Monday, October 31, 2022

Hebrews 12:5-11: Why this passage does not support punishing children

Many parents believe in punishing children. This is a common stance amongst American parents. Around 60% of parents in various studies reported the use of force in correcting and disciplining children. Most American parents support striking and punishing children to some degree. Most American parents get their parenting information from religious sources, not scientific sources. One of these sources is Hebrews 12:5-11. Most parents do not understand the context of this passage. Hebrews 12:5-11 is not a pro-spanking passage.

It says in Hebrews 12:5-11 KJV:

And ye have forgotten the exhortation that speaketh unto you as unto children, My son, despise not the chastening of the Lord, nor faint when thou art rebuked of him: For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth. If ye endure chastening, then God dealeth with you as sons; for what son is he whom the father chasteneth not? But if ye be without chastisement, whereof all are partakers, then are ye bastards, and not sons. Furthermore we had fathers of our flesh which corrected us, and we gave them reverence: shall we not be in subjection unto the Father of spirits and live? For they verily for a few days chastened us after their own pleasure; but he for our profit, that we might be partakers of his holiness. Now, no chastening for the present seemeth to be joyous, but grievous: nevertheless afterward it yieldeth the peaceable fruit of righteousness unto them which are exercised thereby.

This is, in fact, one of my favorite passages in the Bible - and it has nothing to do with raising children, and does not instruct earthly parents in parenting. It is about the experience of being parented by our Heavenly Father. The Greek root word translated "scourgeth" is μαστιγόο (Latin: mastigóo) and refers literally to a specific scourging, namely the 40 minus 1 lashes in the Old Testament. The Greek root word translated "chastisement" and "corrected" is παιδεία (Latin: paideia) and refers to the chastening of the Lord, meaning a Christian standard of discipline that is entitled to nothing, and grateful for everything. The 40 minus 1 lashes with the rod of correction was a summary sentence for a capital offense, and was administered as a final warning before an offender was put to death. Enduring stripes with the rod of correction was seen by the Israelites as a second chance at life. Doesn't all hardship work the same way? Rod language is a form of figurative language in the Hebrew language, which Hebrew Christians spoke. When you had a bad day at work, you said "God really whipped me hard today". God whips His children into shape, and scourges them to harden them, like only He can. If earthly fathers whipped their children (like what often happens), they would cause harm to their children. Earthly parents should follow their parental instincts and stick to attachment parenting, just as was done in the Early Christian context as well as the preceding Israelite context.

Hebrews 12:5-11 was not written to parents, but to Hebrew Christians enduring Roman persecution. There are, however, passages written to earthly parents, and they call for attachment parenting, when understood in context. See Colossians 3:20-21 KJV:

Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord. Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they be discouraged.

The Greek root word translated "obey" is υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to secure, vulnerable rest in the love and grace of parents. Children are to rest securely in the sacrifice of parents, just as parent believers rest securely in the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Parents are to be extensions of Christ, sacrificing for their children, just as Christ sacrificed for His children, with children being a Godhead for parents to serve, with children resting securely in the submission of parents, owing absolutely nothing in return to parents. Parents are the enemy of children, just as mankind is the enemy of God, with parents being subservient to them just as they are to Him, expecting absolutely nothing in return from children or anyone else.

The Greek root word translated " anger" is ερεθιζο (Latin: erethizo) and refers to damages or offenses, namely the slightest of personal offense perceived by a child, including, but not limited to, the slightest of offensive touch or speech perceived by a child, coming from entitlement. This commandment was intended by the Apostle Paul, and understood in its original context, as a moral statute prohibiting all forms of punitive parenting, including any form of punishment or controlling demeanor towards children. In the Old Testament, punitive parents were put to death by way of bloodletting, after punishing their children one last time. Parents who punished their children were charged with kidnapping, with "kidnapping" being defined under the Law as the slightest of damages or offenses stemming from hostage-taking - child punishment was seen then as holding your hostage for things they did wrong, and falsely enslaving them. Paul here was lifting up this legal context to a group of Greek Christian parents who brought their pagan custom of spanking and punishing children into the church. Paul, contrary to popular belief, was anti-spanking, and opposed all punishment of a child. 

Children, in biblical times, wore no clothing, at all, until they were adults. Women only wore clothing outside the home, and otherwise went in the nude, in order to serve their husbands and their children. Mothers served their children by way of providing for them nourishment and sustenance, namely breastmilk (until age 3) and skin-to-skin closeness and intimacy. The core aspect of Christian attachment parenting in the 1st Century was skin-on-skin co-sleeping, with mother and child fast asleep next to each other, snuggling and cuddling with each other in skin-to-skin closeness and intimacy, and with mothers holding their child to their bosom in mammary closeness. Fathers are also supposed to be passive and nurturing with their children, holding their hand and being dragged around by them like a human ragdoll. Fathers should become aware of their parent attraction by re-channeling that side of them inwards through solo masturbation. Becoming aware of parent attraction helps fathers form a bond with their child. 

The depraved and entitled parents who provoke children to anger through punitive parenting will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them be forever cast into the lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Let them descend into the abyss which is the ever-burning Hell of fire and torment, suffering God's Wrath forever and ever! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

Sunday, October 30, 2022

Fear your child: Why to dutifully and fearfully submit to your child

Many parents think that their children should submit to them. This is a common belief amongst American parents. Most parents believe that they are entitled to their children submitting to them, and serving them. However, the fact of the matter is that Rome reversed it - parents are to dutifully and selflessly submit to their children, out of reverent fear.

Reverent fear rarely exists in a vacuum. Christian love is denoted by the Greek root word αγαπαο (Latin: agapao) and refers to, in this tense, prioritizing children first, and yourself last, to the point of dutiful and selfless submission to the every vulnerable need of children, expecting absolutely nothing in return from children or anyone else. True Love does not come from pride or desire, but instead from a place of fearful conviction, as denoted by the Greek root word ψοβός (Latin: phobos), with this conviction involving coming to the knowledge that you, as a parent and a human being, are a depraved and decadent sinner deserving of absolutely nothing, from children or anyone else. This leads to the sinner paying due penance for their depraved and decadent sin nature by serving their neighbor. Children were seen as your neighbor in biblical times. See Matt. 22:35-40.

Parents are to submit selflessly and fearfully to their children, just as they would God, with children surrendering and resting securely in the wake of said submission. See Colossians 3:20-21 KJV:

Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord. Fathers, provoke not your children, lest they be discouraged.

The Greek root word translated "obey" is υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to secure, vulnerable rest in the love and grace of parents. Children are to rest securely in the sacrifice of parents, just as parent believers rest securely in the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Parents are to be extensions of Christ in the family home, sacrificing for their children, just as Christ sacrificed for His children, with children being a Godhead for parents to serve, with children resting securely in the submission of parents, owing absolutely nothing in return to parents. Parents are the enemy of children, just as mankind is the enemy of God, with parents being subservient to them just as they are to Him, expecting absolutely nothing in return.

The Greek root word translated " anger" is ερεθιζο (Latin: erethizo) and refers to damages or offenses, namely the slightest of personal offense perceived by a child, including, but not limited to, the slightest of offensive touch or speech perceived by the child, coming from entitlement. This commandment was intended by the Apostle Paul, and understood in its original context, as a moral statute prohibiting all forms of punitive parenting, including any form of punishment or controlling demeanor towards a child. In the Old Testament, punitive parents were put to death by way of bloodletting, after punishing their children one last time. Parents who punished their children were charged with kidnapping, with "kidnapping" being defined under the Law as the slightest of damages or offenses stemming from hostage-taking - child punishment was seen then as holding your child hostage merely for things they did wrong, therefore enslaving them. Paul here was lifting up this legal context to a group of Greek Christians who brought their pagan custom of spanking and punishing children into the church. Paul, contrary to popular legend, was anti-spanking, and opposed any and all punishment of a child.

Children, in biblical times, wore no clothing, at all, until they became adults. Women only wore clothing when outside the home, otherwise going in the nude, in order to serve their husband and their children, separately. Mothers served their children by way of providing for them nourishment and sustenance, namely breastmilk (until age 3) and skin-to-skin closeness and intimacy, respectively. The core aspect of Christian attachment parenting in the Early Church was skin-on-skin co-sleeping, where mother and child slept next to each other, snuggling and cuddling in skin-to-skin closeness and intimacy, and with the mother holding the child close to her bosom.

Fathers should also be involved in their child's life, albeit minimally and while regarding the mother as the real expert on the children. Fathers are to be passive with their children, like a human ragdoll, being guided about, dragged around like an old toy, not complaining one bit, being grateful for everything about their child. Fathers should also, in their passive attention to their children, encourage their child to go the right way, guiding them gently in their religious education. I myself, as an adult, am passive around children, meaning they order me around as to what they need from me, and I hearken to those orders. All fathers should learn to be passive around children, and that can be done by admitting to your parent attraction to your child, and re-channeling the attraction inwards through solo masturbation. Most all fathers are attracted to their children, especially children of the opposite sex. Repressing this attraction only leads to abuse once it comes out sideways onto the child. Instead, spend it away using masturbation, following the sexual thought about your child to the end instead of repressing it.

