Thursday, May 12, 2022

Child sexual abuse: Why ALL adults are at fault

Many parents and adults blame pedophiles for a "sexual abuse epidemic", assuming that child sexual abuse is a modern problem that just sprung up in the 1990s. Most adults blame pedophiles because they don't want to take the time and assess their own risk to children.

Every single adult is guilty in relation to children, and is deserving of DEATH and DESTRUCTION merely for existing in relation to children, as adults have wronged and abused children since time immemorial, and that abuse was, throughout most of human history, sexual in nature. I myself struggle with adult sexual self-interest towards children, and a child owes me nothing - I am entitled to nothing from children, and grateful for the every trust and respect children give me, as I am deserving of none of it for being the wretch of an adult that I am.

Every single adult has the capacity, under the right/wrong conditions, to commit acts of sexual abuse and sexual violence against a child. Most child sexual abusers are not pedophiles, but instead are ordinary adults, usually men, with a sexual entitlement problem towards children. Adult sexual entitlement is sexual entitlement towards children, and it is usually locational in expression, meaning adult fornicators of children, meaning sexual abusers, usually end up in a situation where they are alone with a child and unsupervised, and then a side of them that they never dealt with comes out and grabs the child.

Any adult has the risk to sexually abuse a child. Those locationally closer to children, such as adults who work with children in schools, daycares, youth centers, and so forth are more likely than any other adults to sexually assault or rape a child, and when you factor in that the offender is male, the risk goes up higher. 

Child sexual abuse is a crime that can easily prevented, due to the fact that it is a choice, not an impulse, to abuse a child sexually. A common excuse of child molesters, in their self-pity, is "I was in the wrong place, at the wrong time". Then why were you there? Why were you there at that time? Also, why were you drunk off your rear end? Why were you doing so many drugs? Just don't be there alone, and then it can't happen. If you are a man in today's society - especially if you work with children - you have no excuse, as you can just ask for someone else to be there to avoid accusation.

The fact of the matter is that the adult has to make that first choice to sexually abuse a child. That choice can only come from entitlement. Parental entitlement is the number one cause of child abuse nationwide - and all American adults have it to varying degrees. All adults have an entitlement problem with their children for them to work on. 

All adults are sexually attracted to children at some level. The idea is to bring that level up to the surface. The reason why is that when you repress something of that magnitude, you consent to it controlling you. When adult attraction to children is on the surface, you can easily control it. The idea is to own up to being sexually attracted to children, and take responsibility for it, choosing not to be alone, especially with a child that you are attracted to.

I myself am a former offender, meaning I have offended a child sexually through flirting with a child. I am guilty of sexual harassment. I did it in a public venue - a local swimming area - and I imprinted on that area to do my dirty work, which wasn't work at all, which was tone-deaf play. I would follow young girls around the pool deck, and wave to them in a flirtatious way. I also, at times, roughhoused in the attic of my grandparents' house with my cousin, with sexually entitled intent. Those two locations were locations that I imprinted on. Every man who sexually abuses another person imprints on the location it can happen. In the case of the pool, I actually was able to reverse that imprint by want avoidance. The attic is closed, and the house sold. When you understand the risk of an adult sexually abusing a child, everything can be understood in simplicity - location, location, location. Thus, initiatives to avoid adults being alone with children, in the majority of cases, can help prevent sexual abuse right where it starts. But, all adults need to become aware of their adult sexual self-interest towards children. From there, you can avoid entitled wants from children to the point of simply having a self-interest, and not entitlement. Some sexual self-interest in children is healthy, meaning harmless, but likely something that will always be misunderstood to some degree.

A parent is a string of thread encased in an encasement, going up and down the brain in what we call the parental lobe. A pedophile is simply a parent that is conflated with sexual aggression. Sexual aggression, when suppressed, serves as a nurturing instinct. Men wear it on the surface when in full nurturing mode, and women slightly under the surface. This goes to show that even good things in parenting come from depravity and sin. The idea is to fill that entitled cord with proper knowledge about children that subdues entitlement, and motivates the parent to take responsibility instead of simply demanding their rights. We all have these parents as adults, and so we are all capable of any kind of abuse, under the right/wrong conditions. 

Pedophilia, as a disorder, involves an individual with a developmental disability such as autism who can better relate to children than to adults, and has not grown up in that sense, and their sexuality mirrors their immature attitude towards life. The core haters of pedophiles are the sexual abusers of children themselves, usually parents that spiritually abuse their children in the name of God and religion, rendering any pedophilic child an atheist upon growing up. Most child sexual abuse has little to do with pedophilia, and has more to do with entitlement on the part of adults, meaning sexual assault and rape of children is a way that adults keep children down and oppress them. Child sexual abuse is the receiving end of adult sexual entitlement, which is a form of parental entitlement. We all have that type of adult sexual entitlement within our parental instincts as adults, and so blaming pedophiles is a form of projection, whereas all adults are guilty of at least sexual self-interest in relation to child.

The best way to deal with the issue of child sexual abuse is to bring it out into the open, for all to judge and scorn. If we know where all the abusers are, we can find them easier, and we can lock them up easier. We won't need to gaslight them, as the police could just look for who the "creep" is in the child's righteous judgment, and go from there. But, for that to happen, we all need to admit our risk to children in the realm of child sexual abuse. Unfortunately, everyone would like to blame somebody else, for all matters in child abuse. Usually, that means blaming pedophiles. Then, other adults can wash their hands of all guilt, whereas 90% of child sexual abuse cases go undiscovered.

Children's rights, in terms of benefits for children, is largely up for the children to decide. Children's rights, for the adult, means learning and knowing that you pose a risk to children as an adult, calculating your risk based on your living circumstances, and then avoiding all wants from a child, and instead taking self-interest elsewhere, with the shades down and the door closed (in the case of adult sexual self-interest). 

Let the adult fornicators who defile themselves sexually next to children BURN in everlasting torrents and Hell-fire! Repent!

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Any comment that
1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

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