Monday, January 2, 2023

Pedophilia: Why there is no medical excuse for sexual abuse

Many people today are on board with the pro-pedophile cause. Pro-pedophile is a label that can exist both in children's rights and in parental rights circles. Most people still think "pedophile" is the reason why some adults choose to sexually abuse children, and mistakenly call child predators "pedophiles". The fact of the matter is that there is a clear difference between a pedophile and a child sexual abuser. One is someone's diagnosis or self-diagnosis, and another is a moral crime against children.

What is pedophilia? Pedophilia rarely comes in the form of narcissism. Most pedophiles have a form of immature autism that is reflected in their age-oriented sexual development, with pedophilia instead being a form of sexual immaturity associated with arrested sexual development in an individual with autism. The fact of the matter is that pedophiles usually are emotionally immature on the level of the children they are attracted to. Most pedophiles also have an autistic specialty in children in terms of knowledge and social skills. Most pedophiles self-isolate because they only want children to be their friends, and otherwise being introverts to the core. Your average pedophile is an ambivert, meaning they live in a shell, and children bring them out of their shell. 

In the news media and on popular television shows, pedophiles are conflated with their abuser many times. With the passing of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, the term "pedophile priests" came into the lingo of journalists. Roman Catholic priests are at high risk for sexually abusing children because they aren't allowed to have a family or masturbate, meaning they are completely sexually repressed. It usually has nothing to do with pedophilia, and the priesthood screens for pedophiles coming in. That is just one example of how the media conflates things and overly generalizes things. It is one thing to generalize evil and oppose it, but it is not evil simply to hold a mental health label, including the mental health label "pedophilia". 

Why do we as survivors want the pedophile hysteria to end? Pedophilia is a mental health label, not a criminal label, and was first intended as a mental health label for a certain group of people within the autism population. It wasn't meant as an excuse for abuse. Yes, there are people that blame pedophiles for all the abuse going on, then say "the sick puppies can't help it". The fact of the matter is that sexually abusing a child is a choice, not an impulse. Most sexual abusers plan their assault, based on a "heartache" that they have, and they do it only once in a lifetime, when they have a secondary sexual attraction to a child. Pedophilia is primary or exclusive sexual attraction to children, usually associated with a case of autism.

Where does the prejudicial hysteria against pedophiles come from? Pedophile hysteria is a form of religious child abuse, meaning most pedophiles were subjected to religiously-motivated sexual shaming abuse, and have many layers of trauma, usually encased in a religious trauma. Most pedophiles were punished and shamed for being themselves and sexually fantasizing about children. It is a rare pedophile that has been spared that collective trauma amongst pedophiles. Pedophile hysteria does not come from children's rights, but from false and abusive misuse of Scripture to advocate sexual shaming abuse. One misused passage is Matthew 5:27-28 KJV:

Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery: But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery already in his heart.

The Greek root word translated "lust" is επιθυμέω (Latin: epithumeo) and refers not to ordinary sexual desire, or even to sexual desire towards children, but instead to sexual entitlement. Adult sexual entitlement is defined as, officially speaking, sexual wants from children, to the point of sexually motivated approach. Adult sexual entitlement is something a pedophile or other adult attracted to children gauges in themselves privately, in themselves and in relation to God, and involves gauging your sexual intent in relation to children. It is okay to find a child attractive, and all adults will at some point. It just isn't okay to intend to proposition a child for sexual or flirtatious purposes, which usually leads to approaching a child in some way. Christ was talking about a specific look, meaning the "she's mine!" look that would inevitably lead to approach. Masturbation to sexual thoughts of children actually prevents this form of sexual entitlement towards children, as masturbation encapsulates the sexual desires in the brain, and brings them under full control of the person holding the desires. Yet, many pedophiles still have internalized religious stigma on masturbation to fantasies of children

Pedophile hysteria ultimately comes from a false and abusive religious application where the first person to say "pedophile" in a conversation was the pedophile, meaning guilty of sexual abuse towards a child. In that sexually suppressed environment, the only pedophiles that identified were the abusers themselves, meaning not really pedophiles at all. The rest of the pedophiles remained hidden, and didn't admit their condition to anyone. The children's rights community in the United States dealt with the misnomer by popularizing the misnomer, calling everyone who claimed to be a pedophile a pedophile, and conflating it with abuse. The hope was that a pedophile would disprove them by telling survivors what they already know about the mental health condition. It took a long time, didn't it? The anti-children's rights community kept sending the wrong fits for the job of children's rights advocate, meaning they were genuinely pedophiles, but supported abuser interests due to the parent lobby's treating of pedophilia as an abuser identity. Now, a pedophile is in the children's rights movement that does support children's rights. I myself am that pedophile. 

How does child sexual abuse occur? It involves a crush on a child, meaning the abuser forms a child crush on a specific child, usually their own, and refuses to masturbate to thoughts of their child crush. They end up being alone with their child, sexually starved and repressed, and the repressed sexual fantasy about the child just comes right out, onto the child, sideways. Some child sexual abuse is committed by pedophiles, and usually comes in the form of sexual harassment or stalking against a child victim, where the individual pedophile has an autistic fixation on a specific child, and engages in following or flirting behavior, and maybe rapes the child victim if they ever are alone with each other. I myself sexually abused children by flirting with them, and since they perceived the flirting at all, it was child sexual abuse. Most pedophiles don't befriend children in order to feed sexual attraction, but simply because they like being around children. A pedophile can simply choose to understand that sexual relationships with children are improper and impure use of our bodies, even in implied format. Everything in life is a choice, including the choice to sexually abuse a child. If you made that choice, you deserve to burn in Hell. Usually, child sexual abuse is not due to pedophilia, but instead denotes a form of oppression and hatred against children. 

The depraved and decadent, defiled sex offenders who use a mental health label as an excuse for abuse will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them be cast into torrents of Hell-fire! Repent!

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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
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