Children, as a collective, are an extension of God called to strike reverent fear and terror into adults, with adults meant by God to fear and revere His earthly extension. Allow yourselves to be policed by your children from beneath, as it is the role of children to hold parents and similarly charged adults accountable to their duties. We as adults are depraved and decadent sinners deserving of absolutely nothing from children. Instead, we are to be convicted of our original sin as adults, struck with reverent fear and terror from the child's every command. Beware, for the nature of children is wrathful and rebellious, so please and appease your child, and keep them happy. As an adult, I am afraid of a child and her wrath, and am convicted by the every cry and demand of a child. I hearken to the commands of children, struck with reverent fear and terror. I comply when a child wants something from me, and avoid the word "no" at all costs. A child is not to be kept down. A child is to be pleased and appeased, kept happy by their parents. I don't want to be in trouble with a child, so I show them respect. The righteous contention between parent and child should be a child who always wants something, and a parent who has the money and resources to please their child with a treat. 

The depraved and entitled parents who provoke their children to anger through punitive parenting will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them be forever cast into the lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Let them descend into the abyss which is the Hell of fire and torment, suffering God's Wrath forever and ever! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

Saturday, October 29, 2022

Zero expectations in parenting: Why parents should have no expectations for their children

Many parents think that they should have high expectations for children. This is a common belief among American parents. Most American parents think that parents should have some expectations for children, or else children will go awry. The fact of the matter is, however, that expectations lead to entitlement. Avoiding parental entitlement means avoiding expectations in parenting.

The Greek root word denoting entitlement in the New Testament, including parental entitlement, and cross-referencing the Tenth Commandment, is πλεονέκτης (Latin: pleonektés) and refers to, officially speaking, wanting things from children, to the point of imposition. Unofficially speaking, this word refers to wanting anything from a child, period. It is not good to want anything in life, including from children. But, since we all want something from children as depraved and decadent adults, it is good to ask politely and appropriately, and accept when the child can't or won't do what is asked of them. Imposing expectations on anyone often leads to disappointment, and often sore disappointment. Parenting is no exception to that rule.

The core of Christian attachment parenting is Christian love. Christian love is denoted by the Greek root word αγαπαο (Latin: agapao) and refers to, in this tense, prioritizing children first, and yourself last, to the point of dutiful and selfless submission to the every vulnerable need of children, expecting absolutely nothing in return. True Love comes not from a place of pride or expectations, but from a place of conviction, with the parent coming to the knowledge that they are a depraved and decadent sinner deserving of absolutely nothing from their children or any child, with the sinner paying due penance by serving their neighbor, meaning their child. True Love does not expect anything from its subject, not even gratitude, but instead expects itself to submit to its subject dutifully and selflessly, demanding no praise or accolades in return. Children then rest securely in the submission of parents. See Colossians 3:20 KJV:

Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord.

The Greek root word translated "obey" is υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to secure, vulnerable rest in the love and grace of parents. Children are to rest securely in the sacrifice of parents, just as parent believers rest securely in the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Parents are to be extensions of Christ in the family home, sacrificing for their children, just as Christ sacrificed for His children, with children being a Godhead for parents to serve, with children resting securely in the submission of parents, owing absolutely nothing in return to parents. Surrender to parents is a state of seeking refuge in the loving arms of parents, without any expectations imposed. The job of parents is not to impose expectations, but to submit dutifully and selflessly to children, with children surrendering in the wake of that submission, resting securely, without a care in the world.

There is a difference between an expectation and a preference in parenting. Preferences are when you simply wish that your child would have a certain trait or act a certain way. When you impose preferences onto a child, it becomes entitlement. When you expect things of others, that may lead to sore disappointment when people don't do as you want them to.

The idea in parenting is simply to state preferences in the form of instructions. Simply state the instructions to your child when they need to be directly instructed, such as when they are behaving in a way that is immoral or unsafe. If they do not listen, righteously assume that they didn't listen because their brain cannot fully process the instructions given, due to cognitive immaturity. In that case, simply supervise the child and keep them safe, knowing they can't possibly fathom the impropriety or danger of their behavior. 

The depraved and entitled parents who provoke children to anger through punitive parenting will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them be forever cast in to the lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Let them descend in to the abyss which is the ever-burning Hell of fire and torment, suffering God's Wrath forever and ever! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. 

Friday, October 28, 2022

"You don't have to hug grandma": Why consent is an anti-entitlement Christian value

Many parents quietly oppose the concept of consent. Consent is a core tenet of the children's rights belief system. However, many parents are going the other way, and not teaching consent to their child. Most parents think that teaching children consent is a violation of their Christian faith, usually while sexualizing the concept of consent.

What is consent in the biblical tense? The Greek root word denoting entitlement in the New Testament, and cross-referencing the Tenth Commandment, is πλεονέκτης (Latin: pleonektés) and refers to, officially speaking, want, to the point of imposition. Any imposed want is what is called deadly entitlement. It is not good to want anything in life, but since we all want things as depraved and decadent human beings, we should ask politely and appropriately. Want imposed is what sends the sinner to Hell for all eternity. Want imposed is also how we understand consent violations.

Want imposed is the very definition of deadly entitlement, and also the very understanding of a consent violation. When you impose your wants on someone else, you aren't taking into account their wishes. Shaming a child who refuses to hug you at a family function is entitlement. Why is it entitlement? Because you are imposing a situation onto a child, and are making them do something they don't want to do, in a way that only serves the self-interest of the adult.  

Over Christmastime, sometimes attachment parents encounter pushy relatives who insist that children hug and kiss extended family members, such as grandparents, aunts/uncles, and so forth. Some children are more sensitive than others about being touched, either due to trauma, autism, or both. It is not good for any person to impose what they want onto someone else. It is especially crucial that the bigger person not impose their wants onto the smaller person. 

So grandma wants a hug? Why is she entitled to affection from a child? We as adults are depraved and decadent sinners who are deserving of absolutely nothing from children. I am not to even want anything from a child. I don't deserve affection from children in the family, and any affection that I do receive from a child, I must be grateful for, as I don't deserve it. I am a depraved and decadent wretch as the adult that I am, and deserve nothing but DEATH and PUNISHMENT merely for existing in relation to children. That means asking for a child relative to hug me is a haughty thing to ask.

The parent entitled parents who provoke children to anger by imposing wants on them against their consent will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them be forever cast into the lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Let them descend into the abyss which is the ever-burning Hell of fire and torment, suffering God's Wrath forever and ever! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

Why punitive parenting is kidnapping (and slavery)

Many parents think that the Bible commands the punishment of a child. This is a common belief among American parents. Most American parents are punitive in their parenting style, and this includes both punishments and controlling demeanor. However, when understood in context, the Bible clearly prohibits punitive parenting.

It says in Exodus 21:16 KJV:

And he that stealeth a man, and selleth him, or if he be found in his hand, he shall surely be put to death.

The underlined clause in this moral statute refers to hostage-taking. The courts, in Ancient Israel, considered any punishment of a child to be a form of holding a child hostage. Most parents in biblical times were attachment parents. When a child was instead punished as a form of punitive parenting, society viewed the child as a slave in their own home. The courts shared this view, and sent punitive parents to their death by way of bloodletting. Kidnapping, as a whole, was defined as the slightest of damages or offenses stemming from hostage-taking, at minimum. This commandment would have been, in context, clearly seen as applying to pro-spanking parents. Punitive parents were a rare breed, and so executions of punitive parents only happened once in a great while. All those who defended the parents were also put down for perjury. 

This commandment is repeated even clearer in Colossians 3:21 KJV:

Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they be discouraged.

The Greek root word translated " anger" is ερεθιζο (Latin: erethizo) and refers to damages or offenses, namely the slightest of personal offense perceived by a child, including, but not limited to, the slightest of offensive touch or speech perceived by a child, coming from entitlement. This commandment was intended by the Apostle Paul, and understood in its original context, as a moral statute prohibiting all forms of punitive parenting, including any form of punishment or controlling demeanor. In the Old Testament, punitive parents were put to death by way of bloodletting, after punishing their children one last time. Parents who punished their children were charged with kidnapping, with "kidnapping" being defined under the Law as the slightest of damages or offenses stemming from hostage-taking - child punishment was seen then as holding your child hostage merely for things they did wrong. Paul here was lifting up this legal context, also found in Exod. 21:16, to a group of Greek Christian parents who brought their pagan custom of spanking and punishing children into the church. Paul, contrary to popular belief, was anti-spanking, and opposed any and all punishment of a child.

Kidnapping, in biblical times, was seen as a form of slavery. Slavery, as it is understood in the Colonial American context, was non-existent in biblical times, as the Jews were once slaves under Egyptian rule. The Ancient Jews, and the Early Christians, instead had indentured servants, meaning individuals who willfully surrendered themselves to a household, usually after going bankrupt. After a few years of hard labor, bondservants earned their freedom as well as a payment of money. Literally taking someone hostage was seen as kidnapping, and a form of wrongful enslavement.

Parents, in biblical times, were seen as bondservants in their own right. Parents were expected to surrender to the auspices of their own child, and heed command when their child needed something. Parents were enslaved to their children from above, and that was the norm in the Early Church. Any punitive treatment of children was seen as enslaving children, and enslaving children roused the righteous anger of the Early Christians, as well as their Jewish predecessors. The Law was instated to punish parents who enslaved their children using punitive parenting. In the Early Church, punitive parents were excommunicated following an investigation. In the Old Testament, punitive parents were put to death, and in the Early Church, that death sentence was used as an example of how God hates the punishment of a child.

