Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Parent attraction: How to deal with parent attraction to your own child

Most parents don't want to face this topic. Most fathers in particular will probably read this article at a low level. However, it needs to be said. Most all child sexual abuse is preventable, and it is preventable through awareness of one's sexual instincts as a parent, especially in the case of fathers. Most child sexual abuse is committed based on a myth about the Bible and its context. Nowhere in the Bible does it legitimately say to sexually abuse a child.

It says in 1 Corinthians 6:18-20 KJV:
Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body. What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's. 

The Greek root word translated "fornication" is πορνεία (Latin: porneia) and refers to anything outside of proper channels, as understood in biblical times. Fornication comes in three levels - rape/sexual assault, fraudulent marriage, and obscenity/pornography. All sexual relations in biblical times were between one adult man and one adult woman. Children under the age of majority could not marry, at all, and could not have sexual relations with anyone. 

Unlike other ancient cultures, there was no exception in the Law for a man correcting his child. Most ancient cultures did "gun down" children, usually when they were crying in a way that they could not be consoled. In Ancient Jewish society, including the Early Church, this was strictly forbidden. Gunning down children, in and of itself, was fornication by way of rape/sexual assault.

Righteous masturbation was an acronym used by the Early Christians, and stood for how fathers dealt with their parent attraction to their children, usually their daughters. When fathers found themselves attracted to their daughters (or sons), they followed the sexual thoughts to the end by way of masturbatory fantasy. 

Usually, the fatherly attraction to children was connotational, not driven. The bare skin of children, who were always naked, glistened to the eye of the father, and then he masturbated to sexual thoughts of his children, thereby keeping the parent attraction at the connotational level. When the attraction was driven, meaning the father found himself approaching his daughter, his daughter was married off to a man two years older than her.

The Bible, in context, recommends skin-on-skin co-sleeping every night of a child's life, up until puberty. This usually brings out low-level parent sexual entitlement in a father, and it should. Then, from there, gauge whether you want the man in the picture with your children. Usually, they get used to a naked child running around with their naked wife after a while, and they should. The mother-child relationship is nothing to sexualize, yet men - by nature - sexualize mother-child setups, and so they should be directed to the masturbation basket. If they refuse, know that as a mother, you have the unilateral right to divorce your husband. Divorce is not a sin in the Bible except for the man of the house, who should never default on his responsibilities. See 1 Cor. 7:10-11. You do not have to tolerate a man who sexually objectifies your child. 

You should have the right to co-sleep next to your child in skin-on-skin format every night with no issues. If I were a father, that setup would not bother me, and in fact, I'd enjoy the view and save it for later. If he has my attitude, he's a keeper, since that's all you can expect of a man. I feel close to a child when I masturbate about her, and so if I were a father, I'd probably be very close to any daughter I'd have.

Fathers, you need to become aware of that parent attraction, and you need to do so by following the cursory sexual thoughts you already have about your child, yet deny, to the end using masturbatory fantasy. The more you go there, the more you'll feel comfortable going there, and before you know it you will be in full and total control of your sex drive towards children, and so you don't have to hide worries of "hitting" your children. This works best when coupled with righteous avoidance of some kind. When around a young girl, I have the fact memorized that I will burn in Hell for all eternity if I as much as approach the child for sexual or flirtatious reasons. That shuts off my desire to approach, and so I just look and save for later if I like what I see. That is acceptable under my Christian purity values.

Child sexual abuse is entirely preventable. Most perpetrators repress their sexual thoughts about their child targets, meaning they are in deep denial that they have those thoughts. They repress those sexual thoughts so deep into their cortex that they come out sideways onto the child. At that point, there is no choice in the matter but to turn in the perpetrator to law enforcement. There are things the offender could have done in order to avoid getting in that situation in the first place. It's called personal responsibility, and abusers lack it. 

The depraved and decadent, defiled parents who rape or sexually assault their own children in incest will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them descend into torrents of Hell-fire! Repent!

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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
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