Sunday, June 9, 2024

Parenting your pedophilic child: How to take care of a child attracted to much younger children

Many parents fear their child being sexually abused. This is a valid fear among parents. Most parents, however, aren't thinking of their child turning out to be a pedophile. Pedophilia is a mental health disorder that can be diagnosed as young as 16, and identified even earlier. Pedophilic are the most oppressed of all children, with many sexual predators targeting them. Most pedophilic children are profiling blind, and know none the wiser.

What is pedophilia? Most people think a pedophile is a hidden anger packet that somehow comes out on children. That phenomenon does exist, but that is not what psychiatry knows as pedophilia. A pedophile has "recurrent, intense" masturbatory fantasies about children under age 14. "Recurrent, intense" refers to a primary or exclusive sexual preference to children under age 14. Most pedophilia is associated with autism, meaning a unique form of autism that is child-centered in nature, with the pedophile with autism memorizing facts about children. Most pedophiles have a rule-oriented form of autism, meaning not the bully type of autism associated with narcissism. But, most pedophiles believe the rules don't apply to children. Most individuals with autism get easily annoyed by children, and thus when you see a teenage boy with autism get along great with much younger children, think pedophile. Most pedophilia in children is the understory for a child with a more child-centered form of autism. Pedophilia is a genetic disorder along the lines of autism and ADHD, and is something an individual is born with. It exists today, not just in certain ancient cultures. 

The role of pedophilia in adults especially is one of alternate care for children. In the Early Church, children who were abused by their parents were given an option to go with their parents, or go with pedophiles. Most children went with pedophiles, and if they didn't, the pedophile was suspected of going rogue. Pedophiles were the ideal caregivers of children, as they could relate to children on their level, in a way that motivated competition between parents as to who could be warm enough. To put things into perspective, pedophiles lactated with very young children, and that is all they did to bond with the child - sexual ransom was not demanded by any but the sleaziest of pedophiles, with those pedophiles defrocked from the office of deacon. Most pedophilic "child saviors" were deacons in the Early Church. The Apostle Paul was one of those deacons, and he was a good one. Pedophiles were the foster parents of the Early Church, per se. The common praise that a pedophile earned was "that is a match made in Heaven". 

What do parents need to know about the disorder of pedophilia? Most pedophiles don't disclose in an explosive manner. It isn't like a bomb going off. In most cases, pedophiles disclose in tears, and this is because they are anguished by having desires that come in the form of intrusive thoughts. The way out of these intrusive thoughts is for the child to masturbate to sexual thoughts of much younger children. 

The Greek root word denoting lust in the Bible is έπιθυμέω (Latin: epithumeo) and refers not to ordinary sexual desire, but to sexual entitlement, which is defined as, officially speaking, sexual want, to the point of sexually motivated approach. The key to not approaching a child in order to proposition or flirt with them is to masturbate to sexual thoughts of children.

Most pedophiles are not sexual offenders of children. Most child sexual abuse takes place on another line of attraction, known as the electra complex, meaning normal father-daughter sexual dynamics that should be mutually unrequited. Most pedophiles who abuse children can be identified by their tone-deaf disclosure. Most pedophiles who abuse are obvious abusers, meaning they commit their abuse out in the open, usually with offenses such as following a child home from school. Most of the time, sexual offenders with pedophilia have a mental disability where they don't know the ramifications of their actions. But, once found out, the offender should serve prison time, as most pedophiles know better than to cross that boundary. 

Most pedophiles, even as children, disclose in a tearful manner. Most pedophiles don't want to be pedophiles, and see the attraction to children as intrusive thoughts. If your child says that they are a pedophile, DON'T punish or abandon them. Listen to them get the burden off of their chest. Think like unloading baggage that is burdensome. They feel burdened by having sexual thoughts that can go nowhere, and need someone to listen to and validate their disclosure. A good thing to say in return is "I can tell that those thoughts bother you a lot". 

Most pedophiles are not predatory about their sexuality. They are simply sexually curious about much younger children. Pedophilia is a form of sexual immaturity in and of itself, reflected in the age-oriented sexual preferences of the pedophile. It might be helpful to borrow body books geared towards children right at the age of puberty. 

I myself am a pedophile, and am fortunate enough to have a support system in place for me to fall onto if I need assistance. This type of relationship is known as an accountability partner. My mother is my accountability partner, meaning I can talk to her about anything, including my pedophilia. That is what every pedophilic child needs. I also have other accountability partners in the children's rights community. They know that I am an obvious abuser by nature, meaning if I am out in the open about a crush on a child, that I am in an abusive habit. In my case, abuse would look like a topical autistic fixation about a specific child. I would put the child in the mixed role of both caregiver and spouse. I want closeness with a child. I am not allowed to even speak to children under my religious beliefs, with the exception of if they interact with me first. I know not to wave at a child unless they wave to me first. I can smile, however, since I smile when I feel parental feelings towards a child, especially if I coo when a child is having a hard time. But, if I talk everywhere about a specific child, by name especially, I I am in the wrong place. I am attracted to certain children in the children's right community, but I know not to visit them, as my intent would be to flirt with them. Most pedophiles don't have the history of abusing children that I do, meaning most pedophiles don't make it obvious that they are attracted to children like I did. I was the classic pedophilic abuser, trying to flirt with children as they walked home from school. Most pedophiles know the boundaries, and so I present myself as an exception to the norm among pedophiles. A pedophile who abuses children usually does not know the boundaries.  

Most pedophilic children are targets of child abuse, and are the ideal victim of most child predators. Most pedophilic children are profiling blind. They may be interested in children's rights, but while unbeknownst to the profiling aspect of children's rights. Most children can profile for themselves whether an adult is dangerous. A pedophilic child cannot see that kind of nuance. I don't remember being able to profile any adult as a child, meaning an abusive adult did not just "light up". An ordinary child would be able to sense that a person or situation is unsafe. In most cases, a child will randomly refuse to go with a specific adult, or so it appears on the surface. A pedophilic child needs to be taught profiling from scratch, and in the mean time, needs an adult to constantly supervise them. 

Pedophilia is a developmental disorder that involves arrested sexual development. Most pedophiles start out attracted to same-age peers, but as the pedophile grows up, their attractions do not. They usually are both emotionally and sexually immature. Pedophilia, in and of itself, is a form of sexual immaturity. It is a myth entirely that pedophiles all are narcissists, or else are the bully type of individual with autism.

Most pedophiles have a characteristic of not being able to feel anger towards a child. Most gentle parents have to learn this lesson. A pedophile usually is born without adult anger, meaning they instead feel worry and concern for a child, in most cases, and anxiety when children order them around. Some pedophiles do feel anger, but do so on the child's level. However, most pedophiles don't feel anger at children at all. They themselves are the rule-oriented individual with autism in most case, but they don't think the rules apply to children. A common pedophilic behavior is guarding a much younger child from being reprimanded by parents. 

The depraved and decadent, defiled adults who sexually prey on pedophilic children will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them descend into torrents of Hell-fire, prepared for Satan and his accomplices! Repent!

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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
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