The depraved and entitled parents who provoke children to anger through punitive parenting will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them be forever cast into the lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Let them descend into the abyss which is the ever-burning Hell of fire and torment, suffering God's Wrath forever and ever! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!


Original sin: Why parental entitlement is to be avoided

Many parents believe some entitlement in parenting is healthy. This is a common belief among American parents. Most American parents endorse parental entitlement, and refuse to fight against their parental entitlement. Most adults believe only pedophiles should avoid parental entitlement. However, the Bible specifically deals with parental entitlement in the form of a moral prohibition, and does so on the offense level.

It says in Romans 3:9-12 KJV:

What then? are we better than they? No, in no wise: for we have before proved both Jews and Gentiles, that they are all under sin; As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one: There is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after God. They are all gone out of the way, they are together become unprofitable; there is none that doeth good, no, not one.

This passage was written to Roman Christians in the 1st Century. The Roman Christians were becoming very prideful in their faith, thinking that they were the righteous ones just for being Romans who accepted Christ. Paul here was convicting the Roman Christians of their original sin. Today, this passage is a testament to how God views humanity. God hates us all, so much that God doesn't want us even to exist in relation to Him. All of mankind, by default, is marked for deletion. Only a few of us - the elect - will be saved. The rest of mankind is condemned to their fate which is the second death, meaning the Hell of fire and torment created for Satan and his accomplices. God hates mankind as a species especially because of the one-sided incursions of adult-kind on child-kind. We as adults are depraved and decadent sinners who are deserving of absolutely nothing, from children or anyone else.

The Greek root word denoting entitlement in the New Testament, including parental entitlement, and cross-referencing the Tenth Commandment, is πλεονέκτης (Latin: pleonektés) and refers to, officially speaking, wanting things from children, to the point of imposition. Unofficially speaking, this word refers to wanting things from children, period. It is not good to want anything in life, including from children. But, since we all want something from children as depraved and decadent adults, we are to ask politely and appropriately for what we want from them, and accept when they won't or can't follow our instructions. Want is the very core of our sin nature, and wants from children are the very core of our wants as depraved and decadent human beings. We, as adults, are depraved and decadent sinners deserving of absolutely nothing, from children or anyone else. Deadly entitlement in relation to children is want imposed on children. When that imposed want leads to offense perceived by the child, the entitlement leads to child abuse. See Colossians 3:21 KJV:

Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they be discouraged.

The Greek root word translated " anger" is ερεθιζο (Latin: erethizo) and refers to damages or offenses, namely the slightest of personal offense perceived by a child, including, but not limited to, the slightest of offensive touch or speech perceived by a child, coming from entitlement. This commandment was intended by the Apostle Paul, and understood in context, as a moral statute prohibiting all forms of punitive parenting, including any form of punishment or controlling demeanor. In the Old Testament, punitive parents were put to death by way of bloodletting, after punishing their children one last time...

...Parents who punished their children were charged with kidnapping, with "kidnapping" being defined under the Law as the slightest of damages or offenses stemming from hostage-taking - child punishment was seen then as holding a child hostage merely for things they did wrong. Paul, here, was lifting up this legal context for a group of Greek Christians who brought their pagan customs of spanking and punishing children into the church. Paul, contrary to popular legend, was anti-spanking, and opposed any and all punishment of a child.

Parental entitlement can be understood as coming in two forms - parent anger and parent attraction. Parents never got angry at their child in biblical times. Most parents in biblical times were not driven by anger, but instead were driven by righteous anxiety and worry. Any parent who even showed anger towards a child was seen as a viper and a monster. Any anger towards a child in public, or even in front of family members, led to an investigation of the parents, and in the Old Testament, the parents were put to death by way of bloodletting. In the Early Church, church parishioners put the offender on watch, and different parishioners documented known incidents of fits of anger towards a child, until the parents were confronted with what the church already knew on the way out. See Matt. 5:21-22. 

Parent attraction is also a form of parental entitlement. This form of entitlement is not deadly unless it leads to the parent or other adult approaching a child for sexual or flirtatious reasons. Parent attraction is a sin nature so low in a parent's entitlement that it can't be totally purged, and so it has to be re-channeled inward using solo masturbation. This encapsulates the desire, and makes the desire a choice as to whether to act on, as opposed to an "unseen drive". The choice to sexually abuse a child is strongly condemned in the Bible, meaning today any child under age 18, as denoted by the Greek root word πορνεία (Latin: porneia). The moment you take the first steps to approach a child for sexual or flirtatious purposes, the moment you have sinned. If you are actively having sex with a child, turn the plank inwards and masturbate to fantasies of the child you are with. If you have a crush on a child, follow the thought to the end using solo masturbation, until the thought is spent away.

My struggle with parental entitlement has long been with adult sexual entitlement. I still want children in order to snuggle with and hug, in order to create a relationship that isn't there and can't be there morally speaking. I still want sex with a child, but I have long accepted that I won't get what I want. I just have to know not to go up and approach a young girl. I have internalized that if I even go up to a young girl, I am going to Hell. I am a depraved and decadent sinner who is deserving of absolutely nothing, from children or anyone else. I am evil just for existing as the adult that I am. I wish more adults would take my repentant attitude, and so I model my repentance to them.

The parent entitled parents who provoke children to anger through punitive parenting will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them be forever cast into the lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Let them descend into the abyss which is the ever-burning Hell of fire and torment, suffering God's Wrath forever and ever! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

Thursday, October 27, 2022

Independence: Why parents in biblical times wanted self-reliant children

Many parents think that the goal of parenting is obedience. This is a common belief among American parents. Most American parents think that it is necessary to instill obedience in a child. The fact of the matter is that parents in biblical times did not want their children to be obedient to their "authority", but instead wanted their children to be as independent as possible. 

The Apostle Paul wrote in Colossians 3:20-21 KJV:

Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord. Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they become discouraged.

The Greek root word translated "obey" is υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to secure, vulnerable rest in the love and grace of parents. Children are to rest securely in the sacrifice of parents, just as parent believers rest securely in the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Parents are to be extensions of Christ in the family home, sacrificing for their children, just as Christ sacrificed for His children, with children being a Godhead for parents to serve, with children resting securely in the submission of parents, owing absolutely nothing to parents for their good works towards children. Parents are the enemy of children, just as mankind is the enemy of God, with parents being subservient to them just as they are to Him, expecting absolutely nothing in return from children or anyone else.

The Greek root word translated " anger" is ερεθιζο (Latin: erethizo) and refers to damages or offenses, namely the slightest of personal offense perceived by a child, including. but not limited to, the slightest of offensive touch or speech perceived by a child, coming from entitlement. This commandment was intended by the Apostle Paul, and understood in its original context, as a moral statute prohibiting all forms of punitive parenting, including any punishments or controlling demeanor towards a child. In the Old Testament, punitive parents were put to death by way of bloodletting, after punishing their children one last time. Parents who punished their children were charged with kidnapping, with "kidnapping" here referring to the slightest of damages or offenses stemming from hostage-taking - child punishment was seen then as holding your child hostage merely for things they did wrong. Paul here was lifting up this legal context to a group of Greek Christian parents who brought their pagan custom of spanking and punishing children into the church. Paul, contrary to popular legend, was anti-spanking, and opposed any and all punishment of a child. Paul, here, was lifting up the Law in order to educate Greek and Roman parent newcomers to the Christian Church about church tradition in terms of parenting, which was attachment-based in nature.

Children, in biblical times, wore no clothing, at all, until they became adults. Women only wore clothing outside of the home, and otherwise went in the nude, in order to serve their husbands and their children, separately. Mothers served their children by way of providing for them nourishment and sustenance, namely breastmilk (until age 3) and skin-to-skin closeness and intimacy. The core of Christian attachment parenting in biblical times was skin-on-skin co-sleeping. However, co-sleeping only lasted as long as the child accepted it. At some point in late childhood, children shook off the closeness of their parents, wanting to assert their independence.

Attachment parenting isn't a clingy method of parenting to keep children dependent on parents. Closeness to parents that is part of attachment patenting is a way for a child to "recharge" and "charge up" their ability to be independent. Children are more self-reliant and independent when their every vulnerable need is met, and the greatest need of all children is attachment. Thus, fill their cup with everything they need, and they will do the rest, at their own pace.

In the Early Christian culture, as well as their Jewish predecessors, children who were self-reliant and independent were prized, especially when they did bold feats of independence. Boldness was prized in both boys and girls, in different ways. Independence was encouraged by the father, once the child took up the vocation of learning to become independent. Children naturally shook off their parents, and that natural instinct - which all children have - was encouraged by fathers. 

All children have a drive to become as independent as possible, meaning all children want to become independent. It is part of natural human instinct in children to strive to be as independent as possible. Punishment represses that drive, and makes children more dependent on their parents. Children need all their needs met in order to become as independent as possible, with the main need being attachment. Children, for the first 6 years of life, should never leave the side of their mother, and that closeness and intimacy between mother and child, by way of instinct, prepares a child for independence. After age 6, children start asserting their independence, and the reasons for this are instinctual, and linked to the closeness in the former half of childhood. In most attachment parenting homes, children reach maturity by their pre-teens, with teenagers in such homes being largely self-reliant. Think like a charger on a phone - if you don't charge your phone, it goes dead. That's how children learn independence - closeness and intimacy recharges them.

