Thursday, August 1, 2024

Adults attracted to children: Individual responsibility for adults attracted to children

Many parents and other adults blame pedophiles for the epidemic of child sexual abuse. This is a common attitude amongst American parents. However, all adults are guilty in relation to children on the issue of child sexual abuse, as all adults are capable of child sexual abuse under the right/wrong conditions. Most pedophiles are the least likely of adults to rape or sexually assault a child.

All adults are guilty in relation to children, and are deserving of nothing but non-existence. Child sexual abuse is a moral crime against the child and the God that protects her that all adults are capable of committing under the right/wrong conditions. Most adults will never sexually abuse a child, but child sexual abuse is a once-and-a-lifetime opportunity that traps most adults that it confronts.

The Greek root word translated "lust" in the New Testament is έπιθυμέω (Latin: epithumeo) and refers not to ordinary sexual desire, but to sexual entitlement. Sexual entitlement is defined as, officially speaking, sexual want, to the point of sexually motivated approach. In relation to children, it is okay to look the look, or even think the think later. But, if your intent is to do the deed, don't approach a child. "Do the deed" means propositioning or flirting with a minor child, or else touching the child anywhere on their body for sexual gain. The way around approaching a child for sexual or flirtatious reasons is through righteous masturbation. 

The idea behind unwanted sexual thoughts about children is to face them head on, and acknowledge that side of the psyche. The only way to truly acknowledge an adult's sexual side towards children is to masturbate to sexual thoughts of children. This recovers that repressed desire that we all have as adults.

Another strategy to be used alongside righteous masturbation is righteous avoidance. I am a pedophile. Under an amendment to my Christian beliefs, I am not to speak to children unless they speak to me first, and even then, keep it brief. My religious beliefs prohibit me from approaching a child that I find attractive, lest I earn myself a spot in Hell. The fear of eternity in Hell precludes me from pursuing children. I might otherwise want to flirt with a child, which is completely forbidden under my Christian beliefs.

Most adult attraction to young children takes place in parenting. The sexual dynamics in a household naturally go in the form of a criss-cross, with attractions to daughters being mutually unrequited, with a boy's attraction to his mother hitting a dead end. This dynamic starts as young as when the child is age 3. Most children sexually desire peers their own age come puberty, however. A parent needs to acknowledge their parent attraction through righteous masturbation. The idea is to spend it away until it is all gone.

A pedophile is the last class of adult to rape or sexually assault a child. Pedophilia is a mental health disorder that involves the primary or exclusive sexual preference for children under age 14. Pedophiles only make up 1-2% of the male population. A pedophile usually is immune to any anger towards a child, meaning that they DON'T get angry at children in most cases. I myself as a pedophile am never angry with a child, and don't understand what it is like to be such a viper. Most pedophiles have a child-centered form of autism where their main specialty in terms of knowledge and social skills is children. When you see a man with autism get along great with children, think pedophile, because most adults with autism find children annoying. I never find a child annoying, even when they are crying or carrying on. I dote on other people's children, with the desire to protect the child from their parents. Usually, the person sexually abusing a child is their parents, and they usually use their parent label as an excuse for abuse. With extrafamilial abuse, the main excuse is the word "adult", usually by saying "I am the adult here". An abuser pedophile wouldn't use either of those excuses, and would use the word "autism" as a handy excuse.

I myself am not like most pedophiles. I myself have a sin list a mile long in relation to children, meaning I have wronged and abused children as a pedophilic adult. I myself have a history of sexually harassing children, meaning I was an antisocial "flirt". Most pedophiles have a squeaky clean record, and that is because they internalized society's rules for interacting with children. I did not, and was an obvious abuser of children. I made my approach towards children obvious, meaning I made sexual advances towards children that I did not even try to conceal. Usually, an abuser pedophile is the creepy dude who, for example, might follow a child home from school. Most pedophiles know even that is wrong, with most pedophiles being a danger mainly to themselves. I am the outlier that points out by example what pedophilic sexual abuse looks like. I am a pedophilic adult who is deserving of nothing but non-existence merely for being the adult that I am. Don't we all as adults need to atone for things we have done to wrong or abuse a child? Even if it is only the capacity to abuse a child? Most adults have abused or wronged a child in the course of their lifetimes, and even if they have a squeaky clean track record, they sure are capable? 

When accused of child sexual abuse as an adult, do not get angry or defensive. Christ said in His Sermon on the Mount to let your "yea" be "yea" and your "nay" be "nay". This means a Christian parent or adult is to answer to the court as their only defiance against false allegations. This means plead "yea" or "nay" in the court of the person making the allegation, and provide your evidence for your plea. If you simply defend yourself and fight the allegation, you can be presumed to be guilty just because of that. I myself am accused by a false accusator of raping my cousin in an attic. I did not commit rape against my cousin, but did do things considered sexual harassment under both the moral and secular laws. What I do is plead "nay" to the stated allegation of rape, but do tell what actually happened, in a way that does incriminate me - admitting guilt to prove innocence. We all have sinned against children at some point, even if that sin is existence, and so why not admit to something you did wrong to prove your honesty. Due to dealing with the allegations against me that way, I won over the support of the police, because I answered to the court of the police instead of rebelling against the higher authorities that God has instituted.

The depraved and decadent, defiled adults who rape or sexually assault children will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them descend into torrents of Hell-fire prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Repent!

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Any comment that
1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

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