Monday, May 10, 2021

Why I hate parental rights

 Many think I might have children's rights trauma. Such is a common trauma among certain pedophiles, namely those with anti-SJW views, and blaring them all over support groups like VirPed. Not all pedophiles hate children's rights, and I do not take kindly to being falsely branded as having children's rights trauma. Have a piece of my parental rights trauma.

How can you visualize it? A wall. A foundry pole keeping you down diagonally. You feel that helpless because of the existence of parents, and seeing them abuse their "rights" in the store, in the restaurant, or elsewhere, but abusing and reprimanding their children. I f*cking hate parental rights. They don't need rights. They have enough already.

I trust gentle parents for a simple reason - they don't demand special rights. They advocate against their self-interest, for their child, to the best of their ability. Most parents are that foundry pole, and you can also add metal poles and fencing attched.

Parenting is a position of power and influence. The child is so dependent, so helpless, so defenseless, and the parent is so big, towering over them. It scares me to death because that parent is capable of anything. I am capable of a lot of things too, and admitting them, openly as I do, is a good thing for all adults to do, so I can mark them as safe.

The old saying by Lord Action goes "Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely". Being a parent is absolute power over a child, and defending rights that confer with that duty is asking for tyranny and oppression over a child. So, why be a parent at all? Why identify by that label at all? Just raise your children, and quit making excuses as to your "rights". You have none. You have duties to your child, and if you become derelict of any inch of them, you are an abuser, and will rot in Hell.

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1. Endorses child abuse (including pornography of such)
2. Imposes want to the point of imposition, meaning entitlement.
3. Contains self-entitled parent rhetoric, to the point of self-victimization

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