The depraved and entitled parents who provoke their children to anger will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them be forever cast into the lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Let them descend into the abyss which is the ever-burning Hell of fire and torment, suffering God's Wrath forever and ever! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

Pro-social skin-on-skin: How to deal with a tantrumming child the right way

Many parents think that childhood tantrums are deserving of punishment. This is a common view among American parents. Most American parents punish temper tantrums in children. However, the fact of the matter is that striking or punishing a child for throwing a temper tantrum is immoral and counterproductive. Attachment parenting is the most time-honored and time-tested way of dealing with children, with the core of attachment parenting being skin-on-skin comforting strategies.

The Apostle Paul wrote in Colossians 3:20-21 KJV:
Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord. Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they be discouraged.

The Greek root word translated "obey" is υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to secure, vulnerable rest in the love and grace of parents. Children are to rest securely in the sacrifice of parents, just as parent believers rest securely in the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Parents are to be extensions of Christ in the family home, sacrificing for their children, just as Christ sacrificed for His children, with children being a Godhead for parents to serve, with children resting securely in the submission of parents, owing absolutely nothing to parents, yet nonetheless giving back to parents, out of grace and not lawful obligation. Parents are the enemy of children, just as mankind is the enemy of God, with parents being subservient to them just as they are to Him, expecting absolutely nothing in return from children or anyone else.

The Greek root word translated " anger" is ερεθιζο (Latin: erethizo) and refers to damages or offenses, namely the slightest of personal offense perceived by a child, including, but not limited to, the slightest of offensive touch or speech perceived by a child, coming from entitlement. This commandment was intended by the Apostle Paul, and understood in its original context, as a moral statute prohibiting all punitive parenting, including any form of punishment or controlling demeanor towards a child. In the Old Testament, punitive parents were put to death by way of bloodletting, after punishing their children one last time. Parents who punished their children were charged with kidnapping, with "kidnapping" being defined under the Law as the slightest of damages or offenses stemming from hostage-taking - child punishment was seen then as holding a child hostage merely for things they did wrong. Paul, here, was lifting up this legal context for a group of Greek Christians that brought their pagan custom of spanking and punishing children into the church. Paul, contrary to popular legend, was anti-spanking, and opposed any and all punishment of a child. Paul, here, was lifting up the Law in order to educate Greek and Roman newcomers to the Christian Church about the Jewish parenting traditions ,which were attachment-based in nature. The Early Church was considered a sect of Judaism in the 1st Century.

Children, in biblical times, wore no clothing, at all, until they were adults. Women only wore clothing outside of the home, and otherwise went in the nude, in order to serve their husbands and their children. Mothers served their children by way of providing for them nourishment and sustenance, namely breastmilk (until age 3) and skin-to-skin closeness and intimacy, respectively. Children in biblical times sometimes threw temper tantrums, and mothers co-snuggled with the upset child in skin-on-skin format, laying with their child in the nude in order to soothe the child's every cry and upset. Children of all ages were treated as crying infants are in our society when they become upset. Children went naked merely so that mothers could cuddle them up and hold them to their bosom when they cried...This context is applicable today just as it was in the days of old.

The abovementioned context can be applied today by disrobing when the child is upset, and encouraging your child to disrobe at the same time when they cry. Most children naturally want to throw off the clothing when they cry, in which case you then cuddle them up and co-snuggle with them in skin-on-skin format.

Skin-on-skin comforting strategies are the easiest way to fall into attachment parenting. Dear mothers, when you are at the end of your wyck, don't punish your child. Instead, engage in skin-to-skin closeness and intimacy with your child. It should feel like the natural thing to do, and thus the right thing to do. You might shed a tear, but you'll know that such parenting is what you should have been doing all along.

The depraved and entitled parents who provoke their children to anger through punitive parenting will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them be forever cast into the lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Let them descend into the abyss which is the ever-burning Hell of fire and torment, suffering God's Wrath forever and ever! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

How to teach sexual purity to a child - without punishment or shaming

Many parents still want to teach the old values of sexual purity to children. I, as a Christian dominionist, support legislating sexual purity norms and codifying them into the English common law, just like in the days of old in the Bible. Sexual purity is an important lesson for children to learn. However, there are better ways to teach it than punishing them or shaming them.

The Apostle Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 6:18-20 KJV:

Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body: but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body. What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God? For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body and your spirit, which are God's.

The Greek root word translated "fornication" is πορνεία (Latin: porneia) and most literally translates to "outside of proper channels" in terms of sexual relations. Any sexual contact with another person outside of a lawfully-recognized marriage was seen as a fraudulent marriage, thus fornication. A fraudulent marriage defiled the sex offender to the core, rendering him unclean until the even. The proper channels then for a man and a woman to get a marriage license, sign the papers signifying the marriage, then sign the final marriage contract on the dotted line, which was sexual intercourse. Sexual relations were regulated, and were regulated by the lawful necessity to sign the marriage papers and get a marriage contract. It was the way to avoid spreading venerial disease, but God never repealed the commandment to remain sexual pure and abstain from all sexual relations until marriage. This commandment was generally enforced on the man, not the woman, as the woman was seen as led astray by the man under the Law.

The Greek root word denoting lust and inordinate affections in the Bible is επιθυμέω (Latin: epithumeo) and refers not merely to any sexual desire, but to sexual desire to the point of taking the first steps to approach a woman for sexual or flirtatious purposes. Masturbation was seen in biblical times as an acceptable way to spend away sexual desire when a man was single, or when a man was without his wife present. Masturbation didn't carry a stigma like it does today.

Punishing a child for their sexuality was considered a moral crime against the child. It says in Colossians 3:21 KJV:

Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they be discouraged.

The Greek root word translated " anger" is ερεθιζο (Latin: erethizo) and refers to damages or offenses, namely the slightest of personal offense perceived by a child, including, but not limited to, the slightest of offensive touch or speech perceived by a child, coming from entitlement. This commandment was intended by the Apostle Paul, and understood in its original context, as a moral statute prohibiting all forms of punitive parenting, including any form of punishment or controlling demeanor towards a child. In the Old Testament, punitive parents were put to death by way of bloodletting, after punishing their children one last time. Parents who punished their children were charged with kidnapping, with "kidnapping" being defined under the Law as the slightest of damages or offenses stemming from hostage-taking - child punishment was seen then as holding a child hostage merely for things they did wrong. Paul here was lifting up this legal context to a group of Greek Christian parents who brought their pagan custom of spanking and punishing children into the church. Paul, contrary to popular legend, was anti-spanking, and opposed any and all punishment of a child. Paul, here, was lifting up the Law in order to educate Greek and Roman parent newcomers to the Christian Church about proper Jewish parenting norms, which were attachment-based in nature. The Early Church was considered a sect of Judaism during the 1st Century.

Children in biblical times played freely, albeit with supervision. Many of the games played by children then were high-risk by today's standards. One such game was "marriage", where children pretend-played a Jewish wedding ceremony. Children went naked in biblical times, wherever they went. The final part of a wedding in biblical times was sexual intercourse. Most children role-played the final step by embracing each other. Sometimes, a boy penetrated the girl, in which case the two were separated. But, the parents did not shame the boy, but instead reassured him that "you'll get to do that, someday", encouraging delayed gratification by reassuring the child that they would get their chance at sexual relations when they were older.

Parents prevented sexual liaisons between children by closely supervising children, especially those of the opposite sex when playing amongst each other. Parents were always supervising children, no matter what, and a child never left the line of sight of parents until they were adults. When parents were present in supervising children, nothing could happen, and when it did happen, children were separated and redirected to masturbation. Usually, the sexual targets of children were parents of the opposite sex, or cousins.

Masturbation was a common behavior amongst children in biblical times. Children as young as age 3 started masturbating. Usually, the sexual thought was about parents of the opposite sex, and children usually "checked out" the parent of the opposite sex before indulging in sexual fantasy about the child. Sometimes, a child approached the parent of the opposite sex for sexual favors, and then they were redirected to masturbation by their parents. Children who had sexual contact with their parents had to atone for their sins later before the altar, before being baptized as adults. Usually, though, children just looked the look with their parents, and had a masturbatory fantasy about them later.

Christian parents in the 1st Century were among the most non-shaming parents in terms of teaching sexual purity. With boys, chastity was portrayed as a game that involved competition as to who could be the most chaste, and hold the most restraint in terms of their sexual drive. Girls were encouraged also to be chaste, by way of parents encouraging delayed gratification. Parents never punished a child at all for a sexual transgression, but instead redirected the child to masturbation.

The depraved and entitled parents who provoke their children to anger through punitive parenting will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them be forever cast into the lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Let them descend into the abyss which is the ever-burning Hell of fire and torment, suffering God's Wrath forever and ever! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Christian attachment parenting: Why attachment parenting is part of our Christian tradition as a nation

Many parents think that punitive parenting is part of our traditions as a country. This is a common belief among American parents. Most American parents believe that in order to be in line with our traditions, they need to punish their child "every once and a while". The fact of the matter is that Christian attachment parenting is within our traditions as a nation. The Bible is our source of wisdom and guidance as a nation, and the Bible prohibits punishing a child for any reason, and endorses attachment parenting.

The Apostle Paul wrote in Colossians 3:20-21 KJV:

Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord. Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they be discouraged. 

