secure attachment comes from parent submission, where parents are to submit to children as their enemy, from beneath yet from above, expecting absolutely nothing in return.

The Greek root word translated " anger" is ερεθιζο (Latin: erethizo) and refers to damages or offenses, namely the slightest of personal offense perceived by a child, including, but not limited to, the slightest of offensive touch or speech perceived by a child, stemming from entitlement. This commandment was intended by the Apostle Paul, and understood in its original context, as a moral statute prohibiting all forms of punitive parenting, including any punishments or controlling demeanor towards children. In the Old Testament, punitive parents were put to death by way of bloodletting, after punishing their children one last time. Parents who punished their children were charged with kidnapping, with "kidnapping" being defined under the Law as the slightest of damages or offenses stemming from hostage-taking - child punishment was seen in biblical times as holding your child hostage merely for things that they did wrong, thereby treating your child as a quartered slave. Paul here was lifting up the Law in order to convict a group of Greek Christians who brought their pagan custom of spanking and punishing children into the church. Paul, contrary to popular legend, was anti-spanking, and opposed any and all punishment of a child in his writings. 

Birth nudity is a Christian tradition in this country. For the first 6 years of a child's life, children were in constant closeness with their mothers, meaning that wherever the mother went, so did the child. Mother and child were in a state of birth nudity, where mother and child were in the nude next to each other, in skin-on-skin closeness and intimacy. This birth nudity setup brought out raw separation anxiety in children, where children were afraid of their mother "going away and never coming back". Mothers said to their children, in so many words, "I'm here, and I'm not going anywhere" as a token of reassurance that kept the separation anxiety - normal for young children - at bay. 

Children went completely in the nude for their entire childhood, meaning until they attained majority at age 13. Mothers also were naked in the family home, but not when outside the family home. When outside the family home, mothers who were married wore a loose-fitting, revealing dress in order to honor their husbands, with this dress resembling an apron. Young children were tucked under the mother's dress, and were tied up next to the bosom of mothers in swaddling blankets. The swaddling blankets were made of velvet, and were tied to the mother's left breast, across the dot to the mother's right leg, or vice versa, or both in the case of twins. 

The modern practice of birth nudity is different from how it was practiced in the past. In the Early Church, children were given their clothing after being baptized. The new way of doing birth nudity is that children choose their clothing, and until then, they can go naked wherever they want, as long as the nudity stays in the house. The mother also is naked in the family home, providing skin-on-skin comfort and sustenance for the child.

America is a Christian nation, founded on Judeo-Christian family values. What defines our values as a country? The Bible and its context. The Bible itself does not ever legitimately say to strike a child. Only young adults were struck in the Old Testament, and only in a courtroom setting after being sentenced for a criminal offense, in the form of 40 minus 1 lashes. Hebrews 12:5-11 was intended to comfort the Hebrew Christians in their persecution, not command parents to strike their children. Birth nudity is part of our traditions, as we base our traditions off of the Bible. 

The depraved and entitled parents who provoke their children to anger through punitive parenting will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them forever be cast into the lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Let them descend into the abyss which is the ever-burning Hell of fire and torment, suffering God's Wrath day and night forever and ever! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

Righteous co-sleeping: Why God wants parents to sleep next to their children

Many parents think that co-sleeping is the irresponsible choice for a parent to make. This is a common attitude from American parents. Most ...