Wednesday, July 14, 2021

First-to-last/last-to-first judgment and profiling of parents

I profile parents. This scares many parents. This mass scare isn't so big of a deal to me, except when gentle parents are scared of persecution from my advocacy. First-to-last/last-to-first anti-parent vigilantism is the most offensive form of vigilantism towards parent offenders under Divine Codified Statutes. This post describes the ideal legal judgment behind a ban on corporal punishment against children applying to all settings, as well as other forms of lawful abuse in the present tense, such as verbal or emotional abuse.

Anti-parent is not my brainchild, but the brainchild of Bonnie Schnabel. It is not usually a form of profiling meant for action. Pro-social spy, pro-social monitor. I use stealth gaslighting. I don't tell people I am a child advocate, meaning hand out pamphlets and flyers to parents. I want the children's rights to come out as a surprise, and behind their back preferrably, so to remain discreet and not abuse the parent unjustly. Parent abuse is the nature of the attitude of my work, however, meaning revictimizing parents in a pro-social V format, breaking parents down with fear and dogma, then building them back up with advice geared towards their values.

"First-to-last" means empathy concerning the child, standing next to the child, with "last-to-first" meaning standing over and stepping on the parents in the process. The idea is to organize against a parent by starting a parent petition, with public descriptions of their actions describing and shaming them.

I make an example out of the little offenses generally, pro-social creation of scene, leading to pro-social example, meaning justice for children of pro-spanking parents is making an example out of parents, for the minutest of offenses, once the parents defend their rights to abuse children, and not a moment before that. This defense can be spoken or shown from afar in parent behavior.

There are three types of parents in the parent classification handbook:
  • Identified parents
  • Legal parents
  • Natural parents
I'm all for legal parents, meaning children being in the proper, safe legal custody. I am all for natural parents. But, if you have to say "I am a parent" and "proud parent" all the time, you must have something to hide or show, meaning entitlement. Parents who think they are good parents enough to say it our loud, in a defensive way about their moral crimes against children, are not the good parents they claim to be, and are entitled abusers of children. We are talking a parent who does not like any sort of criticism, and does not want to be told that punishing their child is wrong, saying "I am the parent, and I haver the right to discipline my child". Tell me where in the Constitution that you have the right to abuse a child like that? You say "I am a parent", I know you are the kind I don't like, at all, and you are then consigned to Hell under my religious beliefs.

I hate the parents, meaning all of them that poke their heads out like the ragweed that they are, and identify like the scumbags that they are. Corner all of the remaining pro-spanking parents on the periphery of societal existence, rallying all the other parents against the parents who punish, then vacuuming up the rest with the great American justice system...They are that evil to me, meaning that wicked.

Anti-parent is based on the concept of pro-social parents, in admitted hidden format. All parents, by default, are antisocial in nature, meaning they have controlling mechanisms, usually physical/verbal in nature, and sometimes sexual (pedophilia). A parent needs to admit their original sin, meaning they are capable of harm towards a child, and then they can call themselves a good parent, but by that point, most parents don't want to be seen as a good parent. It isn't about the glory or heroism. Most parents have "help" entitlement, meaning they want to be given a trophy for being the crappy parent that they are, when gentle parents in specialty don't want or need that kind of recognition. We don't want a trophy for doing the right thing and not raising a hand to another human being. I mean, it's 2021, and it is still legal to commit domestic battery against their child. Come on, now, parents. Wake up! Be struck with terror for your child's every needs! 

I don't like parents. I hate them all, to be honest, meaning at least the cords themselves. They like to control their victims, and seem to almost always have a legal way around it. It says in 1 Corinthians 5:11 KJV:
But now I have written unto you not to keep company, if any man called a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolator, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with one an no not to eat.

The Greek root word "covetous" is πλεονέκτης (Latin: pleonektés) and is the core offense a parent can be guilty of, and is the root of all the others listed here, with the word referring to a general state of entitlement in a parent. It is the attitude of "I am a good parent, so my children (and everyone else) owe me respect" leading to wanting things from children, or for children to do things, to the point of seeking to impose said want onto the child. Any time I see parental requests imposed on a child as brusque orders, I witness entitlement, meaning a form of child abuse, and when the child reacts negatively, it truly is abuse. If the child is oblivious to controlling intent being forced on them, the parents are guilty of entitlement, period. 

In return, as a pedophile myself, I show my stripes by not hiding my condition, meaning my gaze, and allow myself to be judged, usually by the child, but also by the parents, and then submit to questioning if others are concerned about my behavior. Mutual submission. Mutual judgment. Neighbor looking out for neighbor. If you judge for abusers, submit to being judged as one if deserving by way of the preponderance of evidence. If you have any belief that I am abusing a child, you can come to me about it, and/or call PA ChildLine at 1-800-932-0313 or the Reading Police Department at (610) 655-6111 for offenses against children not defined as child abuse or neglect, such as harassment or disorderly conduct, or else your local police department. I am an abuser, and a sinner, just for being the entitled adult that I am, wanting friendships that lead to antisocial "company", or wearing out your welcome when visited by a child.

It is against the rules to be a parent on my page or blog, and if you can get around that by thinking otherwise, and treating children as equals in value, that parent ban does not apply, but the word ban does. The depraved and entitled parents will not inherit the Kingdom of God! Let them rot in eternal Hell-fire! Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!

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Any comment that
1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

will not be published. Flexible application. Debate is allowed, but only civil arguments that presume the best of intentions in their opponent, on both sides.

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