The Greek root word translated "obey" is υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to secure, vulnerable rest in the love and grace of parents. Children are to rest securely in the sacrifice of parents, just as parent believers rest securely in the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Parents are to be extensions of Christ in the home, sacrificing for their children, just as Christ sacrificed for His children, with children being a Godhead for parents to serve, with children resting securely in the submission of parents, owing absolutely nothing to parents, yet giving back to parents as young adults, out of grace and not lawful obligation. Parents are the enemy of children, just as mankind is the enemy of God, with parents being subservient to them just as they are to Him, expecting absolutely nothing in return from children or others.

The Greek root word translated " anger" is ερεθιζο (Latin: erethizo) and refers to damages or offenses, namely the slightest of personal offense perceived by a child, including, but not limited to, the slightest of offensive touch or speech perceived by a child, coming from entitlement. This commandment was intended by the Apostle Paul, and understood in its original context, as a moral statute prohibiting all forms of punitive parenting, including any form of punishment or controlling demeanor. In the Old Testament, punitive parents were put to death by way of bloodletting, after punishing their child one last time. Parents who punished their children were charged with kidnapping, with "kidnapping" being defined under the Law as the slightest of damages or offenses stemming from hostage-taking - child punishment was seen then as holding a child hostage merely for things they did wrong. Paul here was lifting up this legal context to a group of Greek Christian parents who brought their pagan customs into the church. Paul, contrary to popular legend, was anti-spanking, and opposed any and all punishment of a child. Paul, here, was lifting up the Law in order to educate Greek and Roman parent newcomers to the Christian Church on the proper Jewish parenting, with the Early Church being considered a sect of Judaism in the 1st Century.

Attachment parenting was the norm in the Early Church and preceding Jewish culture. The Early Christians, and their Jewish predecessors, practiced a specific, distinct form of attachment parenting that deified children. Children in biblical times were worshipped and venerated as extensions of God, with parents regarding and doting on their children as little gods and goddesses, with parents in biblical times wanting to be seen as doting on or pampering their children. Children issued lawful and binding orders on their parents, with their every cry and demand being a lawful and binding order. Children had the right to judge their parents, and take them to court, and by the time the case got to the church elders, the case had already been decided - the church elders always sided with the child in civil cases. Children had immense lobbying power with their parents, and adults in general.

Children, in biblical times, wore no clothing, at all, until they were adults. Women only wore clothing outside the home, otherwise going in the nude, in order to serve their husbands and their children, separately. Mothers served their children by way of providing for them nourishment and sustenance, namely breastmilk (until age 3) and skin-to-skin closeness and intimacy, respectively. The core aspect of Christian attachment parenting in biblical times was skin-on-skin co-sleeping. Mother and child slept next to each other, in the nude, in skin-to-skin closeness and intimacy. This form of closeness created a bond between mother and child, and this bond made mother and child inseparable.

America is a Christian nation, founded on Judeo-Christian family values. The Bible is America's book, as we glean from the Bible and its context for wisdom as a nation. America's values are found in the 88 books of the Bible, and the context that the Bible lifts up. Nowhere in those values does it legitimately say to punish a child, as child punishment was a capital offense in Ancient Israel, with the rod verses referring to judicial corporal punishment of young adults. We have been wrong about our values before - just look at slavery and Jim Crow. Slavery was not abolished in the name of anti-religious fervor, but instead religious reform. I myself, as a child advocate and Christian dominionist, oppose taking away Christian values from America, as there is a better way - amend our values just as we have done before on civil rights issues.

The depraved and entitled parents who provoke their children ro anger through punitive parenting will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them be forever cast into the lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Let them descend into the abyss which is the ever-burning Hell of fire and torment, suffering God's Wrath forever and ever! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

Monday, October 24, 2022

Crying: Why crying is not bad behavior

All parents have had to deal with a crying child of some sort. Most American parents think there is a cut off age where children shouldn't cry. Most parents take the attitude towards their children of "stop your crying or I'll give you something to cry about". And then, parents actually do give children something to cry about - punishment. 

The Apostle Paul wrote in Colossians 3:20-21 KJV:
Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord. Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they be discouraged.

The Greek root word translated "obey" is υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to secure, vulnerable rest in the love and grace of parents. Children are to rest securely in the sacrifice of parents, just as parent believers rest in the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Parents are to be extensions of Christ, sacrificing for their children, just as Christ sacrificed for His children, with children being a Godhead for parents to serve, with children resting securely in the submission of parents, owing absolutely nothing to parents, yet giving back to them as adult descendants, out of grace and not out of legal obligation. Parents are the enemy of children, just as mankind is the enemy of God, with parents being subservient to them just as they are to Him.

The Greek root word translated " anger" is ερεθιζο (Latin: erethizo) and refers to damages or offenses, namely the slightest of personal offense perceived by the child, including, but not limited to, the slightest of offensive touch or speech perceived by the child, out of entitlement. This commandment was intended by the Apostle Paul, and understood in its original context, as a moral statute prohibiting all forms of punitive parenting, including any form of punishment or controlling demeanor towards children. In the Old Testament, punitive parents were put to death by way of bloodletting, after punishing their children one last time. Parents who punish their children were charged with kidnapping, with "kidnapping" being defined under the Law as the slightest of damages or offenses stemming from hostage-taking - child punishment was seen then as holding a child hostage merely for things they did wrong. Paul here was lifting up this legal context for a group of Greek Christian parents who brought their pagan custom of spanking and punishing children into the church. Paul, contrary to popular legend, was anti-spanking, and opposed any and all punishment of a child. Paul, here, was lifting up the Law in order to educate Greek and Roman parent newcomers to the Christian Church of the Jewish parenting traditions, with the Early Church being considered a sect of Judaism in the 1st Century.

Children, in biblical times, wore no clothing, at all, until they became adulthood. Women only wore clothing when outside the home, and otherwise, went in the nude in order to serve their husbands and their children, separately. Mothers served their children through nourishment and sustenance, namely breastmilk (until age 3) and skin-to-skin closeness and intimacy, respectively. Parents in biblical times comforted all children who cried in the same way that parents comfort infants today. Mother and child co-snuggled when the child was crying and/or upset, and the mother held the child close to her bosom in mammary closeness. Fathers reassured children too, but from a distance, and did so by empathizing with the child with statements such as "I can tell you are upset...". Fathers just did so without physical contact with the child's body, and only with the consent of the mother.

The abovementioned context can be replicated today. The best way to do this at home as a mother is to disrobe and invite the child to disrobe to the level that the child wishes to, and then hold the child to your bosom. This should stop crying within 1-2 minutes, and then you can talk with your child about what is wrong. In public, you can simply hold your child to your bosom through clothing, as the contact with the bosom is what reassures children. What reassures children with fathers is the words of empathy coming from a male role model. It is recommended that fathers do this in pro-social ragdoll format, meaning they passively react to the child's tears in order to please the child, instead of simply try to "shut up" the child.

The depraved and entitled parents who provoke children to anger through punitive parenting will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them be forever cast into the lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Let them descend into the abyss which is the ever-burning Hell of fire and torment, suffering God's Wrath forever and ever! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

Sunday, October 23, 2022

Autistic sexual abusers: What drives them?

Many people think that certain sexual abusers deserve a break. I myself am one of those sexual abusers that society thinks deserves a break. I hate it. It is flowery niceness thrown at me, while my victims are ignored. I have said this before, but I'll say it again - I will only accept forgiveness from my victims, and I don't deserve forgiveness from anyone for what I did.

My crimes are complex, as I am a multiple victim abuser. We will dissect one case of sexual abuse I created with my actions. K. was at the community pool that I belonged to then. I saw her, and she was kind to me, and so I crushed on her. I was 16, and so I assumed she was 12 but looked younger. I played a game with her that was non-sexual in nature. I then learned from her that she was 9. She became my "best friend", only I wanted more. I asked her when meeting her for her phone number (which she declined to provide - smart girl!), and that is because I wanted to go to her house and have a sleepover. Because she calmly but assertively said "no", I couldn't continue with my grooming process, and so I settled for friends. I followed her around the pool deck, waving to her out of flirtation, trying to create a relationship that wasn't there.

What I did is perhaps an epidemic in this country. What causes adults with autism to sexually abuse children? Social skills deficits that lead to the false belief that sexually abusing a child is okay, usually as a game or sort of play. Many people use this fact as an excuse for autistic abusers. However, the fact of the matter is that autistic and mentally disabled sexual abusers are the most resistant to change. Most lack moral internalization to the point where they simply do not get that such behavior is prohibited morally and legally. 

Autism, in the raw, is an entitled disorder. Thus, perpetrators with autism spectrum disorders are more likely to defend their abuse, due to the reward from the sexual pleasure and the pleasure from crushing on a child. The child themselves becomes a fixation in and of themselves, and the child is showered with lavish attention and then rape at the end of the wyck. Usually, these adults are toxic atheists who should become Christians due to their sinful lives.

Most pedophiles do not commit sexual abuse to the point of rape or sexual assault, and neither did I. Most pedophilic abuse of children involves antisocial "loitering", where older teenagers loiter around places where children gather, wanting to play with them, and oftentimes, the children let them play. We consider it abuse when the pedophile has intent to create a romantic relationship with the child victims. When a pedophile rapes or sexually assaults a child, it is usually due to severe intellectual or cognitive impairment, and usually, they don't understand the harm of their behavior, and most of the time, they never will.

I support prisons for these sexual abusers. The abuse isn't simply a slide in the abuser's backbone, but an autistic fixation about a person, namely a person that is completely unavailable for sexual purposes. Autistic fixations are very powerful, and they are ego-syntonic. Many times, sexual abusers with autism literally believe their child victim(s) are "in love" with them, meaning the obsession often reaches the level of delusion. There is no way to convince someone like that of the harm of their actions without a function that leads them to rock bottom. It is a sexual addiction to a child that is inherent and encompasses the abuser's identity. I've been there. I'm grateful I was not remanded into custody for harassment, because I don't deserve that kind of grace. I am a depraved and decadent adult deserving of absolutely nothing, from children or anyone else.

Let the autistic adult fornicators who sexually abuse children out of a delusional obsession BURN in a Hell of fire and torrents! Repent!

How to teach Judeo-Christian values - without spanking or punishment

Many parents in America want to teach Judeo-Christian values to their children. This is a common desire among American parents. Many people think that anti-spanking parenting is contradictory to Judeo-Christian values, and thus such values should be taught with punitive measures. However, the fact of the matter is that attachment parenting can teach any values system, with attachment parenting being a time-tested method of parenting that was used throughout the ancient world.

Judeo-Christian values can be summed up in one word, and that word denotes Christian love. The Greek root word denoting Christian love is αγαπαο (Latin: agapao) and refers to prioritizing your neighbor first, and yourself last, to the point of dutiful and selfless submission to the every vulnerable need of your neighbor, expecting absolutely nothing in return. True Love does not come from pride or desire, but from a place of conviction, where you come to the knowledge that you are a depraved and decadent sinner, deserving of absolutely nothing. This realization leads to a rush to pay due penance for your sins by serving your neighbor. Children are your neighbor, in the biblical tense, as children were seen as your neighbor in the Early Church and preceding Jewish society, in the vulnerable tense as the "least of these". Love washes away our depraved and decadent sin nature, which we all have as fallen human beings. Love starts when you find fault in yourself, not other people, and not your child. It is a charring and tarring feeling that prompts you to be more charitable.

A good values system should be modeled to children, not beaten into them. However, a good Christian example needs to be backed up by something. Punitive parenting has been proven to be ineffective, and just does not work - it drives children away from the good Christian values that this country was founded on. Just look at the new generation - atheistic and hopeless. Christian attachment parenting is the only way to back up a good Christian example. See Colossians 3:20-21 KJV:
Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord. Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they be discouraged.

The Greek root word translated "obey" is υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to secure, vulnerable rest in the love and grace of parents. Children are to rest in the sacrifice of parents, just as parent believers rest in the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Parents are to be extensions of Christ in the family home, sacrificing for their children, just as Christ sacrificed for His church, with children being a Godhead for parents to serve, with children resting in the submission of parents, owing absolutely nothing to parents, yet giving back out of grace and not legal obligation.

The Greek root word translated " anger" is ερεθιζο (Latin: erethizo) and refers to damages or offenses, namely the slightest of personal offense perceived by a child, including, but not limited to, the slightest of personal offense perceived by a child, coming from entitlement. This commandment was intended by the Apostle Paul, and understood in its original context, as a moral statute prohibiting all forms of punitive parenting, including any forms of punishment or controlling demeanor towards a child. In the Old Testament, punitive parents were put to death by way of bloodletting, after punishing their children one last time... 

...Parents who punished their children were charged with kidnapping, with "kidnapping" being defined under the Law as the slightest of damages or offenses stemming from hostage taking - child punishment was seen then as holding a child hostage merely for things they did wrong. Paul here was lifting up this legal context to a group of Greek Christians who brought their pagan customs into the church. Paul, contrary to popular legend, was anti-spanking, and opposed any and all punishment of children. Paul, here, was lifting up the Law in order to educate Greek and Roman parent newcomers to the Christian Church about church tradition, which was rooted in the founding Jewish custom of the church.

Children, in biblical times, wore no clothing, at all, until they were adults. Women only wore clothing when outside the family home running errands, and otherwise, went in the nude in order to serve their husbands and their children. Mothers served their children by way of providing for them nourishment and sustenance, namely breastmilk (until age 3) and skin-to-skin closeness and intimacy, respectively. The core aspect of Christian attachment parenting in the 1st Century was skin-on-skin co-sleeping, with mothers and children sleeping next to each other in the nude, with both mother and child having skin-to-skin contact that is sustaining and forms a secure bond with children.

That secure bond with children is what ultimately backs up the good Christian example of parents. Attachment parenting makes children want to follow a role model that is parents, by making children like parents and want to be like parents. This phenomenon is known as pro-social barter. You provide attached warmth and comfort, and then children will give back later. Do note that young children are not in any shape developmentally to give back. But, as children approach adolescence and young adulthood, you can anticipate them to give back, and if they don't give back, you abused them. Most of the time, if you used attachment parenting to earn your rewards from a child, they should give back to you, and most always, they will. If a child raised with attachment parenting rejects their parents, there might be more to the story, and that may not be due to trauma - some children have inborn mental illness that is genetic in nature, and they can only be deemed a prodigal son past a certain point. But, ALL children can benefit from attachment parenting. With children with mental illness, attachment parenting means giving them space to be themselves and keep them safe until they can be medicated. 

The depraved and entitled parents who provoke their children to anger through punitive parenting will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them be forever cast into the lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Let them descend into the abyss which is the ever-burning Hell of fire and torment, suffering God's Wrath forever and ever! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

Saturday, October 22, 2022

Rule from beneath: Why power structures in biblical times favored children

Many parents think that the biblical context is in their favor. It is a common belief among American parents that parents were in charge, and that children had to obey parents or else face punishment. This is a common narrative about the biblical context. However, it is historically inaccurate. The fact of the matter is that children ruled their parents from beneath, through issuing righteous demands and righteously judging their parents.

The Apostle Paul wrote in Colossians 3:20-21 KJV:

Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord. Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they be discouraged.

The Greek root word translated "obey" is υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to secure, vulnerable rest in the love and grace of parents. Children are to rest securely in the sacrifice of parents, just as parent believers rest securely in the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Parents are to be extensions of Christ in the family home, sacrificing for their children, just as Christ sacrificed for His children, with children being a Godhead for parents to serve, with children resting in the submission of parents, owing absolutely nothing to parents. Parents are the enemy of children, just as mankind is the enemy of God, with parents being subservient to them just as they are to Him, expecting absolutely nothing in return from children or others.

The Greek root word translated " anger" is ερεθιζο (Latin: erethizo) and refers to damages or offenses, namely the slightest of personal offense perceived by the child, including, but not limited to, the slightest of offensive touch or speech perceived by the child, coming from entitlement. This commandment was intended by the Apostle Paul, and understood in its original context, as a moral statute prohibiting all forms of punitive parenting, including any punishment or controlling demeanor towards a child. In the Old Testament, punitive parents were put to death by way of bloodletting, after punishing their children one last time. Parents who punished their children were charged with kidnapping, with "kidnapping" being defined as any damages or offenses stemming from hostage-taking - child punishment was seen then as holding your child hostage merely for things they did wrong. Paul here was lifting up this legal context to a group of Greek Christian parents who brought their pagan custom of spanking and punishing children into the church. Paul, contrary to popular legend, was anti-spanking, and opposed any and all punishment of a child. Paul was lifting up the Law in order to educate the Greek and Roman parent newcomers to the Christian Church on proper Jewish parenting, with the Early Church being considered a sect of Judaism in the 1st Century.

Children ruled their parents from beneath. Parents were clearly the head of household in the eyes of a child, but children wielded much lobbying power with parents and other adults. The main tool of child empowerment in biblical times was righteous demand, where children demanded things from their parents, usually in a policing manner intended to break down the parents as to their desire to use benign deprivation tactics on children. Parents didn't have a choice - they had to be charitable to their children, or else face the wrath of their children.

Children were not calm and docile then like they are today. Children had a certain wrath to them. They would use "morning breath" tactics to gain the cooperation of their parents on what they needed. Children acted wild, and it was up to the parents to appease their children and keep them happy. Children were allowed to be themselves, to the fullest capacity possible under the Law. Children even tried to initiate sexual relations with their children, with this being about the only place where parents were firm in setting limits. Children lobbied their parents incessantly day and night, and parents bent over backwards to keep their children happy and pleased. 

In the biblical tense, it is the parent's job to keep children happy and pleased, and it is up to the child to demand their needs, policing their parents from beneath. Children in biblical times were wrathful in the raw towards their parents, and parents toiled constantly to please children and keep them happy. Parents didn't get much thanks until the end, when adult descendants gave back to parents by providing for them, out of grace and not lawful obligation. The provisions of parents towards children reassured their wrath, and made them want to return the favor in terms of charitable treatment.

Children, in biblical times, wore no clothing, at all, until they were adults. Women only wore clothing when outside the home, and otherwise, went in the nude in order to serve their husbands and their children. Mothers served their children by way of providing for nourishment and sustenance, namely breastmilk and skin-to-skin closeness and intimacy. Children demanded by crying and screaming for the attention of their mother, and quite surely, they got the attention of their mother. Most of the time, the attention came in the form of skin-on-skin co-snuggling, where mother and child co-snuggled in order to reassure and appease the child's high emotions. Children then had high emotions, and were very demanding, but retired to home base every night and day, with "home base" referring to closeness with mothers. Fathers stood guard over mother and child, holding a rod to beat intruders with. Children were not beaten with the rod, but were protected with the rod. 

The depraved and entitled parents who provoke children to anger through punitive parenting will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them be forever cast into the lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Let them descend into the abyss which is the ever-burning Hell of fire and torment, suffering God's Wrath forever and ever! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

Respect: Why respect is earned in parenting

Many parents want their children to respect them. This is a common desire of American parents. Most American parents seek to achieve these means by demanding respect from children. This is a common mistake American parents make. The fact of the matter is that respect is earned, wherever you go in life. Respect is also earned in parenting. Parenting isn't a free ride.

The Fifth Commandment, found in the Old Testament, is repeated in Colossians 3:20-21 KJV:

Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord. Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they be discouraged.

The Greek root word translated "obey" is υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to secure, vulnerable rest in the love and grace of parents. Children are to rest securely in the sacrifice of parents, just as parent believers rest securely in the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Parents are to be extensions of Christ in the family home, sacrificing for their children, just as Christ sacrificed for His children, with children being a Godhead for parents to serve, with children resting in the submission of parents, with children owing absolutely nothing to parents. Parents are the enemy of children, just as mankind is the enemy of God, with parents being subservient to them just as they are to Him, expecting absolutely nothing in return from children or others.

The Greek root word translated " anger" is ερεθιζο (Latin: erethizo) and refers to damages or offenses, namely the slightest of personal offense perceived by a child, including, but not limited to, the slightest of offensive touch or speech perceived by a child, coming from entitlement. This commandment was intended by the Apostle Paul, and understood in its original context, as a moral statute prohibiting all forms of punitive parenting, including any punishment or controlling demeanor towards a child. In the Old Testament, punitive parents were put to death by way of bloodletting, after punishing their children too many times. Parents who punished their children were charged with kidnapping, with "kidnapping" being defined under the Law as the slightest of damages or offenses stemming from hostage-taking - child punishment was seen as holding children hostage merely for things they did wrong. Paul here was lifting up this legal context for a group of Greek Christian parents who brought their pagan custom of spanking and punishing children into the church. Paul, contrary to popular legend, was anti-spanking, and opposed all forms of punishment of a child. Paul, here, was lifting up the Law in order to educate Greek and Roman parent newcomers to the Christian Church of proper Jewish parenting, with the Early Church being considered a sect of Judaism in the 1st Century.

Children, in biblical times, wore no clothing, at all, until they were adults. Women only wore clothing in the home, and otherwise went in the nude, in order to serve their husbands and their children. Mothers served their children by way of providing for them nourishment and sustenance, namely breastmilk (until age 3) and skin-to-skin closeness and intimacy. The main focus of Christian attachment parenting in the biblical context is skin-on-skin co-sleeping, where mothers and children slept next to each other, and with both the child and the mother in the nude. Children went naked wherever they went, and that was for a specific reason - mothers needed easy access to skin-to-skin contact, in order to comfort the child when the child is crying or otherwise upset.

Skin-on-skin comforting strategies help earn the respect of children. After the skin-on-skin treatments are done, children are more compliant, and cooperate more with parents. Parents are also more interactive with children on their level. Fathers can get to this same place by indulging in masturbatory fantasies of their children, as the parental lobe in a man is connected to the sex drive. Either way, respect needs to be earned in a family home, meaning parents need to earn the respect of their children. Simply treat children with respect, and you will get respect in return. Attachment parenting is the way to treat children with respect, so that they respect their elders later on in life.

Children who are treated to attachment parenting WILL respect their elders later on in life. True respect for parents is not fearing their "authority", but giving back for everything they did to nurture and protect you. I myself pay the check every night when I take my mother out to eat. Children will give back. But, they will have to go through all the stages of childhood development first, which parents must respect.

The depraved and entitled parents who provoke their children to anger will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them be forever cast into the lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Let them descend into the abyss which is the ever-burning Hell of fire and torment, suffering God's Wrath forever and ever! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

Friday, October 21, 2022

Children self-protect, adults abstain: God's order of the family explained

The children's rights debates focus on one concept - who will protect children better. Most Americans believe parents protect better than anyone else. This is simply a power grab for a group of people that isn't protecting children, and is in fact oppressing children, alongside all adults. Children have no allies in American society apart from a few survivors. Children are backed into a corner...but they can protect themselves, if given the proper resources.

The Greek root word denoting entitlement in the New Testament, including parental entitlement, and cross-referencing the Tenth Commandment, is πλεονέκτης (Latin: pleonektés) and refers to, officially speaking, wanting things from children, to the point of imposition. Unofficially speaking, this word refers to wanting anything from a child, period. When this sort of entitlement leads to offense perceived by the child, it becomes child abuse. See Colossians 3:21 KJV:

Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they be discouraged.

The Greek root word translated " anger" is ερεθιζο (Latin: erethizo) and refers to damages or offenses, namely the slightest of personal offense perceived by a child, including, but not limited to, the slightest of offensive touch or speech perceived by a child, coming from entitlement. This commandment was intended by the Apostle Paul, and understood in its original context, as a moral statute prohibiting all forms of punitive parenting, including any punishment or controlling demeanor towards a child. In the Old Testament, punitive parents were put to death by way of bloodletting, after punishing their children too many times. Parents who punished their children were charged with kidnapping, with "kidnapping" being defined under the Law as the slightest of damages or offenses stemming from hostage-taking - child punishment was seen as holding your child hostage merely for things they did wrong. Paul was lifting up this legal context to a group of Greek Christian parents who brought their pagan custom of spanking and punishing children into the church. Paul, contrary to popular legend, was anti-spanking, and opposed any and all punishment of a child. Paul, here, was lifting up the Law in order to educate Greek and Roman parent newcomers to the Christian Church about the Jewish parenting traditions that the church adopted, with the Early Church being considered a sect of Judaism in the 1st Century.

The commandment against provoking children to anger can be interpreted that whatever the child victim perceives as abuse objectively is. Children's rights, from the child's end, is empowerment to self-protect from child abuse. Ideally, a child should be able to dial 9-1-1 whenever they are afraid of an adult. Society should trust the perceptions of children. When a child is in tears, by default, they perceive abuse from an adult. If an adult refuses to comfort a crying child, that is the line where child abuse starts objectively, regardless of the secular laws on the subject of child abuse.

We as adults need to take responsibility for our moral crimes against children. We, as adults, are depraved and decadent sinners who are deserving of absolutely nothing, from children or anyone else. Adults need to abstain from all parental entitlement in relation to children, meaning avoid parental entitlement altogether. Children's rights, from the adult's point of view, is avoiding all entitlement in relation to children, namely parental entitlement. Children owe adults absolutely nothing, and we as adults owe children absolutely everything we can give them. 

Children are extensions of God in the family home. Whenever a child asserts themselves, that is a lawful and binding order, including to ward off an abuser. Children in Ancient Israel and the Early Church ruled from beneath, with children having much lobbying power in relation to adults. Children usually got what they wanted in biblical times, and rarely heard the word "no" from any adults. Children could take their parents to court in the Early Church, and when it got to the level that an elder heard the case, the elder ALWAYS sided with the child.

Children have the right to defend themselves in a court of law against an abuser, and children usually want to stand up for themselves. Adults need to focus on abstaining from parental entitlement. This is the order God set for the family. God's true order of the family can be understood in children's rights terms - children self-protect, and adults abstain. As adults, however, we should be focusing on abstaining from parental entitlement, and not rely on the lawful and binding orders of children to stay in control around children. But, at the same time, children should be allowed to defend themselves against entitlement and child abuse coming from adults.

The depraved and entitled parents who provoke their children to anger through punitive parenting will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them be forever cast into the lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Let them descend into the abyss which is the ever-burning Hell of fire and torment, suffering God's Wrath forever and ever! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

Thursday, October 20, 2022

Original sin: Why adults are born in sin

The doctrine of original sin is one of the most misused of all Christian teachings. However, at the same time, the doctrine of original sin is the backbone of Christianity. Without the existence of original sin in mankind, there would be no need for a Christ. Today, children are being framed for having original sin, when we all are born in sin. There is no need to single out children for their sin nature, and "beat the devil out of them". We as adults must instead focus on our own sins.

The Apostle Paul wrote in Romans 3:9-12 KJV:

What then? are we better than they? No, in no wise: for we have before proved both Jews and Gentiles, that they are all under sin; As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one: There is none that understandeth, there is none that seeketh after God. They are all gone out of the way, they are together become unprofitable; there is none that doeth good, no, not one.

This passage was written to Roman Christians in the 1st Century. The Roman Christians were getting prideful and boastful about their practice of Christianity, believing that they were the righteous ones for being Christians. The Apostle Paul, here, was convicting the Roman Christians of their original sin. Today, this passage can be seen as a testament to how God feels about humanity. God hates us all, so much that He doesn't want us to even exist in His midst. By default, all mankind is marked for deletion. Only a few of us, meaning the elect, will be saved. The rest will suffer the second death, which is the Hell of fire and brimstone, being tormented day in day out. God especially hates mankind for his one-sided incursion on child-kind committed by adult-kind.

The Greek root word denoting entitlement in the New Testament, including parental entitlement, and cross-referencing the Tenth Commandment, is πλεονέκτης (Latin: pleonektés) and refers to, officially speaking, wanting things from children, to the point of imposition. Unofficially speaking, this word refers to wanting things from children, period. It is not good to want anything in life, including from children. But, we all want something from children as depraved and decadent adults. So, we should ask politely and appropriately, and accept when children won't or can't give us what we want from them. Want is the core of our sin nature, and wants from children are the core of our every want as depraved and decadent human beings. We, as depraved and decadent adults, are deserving of absolutely nothing from children or anyone else, and are to be grateful for everything children give us, without demanding more. This Greek word alone is proof that we are a fallen species, and we are a fallen species largely for how we treat the smallest and most vulnerable among us - children.

What washes away the sin nature of adult-kind? Only Christian love can purge our sins! Christian love is denoted by the Greek root word αγαπαο (Latin: agapao) and refers to, in this context, prioritizing your child first, and yourself last, to the point of dutiful and selfless submission to your child, expecting absolutely nothing in return. This Love comes not from a place of pride or desire, but from a place of conviction, where the parent or similarly charged adult comes to the knowledge that they are a depraved and decadent sinner who is deserving of absolutely nothing from children or anyone else, leading to the sinner paying due penance by serving their neighbor, meaning their child. Love starts when a parent starts finding fault in themselves instead of their child, for being a parent, and not despite being a parent. No parent is perfect, yet every parent is to strive to be perfect, thus any parent can find something to blame themselves for. This love is what drives the mutual submission between parent and child. See Colossians 3:20-21 KJV:

Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord. Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they be discouraged.

The Greek root word translated "obey" is υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to secure, vulnerable rest in the love and grace of parents. Children are to rest securely in the sacrifice of parents, just as parent believers rest securely in the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Parents are to be extensions of Christ in the family home, sacrificing for their children, just as Christ sacrificed for His children, with children being a Godhead for parents to serve, and with children resting in the submission of parents, owing absolutely nothing to parents. Parents are the enemy of children, just as mankind is the enemy of God, with parents being subservient to them just as they are to Him, expecting absolutely nothing in return.

The Greek root word translated " anger" is ερεθιζο (Latin: erethizo) and refers to damages or offenses, namely the slightest of personal offense perceived by the child, including, but not limited to, the slightest of offensive touch or speech perceived by the child, coming from entitlement. This commandment was intended by the Apostle Paul, and understood in its original context, as a moral statute prohibiting all forms of punitive parenting, including any form of punishment or controlling demeanor towards children. In the Old Testament, punitive parents were put to death by way of bloodletting, after punishing their children too many times. Parents who punished their children were charged with kidnapping, with "kidnapping" being defined under the Law as the slightest of damages or offenses stemming from hostage-taking - child punishment was seen as holding your child hostage merely for things they did wrong. Paul was lifting up this legal context to a group of Greek Christian parents who brought their pagan custom of spanking and punishing children into the church. Paul, contrary to popular legend, was anti-spanking, and opposed any and all punishment of a child. Paul was lifting up the Law in order to educate Greek and Roman parent newcomers to the Christian Church about the proper Jewish parenting, which was attachment-based in nature. In the 1st Century, the Early Church was considered a sect of Judaism, with the parenting customs of the Early Church no different than their Jewish predecessors.

The main sin nature parents have in the United States is parent anger. Parent anger towards one's child was considered sinful and unnatural in Ancient Israel and the Early Church, and any parent who got angry with a child was seen as a viper and a monster. Parents who got angry with their children, at all, were wanted for dead once the anger was found out, and then the investigation went on until, in the Old Testament, the punitive parent was put to death by way of bloodletting. The Early Church saw angry parents as extortioners, and swiftly excommunicated them, forcing a dissolution of the family. Most parents in biblical times were instead motivated by righteous anxiety and worry. Anger never drove thst bus, unless that angry parent wanted to die, in this world or the next.

The main sin nature parents had in Ancient Israel and the Early Church was parent attraction, meaning pedophilia. Child sexual abuse, in and of itself, was a rare event, but it was the most common form of abuse, and came in many forms. The most egregious form was sexual intercourse with both a mother and her daughter, which was a death sentence in the Old Testament, with the offender burnt at the stake. Most abuse involved false encouragement, usually in the form of sexual triangulation between siblings, in which case the death penalty was expanded to that as well. Any sexual dealings outside of marriage was unlawful under the Law, and that included any mounting behavior that was legal in neighboring cultures. Child abuse of any kind was rare, and something that incurred bloodlust in the ancients, due to the outrage involved. Children were treated better in biblical times than they are today.

The depraved and entitled parents who provoke their children to anger will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them be forever cast into the lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Let them descend into the abyss which is the ever-burning Hell of fire and torment, suffering God's Wrath forever and ever! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand! 

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Why co-sleeping is necessary for the parent-child bond

Many parents think that co-sleeping is the irresponsible option in terms of sleeping arrangements in parenting. Many American parents hate the idea of co-sleeping, tarring it with sexual themes that do not exist objectively in that context. The fact of the matter is that co-sleeping is recommended in the Bible. The biblical understanding of surrender to parents refers to closeness to parents, including nighttime closeness to parents.

The Apostle Paul wrote in Colossians 3:20-21 KJV:

Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord. Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they be discouraged.

The Greek root word translated "obey" is υπακουο (Latin: hupakouo) and refers to secure, vulnerable rest in the love and grace of parents. Children are to rest securely in the sacrifice of parents, just as parent believers rest securely in the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Parents are to be extensions of Christ in the family home, sacrificing for their children, just as Christ sacrificed for His children, with children being a Godhead for parents to serve, and with children resting in the submission of parents, owing absolutely nothing in return. Parents are the enemy of children, just as mankind is the enemy of God, with parents being subservient to them just as they are to Him, expecting absolutely nothing in return from children or anyone else.

The Greek root word translated " anger" is ερεθιζο (Latin: erethizo) and refers to damages or offenses, namely the slightest of personal offense perceived by a child, including, but not limited to, the slightest of offensive touch or speech perceived by a child, coming from entitlement. This commandment was intended by the Apostle Paul, and understood in its original context, as a moral statute prohibiting all forms of punitive parenting, including any punishment or controlling demeanor towards a child. In the Old Testament, punitive parents were put to death by way of bloodletting, after punishing their children too many times. Parents who punished their children were charged with kidnapping, with "kidnapping" being defined under the Law as the slightest of damages or offenses stemming from hostage-taking - child punishment was seen then as holding your child hostage merely for things they did wrong. Paul here was lifting up this legal context to a group of Greek Christian parents who brought their pagan custom of spanking and punishing children into the church. Paul, contrary to popular legend, was anti-spanking, and opposed any and all punishment of a child. Paul, here, was lifting up the Law in order to educate Greek and Roman parent newcomers to the Christian Church on the Jewish parenting traditions of the church, which were attachment-based in nature.

It is common knowledge that children between the ages of 2-6 refuse to go to bed on their own. This is often chalked up by parents to children simply wanting to "undermine" parents. The fact of the matter is that children under the age of 6 are too young to go to sleep on their own. Children under that age have a primal fear of being isolated in a room away from their parents. Children, at the lowest level, are afraid of being preyed on by predators. Many parents might think of this as dated information, but predators still exist within family homes. Most child sexual abuse occurs within a family home, by a father or father figure, and when the child is isolated in a room all by themselves. When children are sleeping next to mothers, nothing can happen, because mom is right there. If anything happens, mom will witness it, and it will expose a predator instantaneously. Mothers in Ancient Israel and the Early Church slept next to their children largely in order to protect them from predators, both human and non-human. Children are simply not meant, by biology, to leave the side of mothers until a later date, and that fact is reflected throughout ancient history and prehistory.

Sleep dependence is another excuse not to co-sleep with children. "Sleep dependence" is a term created by pediatricians and mental health professionals serving children, with the claim that co-sleeping leads to children wanting to sleep next to parents into adulthood. Such happens in cases of autism only, and that is because of delayed emotional development - the child or dependent adult will eventually grow out of it, but it will take longer. Most children in biblical times shook off the warmth of their parents in terms of co-sleeping by the time they were 9-10. Some children took longer to break away from parents, some took shorter. Every child is different, but all children want to be independent. Some are just more burdened in achieving that goal.

Children, in biblical times, wore no clothing, at all, until they became adults. Women only wore clothing outside the home, and otherwise went in the nude to serve their husbands and their children. Mothers served their children by way of providing for them nourishment and sustenance, namely breastmilk (until age 3) and skin-to-skin closeness and intimacy. The core aspect of Christian attachment parenting then was skin-on-skin co-sleeping. Mothers and children snuggled next to each other at night, in the nude. Children went in the nude all the time, inside and outside, and this was so mothers could easily snuggle with them in skin-to-skin closeness and intimacy. Mothers also went naked in order to easily accommodate the attachment needs of children. Co-sleeping of this type was the norm throughout the Bible, including in the Early Church. 

The depraved and entitled parents who provoke their children to anger through punitive parenting will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them be forever cast into the lake of fire and burning sulfur, which is the second death prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Let them descend into the abyss which is the Hell of fire and torment, suffering God's Wrath forever and ever! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!


Original sin: How to bring up children in the doctrine of original sin the right way (meaning without punishment or force)

The doctrine of original sin is perhaps the most misused and misunderstood of Christian teachings. Yet, original sin is the backbone of Chri...